Decorating the house for the New Year. How to decorate an apartment for the New Year: beautiful design ideas Decorate a studio apartment for the New Year

The main holiday of our country, beloved by people of all ages, is rapidly approaching. I want to go back to childhood and live in anticipation of a miracle. How to immerse yourself in this magical state? Surround yourself with holiday! How to beautifully decorate an apartment for the New Year 2019. Apartment decor ideas 100 interior photos in our article.

Why do you need to decorate your home?

Family traditions and values ​​are very important. They make a family a family and give a feeling of confidence and security. Joint preparation for the holiday will be an excellent foundation on which a strong building of family traditions will be built.

Bright and beautiful New Year's decorations define a special festive time of year, separated from routine and everyday life. What a joy it is to come home and find yourself in a peaceful, slightly fabulous atmosphere!

Here you will want not to quarrel and argue, but to drink tea and New Year's cookies over a friendly conversation. Therefore, we are preparing for the New Year, decorating the apartment!

The feeling of magic is especially important for children who look at everything through the prism of family. A house in which harmony and comfort reigns unites the people living in it.

When children participate in family life, they feel important and needed. The ideal way to make you feel this is to decorate your apartment together for the New Year 2019.

It’s not for nothing that New Year is considered a family holiday. This is the best time to pay attention to your family and friends, invite friends and good acquaintances to visit. And the festive mood of waiting for guests will appear along with the festive surroundings.

We decorate the apartment for the New Year with our own hands

You can decorate your house for the holiday yourself:

  • decide on an idea
  • decide what color scheme the decor will be made in,
  • select and buy jewelry.

Many people wonder how to decorate an ordinary apartment for the New Year? When choosing a color, it is customary to be guided by the symbol of the upcoming New Year according to the eastern calendar.

For example, the coming 2019 will be the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, the main color is yellow. It goes well with other colors.

  • The decor, made in the color combination of yellow and blue, will be joyful and positive.
  • Yellow and green are an ideal natural combination; the decor will be rich and bright.
  • The combination of yellow and purple looks very impressive.
  • The hottest and most festive combination is yellow and red.

Pay attention to how the colors of the holiday decorations match the colors used in the interior of the apartment. They should not introduce dissonance or cause a feeling of discomfort.

If the interior of the apartment is made in pastel colors, bright and contrasting decorations will become excellent accents.

Ideas on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year

The main attribute of the holiday, of course, is the Christmas tree. Often, with all the effort to decorate it as beautifully as possible, the end result looks cute, but ridiculous.

Especially when children are involved and try to hang all the available decorations on the tree. The main thing is not to overdo it, but to maintain symmetry when placing toys.

How to decorate an apartment with a garland for the New Year, to plunge into the festive atmosphere from the doorstep, decorate the doors. A New Year's wreath is best suited for this.

They are made from fir branches and decorated with cones, balls, and bows. A wreath decorated with:

  • nuts,
  • tangerines,
  • artificial or dried berries on branches.

How to decorate a small apartment for the New Year 2019

And don't forget about the windows. Elegantly decorated windows and window sills give the joy of the holiday not only to the inhabitants of the home, but also to passers-by who see the beauty. Garlands and glowing New Year's toys look great.

You can create a design using a template cut out of paper by spraying dry snow onto it. An inexpensive and super fun way for kids is to paint windows with toothpaste. Decorate an apartment for the New Year - photo examples:

A variety of garlands will help transform the room. They are made from:

  • paper,
  • snowflakes,
  • New Year's socks for gifts,
  • balls,
  • branches and cones.

When decorating an apartment before the New Year, a great technique is to place a garland around a chandelier, especially if the garland is made of light-reflecting parts. Alternatively, place it evenly throughout the room, if possible, attach it to the ceiling.

New Year's decorations are sold in any shopping center. Another thing is that their quality, as a rule, leaves much to be desired. It is difficult to achieve an individual and original look.

Exquisite premium decorative elements can be purchased at branded home furnishings stores. Online stores offer a wide range of New Year's products. Place your order online in advance so as not to worry whether it will arrive in time for the New Year 2019.

How to stylishly decorate an apartment for the New Year? Design problems

Tinsel and garlands are not a holiday yet. It is important to combine all aspects of the design and create a single harmonious space. Choose the right color combination and composition style.

How to inexpensively decorate an apartment for the New Year - do not overdo it with the number of decorations. Maintain proportions and create a complete picture. This requires a lot of time, which is always in short supply with the modern schedule of life.

The Internet provides many options for beautiful New Year's decoration of an apartment, but it is not always possible to combine the example with the real situation. It's hard to imagine the end result. And it’s easy to get confused by the number of bright, beautiful pictures.

Hand-made jewelry is very popular, but making a truly interesting, beautiful, elegant item is not easy.

High-quality and stylish jewelry is not a cheap pleasure. There is a risk of spending a lot of time, effort and money without getting the desired result, but you just want to decorate your apartment for the New Year.

Unusual ideas for New Year's apartment decoration

If you want to decorate your apartment easily and without wasting extra time, contact a designer. He will help you professionally and turn barely formed ideas into reality.

The designer is familiar with the latest design trends, understands the options for color combinations and will add a “zest” even to a simple New Year’s interior.

At the same time, it will maintain a sense of proportion and keep the house from cluttering with decorations. The designer sees the big picture, understanding how every small detail affects the ideal image.

Involve children in discussing the project; they will be delighted to participate in such an important “adult” activity.

Free up more time for yourself, your family, loved ones and friends by entrusting the New Year decorations of your home to a professional. Eliminate the need to spend hours in stores or on the Internet looking for the right decorative elements.

It’s better to spend it relaxing on winter activities: sliding down a slide or skating rink, walking around an ice town or a colorfully lit evening square.

A beautiful and elegant house improves the image of its owners. He tells guests about their impeccable taste and sense of style. And the compliments of others will lift the mood of the hostess of the house and add another spark to the fireworks of festive emotions.

How to decorate your home for a New Year's party to make it a real holiday? If you know for sure that your friends will gather at your place, then you need to think through the interior of your home down to the smallest detail in advance.

Primary colors

For the New Year's interior, the colors of the winter forest are traditionally used. Green, white, and brown are usually chosen as the background, and bright and rich spots such as red or gold are added to them.

The interior trend for the New Year 2020 is terracotta and dark green colors, which very much coincides with the New Year theme and the Chinese horoscope. A tablecloth, furniture bedspreads, pillows in gold or orange tones will lift the mood and be remembered by guests for a long time.

In order not to change the usual atmosphere, but at the same time add a solemn note, buy fragrant candles, several fir branches, and red napkins. All these accessories combine stylishly with each other and can be used separately.

You can choose any other shade or shades as the main color of the New Year's interior. There shouldn’t be too many of them: two or three tones give a huge number of combinations.

It's a good idea to choose a color based on the characteristics of your zodiac sign. The upcoming 2020 - the year of the White Metal Rat - is symbolized by the color white. For those who believe in horoscopes, it would be logical to choose white, silver or light pastel shades as the basis for their holiday decor.

We are waiting for guests

Send written invitation cards to your friends a few weeks before the gala dinner. Inform your guests about the dress code in a certain range. The main shade can be set on the cover of the invitation.

It is not necessary to throw a party in total white; accessories or single items are quite enough for inspiration and community in the company. For example, it could be a hat, gloves, a flower in a buttonhole, or a canary-colored tie.

Today it is much easier to get ideas from designers who share their vision on the pages of fashion magazines. Such an interesting solution is to replace the tablecloth with gift wrapping. It's very beautiful and unusual. In addition, you can choose exactly the color that fits perfectly into the interior. Gift wrapping will add playfulness to the holiday table and new impressions for guests.


Do not forget .

Pay attention to the New Year's home interior: the best ideas and surprisingly simple ways to implement them will definitely come to you.

Now it's time to think about decorating the New Year's interior. Despite the fact that there is still enough time before the holiday, preparations may be delayed. Competent design directly depends on the new owner of the year, who will not be slow to take over. The bright, ambitious Rooster will be replaced by a Dog full of vital energy. As a full-fledged homemaker, she will make distinctive changes in the style and decoration of home design. Decorating an apartment for the New Year 2019 - 65 photo ideas in our article.

A cheerful, game-loving Dog welcomes many bright and unusual toys, but the decoration itself should not be full of splendor and pomp. Simplicity and peace are what the hostess of the year loves. You should also remember that the arrangement of garlands, streamers and other hanging tinsel should fit harmoniously into the overall interior of the room. Another extremely important tip is to decorate your apartment for the New Year with your own hands. The dog loves simplicity very much, avoiding things that are too expensive.

Much to the delight of the owners, the Internet world is simply teeming with a variety of sites and videos, by looking at which the owners of the house can choose a suitable activity for themselves and make amazing toys. In addition to decorations, you should carefully consider the choice of material used, color palette, location and layout to avoid spontaneity and please the lady of the year. Decorating the apartment for the New Year photo:

Interior color palette for the New Year

Choosing a color for decorations is one of the main steps ahead of the holidays. A special place in the new year is occupied by gold, all shades of brown, yellow and white. However, red, as well as blue, green and silver, do not take last place. In a harmonious combination, the combination of colors will create the necessary cozy atmosphere that the Dog loves so much.

How to beautifully decorate an apartment for the New Year - red, brown and green colors will go well together. White with gold and red decoration. Silver with green and white tones. Don’t be shy about too bright combinations; 2019 expects memorable and cheerful holidays from its fans, so the decoration of the New Year’s interior should be bright and colorful.

Material used for decoration

The choice of material used for decoration should also be taken seriously. A special place should be given to natural ingredients: fakes from dried plants, cones, twigs. Cones coated with gold and silver look great. Dry twigs can be decorated with a variety of satin ribbons. Create a bouquet and place it on the windowsill, coffee table or mantelpiece. For ideas on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year, see photos:

In Europe there is an old tradition of hanging a wreath of fir branches on the door. If you are lucky enough to visit the forest, be sure to grab a few spruce branches. At home, connect them in a circle and secure them carefully with wire. You can decorate your wreath with something else.

Decorations made from sweets come in second place. The presence of a variety of sweets, cookies, and fruits will delight not only children, but also adults.

Sweet decor can be placed not only on the Christmas tree, but also in any place where the decoration will be in harmony with the general background.

The leaders are strictly followed by textiles, garlands and plastic. In order to obtain a high-quality textile craft, you should prepare a solid base in advance; the material is subject to deformation. How to decorate an apartment for the New Year - a voluminous toy in the shape of a dog would look like an excellent decoration.

Garlands, rain, streamers are those things that no New Year's holiday can do without. Thanks to multi-colored garlands, you can create stunning patterns not only on the Christmas tree, but throughout the entire interior. And also capture the outside of the house and the trees located in the yard. Decorating the apartment for the New Year, see photo ideas in examples:

Plastic bottles are a material that allows you to make both a whole product and individual elements. Dogs, Christmas trees and candlesticks made of plastic will be an excellent decoration not only for the holiday table, but also for interior decoration.

Beads and satin ribbons are also a good addition, with which you can make bows and decorate a furniture set with them.

Festive table decoration

To decorate your apartment for the New Year 2019 with your own hands - the festive table should create a feeling of a warm, cozy atmosphere that sets you on a positive note. Eco-style serving design is good. A linen and cotton tablecloth in light colors, tableware with light brown and white tones will be an excellent decor that gives relaxation and warmth.

Natural pine cones, candles and napkins with the emblem of the hostess of the New Year are suitable as additional decorations.

You can also use baskets filled with natural elements as decoration. Christmas tree cones. Rowan branches, dried leaves, twigs are perfect for decorations. The cones can be coated with silver or gold paint, and the branches can be wrapped in beads or added with satin ribbon bows. This will dilute the decor and make the table setting suitable for the planned holiday. Ideas on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year - photo:

Selection of dishes for the New Year's table

It is important not only how to beautifully decorate the apartment for the New Year 2019, but also the table. The coming year gives owners the opportunity to prepare the dishes that they like most. The dog does not go overboard with food and luxurious exotic dishes do not require mandatory presence. Particular emphasis can be placed on meat dishes, which the dog loves very much. Cutlets, chops, and steaks must be present on the table. Well, if possible, barbecue will be just a godsend for a festive dinner.

In addition to meat dishes, you are allowed to treat yourself and your guests to poultry and fish, both marinated and in any other form. Simple types of pickles, cucumbers, tomatoes are welcome on the table, and boiled potatoes, decorated with herbs, will serve as an excellent main dish.

When starting to decorate the New Year's interior with your own hands, the main thing is to remember the harmonious distribution and simplicity of the selected elements. Decorate the shelves with gilded candlesticks or fancy-shaped candles. The window sill can be decorated with tinsel mixed with pine cones. How to decorate an apartment for the New Year - photo examples:

The golden autumn rang, the leaf fall ceased, and suddenly “New Year” flashed through my head. Before we know it, it’s time to go to a New Year’s party and corporate party, meet old friends, decorate the Christmas tree, prepare gifts and decorate the apartment for the holiday.

We suggest that you do not put off everything until the last few days, but start preparing for the favorite holiday of children and adults in advance. This will allow you to create a festive atmosphere in your home long before the holiday, which will directly affect the mood of all your household members. Here are some simple tips on how to decorate your house or apartment for the New Year.

First you need to conduct an audit of all suitable materials that you already have. And, if necessary, collect natural material and buy the rest in the store. You may find it useful:

  • White, colored and corrugated paper, Whatman paper, cardboard
  • Gouache, brushes, sponges
  • Branches, cones
  • PVA glue
  • Wire, strong threads
  • Scissors, paper clips, buttons
  • Sequins
  • Salt, semolina

Adviсe "Cross" You can use it, but use your imagination as much as possible! Turn decorating your apartment into one continuous fun game with your children. This will be an inexhaustible source of joy and pleasure. Involve all your loved ones in preparing for the holiday. This will bring you very close, and you will enter the New Year with an open soul and a light heart.

So, all the materials are laid out on the table, the mood is high. Where to begin? Think about how exactly you would like to decorate your apartment for the New Year? Mentally imagine where and what to place, where to glue, hang, place. And, of course, consult with your loved ones, and the initiative can be given to the children.

Here are several options for simple, beautiful and most popular New Year's accessories for your apartment.


Who among us hasn’t cut out snowflakes and then glued them to the windows so that passers-by can admire the fancy patterns? And we, and our mothers, and grandmothers, and great-grandmothers. And now - our children, then grandchildren, etc., etc. This immortal creation will always decorate the windows of our houses.

The only difference is that earlier, when cutting out a pattern, you could rely only on your imagination, but now on the Internet you can find many diagrams and drawings and even master classes on cutting out snowflakes. All you need is white, colored or glitter paper and scissors.

To stick snowflakes on glass, you can use a soap solution or flour diluted with water.

And if you practice properly, you can create real masterpieces!

Frosty pattern

We live in times of global warming and we have not seen such severe winters as we had before for a long time. And we won’t remember the last time frost painted our windows with its picturesque patterns. So let's paint our windows ourselves. To do this, we will take thick paper, cut out a variety of stencils, and then apply it to the windows, moisten the sponge in diluted gouache and paint.

If your child wants to do everything on his own, including stencils, help him with this! First, on thick paper or cardboard you need to draw simple figures, for example, stars, Christmas trees, Christmas balls or bells, and then cut them out, thus making a paper stencil. Pour multi-colored gouache from standard jars into wider bowls so that it is convenient for the child to dip a sponge into it.

Dress your baby in clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty and be sure to show him exactly how to apply the image using a stencil.

If the young artist fails to do everything beautifully and neatly the first time, simply wash off the gouache with warm water. And let him try again! The main thing is not to give up) And to make it more interesting, invite your child to paint a mirror or glass surface of an interior door.

"Trees in Silver"

Let's also silver the trees! Take bare branches or branches with cones, grease them with PVA glue and sprinkle with grated foam or dip the branches in a strong saline solution.

To prepare it, you need to pour 1 kg of salt into 1.5 liters of water and boil. Then immerse the branches for 5-6 hours, then carefully remove them and dry them.

Christmas wreath

An Advent wreath is a wonderful attribute of the New Year and Christmas. It can be made from anything. The classic option is to twist several spruce branches into a ring, secure with wire and decorate with tinsel, beads, and ribbons.

More creative versions of wreaths can be made from thick wire, newspaper, and for decoration you can use fruits (both real (or dried fruits) and dummies), nuts, cookies, dried flowers, etc.

"Snow" cards

Such cards will surely delight all your relatives and friends. A variety of materials can be used to make them. Let's cut out rectangles or, for example, a deer figurine or a Christmas tree from bright cardboard. Lubricate them with PVA glue and glue them onto a thick cardboard base. You can use coconut shavings, rice, finely torn paper, polystyrene foam or semolina as snow.

If you want to make a soft, cozy card, use materials such as felt, fleece, velvet, fur. They can be used in one piece, or parts can be cut out. The best imitation of snowballs is, of course, made from cotton wool. And to add chic and shine to your card, add beads, beads, sequins and rhinestones to the decoration.

Hi all! So we waited, December came unnoticed. It's cold outside, there's snow. Children are waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus and miracles. Well, you and I will have to create an unforgettable fairy tale, create something magnificent and decorate our home in such a way that everyone has only positive and positive impressions. It will be more joyful to live in such an apartment, and even more so to wait for New Year’s Eve 2019.

So let's get started, what ideas do you have about this? How do you usually design? I can guess and assume that you probably make them first and then present them to everyone in the form

Let's start with the fact that if you have various New Year's crafts, then you can easily use them to decorate the atmosphere in your home in a special way.

By the way, don’t forget about what you will be wearing on the eve and on that very festive night, if you have not yet bought or sewed an outfit for yourself, then hurry up, this will help you with this

And so that your home is fun and stylish, and there is no despondency and sadness, choose a variety of colors for this, but at the same time, everything should be in perfect harmony with each other, bringing warmth and comfort.

Interesting! Never avoid red flowers because it is a symbol of huge money, wealth and prosperity. Therefore, let it always be in your apartment, for example, on the Christmas tree in the form of balls and garlands.

Usually the hallway is decorated with all kinds of Christmas wreaths, which are sold everywhere in stores, and many invent them themselves.

There is nothing complicated about this; a large selection and variety of modern materials will allow us to create masterpieces. If you have few ideas about this, then see the tips in my next post))).

You can decorate the door elegantly using ordinary tinsel and lights:

Have you ever decorated your refrigerator?

And the lamps and chandeliers, who’s stopping you? See how you can simply decorate using scrap materials, you just need pine cones and decorative ribbons.

Or regular balls:

Even the bathroom and toilet can be decorated so charmingly:

Decorating a room for New Year's Eve 2019

I didn’t see any decors while I was writing this note, I suggest you take a look and find something suitable for yourself.

Be sure to use letters, tinsel and garlands:

The walls can be decorated with snowflakes:

Or cut out circles and stripes from paper and use them to create a fabulous interior for the New Year:

And under the Christmas tree you can make not only Santa Claus, but also snowmen from tangerines.

Make something like this out of an ordinary vase:

And you can also create a stunning fireplace from an ordinary box, repeat all the steps after the leader, watch this master class:

And here is another video where you can take a fairly large number of all kinds of original ideas for your winter interior:

We make Christmas decorations with our own hands from paper

It seems to me that I’ve already given you a bunch of thoughts on this topic, for those who haven’t seen it, take a look

But still, the most common type remains snowflakes, you know how to cut them out correctly, and make them using the origami technique, look at what my son and I did the other day:

But that's not all, there are volumetric

For windows, everyone uses the punching technique, using ready-made layouts and templates, cutting out the desired decor on paper with a special knife.

Here are a few ready-made patterns, the main thing is to fold the sheet of paper correctly, remember how to do this? Let me remind you, take a square-shaped sheet of paper and fold it in half, then again and again, and then apply the design:

And these are the funny and cool cute snowflakes you will get:

Well, then hang them on the ceiling))).

Use your imagination and ingenuity, and come up with any winter composition, for example this:

We decorate premises for holidays: kindergartens, offices and shops

To feel the holiday atmosphere, supermarkets and shops are the first to create and delight us, then schools and kindergartens.

Having visited several different establishments in our city, I took several pictures of what I liked, and of course, I couldn’t do without my favorite Internet assistant, in general, see for yourself:

Probably the educators and teachers, together with the children, tried:

In your yard you can make a whole composition out of snow:

Inside the children's room you can create a festive atmosphere with ordinary balloons:

Or, using children's palms to make Grandfather Frost.

In offices and stores, you can put paper Christmas trees on the cash register or tables:

Or hang a poster-printer:

Glue rain or garlands to the ceiling.

As for shop windows, here’s a thought:

Healthcare providers can do the following:

Librarians have this option:

Well, you can also look at the options here:

Decoration ideas for windows and doors

Believe it or not, doors can also be designed in an original way, take a look at these templates, how cool it looks:

You can scatter pine cones or spruce branches around the festive table.

Or like this:

And about what dishes to put and how to set and set the table, watch the story from YouTube:

Or take advantage of such developments, an interesting presentation, isn’t it?

How to arrange champagne for the arrival of the holiday

Yes, no one celebrates this holiday without champagne, you can disguise it and make a candy tree out of it.

Or dress up as Santa Claus:

Or just decorate and design it in some original way:

Or this idea is to hide it in candies by laying out the shape of a pineapple.

I think that's it for me. I was glad to offer you various decorations on how to decorate your home interior so that the atmosphere becomes festive. Good mood to everyone, good friends. Good luck and good luck! Until next time, see you tomorrow. Bye!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova