Varieties of irises in yellow-brown tones. Blue-violet Siberian irises. Flowers are also classified according to color

Irises, or, as they are affectionately called, cockerels or irises, have been known to mankind since ancient times and are distributed almost throughout the globe. These unpretentious flowers look like orchids and can have a variety of colors, including the entire spectrum of rainbow colors. That is why the plant was named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow, Iris. Flowers make magnificent bouquets (see the picture), which are not a shame to present as a gift.

Iris is a symbol of hope and trust, friendly affection and cordial disposition. They are found almost everywhere, however, this circumstance does not in any way affect their attractiveness and popularity. There are legends about these flowers, they are elevated to the rank of symbols and endowed with magical powers, while rainbow cockerels modestly remain silent, simply giving us their beauty.

Types of irises: description and photo

The genus Irisaceae or Iridaceae includes about 800 species. The most popular in floriculture are bearded flowers, which are valued for their variety of colors and unusual shape. They look very beautiful in bouquets. In the scientific world, plants have a rather complex classification, consisting of several levels, but for the average person, the decisive argument when choosing varieties is color and shape.

Table and miniature, non-aryle-like and aryle-like, dwarf and small-flowered, low-growing and tall - it is quite difficult to understand all this variety of species. Therefore, we will focus on bearded irises, which have gained the most popularity among flower growers and which can most often be seen in bouquets.

If you want your garden plot to delight you with its beauty throughout the summer, you can purchase varieties of different flowering times and heights. And then, starting from mid-May, early species will begin to bloom, gradually passing the baton to varieties with mid-early flowering periods (late May-early June). Throughout June, your garden will be decorated with medium-sized irises. And finally, in early July, the late plants will bloom. That is, you can admire these extraordinary flowers almost all summer.

According to the height of the peduncle irises are divided into the following groups:

  • tall. Grow more than 0.7 m in height;
  • medium height (37-70 cm);
  • short (up to 35 cm).

Whatever type of irises you set your sights on, flowering plants will decorate any corner of your garden and will never disappoint you.


All irises, without exception, are light-loving, however, when choosing a variety, their relationship to moisture should be taken into account. Siberian iris grows well on soils with normal moisture; on swampy, constantly wet soil, species such as bristly, yellow and Kaempfer's are grown. On well-drained soils - other varieties and types of bearded irises.

Irises are planted in spring or autumn. To achieve lush flowering, they need to be replanted every 3-4 years, Siberian irises - once every 10 years.

Features of planting bearded irises

Bearded irises are distinguished by their extraordinary beauty, but at the same time they are more capricious and require proper care for their good growth and flowering. several important conditions:


Irises reproduce once every 4-5 years by dividing the rhizomes at the end of the flowering period (late July-early August). A piece of one or two years of age with a renewal bud and a trimmed bunch of leaves is separated from the mother rhizome. The mother root is pre- needs to be warmed up in the sun for 5-6 days. The division should be planted superficially, sprinkling a thin layer of soil on top. For the winter, young plantings are covered with spruce branches or mulched with sawdust.

Low-growing blue flowers, as well as dry-loving irises, are planted in the foreground of mixborders and rockeries. Moisture-loving varieties are naturally best placed near bodies of water. Bearded iris combined with lavender, coreopsis, low-growing goldenrod species, heuchera and peonies form a magnificent variety of colors in mix borders and flower beds.

Pests and diseases

It is generally accepted that although these plants have many enemies, they very resistant to their influence. However, in order for flowers to delight you with their beautiful appearance, you should not forget about proper care for them.

They have wonderful relatives - Siberian irises. They seem modest compared to their deliberately curvaceous counterparts. But this is only at first glance. An attentive eye notes their discreet beauty and aristocratic grace.

And upon closer acquaintance, they also reveal noble behavior: insisting only on the most necessary, they are not at all capricious. For the middle latitudes of our country, Siberians are the most practical culture. It is not afraid of harsh winters, tolerates autumn dampness and spring floods, is drought-resistant, tolerates shading... and most often agrees to grow where a place has been allocated, even if it is far from the best in the garden. This, of course, does not mean that they can be planted anywhere. In comfortable conditions, the plants are extremely attractive with their narrow linear pointed leaves, similar to swords, and the graphic silhouette of a dense, tall, three-quarters of a meter bush, decorated during flowering with almost filigree inflorescences of exquisite colors.

The progenitor of the culture of these beauties in nature has blue flowers. He gave birth to countless descendants in a wide variety of shades of this color. A delightful mesh pattern on the petals and a rare color, surprising with the exceptional balance of blue and purple in the Tropic Night variety, reaching a height of about a meter. Slightly shorter is Tiffany Lass, with velvety cornflower blue upper petals and ruffled lower petals, deep violet-blue with a dark chestnut hue in the central area. The color of the High Standards flowers is unusual - the golden core is surrounded by deep blue plates with a purple tint, outlined by a white line. “Marble” coloring of light blue buds with purple undertones by Ann Dasch. Almost the most popular of all Siberians, the half-meter-tall Sizes Braze (Caesar’s Brother) is magnificent with the classic structure of a blue-violet flower and a subtle pattern of white strokes that come from the base of the petals and rays out on their lapel.

Siberian irises are very appropriate and look great near bodies of water. With the same success, they are placed in mixborders: without drawing attention to themselves, they work in pairs with other perennials for the common cause of the flower garden. An excellent solution for decorating a pond or stream is an iridarium. Blue, white, yellow beauties can become its “foundation”, and cultivars of iris calamus can be its addition. Brunnera, forget-me-not, gravilat, primrose, astilbe, and bergenia are suitable as neighbors. The area of ​​the flowerbed depends on the number of specimens. In order to advantageously present 10 different varieties, approximately 15–20 square meters will be required. m.

Although these representatives of the flora are moisture-loving and unpretentious, for them the shallows of a reservoir or a swamp cannot be considered a suitable home. They need to be planted in dense, moisture-retaining, but not flooded soil. If you plan to grow a crop in one place for many years, then they need to be allocated sufficient space - they usually grow quickly. The plants will also be grateful for some acidification of the soil (for example, with ammonium nitrate). If possible, this should be done twice during the season: the first time immediately after the snow melts, and then during the formation of shoots or after flowering. During the summer, caring for Siberians comes down to watering and removing particularly persistent weeds. Both will have to be done much less often if you cover the soil around the iris with mulch. You can divide overgrown bushes all summer, but the best time is autumn until the end of October. Before digging, the leaves are shortened by pruning to 20–25 cm. During the delimitation process, the rhizomes should not be allowed to dry out (remember, Siberians love humidity!). In order not to have to resettle again soon, the babies should consist of three or four fans. Plots of old varieties overwinter without man-made flooring; untested new varieties can be covered for safety.

Spectacular bearded men and lovely Siberians are two notable representatives of the iris genus, which has more than two dozen species and thousands of varieties. By the way, “iris” means “rainbow” in Greek. The flower fully lives up to its name. And although there are no similar specimens with bright red and lush green petals in the world yet, plants with inflorescences in the widest range of all other colors, in a variety of combinations and shades, from white to almost black, are widely available for sale and are quite affordable (from 60 rubles per seedling). You shouldn’t give up such a rich palette, especially since blue iris is declared the main, but by no means the only, color of the year.

They have long gained popularity due to their unusual appearance and unpretentiousness. They practically do not require any maintenance; even an inexperienced gardener can cope with growing them. A lot of varieties of this plant have been developed. In order not to get confused in such diversity, you need to study irises, varieties with photos and names in advance. This will help create a spectacular garden that will be the envy of all your neighbors.

Varieties of irises

Iris is an unpretentious perennial plant that is distinguished by its unusual shape and color of flowers. It is suitable for growing in open areas flooded with sunlight. A distinctive feature of the flowers is their enchanting delicate aroma. Therefore, they are often used in the perfume industry.

Wild irises today can be found in meadows, steppes or on steep cliffs. Under the conditions, about five hundred different varieties have been bred that are suitable for growing in personal plots. They can be divided into several large groups:

  • bearded;
  • dwarf;
  • bulbous;
  • Siberian;
  • swamp;
  • Japanese.

In European countries, it is customary to divide these plants into 10–15 categories. Separately, border, Californian and some other species are distinguished. To decide which of them will take root better on your site, carefully study the irises, their varieties with photos and names.

Bearded irises

Bearded iris is considered one of the most common plant varieties. Its distinctive feature is the presence of thin hairs on the lower petals. They have a more saturated color compared to the general tone of the flower. Among the most spectacular varieties are:

This is just a small part of the variety on the market today. When choosing, pay attention to the fact that the flowers are in harmony with neighboring specimens and fit into the overall design of the site.

The height of such varieties can reach 80 cm, so you should not plant them in close proximity to light-loving low-growing plants.

Dwarf irises

The dwarf iris differs from its fellows in its small stature. The height of the peduncles does not exceed 40 cm. For most varieties this parameter is even 20 cm. They will be an ideal option for decorating small compact flower beds. Among the most popular varieties are:

Dwarf irises thrive in light, moisture-permeable soils. If the soil in your garden is heavy, add sand to it before planting.

Bulbous irises

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that irises are rhizomatous plants. Modern experts have managed to develop several varieties growing from bulbs. They are distinguished by unusually early flowering. They can be compared to snowdrops. As soon as the snow melts, the first flowers appear. There are three main types:

Bulbous irises look good in a flower bed with crocuses, galanthus and so on. They will be an ideal option for alpine slides.

These varieties can be grown in pots and large flowerpots. They will be an excellent decoration for verandas and gazebos.

Siberian irises

Photos of Siberian irises are impressive. They are distinguished by the extraordinary beauty of their flowers. The value of this species is also that the foliage of the plant has a rich green color throughout the entire season. The most spectacular varieties are:

Such varieties look impressive along the banks of improvised reservoirs, in large ones. Groups of such flowers can be used to decorate the lawn, which will make the landscape unusual.

Swamp irises

Swamp iris or iris grows everywhere in our country. The leaves of this species are sword-shaped. Their length can reach two meters. This species does well in partial shade. Therefore, such flowers can be planted along fences or near trees with a not too thick crown. Among the most popular varieties are:

Having studied these varieties of irises with photos and names, we can conclude that they are ideal for group plantings. Using different types of irises you can create spectacular flower beds.

Japanese irises

Japanese iris has orchid-shaped flowers. Their size can vary from 15 to 25 cm. In Japan, such plants are planted so that they can be admired from above. From this angle they look most impressive.

The plants are large, so when planting between them it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 30 cm. The most popular varieties:

After studying photos of varieties of irises, you can choose the right planting material suitable for your soil type. If you choose specimens with different flowering periods, you can admire the beauty of the flowers all summer long.

Irises bloom in the garden - video

The genus of irises has six species: filamentous, rush, Tangier, broadleaf, Boissier and common. The iris began its majestic march from the Mediterranean countries. Having settled here, people from different countries attributed different meanings to irises. So, in Japan, iris was always present at the Boys' Festival. It symbolized the symbol of courage. As a sacrifice to the Gods, the Romans dipped a flower into a glass of wine. The Egyptians considered the iris a symbol of eloquence. And today the iris serves as a decoration for anyone!

Residents of the Middle East, in moments of grief, in memory of the dead, planted white irises on the graves of their relatives. For Christians, the iris symbolizes the virgin birth. This symbol is often found in images of the Virgin Mary.

Description of iris

The flower got its name in honor of the goddess Iris for its variegated color. Translated from Greek, “iris” means “rainbow”, and the scientist Hippocrates gave this beautiful name.

The first mention of the iris can be found on a fresco that was discovered on the island of Crete. It depicts a priest surrounded by beautiful flowers. Scientists have determined the age of this fresco; it is about 4000 years old.

The Etruscans were fascinated by the blooming irises that grew in huge numbers around their settlement. The Romans decided to name their city Florence, which means “blooming”. This plant also decorated the coat of arms of Florence.

Already in the 15th century, royal courtiers appreciated the aroma of irises. The roots were used as a natural flavoring in dressing rooms. And perfumers have learned to extract essential oil from flowers and rhizomes.

Slavic peoples widely used shades of irises and their bizarre forms in folk art. Clothes, dishes, and homes were decorated with images of flowers. True, they called it differently, tenderly and affectionately: iris, cockerel, perunika, pikulnik.

Botanical characteristics

Irises are rhizomatous plants. The flower stalks are annual and have six petals. The three outer petals are horizontal and turned down. The inner petals are connected into a tube and arranged vertically.

The color of the inner petals differs from the outer ones. Typically, irises have single flowers, but they can also be collected in inflorescences. Fragrant, large flowers excite the imagination with their bizarre shapes.

In nature they are found with white, yellow, pink, blue, blue and purple petals in different shades of the rainbow. Iris leaves are narrow and flat, light green in color. They are located in a bunch at the base of the peduncle.

Magic of flowers. Irises flowers

Types and varieties

Root irises are conventionally divided into two groups - bearded and non-bearded.

They were called so because they have a shaggy edge on their petals. In order not to take away the reader’s precious time, we will leave the names of the numerous varieties of bearded irises for botanists. For lovers, it is enough to know that all bearded dogs are classified according to their size.

Bearded irises

The Germanic iris is a very common species among hundreds of different types of bearded iris. Gardeners widely use the following varieties to decorate their plots:

  1. Baltic Sea is an iris with heavily ruffled blue petals and a blue beard.
  2. Bewilderbest - a flower with ruffled cream, burgundy or red petals, trimmed with white or yellow stripes and strokes.
  3. Acoma is a popular American iris, blue or cream in color with a lavender border.

Non-bearded irises include many species. The most popular of them delight the eye of flower lovers:

Siberian iris has 1000 varieties of different shades from blue to purple:

  • white - Snow Queen,
  • pink lavender - Imperial Opal, height 80 cm,
  • yellow with white border - Bets and Shuga.

The lack of aroma is the only thing that upsets the Siberian iris.

Japanese iris flowers are a flower that visually resembles orchids. Lush, double, large flowers reach a diameter of up to 25 cm. Disadvantage: afraid of frost.

Advice to gardeners living in the middle zone to purchase the following varieties: “Vasily Alferov” - a non-double ink-colored iris; "Solveig" - iris of a delicate lilac color; "Nessa-No-Mai" is an iris with large flowers (up to 23cm) of purple color with white markings.

Iris spuria is a large, frost-resistant iris that is also not afraid of drought. The most beautiful flower of this species is Lemon Touch, lemon or yellow in color with a lace border. Stella Irene is an iris, 90cm high, purple-black with a small golden signal.

Swamp iris or false calamus. It differs significantly from other species in that it grows in moist soil. A very popular variety for decorating ponds. The main shade of flowers of this variety is yellow.

Flowers are also classified according to color:

  • monochrome,
  • two-color,
  • iridescent (transition from one shade to another),
  • two-tone (shades have different shades of the same color),
  • variegata (the lower lobes are red-brown and the upper lobes are yellow),
  • amena (the entire upper part of the flower is white),
  • bordered (flowers have a contrasting border)

Planting, care and cultivation of irises

Most often, irises are planted either in spring or autumn. Experts recommend dividing and replanting irises as soon as they bloom. This must be done so that the plant has time to take root before frost.

In order for irises to bloom magnificently, they need to be replanted every 3-4 years. Siberian irises require replanting once every ten years.

Bearded irises are more capricious. For good growth and flowering, it is recommended to fulfill the following important conditions:

  1. Place the plant in a well-lit place.
  2. Protect from drafts.
  3. It should be planted on a hill so that there is an outflow of melt water.
  4. Ensure good drainage.
  5. For fertilizer use potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.
  6. Treat the soil with herbicides to kill weeds.
  7. It is not recommended to fertilize the soil with manure.
  8. Add chalk or wood ash to acidic soil.
  9. Add clay soil to sandy soil.
  10. Add peat and sand to the loam.

Planting flowers in spring

First of all, holes are prepared for planting seedlings. Bearded irises are planted in the sand in a shallow hole. The rhizome is laid out horizontally and covered with earth so that the upper part remains above the level. If the root system is completely covered with soil, the process of decay may begin. Water generously.

Beardless species are buried several centimeters deep. Additionally, it is recommended to mulch with peat or fallen pine needles. The distance between the holes should be at least one and a half meters.

Before planting, it is necessary to examine the seedling. Rotten roots should be removed. It is also recommended to shorten long roots. Be sure to disinfect the root system in a solution of potassium manganese and treat it with growth stimulants.

Autumn planting

Autumn planting of irises follows the same rules as spring planting. Recommended time - August-September. Although experts believe that the earlier you plant or replant, the greater the chance for the plant to take root and get stronger before the coming winter.

Use a pitchfork to dig up a bush, divide it into one-year-old sections with a leaf blade, shorten, clean and treat the root system in the same way as during spring planting. Before planting in the fall, gardeners recommend drying the bush for several hours in the sun.

When preparing the holes, the growth of the seedling is taken into account. For low plants, a distance of 15 cm is recommended, for iris of medium height - 20 cm, and for tall ones - 50 cm.

Caring for irises


Irises are those plants that love warmth and light. You need to be very careful with watering, especially during the formation of buds. During this important time, there should be enough water and it should be supplied regularly. The rest of the time, it is recommended to water irises as needed.

Top dressing

The main rule is that it is forbidden to fertilize irises during flowering. But basically, for good growth, plants receive a sufficient amount of nutrition during the preparation of the land in the spring. If for some reason there is a need to feed the iris, then potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are used for this purpose. They are applied at the root during growth.

Weed control

Weed control requires great care. Since the root system develops horizontally and is very close to the surface, you only need to destroy weeds with your hands. To allow air to reach the roots, it is necessary to loosen the soil. This must be done very carefully.

To protect your pet from pests, it is necessary to remove wilted flowers. Often, this is a breeding ground for pests.

Pests and diseases of iris flowers

In order for our irises to delight us with their beautiful appearance longer, it is advisable to constantly monitor the condition of the flowers throughout the growing season. Timely assistance to the iris will help eliminate the problem and save the rest of the bushes.

When a plant is affected by fusarium (a type of rot), the iris is dug up and destroyed. The remaining specimens are poured over the roots and into the root with a solution of foundation (according to the instructions). It is also used for preventive purposes. The root is treated with it before planting.

For spots of all types, use a one percent solution of Bordeaux mixture. Iris bushes are sprayed with it.

Slugs. To reduce the number of these pests, it is necessary to place wet rags or large burdock leaves between the iris bushes. Slugs use these items for shelter. They need to be collected together with the slugs and destroyed. You can also use a simpler method. In dry weather, in the morning or evening, metaldehyde is scattered in granules (take 30-40g per 10 square meters).

How to store?

Dug up irises are stored in cold and dry rooms. The roots are dried well, each root is wrapped in paper or cloth, and placed in a box. In the box, the bags are sprinkled with sawdust. The box is placed on a loggia or balcony. This is how bearded irises are stored.

Looking at the magnificent colors of irises, you begin to enjoy life. The simplicity, unpretentiousness and beauty of these flowers have always been interpreted as loyalty, sincerity and reliability.

All about irises flowers - video