Characteristics of a Libra man in a relationship. Compatibility with Water signs. Gifts for a Libra man

Hardworking, wise, sociable, gallant - all this applies to representatives of the stronger sex born under the sign of Libra. These are such multifaceted personalities that it is simply impossible to fully understand them. Such men always stand out in a crowd because they have incredible charisma and inexplicable attractiveness.

Character of Libra men

Considering the duality of the sign, it is not surprising that people born under its protection have a contradictory character. It is very difficult for them to find the desired balance in life, and this applies to many areas of life. Everything indicates that they seem to be inhabited by two personalities who are constantly competing with each other. First, about the good: the Libra man is a characteristic of positive qualities:

  1. Thanks to their prudence, they can easily smooth out conflicts, so to some extent they can be called peacemakers. This characteristic is due to the fact that they do not tend to display aggression and negative emotions.
  2. They are good friends because they know how to empathize with others, providing assistance in any matter. This personality characteristic often backfires on them, since many people like to take advantage of them.
  3. It is impossible not to note his good mental abilities and versatility.

Libra – negative character traits:

  1. They think for a long time before making a decision, which in some cases is completely inappropriate.
  2. They suffer from mood swings, which depend on many factors.
  3. Character flaws include pride and pride. Libra man and his personality characteristics include such traits as capriciousness, which manifests itself in relationships with others.
  4. Because they are demanding of other people and dislike criticism, they often encounter negativity in their direction.

What kind of women do Libra men love?

Despite the fact that the nature is contradictory, finding the way to the heart of the chosen one is not at all difficult. He has a certain idea of ​​what the ideal should look like, and the image is worked out to the smallest detail, including not only character, but also appearance.

  1. Appearance. To attract attention, the image must be perfect, without any frills.
  2. Reliability. A companion should be support and inspiration at the same time. For them, equality in relationships is preferable.
  3. Tolerance. A Libra man, whose characteristics indicate his peace-loving nature, will not tolerate a scandalous lady next to him. He will certainly appreciate such characteristics as softness and balance.
  4. Thrift. This characteristic must certainly be taken into account, since his ideal understanding of comfort: a clean home, a calm environment and a delicious dinner. A dream woman must provide all this.

Representatives of the sign are distinguished by their external coldness, therefore, given this characteristic, it is not easy, but possible, to find out about his sympathy. It is necessary to take a close look at changes in behavior, which will indicate the presence of sympathy. The main indicators of how a Libra man loves will help with this:

  1. He is active, talks a lot and smiles, trying to win over the object of his adoration.
  2. Gives compliments to the chosen one, presents gifts and arranges.
  3. Another important characteristic is making plans for the future.
  4. The presence of serious feelings is indicated by the desire to introduce your chosen one to friends and relatives.

How to win a Libra man?

As noted earlier, representatives of this sign are not conquerors, so a woman will have to take on the role of leader. It is important to first develop tactics so that they do not feel like they are being hunted. Women who are interested in how to conquer a Libra man should not forget that he is a sociable person, so next to him there are always many contenders for his heart, and in order to stand out, they will have to enter into competition.

How to please a Libra man?

People born under the auspices of this sign know their worth, so they will choose a woman who is worthy and stands out from others. Knowing their preferences, every lady has the opportunity to increase her chances of success if she knows how to interest a Libra man:

After a relationship has begun, a woman should not relax if her plans include marriage and a strong family. You will have to wait quite a long time for the treasured ring, given the characteristics of his personality. The chosen one will doubt the right choice for a long time, so you can use the recommendations on how to attract a Libra man so that he proposes.

  1. A woman should not constantly talk about the wedding or even make hints about it, since this can only scare him away. It is important that he makes this decision himself and communicates his plans.
  2. Jealousy will be a good incentive. The main thing is not to overdo it and do everything unobtrusively.
  3. Another significant characteristic is that in personal relationships a woman will have to take a lot into her own hands.

A Libra man, whose personality characteristic includes the desire to feel free, will certainly propose when he understands himself and understands that his chosen one is the best and that she is the one for life with whom he wants to meet old age and raise children and grandchildren. The main thing is not to put undue pressure on him, so as not to push him away.

How to build a relationship with a Libra man?

People with this sign know about their advantages and popularity among representatives of the opposite sex. They tend to quickly lose interest in their chosen one, and even some little thing can be a repulsive factor. Ladies who are trying to find out what Libra men are like, what they are like in relationships and in marriage, should understand that they cannot expect any serious changes in their behavior. It is best for a woman to maintain a certain distance and does not need to completely put herself on the altar of love, and it is enough to simply share his priorities and principles of life.

How to make peace with a Libra man?

Despite the fact that such people are non-conflict, they experience quarrels quite difficult and hold grudges for a long time. Given their character, you should not expect the first step in reconciliation; you will have to take everything into your own hands and it is better not to hesitate. Since the Libra man values ​​recognition in love and relationships, it is important for him to hear an apology. By also showing him signs of attention, you can count on the fact that the conflict will be settled. A conversation in which each party can express their opinion will also help to improve relationships.

Libra man in a relationship with a woman

Representatives of this sign are always in search of a soul mate, paying attention to every detail. Their goal is to find a spiritual union that will become the basis of a strong relationship. This sign loves to plan everything, including love relationships. The behavior of a Libra man in love can often be called strange, and his love for analysis and delving into himself can ultimately cause loneliness.

Libra man in love

For this sign, understanding is important in relationships, so his significant other should be not only a lover, but also a friend. Such people love constancy even despite their natural love of love. A Libra man, whose love characteristics are filled with various contradictions, will never initiate a breakup. In relationships, he pays attention to every detail, striving for perfection.

Libra man in sex

Intimacy for representatives of this sign is an important component of relationships, which he takes as seriously as possible. Another significant characteristic is their goal is for their partner to have pleasure in bed. They like to do things slowly, paying attention to details. The Libra man in bed does not like rudeness and vulgarity, which has a repulsive effect on them. According to surveys, representatives of this sign are the most tender and attentive lovers.

How to satisfy a Libra man in bed?

Astrologers assure that if a woman wants to give such a partner pleasure, then she just needs to repeat his actions, that is, be gentle, attentive and affectionate. Initiative ladies need to be careful when speaking about their desires at the right time. It is important to figure out what the Libra man likes in sex, so that there is an idyll in bed.

  1. Pay attention to those that are throughout the body. You can find them during foreplay, watching your partner’s reaction.
  2. The ardent but slow act will give him incredible pleasure.
  3. This sign is no stranger to experiments, but there should not be a lot of them, so a woman should add “zest” gradually.

Despite the fact that this sign is a contradictory nature, an approach to it can still be found, the main thing is to act gradually, focusing on the presented characteristics. It is compromise that is the key to strong relationships, so it is especially important to be flexible, flexible, feminine, and to know when to stop in all manifestations of feelings and emotions.

  • Date of birth: from September 22 to October 23,
  • Planet: Venus, Element: Air, Color: Blue, gray,
  • Day: Friday, Stone: Sapphire, opal,
  • Motto: I, Energy: Yang.

Astrologer's advice: Please note that for an accurate description, it is necessary to correct the data taking into account the time, date and place of birth. Refined data will help you get to know yourself more accurately or understand another person.

Zodiac Libra man it is the epitome of charm and balance. He is ruled by the planet Venus, which gives him an innate sense of grace and style. Libra is not capable of confrontation of any kind, and men of this zodiac sign are no exception. The Libra man is always open to dialogue; he does not like conflicts, arguments or any other showdown between people. This is a sign of partnership, equality and justice. He will strive to remain neutral and always tries to be objective.

Astrologer's advice: The desire to achieve much more than you currently have is typical for many. But not everyone can combine desires and opportunities. You can do it - order - and achieve your plans!

Zodiac sign Libra man strives to do what he thinks is best for everyone. He believes that he can please everyone and everything. He is a pacifist and does not like conflicts, prefers peace and quiet. He strives for harmony and balance. He is polite and sophisticated.

Astrologer's advice: If you want to explore and better understand the character and characteristics of a zodiac sign, it is useful to consider it from many sides, and the section will help you with this.

Watch video zodiac Libra:

The symbol of Libra makes sense for this sign, the Libra man always strives for a balance of justice and order in his world. He is willing to go to great lengths to avoid conflict and achieve peace in his life. The Libra man is objective, fair and you can always see both sides of any situation. Libras struggle with their indecisive nature and their fear of making a decision will sometimes get in the way. A handsome and pleasant, intriguing Libra man, with his bright appearance, often attracts women's glances. Libras have good taste in choosing their wardrobe.

Astrologer's advice: The characteristics of the zodiac sign will be much more complete if you take into account the year of birth and the heading of the Chinese calendar will help in this. Go to the appropriate category -.

He loves luxury and often wears a stylish watch, a diamond ring, and gold cufflinks. Although his wallet cannot always afford these and other expensive accessories, he strives for them. The Libra zodiac sign man can often be frivolous with his budget, and expensive purchases will often be made impulsively out of emotion rather than out of necessity. Despite these trends, the Libra man will strive for sound logic and planning to ensure a prosperous financial future. Libra men tend to lead active lifestyles, which can lead to some back problems in later years. He needs to maintain good posture and not lift heavy objects so he can minimize the risk of back injury.

Libra's friends often consider them their best friends, and in many ways they are right. Zodiac Libra man sensitive to the needs and feelings of others and always come to the rescue in difficult times. In disputes, Libra, even when he is right, often simply backs down in order to maintain peace and friendship. The optimist Libra man will try not to notice the shortcomings of his friends and, trying to see the good qualities. The Libra man is always a sophisticated diplomat, whose charm and radiating warmth make him indispensable in any company. This man is almost unlimited in his choice of profession, but will best prove himself as a lawyer, banker, social worker, mediator, landscape designer, advisor.

Astrologer's advice: We invite you to study monthly and annual horoscopes for all zodiac signs. The forecast will allow you to make the best decisions on many issues. High quality and useful. Go to the section.

Zodiac Libra man relationships, love and sex

Zodiac sign Libra man an incorrigible romantic, he wants to love and be loved, when he finally finds the one, he will surround her with care and share everything he has, for him this is the main secret of perfect harmony. The Libra man falls in love very easily and, despite his tendency to change, when Libra is in love, he will not flirt with others. The Libra man is a generous lover, he wants to please and will try very hard. He values ​​stability and harmony with his partner. Objective and sincere, Libra chooses their words very carefully so as not to offend or hurt a woman.

Libra man in sex he gives a woman a double dose of pleasure, he strives for romantic seduction and gentle foreplay, tenderness and passion are perfectly combined in him. He is a charming, sensual and sentimental lover.

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Despite the fact that Libras are not very faithful by nature, they like the status of a married man. Libra quickly proposes, and always in the most attractive way: a romantic dinner by candlelight, an engagement ring in an expensive box, background music, and of course champagne. However, men of this zodiac sign make similar marriage proposals more than once, and they often have several marriages.

Libra man in marriage: what is he like in family and home life when he gets married?

Girlfriends very often envy the chosen one of their Libra husband. Cultured, polite, always well-groomed and fashionably dressed, he shows interest in science, but primarily in art. He knows what perfume is fashionable now and will take you to a prestigious restaurant to celebrate your wedding anniversary. And what kind of compliments he can give! And this unforgettable, charming smile of his... Just the walking ideal of a romantic and witty lover!

The charm of the Libra husband is combined with a gentle character. It is not the chivalrous attitude towards a woman that makes him nervous; he does not tolerate rudeness, rudeness and any primitivism. This person will never raise his voice against you (and will not forget if you do). He usually makes a good career, most often in law, art or journalism. There are not many such “civilized” men who will voluntarily go with you to the theater or philharmonic, read poetry and get bored watching an action movie rather than a psychological drama.

You probably won’t complain about intimate relationships with your Libra husband in marriage either. You are not in danger of sleeping too long in the marital bed. In addition, men of this zodiac sign quickly become virtuosos in the art of love.

But married life with a Libra husband is not as rosy as it might seem. This man understands women very well, but, unfortunately, most often treats them as a tool for realizing his own goals. In addition, he can sometimes be extremely self-centered. His wife not only often gives up her professional ambitions, but is also forced to constantly revolve around him as a faithful companion. He loves his children, but changing diapers or attending parent-teacher conferences is too boring for him.

How does a Libra husband provide for his family?

People of this sign are rarely workaholics and perform feats of labor, but at the same time they make a good career and earn, first of all, a comfortable life. By nature, Libra husbands are not misers in family life, but there are men in this sign who are too frivolous in financial matters. He often has several marriages, and whirlwind romances are also expensive. Therefore, it happens that a very gray Libra lands with a young mistress with a single suitcase, and the inexperienced chosen one of his heart pays alimony... to several wives.

Is your Libra husband cheating or not, is he jealous or not?

The Libra husband's horoscope is such that they cannot be classified as very faithful and morally stable representatives of the stronger sex. Libra husbands are easily carried away, cheat, and at the same time do not experience remorse that does not let them sleep at night. They are not particularly jealous, but the feeling of competition spurs them on.

Libra man: how to behave with him, how to live, how to be together and keep your Libra husband?

A Libra husband in marriage makes high demands on his wife. She must be beautiful, forever young, smiling and witty. In addition, she should prefer a life full of entertainment and interesting events, traveling with Libra to fashionable resorts, where he will shine. An often tired, ordinary hardworking woman who in the evening after a busy day of work only wants to sleep, in the long run will probably “fall out of the game.”

It is very important that Libra immediately be lucky enough to find a woman to marry, gifted with a strong character, who would be able to properly dispose of this loving comrade. Firstly, she will immediately remove her husband from the pedestal, soberly evaluate his talents and will never demonstrate that Libra has become her whole world. The mere awareness of the existence of competition works like a dope in relation to Libra husbands in family life. You can always bring to the attention of your other half (although this, at first glance, may seem absurd) that there are other men in the world, and he can be replaced by a “better model.” But the wife knows the truth about herself: when Libra’s contrite husband comes up and smiles charmingly, her legs will become weak again, and she will again - contrary to common sense - once again forgive him everything...

He is a man of great flight. He has hundreds and thousands of priceless ideas in his head on how to make our world a better place. The main motive of life is the desire for harmony. Everywhere, always and in everything. Yes, all this is he - a Libra man. Aristocratic, well-mannered, easy-going and very sociable. And what kind of girl he needs, and what you need to know about his character - the stars will tell you about this.

Libra (Latin: “Libra”) is the seventh sign of the zodiac. He is adjacent to Virgo on the left and Scorpio on the right. Perhaps the number 7, which represents harmony, is by no means accidental. After all, this man really strives for balance in everything: from the color of his tie to his behavior and life views. Symbol of the sign - scales, which can lean one way or the other.

Libra element - air. Open, sociable people with a keen intellect. They tend to think for a long time, calculate risks and rely only on specific, and not fictitious, life circumstances. At the same time, scales are a source of legends, beautiful stories about times past and future. Yes, this guy loves to talk. For girls who love to listen, he is the best partner.

I wonder what lucky colors for scales are grouped by shade, and by softness, mutedness. Libras are perfect for pastel colors - delicate greens, pinkish, coral. They are also patronized by interesting shades of blue - dark blue (when the sky is just beginning to greet a new day), sea green and emerald green.

Libra talisman stones– , malachite, quartz, lapis lazuli, diamond, opal, sapphire. Patronizes this zodiac sign is sentimental Venus, sympathetic to romantics, poets, musicians and other people of art who are able to capture the subtlest shades of the human soul and reflect them in their masterpieces.

Sergei Yesenin - a brilliant poet

It is no coincidence that famous men born under the sign of Libra are directly related to social life and have excellent manners, even if their profession does not require the manifestation of such qualities. These are Will Smith and Michael Douglas, Dmitry Shostakovich and Sergei Yesenin, Leonid Kuravlev and Oleg Basilashvili. Finally, our president is also a Libra. Remember his demeanor in public - and everything will become clear.

Libra man: what is better to know about his character

The character of an air zodiac sign is always quite complex. And in the case of scales, the task of description becomes even more global, because our hero is very multifaceted. Friends and relatives of Libra know that his nature is like thousands of beautiful fragments in a kaleidoscope, which give an endless number of unique combinations.

A born diplomat

Diplomacy, as you know, is the same acting talent, only directed in a different direction. Yes, Libras quite easily manage to avoid rough edges, smooth out contradictions and find the right words even in situations when it seems that everything is lost.

Friends know and even use this quality. This is the kind of person you need to take with you in cases where you need to establish first contact or improve a deteriorating relationship. Yes, the talent of diplomacy is always in demand. And no artificial intelligence can replace humans in this sense.

Philosophical outlook on life

Libras do not like logical schemes, precise calculations, compulsion to certain regulations, when every minute is scheduled. This guy is not particularly punctual, because he lives largely by his inner world.

He approaches life somewhat detachedly. Libras deliberately distance themselves from conflicts, unnecessary emotions, and outright disagreements. And if they become an unwitting participant in this unpleasant action, they would rather simply laugh it off than declare war. Yes, there is something of a philosopher about this man. And this is his strength.

Oscillating scales

Yes, our hero takes fateful decisions for quite a long time. And all because he wants to calculate the situation as much as possible and get out of it with minimal losses. To many ladies, this may seem like indecision, but in most cases, Libras are simply in painful thought. And the best thing you can do is not to interfere with their mental activity.

You can't stop living beautifully

If it’s a birthday, then in the best restaurant. If a car, then a limousine. If it's a watch, then it's Swiss. Yes, Libras love luxury. And such a quality can have 2 opposite consequences. On the one hand, it is the craving for a beautiful life that stimulates this man to come up with a well-functioning financial scheme for enrichment. On the other hand, he can gradually turn into a gigolo who takes care of rich ladies and receives bonuses in return. Well, if a girl is satisfied with such a situation, then why not.

Michael Douglas, actor (with wife Catherine Zeta Jones)

Attitude to work and money

Libras love money and everything related to material comfort. They may well make significant concessions just to receive a financial bonus. It’s just that this man is a modern Ostap Bender, who can profit almost out of thin air.

On the other hand, Libras love not only to receive, but also to spend their capital. Yes, a financial manager could do with this person. It’s just that our hero has a weakness for luxurious, status things, regardless of whether they bring practical benefit or not. Libra is not a magpie that grabs everything shiny. He knows the value of any item in his collection. And he loves to replenish it with new copies. It seems that this allows him to get a well-deserved dose of pleasure and be inspired for new exploits.

As for work, the Libra man does not take well to the regime and clear regulations. Freelancing is perfect for him, since he hates bosses, formal hierarchy and other relics of the past (from his point of view). In addition, Libras love creative professions in which they can express their ideas about beauty.

How to please a Libra man

It would seem that this guy is so accessible, so sociable that getting to know him would not be difficult. It's right. Any lady can start a relationship with a Libra; he certainly won’t refuse, because he really adores female company and new experiences.

On the other hand, contact is, of course, not everything. Although it’s already half the battle. And in order to bring the game to victory, you should know about some secrets of the Libra man, which the stars are happy to reveal:

  1. Delicacy, tact, good manners, graceful manners. Call it what you want, but know: it is a sense of proportion, a sincere desire to be an example that meets a certain standard, that is the right path to the heart of our hero. Libras, by definition, do not like straightforward, somewhat rude women. For him, a representative of the fair sex should be like a bouquet of flowers, because it is a bouquet, and not a separate flower, that is a symbol of harmony. In a lady he wants to see the royal charm of a rose, the modesty of a chamomile, the charm of a mimosa and, of course, the decorative effect of green branches.
  2. Romance is a very feminine quality, and every Libra man is convinced that a lady’s nature should be incredibly refined, soft and delicate.
  3. At the same time, the girl must also have an independent position. Libras are used to dealing with equal partners. They are not inclined to take care of anyone and they themselves cannot stand it if someone starts to take care of them like a mother. Therefore, female romanticism must sometimes give way to practical qualities.
  4. Intelligence – and it cannot be otherwise. Don't forget that our hero represents the element of air. Therefore, ladies who are very far from small talk, are not too sociable and generally prefer to talk exclusively about mundane things, are unlikely to win his heart.

How can you offend Libra?

It would seem that there is little that could offend such a balanced, reserved and at the same time charming person. But, as you know, in all cases there are exceptions. Therefore, the stars strongly recommend that potential Libra lovers pay attention to several nuances:

  1. First of all, don't try to influence the scale by making a scene. Hysterics, breaking dishes and outright threats are a losing path. Our hero does not need to get his adrenaline in this way. Libra prefers dialogue, hints, and diplomatic tricks. You can say that if you defeat him intellectually, it will make a very strong impression on him, and he will yield. Keep this in mind.
  2. Do not limit the freedom of Libra, do not reproach him that he is often late or outright forgets about his words. Again, it’s better to hint about this carefully and even gain strength to treat the situation with humor. Remember: Libras understand the language of hints very well, and not straightforward statements. Paradoxical but true.
  3. Finally, don't laugh at Libra's looks. Like any representative of the air element, this man is incredibly sensitive to his beliefs. If you allow yourself to make constant jokes or openly criticize his internal ideas about good and evil, it cannot be said that this will especially offend our hero. But it definitely won’t strengthen your relationship.

Who is suitable for a Libra man, and who is not so good

In this life, the Libra man is looking for his like-minded woman - a woman who will not modestly stand at the stove and immerse herself in worries about the house, but a real associate. The chosen one of Libra should proceed from the fact that at some moments she will need to take the initiative into her own hands. After all, all air signs of the zodiac, including Libra, can hesitate for a long time when solving some important issue.

In addition, the ideal Libra girl should not be too emotional. Hysterics, attacks of jealousy and other attempts to limit the freedom of this free guy are a pretty successful strategy on the way to losing him. As for compatibility with representatives of different zodiac signs, here the stars paint the following picture:

  1. As in all classical versions, the most suitable party for our hero are representatives of his own air element. will give Libra what he has been looking for for a long time - deep mutual understanding and complete freedom of action. And they will provide his life with ease and fill his sails with wind. This man is attracted to airy ladies precisely by free-thinking and almost complete coincidence of views. And for compatibility this is quite a lot. As for relationships with a representative of his own sign, a pleasant surprise awaits the Libra man: deep psychological contact, good communication and warmth are guaranteed. But to what extent the partners will be able to improve their everyday and material lives is still a question.
  2. Libras establish good contact with fiery girls - Aries and Sagittarius. True, the idyll here can be overshadowed by frequent conflicts. A lioness, for example, can create one scene of jealousy after another. with his assertiveness he will somewhat frighten Libra. But with her thirst for adventure and powerless character, this guy will be very interested. The Sagittarius will always come to the rescue, she does not demand to be looked after - in a word, this type is very close to Libra.
  3. It is quite difficult for Libra to get along with representatives of the water signs of the zodiac. Pisces needs a strong hand, a commander with a kind heart. They are unlikely to share the views of our hero, and this girl’s emotional swings will not benefit the union. will be able to give Libra a real family atmosphere, but this lady will not like Libra’s frequent absence from home, associated with his love of social events. As for Scorpio, the union looks quite successful. But the partners will adapt to each other for a very long time, because they are not used to making significant concessions. We can only hope that her heart will melt before the charm of Libra.
  4. Finally, the earthly signs of the zodiac (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) are the least successful option for the air element in general and for Libra in particular. These people simply have too different energies and divergent life values. The earth is drawn to stability, and the air is drawn to change. This alone is enough to admit: the compatibility of partners leaves much to be desired.

Libra in bed

At night, a Libra man strives to receive not only physical but aesthetic pleasure. Making love in cramped, absurd circumstances, and even more so in conditions far from the comfort of home, will not work with him. Therefore, preparation for nightly fun should be quite serious - Libra incredibly values ​​material comfort, beautiful surroundings and luxurious, status items decorating the bedroom.

And the lady also needs to be prepared for the fact that the Libra man does not really like to reveal his true feelings. Yes, a whole ocean of passions can live in him. But he won’t show you all his trump cards right away. Therefore, true intimacy is possible only with the lady he trusts. And if the gentleman literally conquered you with his ardor, this is a sure signal that he has already perceived you as his own.

The Libra man is an incorrigible idealist, a romantic, and in many ways a storyteller. If you want a truly beautiful relationship in a classic style, this is the right place for you.

Representatives of this sign are perhaps the most charming people in the entire Zodiac. The sign of Libra is a man whose characteristics are optimism, sociability, friendliness and goodwill. They are passionate about art and strive to create a harmonious space around themselves. Their patron is Venus, so they are unusually lucky in love.

While everyone admires them, representatives of this sign constantly hesitate and feel self-doubt.

It always matters to him how people perceive him. For this reason, he is always dressed simply and elegantly, but with taste. What makes a man of this sign attractive are smooth gestures, good manners, and a well-proportioned physique.

The main characteristic of Libra men is grace and courtesy of manners. They like to give people real pleasure and make them like them.

They spend a lot of time on their appearance; they will think through even the smallest details of the image in order to leave a pleasant impression of themselves. Don't forget about accessories. They often work out in the gym, so they have an athletic and toned figure.

Facial features

Libras are characterized by regular, clean and small facial features, expressive large eyes that have a flirtatious, alluring look, and a forehead that is not very high and smooth. The nose is small, slightly wider at the bottom, delicate skin. They have beautiful hair that is a little curly. Sometimes there is something doll-like in appearance.

Body type

Mostly Libras are of average height. The figure is most often proportional, movements are graceful and graceful. They very rarely tend to be overweight.


Libras are almost always dressed stylishly and neatly. Luxury and beauty are their lifestyle. Libras do not use strong perfumes; they prefer something weakly scented; they would rather choose a slightly bitter, delicate, not too strong aroma.

Behavior and inner world of a Libra man

Modesty, charm, tenderness, kindness, grace and elegance, sociability, friendliness - these are the main features of Libra men according to the horoscope. The most common shortcomings they have are constant doubts, impatience, indecisiveness, uncertainty and misunderstanding.

The representative of this sign has dual character traits. He is always in a state of fluctuation, sometimes achieving harmony, on the other hand he is restrained and elegant, striving for stability.

Libras approach life philosophically; they perceive what happens to them as the will of fate, a given. It is very difficult to make a choice, so they often miss good opportunities. But the man of the Libra zodiac sign does not worry much about this, but simply continues to go with the flow, enjoying the joys of life.

The prosperity of your own home, harmony in the soul - this is what is really important for Libra. He does not like criticism, so he makes every effort to avoid conflicts and maintain good, strong relationships within the family.

He loves company, he does not like to be alone for a long time. Prefers to see people with intelligence nearby, because there is something to discuss with them. Libra is a wonderful conversationalist; he has a lively mind and erudition. Various ideas are always spinning in his head, which he likes to share with others. He loves to argue because he can always justify his point of view and prove his interlocutor wrong in any situation. But it is also quite possible to convince him.

Positive and negative traits

Libras are happy to help people with words; they are excellent advisers. However, they cannot give advice to themselves, so they turn to others for help. Their indecision and duality is manifested in this too.

Libra, as a sign of justice, shows and seeks it everywhere, even in relation to the closest people. They are excellent strategists, they see several steps ahead. In any situation, this man first finds the cause, then evaluates possible solutions, works through possible options for the development of events, and only then proceeds to action.

Libra man's work and career

Representatives of this sign can achieve serious success in their careers,

Libras are able to work with all their might to achieve a goal, but after receiving the result they are amazed by their apathy.

if they overcome the tendency to laziness, relaxation and an idle lifestyle, especially if their professional activity is related to communication with people and art. Often the office becomes home for Libra, and the work team becomes a second family. It is for this reason that it is not so easy for them to change jobs; they get used to the place and people. Whatever this man does, he will definitely create a beautiful and comfortable work place. Here he always has perfect order. Libra cannot stand chaos.

  • They have good relationships with both partners and subordinates;
  • In business they lack healthy arrogance and aggressiveness, so they are in middle positions;
  • For Libra, the financial component is important; he will not work for a small salary.

Leadership skills

Libras do not like it when all the responsibility falls on them, so they like to work in a team where colleagues do the part of the work that is unpleasant to them and quickly make decisions.

Career guidance

They give preference to work related to movement and communication; they do not like monotony and monotony of activity. By nature, this is a creative sign, prone to art. Working in a gift shop, gallery or theater would suit him very well.

Libras are excellent trainers, teachers and lawyers; professions related to communication suit them. They achieve considerable success in diplomacy thanks to their ability to find compromise and negotiate.

Libra Man's Attitude to Love, Sex, Marriage and Family

They need love like air. Loneliness depresses Libra, but, as a rule, it does not threaten them. They are created for love, winning hearts, beautifully seducing women and communicating with them. They are able to conquer any fortress, are very sociable and cheerful.

However, it often happens that Libra cannot decide what to do next, having won another woman: whether to continue the relationship or not, whether to bind themselves with obligations.

How do feelings manifest themselves?

  • Libras are capable of beautifully caring for their beloved, generous with surprises and gifts, and quite romantic. However, all their courtship is conservative; you should not expect something sophisticated and original.
  • A Libra man in love tries to find his ideal. This woman must be extraordinary, exceptional and unique.
  • He is attracted by stability, calm and regularity. Libra may well ignore women's tears, hysterics and whims.

Advice: In relationships, they value understanding; the other half should be a friend, and not just a lover.

Sex life

In sex, Libras do not like stereotypes; by nature they are aesthetes and pay a lot of attention to tenderness and caresses. They strive to please their partner, but their satisfaction always comes first for them. They are quite capable of having several partners at once, because they cannot choose just one.

Intimacy for Libra is not the last component of a relationship, which they take as seriously as possible. They do not like vulgarity and rudeness in bed, this repels them from their partner.

They attach great importance to emotional contact, silence in bed is unacceptable for them, they want to hear positive assessment and praise. They will suffer and suffer for a long time if they have any doubts that they are good partners in bed, so the partner needs to constantly praise and admire them.

If a woman wants to give Libra pleasure, then she just needs to repeat his actions: be attentive, gentle and affectionate. It is necessary to carefully take the initiative and talk about your fantasies at the right time. It is important to understand what gives a man pleasure in sex, then an idyll will come in bed.

Marriage and family

Making a choice in favor of one woman is very difficult for Libra, given their suspiciousness in other matters. In a spouse, they, first of all, want to see an intellectual partner, friend, acquaintance.

He tries not to offend his wife, but he is sorry to lose the right to have sexual relations with other women with impunity. Many Libras solve this problem by having mistresses. However, only the spouse becomes the primary person in their life.

Libra needs a psychologically comfortable, warm atmosphere at home, harmony in family relationships. If the wife provides these conditions, then the man will reward her with attention, a constant desire to help, condescension and kindness.

Libra is a very attentive and loving sign, but they are rarely happy in marriage. They are characterized by suspicion; they will think about every word of their partner, every action they take for a long time.

The spouse must have the qualities of an enterprising and active woman, since he must sometimes be “pulled out” of his unreal world and reminded of pressing matters. If a woman expects her husband to solve all current problems, then such a relationship most likely will not work out successfully.

For Libra, cleanliness in the house is more important. The wife must be an excellent hostess, who is always ready to properly welcome guests, whom the representative of this zodiac sign loves very much. He can help with household chores, but you will have to ask him for it: you can wait a long time for his enthusiasm and initiative.

Libras are in no hurry to have children; they are rarely the first to come up with the idea of ​​adding to the family. They perceive the appearance of a child in the family rather indifferently, without much enthusiasm. They begin to feel love for their children over time, then it grows to adoration.

They try to be fair for their children, punish only deservedly, explaining the reason for the punishment. A father will not take it out on his children because he is in a bad mood, and he will not allow his wife to do the same. Often for children he is the only authority.

Compatibility with other signs

Libra men have good compatibility with women – Sagittarius, Gemini, Aquarius and Leo.

Gifts for a Libra man

  • When choosing a gift, it is better to refuse cash gifts and certificates. Libras don't like to decide anything, even if it's choosing a gift for themselves. Therefore, they will suffer for a long time, choosing what exactly to buy, and after making the purchase they will begin to reproach themselves for the wrong choice.
  • A man will appreciate everything expensive and beautiful, he will be happy with any precious items: jewelry keychains, cufflinks, an expensive pen. Libra will also be pleased to receive an exquisite figurine, fashionable clothes and bright accessories as a gift.
  • Libra will happily accept household appliances, good tools that will save time on housework that is not very pleasant for them. But they will also be happy with perfume, a stylish addition to their appearance, for example, a cane umbrella with an unusual handle.