How to make a saturated solution of copper sulfate. How to make a crystal from copper sulfate. Making a beautiful crystal

At home, you can grow crystals of a wide variety of shapes, sizes and even colors. If you use salt or sugar as the crystallization material, you will have to use dyes to obtain a colored crystal. But growing a crystal from copper sulfate at home allows you to immediately obtain a crystal of a beautiful blue color.

The essence of crystallization of copper sulfate is no different from the crystallization of sugar or salt. Copper sulfate has wide application in agriculture, is used as a fertilizer and is sold in garden supply stores.

To grow a crystal from copper sulfate at home you will need:

  • Copper sulfate;
  • Water. It is better to use distilled water (you can buy it at an auto supply store) or use regular boiled water.
  • ​ Glass cup or jar;
  • ​ Thread.
  • ​ Stick or regular pencil;
  • ​ Colorless nail polish.
  • ​ Rubber gloves.

Instructions on how to grow a crystal from copper sulfate at home

Attention! When working with copper sulfate, it is better to wear gloves!

  1. At the initial stage, we prepare a supersaturated solution. Pour about 300 ml of water into a jar or glass. We begin to add copper sulfate. Add a tablespoon and stir. The vitriol will dissolve very quickly. Add another spoon and stir again. We do this until the salt begins to settle at the bottom. The solution turned out to be oversaturated. Place the jar in a pan of water and put the pan on the fire. It is necessary to achieve complete dissolution of vitriol in water.
  2. While the solution cools, prepare the “seed”. The seed can be a large crystal of copper sulfate or a bead or button. We fix the seed on the thread.
  3. The seed on the thread can be placed inside the jar with the solution. In this case, the seed should not touch the walls of the vessel or its bottom. Therefore, we tie a thread to a stick or pencil in the middle. Place a pencil across the neck of the jar.
  4. We leave the structure alone and wait until crystals begin to form. Copper sulfate crystals grow somewhat faster than salt or sugar crystals. When the crystal reaches the desired size, remove it from the solution and cut the thread.
  5. In order to give the crystal an even more attractive look, cover it with colorless nail polish.

Things to remember:

The more saturated the solution, the faster the crystallization will occur. After a day or two, you can carefully remove the crystal from the solution, and replace the solution itself with a new, more saturated one.

Keep the crystal away from small children. After all, copper sulfate crystals are so beautiful that children will definitely want to taste them.

You can also grow crystals from sugar, copper sulfate and colored salt with your own hands.

How to grow a crystal at home? If earlier such a question might have been surprising, today most people have seen at least once in their lives what home-grown crystals are, and some have already created such beauty.

The process can be called labor-intensive, and it will take a lot of time, but it can definitely be fascinating, especially since the result is usually impressive. Growing crystals is recommended as a joint activity with children, because young and not so young researchers are very interested in such a pastime.

Having decided to experiment at home for the first time, you should start with the simplest, using a product that can be found in any home - sugar. This method is especially recommended for conducting research together with children, especially since they will try the resulting result. How to grow a crystal from sugar?

To do this you will need the following:

The growing process begins by boiling sugar syrup - 1/4 tbsp. water mixed with 2 liters. sugar and keep on the stove until the liquid acquires the consistency of syrup. Then a skewer is dipped in it and sprinkled with sugar. The further beauty of the sugar crystal depends on the uniformity of the sprinkling. Thus, make several blanks and leave them for 8-12 hours until they are completely dry.

Once the skewers are dry, you can begin the next stage. Pour 500 ml of water into a saucepan or ladle and add 2.5 cups of granulated sugar. Then the container is placed on low heat and cooked, stirring continuously, until the mixture becomes syrup. It is important to ensure that the sugar is completely dissolved.

Then add the remaining sugar (2.5 cups) and continue cooking. The syrup is then left to cool for 20 minutes. At this time, you can start preparing the base for the crystals. It is necessary to cut paper circles slightly larger in diameter than the glasses and carefully pierce them with chopsticks. The main thing is that the paper should be tightly fixed on the skewer, since it will act as a holder and serve as a lid for the glass.

Once cooled down, but still hot, the syrup needs to be poured into glasses. And if at this moment you combine it with food coloring, the grown crystal will become colored. Then the stick in the paper is dipped into the sugar mixture and left there until a crystal forms. Afterwards, a similar procedure is repeated with the remaining blanks.

It will not be possible to quickly grow a crystal in this way, since, on average, this process will take 6-8 days. After it is formed, you can admire the result and treat yourself and your children to a beautiful sweet.

How does salt crystallize?

Not only can you use sugar, but it is also possible to grow a crystal from salt at home. This is a fairly simple procedure, which, however, requires patience.

To create it you need the following:

Heat the water in a saucepan without bringing it to a boil, otherwise the experiment will fail. Then salt is slowly added to it, stirring continuously so that each portion of salt is completely dissolved. Salt is added until the water stops dissolving it.

The saline solution is placed in a jar and left for about 20-24 hours. As time passes, various crystalline formations appear in the container, emerging from the salt sediment. You need to choose the one that is prettier and larger, take it out of the jar and tie it on a string.

The remaining solution must be poured into another jar, but so that other crystals do not fall into it. Then a crystal with a tied thread is lowered into it. Afterwards, all you have to do is wait, as the crystal will begin to grow, and within a couple of days a change in its size will be noticeable.

As soon as its growth stops, you can end the experiment or prepare an additional salt solution and repeat the procedure so that the crystal becomes much larger. By the way, you can speed up the process by changing the saline solution more often.

Having learned how to grow a crystal from salt and prepared everything you need, it is worth considering several nuances. Firstly, you cannot cool the solution, chat, or try to color it; coloring will not occur, but the experiment will fail.

Use of copper sulfate for experiment

We will talk about a more complex process that can be carried out at home, but if it is performed by children, then with the obligatory supervision of adults. How to grow a crystal from copper sulfate (aka copper sulfate)?

For the experiment you need to prepare the following components:

When purchasing the last component, it is worth assessing the quality of the substance - the powder has a bright blue color, a uniform consistency, without impurities or lumps.

Pour 100 g of the substance into a container and pour hot water into it in small portions, stirring continuously. The solution is so saturated that the copper salt is unable to dissolve in it.

The liquid is filtered and placed on a shelf in the refrigerator compartment. One night is enough to discover that the bottom of the jar is covered with a large number of crystals. It is worth selecting a pair that is prettier and larger and lowering them into the strained solution, after securing them with thread. The container is covered with paper and all that remains is waiting.

This is the longest experiment, since vitriol crystals grow slowly. It will take more than one week for it to ripen. The crystal is then removed from the jar, rinsed under cool water and coated with a clear nail design coating.

Having learned how to grow a crystal at home, you can immediately start experimenting. And if everything is done correctly, the result will definitely please you.

Which can be spent with children. Start exploring the magical world of crystals right now!

At home, you can grow crystals of almost all salts, but it is better to start with technologically simple materials. These include table salt, sugar, borax and copper sulfate. It produces the largest and most beautiful blue crystals. Growing them is easy, but at the same time it is a very interesting and educational process. Our article will help you step by step to grow a crystal of copper sulfate at home.

What you will need

Copper sulfate

You can purchase it at any gardening and hardware store. It is sold in packs of 100 grams. The blue color of household vitriol indicates a low degree of purification. The crystals from it are lighter.

Copper sulfate of low purity

Copper sulfate can also be purchased in specialized laboratories. From such vitriol a dark blue crystal will grow, similar to a precious stone.

Container for working solution

Glassware is used, since other materials react chemically with the solution. A half-liter jar with a wide neck is perfect. After the experiment, it is strictly forbidden to use it for food purposes.

Basis for crystallization

A thin blue or black wool thread is used as a base. An adult crystal is translucent, and the base should not spoil the result. An alternative could be thin, pre-sanded sandpaper.


If you use copper sulfate from a hardware store in the experiment, you will need to boil the water. To experiment with purified vitriol, use distilled water.

Means of protection

Vitriol is toxic, and you cannot work with it without gloves. It is advisable to wear a medical mask for children of primary school age.

Pencil or stick to secure the base

On it you will hang a thread on which the crystal will grow.

Clear nail polish

Disposable plastic spoon

Important! Work is carried out only under adult supervision. At the end of the process, hands must be washed thoroughly under running water. You cannot taste the crystal or powder. If copper sulfate gets into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of water.

How to make a crystal: stages of work

High concentration working solution

Add copper sulfate, spoonful at a time, to water heated to about 80 degrees. The liquid must be stirred constantly so that the powder is completely dissolved. It is important to maintain a constant water temperature; a water or sand bath can help with this. If copper sulfate has stopped dissolving and settles at the bottom, then the solution is ready. On average, 300 ml of water will take 200 grams of the substance.

Seed crystal

We move the container with the hot solution onto the cooling surface and wait until the liquid cools to room temperature. This is necessary for the loss of small crystals to begin. After straining the solution through cheesecloth, we examine the crystals and select the largest and most correct in shape. We will use it later as a seed.

Crystal growth medium

We reheat the strained solution in a water bath, again bringing it to a supersaturated state. If the resulting precipitate has not dissolved, repeat the purification. We tie the seed and place it in the jar so that the thread is positioned vertically, without touching the bottom and walls of the container. To do this, tie the thread to a pencil, and fix the pencil itself on the neck, for example, with plasticine. you will find detailed instructions and a scientific description of this experiment.

Crystal growth

Cover the dishes with a cloth and leave them undisturbed for seven days. The static nature of the structure is a prerequisite for the formation of a crystal to begin. After a week, you can notice that the thread is overgrown with small crystals measuring a millimeter in size, and the seed has increased by approximately 1 cm. The larger the crystal, the faster it grows. When you are satisfied with the result, dry the crystal and coat it with varnish - it will protect the product from white deposits during storage and give it additional shine.

From this experience, children will learn how and why crystals grow and will love making scientific discoveries.

Which can be spent with children. Start exploring the magical world of crystals right now!

At home, you can grow crystals of almost all salts, but it is better to start with technologically simple materials. These include table salt, sugar, borax and copper sulfate. It produces the largest and most beautiful blue crystals. Growing them is easy, but at the same time it is a very interesting and educational process. Our article will help you step by step to grow a crystal of copper sulfate at home.

What you will need

Copper sulfate

You can purchase it at any gardening and hardware store. It is sold in packs of 100 grams. The blue color of household vitriol indicates a low degree of purification. The crystals from it are lighter.

Copper sulfate of low purity

Copper sulfate can also be purchased in specialized laboratories. From such vitriol a dark blue crystal will grow, similar to a precious stone.

Container for working solution

Glassware is used, since other materials react chemically with the solution. A half-liter jar with a wide neck is perfect. After the experiment, it is strictly forbidden to use it for food purposes.

Basis for crystallization

A thin blue or black wool thread is used as a base. An adult crystal is translucent, and the base should not spoil the result. An alternative could be thin, pre-sanded sandpaper.


If you use copper sulfate from a hardware store in the experiment, you will need to boil the water. To experiment with purified vitriol, use distilled water.

Means of protection

Vitriol is toxic, and you cannot work with it without gloves. It is advisable to wear a medical mask for children of primary school age.

Pencil or stick to secure the base

On it you will hang a thread on which the crystal will grow.

Clear nail polish

Disposable plastic spoon

Important! Work is carried out only under adult supervision. At the end of the process, hands must be washed thoroughly under running water. You cannot taste the crystal or powder. If copper sulfate gets into your eyes, rinse them with plenty of water.

How to make a crystal: stages of work

High concentration working solution

Add copper sulfate, spoonful at a time, to water heated to about 80 degrees. The liquid must be stirred constantly so that the powder is completely dissolved. It is important to maintain a constant water temperature; a water or sand bath can help with this. If copper sulfate has stopped dissolving and settles at the bottom, then the solution is ready. On average, 300 ml of water will take 200 grams of the substance.

Seed crystal

We move the container with the hot solution onto the cooling surface and wait until the liquid cools to room temperature. This is necessary for the loss of small crystals to begin. After straining the solution through cheesecloth, we examine the crystals and select the largest and most correct in shape. We will use it later as a seed.

Crystal growth medium

We reheat the strained solution in a water bath, again bringing it to a supersaturated state. If the resulting precipitate has not dissolved, repeat the purification. We tie the seed and place it in the jar so that the thread is positioned vertically, without touching the bottom and walls of the container. To do this, tie the thread to a pencil, and fix the pencil itself on the neck, for example, with plasticine. you will find detailed instructions and a scientific description of this experiment.

Crystal growth

Cover the dishes with a cloth and leave them undisturbed for seven days. The static nature of the structure is a prerequisite for the formation of a crystal to begin. After a week, you can notice that the thread is overgrown with small crystals measuring a millimeter in size, and the seed has increased by approximately 1 cm. The larger the crystal, the faster it grows. When you are satisfied with the result, dry the crystal and coat it with varnish - it will protect the product from white deposits during storage and give it additional shine.

From this experience, children will learn how and why crystals grow and will love making scientific discoveries.

©Kireeva Elena Stanislavovna, 2018

Topic: “Growing crystals from copper sulfate”

Copper sulfate is a substance that, due to its beautiful bright blue color, is ideal for growing crystals. You can give them to your loved ones or use them as a decorative element. In any case, they will not leave anyone indifferent, and the manufacturing process can become truly exciting. So, how to grow a crystal from copper sulfate?

Preparatory activities:

Copper sulfate can be purchased at almost any hardware store. It is actively used in agriculture for pest control. However, we should not forget that this substance is toxic. When working with copper sulfate, be sure to use rubber gloves and prevent it from getting into the esophagus and mucous membranes. After finishing work, wash your hands thoroughly in running water.

You can grow a real miracle from copper sulfate, but do not forget about safety precautions during the manufacturing process.

In order to make a crystal, you will need:

    water - if possible, use distilled or, in extreme cases, boiled. Raw tap water is absolutely unsuitable due to the content of chlorides, which will react with the solution and deteriorate its quality;

    copper sulfate;

    plastic glass;

    jar 500ml;

    filter paper;

    fishing line - remember copper sulfate crystals are transparent, and the thread should not be visible through them.

When placing the seed in a container with a solution, make sure that it does not come into contact with the walls or bottom of the container. This can disrupt the crystal growth process and its structure.

Instructions for growing a crystal:

1.mix vitriol and hot water in a suitable container (glass or jar). Stir: the active substance should completely dissolve. After this, filter the solution through cotton wool or filter paper. The sediment remaining on the surface of the filter can be dried and used again if necessary. Leave for a day;

2. the next day, drain all remaining solution into a clean container; a crystal for the seed, tie it to a fishing line (thread). Fasten the second end of the thread to a pencil and place it horizontally on the container. The seed must be lowered into the solution in a strictly vertical position. Cover the dishes with a piece of cloth or a disk to prevent dust from getting inside;

4.After a few days you will notice that the crystal is growing. In a week it will reach 1 cm, and over time it will increase even more;(this is our next stage)

Be sure to cover the container with the solution and seed with a piece of cloth or disk.You may encounter some difficulties while working. They are easy to overcome by following simple rules.

A large crystal obtained through long-term cultivation.

When exposed to air, the copper sulfate crystal loses some of its moisture, erodes and collapses over time. To avoid this, store it in a tightly closed container in a cool place. Experts advise covering it with colorless varnish - this will create a reliable protective film.