The combat path of a military unit. Military department: Ways and conditions for increasing the effectiveness of information and methodological support for information and propaganda work in a military unit, Diploma work. Message from the President of the Russian Federation


The Russian state is currently in conditions of radical transformations affecting all aspects of people's lives and activities. Together with the entire state, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are also at the stage of transformation. The priority task has been to give the army and navy a modern appearance, bring the number, organizational structure, management and recruitment system, technical equipment, combat and mobilization readiness in accordance with the requirements of modern warfare, the economic capabilities of the country, its geopolitical and national interests.

Radical changes in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation also involve the implementation of measures aimed at “rebuilding” the consciousness of the modern warrior, increasing stability and other moral and combat qualities as the basic components of the professionalism of a serviceman, which, in turn, ensures the effective fulfillment of his tasks to protect the Fatherland, as in peacetime and in wartime.

Information and propaganda work is the subject of combat (commander) training of troops (forces) in all types of combat training activities, a means of maintaining a high moral and psychological state of personnel, the most important form of education for military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The main goal of outreach work is:

Explanation to the troops of state policy in the field of ensuring the military security of the country;

Formation among personnel of a conscious readiness to defend the Fatherland, loyalty to military duty, discipline, pride and responsibility for belonging to the Armed Forces, their branch of troops, formation, unit, as well as improving the psychological, pedagogical and legal knowledge of military personnel.

At the same time, it is very important for officers to understand that solving these important training and educational tasks is impossible without knowledge of the theory and practice of organizing and conducting classes on outreach work with personnel.

This determines the relevance of the research topic.

In practical terms, increased interest in the problems of researching the effectiveness of outreach work is caused by the following factors:

1. Information and propaganda work acts as a powerful means of influencing the consciousness of personnel, is a means of maintaining a high moral and psychological state of subordinates and is the most important component of the process of training and education of all categories of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2. The political situation that has developed in society, in the country and in the World poses ever new, more responsible tasks for the educational structures of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

3. Changes in the recruitment system of the modern Armed Forces require the search for new ways, methods and methods of educating and training military personnel, developing their professional qualities.

In theoretical terms, addressing the problem of increasing the effectiveness of information and propaganda work is due to a number of the following circumstances:

1. The need for theoretical understanding and acceptance of information and propaganda work as a subject of combat training, one of the highest forms of education and training of personnel.

2. The need to generalize the experience accumulated in the troops in organizing information and propaganda work to improve the methodological level of modern officers.

3. The need to develop methodological foundations for the work of the unit commander and his deputy for educational work, aimed at increasing the effectiveness of information and propaganda work.

Object and subject of research. The object of this study is the system of information and propaganda work functioning in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as the most important form of education for military personnel. The subject of the study is the conditions for the effectiveness of the activities of the deputy company commander for educational work to increase the effectiveness of information and propaganda work carried out in the unit (company).

Purpose and main objectives of the study. The main goal of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of information and propaganda work on the education of personnel as a subject of combat training in all types of combat training activities.

The implementation of this goal is carried out by solving the following main tasks:

· understanding the goals, objectives and main priorities of organizing information and propaganda work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

· development of ways and conditions for increasing the effectiveness of conducting classes on outreach work;

· consideration of the system of education and training of leaders of information and propaganda work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

· clarification of existing problems and shortcomings in the organization and conduct of classes in the system of outreach work;

· identification of factors influencing the effectiveness and quality of outreach activities;

· consideration of opportunities and ways to optimize outreach work;

· identifying the place and role of the deputy company commander for educational work in the process of selection, preparation, training of leaders of information and propaganda work and in the daily management of their activities.


Basic fact. At present, in a number of units (divisions) not everything is going well with the organization and conduct of outreach work.

The army community is well aware of the facts of poorly conducted outreach classes, which directly indicates an underestimation of this form of education for military personnel.

Commanders and officers of educational structures often face great difficulties in the process of organizing information and propaganda work in the unit.

Idea. Knowledge of the ways and conditions for increasing the effectiveness of information and methodological support for information and propaganda work by the deputy company commander for educational work will help him achieve such goals as uniting the military team and maintaining a high moral and psychological state in it.

Hypothesis. Having studied the ways and conditions for increasing the effectiveness of information and propaganda work, adapting them to the tasks of educational work in the unit, the officer-educator can easily avoid, and, if necessary, overcome difficulties in educating personnel.

Research of the problem. This problem was dealt with by many military and scientific figures, such as: Bashlakov A.A., Barabanshchikov A.V., Kalita A.N., Rykov S.L., Pronin S.A., Reznik N.I., Buslovsky V.N. Zelenkov M.Yu., and many others. They present many ways to improve the effectiveness of outreach work.

The questions I raise in my work are reflected in numerous other sources.

The literature on the research problems can be divided into three groups.

The first group is represented by the following documents: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal laws of the Russian Federation, general military regulations, orders and directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, instructions from the head of the Main Directorate of Educational Work of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military planning documents, etc.

The second group of sources consists of reference literature, textbooks, teaching aids, methodological developments for conducting outreach work; educational literature on military psychology and pedagogy.

The third group of sources consists of publications in periodicals, primarily in the newspapers “Krasnaya Zvezda” and “At the Battle Post”; magazines “Orientir”, “Military Thought”, etc.

An analysis of the literature has shown that in most sources, the issues of increasing the effectiveness of information and propaganda work are quite clearly considered in relation to the company level and specifically determine the priorities of the deputy company commander for educational work in this direction.

Methodological basis of the study. The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is made up of modern achievements in the field of military psychological and military pedagogical thought.

Novelty of the research. I have made an attempt to consider the problems of increasing the efficiency of information and propaganda work at the stage of reform of the RF Armed Forces (reduction of the Armed Forces, transition to staffing units with contract soldiers, conscription for military service for a period of 12 months) in relation to the company level. Determine the place of the deputy company commander for educational work in solving these problems.

armed force propaganda information


This chapter makes an attempt to show the purpose, main objectives, procedure for organizing and planning information and propaganda work, its place and role in the field of training and education of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

§ 1. Goals, objectives and procedure for organizing information and propaganda work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Information and propaganda work of the personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation has been carried out since 1993. It is the most important factor influencing all categories of personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, setting the direction of all educational work in military units.

The general management of information and propaganda work in a unit or unit is entrusted to the commander, and its direct organization is entrusted to the deputy for educational work. The officer is responsible for planning, methodological support of outreach work, organizes and conducts the selection, placement and training of group leaders, generalizes and disseminates best practices, develops proposals for staffing training groups, develops methodological materials and methods for using technical means of training and education during classes.

The Guide to organizing information and propaganda work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation emphasizes: “Information and propaganda work is one of the main subjects of training for personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the most important form of state-patriotic, military, moral, legal and aesthetic education.”

Therefore, special attention is paid to outreach work and about 50% of the total teaching time is allocated. This is direct evidence that outreach plays an important role in the training and education of personnel.

Information and propaganda work is carried out in all types of combat training activities of troops (forces).

During classes on outreach work, the main attention is paid to the study by military personnel of issues of national history, traditions of the Russian army and navy, problems of state and military construction, legislation of the Russian Federation, norms of international humanitarian law, military pedagogy and psychology, training practices and education of personnel.

The purpose of information and propaganda work is to explain in the Armed Forces the state policy in the field of ensuring the military security of the country, to form among the personnel a conscious readiness to defend the Fatherland, loyalty to military duty, discipline, pride and responsibility for belonging to the Armed Forces, their branch of troops, formation , units, as well as improving the psychological, pedagogical and legal knowledge of military personnel.

Achieving the goals of outreach work involves consistently solving a number of educational tasks.

The main objectives of outreach work are:

a) in the field of personnel training:

Arming military personnel with knowledge about the history of the Fatherland, the traditions of its armed defense, current problems of state and military construction, legal norms and moral and psychological foundations of military-service relations;

Formation in military personnel of the ability and skills to analyze and evaluate events in military history, international life and Russian reality, the causes and nature of wars and armed conflicts, the ability to reasonably defend and defend the positions and interests of the Russian state and its Armed Forces;

Improving the psychological, pedagogical and legal knowledge, skills and abilities of commanders necessary in practical activities in leading military teams;

b) in the field of education of military personnel:

Formation among personnel of state-patriotic consciousness, a sense of love and loyalty to their Fatherland, its national, cultural and spiritual values ​​based on the best examples of the heroic history of Russia, the fighting traditions of its armed defenders;

Instilling in military personnel respect for the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation, a conscious attitude towards the performance of military duty, the requirements of the Military Oath and general military regulations, orders of commanders and superiors, personal responsibility for maintaining high combat readiness and strong military discipline, and fulfilling assigned tasks;

Developing among soldiers the desire to conscientiously master military specialties, perform high-quality military combat missions, improve professional skills, and develop moral and psychological readiness for decisive action in a combat situation;

Formation among commanders of a conscious need to improve knowledge, skills, and abilities to organize and conduct educational work with subordinates.

The condition for the successful solution of the entire set of set goals and objectives is their skillful implementation during each lesson, thoughtful planning and clear organization and functioning of all parts of the outreach work system. At the same time, it is important that the knowledge gained becomes the basis for each serviceman’s self-assessment of his position in life, understanding of the meaning of military service, his personal involvement and readiness to defend the Fatherland.

The main documents defining the organization and conduct of information and propaganda work in the Armed Forces are:

· Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2005. No. 170 “On the organization of information and propaganda work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” (see Appendix 1);

· standard training plans for information and propaganda work of personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the next academic year (see Appendix 2).

Based on the above documents, the unit (division) is developing:

1. order on the organization of outreach work for the period of study, which defines:

Objectives of outreach work for the period of study;

Composition of study groups, their leaders (deputy leaders) and assistants;

Time and location of outreach sessions;

Days and times of conducting instructional and methodological classes with managers of outreach work, as well as officials responsible for their conduct;

The procedure for allocating office time to managers to prepare for classes;

Officers, warrant officers (midshipmen) who are exempt from scheduled outreach activities.

The order is accompanied by calendar training plans for outreach work for all categories of military personnel and civilian personnel of the regiment.

2. Plans for conducting monthly instructional and methodological classes with managers of outreach work.

3. Schedule of demonstration classes for the leaders of the regiment’s outreach work.

4. Schedule of participation of management personnel in conducting outreach classes (developed monthly).

5. Schedule for monitoring training sessions in regiment units (developed monthly).

6. Inspection sheets (reports) on the results of monitoring classes (see Appendix 3), reports to a higher military command authority, as well as orders from the commander on the status and measures to improve the outreach work of personnel, issued during the academic year ( period of study).

Each military unit must have available and develop in a timely manner:

1. Extract from the order of the unit commander on the organization of information and propaganda work for the period of training and training plans as it relates.

2. Class schedule.

3. Section of information and propaganda work in the combat training magazine.

4. Schedule of demonstration classes for heads of outreach work of the unit.

5. Plans (notes) for conducting classes with training group leaders on the topics being studied, approved by the immediate commander.

Thus, information and propaganda work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is one of the main subjects of training for personnel and the most important form of state-patriotic, military, moral, legal and ethical education.

Planning, training and information and methodological support for outreach work in the Armed Forces

Forces of the Russian Federation.

Planning of outreach work is carried out for the academic year (training period) in accordance with the instructions and curriculum developed by the Main Directorate of Educational Work of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Based on the curricula, taking into account the instructions of higher authorities of educational work, as well as the volume of training hours established for the year (training period), in military units (on ships), in higher educational institutions, organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, calendar curricula for outreach work are developed . Calendar training plans are approved by the relevant commanders (chiefs) and are included as a separate section in the plan for professional, official, commander (combat) training.

The allocated reserve of educational time is used during the academic year (training period) to study current legislation, materials on current issues of state and military development, problems of training and education of military personnel, maintaining law and order and military discipline.

The procedure and norms for using reserve training time in subordinate troops (forces) are established by the bodies of educational work of the branches and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military districts, formations and their peers.

Classes on outreach work with officers of formations, military units, divisions, military commissariats are planned and conducted at the rate of 6 training hours per month, including 3 hours on days of commander training. Groups of outreach work for officers, as a rule, should correspond to groups of professional and official training and commander training. Leaders of training groups for outreach work are exempt from scheduled classes.

Classes with warrant officers are held weekly for 2 hours in the morning on days established by order of the commander of the military unit. Groups of warrant officers are created on the scale of a military unit. Classes for soldiers, sergeants, and foremen serving under contract are held weekly for 2 hours in the morning on days established by order of the commander of the military unit.

Classes on outreach work with soldiers, sergeants, and petty officers undergoing conscription military service are held throughout the academic year twice a week for 2 hours in the morning.

In military units of the cadre, training groups for information and propaganda work of the corresponding categories of military personnel, consisting of several structural units and services, can be created. The number of listeners in the group should not exceed 25-30 people. It is prohibited to combine training groups of privates and sergeants, with the exception of conducting classes on the topic: “Days of Military Glory of Russia” on the scale of a military unit with the screening of thematic documentary and feature film material.

Groups of information and propaganda work of soldiers and cadets are created by platoons and units equal to them: sergeants (foremen) - by companies, battalions and equal units.

Classes on outreach work with female military personnel serving as soldiers, sergeants, and foremen are organized and conducted as part of training groups of regular units corresponding to their positions and military ranks. By decision of a higher educational body, female military personnel can be combined into a separate group.

With civilian personnel, classes are conducted for at least 1 hour per month according to the plans of commanders of military units, heads of enterprises, institutions and organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, using the method of informing and studying socio-political, economic and legal issues, taking into account the specifics of the tasks they perform.

During exercises, military campaigns, field trips, when performing tasks as part of peacekeeping forces, as well as when units are away from permanent deployment points, information and propaganda work is organized and carried out according to a separate plan for at least 1 hour a week.

When bringing troops (forces) to the highest levels of combat readiness and in a combat situation, officials and bodies of educational work in organizing information and propaganda work are guided by the requirements of documents regulating the activities of troops and naval forces for a special period.

The procedure for organizing and conducting classes on information and propaganda work in the military command and control bodies of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is established by order of the relevant Chief of the General Staff. In the military administration bodies of the armed forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military districts, main and central directorates of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, association, unit, military unit, university, the organization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is established by order (order) of the relevant commander, commander (chief) on academic year (study period).

In order to increase the efficiency and organizational and methodological level of information and propaganda work, the Main Directorate of Educational Work of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation considers it advisable to plan the mandatory participation of management personnel in its implementation and monitoring of classes in subordinate military units (units).

Educational and informational and methodological support for information and propaganda work is carried out by the departments (departments) of educational work of the branches and branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military districts (fleets), and associations. The departments of humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines of military educational institutions, as well as the military press, are involved in solving these problems.

Guiding documents require officials to monthly study issues of planning, organization and the state of information and propaganda work in subordinate troops (forces), the effectiveness of its influence on the solution of combat training and educational tasks and reflect them in summation materials, reviews, orders and directives.

Monitoring the mastery of completed topics on information and propaganda work is carried out during control classes following the results of the training period, as well as during inspections and checks of troops (forces). Test questions on information and propaganda work are developed by the educational bodies of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

When inspecting and checking troops (forces), the quantitative composition of those inspected, the assessment of individual knowledge on outreach work of military personnel, the assessment of outreach work on training groups and military units are determined in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Monitoring the implementation of curricula and software and methodological support for information and propaganda work of personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is assigned to the relevant structural units of educational work.

§ 2. Information, material and technical support for outreach work

Military experience shows the need to use the capabilities of officers' houses, clubs, and libraries of military units in order to increase the efficiency and quality of information and propaganda work.

Military cultural institutions play an important role in improving the methodological skills of group leaders and improving the quality of training students for classes. They have significant capabilities in providing information support for preparing and conducting various forms of training on outreach work with personnel. For example, they have a library collection, television centers, radio centers, cinema-video rooms, i.e., a material and technical base that is used in the practice of conducting classes in the system of outreach work.

Thus, the work of the military unit club in providing information support for the outreach work of personnel is carried out in the following main areas:

Timely request and receipt at the film database of a set of feature, newsreel, documentary and educational films and videos that correspond or are thematically similar to the content of the calendar curriculum of outreach work for the next academic year;

Demonstration of these films to personnel in accordance with the schedule for studying the most important topics of outreach work and organizing their collective discussion;

Organizing meetings between military personnel of the unit and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants in local wars and armed conflicts, military operations in Chechnya, Afghanistan, representatives of higher command and military justice;

Preparation and holding of themed evenings and matinees, amateur art concerts dedicated to memorable events and dates in the history of our Fatherland;

Organization of thematic exhibitions of educational, methodological and popular scientific literature in the libraries of clubs to help the leaders of groups of outreach work;

Visits by personnel to museums (rooms) of military glory, conducting excursions to memorable places, etc.

As part of cultural and leisure activities to increase the effectiveness of information and propaganda work, cultural institutions of military units actively use the capabilities of radio centers, as well as the radio and television centers available in a number of garrisons.

Conducting planned classes in groups of soldiers (sailors) and sergeants (foremen) on the most important topics of outreach work by demonstrating educational videos (video lectures) developed by the Main Directorate of Educational Work of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation;

Showing to personnel during the hours provided for in the daily routine for carrying out educational, cultural and leisure work, feature videos selected in accordance with the theme of outreach work;

Demonstration of the best domestic films of military-patriotic content on cable television or on a channel (frequency) officially designated and registered by the relevant government agency for the entire military garrison;

Broadcast (display) of a radio-television interview (speech) of representatives of local government bodies, command, consultation with a lawyer, doctor, unit psychologist, etc.;

Broadcast (display) of songs (video clips) of groups and performers popular in the army and navy;

Recording and broadcasting, at a time convenient for personnel to listen to, thematic radio programs, artistic readings of excerpts from literary works;

Radio review of new fiction, military history and legal literature that has arrived in the library and is close to the topic of information and propaganda work being studied.

Despite the importance of using club forms of work in ensuring outreach work, they play, although an essential, but auxiliary role. The main role in preparing group leaders and students for the next classes is played by the libraries of military units.

It is the libraries of officers' (soldiers') clubs with their book collections and reading rooms equipped with catalogs that are the main ally of the head of information and propaganda work in working with books, that real data bank from which he draws the necessary information.

The main forms of using libraries in training managers (students) are:

1. Clearly defining the basic information needs of leaders and students of groups in accordance with the calendar curriculum for the next academic year and compiling on this basis recommended lists of fiction, military memoirs and educational literature.

2. Identification of the main reading groups among managers and listeners of outreach work, analysis of individual demand for information in order to most fully and timely satisfy readers’ requests, rational acquisition of library book collections (reading rooms, methodological rooms, information and methodological centers, etc. .).

3. Development and maintenance of a thematic file “To help managers of outreach work” in accordance with the curriculum.

The card index should have a comprehensive structure and complement the existing catalog system in the library. At the same time, the structure of the card index should be provided with links to materials for detailed lesson plans in the outreach system.

4. Organization of extensive thematic book exhibitions on key topics of outreach work, operating throughout the entire period of study, as well as thematic exhibitions for each lesson on outreach work.

Permanent thematic exhibitions are prepared by library staff in accordance with the list of recommended literature for the academic year and present, in chronological order and in expanded form, materials on key issues of the curriculum, the main periods of national history, studied in the course of outreach work.

The main explanatory material for such an exhibition, in addition to the title corresponding to the theme, are plaques with historical dates, personalities of historical figures, and quotes.

The volume of the exhibition can range from 20 to 30 books and other publications.

Thematic exhibitions, organized for each topic of outreach work, are relatively small collections of literature (8-15 books and articles), intended for display both in the library reading room (methodological room, information and methodological center), and at Conducting outreach activities in the classroom. Therefore, such exhibitions are sometimes called traveling (portable). The selection of literature for them and their design, as a rule, are carried out by group leaders and their assistants with the active assistance of library staff.

5. Organization of thematic collections of legal and other reference literature and periodical materials for all planned classes on outreach work.

6. Organization of thematic and bibliographic reviews on sections of outreach work for various groups of personnel.

A thematic review, in addition, may include brief information about books selected thematically for anniversaries and memorable dates, socio-political events, and specific topics for outreach work.

A bibliographic review is carried out as new books are received in the library, the content of which is related to the information and propaganda work of personnel being studied.

There are various forms of literature reviews. These include:

Conversations at the Bookshelf;

Radio Reviews;

Book reviews in departments (study groups);

Reviews during oral journals and reading conferences;

Reviews in the form of collections of annotations and bibliographic reviews;

Reviews in the form of speeches by library workers during training sessions and instructor-methodological sessions with managers of outreach work;

Reviews held in the club before the start of the film, etc.

Basic requirements for the educational and material base for outreach work in the unit (training group).

In accordance with the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 2005 No. 170, the instructions of the head of the Main Directorate of Educational Work of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as the prevailing practice in the troops (forces), the following are required for the educational and material base of classes on outreach work with conscripted military personnel: requirements.

For each conscript soldier, have: two notebooks of 48 sheets (or one notebook of 96 sheets) for the academic year; handle; textbook “In the service of the Fatherland.”

For the study group, have: two maps (a political map of the world and a map of the Russian Federation); 2-3 visual aids for each topic; two pointers (for the group leader and the listener); chalkboard (if possible); a combat (commander) training log to record classes, attendance and progress of students (in groups of civilian personnel - an attendance log); a set of teaching aids on outreach work included in the library of the unit, and a selection of literature corresponding to the main sections of the curriculum.

The group leader must have: a notebook for lecture notes (story), plans for self-study, seminar (conversation); a notebook for independent work, in which notes are kept on instructive and methodological classes, training sessions, extracts from legislative and regulatory acts, periodicals, a selection of interesting statements, facts, examples on the main topics of the curriculum, etc.

Each company (battery) should have: a television; radio; files of newspapers and magazines; maps of Russia and the world (2 for the leisure room and each study group); a video recorder (if possible), a video library with educational videos (the troops have 4 editions of video cassettes on the subject of the manual “In the Service of the Fatherland”); sets of transparencies (if possible); a library with a selection of educational and fiction literature on the topics of the calendar plan (see Appendix 4). In agreement with the deputy commander of the unit for educational work, to conduct classes on a unit scale, group leaders can use the technical training tools available in the club, the Officers' House (video recorder, slide projector, multimedia device, etc.).

Summing up the results of the first chapter, we came to the following conclusions.

· Information and propaganda work is the most important form of educational work with all categories of personnel, the main content of which is the implementation of state policy in the troops (forces), the formation in military personnel of the qualities of a patriotic citizen, a military professional, and a reliable defender of the Fatherland.

· Information and propaganda work is designed to promote the processes and transformations taking place in the Armed Forces, to reveal issues of foreign and domestic policy of the state, to assess the most important events and phenomena of international life and Russian reality, to promote the achievements and traditions of the peoples of the Russian Federation, to ensure counteraction to destructive army and navy information influences.

· The main purpose of outreach work is to help personnel substantively and comprehensively understand the content of available information, understand and comprehend it, draw the right conclusions for themselves, their professional activities, and compare its results with the requirements.

· Information and propaganda work is a form of education that, responding and promptly responding to current, pressing problems, is focused on the future, on the final result.


The company is the center of combat training and military education. Participants in the Second All-Army Conference of Military Officers recalled this more than once in their speeches. It is in the company that groups of information and propaganda work are created. The leaders of these groups, as a rule, are servicemen from the company’s active team. The main efforts aimed at increasing the efficiency and quality of outreach activities should be concentrated specifically in the company, battery and equal units.

This chapter examines factors that influence the effectiveness and quality of outreach work, auxiliary forms and methods of conducting classes, opportunities and ways to optimize the activities of a military serviceman-group leader in order to increase the effectiveness of outreach work.

§ 1. Factors influencing the effectiveness and quality of classes conducted in the outreach system

The effectiveness of classes conducted in the outreach system is influenced by a significant number of factors of a very diverse nature.

First of all, we note that the process of training and education is a dialectical, two-way process. The results of the educational process largely depend on the nature of the interaction between the teacher and the student, the boss and the subordinate. Moreover, modern concepts of teaching and upbringing, modern pedagogical technologies proceed from the fact that the relationship between the educator and the student being educated is not “subject-object”, but “subject-subject” in nature. This means that the personnel of the outreach work group are not just a passive object of the efforts of the group leader, but a full and active participant in the educational process.

Therefore, it is advisable to consider, first of all, two groups of factors that largely determine the effectiveness and quality of outreach work:

the first group of factors is associated with the subjective characteristics of the leader of the outreach team;

the second group of factors is associated with the characteristics of personnel that affect the effectiveness of outreach activities.

What characteristics of a soldier in an outreach group have a significant impact on his activities?

Firstly, this is the ideological orientation of the military personnel of the outreach group. Worldview is usually understood as a system of the most general ideas about the world as a whole and man’s place in this world. The formulation of worldview problems given by the outstanding German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) is considered classic: “what can I know?”, “what should I do?”, “what can I hope for,” “what is man?” . Thinking about these kinds of questions, a person inevitably comes to a certain ideological position, which affects all aspects of his life and activity. The officer’s personal ideological guidelines set a certain vector of his activity as a soldier of the outreach group. The general attitude towards himself, his work, towards people, towards his country is fully projected into his classes on outreach work. It would be naive to believe that an officer who does not respect himself will respect his subordinates with whom he conducts training, that a person who is irresponsible in relation to his family and his homeland will be responsible in fulfilling the duties of a military member of the outreach work group.

Secondly, these are the value orientations of the military personnel involved in information and propaganda work. Any activity (and the activity of a military serviceman in outreach work is no exception) is always governed by certain values. Value is determined by the answer to the question: “why is this or that activity needed?” Value is for a person everything that has a certain significance, personal or social meaning for him. The world of values ​​is diverse and inexhaustible. The individual accepts or rejects this or that value system, modernizes, transforms, adapts it to the conditions of individual existence.

An individual’s value preferences paint his activities in certain colors, significantly transforming its quality and efficiency. So two servicemen of information and propaganda work, performing the same “work”, can exist in completely different dimensions, in different “worlds”. In terms of content, their activities are largely of the same type, and its “value dimension” is largely individualized. One of the officers can openly “serve his number,” while the other can put his whole soul into the education of his subordinates.

Thirdly, these are the goals that a soldier of the group sets for himself. The activities of a military serviceman in outreach work are largely determined by the goals that he sets for himself. Goal - answers the question “what should be obtained in the activity?”; a goal is an ideal image of a product (result of activity). It should be borne in mind that the goals of an individual’s activity are formed on the basis of his needs and interests. Need is a person’s need for objects necessary for his existence, acting as the basis of human activity, an incentive to perform certain actions. Once realized, the need turns into interest. Interest is the result of the subjectification of needs, the interest of the subject of activity in something. Therefore, the goals of outreach work, formulated in the governing documents, and the goals of the activities of a particular military personnel conducting outreach work may not coincide, or may overlap partially. In this case, one can hardly hope for high effectiveness of the classes.

Fourthly, this is the level of general and military-professional culture of the military personnel of the group. Here we can say that a serviceman in information and propaganda work must not only confidently know his military specialty, but also have scientific, technical, and humanitarian knowledge, understand literature and art, and be fluent in political information. He must be a comprehensively developed personality, interesting and attractive to others. A serviceman in information and propaganda work, who has a high level of general and professional culture, is able to conduct classes at a high ideological and theoretical level, interesting and instructive for trainees, and serve as a model for them in relation to military activity and life. And vice versa, an officer who does not possess the qualities we have identified is not able, as a rule, to go beyond a purely formal attitude to conducting classes on information and propaganda work. Naturally, the efficiency of its activities will be significantly lower.

Fifthly, this is the level of methodological culture of the serviceman in information and propaganda work. The methodological culture of a group’s military personnel should be understood as such a level of mastery of methodology as a theory that allows, with knowledge of the matter, in accordance with specific conditions, to select methods that ensure the achievement of set goals when organizing and conducting classes in outreach work and to use them effectively.

The high level of methodological culture of the group’s military personnel provides him with the ability to solve a number of problems:

· mastering already developed and tested methods of conducting classes;

· selection of methods of activity that are adequate to the set goal, value systems, objective and subjective conditions;

· designing new methods of activity that have no analogues in past experience, or combining old, previously used methods;

· assessing the effectiveness of the methods used and making appropriate adjustments to the methodology used.

Naturally, the quality of the officer’s solution to these problems may vary. It depends on whether his activity will be dominated by a template, schematism, or whether he will be capable of initiative and creativity in working with personnel. Let us recall that the activity of a military serviceman in information and propaganda work can be considered as a unity of search (creative) and standardized (stereotypical-mechanical) practice, with a clear predominance of the first.

Sixthly, this is the internal organization and self-discipline of a serviceman engaged in information and propaganda work, his ability to concentrate on solving the problems of training and educating personnel, and to clearly and fully carry out his functional duties.

Seventhly, these are the psychological states of the serviceman, the peculiarities of the functioning of his consciousness, which influence the direction, character, and effectiveness of his activities. The mastery of reflective thinking by a group soldier is of exceptional importance. The ability for deep self-analysis and adequate self-esteem is one of the professional qualities of an officer. Low self-esteem leads to a lack of confidence in one’s own strengths, an overestimation of difficulties, uncertainty and timidity when solving the problems of training and educating subordinates, and exaggerated attention to the formal side of the matter. Inflated self-esteem, on the contrary, leads to self-confidence, complacency, underestimation of difficulties and the adoption of voluntaristic, adventuristic decisions. Only balanced assessments of one’s own potential, a deep consideration of one’s own strengths and weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages (and disadvantages, as we know, are a direct continuation of our advantages) enable an officer to effectively perform his diverse and difficult duties, avoiding both dogmatism and voluntarism.

1) The size of the group. As noted earlier, the upper ceiling for the number of students in the outreach group has been set at 25-30 people. From a psychological point of view, the optimal composition of a training group should be 10-15 people. Therefore, those military personnel of groups whose numbers do not exceed this level are in the most advantageous position. It is this number of personnel that makes it possible to conduct classes most effectively, implementing the principle of an individual approach.

2) General educational and cultural level of the group’s students. This circumstance largely predetermines the choice of the serviceman-leader of the outreach group of pedagogical technologies and methods of conducting classes, which should ensure the implementation of the principle of training personnel at an accessible level of difficulty.

3) Social and psychological climate in the military collective. The quality and effectiveness of conducting classes on information and propaganda work is associated with such socio-psychological phenomena as the level of cohesion of military teams; positive dynamic processes occurring in them; healthy collective moods; public opinion, military traditions.

4) Level of organization and collective discipline. This circumstance largely influences the nature of students’ perception of information emanating from the military personnel leader of the outreach work group and the socio-psychological atmosphere in the classroom.

5) National composition and level of religiosity of the group’s listeners. To ensure the effectiveness of his teaching and educational efforts, the military leader of the group must fully take into account the fact that military groups are multinational and multi-confessional. He is required to have a differentiated approach to the education of various categories of military personnel.

Finally, we should dwell on some conditions related to the life of military collectives, the level of leadership and management of units and units that have an indirect impact on the effectiveness of information and propaganda work:

· assessment of the place and role of information and propaganda work in the process of training personnel by commanders and superiors at various levels;

· organizing assistance from the military personnel leader of the outreach work group and creating favorable conditions for their activities;

· the nature of control over the preparation and conduct of classes on outreach work;

· the level of social security and everyday life of the military personnel - leader of the outreach work group and some others.

Consideration of the factors we have identified that influence the effectiveness and quality of classes conducted in the system of information and propaganda work allows us to identify two main areas of work for commanders, deputy commanders for educational work, educational work bodies: the first direction is related to the training of the group leader, and the second - with providing the most favorable conditions for its activities.

Possibilities and ways to optimize the activities of a serviceman in information and propaganda work in a company.

Analysis of the requirements of governing documents on the organization and conduct of outreach work, as well as generalization of the practical experience of commanders, chiefs, their deputies for educational work, educational work bodies allows us to identify the main directions (ways) for increasing the effectiveness of outreach work in the unit.

In our opinion, these areas include:

1. Selection and placement of a military personnel leader of the outreach work group in accordance with the organizational and staffing structure of the unit. When selecting and appointing group leaders, it is advisable to be guided by the principle: the boss trains and educates his subordinates. In a company, as a rule, full-time platoon commanders are appointed as heads of information and propaganda work. Classes in the sergeant group are usually conducted by the company commander. Today, units often have a shortage of platoon commanders. In such a situation, one of the most trained battalion or regiment management officers is appointed by the decision of the relevant commanders and superiors to conduct training in information and propaganda work.

2. Increasing the theoretical and methodological level of the military personnel leader of the outreach work group. The command of the unit should strive to ensure the fullest possible participation of the company's outreach leaders in organized forms of training, such as two-day training camps and monthly 2-3-hour instructional classes held in the regiment, division, and garrison. The practice of briefing group leaders on educational work by the deputy company commander is widespread.

3. Organization of independent work of the military personnel leader of the outreach work group. The company commander and his deputy for educational work are obliged to ensure the exact implementation of the order of the unit commander on the organization of information and propaganda work for the period of training in that part where the procedure for providing a service member with service time (at least 4 hours per week) to prepare for classes is determined. The days and time allocated for this purpose should be used with maximum efficiency.

Self-training of a group soldier is based on the specific topic and form of the upcoming lesson. It includes: preparation for an educational lecture (story), preparation for independent work in a study group and preparation for a seminar.

For independent work of information and propaganda work, military personnel must be equipped with appropriate training places. The Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation does not provide for the mandatory presence in the company of premises for training officers for class classes, however, in the locations of many companies such premises have been created, which creates additional convenience for group leaders. In addition, for independent work of military personnel in groups, a room for preparation for classes, meetings and rest for officers, which is supposed to be available in each battalion, can be used. Experience shows that independent work of leaders organized in the company office is extremely unproductive, since there are many distracting factors at work here.

4. Clear and thoughtful planning of outreach activities in the department.

Based on an extract from the order of the unit commander on the organization of information and propaganda work for the training period and calendar curriculum plans for classes on information and propaganda work with all categories of unit personnel, the corresponding classes are included in the company’s training schedule for the week. The company lesson schedule indicates: day, time, place, topic, type of lesson and leader of the lesson on social and state training.

5. Creation and improvement of educational and material base for high-quality training in outreach work. One of the areas for increasing the effectiveness of information and propaganda work is the concern of the company command about improving the training and material base of the unit and its full use when conducting classes on information and propaganda work.

6. Organization of control over the training of military personnel of groups and the quality of their training in information and propaganda work. Control over the preparation of group leaders for conducting classes in the unit is, as a rule, carried out by the company commander and deputy company commander for educational work. At the same time, the following are checked: a) the theoretical preparation of the leader for conducting a specific lesson (the level of his knowledge on the topic of the lesson); b) the group leader’s knowledge of the methodology for conducting a specific lesson (his ability to transfer his knowledge to his subordinates); c) material support for the lesson; d) the availability and quality of a lesson plan on the topic being studied.

An effective means of influencing the quality of the performance of information and propaganda work by managers of their duties is the control by the company commander and his deputy for educational work of conducting classes on information and propaganda work by company officers.

7. Increasing the authority of military personnel in information and propaganda work. The authority of the head of information and propaganda work is determined by his intellectual potential, military-professional training, methodological skill, conscientious attitude to the performance of military duty, high demands on subordinates, combined with respect for their dignity, and care for them. All the efforts of the company command aimed at the comprehensive and harmonious development of the officer’s personality “work” to increase his authority as a leader of information and propaganda work. The experience of advanced units suggests that we should not forget to reward officers for their conscientious attitude to the performance of their official duties. Noting the successes of the unit in combat training, it is advisable to emphasize the merits of the deputy company commander for educational work and the leaders of information and propaganda work, who provide the “spiritual component” of combat training.

8. The fullest use of the capabilities of clubs and libraries of military units, the garrison House of Officers, and the media in the interests of increasing the efficiency and quality of the activities of military personnel in information and propaganda work in the company. The capabilities of military cultural institutions allow them to provide significant assistance to leaders of information and propaganda work. The company command (primarily the deputy company commander for educational work) must organize active interaction between the leaders of the company’s outreach work and military cultural institutions, and direct company officers to the fullest use of the material base and resources of libraries, existing methodological classrooms and information and methodological centers.

9. Formation of personal responsibility of military personnel involved in information and propaganda work for the theoretical and methodological level of the classes conducted. The military leader of the group is one of the central figures in the entire system of training and education of personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The company commander and his deputy for educational work must ensure that each group leader understands his personal responsibility for the formation of high intellectual, moral and volitional qualities in the personnel during information and propaganda work.

§ 2. The place and role of the deputy company commander for educational work in the process of selection, preparation, training of military personnel in information and propaganda work and in the daily management of their activities

In accordance with the requirements of the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the main responsibility for all aspects of the life of the military collective, for the state of combat training, training and education of personnel rests with the commander-sole commander.

The deputy company commander for educational work reports to the company commander and is the direct superior of all personnel. He is responsible for education, military discipline, moral and psychological state and outreach work of personnel.

Thus, educational work with company personnel is the area of ​​direct responsibility of the deputy company commander for educational work. The Charter of the Internal Service assigns numerous responsibilities to him, we will indicate only a few of them:

· participate in the preparation of the lesson schedule, plan and conduct educational work with the personnel of the unit, taking into account the national and psychological characteristics, level of education and attitude to religion of each serviceman; to form among military personnel loyalty to the Fatherland, military duty and the Military Oath, high combat and moral-psychological qualities;

· know each serviceman of the company, their individual characteristics, business and moral-psychological qualities, carry out individual work with them; take measures to unite the military team;

· inform personnel about events in the world and in the Russian Federation, about the life and combat training activities of the unit; organize and personally conduct classes with military personnel according to plans for outreach work.

An analysis of the job responsibilities of the deputy company commander for educational work, methodological recommendations of the Main Directorate of Educational Work of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and military experience allows us to draw a conclusion about the leading role of the deputy company commander for educational work in organizing information and propaganda work with company personnel. The state of information and propaganda work in the unit largely depends on his knowledge, will, and conscientiousness. Figuratively speaking, the deputy company commander for educational work is the main company “specialist” in conducting classes in the outreach system, the person closest to the group leader who can provide him with effective professional assistance in terms of preparing and conducting classes.

In order to reveal the role of the deputy company commander for educational work in the process of training and educating leaders of information and propaganda work, in the work to improve the efficiency and quality of their activities, it is necessary to highlight the main directions of his (i.e., the deputy company commander for educational work) activities in this area :

1) The deputy company commander for educational work may personally conduct classes in one of the outreach groups. Depending on the specific situation developing in the company, the deputy company commander for educational work can conduct classes either in a sergeant group or in one of the groups of enlisted personnel. It is most advisable to delegate the conduct of training in a group of sergeants to the company commander. In this case, the deputy company commander for educational work conducts classes in one of the groups of enlisted personnel (as a rule, in the platoon that requires the greatest attention), and the commander of this platoon becomes a listener to the information and propaganda work of the officers. But in any case, the deputy company commander for educational work must set an example for other company officers by conscientiously fulfilling the duties of the head of information and propaganda work.

2) The deputy company commander for educational work personally takes part in the selection and placement of military personnel for information and propaganda work in his unit. Sometimes in units there are facts when individual military personnel do not cope with the responsibilities of the head of information and propaganda work, do not live up to the expectations placed on them, and do not set an example for their subordinates. In this case, having exhausted all possibilities of influencing such a serviceman, the deputy company commander for educational work must raise with his superiors the question of his removal from conducting classes on outreach work and replacing him with another leader (with all the ensuing disciplinary consequences).

3) The deputy company commander for educational work personally takes part in planning classes on outreach work, drawing up a schedule of company classes for the week, and takes care of the correct maintenance of all documentation on outreach work. Clear planning of classes and exemplary documentation help improve the quality of activities of the company's outreach leaders. The deputy company commander for educational work teaches group leaders and requires them to extremely clearly work out the entire set of documentation on outreach work carried out in the group.

4) The deputy company commander for educational work sets tasks for the leaders of information and propaganda work, conducts briefings with them, and communicates the requirements of the governing documents. He provides day-to-day guidance to outreach leaders. And on the most difficult topics, the deputy company commander for educational work provides direct assistance to leaders in preparing for the upcoming lesson.

5) The deputy company commander for educational work personally monitors the quality of training of subordinate officers for conducting classes in outreach work and monitors the conduct of classes. While present at the classes, the deputy company commander for educational work points out the shortcomings identified during the class and suggests the most effective ways to eliminate them. He must know the strengths and weaknesses of his outreach leaders and, guided by the principle of an individual approach, take measures to provide them with effective assistance.

6) The deputy company commander for educational work constantly informs the company commander about the state of the information and propaganda work of the company personnel and, together with him, organizes a summing up of the activities of the group leaders. At the same time, he must ensure the objectivity of the assessment of the activities of each company officer as the head of information and propaganda work. One should not skimp on kind words addressed to conscientious leaders of outreach work and their encouragement. At the same time, one should not hesitate to criticize officers for their omissions in conducting outreach classes.

7) The deputy company commander for educational work summarizes and disseminates best practices in conducting classes on outreach work. The deputy company commander for educational work is responsible for the quality of information and propaganda work with company personnel. Throughout the academic year, he is obliged not only to provide methodological assistance to the leaders of outreach work, but also to study and disseminate best practices in organizing and conducting classes. The deputy company commander for educational work must also analyze academic performance, summarize best practices, and, after carefully studying the methodological skills of the leaders of information and propaganda work and excellent soldiers, disseminate this experience among all personnel of the unit. This can be facilitated by the use of the following forms of work:

· meetings of company officers;

· mutual visits to classes;

· conducting demonstration classes;

· honoring the best leaders of outreach work based on the results of the academic year (training period);

· special issues of wall newspapers, etc.

8) The deputy company commander for educational work assists military personnel who lead information and propaganda work in organizing work with assistant managers. Experience shows the advisability of conducting training with this category of propaganda asset on a company scale, holding special events aimed at increasing their authority among the unit’s personnel. The deputy commander for educational work teaches platoon commanders who perform the duties of heads of information and propaganda work to correctly and effectively work with their assistants.

9) The deputy company commander for educational work, together with the leaders of outreach work, organizes a celebration of military personnel who show excellent results in outreach classes. To do this, you should use a wide variety of forms and means of educational work (wall printing, issuing combat leaflets and lightning leaflets, designing special stands in the information and leisure room, evenings honoring excellent soldiers, incentives, etc.).

10). The deputy company commander for educational work ensures the participation of military personnel in the information and propaganda work of the unit in events held with them on a company scale. This allows managers to increase their theoretical level, master new forms and methods of conducting classes, and exchange experiences with other managers of outreach work.

11) The deputy company commander for educational work takes measures to create and improve the educational and material base for conducting classes on outreach work. The presence in the department of a modern educational and material base for conducting classes on outreach work greatly facilitates the work of managers in the process of preparing and conducting classes, and ensures increased efficiency and effectiveness of outreach work classes.

From everything we have stated in this paragraph, it follows that it is in the unit that the skill of the head of information and propaganda work is ultimately formed, and a very significant role in the process of improving his theoretical and methodological training belongs to the deputy company commander for educational work.

Research in the troops, the study of guidance documents on outreach work, analysis of the opinions and proposals of the command of units and formations, heads of outreach work and students have shown that the effectiveness of outreach work will increase if:

Close interaction and cooperation (not an administrative-command management style) will be established between the subjects of management of information and propaganda work and the command of formations and units, educational structures on the provision of material, financial, methodological assistance, improving the theoretical and methodological training of leaders, generalization and dissemination of best practices ;

Greater independence will be given to unit commanders, educational units, leaders in planning, organizing and conducting classes on outreach work, based on the availability of personnel, their workload, and the nature of the tasks they perform;

Specific responsibilities of commanders of formations and units, officers of departments and departments of educational work in organizing and conducting outreach work with personnel will be developed and clarified;

Information and methodological centers in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation will work and fulfill their duties;

When developing standard curricula for the new academic year, take into account the ratio between theoretical and practical classes tested in the troops as 1/3, the optimal ratio in the plans between ideological problems and problems caused by the needs and interests of personnel and military practice, didactic blocks;

Create consultation centers in formations and units for leaders and students of outreach work;

Create, if possible (subject to the availability of personnel and educational and material resources), a system of additional education in formations and units (lectures, sections, clubs on the history and culture of Russia, military law, pedagogy and psychology);

In order to improve the methodological skills of officers and cadets in military academies and schools, introduce the course “Organization and methods of conducting outreach work with personnel of formations and units”;

Prepare and publish a training manual for the troops to help managers of information and propaganda work.

The pedagogical conditions for effective management of the outreach process are:

A clear and clear statement of tasks for high-quality preparation and conduct of classes on outreach work, taking into account the capabilities and individual qualities of the subjects of outreach work;

Allowing subordinates the opportunity to exercise initiative and creativity in determining how to effectively accomplish tasks assigned by the commander;

The constant desire of senior commanders and superiors for lively direct communication with subordinates in their service and educational activities;

The strong will and perseverance of commanders and officers of educational structures in implementing the decisions made, overcoming obstacles that have arisen in improving the quality of the process of outreach work of military personnel;

Prompt response to changes in the situation in the unit and subunits, readiness and ability to adjust the educational process;

High personal responsibility of commanders and units of educational work for the decisions made and the results of fulfilling the tasks assigned to them.

At present, in this controversial period for the country and the Armed Forces, the independence of the commander, his leadership of the process of information and propaganda work, acquires a special value. Difficulties of an economic nature, difficulties with financial support for units, understaffing, an increase in the number of military personnel with negative deviations in units - all this leaves an imprint on the leadership activities of commanders and officers of educational structures.

Managing the process of outreach work in a military unit achieves its goal if:

Parts of the task of managing this process have been correctly understood by the command, heads of departments and services;

The organization, content and methodology of conducting classes on outreach work were objectively assessed;

The target setting is correctly defined and the intermediate and final results of the outreach work are outlined;

The most effective methods, means, and methods of pedagogical influence for certain categories of students of information and propaganda work are predicted, selected and used;

The independent training of leaders, the organization and conduct of classes on public information and propaganda work with various categories of military personnel is systematically monitored;

The unit command constantly provides assistance to the heads of outreach work in organizing and conducting classes;

The military unit has an effective system of stimulating the work of group leaders and students of outreach work;

Specific assignment of tasks to the subjects of information and propaganda work is carried out;

The results of the information and propaganda work of the unit's military personnel are systematically summed up;

The activities of the subjects of information and propaganda work are adjusted in a timely manner in the interests of improving the quality of training and conducting classes with personnel.

Thus, improving the management of the process of outreach work of military personnel of various categories is the most effective way to increase the effectiveness of this type of personnel training.

Improving the management of information and propaganda work would contribute to the creation in units of a normal pedagogical atmosphere, the necessary conditions for training group leaders and students of information and propaganda work, assisting them in overcoming emerging difficulties, reducing the influence of negative external and internal factors on the troops, introducing military practice and practical recommendations.

Military practice.

During the research, I developed a questionnaire to conduct an anonymous survey of military personnel, which was aimed at:

Identification of the quality level of classes conducted;

Monitoring the attendance of personnel at classes on outreach work and its implementation in general;

Finding out from the personnel of soldiers, sergeants and officers whether technical means, videos, slides are used in order to more fully assimilate the material, whether the conducted outreach classes arouse interest on the part of the personnel.

The study was carried out in a motorized rifle company of the 276th motorized rifle regiment. Almost the entire company personnel, including officers, took part in the survey.

As a result of the study, the following results were obtained:

· information and propaganda work is not at the proper level and does not correspond to its importance, as determined by governing documents - 74%. This is due to the fact that military personnel do not consider information and propaganda work an important and necessary subject for them; they often miss classes and are not present at them.

· there are cases of disruption of outreach activities - 64%.

· when conducting classes on outreach work, technical means of training and education and other visual aids are rarely used - 38%.

· methodological training of heads of outreach work is at a low level - 38%.

· the time required to prepare classes is not allocated - 89%.

· soldiers have a lack of initiative regarding information and propaganda work as a subject of combat training - 99%.

Thus, we can argue that information and propaganda work in the troops is not given enough attention, and, as a consequence, the level of training and the attitude towards them on the part of military personnel leaves much to be desired.

To summarize everything stated in the second chapter, we once again emphasize that the leader is the central figure of the entire system of information and propaganda work, determining the ideological orientation and quality of the classes conducted, influencing the formation of the warrior’s personality. But high-quality performance by the head of information and propaganda work of his duties is possible only under the condition of close attention to his activities, providing him with all possible assistance and support from the unit commander and his deputy for educational work.


The goal of the work was to analyze the effectiveness of information and propaganda work on the education of personnel as a subject of combat training in all types of combat training activities. During the course of the thesis, a number of studies were carried out, which were aimed at finding ways to increase the effectiveness of information and propaganda work in the unit (company). The following activities were carried out: a survey of personnel, assessment of the unit’s performance, analysis of the direct conduct of classes by commanders of various units, generalization of the experience of psychological and pedagogical practices.

Based on an analysis of the outreach activities, the following recommendations were developed:

· Leaders of outreach work should pay more attention to preparing classes and constantly improve their methodological skills;

· Provide assistance to representatives of educational authorities, as well as monitor the quality of classes;

· Avoid disruption of classes, ensure that they cover all personnel and ensure maximum presence of all categories of military personnel at classes;

· Pay more attention to the provision of technical means of training and education, their full use during classes;

· Take control of the planning and preparation for classes of managers of outreach work and personnel in accordance with the plans of the Main Directorate of Educational Work;

· During classes, ensure the coordination of theoretical and practical material;

· Classes should be structured taking into account the ability of the audience to perceive the material presented.

In the process of achieving this goal, the following tasks were solved:

Based on guidance documents and sources commenting on them, the goals and system of organizing information and propaganda work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation at the present stage were clarified;

The requirements for outreach leaders were reviewed; an attempt was made to create a psychological and pedagogical model of the personality of the head of outreach work; the system of selection and placement of heads of information and propaganda work that has developed in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is clarified;

Based on the idea that the selection and appointment of heads of outreach work is not the end, but only the beginning of a long and painstaking work with them, the system of education and training of heads of outreach work in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is considered;

Based on the study of official documents, specialized literature, military press materials and military internship experience, existing problems and shortcomings in organizing and conducting classes in the system of outreach work and in working with leaders were identified;

Objective and subjective factors that influence the activities of the heads of the unit’s outreach work, the effectiveness and quality of the classes they conduct, have been identified and discussed;

Based on an analysis of the objective and subjective working conditions of the head of outreach work, taking into account the requirements of governing documents, the possibilities and ways to optimize the activities of heads of outreach work in the company are considered.

The following are identified as ways to optimize outreach work:

1) selection and placement of heads of outreach work in accordance with the organizational and staffing structure of the unit;

2) increasing the theoretical and methodological level of managers of information and propaganda work;

3) organization of independent work of heads of information and propaganda work;

4) clear and thoughtful planning of classes for outreach work in the unit;

5) creation and improvement of educational and material base for high-quality training in outreach work;

6) organization of control of classes on outreach work;

8) the fullest use of the capabilities of clubs and libraries of the military unit, the garrison House of Officers, and the media in the interests of increasing the efficiency of public information and propaganda work in the unit;

9) formation of personal responsibility of leaders of information and propaganda work for the theoretical and methodological level of the classes conducted.

The place and role of the deputy company commander for educational work in the process of selecting, preparing, training leaders of outreach work and in the day-to-day management of their activities were also identified.

The main areas of activity of the deputy company commander for educational work in this area can be identified:

o conducting classes in one of the company’s outreach activities;

o personal participation in the selection and placement of heads of outreach work in their department;

o participation in planning classes on outreach work, drawing up a company training schedule for the week, taking care of the correct maintenance of all documentation on outreach work;

o setting tasks for managers of outreach work, conducting briefings with them, communicating the requirements of governing documents;

o monitoring the quality of training and conducting classes on outreach work by company officers;

o informing the company commander about the state of information and propaganda work of the company personnel, jointly with him summing up the results of the leaders’ activities;

o generalization and dissemination of best practices in conducting outreach classes;

o assisting group leaders in working with their assistants;

o jointly with the leaders, organize the honoring of military personnel who show excellent results in outreach classes;

o ensuring the participation of the heads of information and propaganda work of the unit in events held with them on the scale of the regiment, division, garrison;

o management of the creation and improvement of the company training and material base for conducting classes on outreach work.

1) it is necessary to ensure that deputy company commanders for educational work understand the fact that the effectiveness of the information and propaganda work of the unit’s personnel largely depends on their efforts;

2) it is necessary to ensure the personal exemplary character of the deputy company commander for educational work in conducting classes on outreach work.

To summarize, we can conclude that the goal of the work has been achieved and the assigned tasks have been solved.


1. Bogdanov K.V. At the service of man // Newsletter. - M.: Committee for Work with Personnel of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, 1992. - No. 2.

2. Borisenko A. Educate defenders of the Fatherland on the heroic traditions of the Russian people and the Armed Forces // At the combat post. - 2003. - No. 43-44.

3. Individual psychological characteristics of the personality of an officer-educator / G. Karavanov, V. Korshunova. – Lvov: Vishcha School, 1974.

4. The concept of education of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Appendix to Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 70 of March 11, 2004

5. Methodology for organizing and conducting public and state training in a regiment (on a ship). M.: Main Directorate for Internal Affairs of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, 2001.

6. Methodology for organizing and conducting public and state training in a regiment (on a ship) / Under the general. ed. A.N. Kalita - M.: Publishing house "Rus-RKB", 1998.

7. Methodology for organizing and conducting public and state training in a regiment (on a ship) / Under the general. ed. N.I. Reznik. − M.: Editorial and Publishing Center of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, 2002.

8. Methodology for organizing and conducting public and state training in a regiment (on a ship). Methodological manual for organizers of public and state training and leaders of training groups. - M., 1998.

9. General military regulations of the RF Armed Forces. - M.: Military Publishing House, 1994.

10. On the organization of education of personnel of the RF Armed Forces. Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 164 of September 26, 1992

11. On improving educational work in the RF Armed Forces. Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 79 of February 28, 2005

13. Pronin S. Professional qualities are the basis for the victoriousness of troops. // Reference point. - 2001. - No. 9.

14. Psychology in the army / R. Konechny, M. Bouhal. – Prague: Avicenum, 1974.

15. Piliponsky A.G., Primakov V.L. Socialization of personality and its characteristics in conditions of military service. - M.: VU, 1998.

16. Psychology and pedagogy of higher military school / Ed. ed. A.V. Barabanshchikova. - M.: Voenizdat, 1989.

17. Rykov S.L. Professional education of military women: theory and practice. - M.: VU, 2002.

18. Guidelines for organizing public and state training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Appendix to Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 170 of May 12, 2005

19. Soviet encyclopedic dictionary. - M.: Sov. encyclopedia, 1985.

Annex 1



On the organization of public and state training

in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

In order to organize public and state training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, ORDERS OF V A Y:

1. Approve the attached Guidelines for organizing public and state training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2. Deputy Ministers of Defense of the Russian Federation, heads of services of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, commanders of troops of military districts, fleets, branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, heads of main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, commanders of formations, commanders formations and military units, chiefs (leaders) of organizations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military commissars to ensure annually, before November 1, the planning and organization of public and state training in subordinate troops (forces) and military command bodies.

3. To the Head of the Personnel and Educational Work Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation:

a) organize:

software and methodological support for public and state training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation using the scientific and pedagogical potential of military educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

development annually before October 1 and sending to the troops (forces) and military command and control bodies of methodological recommendations on the organization of public and state training for the new academic year;

b) ensure, within the allocated limits of budgetary obligations, the production of the necessary educational and visual aids, audio and video materials on the curriculum of public and state training, regular publication of methodological materials to assist the leaders of groups of public and state training in the media of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

4. Recognize the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of 1993 No. 250 as invalid.

5. Control over the implementation of this order is entrusted to the head of the Personnel and Educational Work Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.



to the order of the Minister of Defense

Russian Federation

2005 No. 170


on the organization of public and state training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

1. Social and state training (hereinafter referred to as SGP) is one of the main subjects of training for personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the most important form of state-patriotic, military, moral, legal and aesthetic education.

2. OGP is carried out in all types of combat training activities of troops (forces).

During the OGP classes, the main attention is paid to the study by military personnel of issues of national history, traditions of the army and navy, problems of state and military development, military pedagogy and psychology, legislation of the Russian Federation, norms of international humanitarian law, practice of training and education of personnel.

3. The general management of the UCP is entrusted to the commanders (chiefs) of military units, and the planning of the UCP is assigned to the corresponding chiefs of staff of military units. The direct organization and control over the conduct of classes on general education is carried out by the educational bodies of the Armed Forces.

4. The UGP is carried out:

with soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen, warrant officers, midshipmen and officers - in the system of combat, command and professional training;

with cadets (students) of military educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of Defense - when studying the humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines provided for in the curricula and programs;

with civilian personnel - according to the plans of commanders (chiefs) of military units on socio-political, economic and legal issues using the information method.

UCP planning is carried out for the academic year.

5. OCP classes are conducted by commanders (chiefs) of military units, as well as officials of educational bodies of the Armed Forces in accordance with the curriculum:

with officers of central military authorities, military districts (fleets), associations, teaching staff of military educational institutions of higher professional education of the Ministry of Defense, military departments (faculties of military training) at educational institutions of higher professional education, research organizations of the Ministry of Defense - 16 hours per year, including 8 hours on days of professional training;

with officers of formations, military units (ships), subunits, military commissariats - 6 hours per month, including 3 hours on days of commander training;

with soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen serving under contract, as well as warrant officers and midshipmen - 2 hours a week in the morning;

with soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen doing military service by conscription - twice a week for 2 hours in the morning;

with a variable composition in schools for warrant officers (midshipmen), as well as in training military units that train specialists and junior commanders - 2 times a week for 2 hours in the morning;

with civilian personnel of military units - at least 1 hour per month.

During exercises, military campaigns, field trips, when performing tasks as part of peacekeeping forces, as well as when units are away from permanent deployment points, the UCP is organized and conducted according to a separate plan for at least 1 hour per week.

6. Monitoring of the mastery of completed topics in the GCP is carried out during control classes following the results of the training period, as well as during inspections and checks of troops (forces).

Test questions on the UGP are developed by the educational bodies of the Armed Forces.

7. When inspecting and checking troops (forces), the quantitative composition of those inspected, the assessment of individual knowledge according to the GCP of military personnel, the assessment of training groups and military units according to the GGP are determined in accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Defense.

8. To prepare for classes, UCP group leaders are provided with 4 hours of service time per week. In military units, two-hour instructional and methodological classes are held with the leaders of UCP groups, as necessary, but at least once a month, and in formations and military units, before the start of each training period, two-day training and methodological sessions are held under the guidance of deputy commanders for educational work. .

9. Participation of the leadership of associations, formations and military units in the conduct of classes on general education is carried out:

commanders of formations, formations and military units - at least two classes during the training period;

deputy commanders of formations, formations and military units - at least three classes during the training period;

heads of departments (departments), services of associations, formations and military units - at least four lessons during the training period with various categories of military personnel.

10. Basic requirements for the educational and material base of the UCP:

for a soldier undergoing military service upon conscription, have two notebooks of 48 sheets per academic year, a pen;

per training group have two maps (a political map of the world and a map of the Russian Federation), 2 - 3 visual aids for each topic, two pointers (for the group leader and the listener), a log of combat, commander (professional and official) training, a set of teaching aids on UGP recorded in the library of the military unit, and a selection of literature corresponding to the main sections of the curriculum;

The group leader should have one notebook each for lecture notes, plans for self-study, seminar (conversation) and independent work.

11. To conduct classes on general education on a unit scale, technical means of education available in the military unit are used.


Colonel General

Appendix 2


public and state training of soldiers (sailors)

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

studying topics

Lesson topics

Number of hours
Lecture, story Active forms
1 2 3 4 5


State policy in the field of ensuring military security of Russia and modernization of the Armed Forces

16 18
1. 1, 12

Russia in the system of military-political relations in the world. Tasks facing personnel in the winter (summer) training period of the 2005 academic year.

2+2 2+2
2. 2

Experience in the use of armed forces in the fight against terrorism.

2 2
3. 3

Constitutional foundations of the state structure of the Russian Federation.

2 4
4. 4

The President of the Russian Federation is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2 4
5. 13

Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

4 2
6. 14

Purpose and composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2 2


Patriotic education

12 12
7. 5

State symbols of the Russian Federation.

2 2
8. 7

Patriotism is the source of mass heroism of the people in the fight against fascism.

2 4
9. 21

Traditions and military rituals in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2 2
10. 9

Full Knights of St. George are faithful sons of the Fatherland.

2 2
11. 15

The history of the great victories of the Russian army.

4 2


To the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

8 6
12. 8

The combat path of a formation, military unit, ship, heroic exploits of fellow soldiers in battles for the Motherland

2 2
13. 10

Mass heroism of the defenders of the Motherland during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945

2 2
14. 11

The world-historical significance of the victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

4 2


Military pedagogy and psychology

4 4
15. 16

The statutory rules of relationships between military personnel are the most important condition for the cohesion and combat coherence of a military team.

4 4


Legal training

8 12
16. 6

Law and order. Criminal liability of military personnel for crimes against military service.

2 4
17. 17

The procedure, features and conditions for military service under contract by soldiers (sailors) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2 4
18. 18

The essence and legal basis of military discipline in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

2 2
19. 19

System of legal guarantees of social security for conscripted military personnel.

2 2


Training and education

4 4
20. 20

Spiritual and moral education of Russian soldiers.

2 2
21. 22

Moral culture and ethics of behavior of military personnel.

2 2

Control (final) classes for the training period

(academic year)




In just a year

Note: for training groups of soldiers (sailors) serving under a contract, this plan is adjusted by the decision of the unit (ship) commander, taking into account their previous training.

“Legal basis for military service under contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation”;

“High professionalism, responsibility, initiative are the distinctive features of contract military personnel”;

“Psychology of Interpersonal Communication. The role of contract military personnel in preventing conflicts in the military collective”;

“Material support and allowances for contract military personnel.”

Appendix 3

Checklist for conducting classes on outreach training

in the group______ military unit________

"__________" 200_g.

Team leader_________________

(rank, full name)

Location of the lesson___________

The name of the topic and its correspondence to the topic indicated in the class schedule

Form of the lesson ____________

1. There are ________ people at the lesson. (according to the list - persons)

2.Provision of teaching aids (what and in what quantity)

3. Availability of notes and writing materials for students

4. The group leader has an approved lesson plan

5.Are the objectives of the lesson correctly defined?

6.Logic and completeness of disclosure of the issues of the topic, their connection with the life and tasks of the unit (unit), the quality of conclusions and generalizations

7. Use of visual aids, chalkboards, geographic maps, and technical teaching aids in the classroom (which ones and how well)

8. Degree of student activity during the lesson (number and quality of presentations (at the seminar), level of attention, number of questions asked)

9.Quality of journal keeping by the group leader:

Accounting for classes (including additional classes for those who missed classes)

Recording of attendance and progress, regular assessment of students on completed topics_________________________________

10._________________________________ How many times and by what officials was it checked?
group from the beginning of the training period___________

11. Elimination of deficiencies noted during inspections

12. Comments and suggestions from the inspector to improve the quality and effectiveness of classes_____________________


Appendix 4

Class of public and state training (information and propaganda training)

(Regulations on educational material and technical base 2001)

Name of TSO and equipment quantity who carries out (organizes) the supply
1 Stands, posters: 1 set are being developed by the troops
main directions of educational work with various categories of military personnel and civilian personnel
methodological recommendations for conducting joint training of personnel of the RF Armed Forces
standard training plans for UCP personnel for the academic year
2. Technical means centralized
TV 1
epidiascope 1
video recorder 1
videotapes 15
PC with a set of programs: 1 set
- electronic versions of the training manual on OGP
- psychological tests
- information and reference legal system
3. Literature:
- training manuals on OGP 10 pieces.
- folders with documents according to the legal minimum 5 pieces.
- cards 2 pcs.
- files of newspapers and magazines 1 set equipped in the troops


Lieutenant Colonel V. SITCHIKHIN

"____" ____________ 2005.


Conducting public and state training

With warrant officers of military unit 33134

TOPIC: "The combat path of a formation, a military unit, the heroic exploits of fellow soldiers in battles for the Motherland".

METHOD: Story-conversation.

LOCATION: Leisure room 1 TB

TIME: 6 hours.

STUDY QUESTIONS: 1. Combat path of connection.

2. The combat path of the unit.

GOALS: 1. Tell the warrant officers about the combat path of the formation and unit.

2. To instill in the officers pride in belonging to their unit

G. Kyakhta

I am a Guards Tank Budapest Red Banner

Order of the Red Star Division named after E.A. SCHADENKO

In the summer of 1941, shortly after the start of the Great Patriotic War, at the call of the Communist Party and the Soviet government to organize a nationwide rebuff to the Nazi invaders who treacherously attacked the Soviet Union, in the Volgograd region on the Don, volunteer detachments of the people began to be created from among partisans and civil war veterans militia. Somewhat later, from these volunteer Cossack detachments, the combat volunteer Cossack Don Cavalry Division was formed, which at the end of 1941 was included in the regular Red Army and received the name 15 Don Cossack Cavalry Division consisting of three cavalry regiments.

In March 1942, by decision of the Supreme High Command, the cavalry division was included in the 17th Cossack Corps.

The division's soldiers took part in numerous battles with Nazi hordes in the Don expanses, fighting courageously and skillfully, not sparing their lives. The selfless courage of the division's personnel is evidenced by a diary entry made by an Italian officer killed in August 1941 in the battles near Kushchevka. This is what he wrote down: “The Cossacks stood in front of us. These are devils, not soldiers, and their horses are steel. You won’t get out alive.”

For successful actions near Kushchevka and in the Tuapse direction, by order of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of August 27, 1942, the 15th Cavalry Division received the name Guards and was renamed the 11th Guards Cossack Don Cavalry Division, and the 116th Cavalry Division, also part of the 17th Corps, was renamed the 12th Cavalry Division Guards Don Cossack Division. Subsequently, August 27, 1942 began to be celebrated as the day of the creation of our unit.

In November 1942, the 11th and 12th Cavalry Divisions were transferred to the disposal of the Transcaucasian Front. By order of the front commander dated November 22, 1942, the 5th Guards Don Cossack Cavalry Corps was formed in a short time from the 11,12,63rd Cavalry Division under the command of Major General SELIVANOV I.G., Commissioner PRIVALOV N.I. was appointed head of the political department.

Already on November 24, 1942, the corps received an order to march and, starting from the end of November 1942, fought heavy battles with large enemy forces.

In these battles, soldiers of the 11th Guards Cavalry Division (now military unit 13206), 12th Cavalry Division (now military unit 61421), and 37th Guards Cavalry Regiment (now military unit 33134) showed fearlessness and courage.

In January 1943, 5th Guards. The corps, together with the attached 5th Tank Brigade, began active offensive operations to liberate the North Caucasus, Don and Kuban from the enemy.

Crushing the enemy, January 28, 1943, units of the 11th Guards. Cavalry Division (now 13206), commanded by Major General GORSHKOV, entered into battle with the SS Viking Panzer Division. The enemy tried to prevent our troops from cutting off the escape route from the Krasnodar Territory to Rostov. In these battles, the gun commander, Sergeant Nikolai SAVCHENKO, especially distinguished himself, knocking out 5 enemy tanks; for this feat he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. On the morning of February 8, 1943, units of the 5th Guards. The cavalry corps moved to Azev and began to cross the ice to the right bank of the Don. The 11th Cavalry Division (now military unit 13206), including the 37th Cavalry Regiment (now military unit 33134) broke into the outskirts of the city of Rostov-on-Don. Subsequently, the corps received the task of reaching the western outskirts of Rostov and pursuing the retreating enemy. Parts of the corps crossed the river. Mius and entered into a fierce battle with a fiercely resisting enemy.

At the height of the fighting in this area, it became known that by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 22, 1943. On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the Soviet Armed Forces, the 37th Cavalry Regiment was awarded the Order of the Red Banner for successful military operations in the Aga-Batyr region. After fierce fighting in the Mius area, 5th Guards. The cavalry corps was sent for deformation.

Before the start of deformation, the corps fought almost 2,500 km, liberating Stavropol and the Don from the Nazi invaders. Already by this time, more than 300 soldiers of the corps were awarded orders and medals of the USSR for the courage and courage shown in battles with enemies. On May 1, 1943, the 11th and 12th cavalry divisions were awarded the Order of the Red Banner. After deformation, during which the personnel, in preparation for new battles, were intensively engaged in combat training, the corps received the task of fighting 200-250 km from the Matveev Kurgan area and reaching the Dnieper River. September 10, 1943 units of the 11th Guards. The cavalry divisions, after stubborn fighting, broke into the city of Velnovakha, destroying a lot of enemy manpower and equipment. For the successful capture of this city, 11th Guards. The cavalry division was given the name “Velnovakhskaya”.

September 14-15, 1943, units of the 12th Guards. Cavalry divisions occupied the city of Gulyai-Polye. In the battles during this period of the war, the divisions showed miracles of heroism. The corps fought its way to the enemy’s Dnieper fortifications; during the 14 days of the offensive, 6,316 enemy officers and soldiers were destroyed, and a lot of military equipment was captured.

From September 25 to October 22, 1943, the corps was in reserve in the Orekhovo-Zaporozhye region. From here the order was received to operate behind enemy lines in the direction of Konovka - Aleshki - Golaya Pristan.

The corps successfully completed the task set by the command. His units suddenly appeared where the enemy least expected them and dealt him a crushing blow.

On the 3rd night of New Year 1944, after a 20-day march, the corps concentrated in the Znamenka area, becoming part of the 2nd Ukrainian Front. It was necessary to take part in the Korsun-Shevchenko operation. As you know, this operation ended in the defeat of the Nazi troops located in the area. For successful military operations in this operation, the 11th Guards. The cavalry division was awarded the Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, II degree, and the 12th was given the name “Korsun”. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR 5th Guards. The corps was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

In this operation, corps units destroyed 16,280 enemy soldiers and officers. During the fighting, the corps met for the second time with the SS Viking Panzer Division.

From the end of April until August 1944, our formation was allocated to deformation and readiness for new battles. In June 1944, Major General GORSHKOV was appointed commander of the corps.

At the end of August 1944, the corps as part of the troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front participated in the Yaso-Kishinev operation together with the 23rd tank corps, forming a cavalry-mechanized group. Under the blows of this group, the Romanian troops were demoralized and entire regiments and divisions began to surrender. The cities of Roman and Oneshki were occupied. After this, our cavalry entered the Carpathian gorge, overcoming the Carpathian ridge and the Transylvanian Alps with fierce battles, the corps entered a strategic space, and the enemy’s defenses were broken.

On October 3, 1944, after a long and difficult march through mountain passes, our cavalrymen reached the Hungarian border and captured the large city of Debrecen. Parts of the body, incl. The 37th Cavalry Regiment was given the name "Debrentsen".

After capturing the Hungarian city of Miskolc, the corps, already part of the 2nd Ukrainian Front, crossed the Danube and concentrated south of the river. Balagen, participated in the Balagon operation and captured the city of Budapest.

For active participation in the battles for Budapest, the corps was given the honorary name “Budapest”.

At the end of March 1945, after a long and difficult march, on the direct orders of the General Staff, the corps made a glorious raid into the rear of the encirclement of the enemy group. Having completed this operation. The corps continues its attack on the Austrian Alps, where in the area of ​​Fischbach it celebrated the Day of Victory over Nazi Germany.

5th Guards The corps traveled more than 9,000 km along the roads of war; in battles with the enemies of our homeland, the soldiers of the illustrious formation exterminated 59 thousand enemy soldiers and officers and captured 23,852 Nazis. During the war, the corps destroyed 878 tanks, self-propelled guns and armored personnel carriers, 127 armored vehicles, 947 guns, 97 aircraft, 1,362 machine guns, 4,572 vehicles and many other enemy military equipment. A lot of military traffic was captured. For skillful actions, the corps received 8 commendations from the high command, was awarded the Order of the Red Banner, and was given the honorary name “Budapest”. Many regiments of the corps were given the names Korsun, Debrecen, Volnovakha. For exemplary performance of command assignments and the courage and heroism displayed during this, 31,977 soldiers, sergeants and officers were awarded orders and medals. 11 fearless warriors were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Here are the names of these heroes:

1st Guards Sergeant IRININ Alexander Ivanovich, forever enlisted in the lists of the 1st troop military unit 33134.

2. Guards Sergeant KUZNETSOV Petr Grigorievich, forever enlisted in the lists of the 1st Motorized Rifle Division, military unit 61421.

3. Guards captain OGANYANTS Grant Arakelevich, forever included in the lists of 1st troop military unit 13206.

4. Guards Art. Lieutenant BELY Spiridon Efimovich.

5. Guards ml. Lieutenant Korotkov Ivan Nikolaevich.

6. Guards captain NEDORUBOV Konstantin Iosifovich.

7. Guards Sergeant OGUTSOV Vasily Vasilievich.

8. Guards Sergeant RYZHAKOV Vasily Emelyanovich.

9. Guards Sergeant Major ROGOV Mikhail Safenovich.

10. Guards Sergeant SAVCHENKO Nikolai Ilyich.

11. Guards Lieutenant Sapunov Nikolai Illarionovich.

Today, the guardsmen are celebrating the glorious anniversary with high performance in combat training - the 50th anniversary of the Great Victory of the Soviet people over the Nazi invaders in the Great Patriotic War, continuing to observe the combat traditions of the front-line guardsmen.

The combat path of any military unit begins from the moment of its formation.

According to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, there is a provision on the historical record of a military unit, formation and military educational institution of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The historical record is a document that reflects the organizational development and combat activities of a military unit, formation and military educational institution, the most important events that occurred in the life of the military unit and its combat and state-legal training.

Historical form conducted in peacetime

During wartime, when a military unit departs for the front, the historical record is handed over for temporary storage to the headquarters of the regional command of a separate army at the place of deployment, and instead of the historical record in the military unit a combat log is kept, extracts from which, when the unit transitions to peacetime, are entered into the historical record. Military units that are not part of the active army continue to maintain historical records in wartime.

The historical record is maintained:

Each separate military unit (from a separate battalion and above), which is supposed to have Unit Banner:

Each military educational institution;

Each military unit;

The historical record is kept in military units from the moment of their formation according to the established form in one copy.

The historical form is a secret or top secret document; responsibility for maintaining the form rests with the chief of staff of the unit, the formation, and the head of the military educational institution.

Entries in the historical form are made on a typewriter, on a computer or by hand in ink in good and legible handwriting, without blots or erasures. Abbreviations of words and names are not permitted.

All sections in the historical form must be signed by the commander and chief of staff of the unit and sealed with an official mastic seal.

As one or another section is filled out, additional sheets are sewn into it, which are taken into account in the inventory of the number of sheets in the historical form. The note on the number of additional enclosed sheets is certified by the chief of staff of the unit.

The unit commander or chief of staff, when handing over the affairs of a position, is obliged to hand over the historical form, indicating this in the act of handing over the affairs and position.

When a unit is disbanded and its personnel are recruited to staff newly formed units, the historical form is submitted to the Archives of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The unit commander reports upon command about the submission of the historical record to the Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan or its transfer to another unit.

The basis for recording in the historical record is official documents (orders, directives, inspection reports, combat log, etc.).

Events to be entered into the historical record are recorded immediately after they occur.

Every soldier is required to know the history of his unit and strives to preserve and enhance its best military traditions.

Generals and officers get acquainted with the history of the unit, its military formation, personal study of the historical record of the unit, and the rest of the personnel get acquainted with the most important events, its combat path, the unit commander and unit commander at special meetings.

Events to be entered into the historical record should be recorded in the following order:

In Section I (History of organized construction and development parts) The following information regarding the formation and reorganization of the unit is entered in chronological order, indicating the dates, orders and instructions for issuing the receipt:

a) On the basis of what directive (order) was the part formed:

b) When, where and by whom the unit was formed;

c) Which units (units) or personnel were the main formation;

d) In what states the unit was formed;

e) Transfer to new states (date and number of new states);

f) Reformulation, renaming of the translation to other parts;

g) Disbandment, merger with another unit, to which the personnel, equipment, orders and Banner were transferred;

h) Other data related to the questions in this section that are of characteristic importance for the history of the unit.

Section II (Participation in campaigns, battles, operations) contains information about the most important combat actions of the unit and their results (trophies, losses, etc.) in the following sequence:

a) in what composition, where, when, under whose command and on the basis of what orders and instructions the unit carried out combat missions. Results of completing the assigned task and conclusions on the operation (if the assigned task was unsuccessful, indicate the reason);

b) What important points, bridgeheads were occupied, what water barriers were crossed, etc.;

c) what damage was caused to the enemy during combat missions (killed, wounded, captured, trophies, etc.);

d) what losses the unit suffered in manpower and equipment;

e) when, where and in what composition the unit returned from the front and as part of which formation (this section is accompanied by diagrams of the most typical combat operations, maneuvers, the combat route covered by the part and other data).

f) outstanding peacetime events, characterizing the courage, courage and heroism of personnel, as well as the fulfillment of special tasks of the Government and command.

In section III (combat, state and legal training and the state of military discipline in the unit) The following information is entered (indicating dates, orders, regulations, acts and other documents) characterizing the state of combat training and military discipline in terms of:

A) on a visit to the unit in the order of inspection by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Chairman of the Committee of Chiefs of Staff - the First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the head of the Department of Control and Development of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the commanders of regional commands and armies, an assessment of the condition of the unit, as well as comments and instructions made them as a result of the visit;

B) on inspection reviews and checks by the command, commissions appointed by the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Chairman of the Committee of Chiefs of Staff - the First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, commanders-in-chief of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, commanders and chiefs of military branches, commanders of troops of regional departments based on the results of inspections;

C) the final assessment of the combat state-legal training and military discipline of the unit for the year, for the summer and winter periods of training;

D) about excellent units, the number of excellent combat students in state and legal training.

Excellent and equal units are entered in the historical records of units, and excellent battalions and equal units are entered in the historical records of units and formations;

D) on the participation of the unit in exercises and maneuvers (in the Air Force during flights).

In section IV (Educational and socio-legal work) The following data on educational work and its conditions are entered (indicating dates, orders, instructions, acts and other documents):

a) the moral state of the unit;

b) the state of discipline, state and legal preparation for the conclusion of the inspection;

c) the most important decisions of general meetings of officers, unit personnel, rallies;

d) successes of personnel in amateur performances and mass physical training, marked by orders of the commander of the regional command, the army, as well as other senior commanders;

f) election of persons by military personnel of the unit to the composition of deputies of Parliament, the Mazhilis and other government bodies with a brief autobiographical certificate for each;

g) participation in events of national importance and the fight against natural disasters.

In section V (Awards and honors part) information is entered on awards (banner, orders, orders, certificates) announced by orders of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the commanders-in-chief of the branch of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the commander of the regional command of gratitude, receiving an honorary name and transforming the unit into a guards unit, for performing combat operations, for outstanding merits in combat state-legal training (with a brief description of feats, successes and indication of dates, orders and other documents).

Section VI (Awards of unit personnel) are entered:

A) according to a separate list, Hero of the Soviet Union (a brief description of the exploits of those awarded is given);

B) the number of military personnel awarded orders, medals, honorary and registered weapons and diplomas of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as foreign orders and medals for the entire period of the unit’s existence;

C) the number of awardees in the unit on the day of compilation in the form. Note: awards for long service are not included in the section.

Section VII (Unit Command) the following are entered: position held, rank, surname, first name and patronymic, awards (orders, medals, etc.), indicating the date, title of the document, for which he was awarded when assigning the next rank, date and number of the order on the appointment and transfer of the unit commander, chief headquarters, deputy unit commander.

Section VIII (Banners, annual holidays and anniversaries, inclusion in the unit lists forever or as honorary soldiers, visits to the unit) are entered:

A) date of delivery of the banner and certificate, number of the delivery order;

B) when and by what order, in honor of what event, an annual holiday or anniversary was established;

C) rank, surname, first name and patronymic, position held, year and place of birth of the person enlisted in the lists, unit forever or as an honorary soldier, a brief description of his feat and how this feat contributed to the fulfillment of the combat mission of the unit (a photo of the person enlisted in the unit lists is pasted in this column forever and honorary soldier);

d) date of visit to the unit by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Prime Minister, the Minister of Defense of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, his deputies, other commanders, the commander of a branch of the Armed Forces, generals of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Section IX (Change in location and subordination of a unit) information about changes in the deployment and subordination of the unit, the date and number of the order (Directive) and the place of deployment are entered.

Second study question: The location and combat route of the unit, the daily routine established in the unit and time for political and educational work.

The daily routine established in the unit. In Article 244-249 (Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations of the Republic of Kazakhstan), the daily routine and working time regulations are determined.

The distribution of time in a military unit during the day, and according to some provisions during the week, is carried out by the daily routine and regulations of service time.

Schedule The military unit determines in time the implementation of the main activities of the daily activities of study and life of personnel, units and headquarters of the military unit.

Working time regulations officers and military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, in addition to the daily routine, establishes the timing and duration of these military personnel performing the main activities arising from the duties of military service.

The daily routine and regulations of service time are established by order of the commander of a military unit or a higher headquarters, taking into account the type of armed forces and type of troops, the tasks facing the military unit, time, year and local climatic conditions.

They are developed for the period of training and can be specified by the commander of a military unit or higher headquarters during combat duty (combat service), daily duty service, guard duty, and other activities, taking into account the specifics of their implementation.

The daily routine for the period of live firing, field trips, maneuver exercises, and ship voyages is drawn up in relation to the combat situation.

The daily routine of a military unit is in the documentation of the daily work order, and the regulations for the working time of officers and military personnel serving under contract are at the headquarters, military unit and in the office of the units.

(Article 245 of the Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan), reads as follows:

The daily routine of conscripts must provide time for getting up, doing morning physical exercises, morning and evening toilets, morning examination, training sessions and preparation for them, changing special (work) clothing, cleaning shoes and washing hands before reception. food, care for weapons and military equipment, educational, cultural, leisure and sports work, information, training of personnel, listening to the radio and watching television programs, receiving patients at the medical center for the personal needs of military personnel (at least two hours), evening walks, checking and eight hours for sleep.

The intervals between meals should not exceed seven hours. After lunch, there should be no classes or work for at least thirty minutes.

Meetings, sessions, as well as performances, films and other social events should end before the evening walk.

Article 246 of the Charter of the Internal Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan states the following:

The regulation of service time for officers and military personnel serving under a contract must provide for the time of their arrival at and departure from service, break time for meals (lunch), independent training (at least 4 hours a week), daily training and conducting classes and time for physical training (total duration of at least 3 hours per week).

When determining duty time regulations, the need for military personnel to perform official duties in accordance with the daily routine, as well as measures aimed at maintaining the military unit (units) in constant combat readiness, is taken into account.

The regulation of service time during combat duty and daily duty service is determined by military regulations and relevant instructions.

Round-the-clock duty (in military units and subunits) of officers and military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, not included in the daily duty, as well as the appointment of various responsible persons to the established unit can be introduced only in exceptional cases for a limited time, the deputy of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan and commanders of the armed forces.

Article 247. The Charter of the Internal Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan states the following:

Officers and military personnel performing military service under a contract during the period determined by the regulations of service time perform their military service duties (official duties).

Every case of military personnel not reporting to duty by commanders (superiors) is considered as a failure to fulfill their official duties.

In case of absence from duty of officers, military personnel undergoing military service under a contract, including for being late when moving to a new duty station, when returning from vacation, business trip and treatment, as well as in cases of unauthorized departure (abandonment) of units, it is carried out by decision of the commander military unit official investigation.

If it is established that military personnel are absent from service without good reason, they are held accountable in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and this Charter. By order of the commander of the military unit, they are not paid any monetary allowance for the actual days of absence from service.

Article 248. The Charter of the Internal Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan states the following:

Every week in the military unit there is park and maintenance day for the purpose of servicing weapons, military and other equipment and ammunition, to equipping and improving parks and educational facilities, putting military camps in order and carrying out other work. On the same day, general cleaning of all premises is usually carried out, as well as washing of personnel in the bathhouse.

Parking, maintenance and park days are carried out according to plans developed by the headquarters of the military unit together with the deputy commander of the unit for armament and logistics and approved by the commander of the military unit.

Extracts from the plans are communicated to the departments. In addition, in order to maintain weapons and military equipment in constant combat readiness, park days are held in military units with the involvement of all personnel.

To manage the work on park maintenance days, primarily for the maintenance of military equipment and ammunition, the required number of officers is assigned in order of priority. They are given a day of rest during the week.

Art. 249. The Charter of the Internal Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan states the following:

Weekends and holidays are days of rest for all personnel, except those on combat duty (combat service) and daily duty duty. On these days, as well as in free time from classes, cultural and leisure activities, sports and other events are carried out with personnel.


In Russia, until the beginning of the 19th century, there were no special armed formations to maintain order and ensure the safety of the population, provide assistance to people in case of natural disasters and perform other law enforcement tasks.

In the 16th-17th centuries, some of these functions were performed mainly by units of the Streltsy army. Under Ivan the Terrible, formations of so-called “tenants” were created to guard Moscow. It was an army consisting of serving nobles, numbering about three thousand people. Subsequently, units of “tenants” were located in Kyiv, Belgorod, Kursk and some other cities.

Under Peter I, internal security in the state was ensured mainly by formations of soldiers incapable of field service. They were called “garrisons”, later – “garrison” and (or) “internal battalions” and were a reserve of field troops.

In the early years of the 19th century, the tasks of protecting and maintaining order in cities were performed by the police, garrison battalions, as well as provincial regular companies and teams of soldiers unfit for combat service, who were subordinate to the local administration.

Parties of prisoners were transported to Siberia under the protection of armed teams of Bashkirs (Bashkirs), Meshcheryaks (a people who lived in the neighborhood of the Bashkirs) and a regiment of Cossacks specially allocated for this purpose. In some cases, army units were also involved in escorting large groups of prisoners.

The development of internal troops can be divided into three historical periods:

1. Internal and convoy guards of the Russian Empire (1811-1917), which lasted more than a hundred years, from the creation of internal guard troops, their reorganization into local troops and convoy guards until the October Revolution of 1917.

2. The Soviet stage of the development of internal troops (1917-1991) - the formation of troops of the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD-MGB-MVD of the USSR, their formation, development and service and combat activities.

3. Internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (from 1991 to the present).

Study question.

Internal and escort guards of the Russian Empire (1811-1917)

I talk about the main stages of the formation and development of the internal troops in the initial period of their history. Students listen carefully to the material presented, making notes in their notebooks.

Radical changes in ensuring internal order and convoy service in Russia took place during the reign of Emperor Alexander I. On March 27, 1811, he issued a Decree on the replenishment of garrison troops from the regular companies transferred back in January of the same year “from civilian to military command.” battalions, which became known as “provincial battalions” and were soon united into a single structure - the internal guard of Russia. March 27 became the Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which was established in 1996 by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

2-3 battalions of the internal guard made up a brigade, and 2-4 brigades were part of the district of the internal guard. Initially, the territory of the European part of Russia was divided into eight districts. Each of them had a serial number and geographically covered several provinces. Subsequently, the number of districts reached 12. The internal guard was part of the Russian Military Department.

On July 3, 1811, Alexander approved the Regulations for the Internal Guard, which defined its purpose and tasks. They were: the fight against robbers, robbers and other criminals; detention of escaped criminals and deserters; combating the transportation of smuggled and prohibited goods; ensuring order and security during the holding, as we say now, of mass events - fairs, folk festivals, church holidays; providing assistance to the population during natural disasters - floods, fires and others, escorting prisoners, prisoners, recruits, state treasury (large sums of money) and other law enforcement tasks.

The first commander of the internal guards was General E.F. Komarovsky, a professional military man, participant in the Italian and Swiss campaigns (1799) of the Russian army under the command of A.V. Suvorov, then assistant to the St. Petersburg military governor. An experienced and talented administrator and military leader, E.F. Komarovsky led the internal guard for more than 17 years.

In 1812, the Russian Empire was intensively preparing to repel the invasion of Napoleonic army. In accordance with the published rules, the reception of recruits was entrusted to the commanders of the provincial battalions of the internal guard. Recruitment depots are formed at the battalions, which recruit recruits, their initial military training and preparation for army service.

The main core of gathering militia formations were the provincial garrison battalions. Even before the outbreak of hostilities, officers and lower ranks of the provincial battalions of the internal guard formed and led two divisions from among the recruits.

The internal guard battalions were not intended to conduct direct combat operations with enemy forces. But during the invasion of Napoleonic troops into Russia, the battalions and teams of the internal guard located in the western provinces were forced to enter into combat contact with the enemy. The Grodno provincial garrison battalion was one of the first to receive the enemy attack. In a shootout with the French on a bridge over the Neman River, a soldier of this unit became the first heroically fallen soldier of the Russian army.

As the enemy troops were expelled, garrison battalions of the internal guard moved after the attackers. Their task was to organize garrison service, restore and maintain order.

During and after the war, many veterans who were expelled from the active army due to injury or illness ended up serving in the internal guard battalions. Most soldiers and officers could be proud of their military past.

The inspector of the internal guard, Adjutant General Count Komarovsky, successfully completed the mission entrusted to him during the war, and to a large extent he himself and the troops subordinate to him contributed to the achievement of victory. When the Cathedral of Christ the Savior was built in Moscow in honor of the victory over Napoleon, the names of many generals and officers of the internal guard who distinguished themselves in battles and battles were immortalized on the slabs of its walls.

Since 1816, the internal guard began to be called the Separate Corps of Internal Guard (OCVS). Its structure and tasks were supplemented and changed over time. Thus, in 1817, the St. Petersburg and Moscow gendarme divisions and gendarme teams in provincial and large port cities were established as part of the internal guard. They remained part of the OKVS until 1836, when they were transferred to the gendarme corps.

By royal decree of July 25, 1829, 5 linear battalions and 3 mobile companies were formed to protect the mining factories of the Urals and Nerchinsk, where gold and silver were mined, and the St. Petersburg Mint. They were maintained at the expense of the Ministry of Finance. We can say that these were the first units to protect important industrial facilities and escort special cargo.

Radical transformations of the internal guard took place in the 60s of the 19th century during the military reform carried out in Russia. Then a district troop control system was introduced in the Russian army. The entire territory of the country was divided into military districts. In August 1864, the headquarters of the Separate Corps and the internal guard district were abolished, and the brigades and battalions were reorganized into the corresponding units of local troops, which included convoy teams. Local troops were part of the corresponding military district. The district commander had an assistant to control local troops.

In structure, local troops differed little from the internal guard: a local brigade was stationed in each province, which included battalions and district teams that carried out the tasks of escorting prisoners and assisting the police in maintaining public order.

The next stage of reform of the internal security forces took place in 1886, when the convoy teams were consolidated into convoy guards. The order of the Military Department of May 16, 1886 ordered the formation of 567 teams for convoy service on the basis of the existing stage, convoy and local teams.

The escort guard was entrusted with:

Escort of prisoners of all categories transferred in stages along the highways of European Russia (with the exception of Finland and the Caucasus) and along the main exile Siberian highway;

Accompanying prisoners of the civil department to external work and to judicial institutions;

Assistance to prison administration in carrying out surprise searches and suppressing riots in places of detention;

Carrying out external security of prisons where this is deemed necessary.

The new convoy guard teams were named after their places of deployment (Moscow convoy team, etc.). These units were staffed on a general army basis. At the same time, preference was given to quick-witted, agile, physically strong recruits.

In November 1824, St. Petersburg suffered severe flooding. It is described by A. S. Pushkin in the poem “The Bronze Horseman”. Together with other forces, internal guard units led by Commander General E.F. entered the fight against the raging elements. Komarovsky. They rescued drowning people, cleared rubble, and restored dams and bridges. The distribution of hot food and warm clothing to the affected population was organized, and medical assistance was provided. Energetic actions, clear management of General E.F. Komarovsky, the courage and dedication of soldiers and officers were highly appreciated by the emperor.

Along with floods, fires were a real disaster for wooden Russia. Every year hundreds of villages burned to the ground. The city also suffered seriously from the fire element.

This happened in 1845 in the small town of Yaransk in the former Perm province. One of the houses caught fire. The fire threatened to spread to neighboring buildings, and then the whole city would burn. The first to arrive at the fire were the guards of the local team, led by Lieutenant Zanegin. The officer, being in close proximity to the fire, skillfully directed the actions of his subordinates with his clear orders, instilling in them confidence and courage. Yaransk was saved. The commander of the 4th Internal Guard District informed all parts of the district about the dedication of Lieutenant Zanegin and his subordinates.

The guard of the Astrakhan battalion, Private Egor Nagibin, also distinguished himself during the fire. In July 1858, he served at his post at the Church of the Kazan Mother of God. During the service, a fire broke out in the church. The sentry, preventing panic among people fleeing the fire, ensured the maintenance of order and the protection of church valuables. Tsar Alexander II became aware of E. Nagibin’s courageous behavior, and he awarded the soldier 50 silver rubles, a considerable sum at that time.

The service of the personnel of the convoy teams was difficult, requiring great exertion of physical and moral strength, and constant readiness for action. In June 1859, a convoy accompanied a party of prisoners. While crossing the bridge over the Berezina River, one of the criminals threw himself into the river. The guard, Private Khariton Fedoseev, was not taken aback, he boldly jumped after the fugitive, detained him, pulled him out of the water and placed him in the column of prisoners. The brave and determined soldier was encouraged by the commander of the internal guard corps.

On the night of August 9-10, 1910, the steamship Tsarevna, traveling with prisoners up the Volga, collided with a tugboat and began to sink. The convoy of the Astrakhan convoy team under the command of Captain Aivazov, acting in an organized and selfless manner, saved everyone on the ship, for which they used two fishing boats. A report about this incident and the brave actions of the convoy reached Tsar Nicholas II, who wrote on it with his own hand: “Thank you everyone for the selfless performance of duty.”

During the First World War, personnel from the convoy teams were sent to replenish units of the active army. This is how Vasily Vodyanoy, corporal of the Kharkov convoy team, ended up at the front. A quick-witted and desperately brave soldier became a regimental intelligence officer and more than once successfully carried out reconnaissance missions. But one day he was ambushed and captured. During interrogation, the Germans subjected him to severe torture (they cut off his ears), but the warrior, faithful to his oath, did not say a word. Resourceful and brave, he managed to escape from custody and returned to his regiment. The officers of the escort units, amazed by the courage of V. Vodyanoy, collected money for the icon and presented it to him in memory of his happy release from captivity.

Recognition of the services of the internal and convoy guards to the people and the Fatherland was the celebration on March 27, 1911 of the 100th anniversary of the local troops and convoy guards. The Highest Order was issued for the Military Department, in which Emperor Nicholas II declared “the highest favor” to all officer and class ranks, and “royal thanks” to the lower ranks.

In honor of the anniversary, a badge was established to be awarded to: officers - made of silver; the lower ranks are made of white metal.

The division into officer and lower ranks that existed in the Russian army, local troops, and convoy guards, which caused discontent among soldiers and was condemned by progressive officers, was abolished after the fall of tsarism and the February Revolution of 1917 in Russia.

After the February Revolution, local troops and escort guards voluntarily went into the service of the new government. On March 12, 1917, the chief inspector for the transfer of prisoners, Lieutenant General N.I. Lukyanov, together with the officers of his office, swore “allegiance to the service of the Motherland and the Provisional Government,” of which he notified his subordinates in order No. 1. It also expressed condemnation of the prevailing order in the troops under tsarism.

“The previous serf system in the troops,” the order said, “caused quite fundamental discontent among the soldiers, and often also among the officers... I do not allow the thought of the possibility of continued service in the convoy guard of persons committed to the old order, disastrous for the state.”

Glorious is the more than century-long military path of the internal and convoy guards of Russia. The contribution of these structures to ensuring the internal security of the country is highly appreciated by the population, public organizations and official authorities. The exploits of soldiers and officers are numerous. Over the years, glorious military traditions have been formed - loyalty to the oath and military duty, courage and courage, courage and courage, high vigilance and incorruptibility, persistent overcoming the difficulties of service, military camaraderie and mutual assistance.

They were not only received with honor, but also multiplied by their military labor and exploits in the fight against enemies by the military personnel of the internal troops, who are the direct heirs and continuers of the military glory of the internal and convoy guards of Russia.

Study question.

Soviet stage of development of internal troops (1917 - 1991)

In 1917 the old army was disbanded. The convoy guard did not undergo significant changes, continuing to perform its functions in a reformed form under Soviet rule.

The October Revolution broke the old state institutions of power, but it soon became clear that it was impossible to manage the country without law enforcement agencies. Already the first days of the existence of Soviet power showed: to establish a new system, not only the army, navy, and government bodies are needed, but also special forces to prevent and combat counter-revolutionary actions within the country, to establish and maintain revolutionary order locally, to protect important institutions, enterprises, railways, escorting and protecting counter-revolutionary elements, criminals and solving other problems.

The process of creating internal troops took all of 1918 and part of 1919. These troops were heterogeneous; their core was the armed formations of the Cheka.

On May 28, 1919, a resolution of the Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense "On Auxiliary Troops" was adopted. Now these formations began to be called “troops of the internal security of the Republic (VOHR).” This event was a milestone in the construction of the internal troops of the Soviet state.

On September 1, 1920, on the basis of the internal security forces of the Republic and other formations, the internal service troops of the Republic (VNUS) were created. On January 19, 1921, the VNUS troops were transferred to the military department. The exception was the units serving the emergency commissions, as well as the railway and water police, which in all respects were subordinate to the Cheka, and later to the GPU - OGPU. Along with solving special tasks, troops were often involved in combat operations at the front.

The successes of the country's industrialization and the growing importance of railway transport in the economy and defense of the USSR led to the formation in the late 20s and early 30s of the OGPU troops of such a component as troops to protect important industrial facilities and railway structures.

By the end of the 30s, there was a need to reorganize the command and control of the NKVD troops, which was due to the constant increase in the volume of tasks they performed and the diversity and difficulty of controlling the troops.

On the eve of the German attack, all the largest bridges on the border, railway structures and important industrial enterprises in the front line were guarded by garrisons of NKVD troops. For them, as well as for the border guards, the war began on the morning of June 22.

Already at the beginning of the war, many units of the NKVD troops received baptism of fire, directly entering into battle with the enemy. Along with this, the internal troops were faced with the task of ensuring order in the front-line zone, protecting the rear of the country, as well as carrying out other special tasks of the government. It was necessary to put up a reliable barrier against enemy reconnaissance, saboteurs and spies.

A characteristic feature of the combat use of NKVD troops in the initial period of the war was that they, as a rule, entered into battle in the places of their deployment, where the war found them.

Near Leningrad, Moscow, Stalingrad, the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command specifically sent NKVD troops to those places where it was necessary to detain the enemy at any cost.

The feat of the garrison of the Brest Fortress will never fade. Among its defenders were soldiers and commanders of the 132nd separate battalion of the NKVD troops.

In the military plans of Nazi Germany, one of the main strategic objectives was the capture of Leningrad. On the distant and near approaches to the city, divisions of the NKVD troops and cadets of the New Peterhof Military-Political School fought as part of the active army. Units of the 1st Division of the NKVD troops staunchly defended the approaches to Leningrad from the southeast. They not only successfully repelled enemy attacks, but, in cooperation with units of the Red Army, managed to capture a small bridgehead on the left bank of the Neva, the so-called “Nevsky Piglet,” which played an important role in the subsequent actions of our troops. The southern approaches to Leningrad were reliably covered by the 21st Division of Internal Troops. In the area it defended, the Nazis were unable to advance towards the city. The 23rd division for the protection of railway structures made a significant contribution to the defense of the city on the Neva. Units of the division fought with the fascists on the distant approaches to Leningrad, and then at the walls of the city. Units of the 23rd Division ensured the transportation of people and cargo along a route laid on the ice of Lake Ladoga and called the “Road of Life.” They carried out ground defense of bases, warehouses, escort and protection of cargo along the Kirov Railway. Convoys formed by the NKVD troops took part in the evacuation of people from the besieged city and the delivery of goods to Leningrad.

Units of seven divisions, three brigades, and three armored trains of the internal troops took part in the defense of Moscow. These include OMSDON, 2nd OMSDON, 3rd division for the protection of railways, 11th and 12th divisions for the protection of especially important industrial enterprises, 14th convoy division, OMSBON, 42nd and 69th brigades internal troops.

The military parade on Red Square on November 7, 1941 played an important role in the active mobilization of the soldiers of the Red Army and the entire people for the defense of Moscow. Along with the troops going to the front, units of the internal troops also marched in parade formation.

In the summer and autumn of 1941, formations and units of internal troops participated in the defense of Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkov, Rostov, and other important industrial and administrative centers. A glorious page in the military chronicle of the internal troops was their participation in the defense of Voronezh in the summer of 1942.

For 56 days, together with army units, soldiers of the 10th Infantry Division, the 91st Regiment for the Protection of Railways, the 178th Regiment for the Protection of Particularly Important Industrial Enterprises, the 249th Convoy Regiment and the 73rd Regiment, which became famous in the battles near Moscow, heroically fought for Stalingrad. th separate armored train.

The 10th Rifle Division was formed in February 1942 in Stalingrad from the Siberian units of the NKVD and the conscript contingent of the Stalingrad region; about 3 thousand residents of the city became part of it. The division was the main fighting force in the city. At the end of August 1942, units of the division took up defensive positions on the near approaches to Stalingrad and, through active selfless actions, prevented the enemy from breaking through into the city before the troops of the 62nd Army arrived. The division, withdrawn from combat at the beginning of October 1942, consisted of no more than 200 people. For the exemplary performance of combat missions of the command on the front of the fight against the German invaders and the valor and courage displayed at the same time, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of December 2, 1942, the 10th Infantry Division of the NKVD troops was awarded the Order of Lenin.

Simultaneously with the Battle of Stalingrad, the battle for the Caucasus unfolded, to which the NKVD troops made a significant contribution. They took part in hostilities at the front, carried out combat service, and fought against enemy reconnaissance and sabotage groups. As the situation in the Caucasus became more complicated, the number of internal troops increased. The 1st separate rifle division, Ordzhonikidze, Grozny and Makhachkala divisions of internal troops were formed. In addition, the 11th and 19th Rifle Divisions, the Sukhumi Division, the Ordzhonikidze Military School of the NKVD named after S.M. fought there. Kirov. All of them became the main force in special defensive areas created to protect large industrial and administrative centers in the operational depths of the Northern Group of Forces of the Transcaucasian Front. In battles with the enemy, soldiers of the internal troops showed massive heroism. On November 9 and 21, 1942, junior sergeant P.P. Barbashev and junior lieutenant P.K. At a critical moment in the battle, Guzhvin covered the embrasures of enemy bunkers with their bodies. They were posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In many days of fierce battles on Malaya Zemlya, and then during the storming of Novorossiysk in September 1943, the soldiers of the 290th Infantry Regiment of the Internal Troops glorified their Battle Banner. 665 soldiers and commanders of the regiment were awarded orders and medals, and the regiment commander, Lieutenant Colonel I.V. Piskarev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. The regiment's combat prowess was recognized by giving it the honorary name “Novorossiysk”, and in 1968 it was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

The unfolding nationwide armed struggle against the aggressor in the territory occupied by him resulted in a powerful partisan movement . Among the people's avengers there were many military personnel of the internal troops, whose units and units were surrounded in the first weeks and months of the war.

The command of the NKVD troops often allocated personnel for operations behind enemy lines. In July - August 1941, two partisan detachments were formed from volunteer soldiers of the border and internal troops, operational employees of the NKVD in Kyiv, and several detachments from volunteer NKVD troops were also created on the Leningrad Front. During August - September 1941, 1000 soldiers were sent to these detachments, and in 1942 another 300 security officers.

The Separate Special Purpose Motorized Rifle Brigade of the NKVD of the USSR became the training center for the training of special reconnaissance and sabotage detachments for operations behind enemy lines. Formed in October 1941, it was staffed by employees of the NKVD, soldiers and commanders of border and internal troops, and volunteer athletes. The most experienced security officers, participants in the Civil War, the best personnel commanders and political workers, people who could be completely relied upon in the most difficult conditions of partisan warfare and underground work behind enemy lines were sent to it. For heroism and courage shown in battles with the Nazi invaders, more than 5 thousand Omsbonovites were awarded orders and medals, 25 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The replenishment of the active army with units of the NKVD troops began already at the end of June 1941, when the NKVD troops began forming 15 rifle divisions on the territory of the Moscow Military District. In each of them, the NKVD troops allocated 500 command and control personnel and 1,000 junior commanders and privates. The rest of the composition came from stock. In total, out of fifteen divisions, thirteen received honorary titles, ten of them were awarded orders. By August 1, 1942, 75 thousand military personnel were sent to the front. In October 1942, the formation of the Separate Army of the NKVD began. On February 5, 1943, the army, called the 70th, left for the Central Front and took part in the famous Battle of Kursk. In total, since the beginning of the war, the NKVD has formed 29 divisions for the active army or transferred from its composition to the People's Commissariat of Defense.

Being a permanent reserve of the Red Army in the fight against fascist invaders, the internal troops carried out daily tasks throughout the war, as in the pre-war years. But during the war, the volume of these tasks increased. In addition, the troops carried out wartime tasks. At the final stage of the war, troops fought against the nationalist underground and its armed formations. This combat activity continued in the first post-war years.

By the end of 1944, a number of border units involved in protecting the rear of the active army began to fulfill their immediate tasks - serving to protect the State Border.

In total, by the end of the war, 57 regiments of NKVD troops, numbering 85 thousand people, took part in protecting the rear, not counting units aimed at combating banditry in Western Ukraine, Western Belarus and the Baltic states.

An important task of the internal troops was to provide radio countermeasures to the enemy. To accomplish this task, in November 1942, field directorates of the special service and the Osnaz radio station transferred from the Main Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff of the Red Army were included in the internal troops. From them, separate special divisions, central and separate radio stations of the NKVD were formed with the tasks of air reconnaissance, radio interception of encrypted correspondence and its preliminary processing from enemy radio networks and radio points. In December 1942, on the basis of a decree of the State Defense Committee, interfering radio divisions were formed within the internal troops to interfere with enemy radio stations on the battlefield.

On January 30, 1943, by decree of the State Defense Committee, the construction, restoration, maintenance and protection of all trunk lines used for government high-frequency communications between the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command and the headquarters of the fronts and armies were entrusted to the NKVD of the USSR. The People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs entrusted this task to the internal troops.

Internal troops were also involved in certain special missions. For example, they accompanied and guarded state reserves of precious metals and other valuables exported from Moscow. In November - December 1943, the 131st Infantry Regiment of the Internal Troops provided security at the Tehran Conference of the Leaders of the Allied Powers I.V. Stalin, F.D. Roosevelt and W. Churchill. There, one of the regiment’s units participated in the liquidation of groups of German saboteurs. In February 1945, two regiments of internal troops took part in protecting the delegations of the allied states of the anti-Hitler coalition at the Yalta Conference.

One of the important tasks of the internal troops during the war was garrison service in cities and regions liberated from the Nazi invaders. Retreating under the onslaught of the Red Army, the Nazis left groups of terrorists on Soviet territory, planted agents to collect intelligence data, spread provocative rumors, and carry out acts of sabotage and terrorism. The State Defense Committee, by its resolution of January 4, 1942, entrusted the internal troops with carrying out all tasks related to the organization and performance of garrison service in the liberated areas.

To carry out these tasks, it was planned to allocate 98 thousand military personnel from operational, convoy troops, units for the protection of railway and industrial facilities, as well as 2,150 border guards.

The units and subunits intended for this purpose moved behind the battle formations of the Red Army and entered the cities immediately after their liberation, and often themselves actively participated in the hostilities. Garrisons were usually deployed as a company or battalion, depending on the size of the city.

During the war, all particularly important industrial enterprises, and primarily defense ones, were guarded by units of the NKVD troops. By the end of 1944, there were 487 factories and other facilities under their protection. By decree of the State Defense Committee, the troops were also entrusted with the protection of station and linear railway structures, cargo, cash registers, and escort of wagons with the most important cargo. In 1944 - 1945, in the western regions of Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltic states, the railway troops were also entrusted with the fight against banditry and sabotage on railway transport and in areas adjacent to steel highways.

During the Great Patriotic War, units of the convoy troops continued to serve in escorting prisoners and guarding prisons. In addition, they were entrusted with the tasks of escorting prisoners of war, protecting them in camps and at work sites.

The first significant groups of prisoners of war were taken under the protection of convoy units after the defeat of Nazi troops near Moscow and the Red Army carried out offensive operations in the winter of 1941-1942.

During the successful actions of the Soviet troops, tens and hundreds of thousands of fascist soldiers began to be captured. As a result of the defeat of German troops at Stalingrad, 91 thousand people were captured, including over 2,500 officers and 24 generals led by Field Marshal Paulus.

On July 17, 1944, a huge column of prisoners of war was marched through the streets of Moscow - 57,600 German soldiers and officers led by 19 generals. This was only part of the prisoners of war captured during the Belarusian strategic offensive operation brilliantly carried out by the Red Army. In the Iasi-Kishinev operation, 208,600 fascist soldiers and officers were captured, including 25 generals.

NKVD units were used to carry out a special operation undertaken on the orders of Stalin at the end of 1943 - the first months of 1944 against the ethnic groups of the South of the USSR.

The decision to evict was made in connection with the intensification of anti-Soviet actions, including armed ones, by nationalist groups and direct complicity with the fascists in the occupied territories. There are known cases when nationalists committed mass brutal murders of people with Slavic appearance. Nationalist rebel formations were created for armed struggle against the Soviet Army.

During the war years, the NKVD troops alone in the Caucasus identified and detained 4,469 proteges and collaborators of the Germans, of which 70.2% were in the North Caucasus region.

In 1944-1945, internal troops fought against nationalist armed formations in the western regions of Ukraine, Belarus, and the Baltic republics. These formations and detachments were created, armed with the direct participation of the command of the Nazi troops, Hitler's special services, and then closely interacted with them in the fight against units of the Red Army and Soviet partisans.

By the spring of 1945, troops, together with state security and internal affairs agencies, relying on the support of the local population, inflicted serious defeats on the nationalist formations and defeated their main forces. However, the final defeat of the nationalist gangs took place only in 1955.

Maintaining public order has always been one of the main tasks of the NKVD troops.

This issue became especially acute with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. In wartime, new types of crimes appeared - evasion of mobilization into the army, desertion, looting, robbery, malicious hooliganism, violations of the order of movement and the wartime regime. The enemy's accomplices became more active - pointers on the targets of fascist planes, spreaders of false rumors and panic.

In Moscow and its suburbs, the protection of public order was carried out by military personnel of the division named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky, as well as three more divisions of the NKVD troops. All 25 metropolitan areas and the Moscow region cities of Mytishchi, Lyubertsy, Balashikha, Shchelkovo, Noginsk and others were covered.

The internal troops have always paid due attention to fire training of personnel. For this purpose, shooting competitions and competitions were regularly held in which not only soldiers and commanders, but also squads, platoons, and companies competed.

Documents show that snipers of the internal troops began to fight the invaders in the first days of the war. It is known that they shot down enemy planes with their accurate fire.

But the sniper movement in the Red Army and internal troops became truly massive on the Leningrad Front.

NKVD servicemen, snipers Ivan Vezhlivtsev and Pyotr Golichenkov, were awarded the title “Hero of the Soviet Union.” By that time, I. Vezhlivtsev had 134 killed soldiers and officers, and his student P. Golichenkov had 140.

During the Great Patriotic War, along with protecting the rear of the active army, fighting enemy landings, saboteurs, and nationalist gangs, units and formations of internal troops took a direct part in battles with the Nazi invaders. It is estimated that during the war years, the active army at different periods included and participated in battles 53 divisions and 20 brigades of the NKVD troops. In addition, the NKVD of the USSR formed and transferred 29 divisions to the front.

For courage and bravery, more than 100 thousand military personnel were awarded orders and medals. According to the latest data, 297 Heroes of the Soviet Union are taken into account, including 4 people who were twice Heroes, who at various times served in the NKVD troops. 29 military personnel were forever included in the lists of military units for their heroic deeds during the war. The valor and combat skill of 18 formations and units of troops were awarded state awards or conferred honorary titles.

The losses of NKVD servicemen were also considerable.

The exploits of soldiers are immortalized in majestic memorial complexes, numerous monuments, obelisks, names of cities, other settlements, streets and squares.

In the post-war years, the number of internal troops decreased by half. The volume of tasks performed by units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to protect especially important industrial enterprises and railways has also been significantly reduced. The new situation made it possible to gradually move from military protection of railway structures and industrial enterprises to paramilitary protection.

In January 1947, in order to increase the efficiency of ensuring state security, operational units, and in April 1948, special units of the troops, were transferred from the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs to the jurisdiction of the USSR Ministry of State Security. They were part of this department until March 1953, and then were again reassigned to the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Important organizational measures for the construction of the MVD-MGB troops were carried out in 1951. During this period, the Ministry of Internal Affairs troops for the protection of especially important industrial enterprises and railways were abolished, and their functions were transferred to paramilitary security. The convoy troops were also significantly reduced; they were reorganized together with the internal troops into convoy and internal security.

On March 15, 1953, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of State Security were merged into a single Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. They remained in this composition until 1954, when the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR was formed. Formations and units of internal and convoy security remained part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and border troops began to report to the KGB.

In January 1960, the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs was abolished. Its functions are transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the union republics. The Main Directorate of Internal and Convoy Troops also ceased its activities. From that moment and over the next six years, there was no single body for the control of internal troops in the country. In each union republic, where military directorates and departments were formed within the ministries of internal affairs, issues of military development were resolved differently, based on local conditions. The lack of unity in the leadership of the troops had a negative impact on their service and combat activities. Therefore, in 1966, the Union-Republican Ministry for the Protection of Public Order of the USSR (MOOP USSR) was created.

As part of the newly created ministry (from November 25, 1968 it became known as the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR), the Main Directorate of Internal Troops was formed.

On March 21, 1989, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted the Decree “On the withdrawal of border, internal and railway troops from the Armed Forces of the USSR.” The decree extended to the troops the procedure, conditions and terms of service, manning, in the same way as for the Soviet Army and Navy, and preserved the order of their material, technical and financial support.

At the turn of the 80-90s, there was a sharp aggravation of the internal political situation in a number of regions of the former USSR, and acute conflicts arose on an interethnic basis. One of the forces that extinguished the flames of discord in hot spots were internal troops. The history of the troops of this period preserves the memory of numerous examples of selfless fulfillment of military duty, courage and courage, for which thousands of military personnel were awarded orders and medals, and Lieutenant Oleg Babak, who performed a feat in April 1991 while protecting the inhabitants of an Azerbaijani village from Armenian militants, was awarded title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

With the collapse of the USSR, the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs ceased to exist. The Main Directorate of the Commander of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was created in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The internal troops have entered a new stage of their development.

Study question.

Internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (1991 - present)

The collapse of the Soviet Union put an end to the unified internal troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In February 1992, the staff of the Main Directorate of the Commander of Internal Troops (GUKVV) of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs was approved. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, peacekeeping operations of the internal troops were limited to the North Caucasus region - North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Chechnya, and Dagestan. In areas of emergency, internal troops served to protect public order and ensure public safety.

In September-October 1993, mass unrest began in Moscow, which escalated into armed clashes on October 3-4.

In this difficult situation, the internal troops ensured public order and the safety of the population, while demonstrating high organization, strict adherence to the rule of law, fortitude and decisiveness in action. Unfortunately, there were some losses.

Formations and units of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia continued to carry out tasks of protecting important state facilities, correctional labor institutions, and serving in the protection of public order.

The bright and comprehensive appearance of the internal troops, their combat capabilities, the training and fortitude of the military personnel, their loyalty to the oath and military duty revealed the fighting in the Chechen Republic.

In 1991, elections for the President of the Chechen Republic were held, which were declared illegal. General Dudayev, who came to power, created illegal armed groups and began to pursue a criminal-terrorist policy on the territory of Chechnya.

The Chechen Republic has become a center of terrorism in Russia.

Armed gangs penetrated into the territory of Dagestan, Stavropol Territory, Ingushetia, robbed, stole livestock, and killed people.

Hostage-taking and kidnappings for ransom continued, including Russian and foreign journalists, employees of international charitable organizations, and law enforcement officers.

Terror has become an integral attribute of Chechen politicians:

On June 14, 1995, a detachment of militants numbering up to 200 people under the command of Basayev seized a regional hospital in the city of Budennovsk, Stavropol Territory, 150 kilometers from the administrative border of Chechnya with Stavropol. Basayev declared the patients and hospital staff hostages and held them for 5 days. 144 people died at the hands of terrorists;

On September 20, 1995, an attempt was made on the life of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in the Chechen Republic, Oleg Lobov;

On October 6, 1995, a terrorist act was carried out against the commander of the United Group of Federal Forces - the commander of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Lieutenant General Anatoly Romanov;

In December 1995, the second largest Chechen city of Gudermes was captured by militant groups;

On January 9, 1996, a Chechen armed detachment of about 400 people, led by Raduev, broke into the Dagestan city of Kizlyar. About 3 thousand people were taken hostage. On January 10, after negotiations, the militants, taking with them about 100 hostages, retreated to the village of Pervomaiskoye in Dagestan;

On May 1, 1998, the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in the Chechen Republic, Valentin Vlasov, was captured by bandits;

On March 5, 1999, the plenipotentiary representative of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Police Major General Gennady Shpigun, was kidnapped at the Grozny airport;

The explosions in Makhachkala, Grozny, at the Central Market in Vladikavkaz, which killed 64 people, and the explosions of three houses in the residential town of Sputnik near Vladikavkaz, which also resulted in human casualties, were aimed at destabilizing the situation in the North Caucasus as a whole.

In order to restore constitutional order in the Chechen Republic, it was decided to carry out a special operation.

In early December 1994, a Joint Group of Federal Forces consisting of units of the Russian Army, internal troops and special forces was concentrated in three regions adjacent to the Chechen Republic (from the north, from Ingushetia and Dagestan).

The assault on Grozny by federal forces took place on the night of January 1, 1995. After an incredibly difficult assault on the Grozny neighborhoods, by February 6, federal troops broke the organized resistance of Chechen militants in the center of Grozny. But the liquidation of pockets of Dudayev resistance in different areas of the city continued until the end of February 1995.

In the spring of 1995, federal forces drove Chechen militants out of Gudermes, Argun, Shali, and carried out a successful operation in the Samashki region, clearing this and other villages of militants.

Often the pages of the military valor of the internal troops are filled with the blood of soldiers and officers:

The federal forces that participated in the liberation of Bamut consisted of two operational brigades, special forces detachments “Rosich”, “Vityaz”, and a number of army units. The brigades were far from complete. The Sofrino operational brigade consisted of just over 300 people. One of its battalions had only 38 soldiers and sergeants.

The special forces detachment “Rosich” was tasked with knocking down Chechen militants and Muslim mercenaries from Bald Mountain. A detachment of 64 people fought with four hundred militants and mercenaries for 8 hours. The special forces lost 10 people killed and 17 wounded, but inflicted many times more damage on the Dudayevites. The selfless actions of the “Rosich” detachment, which absorbed significant forces of militants, ensured the withdrawal of the operational brigade units from the smoking and shooting ruins of Bamut without serious losses.

On January 18, 1996, an operation was carried out to free the hostages and destroy the bandits in Pervomaisky. It lasted four days. Special forces units “Vityaz”, “Rus”, “Alpha”, and riot police actively participated in its implementation together with military units. Combat helicopters, artillery, and Grad multiple rocket launchers were used. The militants resisted with the fury of the doomed. The soldiers and officers of the federal forces acted skillfully and decisively, showing courage and dedication. 82 hostages were released. 153 militants were killed, 30 were captured.

In the spring and summer of 1999, Chechen militants intensified their actions on the borders with Dagestan, Stavropol, and Ingushetia. Checkpoints, checkpoints, outposts of internal troops, and military columns were subjected to attacks by gangs and repeated shelling. Raids by bandit groups from Chechnya continued into adjacent territories, where kidnappings and murders of people took place.

In the summer of 1999, detachments of well-trained and armed Chechen militants numbering up to 300 people were concentrated on the borders of the mountainous regions of Dagestan. In total, on the Chechen-Dagestan administrative border there were detachments and groups of militants numbering about 2 thousand people.

The leaders of illegal military groups continued the policy of terror:

On the territory of Dagestan, Chechen terrorists carried out explosions of residential buildings in Buynaksk, Moscow, Volgodonsk, Rostov region, as a result of which hundreds of people died and a total of 1,580 people were injured;

In the summer of 2000, militants carried out terrorist attacks in Argun, Urus-Martan and Alkhan-Yurt using trucks loaded with large explosive charges and driven by suicide bombers. The consequences of the terrorist attack in Argun were especially severe, where a Ural truck with two tons of TNT rammed a protective barrier, knocked down the gate and crashed into the dormitory building of the Chelyabinsk riot police. Dozens of people were trapped under the ruins of an exploded house. At the same time, from an ambush, the militants attacked the riot police with machine guns and grenade launchers;

During August 2001, militants carried out 59 explosions in Chechnya, fired at positions and facilities of military and police formations 401 times, and opened fire on combat and military transport helicopters 11 times. Engineering units neutralized 72 explosive devices;

In January 2002, a car of the 102nd Internal Troops Brigade was blown up by a radio-controlled land mine in Makhachkala. 7 military personnel were killed;

A Mi-8 helicopter of internal troops was shot down by a surface-to-air missile over the village of Shelkovskaya. The 14 passengers and crew on board were killed. Among them are First Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops, Lieutenant General Nikolai Garidov;

On the day of the 57th anniversary of the Great Victory, a radio-controlled landmine was detonated on the central street of Makhachkala along the route of the festive column. 43 people were killed, about 120 people were injured;

In August 2002, a Mi-26 transport helicopter was shot down. On approach to Khankala, the helicopter fell into a minefield, exploded and burned. 118 people died;

On September 27, the head of the Department for Combating Terrorism and Extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan was killed in Makhachkala;

On the evening of October 23, a group of Chechen terrorists seized the Dubrovka Theater Center in Moscow during a performance of the musical “Nord-Ost”. In total more than 800 people. The bandits held them for 56 hours. The security of order in the area of ​​the Dubrovka metro station was carried out by units of the special motorized division and the ODON of the internal troops. Thanks to the decisive actions of the special forces, all the terrorists were destroyed. 129 hostages died at the hands of terrorists and as a result of the assault;

On December 27, two cars - a KamAZ and a UAZ, filled with explosives, burst into the territory of a complex of government buildings in Grozny. 80 people were killed, 150 were injured;

On May 12, 2003, in the village of Znamenskoye, the center of the Nadterechny region of Chechnya, a KamAZ truck was blown up by suicide bombers. 8 private residential buildings, partly the buildings of the district administration, regional departments of the FSB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs were destroyed. 55 people were killed, about 200 were injured;

On the evening of August 1, 2003, a KamAZ loaded with explosives exploded near the 4-story medical building of a military hospital in the city of Mozdok, which was completely destroyed as a result of the explosion. In total, about 300 people were injured, of which 50 died;

On the morning of December 5, 2003, a suicide bomber carried out an explosion on the Kislovodsk - Mineralnye Vody electric train. 31 people died on the spot, 175 were hospitalized;

On February 6, 2004, a suicide bomber detonated an explosive device in a Moscow metro train carriage. 29 people were killed, more than 100 were injured, many of them seriously;

During the first ten days of March 2004, attempts were made on the lives of five government officials in Dagestan. On March 11, a car with riot police was blown up in Makhachkala;

On May 9, 2004, during celebrations dedicated to Victory Day at the Dynamo stadium in Grozny, the central stand was blown up. The President of the Chechen Republic Akhmat Kadyrov, the Chairman of the State Council of Chechnya Khusein Isaev and five other people were killed. 63 people were injured, including the commander of the Joint Group of Troops and Forces in Chechnya, 1st Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Colonel General Valery Baranov, and the military commandant of Chechnya, Major General Grigory Fomenko;

On July 1, 2004, in Makhachkala, near the building of a bath and laundry plant, near which three vehicles of internal troops stopped, a radio-controlled land mine was detonated. 10 servicemen of the OSN “Rus” were killed;

On August 24, 2004, suicide bombers blew up two Tu-134 and Tu-154 aircraft in flight. All passengers and crew members - 90 people died;

On the morning of September 1, 2004, a group of militants attacked a high school in Beslan in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania during a ceremonial ceremony at the school. When special forces and riot police began storming the school building on September 3, the terrorists carried out several explosions in it, causing the ceiling to collapse. A total of 331 people were killed and 784 were injured. 31 terrorists were killed;

On October 13, 2005, the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria, Nalchik, was attacked by militants. More than 200 militants from different nationalities of the North Caucasus took part in the bandit attack on the city. They divided into several groups and tried to seize the administrative buildings of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, and the riot police.

Internal troops continued to actively participate in establishing constitutional order in the North Caucasus region of Russia:

On August 29, the operation of federal forces began in the Kadar zone, where Dagestani separatists - Wahhabis and Chechen militants numbering 600 - 800 people dug in in the villages of Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi. The fighting was extremely stubborn. Karamakhi changed hands twice. Both sides suffered losses. But still, the 22nd operational brigade of internal troops took Karamakhi by storm. The village was cleared of bandits. By September 12, the operation to liberate the villages of the Kadar zone was completed.

The 33rd brigade, 7th, 12th special forces units and other units of the internal troops took part in fierce battles to liberate the village of Komsomolskoye. To break the fanatical resistance of the terrorists, heavy weapons and combat helicopters were used. A large number of militants were destroyed, many survivors surrendered. On March 22, the operation to liberate Komsomolsky was completed.

In mid-May 2000, a unit of the 33rd brigade of internal troops defeated a large gang from an ambush: 19 militants died from fire from our fighters, 11 people who tried to break through were killed in hand-to-hand combat.

During 2000, units and subunits of the internal troops participated in fierce battles with bandit formations in the areas of Karamakhi, Chabanmakhi, Novolaksky, Shatoy, Komsomolsky, Bamut, together with units of the Russian army, overcoming stubborn resistance from militants, they liberated Grozny, Gudermes, Argun and other settlements .

In June 2001, in the area of ​​the villages of Alkhan-Kala and Ermolovka, an operation was carried out to eliminate Barayev’s detachment. In the course of it, the gang was defeated. 17 militants were killed, including the leader himself. Many surrendered. A group of special forces from OSN “Rus” distinguished themselves in this operation.

In December 2001, units of the Nalchik, 33rd and 46th separate brigades, two special forces detachments of the internal troops, together with units of the Russian army, conducted a successful operation against militants in the city of Argun, a group of 150-200 people tried to seize the police department, the commandant's office, other objects. The city was blocked by federal troops, after which the destruction of the militants began. Despite stubborn resistance, the bandit group was defeated in a multi-hour battle. About 80 militants were killed and several dozen captured.

At the end of March 2002, a large warehouse of militant weapons in the basement of school No. 4 in the city of Argun was liquidated. The operation was carried out by units of the Vityaz special forces regiment. Having entered the basement of the school, a group of special forces entered into a clash with the bandits. A quick battle ensued. Retreating through underground passages, the militants desperately resisted, but were destroyed.

The Sofrinsky, Kalachevsky, Nizhny Novgorod, St. Petersburg, 102nd operational brigades, special forces detachments "Rosich", "Rus", 12th, 19th took the most active part in these battles and operations and distinguished themselves with military valor; 93rd mechanized regiment, units of the Vladikavkaz division, ODON, DON-100.

The leader of Chechen terrorists, Basayev, planned to carry out a series of terrorist attacks called “Fiery Summer” in order to destabilize the situation in the North Caucasus republics adjacent to Chechnya. However, the coordinated actions of the forces of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs thwarted these plans.

In June - August 2005, a large-scale complex special operation to counter terrorism was carried out on the territory of seven constituent entities of the Southern Federal District of Russia - in Dagestan, Ingushetia, North Ossetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Cherkessia, Chechnya and the Stavropol Territory. It was led by the Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops, Colonel General Rogozhkin. More than 30 thousand internal affairs officers and military personnel of the internal troops took part in the operation, and more than 1 thousand units of automobile and armored vehicles were used.

The memory of the victims is immortalized in memorial complexes, monuments and obelisks, in a special Book of Memory. 80 military personnel who performed heroic deeds in battle are forever included in the lists of their units.

Considering the operational situation in the North Caucasus region, a strong group of internal troops remained, ready for decisive action in the event of further aggravation of the situation, and the attacks of the Chechen separatists received due rebuff from military units and other law enforcement forces.

The war in Chechnya is the valor and pain of the internal troops. Valor, as personnel carry out their tasks with honor, demonstrate courage, bravery and courage in battles with bandit formations. Pain, because the troops, while carrying out tasks to protect the constitutional order of Russia, lost military personnel.

The transition of bandits from direct clashes to sabotage and terrorist methods of struggle caused changes in the tactics of internal troops. Military and engineering reconnaissance, special operations, ambushes, secrets, mine clearance, and operational work came to the fore. Internal troops units perform local (targeted) tasks.

The internal troops greeted the 21st century as a compact, mobile and well-organized power structure of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

To train military personnel of the internal troops to operate in mountainous and wooded areas in the Krasnodar Territory in the foothills of the Main Caucasus Range, a Mountain Training Center for special forces and reconnaissance units was created.

By order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Internal Troops in December 1998, an experimental program was approved to create a telephone “hotline” of the State Committee for Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which has operated unofficially since January 1995.

Developing a unified information vertical for the troops, press services were created in the districts of the internal troops in 1999, in 2000 - in the 46th separate operational brigade, and in 2002 - in the 20th military commandant's office of the internal troops on the territory of the Chechen Republic and at the Main ACS Center. To increase the efficiency of information support for service and combat activities, the official Internet website of the troops ( was created in 2005.

At the end of May 2003, the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg was celebrated. Many thousands of guests, heads of state and government from 43 countries of the world arrived for the celebrations in the northern capital. In connection with the threat of terrorism, unprecedented measures were taken to protect public order and ensure the safety of residents and guests of the city. In addition to the St. Petersburg Defense Forces, a special motorized regiment, a military institute, the combined regiment of the Moscow special motorized division, the combined battalion of the Tula division, the special forces detachment of the North-Western District of the Internal Troops from Arkhangelsk - in total more than 5.5 thousand military personnel. Every day from 2 to 3 thousand people entered service.

Units of the St. Petersburg Military Institute served along the perimeter of Pulkovo airport. Particular attention was paid to increasing the reliability of security at the Leningrad NPP. A consolidated defense company, a unit of the Arkhangelsk OSN, was sent to assist the personnel guarding the station.

Special motorized military units performed tasks to protect public order and ensure public safety in 44 cities of Russia, including 9 cities with a population of one million.

On February 14, 2004, a major man-made accident occurred in Moscow at the Aqua Park. Personnel from the sapper battalion of the special motorized division of the Moscow District of Internal Troops took part in the rescue operations. Military personnel of the internal troops of the Moscow garrison were involved in cordoning off the Transvaal Park area.

Together with the internal affairs bodies, military personnel of the internal troops ensured the holding of large public events:

in May 2005, the celebration of the 60th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War,

at the end of August 2005, the celebration of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan,

in mid-August 2005, for a week in the Moscow region Zhukovsky on the territory of the Gromov Flight Test Institute, the seventh International Aviation and Space Salon - MAKS-2005.

SMHF and operational units took part in complex operational and preventive operations “Whirlwind-Anti-Terror”, “Signal”, “Arsenal”, “Border-2004”, “Channel”.

One of the main tasks in the service and combat activities of troops is the protection of important government facilities and special cargo.

At the end of 2005, 10 nuclear power plants and facilities of the nuclear, chemical, and military-industrial complexes were under military guard.

Only in recent years have complex exercises “Atom-2003”, “Sarov-2003”, “Atom-2004” and others been held. Military personnel of the naval units of the internal troops participate in the protection of important state facilities from the waters. They reliably block the routes for violators to approach objects by water.

An important role in documenting the history of the internal troops and carrying out educational, research, educational and educational work belongs to the Central Museum of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In 1998, the museum was registered as a Federal State Cultural Institution and became a laureate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs award in the field of culture. 13 branches of the museum have been established in the districts of internal troops, Odon and military institutes of troops. In recent years, with the participation of museum workers, many books on military topics have been published.

A major role in the aesthetic education of military personnel is played by the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which has been led by the People's Artist of Russia, Major General Viktor Eliseev, for many years. In 1993, the ensemble was awarded the title “Academic”. In September 1998, for services in the field of culture and art, a personalized plaque was laid on the Square of Stars - the star of the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. In 2005, the ensemble was awarded a grant from the President of Russia.

Actively and purposefully carries out the tasks of providing information support for the service and combat activities of the internal troops, popularizing the exploits and glorious deeds of military personnel, the magazine “On a Combat Post” and its supplements: the public information newspaper “Situation”, a collection of educational and methodological materials “Troop Bulletin”. In 2007, the magazine became a laureate of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs award.

Since 1997, on the initiative of the internal troops, the annual All-Russian tournament in hand-to-hand combat has been held for the prize of Hero of Russia, Colonel General Anatoly Aleksandrovich Romanov. Since 2002, the competition received the status of the Russian Cup.

By order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 2003, the Central Sports Club of Internal Troops was formed under the State Committee for Military Internal Affairs of Russia. Athletes - military personnel of the internal troops take an active part in international competitions of the highest level.

International cooperation between Russian internal troops and law enforcement agencies of foreign states is developing fruitfully. In order to exchange experience in countering terrorist threats, the GKVV was visited by delegations from Belarus, France, China, Azerbaijan, the United States of America, Moldova, and Ukraine. Chile.

In May 2006, in order to maintain constitutional order in the North Caucasus region of the Russian Federation, two battalions manned by military personnel native to the Chechen Republic were introduced into the internal troops.

On January 1, 2008, in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the districts of internal troops were transformed into regional commands.

Currently, the internal troops are well-coordinated, mobile personnel, equipped with modern weapons and equipment, accumulated rich combat experience, and ready to successfully carry out tasks to ensure the security and state integrity of Russia.

Study question.

The combat path of a military unit.

In accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated February 28, 1980 No. 189-53 “On the protection of artificial structures on the Baikal-Amur Mainline.” Within the structure of the 104th division of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, 2 separate aviation squadrons of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs (military unit 3543) were created with a deployment in the city of Tynda, Amur Region.

On May 7, 1984, the 2nd separate aviation squadron was withdrawn from the subordination of the Directorate of Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Far East and Eastern Siberia.

The formation of the 2nd separate aviation squadron of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs began in the city of Khabarovsk on December 13, 1985; the squadron began independent activities on October 15, 1986.

In 1987, changes occurred in the staffing structure of the 2nd separate squadron of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs; the separately based unit of MI-8 helicopters in the city of Nizhneangarsk was reduced.

In the period from July to September 1987, in order to make the most effective use of internal aviation

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1 NOVEMBER 4, 07 87 (7343) “FLAG OF THE MOTHERLAND” Published since July 5, 90 Friday, November 4, 07 87 (7343) November 7 Marine Corps Day In training and in battle SUBSCRIPTION -08 Dear readers! Comrade commanders of military units, personnel officers, heads of institutions and enterprises of the Black Sea Fleet, heads of public, military-patriotic and educational organizations, military personnel and civilian personnel of the fleet! Subscription to the Black Sea Fleet newspaper “Flag of the Motherland” continues for the first half of 2008. The creative team at Flagka sees its main task as expanding its topics and improving the quality and effectiveness of its publications. We hope to make our newspaper more popular, and therefore expand the circle of subscribers. The terms of subscription to “Flag of the Motherland” have changed. Now it can be issued at any post office in Crimea and Sevastopol. Subscription indexes: according to the “Russian Press” catalog 9458, according to the “ROSPETCHAT” catalog 990. For all you related to subscription, please contact the editorial office of the newspaper “Flag of the Motherland” by phone: (869), (869), 76 or by email Editorial staff We hope for your activity, dear friends of Flagka! On December 5, 967, the 80th Separate Marine Regiment of the Black Sea Fleet was formed. This date is the annual holiday of a separate Marine Brigade of the Order of Zhukov, commanded by Colonel Dmitry Uskov. Active preparations are now underway for the celebration of her 50th anniversary Read on page. Photo by Evgeny Ivashev, collage by Alexander Grigoriev An extended meeting of the Military Council of the Black Sea Fleet, dedicated to the results of the past academic year, was held in the Sevastopol House of Officers. Its work was attended by the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Admiral Alexander Vitko, the deputy commander of the troops of the Southern Military District, Lieutenant General Andrei Gurulev, members of the Military Council of the Black Sea Fleet, commanders of formations, formations, ships and units, as well as the deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District, Kirill Stepanov, deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea Igor Mikhailichenko, city governor Dmitry Ovsyannikov, and other officials. CMYK Black Sea Fleet Military Council Named the best Black Sea Fleet Commander Admiral Alexander Vitko noted that the Black Sea Fleet had to act in a difficult international situation. But, despite this, the fleet adequately fulfills all its tasks. He briefly summed up the activities of the Black Sea Fleet over the past year and spoke about the upcoming tasks in 2008. Alexander Vitko reminded the audience that next year the Black Sea Fleet will celebrate its 35th anniversary and the Black Sea Fleet should celebrate this date with dignity. Deputy commanders of the Black Sea Fleet and heads of departments at the Black Sea Fleet headquarters made presentations. At the end of the event, awards were given to those who distinguished themselves. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Admiral Alexander Vitko, presented a number of awards to the Black Sea residents. The medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree with swords, was awarded to Colonel Sergei Vasiliev and Lieutenant Commander Evgeniy Kupriyanov. The commander of the RKVP "Samum", captain 3rd rank Vladimir Derbetov, was thanked by the President of the Russian Federation. A number of awards were presented in accordance with the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. In particular, the head of the Black Sea Fleet BP department, captain rank Alexander Shvarts, and the head of naval aviation of the Black Sea Fleet, Colonel Sergei Bodnaruk, were awarded the medal “For Participation in the Main Naval Parade.” The best ships, units, units were announced. The best among ships of the rank and the best ship in mine training was declared the TFR "Inquisitive" (commander captain rank I. Fadeev). The frigate Essen (commanded by Captain A. Kuprin) was recognized as the best in maritime training. The frigate Admiral Grigorovich (commanded by Captain A. Velichko) was declared the best in combating survivability, communications, radio engineering training, radiation, chemical and biological protection. The guards missile cruiser "Moskva" (guard commander captain rank O. Knyazev) was recognized as the best in anti-underwater sabotage training. At the end of the year, significant results were achieved by a separate brigade of submarines under Captain Oleg Mikholap. The crew of the submarine "Novorossiysk" (commander captain rank K. Tabachny) was declared the best in torpedo training, and the submarine "Rostovna-Don" was declared the best in missile and medical training. (Ends on page 1)

2 “FLAG OF THE MOTHERLAND” NOVEMBER 4, 07 87 (7343) Military Council of the Black Sea Fleet Patronal Feast The spiritual heart of the Black Sea Fleet The best were named In the landing ship brigade, the BDK “Caesar Kunikov” (commander captain rank A. Savateev) was recognized as the best in landing training. BDK "Nikolai Filchenkov" (commander captain rank I. Dmitrienko) is the best in navigational training. In the missile boat brigade, the RKVP "Samum" (commander 3rd Rank Captain V. Derbetov) was declared the best in air defense. The Mirage MRK (commander 3rd Rank Captain A. Zhurkin) was named the best in rescue training. The missile boat "Ivanovets" (commander captain The crew of the SS Epron distinguished itself among the fleet rescuers (commander captain 3rd rank A. Kupriyanov) was declared the best ship of the 3rd rank, as well as the best ship of the 3rd rank D. Bergs). He is recognized as the best in electronic warfare, artillery training and reconnaissance. Declared the best ship of rank 4 in diving training. In the Red Banner brigade of OVR ships, the best anti-submarine officer is senior midshipman R. Danilyuk). PRDK "Suvorovets" (the commander of the training boat is named MPK "Muromets" (commander captain-lieutenant V. Kurtyaleniya in the coastal forces of the Black Sea Fleet (the best subunits were announced about them). And we will tell about the sea minesweeper "Kovrovets" in the next issue). (commander captain 3rd rank A. Vavilov) the best in mine action and the year were presented by the commander of the Black Sea Fleet. Cups and certificates to the winners of the results of electromechanical training. Vladimir PASYAKIN (End. Start on page 10) Photo by Alexander Grigoriev Last Tuesday, Orthodox Christians celebrated the patronal feast of the Church of the Archangel Michael. This temple was built in 849 on the initiative of the Chief Commander of the Black Sea Fleet, M. P. Lazarev. During the first defense of Sevastopol, it was the main garrison church of the city. It served as a funeral service for admirals V. Kornilov, V. Istomin, and P. Nakhimov who died on the bastions. Grand Dukes Nikolai Nikolaevich and Mikhail Nikolaevich attended liturgies here.After the death of Nicholas I, the troops swore allegiance to the service of Alexander II in the temple. On August 855, the church was hit by a bomb, which caused great destruction. The temple was restored in 857, in 889 it became the regimental church of the 50th Bialystok Infantry Regiment. For the 50th anniversary of the defense of Sevastopol, 4 marble plaques with the names of military units of the Sevastopol garrison that took part in the defense of the city were installed on the western facade of the church. November, on the occasion of the patronal feast, a Divine Liturgy took place in the church, led by Metropolitan Lazar of Simferopol and Crimea. The event was attended by the commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Admiral Alexander Vitko, the head of the personnel department, captain rank V. Vitold, Black Sea sailors, and Sevastopol residents. After the liturgy, Metropolitan Lazar of Simferopol and Crimea addressed a congratulatory speech to all those present, noting the significance of the immeasurably great Congratulations! Today, the commander of one of the formations of the Black Sea Fleet, Colonel Alexander Alekseevich Beglyakov, celebrates his 40th anniversary. In military service, Alexander Alekseevich does not look for easy ways, he faithfully serves the Fatherland, and always and everywhere carries high the honor of an officer of the Russian Armed Forces. In all positions, he faithfully and flawlessly fulfills his military and official duties, and has proven himself to be a skillful leader and organizer, a born commander. Excellent training, high business and moral qualities, an invariably sensitive and attentive attitude towards subordinates help Colonel Beglyakov competently and effectively lead a large military team and successfully complete assigned tasks. Comrades, personnel and civilian personnel of the unit cordially congratulate Alexander Alekseevich on his anniversary and wish him good health, success in service, further career growth, family happiness and prosperity. the help of St. Archangel Michael in the creation and establishment of spirituality. A great many Orthodox churches were erected in honor of the Archangel, the clergyman said. The word of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' is deeply significant for understanding this Divine mission: “From the word of God we know that Archangel Michael appeared at special and fateful moments in human history. It is not for nothing that he is revered, including by warriors, because his intervention in human history has always been aimed at establishing peace and truth.” The Metropolitan expressed gratitude to the commander of the Black Sea Fleet for his active assistance in restoring the temple, which today is “the spiritual heart of the Black Sea Fleet, the pearl of the hero city of Sevastopol.” In his response, Admiral Alexander Vitko thanked Metropolitan Lazar of Simferopol and Crimea for caring for the Black Sea Fleet, for the fact that, with his blessing, priests work in the fleet who make a worthy contribution to the spiritual and moral education of Black Sea sailors and to strengthening the combat readiness of the Black Sea Fleet. We live in difficult times, and now, more than ever, we need to unite around our Motherland, around our Church, and then all adversaries will be defeated, and our country will live long and prosper, said the commander of the Black Sea Fleet. Lyudmila GORMALYOVA The team of the Black Sea Fleet computer center, friends and colleagues wholeheartedly congratulate Lyudmila Alekseevna Gubina on her anniversary. Many years of impeccable work, modesty, high dedication, devotion to her favorite work, responsiveness to colleagues, the desire to come to the rescue in difficult times always distinguish this sweet woman. Dear Lyudmila Alekseevna, we wish you good health, prosperity, prosperity, longevity, good luck in all your affairs and endeavors. The brigade worthily celebrates its professional holiday, Marine Corps Day, and ends the school year with high results. It is difficult to list all the combat training events that took place during the year. There were too many of them. The important thing is that the combat training plan has been completed, says Colonel Dmitry Uskov (pictured). A significant event was the field trip to Opuk, where marines from several units improved their military skills in a training ground. And first of all, we should mention the howitzer self-propelled artillery division of Lieutenant Colonel Boris Tukmakov. The division completed a large number of combat training missions and showed increased skill. At the final stage of the academic year, a tactical exercise took place on the ground. After being alerted, the personnel of the formation moved from the point of permanent deployment to the Opuk training ground, designated as the area for the deployment of forces. During the march, the Marines practiced defending a column of equipment from air strikes and neutralizing sabotage and reconnaissance groups of a mock enemy. The events at the Opuk training ground were led by the commander of the army corps, Major General Konstantin Kastornov. He praised the actions of the Marines. In November, at the Kazachiy training ground in Sevastopol, a training session was held with units of the Marine Brigade, where the “black berets” practiced loading equipment onto the large landing ship Caesar Kunikov. The main focus during the training was on improving the military personnel’s personal practical skills in placing military equipment in the ship’s twin-deck, its placement and fastening, says the training director, the head of the air defense of a separate marine brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Moskalenko. This was done several times, with the removal of standards. More than 00 military personnel from the marine battalion of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Gorodetsky, the reconnaissance battalion of Major Evgeniy Dandanov, the anti-aircraft missile and artillery battalion of Major Alexey Overchenko and other units of the brigade took part in the training of the task. More than 30 pieces of Marine Corps equipment were involved. The “Black Berets” met the established standards, and some units were able to exceed them. It should be noted that the Black Sea Fleet marines traditionally operate in close contact. On November 0, the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Dmitry Bulgakov, paid a working visit to a separate Order of Zhukov marine brigade. He got acquainted with the progress of repair, restoration and construction work. In training and in battle with a brigade of large landing ships, commanded by captain rank Sergei Larchuk. When solving assigned tasks, the “Black Berets” actively interact with a separate coastal defense brigade, an artillery regiment, and other units that are part of the army corps of Major General Konstantin Kastornov. One of the important tasks of the Marine Corps brigade is the security operations of the Khmeimim air base in the Syrian Arab Republic, the actions of the Marines as anti-terrorist groups on warships and auxiliary vessels of the Black Sea Fleet, which go to the far sea zone. Marines have long and habitually shared the hardships of long sea voyages, both on new frigates and on seasoned patrol ships, floating workshops and tankers, rescue ships and sea tugs. Some of them already have several military services behind them. They, just like sailors, enter foreign ports. True, they have no time for excursions there; they solve the problems of protecting ships and vessels. The other day, an ATD group led by Sergeant Maxim Maznikov went on a long trip to the Donuzlav GS. For several months now, the ATD group has been sailing on the newest rescue tug SBS-739, which maintains its watch in the Mediterranean, including off the Syrian coast. More often than others, such tasks are solved by the “black berets” from the marine battalion of Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Gorodetsky. In the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as is known, an active struggle has unfolded for the title of shock units. This fully applies to the Black Sea Fleet. A special merit of our formation should be considered the fact that two companies of the air assault battalion of Major Salim Pashtov achieved this high rank following the results of the winter training period, says Lieutenant Colonel Valery Boyko, deputy commander of a separate marine brigade for work with personnel. Your newspaper has already written about the third air assault company, commanded by Captain Evgeniy Mikhnevich. I also achieved the rank of shock company of the Airborne Assault Battalion, commanded by Captain Alexey Okhota. Both of these units achieved high results in combat training, including tactical, airborne, fire, physical, engineering and other types of training. For several weeks now, they have been carrying out important tasks to ensure the peaceful life of Crimeans. Marines have always been distinguished by good physical fitness. It was not for nothing that their team “Horizon” achieved leading places in the Black Sea Fleet Spartakiad. So in the current Spartakiad, although it has not yet ended, the “Horizon” team is in the group of leaders. This is a considerable merit of the assistant brigade commander for physical training, master of sports in army hand-to-hand combat, Major Alexander Tverdokhleb, and the commander of the platoon of physical training instructors, Lieutenant Eduard Kolesnikov. Well, now is the time to talk about the large-scale repair and finishing work carried out in a separate Marine Corps brigade. Let me start with the fact that the traditional checkpoint is closed today. There is a planned renovation going on there, which is nearing completion. Another checkpoint is temporarily operating. However, more detailed information on this matter was shared with me by the commander of the logistics battalion, Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Lovkachev, who serves as the deputy brigade commander for logistics. The unit has renovated a control and technical point, a maintenance and repair point, the barracks of the airborne assault battalion, and a canteen for several hundred people, says Sergei Lovkachev. The fencing of the brigade territory has been replaced, a new parade ground flooring has appeared, a new grandstand on it, a new refueling point for vehicles. The compound has been transformed. Truly a renaissance of the famous brigade. This can be seen, as they say, with the naked eye. The marines of the Black Sea Fleet respond to the care of the brigade by the leadership of the Ministry of Defense, the command of the Black Sea Fleet and the Southern Military District with shock military work, successfully complete the school year and prepare not only for their professional holiday, the 3rd anniversary of the formation of the Marine Corps, but also the 50th anniversary of their native brigade, which became awarded the order in June last year. They have something to report on Marine Corps Day. Vladimir PASYAKIN Photo by the author

3 4 NOVEMBER 07 87 (7343) “FLAG OF THE MOTHERLAND” METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUCTIONS for organizing public and state training in the Black Sea Fleet in 08 Public and state training in the 08 academic year should be organized and carried out in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation 005 70 , instructions of the State Secretary of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 3, 07 7//886dsp on curriculum and programs (appendix to the instructions of the State Secretary of the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated October 3, 07 7//886dsp). Based on the curricula and training programs, develop calendar training plans for the UCP, which are approved by the relevant commanders (chiefs). Pay special attention to the study by military personnel of domestic military history, traditions of the army and navy, the Second World War of state and military development, the military-political situation, the purpose of the Armed Forces, the tasks of personnel to repel threats to national security, military pedagogy and psychology, moral standards and military ethics, legislation Russian Federation and norms of international humanitarian law. During classes, make extensive use of the historical approach, explain the significance of the topic being studied for personnel, and give examples of exemplary performance of military duty by military personnel. The material taught must be closely related to the tasks being performed, the state of law and order and military discipline in the military unit. Use the atlas-reference book “A Brief History of the Russian Army”, the textbook “State Symbols of Russia” and the educational and methodological complex “History of Russia” when military personnel study Russian military history, the Second World War and military development in accordance with the topics of the UCP. When conducting control (final) classes based on the results of the training period (academic year), conduct testing of military personnel on knowledge of the materials of the atlas-reference book and the specified educational and methodological complex. Organize the study by military personnel of the military path of the military unit, the history of the Navy, the Southern Military District and the Black Sea Fleet, providing for this the allocation of the necessary reserve time in the system of public and state training and information. To provide for the study in the system of public and state training and information with personnel sent to groups of troops (forces) abroad, information and reference materials on history, state, military and administrative structure, culture, religion, customs and traditions of the peoples living in the region , rules of etiquette and communication with the local population, as well as the history of the development of the conflict and the military-political situation in the region, the tasks of personnel in the fight against international terrorism, the norms of international humanitarian law with the adoption of a test for military personnel before being sent on a business trip. Classes on public and state training should be conducted: with officers of the military command and control bodies of the fleet, associations in the amount of 6 hours per year, including 8 hours in the professional training system in accordance with the curriculum; with officers of formations, military units and units at the rate of 6 hours per month, including 3 hours on days of professional training in accordance with the curriculum; with military personnel undergoing military service under contract, during the entire academic year, weekly for an hour in accordance with the curriculum; with military personnel undergoing conscription military service, throughout the entire academic year, once a week for an hour in accordance with the curriculum (for ship personnel, weekly for 3 hours); with civilian personnel once a month, an hour, using the method of informing and studying socio-political, economic and legal issues, taking into account the specifics of the tasks they perform; with military personnel engaged in the general arms training program at training camps for young recruits, carry out in separate groups according to the curriculum (appendix to the instructions of the Secretary of State of the Deputy Minister of Defense of October 3, 07, 7//886dsp); with military personnel during exercises, field trips, ship voyages, as well as during the performance of other tasks outside permanent deployment points, an hour a week according to curricula corresponding to the category of personnel, or special curricula. The procedure for organizing and conducting training in general education in formations and military units is determined by order of the relevant commander (chief) for the training period. At points of permanent deployment, OCP classes are usually conducted in information and leisure rooms, classrooms, classrooms, reading rooms, and museum premises available in the military unit. Conducting classes in places not suitable for classroom activities is prohibited. To study and explain to military personnel what is relevant for a specific military unit, military unit commanders are given the right, based on the characteristics of the tasks performed, the organization of combat training, the state and conditions of deployment, to change the topics and content of classes with various categories of personnel on no more than a quarter of the topics, and also change the frequency (days) of classes, subject to the fulfillment of monthly standards for the number of hours allocated to the educational training. This decision is documented. Take additional measures to prevent cases of disruption of public and state training classes. Ensure compliance with the requirements of Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation 005 70 regarding the mandatory participation of management personnel in conducting classes in subordinate military units (units). In the work practice of officers, the deputy commander of a battalion (division, ship of the 3rd rank) and their peers should provide for a personal inspection of the content and conduct of public training classes at least once a quarter in 3 divisions for an hour in each. Schedules for the participation of management personnel in conducting and monitoring classes are approved monthly (by the 5th) by the relevant commanders (chiefs) and submitted to the performers for signature with the obligatory issuance of control sheets to them. Create an effective system for preparing UCP group leaders for classes. In formations (military units, garrisons), before the start of the training period (academic year), conduct one-day training sessions with group leaders with the direct supervision and participation of officials of higher military command and control bodies, as well as monthly two-hour instructive and methodological classes. Introduce into practice the assignment by commanders of formations and military units to training participants of tasks for the next training period (year) to increase the role of the UCP in combat readiness, combat training, strengthening law and order and military discipline. During the training camp, work on the most complex topics, the procedure for using technical means of training and education, review recommended educational, methodological and fiction literature, issue reference material, analyze experience and shortcomings in the organization of the UCP, check the readiness of planning documents for the new academic year (training period) . Commanders (chiefs) of military units, their deputies (assistants), heads of military branches, services, as well as the most theoretically and methodologically trained military personnel should be appointed as heads of training groups. CURRICULUM PLANS FOR PUBLIC AND STATE TRAINING OF PERSONNEL OF THE BLACK SEA FLEET FOR THE YEAR 08. CURRICULUM FOR PUBLIC AND STATE TRAINING OF OFFICERS OF MILITARY MANAGEMENT BODIES OF THE FLEET, ASSOCIATIONS Topics of classes Number of hours Joint training Independent training Current areas of work to maintain law and order and military discipline in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The place and role of military command and control bodies in the prevention of crime in the troops (forces) The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Features of the participation of military personnel in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the tasks of the officers in implementing its provisions on the military you 3 At least once every six months, under the leadership of commanders of military units (formations), their deputies for working with personnel, practice Conducting “open lessons” in one of the training groups on OCP for officers of each battalion (division, ship of 3rd rank) and their peers. To prepare training group leaders for classes, use information and methodological materials published on the official website of the Ministry of Defense www. ministry of defense.rf, in the newspaper “Krasnaya Zvezda” and the magazine “Orientir”, as well as the collections of libraries of formations and military units (video libraries, educational and methodological, fiction and military memoirs, materials from periodicals). At the end of each training period in military units, identify and promote the experience of the best leaders of public and state training groups, hold competitions for the best abstract on the subject of public and state training for conducting classes with sailors and petty officers (sergeants). To train heads of training groups in modern methods and forms of conducting classes using new information technologies and technical means, showing films (film fragments) from the series “00 films of Russian cinema for military personnel of the army and navy”, books from the series “00 best domestic works of literature on the topic defense of the Fatherland." For a study group, have two maps (a political map of the world and a map of the Russian Federation), 3 visual aids for each topic, two pointers (for the group leader and the student), a class log, a set of teaching aids on the UCP and a selection of literature (Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 005 70). The group leader should have one notebook each for lecture notes, plans for self-study, seminar (conversation) and independent work (Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation 005 No. 70). Ensure the safety of outline plans and all reporting documentation for the UGP throughout the entire academic year. Control and assessment of the mastery of the studied topics in public and state training is carried out during control (final) classes at the end of the training period (academic year), as well as during inspections and checks of troops (forces) in accordance with the methodology approved by the Secretary of State, Deputy Minister Defense of the Russian Federation (ref. 7/3/940 dated March 8, 006). Department for work with personnel of the Black Sea Fleet. THEMATIC CALENDAR PLAN FOR PUBLIC AND STATE TRAINING OF OFFICERS OF FORMATIONS, MILITARY UNITS AND SHIPS Class topics Form Date Russia in the modern world and the main priorities of its military policy. Current developments of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and their tasks in the 08th academic year (APP hour). The combat path of a formation, a military unit (ship), the heroic exploits of fellow soldiers in battles for the Motherland (PDP) The procedure for accounting for material assets in a unit. Financial liability of military personnel. The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation on the structure and procedure for the formation of public authorities (PAB). Patriotism and loyalty to military duty are a moral tradition and the basis of the spiritual potential of the Russian officer corps. System of military-patriotic education in the Russian Federation. Forms and methods of work of officers for the patriotic education of subordinates 00th anniversary of the creation of the Red Army (RAP) Conflicts in military collectives. Forms and methods of work of an officer to prevent hazing in a unit or unit. The most important battles and operations of the Great Patriotic War (943). (RPP) lecture h lecture h lecture h lecture h Methodology of work of officers Basic social guarantees and for the prevention of crime, compensation provided for the use of 4. military personnel and members of military personnel of alcoholic beverages of their families, referrals and smoking tobacco (RPP seminar). The Constitution of the Russian Federation, improving 6. the legislation of the Russian Federation on Extremism as a threat to the national 5. Control (final) classes on the structure and procedure for the formation of security agencies in Russia. Basic government powers. Features principles, directions of countering Total 0 6 electoral process in the Armed Forces against extremist activities. (lecture PDP) Forces and participation of military personnel in elections In total, 6 Presidents of the Russian Federation (PDP) in a year (Continued on 4 5th page)..7 (4..7) Constitution of the Russian Federation, legislation of the Russian Federation on structure and order formation of government bodies. Features of the electoral process in the Armed Forces and the participation of military personnel in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation. Legal basis for lending to individuals. Types of loans, features of their provision. Restructuring of overdue loans (DLP) Test lesson Russia in the modern world and the main priorities of its military policy. Current developments of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and their tasks in the summer training period of the 08 academic year. The combat route of the formation, military unit (ship), heroic exploits of fellow soldiers in battles for the Motherland (PDP) Legislation of the Russian Federation on liability for offenses related to the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors. Forms and methods of work to prevent drug addiction in the unit. (PDP lecture) Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Psychological and pedagogical features of educational work with soldiers and sergeants undergoing military service under contract. The role of the unit (unit) officer in the formation of a healthy moral and psychological climate in the military collective (MP) lecture h lecture h seminar, written lecture h lecture h lecture h lecture h seminar h (4.06.8)

4 4 “FLAG OF THE MOTHERLAND” NOVEMBER 4, 07 87 (7343) THEMATIC CALENDAR PLAN FOR PUBLIC AND STATE TRAINING OF OFFICERS OF FORMATIONS, MILITARY UNITS AND SHIPS Extremism as a threat to the national security of Russia. Basic principles, directions of countering extremist activities (Lecture RDP) Forms and methods of psychological study of military personnel and military groups. Unity of the military collective (MAR). Psychological and pedagogical features of educational work with soldiers and sergeants undergoing military service under contract. The role of the unit (unit) officer in the formation of a healthy moral and psychological climate in the military collective (MP) The most important battles and operations of the Great Patriotic War (94). International humanitarian law. Regulation of the participation of the Armed Forces in armed conflicts and peacekeeping operations. Prohibited methods (methods) and means of conducting combat operations The system of moral and psychological support in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: goals, objectives, methods and forms, content. Peculiarities of organization during the performance of combat missions (CMP) International humanitarian law. Regulation of the participation of the Armed Forces in armed conflicts and peacekeeping operations. Prohibited methods (methods) and means of warfare 00th anniversary of the end of the First World War. Reasons, stages, results. Socio-economic and political consequences for the country. Outstanding operations of Russian troops during the First World War (PDP). International legislation on the legal status of participants in combat operations and peacekeeping operations. Final lesson: Remuneration of civilian personnel of military units and organizations. Occupational safety lecture h lecture h lecture h seminar, written lecture h Note: In coastal units, plan to conduct classes on Tuesdays. 3. THEMATIC CALENDAR PLAN FOR PUBLIC AND STATE TRAINING OF MICHMANS, SAILORS, STRATEGERS (SERGEANTS) PASSING MILITARY SERVICE UNDER CONTRACT Lesson topics Form 3 4. The military-political situation in the world and the current developments of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The tasks of personnel to maintain combat readiness, strengthen law and order and military discipline in a unit or military unit. Constitutional foundations of the state structure of the Russian Federation. President of the Russian Federation, head of state, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 3. State symbols of Russia. Symbols of military glory and military valor 4. The army of Rus' and the Russian state in the struggle for independence and territorial integrity of the Fatherland in the 9th-17th centuries 5. Legal basis for military service under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Social guarantees and compensation provided to military personnel serving under contract as soldiers (sailors), sergeants (foremen) and members of their families 6. Patriotism is a statutory and moral duty of a serviceman, the source of invincibility of the Russian Army 7. The most important battles of the Great Patriotic War 8 Loyalty to the military oath, friendship and military camaraderie are the moral basis of a cohesive military team 9. Legal responsibility of military personnel. Responsibility of military personnel for hazing, evasion of military service and crimes of corruption. Socio-psychological features of relationships in a military team. Ways to resolve interpersonal conflicts. Features of the implementation of electoral rights of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The procedure for participating in voting in elections 0. Traditions and military rituals in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 4. The 18th century is the century of Russian military glory. Generalissimo Suvorov and his science of winning 5. Fundamentals of the moral readiness and psychological ability of a serviceman to perform tasks as intended 6. Great Russian commanders, naval commanders, military leaders, military scientists and designers 7. CONTROL ACTIVITY 8. The world-historical significance of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War war years 9. Guarding the south of Russia (to the 00th anniversary of the North Caucasus Military District and the 35th anniversary of the Black Sea Fleet) (Continued. Starts on page 3) 3. Military reforms of Peter I, strengthening of Russian statehood seminar, written Date (4) History and combat path of the Black Sea Fleet (on the 35th anniversary of its formation). According to the plans of the commanders of military units. According to the plans of the commanders of military units 3. The military-political situation in the world and the current developments of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Tasks of personnel to maintain combat readiness, strengthen law and order and military discipline in the unit, military unit 4. Message of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation 5. Legislation of the Russian Federation on liability for offenses related to the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors 6. Rules of humanitarian law in the conduct of hostilities. Code of Conduct for a Serviceman of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Participant in Combat Actions lecture 4() Glorious victory of Russian weapons in the Russian-Turkish War 9. Russia in the era of wars and revolutions (94-9) 30. History and traditions of service of lower ranks in the Russian army and navy of the 18th-20th centuries 3. Personal finance management. Types of loans. Measures to prevent legal, moral and psychological consequences of accounts payable that are negative for service and family 3. Discipline and professionalism are the most important qualities of a warrior’s personality conversation 7. Wars and battles of the 19th century 33. The combat path of a military unit, formation. The exploits of fellow soldiers 34. Military etiquette and culture of communication among military personnel 35. Extremism and terrorism as a threat to the national security of Russia. Basic principles, directions and methods of countering extremist activities. Responsibility for extremism 36. Russian legislation on freedom of conscience and freedom of religion. Features of the implementation of religious needs by religious military personnel 37. The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation at the forefront of the fight against international terrorism 38. According to the plans of commanders of military units 39. Preparation for the final lesson, independent preparation 40. Final lesson, seminar, written 4. Admiral F.F. Ushakov, the great naval commander of the Russian Navy 4. According to the plans of commanders of military units 43. According to the plans of commanders of military units 44. According to the plans of commanders of military units 45. According to the plans of commanders of military units 46. According to the plans of commanders of military units Note: In coastal units, plan to conduct classes on Tuesdays . 4. THEMATIC CALENDAR PLAN FOR PUBLIC AND GOVERNMENT TRAINING OF SAILORS, STRATEGERS (SERGEANTS) SERVING CONTRACT SERVICE ON SHIPS AND IN COAST BASES Lesson topics Form Date 3 4. Military-political situation and general characteristics of military threats. Tasks of the personnel of the ship (military unit) for the 08th academic year. The Crimean War: the Sinop naval battle and the heroic defense of Sevastopol 3. Historical aspects of the establishment in the Soviet Union of the highest degree of distinction “Hero City” 4. “The Science of Victory” by A.V. Suvorov. The capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail (790) 5. The Constitution of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the Russian Federation on the structure and procedure for the formation of government bodies, the story of the Victory of the Russian fleet under the command of F.F. Ushakova over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (790) 6. Lifting the blockade of the city of Leningrad (944) 8. The Battle of Stalingrad and its historical significance (943) 9. Status of military personnel undergoing military service 0. February 3 Defender of the Fatherland Day. Defense of the Fatherland is a constitutional duty and responsibility of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The President of the Russian Federation is the highest official of the state, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Powers of the President of the Russian Federation in the sphere of management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Features of the implementation of electoral rights of military personnel of the RF Armed Forces. The procedure for the participation of Black Sea Fleet military personnel in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation CMYK

5 NOVEMBER 4, 07 87 (7343) “FLAG OF THE MOTHERLAND” 5 3. The Armed Forces of Russia in the structure of state institutions of power 4. The state structure of the Russian Federation 5. Legal responsibility of military personnel 7. Test lesson seminar, test with assessment 8. Reflecting aggression from the West . The Battle of the Neva in 40 and the Battle of the Ice in 4 9. World-historical significance and sources of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. 0. Purpose and composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Traditions of the Navy, types of troops, formations, units. The combat path of the unit. High discipline is the key to success in battle and everyday life. Self-education and self-education of the individual during military service. Basic concepts and definitions of military service security. Compliance with the security requirements of military service during guard and internal services, combat duty 3. The system of military threats to the security of the Russian Federation and its provision. Tasks of the personnel of the ship (military unit) for the summer training period of 08 4. Drug addiction and combat readiness. Social and medical consequences of the use of narcotic and psychotropic substances. Criminal and administrative liability for offenses related to drug trafficking 5. Address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation 6. Preparation for the test lesson lecture, conversation 6. Military etiquette and culture of behavior of military personnel 7. Battle of Poltava (709). Victory of the Russian fleet at Gangut (74) 9. The last war of the Russian Empire. The army during the revolutionary events of 97 and the Civil War 8. Prohibited methods (methods) and means of warfare 30. State symbols of Russia. Flag, Anthem, Coat of Arms of the Russian Federation 3. Military service upon conscription 3. General characteristics of the military collective. Relationships in the military team as a factor in the success of performing official tasks 33. Battle of Kursk. Its role and significance during the war (943) 34. Heroism and steadfastness of Russian soldiers in combat operations in the Balkans and the Caucasus 35. Respect for human rights in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation 36. Patriotic War of 8: Battle of Borodino 37. Factors determining activity military personnel in battle 38. Basic provisions of international humanitarian law 39. Creation of the Russian regular army and navy 40. Final lesson seminar, writing. 4. Combat stress and its psychological consequences 4. Military oath - a warrior’s oath of allegiance to the Motherland. Glory and military valor of Russian soldiers 43. Crimes against military service 44. Fundamentals of psychological readiness of military personnel to conduct active combat operations 45. Methods of psychological self-regulation of military personnel during active combat operations 46. Russian legislation on freedom of conscience and freedom of religion. Features of the implementation of religious needs by religious military personnel. Traditional religious associations of Russia Note: In coastal military units, plan to conduct classes on Tuesdays. 5. CURRICULUM FOR PUBLIC AND GOVERNMENT TRAINING FOR MILITARY SERVICEMEN PASSING CONTRACT SERVICE IN COASTAL UNITS OF THE FLEET Topic “Wars and battles of the 19th century.” Lesson “Crimean War: Sinop naval battle and the heroic defense of Sevastopol.” Victory Day of the Russian squadron under the command of P.S. Nakhimov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Sinop (853). Thematic viewing of the educational film “Russian Army and Navy in the Wars of the 19th Century.” 30 min. Reading works of literature, 5 hours (Yu.V. Davydov “Nakhimov”, L.N. Tolstoy “Sevastopol Stories”). Topic 3 “Hero cities and cities of military glory are symbols of the courage and fortitude of the people and army in the Great Patriotic War.” Lesson “Historical aspects of the establishment of the highest degree of distinction “Hero City” in the Soviet Union. Hero City is the highest degree of distinction, which was awarded by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR to cities for the mass heroism and courage of its defenders shown in the Great Patriotic War. Hero City Leningrad. Day of Military Glory of Russia: January 7 Day of lifting the blockade of the city of Leningrad (944). Hero City Moscow. Hitler's plan for the invasion of the USSR (plan "Barbarossa"). Operation codenamed "Typhoon". The collapse of Hitler's march on Moscow. Day of Military Glory of Russia: December 5 The day of the start of the counter-offensive of Soviet troops against Nazi troops in the battle of Moscow (94). The historical significance of the victory of Soviet troops in the Battle of Moscow (94). Thematic film screening 30 min. Reading works of literature, 5 hours (M.A. Sholokhov “They Fought for the Motherland”, Yu.V. Bondarev “Hot Snow”). Topic 4 “The 18th century, the century of Russian military glory” Lesson “The Science of Victory” A.V. Suvorov. Capture of the Turkish fortress Izmail (790). The science of winning A.V. Suvorov. Interaction of the Russian fleet with the land army during the siege and assault of Izmail. Thematic film screening for an hour. Reading works of literature for an hour (L.I. Rakovsky “Generalissimo Suvorov”). Study time reserve. January Topic 5 “Constitutional foundations of the state structure of the Russian Federation” Lesson “The emergence and development of constitutional foundations in the Russian Federation.” Russia is a democratic federal legal state. The Constitution of the Russian Federation on the rights and freedoms of citizens of the Russian Federation. Lesson “Government structure of the Russian Federation. Structure of government bodies." The concept of government. The principle of separation of powers. Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation: (Federation Council and State Duma). Government of the Russian Federation. Courts of the Russian Federation. Topic 3 “Hero cities and cities of military glory are symbols of the courage and fortitude of the people and army in the Great Patriotic War.” Lesson “Historical aspects of the establishment in the Russian Federation of the highest degree of distinction “City of Military Glory”. Revival in the Russian Federation of the tradition of assigning the highest degree of distinction to cities “City of Military Glory”. Cities of military glory. The city of military glory Vyazma and its role in the disruption of Operation Typhoon. “Bogoroditskoye Field” is a symbol of military valor, courage, fortitude and bravery of the defenders of Moscow. City of military glory Pskov. A special page in the heroic history of the city during the Great Patriotic War. Continuation of the pages of history: the feat of the personnel of the 6th company of the 04th Guards Parachute Regiment of the 76th Airborne Division. Thematic film screening 30 min. Reading works of literature, 5 hours (B.V. Polevoy “The Tale of a Real Man”, B.L. Vasiliev “Not on the Lists”, A.A. Prokhanov “Afghan”). Topic 4 “Basic provisions of international humanitarian law.” Lesson “Basic concepts and norms of international humanitarian law.” The concept of international humanitarian law. Persons and objects protected by international humanitarian law. Combatants and military installations. Prohibited methods (methods) and means of warfare. February Topic 7 “Basics of conscription military service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Guarantees of legal and social protection provided to military personnel undergoing military service under conscription." Lesson "Status of military personnel undergoing military service under conscription." The concept and general characteristics of the status of military personnel undergoing conscription military service. Guarantees and compensation provided to military personnel. Compulsory state life and health insurance for military personnel. Topic 6 “The President of the Russian Federation, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” Lesson “The President of the Russian Federation is the highest official of the state, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.” General rights and responsibilities of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of defense and security. Basic powers of the President of the Russian Federation. The role of the President of the Russian Federation in organizing the country's defense. Lesson “Powers of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.” Powers of the President of Russia in the sphere of management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in peacetime and wartime. Topic 7 “The most important battles of the Great Patriotic War. The world-historical significance of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War." Lesson “The Battle of Stalingrad and its historical significance.” Day of Military Glory of Russia: February Day of the defeat of Nazi troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad (943). The historical significance of the defeat of Nazi troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Stalingrad. Story of the hour. Thematic film screening for an hour. Reading works of literature for an hour (V.P. Nekrasov “In the trenches of Stalingrad”) Class topics WINTER STUDY PERIOD December Topic “Russia in the modern world and the main priorities of its military policy. Tasks of soldiers (sailors) of a military unit (ship) for the academic year" Lesson "Military-political situation and general characteristics of military threats." The main factors of the external military threat to Russia. Internal military threats to Russia. Tasks of soldiers (sailors) of a military unit (ship) for the academic year. Lesson “System of military threats to the security of the Russian Federation.” Military threat groups of the Russian Federation. Tasks of soldiers (sailors) of a military unit (ship) for the academic year. Number of hours/date Story. Group lesson 5. Watching the film Topic 8 “Russia in the era of wars and revolutions (94-9)” Lesson 3 “February 3 Defender of the Fatherland Day”. The history of the origins of the Red Army. Topic: “Features of the implementation of electoral rights of military personnel of the RF Armed Forces. The procedure for the participation of Black Sea Fleet military personnel in the elections of the President of the Russian Federation.” March Topic 9 “Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” Lesson “Composition and structure of the Armed Forces”. Composition and structure of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military districts, Northern Fleet, branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and other troops, military formations and bodies involved in the joint implementation of tasks in the field of state defense. (Ends on page 6 7) CMYK

6 6 “FLAG OF THE HOMELAND” NOVEMBER 4, 07 87 (7343) Topic 0 “Responsibility of military personnel” Lesson “Legal responsibility of military personnel.” Basic concepts, goals and types of legal liability of military personnel. Disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability of military personnel. Civil and financial liability of military personnel. Lesson "Crimes against military service." Features of crimes against military service. Article-by-article commentary on crimes against military service. Topic “Military collective” Lesson “General characteristics of a military collective.” What is a team? The main characteristics of a team. Specifics of the military collective. The place and role of a warrior in a team. Lesson “Relationships in the military team as a factor in the success of performing official tasks.” The influence of intra-team relationships on service satisfaction. Interpersonal relationships as a factor in the success of performing job tasks. Study time reserve. April Topic 7 “The most important battles of the Great Patriotic War. The world-historical significance of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War." Lesson 3 “Sources of the Great Victory.” Sources of Victory: the powerful economic base of the state, the ability to produce a wide variety of military equipment, to satisfy the material needs of the war; moral, political and spiritual unity of Soviet society; coordinated organizational work of the country's political and military leadership; the powerful potential of the Soviet Armed Forces, the high level of strategic leadership and combat skill of our military personnel, and the military organization as a whole; high patriotism of Soviet soldiers, love for their Fatherland, loyalty to constitutional duty; foreign policy of the Soviet state. Reading works of literature for an hour. Thematic viewing of a film for an hour (B.V. Polevoy “The Tale of a Real Man”, E.V. Kazakevich “Star”). Test lesson for the winter period of study Topic 7 “The most important battles of the Great Patriotic War. The world-historical significance of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War." Lesson 3 “Sources of the Great Victory.” Thematic film screening for an hour. Lesson 4. “The most important lessons of war.” The most important results and lessons of the Great Patriotic War. Day of Military Glory of Russia: May 9, Victory Day of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War (945). Thematic screening of the film “Battle of Berlin” 30 min. Reading works of literature 30 min. (L. S. Sobolev “Sea Soul”, A.T. Tvardovsky “Vasily Terkin: a book about a fighter”) Topic 3 “The army of Rus' and the Russian state in the struggle for independence and territorial integrity of the Fatherland in the 9th-17th centuries.” Lesson “Repelling aggression from the West. Battle of the Neva 40 and the Battle of the Ice 4.” The tragedy of the historical period Russia is going through. Whoever goes to Rus' with a sword will die by the sword. Reading works of literature of the hour (V.T. Pashuto “Alexander Nevsky”). Study time reserve May Topic 4 “Basic provisions of international humanitarian law” Lesson. “Basic concepts and norms of international humanitarian law.” The concept of international humanitarian law. Persons and objects protected by international humanitarian law. Combatants and military installations. Prohibited methods (methods) and means of warfare. Topic 4 “Basic provisions of international humanitarian law” Lesson. "Responsibility for violation of international humanitarian law." Code of conduct for servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation who participate in combat operations. Responsibility for crimes related to violations of international humanitarian law. Black Sea Fleet: history and modernity. The role of the Black Sea Fleet in the liberation of Crimea and Sevastopol (on the 73rd anniversary of the liberation of the city of Sevastopol) Credit and its types Topic 6. “Russian legislation on freedom of conscience and freedom of religion. Peculiarities of the implementation of religious needs by religious military personnel” Lesson. "Russian legislation on freedom of conscience and freedom of religion." Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of September 6, 997 5-FZ “On Freedom of Conscience and Religious Associations”, Federal Law of May 3, 996 6-FZ “On Defense”, Federal Law of May 7, 998 76 -FZ “On the Status of Military Personnel”, Regulations on the organization of work with religious military personnel in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the specifics of the implementation of the rights of religious military personnel. Topic 7 “Basics of military service upon conscription of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Guarantees of legal and social protection provided to military personnel undergoing military service upon conscription” Lesson. “Completing military service upon conscription in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.” Legal basis of military service. Rights and responsibilities of a military personnel. Legal regulation of state support for military personnel (food, clothing and cash allowances). Topic 6 “Social and medical consequences of the use of narcotic and psychotropic substances. Criminal and administrative liability for offenses related to drug trafficking” Lesson “Drug addiction and combat readiness. Social and medical consequences of the use of narcotic and psychotropic substances. Criminal and administrative liability for offenses related to drug trafficking.” The state of crime related to drug trafficking in the area where the military unit is located. Consequences of drug use in the work activities of military personnel. Social and medical consequences of the use of narcotic and psychotropic substances. Criminal and administrative liability for offenses related to drug trafficking. July Topic 8 “Modern combat and its influence on the psyche of military personnel” Lesson “Factors determining the activity of military personnel in combat.” The concept of modern combat. External factors influencing combat activity. Internal factors influencing combat activity. Lesson “Combat stress and its psychological consequences.” Concept of stress. External signs of combat mental trauma. The procedure for providing first aid to military personnel who have received combat mental trauma. Topic 9 “Military reforms of Peter I, strengthening of Russian statehood” Lesson “Creation of the Russian regular army and navy.” The era of the reign of Peter I (68-75). Tables of ranks. Army and navy under Peter I. Lesson “Battle of Poltava (709). Victory of the Russian fleet at Gangut (74)” Thematic screening of the film, hour. Reading works of literature of the hour (A.S. Pushkin “Poltava”, V.A. Serchik “Poltava, 709”). Topic 0. “Defense of the Fatherland is the duty and responsibility of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Worldview, moral and spiritual foundations of conscious service to the Fatherland” Lesson. “Military oath is a warrior’s oath of allegiance to the Motherland.” The historical necessity of military personnel’s readiness for armed defense of the Fatherland. Military oath. Moral imperatives of traditional religious associations in Russia on the importance of taking the Military Oath and conscientiously performing military duty. High spiritual qualities of a serviceman are the basis of worthy service to the Fatherland. Thematic screening of films: “Fathers of Special Purpose”, “The Unquenchable Lamp of Kursk”. Topic: “Psychological preparation of military personnel for active combat operations” Lesson: “Fundamentals of psychological readiness.” The concept of psychological preparation. Goals of psychological preparation. Levels of psychological readiness. Ways to form psychological readiness for battle. August Topic: “Psychological preparation of military personnel for active combat operations” Lesson: “Methods of psychological self-regulation.” Autogenic training. Muscle tone control. Impact on biologically active points. Breathing exercises. Active neuromuscular relaxation Lesson according to the plan of commanders of military units 7.05 Lesson according to the plan of commanders of military units.05 Lesson according to the plan of commanders of military units 4.05 Lesson according to the plan of commanders of military units 9.05 Lesson according to the plan of commanders of military units 3.05 Topic "Military etiquette and culture of communication of military personnel" Lesson "Military Etiquette". The essence of etiquette. From the history of etiquette. Office etiquette. Lesson “Culture of Communication”. Communication culture. Military behavior culture. How to behave in public places Summer training period June Topic “Russia in the modern world and the main priorities of its military policy. Tasks of soldiers (sailors) of a military unit (ship) for the academic year" Lesson "Military-political situation and general characteristics of military threats." The main factors of the external military threat to Russia. Internal military threats to Russia. Lesson “System of military threats to the security of the Russian Federation.” Military threat groups of the Russian Federation. Tasks of soldiers (sailors) of a military unit (ship) for the summer training period of 08. Topic: “Traditional religious associations of Russia. Interaction of the Russian army and navy with traditional religious associations: history and modernity.” Lesson “Traditional religious associations of Russia.” Russian Orthodox Church. Islam. Buddhism. Judaism. Military priests in the history of the Russian army and navy. Revival of the institution of military clergy in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation Topic “Wars and battles of the 19th century.” Lesson “Patriotic War of 8: Battle of Borodino.” Thematic screening of the film “The Great Year of Russia (8)” 30 min. Reading works of literature, 5 hours (M. Lermontov “Borodino”, O.A. Mikhailov “Kutuzov”). Topic 7. “The most important battles of the Great Patriotic War. The world-historical significance of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War" Lesson "Battle of Kursk. Its role and significance during the war." Day of Military Glory of Russia: August 3, Day of the defeat of Nazi troops by Soviet troops in the Battle of Kursk (943). The historical significance of the defeat of the Nazi troops by Soviet troops near Kursk. Thematic film screening 30 min. Reading works of literature, 5 hours (M.A. Sholokhov “They Fought for the Motherland”). Topic 4. “Basic provisions of international humanitarian law” Lesson. "Responsibility for violation of international humanitarian law." Code of conduct for servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation who participate in combat operations. Responsibility for crimes related to violations of international humanitarian law. Study time reserve Topic 5 “History of state and military symbols of Russia” Lesson “State symbols of Russia”. History and modernity. Coat of arms. Hymn. Flag of Russia. Reading works of literature of the hour

7 NOVEMBER 4, 07 87 (7343) “FLAG OF THE MOTHERLAND” 7 September Topic 3 “Know and strictly implement security measures during combat training and daily activities of the unit” Lesson “Basic concepts and definitions of military service security.” Legal structure of military service security. Concepts and definitions related to the security of military service. Hazard groups. Areas of manifestation of dangers. Security levels of military service. Lesson “Compliance with the safety requirements of military service during guard and internal services, combat duty.” Charter of the Internal Service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on compliance by military personnel with the security requirements of military service. General and specific security requirements for military service. Nomenclature of hazards for a specific military unit. Topic 4 “XVIII century of Russian military glory” Lesson “Victories of the Russian fleet under the command of F.F. Ushakov over the Turkish squadron at Cape Tendra (790).” Thematic film screening for an hour. Reading works of literature for an hour (V.N. Ganichev “Ushakov”, History of the Russian Fleet). Topic 3 “The army of Rus' and the Russian state in the struggle for independence and territorial integrity of the Fatherland in the 9th-17th centuries.” Lesson “The struggle of the Russian people against the Horde yoke. Battle of Kulikovo 380" Mongol-Tatar yoke. Moscow is the center of unity of Russian lands. Thematic film screening for an hour. Reading works of literature for an hour (V.S. Vozovikov “Kulikovo Field”). Topic 4 “Discipline is the most important quality of a warrior’s personality” Lesson “High discipline is the key to success in battle and everyday life.” Statements by generals and military leaders about the role and significance of military discipline. Self-discipline and diligence. Lesson “Self-education and self-education of the individual during military service.” The main directions of self-development of a serviceman. Ways and means of self-training and self-education in military service. October Topic 5 “The glorious victory of Russian weapons in the Russian-Turkish war.” Lesson “Heroism and steadfastness of Russian soldiers in combat operations in the Balkans and the Caucasus.” Heroes of Shipka and Plevna Heights. The historical significance of Russia's victory in the Balkans and the Caucasus. Reading works of literature of the hour Final lesson for the 08th academic year L.S. Sobolev “Sea Soul” 7.04 (.03.05); 8. 4 V.T. Pashuto “Alexander Nevsky” (ZhZL) 4.04 (6.04) 3. 5 A.S. Pushkin “Poltava” 7.07 (9.07) 5. 6 V.A. Serchik “Poltava, 709” 7.07 (9.07) 0. 7 M. Lermontov “Borodino” 6.08 (0.09). 8 O.A. Mikhailov “Kutuzov” 6.08 (0. 09) V.N. Ganichev “Ushakov” 3.09 (9.0) History of the Russian Fleet 3.09 (7.05) 7.05; 9.06 V.S. Vozovikov “Field of Kulikovo” 0.09 (8.09) 7. Note: Reading dates for military personnel of naval formations are indicated in parentheses. 6. CURRICULUM OF PUBLIC AND STATE TRAINING OF SAILORS ENGAGED IN THE PROGRAM FOR IMPROVING INITIAL MILITARY AND GENERAL MILITARY TRAINING Topic Form Number of hours. The homeland you defend. Defense of the Fatherland is a constitutional duty and responsibility of a citizen of the Russian Federation.. Constitutional foundations for ensuring the security and defense capability of the Russian Federation. 3. Purpose and composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. History and traditions of the Navy, Southern Military District, Black Sea Fleet, formation, military unit (ship). 4. Legislation of the Russian Federation on the procedure for military service upon conscription. Rights and responsibilities of military personnel. Social guarantees and compensation provided to military personnel undergoing conscription and members of their families. 5. Law and order. Criminal liability of military personnel for crimes against military service. 6. Defense of the Fatherland is the duty and responsibility of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Worldview, moral and spiritual foundations of conscious service to the Fatherland. The meaning of taking the Military Oath. Thematic screening of the film “Fathers of Special Purpose”. story story story story story story story 7. Military etiquette and culture of communication between military personnel story Topic 8 “Russia in the era of wars and revolutions (94-9)” Lesson “The Last War of the Russian Empire”. Military-political situation in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. The assassination of the heir to the Austrian throne, Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Invasion of German troops into Belgium and France. Galician battle. Brusilovsky breakthrough. Lesson "Army during the revolutionary events of 97 and the civil war." (Ends. Starts on page 3.) According to the plans of the commanders of military units 8.0 According to the plans of the commanders of military units. 3.0 According to the plans of the commanders of military units. 5.0 According to the plans of the commanders of military units According to the plans of the commanders of military units. 6. According to the plans of the commanders of military units. 8. According to the plans of the commanders of military units. 3. According to the plans of the commanders of military units. 5. According to the plans of the commanders of military units. 0. According to the plans of the commanders of military units.. According to the plans of the commanders of military units. 7. According to the plans of the commanders of military units. 9. Use the reserve study time for an in-depth study of the legislation of the Russian Federation, including national history, relevant to you in the daily activities of the Armed Forces, as well as topics recommended by the military command authorities of the Southern Military District and the Fleet. LIST OF WORKS OF LITERATURE FOR COMPULSORY READING FOR MILITARY SERVANTS OF THE BLACK SEA FLEET Author Title of works Mandatory reading date L.N. Tolstoy "Sevastopol Stories". (.).0 S.E. Davydov "Nakhimov". (.) 8.0 additional 3 M.A. Sholokhov “They Fought for the Motherland” 9. (8.); (.0) 4 Yu.V. Bondarev “Hot Snow” 9. (8.) 8. 5 L.I. Rakovsky “Generalissimo Suvorov” 6. (5.) V.S. Pikul "Cruiser" 8. (.0) B.V. Field “The Tale of a Real Man” 5.0; (.) 8 B.L. Vasiliev “Not on the lists” 5.0 (0.08) A.A. Prokhanov “Afghan” 5.0 (7.05) V.P. Nekrasov “In the trenches of Stalingrad” 0.0 (5.0) 30.0 E.V. Kazakevich “Zvezda” 5.04 (3.04) 4.05 A.T. Tvardovsky “Vasily Terkin: a book about a fighter.”04 (8.) TOTAL: 4 CONTENT OF CLASSES ON PUBLIC AND STATE TRAINING OF SOLDIERS (SAILORS) ENGAGED IN THE PROGRAM FOR IMPROVING INITIAL MILITARY AND GENERAL MILITARY TRAINING Topic. “The homeland that you defend. Defense of the Fatherland is a constitutional duty and responsibility of a citizen of the Russian Federation. State symbols of the Russian Federation." Just an hour. Story of the hour. Our Motherland Russian Federation: general background information about the Russian Federation: geographical location, area, population, national composition, length of borders, administrative-territorial division, natural resources, economic potential. Brief geographical and socio-economic characteristics of the region in which the military unit is stationed. Main milestones of the heroic past of the Fatherland. Defense of the Fatherland is a constitutional duty and responsibility of a citizen of the Russian Federation. State symbols of the Russian Federation: State flag of the Russian Federation, State emblem of the Russian Federation, State anthem of the Russian Federation. Subject. “Constitutional foundations for ensuring the security and defense capability of the Russian Federation.” Just an hour. Story of the hour. State power in the Russian Federation. Structure of government bodies. Military organization of society. The powers of federal executive authorities in ensuring national security and defense capability. The President of the Russian Federation is the highest official of the state, Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. General rights and responsibilities of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of defense and security. The role of the President of the Russian Federation in organizing the country's defense. Powers of the President of Russia in the sphere of management of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in peacetime and wartime. Topic 3. “Purpose and composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. History and traditions of a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a military district (fleet), a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a formation, a military unit.” Just an hour. Story of the hour. Class. “Purpose and composition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.” The main historical stages of the creation and development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Purpose, structure and tasks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Traditions and rituals of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and their significance in the formation of patriotism and loyalty to military duty among personnel. The main directions for the formation of a new image of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. New approaches to organizing daily activities and combat training of personnel. Just an hour. Story hour. Class. “History and traditions of the branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military district (fleet), branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, formation, military unit.” Historical stages of the creation, formation and development of a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a military district (fleet), a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, a formation, a military unit. Combat path, formations, military units and units. Courage and heroism of personnel in defending the Fatherland and performing military duty. Just an hour. Story hour. Topic 4. “Legislation of the Russian Federation on the procedure for military service upon conscription. Rights and responsibilities of military personnel. Social guarantees and compensation provided to military personnel undergoing military service and members of their families.” Just an hour. Story of the hour. The concept and general characteristics of the status of military personnel undergoing conscription military service. Legal basis for military service. Rights and responsibilities of a military personnel. Legal regulation of state support for military personnel (food, clothing and cash allowances). Guarantees and compensations provided to military personnel undergoing military service and members of their families. Compulsory state life and health insurance for military personnel. Basic provisions of the “Strategy for Social Development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the period up to 00.” Features of the implementation of human rights and freedoms in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Topic 5. “Law and order. Criminal liability of military personnel for crimes against military service.” Just an hour. Story of the hour. Basic concepts, goals and types of legal liability of military personnel. Disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability of military personnel. Civil and financial liability of military personnel. The concept and features of crimes against military service. Article-by-article comments on crimes against military service. Topic 6. “Defense of the Fatherland is the duty and responsibility of a citizen of the Russian Federation. Worldview, moral and spiritual foundations of conscious service to the Fatherland. The meaning of taking the Military Oath." Just an hour. Story hour. Thematic screening of the film “Fathers of Special Purpose”, hour. The historical necessity of military personnel’s readiness for armed defense of the Fatherland. Military oath. Moral imperatives of traditional religious associations in Russia on the importance of taking the Military Oath and conscientiously performing military duty. High spiritual qualities of a serviceman are the basis of worthy service to the Fatherland. Topic 7. “Military etiquette and culture of communication between military personnel.” Just an hour. Story of the hour. The essence of etiquette. From the history of etiquette. General military regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the basic norms of military etiquette. Communication culture among military personnel. The culture of behavior of military personnel. BSF PERSONNEL WORK DEPARTMENT

8 88 “FLAG OF THE MOTHERLAND” NOVEMBER 4, 07 YEAR OF THE MOTHERLAND” 87 (7343) NOVEMBER 4, 07 87 (7343) “FLAG November 7, Marine Corps Day The first marine regiment formed in the Baltic consisted of two battalions of five companies each. The regiment consisted of 45 officers, 70 non-commissioned officers and 50 privates. The “sea soldiers” were armed with guns with baguettes (a prototype of a bayonet inserted into the barrel from the muzzle) and edged weapons (cleaver and saber). A special uniform was established for the Marines. In the Northern War of Russia against Sweden for access to the Baltic Sea (700 7), the marines were widely used in naval boarding battles and landings. In 7, instead of the regiment, five marine battalions were formed. Three battalions were included in the naval squadrons, one in the galley squadron, and another performed guard duty in the ports. The Russian marines received their baptism of fire in 706 when they captured the Swedish military boat Espern in a boarding battle. And the following year, marine detachments landed on the Swedish island of Gotland. In The marines took part in the capture of the southern coast of Finland from Vyborg to Abo (now Turku), including the Finnish capital Helsingfors (Helsinki). In the Gangut naval battle (74), the marines took part in fierce boarding battles that ended with the capture of enemy ships. The Gangut victory was followed in 79 by the victory at Grengam, during which four Swedish frigates were boarded and captured by the marines. Fearing Russian landings on its territory, Sweden in 7 made peace with Russia on terms favorable to our country. In the Russian-Turkish War. detachments of the Russian Marine Corps of the Mediterranean squadron of Admiral G.A. Spiridov liberated a number of islands of the Greek archipelago from Turkish rule, distinguished himself in the Battle of Chesme in 770, and participated in the capture of the Navarino fortress (77), as well as the fortress and port of Beirut (77). During the war with Napoleonic France (gg.), marines from the squadron of Vice Admiral F.F. Ushakova, who operated in the Mediterranean Sea, bravely acted in the landings, during which seven Ionian islands were liberated, including the capture of the strongest fortress of Corfu (799). The landing force under the command of Lieutenant Commander G.G. Belli liberated Naples from the French. During the Patriotic War of 8, the Marine Corps ensured the crossing of wide water obstacles by ground forces and took a direct part in the hostilities. The Guards (naval) crew distinguished itself in the Battle of Borodino in the year 8, and the following year “for their heroic deeds in the Battle of Kulm” (present-day Czech Republic) they were awarded the St. George (Guards) Banner. With battles, the Guards crew reached Paris and took part in the capture of the French capital in 1984. In a number of battles of the foreign campaign of the Russian army. The 75th Black Sea Fleet crew also participated. Naval rifle and airborne battalions participated in the years. In the defense of Sevastopol, the Russian-Tudeans sent more than 75 thousand military sailors to the land fronts. With their steadfastness, revolutionary impulse and selfless courage, they inspired the Red Army soldiers. During the Civil War in 1990, the first formation of the Soviet marine corps, the Marine Expeditionary Division, was formed, which successfully operated in the Sea of ​​Azov and in Northern Tavria against the White Guard troops of General Wrangel. In accordance with the resolution of the State Defense Committee of December 8, 1994, 5 and then over 0 naval rifle brigades were formed, which, as part of the active fronts, participated in the defense of Moscow, Leningrad, Odessa, Sevastopol, Kerch, Novorossiysk, Stalingrad, Tuapse and Sovetsky Arctic. During the war, fleets and flotillas landed 3 landing forces, which included the Annual Marine Corps Day, which was established by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy on December 9, 995. On November 7 (6 Art. Art.), 705, by decree of Peter the Great, the first “regiment of naval soldiers” was approved, marking the beginning of the organization of the marine corps in the Russian Navy. We should make nails out of these people: there wouldn’t be any stronger nails in the world! retsk war and in the defense of Port Arthur during the Russian-Japanese War. Naval rifle battalions reappeared in the Russian Navy during the First World War. During the war they were deployed into brigades. And at the end of 96, divisions began to be formed in the Baltic and Black Sea fleets. Thus, the Baltic naval division on the Romanian front defended the arm of the Danube, and the Black Sea naval division in Sevastopol was preparing for an amphibious operation on the Bosporus. During the October armed uprising of 97, detachments of revolutionary sailors of the Baltic Fleet stormed the Winter Palace and other important objects in Petrograd. At the direction of V.I. Lenin in November 97, a revolutionary detachment of sailors was formed in the Baltic Fleet, sent to assist the Moscow proletariat in the struggle for the establishment of Soviet power. During the years of the Civil War and foreign military intervention to fight the invaders and the White Guards - Graduates of all years of graduation and teachers of the Caspian VVMKU! On December 6 at 4.00 there will be a meeting dedicated to the 78th anniversary of the founding of the Caspian Higher Naval Red Banner School named after. CM. Kirov. Meeting place: Sevastopol, cafe “Red Poppy”. Contact numbers: Bakuradze Y.N., Peresunko V.M., Neminushchiy Y.A., Airiyan G.S. Organizing Committee RECEPTION OF CITIZENS November 8 from 0.00 to 3.00 in the department (for working with citizens’ appeals, public reception of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) of the Black Sea Directorate Fleet (Sevastopol, Lenin St., 7, room 9) a thematic reception of citizens will be held on housing issues with the participation of representatives of the department (Sevastopol) of the Federal State Institution “Southern Regional Housing Administration” of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Newspaper of the Red Banner Black Sea Fleet FOUNDER: Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. PUBLISHER: Commander of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. EDITOR IN CHARGE: O. V. Prikhodko. The newspaper is registered with the Ministry of Press and Information of the Russian Federation, reg. 0956, Index Published on Tuesdays and Fridays. The Marine Corps, in its direct purpose in the Soviet Navy, appeared on the eve of World War II. By order of the commander of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet dated June 7, 939, “the formation of a separate special brigade with a deployment in Kronstadt” began. During the war with Finland that began on November 30, 939, a coastal escort detachment formed from military sailors of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet successfully operated. The Soviet Marine Corps received special development during the Great Patriotic War. “During the war years, the Navy sent a total of more than 400 thousand officers, foremen and sailors to the land fronts,” noted Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union S.G. Gorshkov. Of these, over 40 marine brigades and naval rifle brigades, 6 separate battalions and detachments were formed. In addition, about 00 thousand marines who remained in the fleets and flotillas carried out ground defense of naval bases and islands and participated in amphibious assaults.” The residents of Sevastopol suffered a severe, irreparable loss; the chairman of the city’s Public Chamber, retired Rear Admiral Evgeniy Georgievich Khalaichev, suddenly died. A faithful son of Russia, a true patriot, a Russian officer, an extremely decent person, has passed away. Evgeniy Georgievich gave his entire life to the Black Sea Fleet and the city of Russian naval glory, Sevastopol. A true professional, a man with a big soul and an open heart, he enjoyed great respect, love and trust from everyone with whom he worked and communicated. Evgeniy Georgievich was one of the first to join the ranks and head the headquarters of the people's self-defense, and tens of thousands of marines acted. For military distinctions in the Great Patriotic War, 5 brigades and battalions of the Marine Corps were transformed into guards, 9 brigades and 6 battalions were awarded orders, many were given honorary titles. Tens of thousands of Marines were awarded orders and medals, 49 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and Senior Lieutenant V.N. Leonov became twice Hero of the Soviet Union. In 956, due to the subjective views of N.S., who led the country at that time. Khrushchev on the dominant role of missile weapons and his underestimation of other branches of the Armed Forces and branches of the armed forces and forces, the Marine Corps was abolished. The Marine Corps was again restored as part of the Navy of the Soviet Union in the years. In the s of the 20th century, marines as part of individual units, reinforced companies and battalions constantly performed combat service on ships, defending the state and directly participating in the process of returning Sevastopol and Crimea to their native harbor in Russia, for which they were awarded a high state award. Actively participating in the social and political life of the city of Sevastopol, he made a great personal contribution to the formation of Russian statehood on the Crimean Peninsula. I express my sincere condolences to the residents of Sevastopol, friends and comrades, relatives and friends of Evgeniy Georgievich. His memory will always live in our hearts. Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the North Caucasus Federal District O. Belaventsev EDITORIAL ADDRESS: 99050, Sevastopol, st. Mokrousova, 5. Telephones: editorial office (8 6 9) (6-88), -46; printing house (869) (9-44); subscription (869) (7-6); watch (869) Email: Electronic version of the newspaper on the website www. mil. ru: Home //Social development //Media //Newspapers //"Flag of the Motherland". the gifted interests of the USSR, with their presence in “hot spots” and in the World Ocean, extinguishing the aggressive aspirations of the imperialist circles of the USA and NATO and providing international assistance to the armed forces of developing states: And all latitudes remember the Marine Corps fighters who know no barriers from the assault brigades! (From the song “Black Berets” to the words of V. Volgar) Marine formations and units invariably participated in all major operational-strategic and operational-tactical maneuvers and exercises of the countries participating in the Warsaw Pact, and in the post-Soviet period in a number of joint international exercises. Since 995, units of the Marine Corps have taken an active part in establishing constitutional order in Chechnya, Dagestan and the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus region. The courage and valor of the marines of our fleets operating in the North Caucasus earned high praise from the leadership of the Russian Federation: more than 5 thousand soldiers, sergeants and officers earned state awards, and people became Heroes of the Russian Federation. Among the glorious deeds of the marines of a separate brigade of the Black Sea Fleet in recent years is their participation in ensuring the combat operations of the Aerospace Forces of our country in Syria to destroy the objects, positions and manpower of international ISIS terrorists and the basing of our fleet forces in this Arab republic. We, the older generation Marines, proudly accepted the awarding of a separate marine brigade of the Black Sea Fleet with the Order of Zhukov in June 2006 for services to ensuring the security of the Russian Federation, high performance in combat training, courage and dedication shown by personnel during combat training tasks. Happy traditional holiday, Marine Corps Day, dear veterans of our glorious branch of the Navy and representatives of the modern generation of Marines who worthily continue the combat traditions of the Marine Corps! I wish you good health, further success in maintaining high combat readiness and combat training, activity in veteran affairs, vigor, energy and personal happiness! Retired Colonel Gennady RYZHONOK, a veteran of the Soviet Marine Corps, who for years commanded the 99th Marine Corps Training Center of the Navy. The Council of Veterans of the Military Financial and Economic Service of the Black Sea Fleet announces with deep regret that on November 0, at the age of 77, a veteran of the financial service, Lieutenant Colonel, died retired GONORSKY Alexander Georgievich. Alexander Georgievich was born on October 3, 94 in the city of Iman, Primorsky Territory. Since 968, he linked his fate with the Armed Forces, devoting more than 0 years to protecting its borders on the extreme borders of Chukotka as an inspector-auditor of a division and head of the financial service of an air defense brigade. For more than 5 years he served as head of the financial service of the air defense brigade, and then as inspector-auditor of the air defense division in Sevastopol. After being transferred to the reserve in 989, he worked for more than 5 years in various financial positions in the military formations of the Black Sea Fleet, of which more than 6 years in the financial and economic management of the Black Sea Fleet as a chief accountant. We express our condolences to the family and friends of the deceased. Friends and colleagues in the financial service of the Black Sea Fleet. Signing for printing: according to schedule 7.30, actually in Order 87. Circulation: .00 copies. The newspaper was printed at the Solna LLC printing house. The authors of the materials are responsible for the accuracy of the facts. The editors do not correspond with readers. Manuscripts will not be reviewed and returned. CMYK

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