How is the name Matvey translated from Greek? Matvey is an inconspicuous intellectual. Famous people with this name

Until recently, the male name Matvey was considered uncommon. But in recent years, in the wake of the fascination with ancient forgotten names, it has become increasingly popular. They especially often call it the first-born or long-awaited boys, literally begged from God. After all, the meaning of the name translated from Hebrew is “God’s gift.”

Historical roots of the name

In the old days, the name Matvey was pronounced a little differently - Matthew or Matthiy. This was the name of one of the twelve apostles who were disciples of Jesus Christ.

Evangelist Matthew

Before the adoption of Christianity, Matthew, who was also called Levi, lived in Galilee and was considered a very wealthy man. By occupation, he was a publican, that is, he collected taxes from ordinary citizens for the treasury of the Holy Roman Empire.

One day, walking through the streets of the city, a man saw a crowd that surrounded a stranger, eagerly listening to his words. Interested, Matthew invited the stranger into his home. This stranger turned out to be Jesus Christ.

The conversation with the son of God made a huge impression on the publican. And when Christ said to him: “Follow me,” the man left the house, distributed all his property to the poor and followed the Savior. From then on, Matthew was inseparably next to Christ, until his death.

In preparation for preaching in other countries, the Apostle Matthew wrote the Gospel, which stands first among all the church books of the New Testament. It details the life of Jesus as Prophet, Lawgiver, and High Priest who sacrificed himself for the sins of all people.

Saint Matthew traveled around Syria, Media, Parthia, India and Persia and everywhere advocated for the true faith, calling on people to adhere to the teachings of Christ. The last country he reached was Ethiopia. In those days, its main population were tribes of cannibals who worshiped their crude idols. But nevertheless, many of them, after listening to Matthew’s sermons, were imbued with the ideas of Christianity and were baptized. In addition, the evangelist founded an Orthodox church in the city of Mirmen and appointed his companion Plato as its vicar.

The ruler of Ethiopia, Fulvian, did not like this. On his orders, Matthew was captured and severely tortured. And when, unable to withstand the torture, the apostle died, his body was placed in a metal box and thrown into the sea.

A few days later the coffin washed ashore. When the lid was thrown back, Plato and his companions saw Matthew's body completely intact. They transferred the relics to the temple he created, where the holy evangelist found his last refuge.

The day of remembrance of this amazing man is November 29th. Many men named Matvey choose it as the day of their angel. They pray to Saint Matthew for strengthening faith and protection from temptations. In addition, he is considered the patron saint of everyone who deals with finances.

Since the owners of this name do not like big words and unnecessary fuss, an inexpensive but practical thing will be suitable as a gift.

Foreign analogues

The shortened version of the name is Motya, which does not sound very attractive. Therefore, for a little boy, parents come up with other beautiful affectionate nicknames - Matyusha, Matyushenka, Matveyushka, Matveychik, Matveyunyushka, Matyunchik, Matveyka. Sometimes the child is affectionately called by the diminutive names Tyushenka, Tyutyunchik or Tyunchik. Adults in an official setting only have their full name, and among friends - Matyukha.

But there is no need to be upset. After all, the name Matvey, although in a slightly modified form, can be found in many languages.

English Matthew, Matt, Matty
German Matthäus, Matti
French Mathieu, Mathis, Matthias
Spanish Mateo, Mateito
Portuguese Matthias, Mate
Italian Matteo, Mazzeo, Mattia
Romanian Matei
Hungarian Matthias
Greek Matteos
Ukrainian Matviy, Matviyko
Belorussian Matsvey, Matsis
Polish Mateusz, Mateuszek, Macko
Czech Matous, Matousek
Bulgarian Matei, Matij, Mato
Danish, Swedish Matthäus, Matte, Mats
Finnish Matti, Mattuka

Famous people named Matvey

There are not too many famous people bearing this name. But each of them deserves to go down in the history of our state.

  1. Matvey Fedorovich Kazakov (1738-1812) – architect, one of the founders of Russian classicism.
  2. Matvey Ivanovich Platov (1751-1818) – cavalry general, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812.
  3. Matvey Matveevich Gusev (1826-1866) - Russian astronomer who was the first to apply mathematical methods to the study of the Sun.
  4. Matvey Sidorovich Kuznetsov (1846-1911) – Russian merchant, “king of porcelain”.
  5. Matvey Vasilyevich Zakharov (1898-1972) - Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union.
  6. Matvey Isaakovich Blanter (1903-1990) – Soviet composer, author of the famous “Katyusha”.
  7. Matvey Matveevich Gedenshtrom (1780-1845) - Russian polar explorer.

It would be unfair not to mention the famous foreign namesakes of our Matvey.

  1. Matheus Oliveira (born 1994) is a Brazilian footballer.
  2. Matthias Schoenaerts (born 1977) is a Belgian film and television artist.
  3. Matthew McConaughey (born 1969) is an American actor and film director.
  4. Matt Damon (born 1970) is an American actor, producer and screenwriter.
  5. Matthias Hughes (born 1959) is a Hollywood actor of German origin.
  6. Matthew Perry (born 1969) is a Canadian-American actor.
  7. Mateusz Domieniecki (born 1981) is a Polish theater and film actor.

And the list will be completed by two literary Matthews. This is the main character of Jules Verne’s novel “Mathias Sandor” and King Matthias the First, a character in the story of the same name by the Polish writer Janusz Korczak.

Fate and character

We can convey the character of our hero in two words if we call him conflict-free and peace-loving. Moreover, both qualities appear from early childhood.


If this child is truly long-awaited and “begged from God,” then the parents will try to blow away the specks of dust from him and will not let him go outside again. In addition, the unusual name, which the boy is a little shy about, also does not contribute to communication with peers.

So little Matveyka grows under his mother and father’s wings, protected from life’s ups and downs. This is a very calm, self-absorbed child.

Parents try in every possible way to develop Matyusha, and, having mastered the letters early, he begins to voraciously read books, from which he tries to draw life wisdom. That is why the boy is often a little detached from reality and “hovering in the clouds” of his fantasies. If you don’t pay attention to this in time and don’t return Matyunya to the “sinful earth,” then he risks growing up to be an incorrigible romantic, which can greatly hinder him in his adult life.

Matveyka studies well at school, but without much enthusiasm. He is more attracted to history, geography, and astronomy, since there is always room for fantasy and imagination.

Having overcome the complex of his rare name, Matyusha becomes more sociable and makes many friends. But he will not participate in boyish pranks and pranks, because he does not consider such a pastime to be correct.

From early childhood, a boy is characterized by decency and honesty. He will never take candy from a vase without permission and will bring every last penny of change from the store. Parents predict a great future for their beloved child, but in reality everything turns out to be not so simple.


Well-read and possessing a solid store of knowledge, our hero, no doubt, will strive to obtain a higher education. And some pedantry, manifested in the desire to systematize everything and methodically put it on the shelves, will allow him to become a good financial worker (accountant or economist), engineer, or try his hand at research.

Unfortunately, the lack of ambition and breakthrough abilities will not allow Matvey to climb high up the career ladder. For many years he will remain a strong “middle peasant” - efficient, honest, but modest and absolutely unselfish.

Those who well remember Eldar Ryazanov’s comedy “Office Romance” can easily imagine the owner of the name Matvey. After all, Anatoly Efremovich Novoseltsev, brilliantly played by Andrei Myagkov, is literally based on our hero.

Like his movie counterpart, the real man is intelligent and has many abilities. But the lack of initiative and reluctance to catch the eye of his superiors do not give him the opportunity to advance and take a post that would correspond to his intellect.

Since childhood, he cannot stand any quarrels or conflicts, Matvey tries not to become a witness to them, much less a direct participant. If he has to face a scandal, he will do his best to reconcile the warring parties.

The lack of proper career growth also affects the financial situation of our hero: as a rule, it leaves much to be desired. However, this does not bother Matvey, he is used to being content with little and does not lay claim to Mercedes and villas on the Cote d'Azur.

Very rarely, Matvey can try to break out of the shell of modesty and selflessness and start his own business. The “fighting spirit” awakens in him, and the man begins to develop vigorous activity. However, it doesn’t last long, and, faced with the first difficulties, our hero deflates like a balloon and returns to his monotonous work.

Love and family

Most men bearing the name Matvey have a quite attractive appearance. They have pleasant facial features and an athletic figure. After all, our hero is used to physical exercise and enjoys jogging in the morning or working out at home on exercise machines.

Therefore, Matyusha does not experience a lack of female attention. He often falls in love, but usually the initiative in relationships belongs not to him, but to the ladies. This also applies to intimate relationships, since our hero does not feel very confident here either.

It happens that Matvey gets married while still a student. Most often this happens when his girlfriend becomes pregnant, and a decent man has no choice but to take her to the registry office. It is quite natural that after a few years the family breaks up, but Matyusha will be attached to the children all his life.

Our Matvey will not be getting married a second time soon, but this marriage will also be far from ideal. His wife will begin to reproach him for his lack of money and reluctance to advance in his career. In addition, in most cases, our hero will have to live with his wife’s parents, who will also make their contribution.

But this time the man will not abandon his family, but will silently endure reproaches, finding an outlet in the children. He will devote all his free time to them, raising children much more than his wife.

Name compatibility

I would like to hope that our hero will meet a woman who will appreciate his intelligence, prudence, decency and gentleness. Here are the owners of which names horoscopes predict happiness for Matvey.

If a woman can forgive Matvey for his weaknesses, then they will live together until old age. And when the children grow up and leave home, they will touchingly take care of each other.

Matvey's hobbies

Our hero really likes to make things. Therefore, many things in the house were made by his hands. If Matvey has a car, then he devotes his free time to improving it. Moreover, unlike other men, his trips to the garage do not turn into get-togethers with friends, but actually bring real benefits.

On weekends, our hero loves to go out into nature with his family and enjoys tinkering around his summer cottage. He never refuses to take his children to the zoo, cinema or the circus, because he gets great joy from communicating with kids.

Brief description of Matvey

The fact that the owner of the name Matvey is completely devoid of ambitious plans and does not think about career growth does not at all detract from his moral qualities. And this man certainly deserves respect.

To summarize the above, we can say that “God-given” Matvey is an example of a gentle, kind, intelligent man. But it’s so difficult to live with such a character in our time.

Meaning of the name

Matvey is a strong-willed, courageous, but at the same time kind, sympathetic, modest and non-conflict man who does not seek benefits in relationships. He is fair, patient and sincere, so people often turn to him for practical advice. Often it is Matvey who acts as a peacemaker when it is necessary to reconcile the warring parties. But we should not forget that the time of year in which he was born leaves its mark on the formation of a person’s character.

Characteristics of the name Matvey (Matthew)

Winter Matvey he is cautious and secretive, so he gets along with people for a long time, subjecting applicants to the role of friends to various tests. He prefers to have one but devoted friend, while the quantitative component in this matter is absolutely not important to him. Winter Matvey is vulnerable and touchy, but he will not take revenge on his offenders.

Spring Matvey does not tolerate injustice (the owner of this name himself adheres to strict moral principles and lives according to the laws of honor). You can always rely on him in everything, because this man’s words never diverge from his deeds. However, his kindness and responsiveness can cause disappointment in his personal life (he gives all of himself to relationships, but often women are not able to appreciate this quality of his).

Summer Matvey open, sociable and cheerful, so he is always surrounded by the same adventurers looking for adventure. He takes life lightly, but such an attitude is not always justified, because reality is not always a carefree holiday. He builds relationships with women according to the same principle: freedom, independence and the absence of any obligations - this is the format of relationships suitable for the summer Matvey.

Autumn Matvey easy to communicate, friendly, but at the same time unusually modest (he does not like to be in the center of everyone's attention). He tries not to conflict, not to sort things out, and not to offend anyone. Autumn Matvey is gallant, attentive and affectionate with women who surround him with tenderness and care. But keep in mind: this man is jealous and suspicious, although he will not show his feelings.

Stone - talisman

Matvey's talisman stones are chiastolite and opal.


This mineral helps to enter the astral plane and establish a connection with the souls of the dead (to do this, you need to look at the stone for a long time), so priests and sorcerers used chiastolite in ritual as well as magical rites.

Christian monks made rosaries from this stone, which helped not only to concentrate directly on prayer, but also to ward off all kinds of negative thoughts. Also, chiastolite amulets contributed to the preservation and enhancement of the positive energy of prayers, and protected from troubles and witchcraft.

Chiastolite helps to get rid of internal fears, eliminates anger and makes illusions crumble, bringing only disappointments to a person’s life.


The ancient Romans believed that opal attracts love and helps fulfill hopes. But you should remember that this stone is endowed with enormous energy, which can become destructive. For this reason, opal worries people who strive for a calm and measured life, while it helps creative individuals achieve success in life.

Buddhists personify white opal with patience, tolerance and purity. In addition, they believe that this stone develops the gift of foresight.

In general, opal is a stone for melancholic people with pure and noble thoughts, but for egoists it brings only evil, giving rise to suspicion, causing quarrels, as well as fear and nightmares.






Animal - symbol

The animal (or rather, arthropod) that patronizes Matvey is scorpion- a dual symbol, meaning danger, fear, but at the same time protection from enemies.

In the Christian tradition, the scorpion symbolizes betrayal, being identified with the traitor Judas and embodying such mortal sins as heresy, hatred, envy. In addition, in the Bible this arthropod, like the snake, symbolizes demonic forces.

Most often, Scorpio has negative symbolism, personifying vindictiveness, death, punishment, retribution and self-destruction. Although one cannot help but mention the nobility of this symbol: thus, finding itself in a hopeless situation, the scorpion stings itself, thereby dooming itself to a painful death.


Matvey's totemic plants are walnut and freesia.


This is a symbol of understanding the secrets of the world around us, a symbol of abundance, life, fertility, a successful marriage, and also fertility.

In addition, the nut symbolizes justice. Double nut is the personification of love and friendship. The nut shell is a secret wisdom that is not easy to comprehend.

A walnut rod is an amulet that protects against evil spirits.

Interesting fact! In the Christian tradition, a split walnut is the personification of Jesus, with the shell symbolizing the tree of the Holy Cross, while the green outer shell represents the body of Christ, and the kernel symbolizes his divine nature.


Freesia is the personification of charm, sophistication and youth.

This beautiful flower symbolizes youth, trust, calm, serenity and self-confidence.


Matthew's metal is gold, personifying divine intelligence, luxury, chosenness, dignity, greatness and power.

This metal symbolizes immortality and infinity. But gold also has a negative feature: for example, this metal is identified with decadence, lust for gold and the corruption of existence.

In the Christian tradition, gold is a symbol of the triumph of faith, superiority, perfection and wisdom.

Auspicious day


Origin of the name Matvey (Matthew)

Name translation

From the Hebrew language, the name Matvey is translated as “gift of Yahweh,” “given by God,” or “God’s gift.”

History of the name

Interesting fact! In Russia, the name Matvey can also be used in the form Matthew.

This name is popular not only in Russia, but also in many other countries, where it is used in the form Mathias.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Common forms of the name Matvey are: Matveyka, Matveyushka, Matya, Matyukha, Matyusha, Matyushenka, Matyushka, Matyasha, Motya, Matfeyushka, Matveychik, Matyusha.

The legend of the name Matvey (Matthew)

There is a legend about one of the twelve apostles - Matthew Levi, who before receiving the apostolic rank was a tax collector in Galilee. When the Lord called Matthew, he left everything he had acquired and went with the other eleven disciples and Jesus Christ to preach Christianity.

Before going with his sermons to other countries, he wrote the Gospel for the Jews who remained in Jerusalem (it is the Gospel of this apostle that heads a number of books of the New Testament).

The Apostle Matthew preached in Syria, Media, Persia and Parthia.

Matthew ended his righteous life in Ethiopia, where he suffered martyrdom, but before that he managed to convert several idolaters to the faith of Christ. In addition, in this country, inhabited by cannibals with cruel customs, the apostle founded the Church, and also erected a temple in Myrmen.

The Apostle Matthew fervently prayed that the Ethiopians would renounce paganism and convert to the true faith. During one of these prayers, the Lord appeared to him, taking the form of a young man. The young man gave the apostle a rod and ordered it to be placed at the door of the temple (later a fruitful tree grew from this rod, the roots of which became a source of water). The Lord said that by eating the fruit of this tree and washing itself with its waters, the Ethiopians would become kind and abandon paganism.

When Matthew went to the temple to install the rod, he met the wife and son of Fulvian, the pagan ruler of this country, who was possessed by an unclean spirit. Matthew healed his wife and son, thereby contributing to the conversion of many Ethiopians to the faith of Christ.

Fulvian perceived the conversion of the Ethiopians to another faith negatively. Moreover, he seized the apostle, after which, accusing him of witchcraft, he ordered his execution by burning. But the fire did not harm Matthew, then, by order of Fulvian, brushwood, previously doused with resin, was added to the fire, but the flaring flame scorched Fulvian himself, who, frightened, began to beg the holy apostle for mercy. Matthew cried out to the Lord, after which the flame subsided, and his soul left his unharmed body and went to the Lord.

But Fulvian still doubted the holiness of the apostle, and therefore ordered his body to be placed in an iron coffin and thrown into the sea. Fulvian reasoned as follows: if the apostle’s body remains unharmed again, then he will recognize the One True God. Matthew's body remained untouched by the water, and Fulvian accepted the true faith, and they christened him Matthew. Fulvian subsequently became a bishop and continued to educate his people.

The mystery of the name Matvey (Matthew)

Patrons of the name

  • Venerable Matthew the Perspicacious (or Pechersky).
  • Apostle Matthew Levi.
  • Hieromartyr Matthias.
  • Matthew of Ethiopia.

Angel's Day (name day)

January: 30th.

April: 25th.

June: 1st number.

July: 13th.

August: 22nd, 25th and 27th.

October: 11th, 13th and 18th.

November: 12th, 25th and 29th.

December: 15th.

Famous people

Matvey Kazakov - Russian architect, one of the founders of classicism.

Matvey Muravyov-Apostol - Decembrist.

Matvey Zakharov - Soviet military leader and Marshal of the USSR.

Matvey Anichkin - Soviet musician and one of the founders of the group "Cruise".

Matvey Ganopolsky - Russian theater director, journalist and TV presenter.

Matvey Blanter - Soviet artist and composer, whose songs were performed by Leonid Utesov, Joseph Kobzon, Lydia Ruslanova, Bulat Okudzhava, as well as Mark Bernes, etc.

Matvey Muravyov - Russian explorer and navigator who explored the Aleutian Islands.

Matvey Manizer - Soviet artist and sculptor who became the author of Stalin's death mask.

Matthias Jabs - famous German rock musician, guitarist of the group "Scorpions".

Meaning of the name Matvey (Matthew)

For a child

Little Matvey is a calm, open, kind, balanced and obedient child, so it is not surprising that family and friends sincerely love this boy, who has no aggression or anger.

This strong and healthy little boy does not cause any trouble for his parents, since from an early age he is independent and responsible. In addition, Matvey does not like to quarrel and sort things out, so he tries to stay away from courtyard squabbles (he believes that any dispute can and should be resolved peacefully).

But little Matvey’s patience should not be tested, since injustice and aggression towards him or his loved ones awakens the fighting spirit in this boy. So, if necessary, he will be able to defend his “place in the sun” with the help of his fists. But no matter how angry Matvey is, he quickly “cools down” (he cannot be called vindictive and vindictive).

Matvey is an honest boy who does not deceive anyone, and he himself values ​​such qualities as decency and devotion.

He studies well at school, although he rarely turns out to be an excellent student, and all for the reason that the educational process itself does not really captivate him (Matvey tries to study well in order to justify the expectations placed on him, because he has a highly developed sense of duty).

For a teenager

Young Matvey can be described as a quiet and modest guy who does not like to stand out from the crowd. He slowly but confidently walks towards his goal, without interfering with anyone, but he shouldn’t cross the road either, so as not to “awaken the beast in him.”

Matvey is a real peacemaker who does not tolerate conflicts and disputes, but, on the contrary, tries to reconcile everyone. His honesty attracts and repels people at the same time: on the one hand, this quality inspires respect and endears him to Matvey, and on the other, it makes others afraid of the straightforwardness of a teenager with this name. Matvey himself is not at all embarrassed by this situation, since he believes that a friend should be alone, but loyal, honest and reliable.

It is quite natural that Matvey is a true friend and comrade who will immediately come to the rescue at any time of the day. However, his friends must take into account the fact that he is very touchy, and quarrels with loved ones are real torture for him.

In general, he is attached to his family and especially to his parents, whose opinion is always authoritative for him. Growing up, he never ceases to love his parents with tender and pure love, manifested in his attention and care.

For a man

The adult Matvey, due to his modesty, is devoid of ambitious plans and ambitions; he prefers to remain in the shadows and not attract unnecessary attention to himself. This life position prevents him from achieving a high position in society. Although this man’s selflessness, honesty, conscientiousness and responsibility are always appreciated by his superiors.

Matvey is an absolutely unselfish person who never seeks benefit from anything, his actions and thoughts are always sincere and pure. But still, you shouldn’t think that Matvey is a “shirt guy”: far from it, he is a rather secretive and discreet person who does not like to put his feelings on public display, so it is often difficult for others to understand what mood he is in.

Even in his adult life, Matvey does not forget about his peacekeeping mission, therefore he takes an active part in the process of reconciliation of warring parties.

Among Matvey's negative character traits, one can note excessive self-criticism, as well as intolerance to the shortcomings of those people who surround him.

In general, Matvey is a responsive, patient, sensitive and loyal person, who is quite difficult to unbalance. He is capable of remembering an insult for a long time, but he is unlikely to dare to take revenge.

Description of the name Matvey (Matthew)


Matvey tries to strictly adhere to the high moral ideals and principles established in society. He is honest, selfless and devoid of vanity.


In general, Matvey does not complain about his health, although from time to time he may experience problems associated with vision and the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.


Matvey is very amorous, but this does not mean that he will cheat on his chosen one (if he falls in love, he will definitely leave the old relationship so as not to offend the feelings of his former lover).

Such amorousness leads to the fact that Matvey spends a long time searching for his true love, and very often he becomes disappointed in both his partners and his marriages (and the owner of this name can have many marriages).

His beloved must have a calm and patient disposition, since squabbles and scandals only push Matvey away. It is important for this man that his chosen one is feminine and gentle, because he perceives a woman as a muse that inspires deeds and accomplishments.


Matvey marries quite late, and does it not so much out of love, but because of the understanding that it is time to settle down and start a family and children. It is the lack of love between spouses that often becomes the reason that Matvey’s marriage is unhappy, although he never admits this to himself or to others.

Despite the fact that his family life may not work out, he will never cheat on his wife, because he considers such an act unworthy of a real man.

Matvey can create a successful family tandem with a soft and diplomatic woman who will understand him and will not be involved in his upbringing.

Family relationships

Matvey is a thrifty husband who will do everything so that his family does not need anything, but the ideality of his family relationships is most often ostentatious. Yes, he adores his children, but he is mostly inattentive to his wife (moreover, he can be harsh and irritable towards her, especially if his wife tries to limit his freedom).

If a wife wants to win over her husband named Matvey as much as possible, then it is enough to enlist the support and love of his parents, from whose tutelage he does not leave even in adulthood.


Matvey, despite his amorousness, can hardly be called a ladies' man, since he meets girls reluctantly, fearing that they won't like him. Such excessive modesty leads to the fact that sexually he feels insecure and constrained.

Intimate life for him never comes first in a relationship, so he does not consider it necessary to make any efforts to diversify it and make it brighter. Therefore, a passionate and temperamental partner will very quickly get bored with a monotonous relationship with Matvey.

Mind (intelligence)

Matvey has a very lively mind, which, combined with a developed imagination, makes this man an interesting conversationalist. At the same time, the ability to analyze allows him to apply his abilities in scientific fields.


Matvey is a hardworking, responsible and disciplined worker who rarely achieves great career heights because of his modesty. Most suitable for him are those professions in which he can use his hands and creative component (this could be the profession of an engineer, carpenter, designer and furniture assembler, sculptor, blacksmith, mechanic or salesman).

In addition, he will be an equally successful journalist, lawyer or writer.

In his work life, Matvey is driven not by vanity (careerism is completely absent in him), but by a sense of duty, which prevents him from occupying high leadership positions.


Matvey, as a businessman, will find himself in the so-called “small business”, but he will not strive to expand his business, since he is of the opinion that big money entails big problems. He will earn just enough for him and his family to live comfortably.


Matvey prefers to spend his holidays with friends, with whom he goes to football and hockey games. He doesn’t mind just watching TV at home, playing cards or reading another book.

In addition, Matvey is the type of man who knows how to relax while working physically. Like this? Easy: the owner of this name gets real pleasure when he makes something with his own hands or works in the garden.

Character type

Matvey is most often a melancholic person (you can read about this type of character in the article “Elements, planets and numbers in human life”).


Matvey is a very restrained person who knows how to control his emotions, which helps him emerge victorious from quite controversial situations. He is objective and reasonable, calm and fair, but at the same time putting pressure on him is not so easy.

The owner of this name values ​​morality, good nature and sincerity in people. He treats others the way he would like people to treat him. At the same time, those around him often disappoint him with their unworthy behavior, but Matvey never condemns anyone, believing that everyone is free to do as they see fit.

Matvey's drawback is his love of argument: this man will defend his opinion to the end, but at the same time he will never stoop to humiliating or insulting his opponent.


Matvey is the owner of well-developed intuition, so he often relies on his “inner voice,” which extremely rarely fails him.

Horoscope named after Matvey (Matthew)

Matvey - Aries

This is an erudite, gallant, well-mannered and attractive man who basks in female attention. Moreover, Matvey-Aries skillfully uses his charm to achieve certain goals, while women are just a tool for him. A sense of humor helps him get away with it in rather delicate situations. Matvey-Aries does not tolerate boredom and monotony, so he strives for a bright and eventful life.

Matvey - Taurus

The cheerful, charismatic and charming Matvey-Taurus prefers the company of frivolous friends to a measured family life, with whom it is always interesting and fun. But loneliness has a depressing effect on this man. In relationships with the opposite sex, he seeks only to satisfy his carnal needs, while his soul does not need the love and adoration of women. It is not surprising that Matvey-Taurus marries quite late.

Matvey - Gemini

This person, passionate about life, cannot sit in one place; on the contrary, his passion is traveling, learning about himself and the world around him. He works to live, not lives to work. Matvey-Gemini is rarely lonely, because around him there are always many like-minded people and simply interesting people who share his position in life. Such an activist needs an easy-going and sociable companion who will share all the hobbies of her chosen one.

Matvey - Cancer

This is a kind, sympathetic and empathetic person who will not only listen, but also help in difficult times. He values ​​such human qualities as loyalty, honesty and devotion, but he will never forgive lies and hypocrisy. Matvey-Cancer will be able to create a strong and happy family with a gentle, kind and caring woman who values ​​home comfort and her family above all else.

Matvey - Leo

This is a born leader and organizer who knows how to properly lead and set tasks for his subordinates (although often even at home Matvey-Lev behaves like a boss to whom everyone must unconditionally obey). His authority and ability to persuade lead to him quickly climbing the career ladder. However, it is precisely these qualities that can prevent him from building a friendly and harmonious family. Matvey Leo often chooses as his wife a weak-willed and calm woman who will obey him.

Matvey - Virgo

This is a creative nature, prone to isolation and loneliness, so it is quite natural that Matvey-Leo has very few friends. This man starts a family early, thus trying to create his own separate world in which he will be warm and comfortable. The companion of Matvey-Leo is a strong and powerful woman who will take all the reins of power into her hands, while the man in this union is absolutely not against such an arrangement of power.

Matvey - Libra

Delicate, calm, tactful and non-conflicting, Matvey-Libra absolutely cannot stand scandals, so he tries to avoid provocations through his sense of humor.

It is easier for him to give in to his opponent than to provoke negativity. Therefore, Matvey-Libra chooses a life partner who is open, kind and friendly, while rudeness and rudeness only repel him.

Matvey - Scorpio

Persistent and ambitious Matvey-Scorpio always knows what he wants from life, so he moves towards his goals with a firm and confident step. For this man, the main priority is not family, but work, although he also tries to pay attention to his household. It is at work that he can fully apply his knowledge and skills, as well as demonstrate leadership qualities. With his family, Matvey-Scorpio is gentle and flexible, and he chooses a powerful woman (to match himself) as his wife.

Matvey - Sagittarius

This is an easy-to-communicate person who tries to avoid conflicts and scandals. In addition, for Matvey-Sagittarius it is extremely important to live in harmony with himself and the world around him. He is charming, erudite and knows how to win over his interlocutor, so his company is always welcome and interesting. His chosen one should not only be an intelligent and beautiful woman, but also have a wonderful sense of humor that will help her overcome various life difficulties with ease.

Matvey - Capricorn

This is a true romantic who tries to change the world for the better. However, the realities of the modern world are such that dreamers, like Matvey-Capricorn, have a hard time in life. Therefore, this man often hides his romanticism behind a firm and even tough character. Only the closest people know that in fact Matvey-Capricorn is a sentimental and sensitive person who takes any insult and injustice to heart.

Matvey - Aquarius

This man is an excellent diplomat who knows how to resolve even the most complicated disputes, while Matvey-Aquarius himself is not averse to arguing fiercely, so he prefers to reconcile those arguing rather than take part in the dispute. This status of Matvey-Aquarius leads to the fact that he quickly gets used to everyone’s attention and respect, which can lead to the development of such a quality as vanity. In general, this man prefers to be on good terms with others.

Matvey - Pisces

This is a shy, uncommunicative and constrained man who does not like noisy companies (he prefers to spend his free time from work either with his family or alone, reflecting on the frailty of existence). For Matvey, born under the sign of Pisces, such components as stability and confidence in the future are important, so he chooses a calm and balanced woman as his life partner, who will become the real mistress of his cozy home.

Compatibility of the name Matvey (Matthew) with female names

Matvey and Olga

For the owners of these names, family is the highest value, so Matvey and Olga look closely at each other for quite a long time before creating a strong and harmonious family.

Matvey and Anna

Matvey and Valeria

This is an ambitious, hardworking and purposeful couple who live in accordance with high moral principles. Family for Matvey and Valeria is what they live and work for. Overall, this is a calm and stable union.

Matvey and Irina

In this creative union, partners receive a charge of energy from each other, so it is quite natural that they always do everything together. The only thing that can destroy this tandem is Irina's frivolity.

Matvey and Veronica

This is a strong, energetic and powerful couple who always strives to occupy a leading position. Matvey and Veronica think in a similar way, which helps them reach incredible heights.

Matvey and Sophia

Love of life and love of freedom unite this couple, who can create a festive atmosphere around themselves, and all for the simple reason that both cannot stand loneliness. This harmonious union is prosperous and successful.

Having learned the secret of his name, Matvey will be able to reveal his own potential to one hundred percent. This man is eccentric and unlike others, so he simply needs knowledge about his natural talents.

Meaning and origin of the name

Matvey is a name of Jewish origin. Previously, during the life of Christ, when the world was experiencing a religious crisis, this name sounded like Matthew or Matthias. The Jewish origin of the name did not prevent it from spreading throughout the world. In Russia it began to sound like Matvey.

The meaning of the name is very simple - “gift of God” or “messenger of God.” Matthew is one of the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ, which is why the name became Orthodox. He was distinguished by secrecy, unsociability and complete dedication to faith. This is partly typical for the modern bearer of the name Matvey.

The fate and character of Matvey

Yes, these men and boys are really strange sometimes. They don't talk about their feelings, are a little rude and try to keep a low profile. Very often, Matvey leaves the work he has started without completing it to the end. This is a consequence of problems with self-confidence that Matvey needs to work on throughout his life.

The main thing for him is to believe in himself. Close and dear people can help him in this, who will not condemn him for his rashness. Matvey is afraid of negative reviews and criticism, so he often doesn’t trust himself. If you cope with this trait of his character, Matvey will go through life with more confident steps and achieve more.

Matvey is not someone who is universal. The owners of this name go from one extreme to another, wanting to get everything in the world at once, or letting go of their dreams forever and giving up. You can often find men with this name who prefer a different model of behavior - aggressive and uncompromising. Only by learning to set priorities correctly can Matvey find his truth and become a successful person.

In love, Matvey does not like intrigue, drama or scandals. He respects his affection for one woman, but it is very difficult to call him a romantic. Rather, he is unusual and will try more than once to surprise the lady of his heart. As a rule, he is looking for a woman to whom he can entrust all his secrets, give all his love and receive the same in return. Sometimes Matvey seems from the outside to be laconic and dry in his dealings with his family, but this does not mean that he does not value his loved ones.

The meaning of the name Matvey for a child: choosing a name for children

As a child, it is better not to scold Matvey and to use educational methods that can contribute to the development of negative aspects of his name - for example, loss of self-confidence. His successes need to be celebrated to show the child that he can achieve his own goals. Parents need to teach the boy that the opinions of others do not affect his self-esteem.

The best way to interest Matvey is to introduce him to sports. Active hobbies help boys with this name quickly create their own personality and depend less on the opinions of other people. What Matvey is best at is not the exact sciences, but the humanities. He can become anyone, he just needs the support of his parents, not condemnation.

Characteristics of the name Matvey

Name energy: Matvey's energy field is unstable. Emotional outbursts are direct proof of this.

Which patronymic is suitable for the name Matvey? Mikhailovich, Dmitrievich, Matvey Anatolyevich, Matvey Viktorovich.

Patron animal: Scorpio, which, as you know, can cause pain to itself, so it is better to direct the sting towards ill-wishers.

Name element: Earth. For Matvey, stability and solid support under his feet are very important, which is direct proof of his belonging to this element.

Zodiac sign: different, but similar in some aspects Cancer, Scoprio and Virgo - these are the ideal Signs to name the boy born under them Matvey.

Stone-amulet: Matthew needs support. He lives in hopes that a stone like opal can give him.

Metal: platinum, which is very selective in terms of choosing a companion.

Color: blue and yellow. These colors are the least likely to provoke Matvey into rash actions.

Planet: assertive and unstable Pluto.

Favorable day of the week: Tuesday.

Plant: Walnut.

Lucky number: 1.

Famous representatives: Matvey Platov (hero of the War of 1812, general), Matvey Zakharov (Marshal of the USSR), Matvey Bronstein (physicist, scientist).

All names in alphabetical order:

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The male name Matvey has Hebrew roots and means “gift of Yahweh,” “gift of God.” In many countries of the world this name is known in the form Matthias, but in Russia the name Matvey has long been used in the form Matthew. Nowadays, thanks to its old-world charm, this forgotten name is coming back into fashion.

Characteristics of the name Matvey

Matvey's character is strong, but modest. As a rule, this is a simple, kind, uncalculating and non-conflicting man who always supports the company, but will never push himself forward. As a child, he is also quite calm and diligent. There is not a drop of aggression, insincerity or anger in him, so all his family and friends dote on him. Matvey is doing well at school. He cannot be called an activist or an exemplary student, because one gets the impression that he does good work not out of love for science, but out of a sense of duty. The adult Matvey is also not a careerist - he prefers to work calmly, without exposing himself to stress and worries. It is very easy to communicate with him, which is why the owner of this name has many friends.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

The name Matvey is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Cancer or Pisces. Cancer (June 22-July 22) will turn Matvey into an outwardly open, simple person, who will be homely, risk-averse, diplomatic, kind, and inclined not to trust his feelings to strangers. Pisces (February 20-March 20) will give the owner of this name a very calm, non-conflict disposition, sensitivity, creative streak, developed imagination and the desire to live an interesting, rich life.

Pros and cons of the name Matvey

What are the pros and cons of the name Matvey? On the one hand, its sonority, rarity and softness speak positively about it. It goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and has several harmonious abbreviations, such as Matyusha, Matveyushka, Matveychik, Matveyka. And if we take into account that the character of the majority of Matveys also makes only good impressions, then it turns out that this name simply has no drawbacks.


Matvey’s health is excellent, although some owners of this name have problems with vision and the musculoskeletal system.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, such a positive Matvey can show irritability and inattention to his wife and children. As a rule, this is an economic husband who does a lot in the house. But falling in love prevents Matvey from being faithful, and many owners of this name live in rather unhappy marriages, which rest on Matvey’s desire to be close to their children. It should, however, be taken into account that not all Matveys are like this: many of them are capable of lasting feelings for their wife and live in strong marriages.

Professional area

In the professional sphere, Matvey very rarely achieves success in his work, but he loves to work. He can make a good engineer, carpenter, furniture designer, blacksmith, landscape designer, salesman, psychologist, farmer, winemaker, zoo worker.

Name day

According to the Orthodox calendar, Matvey (in church spelling Matthew) celebrates his name day on April 25, July 13, August 22, October 11, October 18 and November 29. And Matvey celebrates Catholic name days on May 14 and September 21.

The origin of the name Matvey is Hebrew. It is derived from the biblical Matthew. This was the name of one of the 12 apostles, so the meaning of the name is interpreted as “gifted by the Lord,” “man of God,” “gift of Yahweh” (God). Owners of such a common name are quite rare, but it is currently gaining more and more popularity among new young parents.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Scorpio
  • Patron Planet: Pluto
  • Talisman stone: clastolite
  • Color: light brown
  • Tree nut
  • Plant: freesia
  • Animal: scorpion
  • Favorable day: Tuesday

Character traits

The secret of the name is revealed when meeting its bearer. Matvey, regardless of the year and month of birth, in childhood is an active and mischievous boy. He copes well with the curriculum and is interested and passionate about sports. The owner of this name in adult life manifests himself as a calm, responsible, harmonious man, who has no internal contradictions or any complexes. He is characterized by strong, moral principles.

Despite his excessive modesty, he is sociable and has a large circle of friends. He proves himself to be a reliable and loyal comrade. Positive character traits are discipline, commitment, ambition, self-criticism, tact, honesty and selflessness. Matvey has well-developed intuition and often listens to his inner voice. He does not like conflict situations and always acts as a peacemaker when there is a need to reconcile warring parties. He has excellent taste, although his clothes are simple and comfortable. In everyday life he likes neatness in everything. Negative aspects of character are manifested in a certain old-fashionedness, boringness, touchiness and irritability.

Interests and hobbies

Matvey devotes his free time and recreation to communicating with friends. He is a big fan of football and winter sports. He enjoys spending time at home watching various TV shows and films. He enjoys working in his garden and always comes up with a new activity to make with his own hands.

Profession and business

Matvey is the owner of an extraordinary mind. He is very hardworking, responsible and disciplined at work. He tends to analyze and systematize everything, so he proves himself to be an excellent specialist in the banking industry. He copes well with the profession of an engineer, designer, scientist and even thinker. If he gets into business, he will be successful, and throughout his life he tries to maintain this level and earn as much money as possible.


Despite the fact that Matvey is a big sports fan, health problems often arise. He is susceptible to diseases of the respiratory system and spine. There may also be a need to restore vision.

Sex and love

Matvey does not put sex in its original place. Excessive modesty does not allow one to flirt with girls, so the initiators of romances are representatives of the fair sex. He cannot be called Don Juan, but he is an excellent lover and quite amorous. Only a beautiful, self-sufficient and honest woman becomes the chosen one. In sexual relationships, a joint orgasm is important to him, but first he always strives to please his partner. In love, he leans towards independence and categorically cannot stand to obey anyone.

Family and marriage

Matvey usually gets married late and often the reason is his own understanding of the fact that it is already necessary to become a family man. The other half should be a diplomatic, understanding, patient and feminine girl. Only in this case is the marriage harmonious and happy. In the family, the representative named Matvey is an economic husband and a caring father. Spends a lot of time with children and is attentive to his parents. He tries to avoid conflicts with his wife, so in old age they represent a single whole and touchingly care for each other.