A fairy tale about how a snail made friends with a twig. Tale of a cunning snail. Analysis of the fairy tale "Ivan the Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo"

Once upon a time there lived a Snail. She was good, kind, cheerful, all the insects that lived nearby respected her. The snail was known for having a large, large shell in which you could live calmly and safely and which you always carried with you. Sometimes everyone wondered how she managed it, because the shell was not light. Be that as it may, the Snail was always greeted with joy.

One day, guests came to the Snail for her birthday, and they gave her a beautiful book.

- Oh, thank you, what an interesting and thick book, with letters and pictures! - the Snail was delighted and even spun around with happiness, but then said sadly. - But I can’t read...

- How can you not? - Spidey was surprised, and even took off his hat at such words. - This can’t be...

- Hm, you can’t do it at all? - Butterfly was also amazed.

The other insects were also upset, because it turned out that their gift was out of place.

“I can’t do that,” admitted the Snail. It turns out that as a child she did not have a sink, and she was ashamed to go out naked. And when she finally found the shell, settled in it and began to wear it as clothing, she was already big for school, an adult, and they didn’t let her in. That's why the Snail never learned to write and read.

“Yes...” drawled the Beetle, scratching his horn. - This is bad. You can't be illiterate.

And other insects agreed with him. Everyone felt sad and upset for the Snail, who on her birthday received a gift that turned out to be useless for her. The holiday was disrupted. No one wanted to drink tea with jam and eat pies specially prepared by the Snail. One worm even cried

But then Ant stepped forward. He was a professor and school director. Everyone knew him well, as they had studied with him at one time.

“I think everything can be fixed,” he said. “I have one free place at school, and why don’t you, dear Snail, study there?”

“Yes, yes,” echoed the delighted guests. - It's a good idea. Don't refuse, Snail.

Of course, Snail herself liked the offer to go study. And she agreed. I just asked:

- Is it okay that I’m too old for school? Won't anyone laugh at me?

But everyone reassured her:

- What are you talking about, Snail, it’s never too late to learn, you can do it at any age. Besides, we all love you, who will offend you? On the contrary, schoolchildren will rejoice at you.

“Classes start at eight in the morning, so don’t be late, dear Snail,” Ant told her, smoothing his mustache. - We will be waiting for you.

And after that the feast began. The guests said toasts, wishing a lot of good things to the birthday girl, ate, drank, danced all evening, all night, and left in the morning. And while cleaning up after them, Snail, of course, was late for class. She put the plates in their places, washed the spoons and forks, cleaned the samovar, then headed to school. She had just arrived at the moment when the bell rang and the children, joyfully shouting and hooting, were leaving the school. Following them, the teachers came out of the building - Butterfly, Dragonfly and Ant.

- Why are you late, Snail? - the director asked sternly. “It’s not good to start your studies late.”

Teachers also expressed their indignation about this. The snail felt ashamed and said:

- Sorry, dear Ant and teachers, but I had to wash a mountain of dishes, sweep the clearing where they celebrated my birthday. There was a lot of garbage left there... And because of this, I didn’t have time to arrive on time. Excuse me…

The ant thought about it and recognized this reason as valid.

“Okay,” he said. “This time we forgive you and look forward to tomorrow.” But don't be late next time.

The snail promised. But the next day she didn’t show up on time. The fact is that snails move very slowly, and when she finally came to school, all the lessons were long over. Children crawled out of the doors - grasshoppers, bugs, spiders, ants, worms, caterpillars, waving their briefcases, fooling around and singing songs. And an Ant stood at the porch, moving his mustache menacingly.

- Well, dear Snail? What happened this time?

The snail sighed in response:

- And I don’t know what to say. I got up early in the morning, washed my face, had breakfast, like all the other schoolchildren, went to classes... And just arrived... I was in a hurry, dear Ant, but I was late...

And then the Ant realized:

- Oh, yes, I forgot that snails cannot crawl quickly... But if this happens all the time, then how will you learn to write and read?.. Listen, the shell is probably bothering you - it’s so big and heavy. Maybe you can get rid of her? Then it will be easier for you to move around.

- Oh, dear Ant, I can’t be without a shell, what kind of Snail am I then? After all, the sink is my home, my clothes, my protection...

It was not for nothing that Ant was a professor. He examined the sink carefully and an idea came to him:

- Eureka! After all, your shell is so large that many other insects can fit in it. Let's open a new school for you. And you won’t be late anymore, besides, you won’t be bored, and our kids will be happy to start studying in such a beautiful room.

The snail was very happy. Indeed, her sink was so spacious and cozy that studying here was a real pleasure. She, of course, agreed.

The next morning, classes were going on in her sink. The Snail herself sat at a desk and learned to read, write, and draw together with other schoolchildren. She was very interested. She realized that school gives not only knowledge, but also friendship. The snail made friends with many insects that it did not know before. And when she learned everything, she remained in her shell to work... as a teacher.

She rang the bell every morning to announce the beginning or end of class. And she herself taught the children to read from her book, which was given to her for her birthday. The schoolchildren loved her very much, as she told everything with passion and recalled interesting stories herself.

This is how the fate of the Snail turned out. And in the history of the shell school it was given a special place. By the way, her portrait hung on the wall for many, many years, and teachers talked about how the once illiterate Snail eventually became a professor-teacher and made many friends.

Once upon a time there was only one snail. One morning she put the horns out of her house and saw how beautiful the world around was - multi-colored, bright, colorful. Nearby, on the sand, other snails woke up. Our Snail looked at them and for the first time noticed how gray, identical houses all the snails had, just some pebbles - dull, monochromatic, boring. And elegant butterflies flutter around, magnificent butterflies crawl ladybugs, green grasshoppers are jumping!
The Snail wanted her house to become colorful too! To do this, our Snail decided, we need to climb onto the brightest and most beautiful flower and drink from its cup. “Then my house will immediately become elegant and colorful!” - the Snail reasoned. She crawled into the meadow, which, like a carpet, was covered with flowers of all shades and shapes.

A snail is a snail, and while our dreamer crawled into the clearing, then moved from flower to flower, choosing the brightest color, the sun hid behind a cloud and it began to rain. All the flowers closed their cups, and the Snail remained in the rain, gray and wet.

The rain poured for a long time, abundantly watering the ground and flowers. Finally, the clouds cleared and the sun came out again. And what a beautiful bright rainbow overturned over the meadow! The snail admiringly admired the rainbow and dreamed that its shell would shine just like this miracle - with all the colors at once.

- You need to crawl along the rainbow, then my shell will turn into all the colors of the rainbow. This will be beautiful! - exclaimed the Snail.
She went to the place where the end of the rainbow touched the meadow. The snail crawled for a long time, sometimes climbing onto blades of grass to admire the rainbow and again imagine how beautiful its shell would become. While our Snail was crawling, the sun hid behind the trees and the rainbow went out.

Out of resentment and disappointment, the Snail began to cry.
The stars were shining in the sky. They winked with such bright and unprecedented colors that the entire sky resembled an open jewelry box.

The most curious Star looked down to find out who was crying so bitterly on such a wonderful night?
Among the sleeping flowers and insects, our Snail cried loudly.

- What happened? – Star asked the Snail.

The snail talked about her dream and how she failed to achieve it.

- Do not Cry! - exclaimed the Star, - my sisters and I can help you in an instant! I’ll drop a star drop now, and you put your horns up and catch it!

A sparkling droplet rolled across the sky, as if a star had fallen. The snail picked up a droplet with its horns and instantly its entire shell lit up, shone, sparkled with such bright colors and colors that even the birds woke up!

Since then, the Snail has been carrying a shell of indescribable beauty on its back. And don’t be in a hurry to show it to everyone. But that is another story…

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In a forest clearing near a lake there lived a Snail. The Snail had a cozy shell house, which she always carried with her wherever she went. Maybe because the house was too heavy, or maybe the snail just didn’t like to rush, but it always moved very, very slowly. In the same clearing lived a nimble green grasshopper. All day long he tirelessly jumped and galloped, rushing everywhere and everywhere to be in time. The grasshopper often laughed at the snail: “You are so slow, you can barely drag yourself,” he said, “so you will never manage to do anything!” The snail just shook his head and answered: “Grasshopper, grasshopper, don’t you know what they say, if you drive more quietly, you will go further. I’m never in a hurry, but I’m always on time because I leave early.” But the grasshopper did not listen to her.

One warm spring day, a snail slowly crawled along the path about its snail business, a grasshopper quickly galloped past it, he was in a hurry to visit his friend. Suddenly he stopped, turned to the snail and said: “Again you are barely crawling!” The snail looked at the grasshopper and said: “Careful, grasshopper, hurry up slowly. You better remember what I told you.” But the grasshopper only laughed in response and galloped on. He thought that he had to hurry, he was already almost late. The grasshopper galloped so fast that he did not have time to look at his feet. That’s why he didn’t notice the twig that lay in front of him on the path. He tripped over it and fell to the ground. His leg hurt badly, and he couldn’t even get up. The grasshopper was very upset, he even cried. At this time our Snail crawled. She immediately understood everything and assumed that he must have broken his leg. “We need to take you to the forest doctor, Mr. Mantis,” she said. The snail picked a plantain leaf, helped the grasshopper climb on it, and then attached the leaf to its house and slowly dragged the grasshopper along the path. Now the Grasshopper no longer laughed at the Snail. Mr. Mantis examined the Grasshopper and said that he could cure his leg, but for this the Grasshopper would need to spend several days with him in the Forest Hospital.

One morning the Snail heard someone knocking on her shell house. The snail opened the door and saw a Grasshopper on the Threshold holding a huge strawberry. “I came to thank you, Snail,” said the Grasshopper, “and also to ask forgiveness for laughing at you. You was right. I didn’t even want to listen to you. And this is for you." With these words, the Grasshopper handed the strawberries to the Snail. The snail smiled and replied: “I’m not offended at you at all. The main thing is that your leg is okay and you understand everything.”

Here is a fairy tale about the Snail and the Grasshopper, who now hurries very carefully.

Readers really like it, primarily because of the main character and the magic doll that helped her in everything. They are especially attracted by Vasilisa’s journey to Baba Yaga and the description of her possessions.

Vasilisa is seen as a Russian beauty with a long brown braid, blue eyes, rosy, friendly. She is wearing a green sundress, decorated with intricate embroidery, a treasured doll in her pocket, and some kind of needlework in her hands. But the girl is good not only with her face: she is hardworking, patient, and respects her elders. In addition, she is also a needlewoman: she has woven such a thin fabric that you can thread it through a needle, and no one but her can sew shirts from this fabric... This means that they called her that not only for her beauty.
The stepmother and her daughters did not like Vasilisa. She is more beautiful than them and suitors constantly woo her, but no one pays attention to her stepmother’s daughters. Vasilisa easily copes with any work, and it only benefits her. She humbly accepts everything that is entrusted to her and does not contradict anything. This is what pisses off envious women.
According to the text: "...the stepmother and sisters were jealous of her beauty, tormented her with all kinds of work, so that she would lose weight from work, and turn black from the wind and sun - there was no life at all!"

Analysis of the fairy tale "Ivan the Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo"

Artist Mitya Ryzhikov
It is customary to begin the analysis of a fairy tale with a traditional conversation based on the reader’s perception: what did you like and remember, what is the fairy tale about?

Let us remember the main characters of the fairy tale “Ivan the Peasant Son and Miracle Yudo”: Ivan, brothers, Miracle Yudo.

Why do you think, if there are three brothers, only one is mentioned in the title, only he has a name?

Only one of the brothers fought with Chud-Yud, which is why he is named in the title.

And it is no coincidence that he alone has a name. In ancient times, a name had to be earned by some deed, and until a certain time children did not have names; only after reaching the age of 11-12 years were tests arranged for them in which everyone could prove themselves. That's when they got names. In the fairy tale we probably find a reflection of this ancient custom. The older brothers did not show themselves to be anything special, so they remain nameless...

In addition to his name, the hero of the fairy tale also has a nickname - a peasant son. And this nickname sounds almost like a patronymic. After all, this is how people used to introduce themselves: Ivan, Petrov’s son, or Andrei, Sergeev’s son, etc. From here, by the way, the surnames later appeared. Ivan is called a peasant's son - which means it is important that he is from the peasants.

Traditions are oral stories about the past. The events described in them are reliable or are presented as reliable. The legends obviously arose from the stories of witnesses or participants in the events. Their stories, passed from mouth to mouth many times, gradually turned into legends, were freed from personal assessments and biases, and became more objective. But it is natural that in the course of their existence, legends often departed from authenticity and included a certain amount of fiction, which had neither a fantastic character, as in a fairy tale, nor a religious character, as in a legend. This genre in Slavic languages ​​has the following names: in Russian and Bulgarian - legend, in Serbian - predaњa, in Polish -podania.

In the legends, two main ones can be distinguished: thematic groups: historical and toponymic legends. The first tells about events and persons who left a mark on people's memory, the second tells about the founding of cities, the origin of the names of settlements, places, and rivers.

Fairy tale "Moth"

The moth decided to get married. Naturally, he wanted to take a pretty flower for himself.

He looked around: the flowers sat quietly on their stems, as befits young ladies who have not yet been betrothed. But it was terribly difficult to choose, there were so many of them growing here.

The moth got tired of thinking, and he fluttered to the field daisy. The French call her Margarita and claim that she knows how to cast a spell, and she really knows how to cast a spell. The lovers take it and tear off petal by petal, saying: “Does he love you? Doesn’t he love you?” - or something like that. Everyone asks in their native language. So the moth also turned to the chamomile, but did not pick off the petals, but kissed them, believing that it is always better to take them with affection.

Listen to this!

Outside the city, by the road, there was a dacha. You must have seen her? In front of it is another small garden, surrounded by a painted wooden lattice.

Not far from the dacha, right next to the ditch, a chamomile grew in the soft green grass. The sun's rays warmed and caressed it along with the luxurious flowers that bloomed in the flower beds in front of the dacha, and our chamomile grew by leaps and bounds. One fine morning she completely blossomed - her yellow, round heart, like the sun, was surrounded by the radiance of dazzling white small rays-petals. Chamomile didn’t care at all that she was such a poor, simple flower that no one sees or notices in the thick grass; no, she was happy with everything, greedily reached out to the sun, admired it and listened to the lark singing somewhere high, high in the sky.

Chamomile was so cheerful and happy, as if today was Sunday, but in fact it was only Monday; while all the children sat quietly on the school benches and learned from their teachers, our chamomile also sat quietly on its stem and learned from the clear sun and from all the surrounding nature, learned to know the goodness of God.