Definition: what is the honor and dignity of a person. Dictionary-reference book of criminal law What is honor, what does it mean and how to spell it correctly See what “honor” is in other dictionaries

honor woman, born p. -i, honest, honest cross, honor (see)., treat (see), Ukrainian. honor, blr. honor, other Russian honor, old glory honor τιμή (Klots., Supr., etc.), Bulgarian. Honest, Serbohorv. often, slovenian čȃst, Czech. čest zh., slvts. čеst᾽, Polish. cześć, born n. szsi, v.-luzh. česć, n.-luzh. sesć. Praslav. *čьсть associated with the old glory. chti, clean (see chtu), related to ancient Indian. cíttiṣ f. "thinking, understanding, intention", Avest. čisti- “thinking, cognition, understanding”; other level of vowel alternation: other-ind. сḗtаti "observes, notices, thinks", litsh. šk̨ist, šk̨ìetu “think, observe”; see Bernecker I, 173 et seq.; Trautman, BSW 135; Meilleux, MSL 14, 349; M. – E. 4, 47; Libert 100. Wed. what, read. Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: Progress

Honor Á noun cm. _Appendix II

About honor

in honor ( decomposition held in high esteem)

I knew not only by hearsay,

What is his work? V big honorAnd,

What's without an iron stump*

And you can’t really weave bast shoes.



-And , and.

The set of highest moral and ethical principles of an individual.

A matter of honor. Swear on honor.

Father told me: - Goodbye, Peter. Serve faithfully to whom you pledge allegiance; obey your superiors; Don’t chase their affection; --- and remember the proverb; take care of your dress again, and your honor from a young age. Pushkin, The Captain's Daughter.

He was a man of a new breed: He understood honor exclusively, And even sinless incomes He called theft, liberal! N. Nekrasov, Masha.

Honor `Etymological dictionary of the Russian language`

honor Obsesslav. Suf. derivative (suf. -th, Wed power, news etc.) from the same basis as honor, honor"read" čьti (tt > st, b > e), honor, read. Honor literally - “veneration, honor, respect.” School etymological dictionary of the Russian language. Origin of words. - M.: Bustard N. M. Shansky, T. A. Bobrova 2004

English honour; German Ehre. 1. Dignity, high moral quality; honor and respect. 2. The type of encouragement received by an individual from society or community.


- English honour; German Ehre. 1. Dignity, high moral quality; honor and respect. 2. The type of encouragement received by an individual from society or community.

Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009

A category meaning the moral assessment of a person by society, as well as self-esteem. One of the intangible benefits (Article 150 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation) belonging to a person from birth; inalienable and intransferable. A citizen has the right to demand in court a refutation of information discrediting him, unless the person who disseminated such information proves that it is true, as well as compensation for losses and moral damage caused by its dissemination.

Honor DIGNITY, BUSINESS REPUTATION ( legal protection), By Russian law citizen or entity has the right to demand in court a refutation of information discrediting his honor, dignity or business reputation, as well as compensation for losses and moral damage caused by their dissemination. If it is impossible to identify the person who disseminated the specified information, a citizen or legal entity has the right to apply to the court with an application to recognize the specified information as untrue.

see "Glory".

And, about honor, in honor and in honor, well. 1. Moral qualities of a person worthy of respect and pride; its corresponding principles. Debt of honor. A matter of honor (concerns someone's honor). Hurt someone. Part: Court of Honor (officer). 2. Good, untarnished reputation, good name. H. family. Take care of the tea from a young age (ate). Ch. factory brand. Part of the uniform (about someone’s official authority, reputation; ironic).3. Chastity, purity. Maiden part 4. Honor, respect. Hours for labor. Give something to someone Ch. and glory to the heroes! * If the honor were offered (colloquial) - it is said in response to a refusal, whatever you want, don’t want and don’t need. Your (your, his, hers, theirs) honor (obsolete) - in Russia before the revolution: the same as your (your, etc.) mercy. Yes, but not about your honor (verb: yes, but not for you). In honor who (colloquial) - enjoys honor. In honor of someone, in meaning. preposition with genus n. - specifically for the sake of someone, as a sign of respect for someone. Reception in honor of the delegation. To get out (of a situation) with honor - to find a worthy way out. Do...



recognition that others voluntarily express to a person as a bearer of individual values ​​realized in him and by himself (respect); that recognition (self-respect) with which a person treats himself as an individual (self-esteem) or which, in his opinion, he has the right to demand from people in his social circle (vanity). Awakening and careful development of a subtle and moderate sense of self-esteem is one of the most important and most difficult tasks of education, since this feeling largely determines...

Honor 1. honor, h there is, about honor; But: to be in honor (in esteem) 2. honor, honor, honor, honor

Russian word stress. - M.: ENAS. M.V. Zarva. 2001.


Be in (on) honor. Perm., Prikam. 1. Same as be honored. 2. Expensive. SGPO, 61, 680; MFS, 110

To be honored. Razg. Outdated To be respected, to be held in esteem. BMS 1998, 625; SHZF 2001, 27; Podyukov 1989, 227.

Exit with honor. Olon. Leave from smb. no scandal. SRNG 5, 286.

To my credit whom, whose. Razg. Paying tribute to someone's merits or merits. (say, notice something). FSRY, 526.

By honor. Razg. 1. Properly; just like above...

the dignity of a person, his right to respect himself in the face of God and the right to be respected by spiritually sighted people (I.A. Ilyin). In this sense, in the concepts of Holy Rus', “honor is above all.” “The mind gives birth to honor, but dishonor takes away”, “For honor the head dies”, “Honor is protected with the head”, “Honor is firm, the word is steadfast.” Death can also be mistaken for honor, for “dishonor is worse than death.”

Source: Encyclopedia "Russian Civilization"


A huge honor

Great honor

Great honor

Dictionary of Russian Idiomatics. . Combinations of words with a high degree meaning Academic 2011


Cm. respect

enter in honor...

Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. - under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian dictionaries, 1999

recognition that others voluntarily express to a person as a bearer of individual values ​​realized in him and by himself (respect); that recognition (self-respect) with which a person treats himself as an individual (self-esteem) or which, in his opinion, he has the right to demand from people in his social circle (vanity). Awakening and careful development of a subtle and moderate sense of self-esteem is one of the most important and most difficult tasks of education, since the fruitful development of personality for the person himself and for society largely depends on this feeling.


HONOR-And; and.

1. The set of the highest moral and ethical principles of an individual (honesty, decency, conscientiousness, etc.); maintaining one's own dignity and respect for the personal dignity of others. Man of honor. Born without honor, without conscience(about a person who is extremely dishonest). The concept of honor. Debt of honor(one on the fulfillment of which the preservation of personal dignity depends). Law of honor(one that requires strict compliance to maintain a sense of personal dignity and integrity). Working, professional, military, scientific parts. Protect the privacy and dignity of citizens. A matter of honor(about following some rules,...

1. A story by the American writer W. Faulkner.
2. Poem by a Venezuelan writer of the 19th century. Andres Bello "Ode to... Agriculture in the Tropics."
3. Valentin Pikul’s novel “... I have.”
4. A convention that you strive to observe unconditionally.
5. The novel by American writer Danielle Steele “Silent...”.
6. Maiden or army.
7. What did A.S. Pushkin advise to take care of from a young age in the story “The Captain's Daughter”?
8. What can you give away without losing?
9. “The son-in-law loves to take, and the father-in-law loves...” (last).
10. “Yes, but not about yours...”
11. She is given to the army.
12. It can be given away without having or losing it.
13. Take care of her from a young age.
14. Honor, respect.
15. Miniature of the Russian writer L. Andreev.

HONOR - DIGNITY, BUSINESS REPUTATION (legal protection), according to Russian law, a citizen or legal entity has the right to demand in court a refutation of information discrediting his honor, dignity or business reputation, as well as compensation for losses and moral damage caused by their dissemination. If it is impossible to identify the person who disseminated the specified information, a citizen or legal entity has the right to apply to the court with an application to recognize the specified information as untrue.

    HONOR 1, -And, and.

    1. The set of highest moral and ethical principles of an individual. A matter of honor. Swear on honor.Father told me: - Goodbye, Peter. Serve faithfully to whom you pledge allegiance; obey your superiors; Don’t chase their affection; --- and remember the proverb; take care of your dress again, and your honor from a young age. Pushkin, The Captain's Daughter. He was a man of a new breed: He understood honor exclusively, And even sinless incomes He called theft, liberal! N. Nekrasov, Masha. [Von Schlittau:] I am a former officer and a man of honor. A. N. Tolstoy, Businessman. || Dignity (personal, professional, military, etc.). Military honor. Working honor.He had no concept of officer honor. He got drunk and became rowdy when drunk. Saltykov-Shchedrin, Poshekhon antiquity. He had to be the last to leave the battle - this is how he understood his commanding honor. Simonov, From the Black to the Barents Sea. || what or which. A good, untarnished reputation, a good, honest name. Honor of the factory brand.“My wife,” continued Prince Andrei, “is a wonderful woman.” This is one of those rare women with whom you can be at peace with your honor. L. Tolstoy, War and Peace. - Is the honor of our MTS dear to you? You don't value her. Nikolaev, The Tale of the Director of MTS... || Chastity, purity, virginity (about women). Lose honor.[Marina:] I guarded my maiden honor more than my eyes. You ruined me for nothing, you deceived me. L. Tolstoy, The Power of Darkness. [Vasiliev] knew that there are such immoral women who, under the pressure of fatal circumstances, are forced to sell their honor for money. Chekhov, Seizure.

    2. Honor, respect. In print they call him [Chartkov] by his first name and patronymic - an honor completely unknown to him to this day. Gogol, Portrait. [Mastakov:] People should be distinguished not by their words, not by their clothes, but by their work. Whoever knows how to work is honored. M. Gorky, Old Man.

    3. Outdated High rank, position, rank; honor. [Prisoner:] The king rewarded his services with honor and gold. Basmanov is now sitting in the Tsar's Duma. Pushkin, Boris Godunov. The young ataman of the Zimoveyskaya village accepted the high military honor with dignity: not so much - in thirty years he became an ataman Don Army who went to war. Zlobin, Stepan Razin.

    4. That which gives the right to honor, respect, recognition is honorable. Zhukovsky has the honor of introducing romanticism into Russian poetry. Belinsky, Poems by V. Zhukovsky. And he dreamed that she should read “Faust” from the Nizhny Novgorod stage. But, stupid, she rejected this honor And passion arrogantly rejected him. Martynov, Shevchenko's Diary. If he releases me from the honor of being his second, I can go to Sapozhkov and persuade him to apologize. Kaverin, Unknown friend.

    5. About who or what they are proud of, to whom or what they pay tribute to, admiration, etc. Young mare, Honor of the Caucasian brand. Why are you rushing, daredevil? And it's time for you. Pushkin, Young Mare. - Our writers are the honor and glory of our homeland. Sollogub, Tarantas.

    In honor of someone or something- as a sign of respect, reverence for someone, something, memory of someone, something.

    (Not) in honor (outdated) - (not) held in high esteem.

    Out of honor (outdated) - for the sake of honor alone, out of respect; selflessly. [Bata] added that it was not money that was dear to him, but that he was ready to serve Hadji Murad out of honor. L. Tolstoy, Hadji Murat.

    To my credit whose- to someone's dignity

    By honor- properly, according to conscience. - Our children want to live by honor, by reason. M. Gorky, Mother.

    By honor (say) (in meaning introductory Sl.; outdated) - frankly, sincerely, frankly. [Prince:] You are avoiding my gratitude. [Arbenin:] To be honest with you, I can’t stand her. Lermontov, Masquerade.

    With honor (do What) - very good, worthy of high praise.

    Honor by honor And honor by honor- as it should, as it should be, as it should.

    Honor and Praise to whom cm. praise

    Honor (do What) - of one's own free will, without coercion.

    To do honor to whom cm. do .

    Have the honor with undef. (outdated) - used as a polite or obsequious form of address, meaning: to be honored.

    Salute - 1) (to whom) to greet smb. in a military manner, putting his hand to the headdress. The [Quartermaster] quickly put his hand to his head ---. - How dare you salute without a cap? - the commander shouted. Novikov-Priboy, They joked; 2) ( to whom) to show someone signs of respect, to honor. We went to the field where our comrades were shot, saluted, our last duty, and buried them in mass graves. Furmanov, Lbischenskaya drama; 3) ( why) (joking) to give due attention to smth. Among French cuisine, he saluted only the Rouen duck. Nikulin, loyal sons of Russia.

    Ask with honor- ask without threats, counting on obedience, voluntary consent.

    Get in honor to whom- to be in someone's favor.

    Count ( or put and so on. ) for the honor What- recognize as honorable for oneself.

    Exit with honor Of what- find a decent way out of something. predicament.

    Field of Honor (outdated And high) - battlefield, battlefield.

    Court of Honor- public court, we will consider 673 about morality, degrading dignity, compromising someone. (originally existed among officers).

    It would be an honor to be offered- used as an answer expressing an indifferent, indifferent attitude towards someone. refusal to accept something offer, agree to smth. and so on.

    Your (your, his, their) honor (outdated) - in the respectful address of a lower person to a higher one or when indicating a third person who is higher than the speaker in origin or position; same as yours (yours, his) mercy.

    Necessary ( or it's time) and an honor to know cm. know 1.

    Honor and place to whom (outdated, now joking.) - a polite invitation to sit down, to take a place of dignity.

    I have the honor to bow cm. bow down
  • HONOR 2, I honor, you honor; nesov., pereh. (owls honor 1). Outdated Recognize, count. [Fufaikin:] So, you are discriminating, but you don’t even consider me a human being? Nevezhin, childhood friends. They respect Bobrok as a wizard, because he is learned a lot and has seen a lot. S. Borodin, Dmitry Donskoy.

    HONOR 3, I honor, you honor; nesov., pereh. Outdated Read. - In our village there was a soldier African, so he used to start the psalter honor... the drum beats evenly... He read deftly! M. Gorky, The Case with Fasteners.

Source (printed version): Dictionary of the Russian language: In 4 volumes / RAS, Institute of Linguistics. research; Ed. A. P. Evgenieva. - 4th ed., erased. - M.: Rus. language; Polygraph resources, 1999; (electronic version):

Honor by honor... Spelling dictionary-reference book

Adverb, number of synonyms: 26 properly (26) as it should (25) as it should (27) ... Synonym dictionary

Honor by honor- Razg. Express The same as Honor by honor. Borka Nazarovsky was planning to go to military school. His family saw him off with honor (A. Gaidar. Seeing off) ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

honor by honor- see honor; in sign. adv. As it should, befitting, worthy. They did everything honorably... Dictionary of many expressions

adv. qualities circumstances decomposition the same as honor by honor Dictionary Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

- (in honor of Psk., honor) Coll. So, as it should, as it should, as it should be. FSRY, 527; SPP 2001, 80 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

honor by honor- (same as honor by honor) ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

honor by honor- honor by honor (honor by honor) ... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

honor by honor- to be honest... Russian spelling dictionary

honor by honor / honor by honor- adverbial expression Does not require punctuation. No, the bells hummed joyfully, and Whitebeard was greeted with honor and honor, like a commander. D. Mamin Sibiryak, Okhonin's eyebrows. It would be better if he drove in his last boots and paid honor by honor... ... Dictionary-reference book on punctuation


  • Honor and false understandings I am about honor, Eberstein. Honor is an essential side of every personality; it occupies, perhaps, the most prominent place among the virtues that invariably determine personality. She points to...



noun, and., used Often

Morphology: (no) what? honor, what? honor, (see) what? honor, how? honor, about what? about honor

1. Honor- this is a good, unblemished reputation, an honest name.

Family honor. | The honor of the company. | Take care of your dress again, and take care of your honor from a young age. | To fight for the honor of someone, anyone. | Defend your honor in a newspaper article.

2. Honor- this is honesty, decency, integrity, dignity, in general all moral qualities and principles worthy of respect.

Man of honor. | The concept of honor. | Insult, damage, tarnish someone's honor.

3. A matter of honor you name some deed, action, etc. that needs to be done, accomplished, otherwise your dignity will be hurt, you will not be able to respect yourself, etc.

4. Honor they call civil, class, professional, etc. dignity.

Working, professional, military, scientific honor. | Protect and preserve the honor and dignity of citizens.

5. Law of honor, code of honor- this is a set of personal or group rules of behavior that are considered by a person or group of people to be mandatory, inviolable and protect a sense of personal (group) dignity and decency.

6. Honor uniform, white coat, etc. are called official authority, the reputation of military people, doctors, etc.

Protect the honor of your uniform.

7. If you go out with honor from a difficult situation, this means that you act wisely, preserving your own and others’ dignity, and find a decent way out of a difficult situation.

8. If you fulfill with honor task entrusted to you, this means that you are doing it very well, conscientiously, your work is worthy of praise.

9. Court of honor is called the investigation of someone's guilt or misdemeanor not by judicial authorities, but by members of a group of people.

10. If you say it’s time or necessary and honor to know, then this means that your visit to some place has come to an end and you should leave.

11. If you politely address someone, offering something or introducing someone, then you are saying I have the honor offer, I have the honor imagine, etc.

A group of independent artists is honored to offer you unique examples of decorative painting and welcome you to our website.

12. If someone lives by honor, by conscience, then this means that this person acts in accordance with ideas about honor.

13. Honor called chastity, purity, virginity.

Take care of your maiden honor.

14. Honor called honor, respect.

A huge honor. | To render honor to someone. | Honor and glory to the heroes! | Honor and praise to you!

15. If you say that honor to do something belongs (entrusted) to someone or something, it means that they have received the honorable right to do it.

16. If you say that you consider it an honor to do something, this means that the task ahead of you is accepted by you with gratitude, that you will gladly take on it.

17. If you are talking about someone or something little honor, then this means that you consider this person or object not worthy of respect, not worth effort, attention, etc.

18. If you speak (too) much honor to anyone, it means you think that this person is not worthy, does not deserve anything.

19. If a military man salutes, then this means that he greets someone in a military way, placing his hand on his headdress.

20. If you say about someone that he was honored from someone, this means that this person was especially noted by someone, benefited, received advantages over others.

21. Phrase It would be an honor to be offered means an expression of indifference to someone's refusal to do something.

22. If they say about you that some action does you honor, then this means that he characterizes you on the good side.

Sasha is generally a very principled person. - It does him honor.

23. Honor name a person or object that causes pride, admiration of loved ones or those who possess this object.

Writers are the honor and glory of our homeland.

24. Expression to speak honestly you use it as an introductory phrase before telling someone something sincere and truthful.

25. If you did something honor honor, then this means that you did it correctly, properly, with dignity.

26. If something is named or done, it is accomplished in honor of someone or something, it means that it was done as a sign of respect, honor, in memory of something or someone.

Name a street after a war hero. | Reception in honor of the English envoy. | Make toasts in honor of the newlyweds.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Dmitriev. D. V. Dmitriev. 2003.



See what “honor” is in other dictionaries:

    honor- 1, and... Russian spelling dictionary

    Women the inner moral dignity of a person, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and clear conscience. A man of honor, unblemished honor. On my honor, I assure you on my honor, assurance, affirmation. An act inconsistent with honor. Honor to the skin... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    1. HONOR1, honor, about honor, in honor and in honor, plural. (obsolete) honor, honors, honors, wives. 1. units only Moral or social dignity, that which evokes and maintains respect (for oneself or from others). “And the first treasure is my honor... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    HONOR, and, oh honor, in honor and in honor, wives. 1. Moral qualities of a person worthy of respect and pride; its corresponding principles. Debt of honor. A matter of honor (concerns someone's honor). To hurt someone's n. Part: Court of Honor (officer). 2. Good,... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Education * Greatness * Genius * Common Sense * Ideal * Manners * Opinion * Morals * Help * Action * Habit * Reputation * Advice * Secret * Talent * Character ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    AND; and. 1. The set of the highest moral and ethical principles of an individual (honesty, decency, conscientiousness, etc.); maintaining one's own dignity and respect for the personal dignity of others. Man of honor. To be born without honor, without conscience (oh... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    See respect to enter in honor... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. honor to lose honor; chastity, girlish color, honor, purity, pride, reverence, reverence,... ... Synonym dictionary

Honor is a rather broad concept, which is discussed in Lately began to forget. However, in the culture of many peoples it is even more important than human life. So what is honor?

Dictionary meaning

This is a complex concept that combines loyalty to one’s own principles, nobility, dignity, and a desire for justice. Nowadays such things often fade into the background, because not everyone knows the definition of what honor is. The dictionary says that these are the moral qualities and ethnic principles of an individual worthy of respect. Associations with this word in Russian culture are only good. It was often heard in speech, it was found both in prose and in songs. A man of honor is one who can live according to his conscience and maintain dignity even in the most difficult situations. Power and wealth are secondary for him.

Ideas about this were laid down in early age– his parents are responsible for how well a person follows his ideals. In the future, he himself is responsible for the state of his moral core.

What is woman's honor?

Interestingly, the meaning of this word in relation to people of different genders was different. What is honor for a girl? Previously, it consisted only in maintaining chastity, for a married woman - in marital fidelity. There were different methods of punishing a woman who did not preserve her virginity before the wedding - in the 19th century, such brides were put on a collar, and not only the offender herself could receive it, parents and the matchmaker were also punished. It was the latter who was considered the main person responsible for the bride’s chastity.

The demands on wives were even harsher - an unfaithful spouse could be flogged or beaten. Only in the last century did cruel punishments end - now, although dishonor is condemned, no serious problems are expected from society. Now it all comes down to whether a woman is cheating or not in a relationship with her partner. Moral criteria, which will be discussed later, also began to matter.

Honor in a broad sense

For a man, this concept also includes a sexual aspect - if he cheats on his wife, then he is a dishonest person. But the matter is not limited to this - the term covers morality as a whole, and no longer depends on gender. Deceiving other people for the purpose of obtaining benefits, using them, the ability to abandon another in trouble, forgetting about a word given to someone - all this makes a person dishonest.

People who want to know what honor and dishonor are should remember that following one’s ideals is the main postulate of any person who wants to preserve his dignity. This concept also includes an untarnished reputation and a good name - which today is still expensive, since reliable people can not be met very often, but they are highly valued.

Professional honor

They talk about what a person’s honor is, and in relation to his profession. This concept deserves special attention in the Armed Forces. Here it is a collective concept that defines the warrior’s attitude towards his colleagues, military duty and the Fatherland.

It should be noted that this word used to be found much more often in the army than now. In the troops there was a term “salute”, which at the end of the last century was replaced by the faceless “military salute”. It meant giving honor to another military man. This concept was especially valued in Russian Empire. Defeat for a warrior of those times was a grave disgrace, which not everyone could mentally cope with. For those who want to know what officer honor is, we can simply say - it is a duty to protect the borders and dignity of the country.

What does honor give to a person?

In moral terms, adherence to principles gives a lot - with its help you can overcome even the most difficult and terrible obstacles. Its advantages are freedom from low actions and a sense of self-worth.

How to become a man of honor?

If you think that you are not following the principles, although you would like to, you will have to put in a lot of effort to achieve success. Learn to fulfill obligations and promises. It is important to understand what a matter of honor is - something that must be done. Train yourself not to make impossible promises and keep your word - this is the first step.

Organize psychological trainings. Concerns and fear are something that you should not allow in yourself. The stronger they are, the more likely it is that you will become cowardly in a difficult situation. Working on yourself will help you overcome fear, and if it’s not easy to cope without someone else’s help, you should resort to psychological trainings, helping to become more confident. And remember - only in difficult situations judge whether you have achieved success.

The main thing is self-improvement. If you develop, you can soberly assess opportunities, not only see negative character traits, but also try to win the fight against them, then you will take the right path.