Birth years of the tiger according to the horoscope. Characteristics of a tiger woman: her preferences in love and marriage

Years of the Tiger:

1902,1914,1926,1938,1950,1962,1974,1986,1998, 2010, 2022

In the mythology of Ancient China, the Tiger drove away all kinds of demons, so tombstones were often decorated with stone sculptures of him, and doorposts with his images. Respect for this animal was mixed with superstitious fear, which is why people tried to avoid meeting a tiger.

Usually boys born under this sign are brave and endowed with a strong character. A tiger should never count on a quiet life. However, he does not want her. Filled with accidents, his life will be passionate and stormy. And his taste for risk will push him to constantly gamble with his life. If circumstances are favorable, the Tiger will find a way to tighten everything to the limit.

People of this sign are sensitive, reflective, but sometimes irritable. They often make rash decisions or come to the right decisions too late. In general, these are strong and courageous natures, and they are, as a rule, appreciated.

Basically, representatives of this sign are born leaders and can achieve success in any field.

The tiger loves to be the center of attention, knowing very well how to impress others. To do this, he uses both his external attractiveness and pleasant demeanor.

He is very lively, witty, you might get the impression that his mind never rests. His views are original, he is always full of new ideas and is eager to bring them to life, but he “cools down” very quickly.

The Tiger has a quick temper, and he often rebels against his superiors. Surprisingly, despite the fact that the Tiger is proud and arrogant, and sometimes does not show due respect to elders, he is favorably accepted in society.

Tigers are fantastic cleanliness and aesthetes. Attempts to treat Tigers as pets lead nowhere. Neither a cat nor a dog can ever be made from a Tiger. The tiger does not want to be obligated to anyone, even parents or loved ones. He reserves the right to belong only to himself.

Such people make revolutionaries and leaders. Fighters by nature, they are able to sacrifice themselves for the cause. Selfish in small things, the Tiger can be completely selfless in something great. A taste for risk is in his blood. He is ready to defend his ideas to the point of recklessness. And it is difficult to resist his magnetism. They respect him even when they try to destroy him.

The Tiger has a restless nature, which sometimes leads to rash actions, but, fortunately, he is almost always lucky. Acting impulsively, this person is capable of ruin, but if he is careful and listens to the good owls out there, he will definitely succeed.

Sometimes one gets the impression that everything in life works out for Tigers not thanks to, but in spite of. They beat him, but he grows up kind; they caress him, and he turns out to be a misanthrope.

But, no matter how terrible the Tiger’s life may be, he continues to create brightly and joyfully. Optimism lifts the Tiger above vanity, putting him in a philosophical mood. His slogan: “No matter what happens, everything is for the better.” The tiger is confident in the victory of good in any situation.

Tigers can be tolerant, but only as long as their honor is not involved. Tigers have royal generosity and readily forgive, as they are not petty at all. The tiger knows how to be harsh with himself, but he is also demanding of those around him. He is honest and open with everyone. True, his honesty often borders on excessive straightforwardness.

He is disgusted by everyday life, but he takes on this burden. He hates to obey, but can make others obey. Even if the Tiger's actions are impulsive, his incredible intuition keeps him from a complete disaster. But, despite everything, the Tiger, with his sensitive nature, is characterized by deep thoughtfulness, and his warm heart is capable of ardent love.

Naturally, in the family they will not let go of the reins of power. They will definitely find a spouse who is capable of not only managing the household, but also decorating their lives.

Those born in the year of the Tiger know how to earn money, but do not always spend it wisely. People of this sign easily operate in financial spheres, achieve success in transactions with movable and immovable property, and in stock exchange transactions. They can often be found in theater salons or at sports competitions, where they invariably emerge as winners.

Tigers need to be very rich because they have higher demands than other people.

Their childhood is full of various adventures and pranks. The youth of Tigers is very exciting, emotional, full of conflicts and changes. Tigers have a passionate nature, and therefore they often encounter other people's misunderstandings. If they are not looking for adventure, then adventure will certainly overtake them and take them by surprise. But in general, they live the first part of their lives happily.

The maturity of the Tigers is interesting. But if they have not learned lessons from the past and have not learned to restrain themselves, then a period of frustration and disappointment begins. They are usually haunted by financial difficulties, family conflicts, and love dramas. In old age, Tigers also find it difficult to calm down, because they cannot get used to their situation. Old age was not created for Tigers, and it is difficult to live to see it after such battles. In general, their lives are very varied, full of passions, and, in the end, they live the life they want.

No one is as lucky as the Tiger. For the eastern peoples, the Tiger is a magnificent sign, personifying the power of the earth and being an emblem of the protection of human life.

Tiger man. Characteristic

A sharp, hot-tempered fighter, he is capable of sacrificing himself for the sake of the cause. He loves all activities that involve risk.

The tiger is slow-witted. Not seven, as in the saying, but a hundred times he must measure before he decides to cut. But the value of the decision increases many times over, because all options are calculated in it, all consequences are foreseen.

The tiger is selfish in small things. Tenacious and stubborn, litigious and petty, often in conflict with someone. However, in great things he is capable of selflessness.

Thanks to strategic thinking, the ability to adhere to the same views, and also due to their hypnotic effect on people, Tigers are the best organizers. The tiger always goes forward, despises established authority, hierarchy and conservatism.

Paradoxically, he may be so delayed in making an important decision that it will be too late to make it. This, by the way, also applies to Tiger women who strive to be the first to declare war.

The Tiger is never directly interested in money, but he can make a fortune for himself.

This is a man of extraordinary action. As soon as things get hot, heavy, bad, the Tiger enters the arena of life - with his will, equanimity, self-control, and a plan of action calculated for many years.

This is a man of exceptional destiny, unexpected situations. Such people usually pull you out of the swamp of the crisis and lead you away from the edge of the abyss.

In reality, this warrior is sensitive, emotional and capable of deep thinking, strong love, but, being very passionate, he is rarely happy in love.

Tiger woman. Characteristic

Women of this sign are too active and emancipated. They cannot constantly carry out someone’s orders and command only in the family. The Tiger woman succeeds everywhere, but only if her husband does some of the housework. A Tiger woman can run a home for career success.

Women born in the years of the Tiger, with rare exceptions, give the impression of strong, integral and powerful natures, in no way inferior to men of this sign. They have a powerful and unique timbre of voice, a solid appearance, and confidence shines through in their movements and actions.

For all their majesty, Tiger women have an excellent reaction, a thirst for fight, and fighting fervor. They will not get confused in unexpected circumstances and will not succumb to fear.

Women born in the years of the Horse, Dog and Tiger show great abilities in the field of abstract thinking and give birth to a lot of original ideas.

They are interested in everything related to intellectual activity, scientific research, and the creation of fundamentally new worlds.

Tiger women will have many adventures in life, which can sometimes end badly.

The appearance of these women says one thing, but their thinking is structured completely differently. The image is strong-willed, and the thinking is logical.

It is very difficult for them to find balance, a golden mean, they often rush from one extreme to another.

Tiger Species

Metal Tiger (1950, 2010, 2070)

Water Tiger (1902,1962, 2022)

Wooden Tiger (1914,1974, 2034)

Fire Tiger (1926,1986, 2046)

Earth Tiger (1938,1998, 2058)

Born in the year of the Tiger

Marco Polo, Georg Hegel, Admiral Horatio Nelson, Emilia Bronte, Karel Capek, Maximilian Robespierre, Dmitry Donskoy, Ivan the Terrible, Niccolo Paganini, Alexander II, Karl Marx, Arthur Rimbaud, Francois Rabelais, Romain Rolland, Maria Stuart, Oscar Wilde, Peter Kropotkin, Ludwig van Beethoven, Dwight Eisenhower, Ho Chi Minh, Charles de Gaulle, Agatha Christie, John Steinbeck, Louis de Funes, Marilyn Monroe, Pyotr Wrangel, Vyacheslav Molotov, Yuri Andropov, Mikhail Suslov.

Representatives of the fairer sex, born in the year of the Tiger, are reputed to be extremely happy and successful ladies. Their active nature does not allow them to live in peace, pushing them towards ever greater achievements and discoveries.

In the East, the sign of the Tiger is associated with splendor, combining the power of the Earth and the strength and cunning of the fire element.

Characteristics of a tiger woman

To reveal in more detail the character of the Tiger woman, you need to understand the nature of the predator itself. The tiger is flexible, possessing strength, beauty and ferocity, it evokes admiration for itself. The predator is freedom-loving, noble and exalted, does not obey anyone, and can subjugate himself.

The Tiger woman is also freedom-loving and energetic, has a monolithic, imperative character and is in no way inferior to men of a similar sign. She is characterized by: a quick reaction, a fighting spirit and an unchanging passion for change. Owners of this sign cannot live in peace and tend not to succumb to fear. They do not get lost in the maze of life's problems, but always find a way out of the situation.

Tigresses are quite developed intellectually, have scientific knowledge and are constantly interested in progress. For this reason, women born under this sign cannot be just housewives. They must be engaged in some kind of active activity.

Without ever exchanging family comfort for a career, they still achieve their goals in it. Such women have many desires and ideas, and they always follow through with all their undertakings. They achieve success at a young age.

By nature, the Tiger woman is beautiful and can amaze almost everyone with her charm. She is lucky and always achieves her goal. When bringing ideas to life, he puts in a lot of effort, and at the end of the task he lights up with new ideas. He does not know how to obey and may object to elders in age and rank.

How does a tiger woman behave in love?

In love, the Tigress woman is quite happy. This feeling awakens in her quite early. In her teenage years, she looks for passionate love and is very worried if she does not find it. But as soon as a worthy person appears in Tigress’s life, she becomes a very attentive and gentle cat.

She is ready to give a lot to have her beloved man next to her, and is also very jealous.

Women of this sign are constant in love and do not tolerate betrayal. Any man would be happy to see someone like this next to him. She is delightful, passionate, full of strength and energy.

But the tigress is not ready to see every man next to her. She meets many people, but if she sees that her partner does not suit her in some way, she breaks up with him. Dreaming of a man who is stronger than her, she is ready to give him the “palm.”

According to the eastern horoscope, such a woman is honest herself and appreciates this quality in others. She is frank and always says what she thinks.

In marriage, a Tiger woman will be a faithful, loving wife and a wonderful mother. Her home is always in order. She sacrifices a lot for her family.

He loves his children, raises them well, although he gives them a lot of freedom and does not use harsh parenting methods.

Money is not a big deal for Tigress, and she always has it. Her demands are quite high, but she herself is ready to work to create comfort for herself.

It is not recommended to enter into conflict with a Tiger woman; the war can drag on for a long time. She will do her best to emerge victorious.

In a word, a woman born under the sign of the Tiger has a number of excellent characteristics.

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The tiger belongs to the Yang group of animals. This is the third sign in the Chinese horoscope and rules from 3 to 5 am. Winter is the season of the Tiger, and its peak period is February. Its element is Wood. According to the European zodiac sign, Tiger corresponds to the sign of Aquarius. The colors that bring good luck and happiness are orange and brown with gold plating. Favorable plants for them are heliotrope and bamboo. Countries for their favorable habitat are France, Uganda, Chile, Ecuador, Italy.

Years of the Tiger in our century

  • 1902 February 8 - element of the year water
  • 1914 January 26 - element of the year tree
  • 1926 February 13 - element of the year fire
  • 1938 January 31st - element of the year earth
  • 1950 February 17 - element of the year metal
  • 1962 February 5 - element of the year water
  • 1974 January 23 - element of the year tree
  • 1986 February 9 - element of the year fire
  • 1998 January 28 - element of the year earth
  • 2010 February 14 - element of the year metal


Oscar Wilde, Maria Stuart, Romain Rolland, Francois Rabelais, Niccolo Paganini, Admiral Nelson, Vyacheslav Molotov, Giulio Mazarin, Mohammed, Friedrich Hegel, George Wilhelm, Grigory Gurdjieff, Francis Goya, Louis De Funes, Andre Citroen, John Steinbeck, Lydia Smirnova , Richard Singh, Maria Maksakova, Boris Mayorov, Sergei Lemeshev, Emil Keogh (son), Georgiy Abashidze, Tiberiy, Ho Chi Minh City, Maximilian Robespierre, Arthur Rimbaud, Marilyn Monroe, Emilia Bronte, Stevie Wonder, Lionel Richard, Suzi Quatro , Marco Polo, Karl Marx, Frederick Forsythe, David Eisenhower, Isidora Duncan, Phil Collins, James Clavel, Bon Jovi, Beatrice, Beethoven, Agatha Christie, Queen of Holland.

The tiger belongs to the animals of the Yang group. He came to us from the distant East. The tiger is the king of beasts, it is great and it has the protection of Yin and Yang. This protection is found in the tiger skin pattern, contrasting stripes, they protect it from the cold, and also endow it with mystical powers. The tiger is the king of the jungle, he gives his orders to the animals, and brings fear to evil spirits and demons. In China, hats in the shape of a tiger's head are used to protect against evil spirits.
The tiger is a symbol of patience and faith, it is feared and revered, but it does not protect everyone. People insert its silver claws as a talisman into their amulets, it gives people masculinity. Such daredevils risk their lives to get the striped skin and prove their courage to others. White tigers are also found in nature. They symbolize royalty and their skins adorn royal robes. White tigers also symbolize immortality because they live longer than all other animals. But we must not forget that there are tigers that are like shy cats, although none of them differ in size from their ordinary brothers.
The tiger will not allow himself to be ridden. Even if a tame Tiger roars, he will still cause terror among those around him. The third pentagram in the Book of Changes says: “Step on the Tiger’s tail, and he will not bite a person.” Doesn't it sound paradoxical? But this is probably so, because condescension always coexists with the great. The tiger is great, it fights only with a strong opponent, without offending the smaller ones. Therefore, the Tiger must be handled with care.
An ancient Chinese story tells of a wise old man who scattered grains around his house to scare away a tiger. When his student said that there were no tigers in their area, the sage calmly said: “You see, my method is effective.” This is a very clever parable, isn’t it?
In China, the Tiger means luck, power and authority. Of course, it’s easy to call the Tiger a predator who, like Attila, devours everything in its path. In this case, the Tiger is gifted with deeper and more diverse talents. Being born in the year of the Tiger means that you receive the gift of weapons of good and evil. It falls to your lot to know life to the very bottom. In such situations, the Tiger risks becoming either a wild animal or a famous thinker. This is an alternative of two major paths: the first is submission to instinct, and the second is suppression and abstinence. And the Tiger always strives for tolerance and objectivity.
The tiger always lives in search of danger; maybe this is caused by his desire for risk or carelessness. But we need to look at this more deeply, since over the many thousands of years of experience in their evolution, the Tigers have realized that it is impossible to live in peace. And therefore they rarely die a natural death. On the other hand, it is luck and protection. He always fights his enemies, but never dies at their request.
This beast bristles in the face of lies and hates betrayal. His behavior shows that he is not only proud, but also attracts others with his courage and generosity. The worst thing for a Tiger is everyday routine.
As a rule, the Tiger chooses the role of a national hero, king or president. But, without achieving a brilliant position, he can fall into poverty. He has a wasteful attitude towards money, he often indulges in risky ventures and, as a rule, he is lucky. He cannot live without surprises, so he loves unforeseen adventures. The tiger always tempts fate, chasing his chance.
According to the symbolism of the peoples of the East, the Tiger symbolizes the power of the Earth and is the guardian of human life. A tiger in the house protects against three big troubles: thieves, fire and evil spirits. But if two Tigers live in a house, then one of them must leave, because they do not tolerate an opponent on the territory.


The Tiger was born at night - he is considered the happiest among his brothers, he is wise and calm, night is the Tiger's element, he is active and walks in search of food. His deeds are bearing good fruit, and his rivals are all asleep. Tigers born during the day are very active, but at the same time careless, because daylight exposes them to others.
Their childhood always proceeds peacefully and calmly, but is very rich in children's adventures and pranks. In their youth, Tigers are very exciting and emotional, they are full of conflicts and changes. Tigers are very passionate people; they are constantly haunted by other people's misunderstandings and shocks. Tigers live the first half of their lives happily.
For people under the sign of the Tiger, maturity is interesting, but if they have not learned their life lessons and failed to learn to restrain themselves, then disappointment and frustration will haunt them in life. They have family conflicts, financial difficulties and love dramas. In old age, it is difficult for them to calm down and get used to their state of affairs. Old age was not created for people under the sign of the Tiger; it is difficult for them to live to see it after fighting. In general, their life is very varied and full of different passions, and in the end they will get the life they were striving for. The tiger dies cruelly and suddenly.


Tigers have a talent for a broad vision of the world; they can be liberal and tolerant until the matter touches their honor. They do not accept everyday life, but they have to shoulder this burden on themselves. The Tiger man has a royal generosity, he willingly forgives everyone, they are not petty. He can also be harsh with himself, as well as demanding of his surroundings. People of this sign do not like lies, and know how to distinguish truth from flattery. They tend to believe that they did the right thing and are always confident in their actions.
People of the Tiger sign live by their own passions and are often in tension. These people are often confused by their contradictions, they prevent them from controlling their aggressiveness, and this bothers those around them.
At first glance, the Tiger man looks kind-hearted, but this is a common misconception, since they have a strong will, exceptional fatalism and iron fists. They can resist vandals well and can easily destroy enemy positions.
Women of the Tiger sign are very passionate, active, powerful and generous. For them, it is better to be born a man; it is easier to conquer the world. The tiger is born with the need for confrontation with the existing order. The Tiger woman is frank, dexterous and smart. She has difficulty finding the right method to raise her children. She's not a good housewife; she doesn't stay at home for long. Her constant independence and dissatisfaction very often leads to emotional demands that greatly interfere with her personal life.
Tiger people are born rebels and fighters for justice, opposing management and authority. They love revolutionary movements, but often do not deserve the trust that has been placed in them. Because Tigers do not tend to think through their steps, but rush headlong into the pool and drag their comrades with them. But reasonable people will always think about whether it is necessary to follow them? And this is very correct, because their followers may find themselves on the edge of the abyss.
If this person is put in a cage, he will most likely become brutal or lose his dignity. He needs endless spaces. Even behind invisible bars, he can become aggressive and easily lose control. He cannot be forced to do what he resists. It is difficult to teach him discipline, because he does not listen to anyone, his actions overtake his thoughts. His courage often borders on recklessness and thoughtlessness, as well as pleasure from adrenaline. Some Tigers, who gain fame in dangerous actions, surrounded by the admiration of others, are simply wasting themselves. They are often stubborn and straightforward and often quarrel with someone. They are often considered selfish, although they are capable of generosity if it comes to something great. They are sensitive and warm, but often grow up to be selfish. If their life has become boring, they may start looking for convenience at the expense of others, so the world will become more interesting for them. The Tiger loves to live in the jungle.
And at the same time, it is difficult to resist him, he has a magnetic character and his innate gift of power is attractive to his comrades. People often respect him on an intuitive level, and even his enemies. He loves submission. He does not allow anyone to command him and will defend his position to the end. He is sure that he was born for great things.
If the Tiger listens to sound advice, he can easily achieve great success. But, as a rule, he does not trust anyone and often stops at important decisions and hesitates until it is completely too late.
The tiger is very hardy; he always walks to visit people; he doesn’t like cars. But if possible, he will prefer horseback riding, because he is very close to everything related to nature. On his weekends, he does not really like to look at Gothic ruins and architectural monuments, but devotes himself to active sports or hunting.

Although the Tiger is a difficult partner, former lovers remember him with tears in their eyes, because this gentleman brought a breath of fresh air, a spirit of adventure and adventurism into their lives. This is a real macho, who, nevertheless, is not ashamed of the romantic impulses of his soul.

Men of the Year of the Tiger are great lovers who do not dream of stability and tranquility. A cute little house with Sunday family dinners in front of the TV is not for them. The daily routine kills them, and when it all finally gets to them, the Tiger, like any predator, again becomes wild and disappears. This explains the sometimes seemingly strange behavior of the Tiger: this romantic is ready to sacrifice relationships, although he knows how to love in a way that few others are capable of.

Tiger man in love

As the eastern horoscope says, a male Tiger in love is full of passion and excitement. Feelings for him are an area where he can demonstrate his uniqueness and talent for seduction. He loves to woo a woman for a long time, because he loves to set himself difficult tasks. And you can be sure that if someone or something seriously interests him, he will not rest until he receives it. However, usually this is not a particularly difficult task for him, because everyone, and especially women, is crazy about him. And even the most persistent of them too quickly become helpless in the face of his incredible personal charm and downright hypnotic grace. This leads to the fact that the Tiger is involved in a large number of fleeting novels, because each victim very quickly ceases to be interesting, and he abandons it in favor of a new one. Of course, he has his own requirements, and he does not fall below the bar he has set. , because he is very picky and picky, he wants the best for himself.

Living a stormy personal life, the Tiger man rarely goes through life with only a single partner. As a rule, he experiences several divorces, and only in adulthood does life become more stable. But loving a Tiger man is worth it. He is a sincere, inventive and generous person. He is able to satisfy any desires of the woman he loves madly.

In addition (which is rare for men), he is able to part very beautifully when the heat of his feelings subsides. And when they leave him, he swallows the bitter pill with dignity and, having arranged a beautiful farewell dinner, says so many wonderful compliments that the woman begins to hesitate again.

Tiger man in sex

He loves to manage in any field of activity, and especially in bed. Enthusiasm and passion guide him through life. The man of the year of the Tiger has a “hot” erotic temperament and an innate talent as a seducer.

Horoscope: Tiger man in a permanent relationship

As the eastern horoscope warns, a Tiger man in a relationship will never become an affectionate pet cat. Even after the wedding, he demands independence from his loved ones. But marriage should also remain valuable for him, so the wife will have to provide him with a varied life so that he does not start to get bored and, what good, does not go looking for new sensations and experiences somewhere on the side. It’s rare, it’s true, but it still happens that the family becomes the greatest value in life for the Tiger, and it is to it that he will subordinate all his other life plans and intentions.

What kind of woman would a male Tiger like?

Reasonable, reasonable. He loves ladies who walk firmly on the ground. Most likely, he will not be interested in an avid dreamer. If a person strives for a specific goal and has very specific wishes, then he has a good chance to arouse interest in himself and to please the Tiger man.

Calm. What kind of partner does a Tiger need? Obviously not someone who will come up with some strange activities every day. Most likely, he will not be interested in a woman who climbs or dreams of going to Africa as soon as possible.

Meek, flexible. Fatal beauties are not his type. The Tiger prefers women who are balanced, behave with dignity, and who can demonstrate intelligence in a friendly company. Representatives of this sign of the Chinese horoscope tend to highly romanticize and idealize their lovers. For them, these are princesses from the Eastern Seraglio. Therefore, do not be too simple; the type of practical housewife does not appeal to him.

Tolerant. The Tiger man needs a woman who knows how to forgive, be lenient with his weaknesses and who does not want to lock him in a golden cage. You can win over a Tiger man for a long time by allowing him to sometimes spend time alone or with friends, without bombarding him with SMS messages.

Interested. A girl must have some hobbies, passions, and if she doesn’t have anything like that, then she won’t have a chance. Although he loves to talk about himself, he willingly listens to his partner: what you did during the day, what you want, what you dream about, etc.

How to conquer a male Tiger?

  • Keep up with him. The tiger is a person who is always and everywhere abundant. Any place where a lot of things happen is its natural habitat. If you want to conquer and conquer a Tiger man, then you should give up trying to stop him - it’s better to follow him anywhere at any time. You must be in excellent shape to be able to go hand in hand with him in his constant adventures, because Tigers and adventures are synonymous.
  • Resist routine. This applies to every area of ​​your life. Sometimes surprise him with something original, do not immediately reject all his erotic fantasies, even if at first they seem unacceptable to you. Think about some changes in your image - maybe a new hairstyle or some original hat.
  • Take care of yourself. It will be easier to attract a Tiger man if you know that elegance is important to him. You should look good while he amuses society with his jokes.
  • Make you feel excited. The tiger is a predator that values ​​only prey that is difficult to catch. And if he also operates in an atmosphere of strong competition, this makes him feel completely satisfied.

How to break up with a Tiger man?

Getting rid of a male Tiger is not a difficult task. First, start conversations with him more often about such mundane matters as paying utility bills, washing clothes and varicose veins. Be sure to tell him that you have definite plans with his participation for the next twenty years or so. And that the most exciting events in your future life together will be saving money for a pension fund and visiting the dentist. If you want the Tiger to run away, sing about quiet evenings at home, in the circle of future relatives, talk about the benefits of healthy food and the delights of household chores in arranging a family nest.

The desire for power and rebellion are the main qualities characteristic of people born in the year Tiger. They are fearless in any of their endeavors. The beaten path is not their path; in any case, they are looking for more original moves, which in the end will most likely quickly bring a sweet feeling of victory and satisfaction.

Tigers are rebels. This quality is especially manifested in any dispute where Tigers passionately defend their point of view. Because of this quality, people born in the year of the Tiger are often called arrogant. Indeed, when communicating, the Tiger often displays even harsh notes and this offends. However, in reality, Tigers have no thoughts of insulting and humiliating someone, they are simply so truthful that they do not know how to pretend and too often openly tell everything as it is.

Tigers strive for leadership. This applies to both work and family haven. Among the bosses, there is a significant majority of Tigers, and all because Tigers do not know how to obey. And besides, their ebullient energy every second generates new ideas, which they strive to give “life” to as quickly as possible. They strive, but do not always finish what they start, since this same ebullient energy does not allow them to stay in one place and on one thing for a long time.

The tiger is able to captivate with his ideas, he easily leads people along with him. He passionate, loves arguments and competition, and fair competition. Most Tigers are passionate about dangerous sports, since adrenaline for them is the main engine of life.

Tiger Man

Charming and strong personality. Moreover, this power comes from within. Tiger men are leaders in company, loyal friends and passionate lovers. Power is what they strive for. Tiger men are especially popular with women because they are charming, seductive, and know what to say. They can boast of a collection of passionate novels, and only a woman who looks weak and feminine on the outside, but is spiritually strong on the inside, can “lasso” the Tiger. With such a woman, the Tiger Man changes radically - he becomes loyal, caring and even romantic.

The Tiger man treats his personality with dignity, wherever he is, he behaves confidently and independently.

Tiger Woman

Beautiful, charming, sexy - all this is about the Tigress woman. She is easy to communicate with and comfortable to live with. She knows how to make the right impression. To do this, she uses all known feminine tricks, and also uses her inherent magnetism.

The Tiger woman has many friends and is respected in her work team. If she is not in a leadership position (although she is gradually striving for it with success), then even in the position of an ordinary worker she behaves in such a way that people listen to her.

The Tiger woman is not domineering, not a materialist, but her inner strength seems to force everyone to obey. By marrying a Tiger woman, you can be sure that there is a person next to you who will understand, listen, warm, caress and feed you delicious food. The Tiger woman is the best housewife and caring mother.

She is a supporter of honesty and truthfulness. The Tiger woman is fair herself and demands the same from others.

She loves adventure, the routine and dullness of life - this is not for a tigress. Every day is bright and memorable. She dresses beautifully, but does not chase fashion; she has her own unique style.

She is persistent and tries to achieve everything in life on her own. Fortune often pampers her with her attentions, including in terms of cash receipts. Money is not of fundamental importance for the Tigress, although this may be because she most often does not urgently need it.

Despite all the positive qualities of the Tiger woman, there is still something in her that significantly poisons her life - this is the love of criticizing everyone and everything. If she learns to control herself in this regard, then her life will become even more beautiful.

Tiger by zodiac sign

Tigers are brave and lucky. And luck does not leave the Tigers, despite the zodiacal features of a particular Constellation, the signs of which form various additional combinations.


These are people with inexhaustible energy. Their activity is enviable. Their weakness is that they are impatient and do not accept refusals. They want everything to happen at once. If someone or something gets in the way of their goal, they become enraged.

They are clever have amazing intuition, thanks to which luck is often on their side. Tigers-Aries are engaged only in what will bring “fruit” in the form of either material enrichment or spiritual growth. “No prospects” is not about them. They work like an energizer battery; they work until the end.

In love they are passionate and fickle. It is not easy to conquer them, but it is impossible to forget the connection with them.


Good-natured individuals with a sense of humor. It's easy to communicate with them. Tiger-Taurus makes friends easily, you can always rely on him. This type of activity suits him, where there is no rush and fuss, since only in a calm (peaceful) environment the best qualities of the Tiger-Taurus are manifested.

At work, he will cope well with the role of a leader, although such individuals also make excellent performers. Money is handled carelessly, so Tiger-Taurus often ends up broke. However, they are lucky in life, and there is always an opportunity to get rich financially.

In the family, Tiger-Taurus takes the place of master and master. But living with such a gentleman is a pleasure; he does everything for the happiness of his family. The only negative is their predictability. It is unlikely that you will expect an unexpected holiday from Tigers-Taurus. However, it all depends on the individual.

Tiger Gemini

Peculiar people with contradictory characters. They strive to do everything quickly and efficiently. If an idea appears, they immediately try to implement it, but do not forget to prepare well for the jump. They know how to wait, and when a favorable moment comes, they realize the available opportunities with lightning speed. However, having reached the goal, the Gemini Tigers immediately lose interest in it and again “give birth” to new ideas. And so on ad infinitum. They are confident, sociable, and usually talk loudly.

The peculiarity of the Gemini Tigers is their ability to do several things in a short period of time. They are valued at work for this quality.

In love, Tiger-Gemini is a player and a talented actor. He can be passionate, tender, romantic, indifferent... You can create a relationship with him if your partner lives at the same frantic pace of life.

The weakness of the Gemini Tigers is their stubbornness and pride. They are owners, this manifests itself both in relationships with family and friends.


Anxiety and fears are frequent companions of Tigers-Cancers. They are thirsty for new knowledge, want to grow spiritually and move up the career ladder, however inner experiences too often become a stumbling block on their way.

Tiger-Cancer tries not to show his inner world to others, hides his emotions deep inside. This is not always good, since buried emotions, especially negative ones, affect both health and mental state.

But they, like no one else, manage to inspire people, motivate and instill hope in them. They are self-sufficient individuals who prefer to be alone. However, only in pleasant communication they manage to fully relax.

In love, Tigers-Cancers treat their companion tenderly and are attached to the hearth and home. However, they can get carried away on the side, but this hobby does not take them far and the Tiger-Cancer returns to its “hut”.


Two predatory cats in one person. However, in reality these people are filled with love and warmth. They have enormous creative potential. To achieve success in life, it is important to understand what activities the Tiger-Leo is most attracted to.

They even overly kind, but also very touchy. They need people to behave in the same courteous manner towards them. If this does not happen, disappointment comes. Tiger-Leo can be furious, and when furious they are dangerous.

He expects adoration from his relationship with his partner. She is in no hurry to start a family, because she is afraid that monotony will follow. Loves children and zealously protects them.


These people friendly, positive, with a sense of humor, capable of compassion. They love order. This applies to both order in the house and order in your own thoughts. Tiger-Virgos love to work, but at the same time they do not forget about their family.

They need a field of activity where their patience and subtle sense of humor will be useful. In love they are tender and romantic. Attentive but jealous partners. They are frank and open with friends.

They need to learn to get proper rest, as even 30 minutes of lack of sleep leads to nervousness and grouchiness.


Pleasant people in all respects. Tigers-Libra quickly and easily adapt to any place and in any business. They punctual, well-mannered, polite. They don’t like to mix work and personal life, so, as a rule, they don’t have friends at work.

Tigers-Libra can be called domestic. They take every opportunity to spend time with their family and friends. They are sincerely surprised by the concept of “workaholic” and do not understand how they can completely devote themselves to work, forgetting about their relatives. However, Tigers-Libra are in no hurry to start a family, preferring to start with a lot of “playing around” on the love front.

If we talk about professions, then acting is best suited for Tigers-Libra. This activity has everything to satisfy the desires of Libra born in the year of the Tiger: the sympathy of others, their attention, the possibility of reincarnation, and new impressions.


The emotions in these people are overflowing. These are strong people who go towards their goal, no matter what. Tiger-Scorpio skillfully deals with obstacles, as it accurately calculates every step.

They do not know how to live a boring and monotonous life. Adventure and a sense of danger - that's what they need for complete happiness. Tiger-Scorpio is looking for a corresponding job. It's easy to make friends with them because they are always open to new acquaintances. They become loyal and reliable friends for many years.

They do not have problems with money, as they competently keep track of their income and expenses. They love to give gifts. The downside to their character is their jealousy, because of which they often lose control of themselves.


Sensitive natures. They love to communicate and be the center of attention. They tend to think through and analyze not only their steps, but also their words, for fear of hurting their interlocutor. Tiger-Sagittarius is intelligent and will not stoop to rudeness and insults.

They are talented. In their professional activities, it is not difficult for them to find something that will bring both moral satisfaction and financial wealth.

In love, they prefer to be in the shadow of their loved one, while remaining attentive to their partner. In a word, in a Tiger-Sagittarius relationship, it is very convenient.

If we talk about shortcomings, then this is, first of all, irritability, which Tigers-Sagittarius try to suppress, but sooner or later the “volcano” of emotions begins to erupt one way or another. And this is where there is no time for intelligence. Everyone gets it.


Honesty comes first for them. They are always direct and open. At the same time, they easily meet each other and make useful connections in society. When communicating with them, you get the impression that they know everything and about everything, they communicate so captivatingly, and very easily switch from one topic to another in a conversation.

They approach work more “coldly” than all other Tigers. Tiger-Capricorn prefers to do everything that is required of him and forget about it. They are gourmets and love exotic dishes. They prefer to relax by watching a good movie or reading a book.

Tiger-Capricorn is freedom-loving and starts a family late. Relationships can last a very long time, but sensing the danger of losing freedom, the Tiger-Capricorn will disappear in English.


It is almost impossible to impose anything on them; they have their own opinion on everything. Self-sufficient and independent. Outwardly they are charming and gentle, but inside they have crushing power. Tiger-Aquarius does not forgive offenses. He takes revenge for betrayal, and takes revenge in a sophisticated way.

However, Tigers-Aquarius are attractive personalities. Communicating with them, one gets the impression that they are in the clouds and far from reality. When they talk about “free artists”, they mean the Tigers-Aquarius. However, he will never give up earthly pleasures, especially since with his talents, he can easily achieve what he wants.

There is sheer charm in a relationship with your Tiger-Aquarius soul mate. Tries to please his partner in everything.


Outwardly calm, but with their own inner intensity of passions. At first glance, Tiger-Pisces seem two-faced. However, having managed to understand this person, you will find a true friend and a reliable life partner.

The Tiger adds confidence and determination to Pisces, and Pisces skillfully use this. In their professional activities, working with people is more suitable for them, as they are good at establishing contacts. Tigers-Pisces, like no one else, know how to separate work and home, that is, it is not difficult for them to leave all work matters at work and, conversely, not to bring home problems into the office walls.

For the most part these are positive people. Tiger-Pisces prefer to cry and suffer at home, alone. However, everything that is in their souls, they will express into their eyes.

The disadvantages include their slowness, due to which profitable opportunities often disappear from under their noses.