Project "Underwater World". Pediatric development Project underwater world middle group

Middle group project
"Amazing underwater world"

Project type: cognitive-research, gaming, creative.

Implementation deadlines: 1 working week.

Project participants: teachers, children.

Relevance of the project: The underwater world is very colorful and vibrant, but is not directly accessible for children to explore. Modern means and methods of teaching make it possible to do this, which helps to “immerse” children in a topic that interests them and makes them active participants in the educational process. This makes it possible to raise children - “doers”, not “performers”, to develop strong-willed personality traits and partnership interaction skills. The proposed project topic provides children with the opportunity to identify a problem at each lesson; independently search for the right solution; choose the most adequate one from the available methods and use it productively; independently analyze the results obtained. It also develops their creative abilities. This topic is very interesting and exciting for children of older preschool age.

Objective of the project: expand children's knowledge about the underwater world and its inhabitants.

Project objectives:


To introduce the diversity of the underwater world, its importance for all life on the planet.

Introduce the structure and life activities of the inhabitants of the underwater world.


Develop the ability to compare and analyze.

Develop imagination and thinking in the process of observing and exploring natural objects.

Enrich children's vocabulary and knowledge about the underwater world.

Develop the ability to convey your feelings from communication with nature in drawings and crafts.


Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

To develop communication skills, independence, hard work, observation and curiosity for all living things.

Expected Result:

Obtaining information from different sources;

Know the concepts of “Sea animals”, “Fishes”, etc.;

Have an idea of ​​the relationship between human activity and the environment;

Products of children's activities (drawings, crafts, stories, posters of the “Underwater Kingdom”);

Project work plan


Stage 1. Organizational.

1. Integrated GCD “Journey to the underwater world”

Creating a problematic situation: The bear cub really wants to look and find out who lives in the seas and oceans. Children show a desire to help the bear cub.

2. GCD Application “octopus”

3. Problem analysis.

Conversation “Do you know sea creatures?”

What do we know?

What do we want to know?

Where can we find out all this?

3. Drawing up and discussing a phased work plan with project participants.

4. Selection of encyclopedic, methodological, reference literature on the topic of the project.

Reading encyclopedic literature about fish of the underwater world;

S. Sakharov “Sea Tales”;

S. Voronin “The Good Shell”;

A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”;

Fairy tale "At the command of the pike."

Learning poems and riddles about fish.

5. Multimedia presentations

"The World of the Deep Seas"

"Inhabitants of the seas and oceans"

"Undersea world"

"Coral reefs"

6. Selection of outdoor and didactic games, poems, riddles.

“Recognize the fish by description.”

"Who is wired how"

"Crystal water"

“The sea is agitated once...”

Get children interested in this topic. To motivate further desire to learn as much as possible about the underwater world.

Learn carefully, cut out, paste, complete the missing details. Develop imagination and attention.

Reveal children's knowledge about the underwater world.

Learn to pose problematic questions.

Replenish children's knowledge and information about the world around them. Develop curiosity, the desire to search for information and enrich your knowledge.

The children happily went on a trip on a “submarine”. We found out who lives on the surface of the sea and in its depths. We made beautiful starfish in the ocean workshop and painted a goldfish.

The names of sea creatures were fixed. We cut out octopuses from colored paper (the outline of children's hands), glued them on, and added eyes and a mouth.

It was found that children know only the most popular sea animals and fish (whale, dolphin, shark, starfish). The teacher’s task is to tell as much and as interestingly as possible about other unusual inhabitants of the seas and oceans (Sea cucumber, Portuguese man-of-war jellyfish, hedgehog fish, surgeon fish, etc.)

The children brought their encyclopedias and magazines from home. Each child chose a sea animal to talk about. Together we found short stories about them.

Stage 2. Project implementation.

Organized form of activity.

"How to make sea water"

"Salt is crystals"

Conducting the experiment “Growing corals by salt crystallization”

3. View the multimedia presentation “Are corals animals or plants?”

4. Artistic and aesthetic activities:


GCD "Goldfish"

Plasticineography “Starfish”

    Paper construction:

    Application "Octopuses"

    Making a dry aquarium.

Interaction with parents:

Studying encyclopedias.

Conversation with children about the underwater world.

Fix the names of fish, features of residence, nutrition, structure, breathing; learn to form possessive adjectives.

Expand knowledge about the “sea” ecosystem and its inhabitants.

Develop cognitive interest, the ability to draw conclusions.

Children learned about such sea inhabitants as: clown fish, slave - hedgehog. Varieties of shark (whale, white, hammerhead) and whale (baleen, toothed).

As a result of observation and experience, children learned how sea water differs from fresh water, which water is easier to swim in and which to dive in.

The children began the experiment with great interest. First they made sea water, then they dipped a wooden stick into the water. As the water evaporated, crystals “grew” on the stick. We learned that salt, like snowflakes, has a crystalline form. Examined the salt crystals through a magnifying glass.

Teachers, children.

Stage 3. Project presentation.

Art exhibition based on the “Underwater Kingdom” project;

Joint composition “Amazing Depths of the Sea” (dry aquarium);

Children's stories about sea animals

Stage 4. Activity analysis.

1. GCD “Journey to the underwater world”

2. Conducting experimental research activities.

"How to make sea water"

"Salt is crystals"

Experience result

Drawing: GCD “Goldfish”

Modeling: Plasticineography “Starfish”

Paper construction: “Fish”

Application "Octopuses"

Making a dry aquarium

Passport of the creative research project on environmental education “Visiting Nature” for the younger group of kindergarten

Objective of the project:

To form children's ideas about autumn changes in nature.

Project duration:

Project participants:

Children, teachers, music director.

Project objectives:

Create conditions for the development of cognitive interest in children.
Teach children to distinguish vegetables growing in our area by color, shape and size.
Encourage children to participate in dramatizations of familiar fairy tales.
To instill in children a desire to participate in work activities (planting onions).
Develop coherent speech, enrich children's vocabulary.

Project plan:

Educational area

Types of children's activities


Role-playing game "Vegetable shop"

Dramatization game “Turnip”

Didactic game "Vegetables"

Health, physical education

Outdoor game "Cucumber"

Finger gymnastics “Cabbage”

Physical education lesson “Our garden is in order”


Design of a collection of vegetable seeds

Planting onions


Reading fairy tales “Turnip”, “Puff”

V. Korkin’s poem “What grows in our garden bed?”


Riddles, poems about vegetables

Enrichment of vocabulary, coherent speech

Artistic work

Napkin applique “Carrot”

Drawing "Leaf fall"

Modeling “Apples are ripe in the garden”

Stencils, coloring pages with vegetables, fruits

Round dance game "Vegetable Dance"

Working with parents:

Selection of fiction and educational literature about vegetables. Exhibition “Miracle from the Garden” (making crafts from vegetables and natural materials together with children).
Goal: to direct parents to joint activities with their children on the project.

Consultation “On the benefits of vegetables”
Goal: informing parents about the benefits of vegetables in children's nutrition.

A selection of poems, proverbs, riddles about vegetables.
Goal: to develop in parents the position of an active participant in the pedagogical process.
Making attributes for the holiday.

Project implementation:

Watching the wind on a walk
Goal: expand children’s understanding of the wind, teach them to notice the movements of trees during a gust of wind; create wind, using turntables to determine its direction.

Outdoor game "Cucumber".
Reading the fairy tale "Turnip".
Goal: Remember a familiar fairy tale, pronounce the sequence of actions of the fairy tale characters.
Drawing "Leaf Fall".
Goal: drawing autumn leaves using the “dipping” method with warm colors on a blue background.

Observation in nature “Autumn is coming.”
Goal: To systematize children’s ideas about the changes that occur in nature in the autumn, to pay attention to the changes in the color of plant foliage in the fall. Form cognitive interest.

Outdoor game "Sun and Rain".
Didactic lotto game "Vegetables".
Goal: to teach children to distinguish vegetables, name and describe them; consolidate knowledge about what vegetables grow in the garden and what can be prepared from them.

Reading poems by V. Korkin “What grows in our garden bed?”

Modeling “Apples are ripe in the garden.”
Goal: learn to pinch off small pieces, roll balls on a board; learn to flatten a tree crown over the surface.

III week

Observation in the garden, educational story “Harvest”.
Goal: to supplement knowledge about vegetables, to learn to characterize their qualities; talk about growing vegetables.
Finger gymnastics “Cabbage”.
The game is a dramatization of “Turnip”.
Reading the fairy tale “Pykh”.

Looking at the “autumn carpet” of fallen leaves.
Goal: to expand children’s understanding of the characteristic features of autumn, to stimulate the use of adjectives in speech that denote different colors.

Role-playing game "Vegetable shop".
Didactic game “Tops and Roots”.
Design of a collection of vegetable seeds.
Planting onions.
Riddles, poems about vegetables.

creative and educational project in the middle group “Golden Autumn”

Dec 29th, 2014

Objective of the project: Formation of skills to observe characteristic phenomena of autumn weather, the ability to understand and establish connections between them; development of children's creative abilities in various types of activities.

Project type: short-term, creative-cognitive

Dates: September, October 2014

Project implementation base: MBDOU TsRR DS No. 3 “Petushok” g.o. Strezhevoy Tomsk region

Form: group, children-parents-teachers

Project objectives:


To form the foundations of the ecological culture of preschoolers through practical activities with living objects, observations, experiments, research work and work with didactic material;

Form generalized ideas about the characteristics of natural objects, establish simple connections between them.


Draw attention to the surrounding natural objects, develop the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding natural world, the diversity of its colors and shapes;

To cultivate desires and skills to preserve the natural world around us;

Foster a sense of responsibility for the state of the environment.


Develop the ability to observe living objects and inanimate phenomena;

Develop the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding natural world, the diversity of its colors and shapes;

Develop various types of activities (play, work, cognitive, speech.)

Develop children's creative and cognitive abilities.

Expected results of the project:

1.Organization of educational activities in the group on a designated topic within the framework of the project, taking into account three directions: cognitive, social and communicative, artistic and aesthetic development;

2.Development of logical thinking through awareness of the cause-and-effect mechanisms of the ecosystem;

3.Improving the group's ecological environment;

4. Involving parents in the group’s pedagogical process.

Project activity product:

    Exhibition of children's creative works "Autumn Kaleidoscope".

    Competition for expressive reading of poems about autumn.

Stage 1. Preparatory.

Discussion of the topic and drawing up a project plan.

Selection of methodological and practical material on this topic.

Collecting natural material and placing it in a corner of nature

Creating a card index of poems and riddles on the topic.

Stage 2. Project implementation

In working with children, we used a variety of teaching methods: observations, cognitive reading, productive activities (emphasis was placed on modeling), viewing paintings, educational-heuristic activities and conversations, elementary experiments,

Natural vegetables, fruits and dummies, as well as various natural materials, were placed in a corner of nature. Children learned to distinguish them by appearance and name them correctly.

We organized a series of observations of changes in nature, used a variety of didactic games and exercises with natural materials.

The work of the circle is organized in the form of a creative workshop for modeling from various materials (plasticine, salt dough, clay, snow). The pieces made by the children were used in the interior of the group and in role-playing games, for example, “shop”.

In order to emotionally immerse children in the topic, autumn-themed poems were used.

Stage 3. Results.

The result of the project was an exhibition of creative works and a reading competition.

Analyzing the results of the project, we saw that children are involved in various types of activities with great interest, can independently solve problematic problems, and show a sense of responsibility for nature, themselves and others. The educational activities within the project were meaningful, filled with vivid impressions, interesting activities, and the joy of communication.

Approximate activity plan for the implementation of project tasks

(Kind of activity)

Material and method of conveying the idea

(examining natural vegetables in a corner of nature)

Clarify and concretize the concept of “vegetables”, exercise children in research activities, form the concept of autumn as the time of harvest.

magnifying glass, vegetables (tomato, cucumber, potato, pattison, onion, garlic...)

“Whether in the garden or in the vegetable garden”

(educational situation)

Clarify children's ideas about vegetables and fruits. To consolidate knowledge about the place of their production - the vegetable garden. Learn to solve riddles.

vegetables or dummies of vegetables: tomato, cucumber, pepper..., paintings on the theme “Vegetable garden”

"Garden round dance"

music B. Mozhzheveleva,

sl. A. Passova

(musical game)

Teach children to coordinate movements with the lyrics of the song, perform play actions (move in a circle in a round dance step, maintain the shape of a circle while moving, perform rhythmic claps)

Fairy tale "Puff"

(perception of a work of art with elements of theatricalization)

Introduce the Russian folk tale “Pykh”. Expanding ideas about vegetables, teaching to understand and analyze the content of a fairy tale.

dolls (grandfather, woman, granddaughter, hedgehog) paired pictures with vegetables (cabbage, carrots, beets, turnips)

"We'll go to the garden"

(outdoor game)

Develop coordination of movements, help improve the consistency of movements and words. Intensify the use of verbs in speech, learn to act as leaders.

"Vegetables for the store"

(modeled from salt dough)

Teach children to sculpt complex-shaped vegetables of different sizes from life; practice the techniques of rolling, pressing, rolling out. Introduce new sculpting techniques - joining and smearing. Learn to select the right size of the craft as you work. Develop fine motor skills.

vegetables or dummies of vegetables: tomato, cucumber, pepper, carrot, squash, etc. Salt dough, stacks, modeling boards (for each child)

"Vegetable shop"

(role-playing game)

Help children organize role-playing situations that require the use of knowledge about the names, properties of vegetables, and places where they grow. Activate your vocabulary, develop a dialogical form of speech.

"vegetables" from salt dough

"Collecting plant seeds"

(elementary labor in nature)

Consider the flower beds. Show flower seeds and how to collect them correctly.

"Guess which fruit"

(didactic game, individual work)

Teach children to solve riddles, focusing on a description of the characteristic features of the fruit.

"Tomato and Apple"

(drawing up a descriptive story, individual work on speech development)

Learn to build a consistent narrative-description with elements of comparison based on visualization.

dummies (tomato, apple)

"Two Cherries"

(plasticine molded)

Continue teaching children to roll plasticine balls between their palms and flatten them on top with their finger on the cardboard. Develop fine motor skills of the hands; thinking, attention.

plasticine, cardboard, modeling boards (for each child)

(finger gymnastics)

Develop fine motor skills of the hands, learn to perform the exercise correctly in accordance with the text.

"Autumn clothes"

(didactic game)

Teach children to use generalizing concepts in speech, characterize items of clothing and their parts, compare items of clothing according to various parameters (purpose, appearance, accessory).

didactic game "clothes"

(computer presentation)

Introduce children to mushrooms that grow in our forests in the fall, help children remember their names, teach them to recognize them by appearance.

interactive board

"Into the forest to pick mushrooms"

(excursion joint work with parents)

Develop the ability to observe autumn signs and natural phenomena, see the beauty of autumn nature; cultivate sustained attention, observation, love for nature. Learn to distinguish between edible and poisonous mushrooms.

Conversation with parents.

Rules of conduct and safety in the forest. What do we pay the child's attention to?

"Mysterious Sand"

(cognitive and research activities)

Form an idea of ​​the properties of sand, draw joint conclusions that the properties of dry and wet sand are different.

two trays, sand, water, napkins

"Basket with mushrooms"

(clay crafting,


Learn to observe the proportions of parts and their differences in size. Expand and clarify knowledge about mushrooms. Give an idea that mushrooms can be edible and poisonous.

dummies, clay, bowl of water, napkins, stacks, modeling boards (for each child)

"Colorful leaves"

(observation, activity in nature)

Learn to identify signs characteristic of a given time of year; consolidate knowledge of plant names; cultivate curiosity, observation, expand vocabulary. Fix the count within 3 and the color (yellow, red, green, brown).

magnifying glass

“Autumn” K. Balmont

(learning a poem)

learn to understand and analyze the content of the poem, find epithets that clearly characterize the signs of autumn

autumn landscapes


(examining an observation album in a corner of nature)

To consolidate children’s ideas about the distinctive features of the seasons, to consolidate the concepts of “early autumn” and “late autumn”.

album "Seasons"

"Golden Autumn"

(educational situation)

Reinforce the signs of autumn. Teach children to establish cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to identify common signs of autumn ; Support and stimulate children’s attempts to independently explore surrounding objects;

Remember proverbs and sayings about autumn.

activities on site

Collecting fallen leaves for autumn crafts

Teach children to distinguish birch leaves from leaves of other trees, to compare leaves according to different characteristics. Activate and enrich your vocabulary.

“Golden Autumn” I. Levitan

(looking at the picture)

Introduce children to the painting “Golden Autumn” by I. Levitan. Learn to notice the beautiful in nature and landscape painting, highlight color as a means of expressiveness.

painting by I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”

"Autumn Song", music. E. Vasilyeva-Buglaya, lyrics. A. Pleshcheeva (listening to a piece of music)

Teach children to recognize and name a familiar piece of music, consolidate children’s knowledge of genres of music, enrich musical impressions, and contribute to the further development of the foundations of musical culture.

record player

"Autumn forest"


Fix the drawing with a brush using the “dipping”, “on the toe”, “flame” method.

Landscape – I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”, drawing paper, paints, brushes, jars of water.

"Autumn Birch"

(Bas-relief made of plasticine sausages)

Teach children to lay out the silhouette of a birch tree using plasticine sausages on cardboard. Strengthen the ability to roll out thin sausages and sculpt small parts: roll plasticine balls and decorate the product with them.

Plasticine, cardboard, modeling boards (for each child)

“Compiling a descriptive story about autumn based on a painting”

(speech development)

Teach children to write a descriptive story of 6-7 sentences. Stimulate and develop children's speech creativity, develop coherent monologue speech ;

Develop independence in the process of cognitive research activities: in making assumptions, selecting verification methods, achieving results, their interpretation and application in activities . Volchkova, 25

slides depicting autumn nature

"Seasonal Changes in Nature"

(tour of the kindergarten territory)

To develop the ability to observe characteristic phenomena of autumn weather, to understand the connection between them; develop interest in the beauty of our native nature;

Development of the ability to observe autumn signs and natural phenomena, to see the beauty of autumn nature.

magnifying glass

“Merry leaf fall”, music. K. Rumyanova.


Invite children to listen to a piece of music. Teach children basic dance movements and introduce them to a variety of genres of music.

record player

"Watching the Wind"

(observation of seasonal changes in inanimate nature)

Teach children to determine the strength and direction of the wind in various ways (by the effect on trees, by the movement of clouds, fallen leaves).

"Autumn rain"

(observation of seasonal

changes (folk signs, proverbs)

Replenishing the active dictionary with definitions characterizing autumn rain (lingering, drizzling, cold...), talk about the mood during autumn rain.

Introduce folk signs of autumn.

Video clips “Autumn Rain”

"Rain", music. etc. G. Vikharevoy

(musical game)

Teach children to perform figurative movements (“catching drops of autumn rain”, “shaking off the drops”, “droplets flowing away”, “threatening the cloud”, etc.). enrich musical impressions, contribute to the further development of the foundations of musical culture.

record player

“Rain” O.Bundur (poem reading)

Teach children to answer questions, understand the main idea of ​​the work, figurative expressions. Learn to talk about the events reflected in the text of the poem, enrich your vocabulary.

"Colorful Autumn"

(drawing on wet)

Learn to depict autumn weather (rain) using an unconventional wet technique. To form and activate in children the manifestation of an aesthetic attitude towards nature, an emotional response to manifestations of beauty in the world around them, its images in their own creative works. To promote the expression of attitudes towards literary works in various types of artistic and creative activities. . Koldina 21

video clips “Autumn Rain” drawing paper, paints, brushes, jars of water, cotton balls or sponge

"Migratory and wintering birds"

(educational situation)

Discuss with children why birds fly away to warmer climes, which birds fly away and which remain for the winter, tell them that swifts and swallows fly away first, then other migratory birds.

"Migration of Birds"

(outdoor game)

Introduce children to the rules of the game, teach them to act on a signal, introduce a new requirement for such games - players who collide with partners are eliminated from the game. Develop attention and coordination of movements.

"Gold autumn"

(modeling from plasticine in combination with additional material, team work)

Teach children to combine natural materials and plasticine in crafts. Strengthen the ability to convey in sculpting the proportional relationship of parts and their location. Learn to connect parts by pressing them. Develop your imagination when adding the necessary elements to the product.

cardboard stand, plasticine, various natural materials, modeling boards (for each child)

Exhibition of children's works "Autumn Kaleidoscope"

(final event)

Teach children to independently evaluate their work and choose the best of the best. Cultivate friendly relationships among peers.

Didactic games

Goal: To clarify and consolidate knowledge about the inhabitants of the sea. Develop resourcefulness, intelligence, attention, and the ability to prove the correctness of your judgment.


"The Fourth Wheel"

"Whose silhouette"

"Guess the sound of the animal"

"Whose shadow?"

"Collect the Dolphin"

"Decorate the aquarium"

“Guess which body of water”

"Who lives here?"

“Whom I’ll tell you about”

Board-printed games

"Paired pictures"

"Find out what has changed"

"Find the same one"

"Connect the dots"

Word games

Goal: To develop the ability to describe a body of water and its inhabitants by description.

Expand children's vocabulary: jellyfish, octopus, shrimp, sawfish, crab, seahorse, flounder.

"Describe the animal"

"Guess a riddle"

“Who hears what?”

“Whose children?”

“Find an item by description”

“Call it in one word”

“Who will notice more fables?”

Sections: Working with preschoolers

We noticed that children's stories about summer experiences are most often devoted to relaxing by the sea and observing freshwater marine life. And one day, together with the children, we asked the question: “What do we know about the world of water?” This is how the series of projects “Queen of Water”, “Rivers, rivers and seas on earth do not flow in vain”, “Tell us, fish, where it lives!” appeared! Tell us, fish, how you swim!” What kind of water is needed for an aquarium?” Each subsequent project was a continuation of the previous one.

Project objectives: to introduce children to a group of animals such as fish, to consolidate ideas about their habitat, to develop cognitive interest, search skills, to teach children to reflect impressions in productive activities, to develop skills of correct behavior in nature, caring for it, the ability see its beauty and uniqueness.

Project participants Children of the middle group, their parents, teachers.

Materials and equipment

Photographs, book and other illustrations depicting bodies of water - seas, rivers, lakes, and their inhabitants; camera, computer, materials for art and design activities, an aquarium, shells of different sizes and shapes, fish, various food for them, cups, spoons, paints, tea bags, thermometer.

Preliminary work Traveling with parents, excursion to an environmental station, looking at postcards, illustrations, reading literature on the topic; design activities (origami), drawing and appliqué, modeling.

Preparatory stage Children's stories about summer, their travels to the sea, rivers, looking at home photographs; design of an information corner for parents: consultations, recommendations on the topic; selection of visual teaching aids and demonstration material for classes.

Main stage (organization of activities) Conversation “In the world of water”. The teacher talks about the seas, lakes, rivers, their inhabitants, the importance of water and reservoirs in human life; teaches to preserve the environment. The conversation is accompanied by the display of visual aids and books.

Observations “Tell us, fish, where he lives! Tell us, fish, how you swim!”

Objective: to clarify children’s ideas about the features of the external appearance of fish, their structure, to teach them to compare and find differences between toy and live fish.

Materials and equipment: surprise gift (two jars: one with a live fish, the other with a toy fish), two basins with water, fish food, a net.

Observations of a fish living in an aquarium.

This topic can be divided into several stages:

a) where does the fish live?
b) describe the fish;
c) how does the fish move?
d) what is the fish doing in the aquarium?
e) how to take care of the fish?

There may be more stages of observation if the teacher sets other tasks, for example, you can observe the life of the aquarium as a whole, admire its beauty, or conduct special observations of plants and snails.

Experimentation “What do we know about the world of water?”

Objective: Development of cognitive activity. Give children the idea that water can be clean and dirty, clarify children’s ideas about the water needed for an aquarium. Introduce children to some of the properties of water. Knowledge of the properties of water will help children understand the characteristics of aquatic organisms, their adaptations and the need to maintain cleanliness of water bodies. Cultivating caution when handling water.

Materials and equipment: transparent cups of water, napkins, funnel.

Materials and equipment:

Illustrations: rivers, images. Aquarium with fish. Dirty water in a glass. 2 basins with warm and cold water. 2 watering cans. Glasses of boiled water for each child. “Droplet.”

Progress of the lesson

V. – Showing Droplet. Who came to visit us? Where did the Droplet fall from?

D. - From the sky. Who do you think Droplet can make friends with?

Children express assumptions: people, children, fish, animals, flowers. If the children do not name, the teacher can lead them with leading questions, such as: “Why are we friends with water? I wonder, do fish need water?

V. – Do you want to see where the Droplet will recover when it falls from the sky?

V. – (Shows an illustration of a river) Where did it flow...., right into the river. Who lives in the river?

D. - Fish.

V. – Yes, fish live in water and they cannot live without it. Do we have fish? Where?

Suitable for the aquarium. They look at the fish.

Q. – What do the fish swim in? What kind of water? If we see fish, it means it is transparent. And what else? Clean.

V. shows dirty water. Guys, what is the water like here? Will fish be able to live in it?

D. – Dirty, no.

V. – Yes, guys, fish don’t like to live in dirty water.

Game “Transformers”: The teacher and the children, standing in a circle, say the words “And once, and twice, I turn into a fish...” Children depict different fish.

Experience: “Water Filtration”

Topic: “What kind of water is needed for an aquarium?”

V. – What kind of water do you drink?

D. – Clean, boiled.

Q. – Why can’t you drink dirty water?

D. – You can get sick, your tummy hurts...

Generalization. Guys, who is friends with the droplet, who needs some water?

Conclusion. – Everyone needs water, everyone should drink only clean water.

Lesson “We are on duty!”

The teacher, together with the preschoolers, clarifies the responsibilities of the person on duty responsible for the aquarium. Children work in groups, which develops the ability to interact in a team.

Application “Fish swim in an aquarium”

Program content. Teach children to stick fish swimming in different directions, to correctly convey their shape, tail, and fins. Strengthen the skill, cutting the corners of rectangles to obtain an oval shape, cutting squares diagonally. Develop a sense of color and aesthetic perception.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Think about how fish swim in an aquarium. Invite the children to cut out and paste a few fish. Demonstrate the technique of cutting corners, rounding them so that they fall off. In progress
Ensure proper use of scissors and cutting techniques.
At the end of the lesson, review all work.
The connection between the lesson and other aspects of educational work. Observation with children of fish in an aquarium (how they swim in different directions, wagging their tails and fins).

Modeling. “Different fish”

Program content. Learn to convey the distinctive features of different fish that have the same shape, but slightly different from each other in proportions. Reinforce previously demonstrated techniques.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Consider two different fish. Ask the children how they think about sculpting fish so that one is almost round and the other is long. Offer to show movement in the air with your hands. During the analysis of finished works, suggest finding long fish and placing them next to a fish of the same shape that the teacher showed, and then more round ones.

Materials for the lesson. Toy fish for viewing. Plasticine.

The connection between the lesson and other aspects of educational work. Observing and caring for fish in an aquarium.

Defense of the project “Journey through the depths of the sea.”

Goal: To consolidate children's understanding of the underwater world. Replenish knowledge about the appearance features and living conditions of marine inhabitants. Develop curiosity in children. Encourage children to be creative. Enrich and activate vocabulary: Neptune, seahorse, crayfish, jellyfish, algae, etc. To instill in children a respectful attitude towards the environment.

Preliminary work:

Lesson: “Different fish”, “Sea waves” Observations “Tell us, fish, where he lives! Tell us, fish, how you swim!” Experimentation “What do we know about the world of water?” Reading fiction. Making crafts: “Fish swim in an aquarium” Arrangement of an aquarium “Rivers, rivers and seas on earth do not flow in vain.”

Presenter: Guys, we will go on a journey through the depths of the sea.

(The music of the sea sounds)

(A goldfish enters and cries)

Host: Who is that swimming towards us? Why you so sad?

Gold fish:

I am a goldfish.
Beauty of the seas.
I'm in trouble,
I won't find my home

Don't worry, we will help you
What kind of house is yours?

Gold fish:

Filled to the brim with water,
Without windows, but not gloomy
Transparent on four sides
In this house the residents are -
All skilled swimmers

Presenter: Let's all go to the sea lord and his assistants together. And we’ll ask you to help us find the way to the goldfish’s house.

(Music sounds, the curtain opens - Neptune sits)

I am Neptune - a miracle of the sea
All water is under my control
Fishes, winds and ships
I am the ruler of the seas and oceans,
Rivers large and small
All the swamps and whirlpools
All lakes and reservoirs.

Presenter: Hello Neptune, king of the seas.

Neptune: Hello guests of the underwater kingdom.

What happened, why did they disturb my peace?

Host: We have a problem, the goldfish is lost and cannot find its home.

Help us please.

Okay, I'll help you.
I had a map of the deep sea - where is it?
(Looks for a card, doesn't find it)
After a strong storm, she disappeared somewhere.
Now we’ll ask my assistants, algae, maybe she knows where she is.

(Algae enters, music sounds, algae runs in a circle to the music).

Host: Hello. We have a problem, the goldfish cannot find its home. We need a map to find our way.


What's happened? Here we are.
The algae has come to you.
Hello our friends
We are in a hurry to help you.
And we want to help you
We will find your card
We'll collect all the honors.

Algae: We have part of the map, but first you must solve our riddles.

Always temper us
Sun, air and ..... (water)

She lives in the water
There is no beak, but it pecks. (Fish)

A giant swims across the ocean
And he releases a fountain. (Whale)

Algae: Well done, get your card.

(They dance, say goodbye, leave)

Neptune: There was a strong storm, apparently the map was scattered all over the seabed, don’t be upset, now I’ll call my starfish and horses, we’ll ask them.

(Seahorses and stars run in to the music)

Host: Hello, starfish and seahorses.

Seahorses: After the storm, only one piece came to us and we will give it to you only after you play with them.

Sea stars:

If the star fell
There is no light in it, there is no heat in it,
Then she lives at the bottom,
In the ocean depths
And we are always happy to help you
Pass the fish card.

Game: “Fishing”

(The seahorses say goodbye and leave.)

Neptune: Where are my assistants, the jellyfish, they will definitely help us.

(jellyfish run in to the music)

Host: Hello.

We are funny jellyfish!
The waves carry us to the shore
We don't swim, we don't play
Just touch it and we'll burn you
We have come to your aid
We found your card.

Jellyfish: We will help you, but you must answer our questions:

1. Where do the fish live?

a) on a tree;
b) in water.

2. How does the fish move?

a) run;
b) floats.

3. What kind of water do fish live in?

a) dirty;
b) clean.

4. What do fish eat?

a) sweets;
b) worms.

5. What helps fish swim in water?

a) legs;
b) tail.

Jellyfish: well done for answering all the questions, get your card, you deserve it.

(They say goodbye, leave)

Neptune: I see, another part of the map is missing, let's ask the crayfish.

(Crayfish enter, accompanied by music)

Host: Hello crayfish.

We are bully crayfish
Let's crawl the other way around
Back to front
Everything is underwater
We grab with pincers
We found part of your map

Cancers: We heard that you are looking for a map, we have it. We worked hard and looked for her.

And now we want to play with you.

Game “Clean the pond”

(They give the card, say goodbye, leave)

Host: So we have collected the entire map and now we can find the way to your house. Let's quickly hit the road.

(Music plays, goldfish appear in the aquarium).

The fish are having fun
In clean warm water
They will shrink and unclench
They will bury themselves in the sand.

Goldfish: Thank you guys for helping me find my house.

Now I know what he is and where he is.

Host: Guys, a goldfish told me in my ear that she and her friends have prepared a surprise for you. For answering questions correctly, guessing riddles, and cleaning the pond.

(Giving souvenirs to children)

It's time to part ways
And say goodbye to the heroes
But let's not be discouraged
We will invite the fairy tale to visit,
A fairy tale is waiting for you,
The kids will be happy.

Neptune: You did a great job, and I also prepared a surprise for you.

Come on, goldfish, help me open the chest. (Gives a treat)

Our children, in addition to interesting and useful knowledge, received vivid impressions of the depth, beauty, wisdom, and emotional richness of environmental fairy tales. Using them in our work helps us enrich children with knowledge and teaches us to look deeper into the world around us.

Kalinnikova Elena Ivanovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU DS No. 71 "Kristallik"
Locality: Smolensk
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: Ecological project "The Magical World of Seas and Oceans"
Publication date: 02.12.2017
Chapter: preschool education

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 71 “Kristallik”, Smolensk

Ecological project

"The magical world of seas and oceans"

in the pre-school group.

Educator: Kalinnikova Elena Ivanovna

Project type:




Project participants:

teachers, preschool children,








a careful, conscious attitude towards the surrounding world.


The project was developed due to the special relevance of the problem

education of ecological culture of preschool children.

Today, environmental protection is one of the

current and significant problem not only of our country, but also of the whole world in

in general. One of the reasons for this is the lack of environmental protection among people.

literacy and culture. The foundations of ecological culture are laid


to those around

the need to educate environmentally literate, harmoniously developed

personality development must begin in preschool age. Vital

instill in children careful and conscious behavior towards

nature. But, unfortunately, from conversations with children it follows that many do not

ideas about the world around them are formed. Biggest

A gap in children is found in knowledge about the water world on our planet:

flora and fauna of the seas and oceans. The choice of topic is determined by understanding it





insufficient ideas of children about the inhabitants of the seas and oceans.






arouse cognitive interest, fill such a significant gap (after all

More than half of the earth consists of water), and lay the foundations for ecological





"The magical world of seas and oceans."

Project hypothesis.

Ultimately, sustainability is what one should strive for.

Every functionally literate person has his personal fortune, not

granted by nature, but achieved in the process of activity. The most important

the condition for such acquisition is the surrounding, environmentally healthy,

to those around


personal positions are a kind of framework for future life. And because

How environmentally literate a child is will determine his adult life.

Formulation of the problem:

Development of children's cognitive activity. Engage










curiosity in the process of active cognitive research


The project uses the method of pedagogical integration.


Children's lack of understanding about the importance of seas and oceans in

human life, its main inhabitants, sources of water pollution,

its consequences.






inhabitants of the seas and oceans.




To consolidate knowledge about the diversity of the underwater world.

To form a caring attitude towards nature, to cultivate a desire

protect the environment.





Expected result:

Instilling in children a caring attitude towards objects around them

peace, the ability to see the beauty of living and inanimate nature.






"mammals", "invertebrates".

Have a basic understanding of the structural features of the body,





camouflage, uniqueness of each species.




underwater world.




desire; formation of experimental and research skills in children.

Interaction with parents:






seas and oceans.

Making little books “Underwater Adventures”.

Assistance in making a model of the seabed.

Organization of an exhibition of drawings on the theme: “The amazing world of the seas and


Creating a collage “Who lives in the sea?”

Consultation on the topic: “Entertaining experiences and experiments for


Interaction with teachers:

Involving a music director.





Joint activities with children:

Cognitive development

Experiments: “How fish breathe underwater”; "Properties of water"; "Underwater

boat made from an egg"; sponge experience.

Watching cartoons and videos telling about flora and

fauna of the underwater world.

and discussion of encyclopedias, literary works:

G. Kosov “The ABC of the Underwater World”, S. Sakharnov “Who Lives in the Sea?”,

G. H. Andersen “The Little Mermaid”, “Tales and Tales of the Seas and Oceans”, poetry

A.S. Pushkin “About the Sea”, etc.

Examination and discussion of reproductions of paintings by I. K. Aivazovsky

"Night. Blue Wave", "The Ninth Wave", "Black Sea", "Hurricane on



“Fisherman's Happiness”, “Treasures of the Underwater World”.

Social and communicative development

Didactic game “Whose shadow?”, “The fourth wheel”.






Educational game "Underwater World".

Conversations about fish, seas and oceans, the underwater world.

Conversation about the profession of a diver

Resolving the problem situation “Environmental pollution”.

Compiling crosswords and puzzles.

Guessing riddles.

Artistic and aesthetic development

Drawing with paints “on wet” “Magic underwater world”.

Drawing with wax crayons.

Application “Multi-colored fish”; "At the bottom of the sea"

Cardboard applique “Sea Turtle”.

Collective application “Exotic fish”.

Plasticineography “Unusual fish”.

Painting of stones “Ocean Inhabitants”.

Modeling from salt dough “Corals and their inhabitants”.

Modeling from plasticine “Fishes are playing”.

10. Origami “Sea fish”.

11. Collection of the “Treasures of the Black Sea” collection.

12.Craft from corrugated paper “Corals and polyps”.



Dolphin sounds."

Speech development

Compiling descriptive stories about sea animals according to the diagram.

Learning poems by V. Orlov “Why do I dress up?”, “I draw





proverbs and sayings, asking riddles

Physical development



“Call it in one word.”

Outdoor games “The sea is agitated”, “Diver”, “Fishermen and fishes”,

“Stream”, “Droplets”.

Finger gymnastics “Seagull”.

Physical education lessons “Crab”; "Sea stars".

Final stage of the project:

Entertainment on the theme “The Magic of the Underwater World”

Final product of the project:







by the editors

MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2011. – 336 pp.

Tugusheva G. P., Chistyakova A. E. “Experimental activities

children of middle and senior preschool age": Methodological

allowance. – SPb.: CHILDHOOD – PRESS, 2011.

A. I. Ivanova “Methodology for organizing environmental observations and



preschool institutions. – M.: TC Sfera, 2003.





kindergarten: Lesson scenarios. – M.: TC Sfera, 2004.

Dybina O.V., Poddyakov N.N., Rakhmanova N.P., “Child in the world

search"6 Program for organizing children's search activities

preschool age / Ed. Oh, V. Dybina. – M.: Sphere shopping center,

Gorkova L. G., Kochergina A. V., Obukhova L. A. “Class scenarios

e k o l o g i c h e with com u

v o s p i t a n i u:



preparatory group. – M.: VAKO, 2008.

Dybina O.V., Rakhmanova N.P., Shchetinina V.V. "Unknown

nearby": Experiences and experiments for preschoolers / Ed. O.V.

Dybina. – 2nd ed., rev. – M.: TC Sfera, 2011.

Baryshnikova G. B. “Our green planet.” Educational games,

competitions and holidays for primary schools. /G. B. Baryshnikova;

artist S. V. Pavlycheva - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007.





WHALES. There are two main groups of cetaceans: cetaceans: small toothed whales (dolphins and porpoises) and giant whales (sperm whales). Small toothed whales (dolphins and porpoises) and giant whales (sperm whales). Baleen whales are giants. These include the blue whale. Baleen whales are giants. These include the blue whale.

SPERM WHALE The sperm whale is the absolute champion in diving to great depths. It has long been known that this whale is capable of descending to a depth of about a thousand meters, but many details of its behavior remained unknown. Using sensors attached to the animal's body, researchers were able to accurately time each deep-sea dive of the sperm whale and show that it obtains almost all its food (squid, octopus, fish) in the water column at a depth of m. At the same time, the sperm whale makes characteristic sounds that help it detect potential victims. The sperm whale is the absolute champion in diving to great depths. It has long been known that this whale is capable of descending to a depth of about a thousand meters, but many details of its behavior remained unknown. Using sensors attached to the animal's body, researchers were able to accurately time each deep-sea dive of the sperm whale and show that it obtains almost all its food (squid, octopus, fish) in the water column at a depth of m. At the same time, the sperm whale makes characteristic sounds that help it detect potential victims.

SHARKS AND RAYS. Sharks and rays are a special group of fish. Their main distinguishing feature is a cartilaginous rather than bony skeleton. Our ears are made of the same material. Sharks and rays are a special group of fish. Their main distinguishing feature is a cartilaginous rather than bony skeleton. Our ears and nose are made of the same material. nose.

SNAKES. Snakes are legless reptiles. Many of them live on the surface of the earth, although there are also some burrowing species. Few members of this group live in trees or even in the sea. Over 50 species of sea snakes are known. Some of them are very poisonous, but they only bite when they are in serious danger. Snakes are legless reptiles. Many of them live on the surface of the earth, although there are also some burrowing species. Few members of this group live in trees or even in the sea. Over 50 species of sea snakes are known. Some of them are very poisonous, but they only bite when they are in serious danger.

SHARKS. Sharks usually have an elongated body that is not flattened in the dorsoventral direction. Sharks usually have an elongated body that is not flattened in the dorsoventral direction. In pelagic species, its shape resembles a torpedo. The gill slits are located on the sides of the head. The fins are well developed, and the skeleton of the right and left halves of the pectoral girdle is separated from the dorsal side. Some species have a movable eyelid in the front corner of the eye - the so-called nictitating membrane. In pelagic species, its shape resembles a torpedo. The gill slits are located on the sides of the head. The fins are well developed, and the skeleton of the right and left halves of the pectoral girdle is separated from the dorsal side. Some species have a movable eyelid in the front corner of the eye - the so-called nictitating membrane. shape membrane shape membrane

JELLYFISH. Several species of jellyfish live in tropical seas, some of which are eaten in Japan and China. Jellyfish are caught with nets or special fishing gear that looks like a large bag of fine-mesh net placed on a hoop. During high or low tide, the bag is inflated by the current, and jellyfish get into it, which cannot get out due to their inactivity. According to the figurative expression of the Chinese, the meat of jellyfish is “crystal”. Jellyfish are salted with table salt mixed with alum. Salted jellyfish are added to various salads, and also eaten boiled and fried, seasoned with pepper, cinnamon and nutmeg. Several species of jellyfish live in tropical seas, some of which are eaten in Japan and China. Jellyfish are caught with nets or special fishing gear that looks like a large bag of fine-mesh net placed on a hoop. During high or low tide, the bag is inflated by the current, and jellyfish get into it, which cannot get out due to their inactivity. According to the figurative expression of the Chinese, the meat of jellyfish is “crystal”. Jellyfish are salted with table salt mixed with alum. Salted jellyfish are added to various salads, and also eaten boiled and fried, seasoned with pepper, cinnamon and nutmeg. The largest existing jellyfish is the giant arctic jellyfish, whose umbrella reaches 2.2 m in diameter; its tentacles are 35 m long. The largest existing jellyfish is the giant arctic jellyfish, whose umbrella reaches 2.2 m in diameter; its tentacles are 35 m long.

Fishes are one of the most beautiful pets. Passion for an aquarium is a hobby that can be picked up at any age. Keeping aquarium fish is one of the most interesting and exciting activities; it not only brings joy and pleasure, but can also teach you a lot. You can create a small underwater world at home. Aquarium fish will bring you a lot of positive emotions; sitting near the aquarium and looking at the fish, you will easily forget about your fatigue. Fishes are one of the most beautiful pets. Passion for an aquarium is a hobby that can be picked up at any age. Keeping aquarium fish is one of the most interesting and exciting activities; it not only brings joy and pleasure, but can also teach you a lot. You can create a small underwater world at home. Aquarium fish will bring you a lot of positive emotions; sitting near the aquarium and looking at the fish, you will easily forget about your fatigue. Goldfish, like other fish and plants in captivity, require careful and loving care. But love alone is not enough. A certain amount of knowledge and experience is required. Goldfish, like other fish and plants in captivity, require careful and loving care. But love alone is not enough. A certain amount of knowledge and experience is required.

TURTLES. The sizes of turtles vary over a fairly wide range. Marine species are usually larger than their terrestrial and river relatives. The largest are leatherback turtles, with a shell length of 2 m and a weight of more than 900 kg. Extinct land turtles of the genus Myolania grew up to 2.5 m, but the largest is a sea turtle that lived in the Cretaceous period; the size of one of the discovered skeletons of this species reaches more than 4 meters. The estimated weight of this turtle is up to 2.2 tons. The smallest of the turtles is the speckled turtle, not exceeding 10 cm in length. The sizes of turtles vary over a fairly wide range. Marine species are usually larger than their terrestrial and river relatives. The largest are leatherback turtles, with a shell length of 2 m and a weight of more than 900 kg. Extinct land turtles of the genus Myolania grew up to 2.5 m, but the largest is a sea turtle that lived in the Cretaceous period; the size of one of the discovered skeletons of this species reaches more than 4 meters. The estimated weight of this turtle is up to 2.2 tons. The smallest of the turtles is the speckled one, not exceeding 10 cm in length. Leatherback turtles Hymolania leatherback turtles The name of the class Asteroidea (starfish) comes from the body shape of the representatives of echinoderms united in this class, having the shape of a star, most often five-pointed, or a flat regular pentagon. Among the animals that have survived to this day, starfish are one of the most ancient groups. In seas with normal salinity, various starfish can always be seen close to the shore. Therefore, starfish were well known to man already in ancient times. Their images were discovered on 4,000-year-old frescoes found during excavations on the island of Crete. The name of the class Asteroidea (starfish) comes from the body shape of the representatives of echinoderms united in this class, which have the shape of a star, most often five-pointed, or a flat regular pentagon. Among the animals that have survived to this day, starfish are one of the most ancient groups. In seas with normal salinity, various starfish can always be seen close to the shore. Therefore, starfish were well known to man already in ancient times. Their images were discovered on 4,000-year-old frescoes found during excavations on the island of Crete.


" Undersea world "


GBOU secondary school No. 2065 DSP No. 9




Project theme: “Underwater world”

Project type : cognitive-research, gaming, creative.

Implementation deadlines: 7 working weeks.

Project participants: teachers, children, parents.

Relevance of the project:The underwater world is very colorful and vibrant, but is not directly accessible for children to explore. Modern means and methods of teaching make it possible to do this, which helps to “immerse” children in a topic that interests them and makes them active participants in the educational process. This makes it possible to raise children - “doers”, not “performers”, to develop strong-willed personality traits and partnership interaction skills. The proposed project topic provides children with the opportunity to identify a problem at each lesson; independently search for the right solution; choose the most adequate one from the available methods and use it productively; independently analyze the results obtained. It also develops their creative abilities. This topic is very interesting and exciting for children of older preschool age.

Objective of the project : expand children's knowledge about the underwater world and its inhabitants.
Project objectives:

To introduce the diversity of the underwater world, its importance for all life on the planet.

Introduce the structure and life activities of the inhabitants of the underwater world.


Develop the ability to compare and analyze.

Develop imagination and thinking in the process of observing and exploring natural objects.

Enrich children's vocabulary and knowledge about the underwater world.

Develop the ability to convey your feelings from communication with nature in drawings and crafts.


Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

To develop communication skills, independence, hard work, observation and curiosity for all living things.

Expected Result:

  • Obtaining information from different sources;
  • Know the concepts of “Sea animals”, “Fishes”, etc.;
  • Have an idea of ​​the relationship between human activity and the environment;
  • Products of children's activities (drawings, crafts, stories, poster “The underwater world through the eyes of children”);
  • Production of a collective work-book “The Magic Kingdom - the Underwater World”;

Project work plan



Stage 1. Organizational.

1. Integrated GCD “Journey to the underwater world”

Creating a problematic situation: Luntik really wants to see and find out who lives in the seas and oceans. The children show a desire to help Luntik.

2. Problem analysis.

Conversation “Do you know sea creatures?”

What do we know?

What do we want to know?

Where can we find out all this?

3. Drawing up and discussing a phased work plan with project participants.

4. Selection of encyclopedic, methodological, reference literature on the topic of the project.

  • Reading encyclopedic literature about fish of the underwater world;


S. Sakharov “Sea Tales”;

S. Voronin “The Good Shell”;

A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”;

Fairy tale "At the command of the pike."

Learning poems and riddles about fish.

5. Enrichment of the ICT environment.

Multimedia presentations

"The World of the Deep Seas"

"Inhabitants of the seas and oceans"

"Undersea world"

"Coral reefs"

6. Selection of outdoor and didactic games, poems, riddles.

“Recognize the fish by description.”

"Who is wired how"

"Crystal water"

“The sea is agitated once...”

7. Free activities of children outside of class(we traced the stencils and painted them ourselves). The simplest version of origami

Get children interested in this topic. To motivate further desire to learn as much as possible about the underwater world.

Reveal children's knowledge about the underwater world.

Learn to pose problematic questions.

Replenish children's knowledge and information about the world around them. Develop curiosity, the desire to search for information and enrich your knowledge.

The children happily went on a trip on a “submarine”. We found out who lives on the surface of the sea and in its depths. We made beautiful starfish and fish in the ocean workshop.

It was found that children know only the most popular sea animals and fish (whale, dolphin, shark, starfish). The teacher’s task is to tell as much and as interestingly as possible about other unusual inhabitants of the seas and oceans (Sea cucumber, Portuguese man-of-war jellyfish, hedgehog fish, surgeon fish, etc.)

The children brought their encyclopedias and magazines from home. We have created a moving folder. Each child chose a sea animal to talk about. Together with our parents, we found short stories about them.

Stage 2. Project implementation.

Organized form of activity.

1. GCD (Ecology)

"Conversation about marine life"

2. Conducting experimental research activities.

"How to make sea water"

"Salt is crystals"

3. View the multimedia presentation “Are corals animals or plants?”

Conducting the experiment “Growing corals by salt crystallization”

Artistic and aesthetic activities:


“The Magic Kingdom of the Goldfish” an unconventional technique of drawing on a wet sheet


Plasticineography “Coral fantasies”

Seabed composition

Paper construction:


Interaction with parents:

Studying encyclopedias.

Conversation with children about the underwater world.

Watching TV shows about the underwater world.

Fix the names of fish, features of residence, nutrition, structure, breathing; learn to form possessive adjectives.

Expand knowledge about the “sea” ecosystem and its inhabitants.

Develop cognitive interest, the ability to draw conclusions, conclusions

Children learned about such sea inhabitants as: clown fish, hedgehog fish, types of shark (whale, white, hammerhead) and whale (baleen, toothed). We also learned about the flora of the oceans and seas (kelp, phytoplankton, sea lettuce, fucus, etc.)

As a result of observation and experience, children learned how sea water differs from fresh water, which water is easier to swim in and which to dive in.

We learned that salt, like snowflakes, has a crystalline form. Examined the salt crystals through a magnifying glass.

The children began the experiment with great interest. First we made sea water, then we wrapped a thread around a small piece of wire and lowered the water. As the water evaporated, crystals “grew” on the wire.

Teachers, children.

Stage 3. Project presentation.

  • Art exhibition based on the “Underwater Kingdom” project;
  • Joint composition “Amazing Depths of the Sea”;
  • Children's stories about sea animals;
  • Creation of a book of fairy tales “The Magic Kingdom - the Underwater World”;
  • Production of a collective work-poster “The underwater world through the eyes of children”)

Stage 4. Activity analysis.