Do you need a certificate for a business bouquet of sweets? How to calculate the cost of a handmade bouquet of sweets. Technology for making bouquets of sweets

Not so long ago, the business of bouquets of sweets began to develop in the CIS countries. Its advantages include minimal investment and an interesting process of creating objects for sale. The only difficulty is that to make good money you will have to work hard and do something original, creative and beautiful.

Where to begin?

The good thing about candy bouquets as a business is that they are an unexplored way to make money. During the holidays, everyone is used to buying cosmetics, dishes or useless souvenirs. Everyone got tired of this a long time ago. A candy bouquet is an original gift and that is why such a business idea has a great chance of success. Since your products will be in greater demand during the holiday, you should create special compositions for:

  • March 8;
  • New Year;
  • Birthday;
  • The 14th of February;
  • Teacher's Day;
  • September 1;
  • weddings;
  • Mother's Day.

You can look at these photos for interesting ideas for candy bouquets for the holidays:

You can also watch good master classes on making candy compositions in the video:

To make money on bouquets of candies, you need to constantly improve, practice and experiment. Despite the relative novelty of this business idea, competition is constantly growing. In addition, you should take into account that clients want to see really bright, original and high-quality compositions, and not something like a children’s craft for March 8th.

Demand research

Is it possible to make a real business selling candy compositions or should it be regarded as a part-time job or a nice hobby? In order to answer this question yourself, we suggest you use a free service. Wordstat. Yandex. Select your city and you can see how often per month people want to buy a bouquet of sweets. For example, for Moscow it will look something like this:

If you live in a small town and see that such a business idea will not prosper, then it is better to try something else. By the way, in this case you can use one of ways to make money online. Nowadays, more and more women housewives are inclined towards this type of permanent income.


Have you already drawn beautiful sketches, watched a bunch of master classes and are ready to open a business on candy bouquets? Of course, first, you need to purchase all the necessary materials for creativity:

  1. Candies.
  2. Thermal gun for handicrafts.
  3. Multi-colored corrugated paper.
  4. Organza.
  5. Ribbons.
  6. Wicker baskets.
  7. Styrofoam.
  8. Double-sided and regular tape.
  9. Wire, sticks.
  10. Thick multi-colored paper, cardboard.
  11. Accessories and decorations (beads, butterflies, stones, rhinestones, etc.).
  12. Stem tape.

This is an approximate list of purchases for business and further earnings on bouquets of sweets. Don’t rush to start selling after the first master class. Make compositions and give them for free to your friends and relatives until you get good at them. Only after this can you proceed to active action.

Sales of goods

To organize a business on candy bouquets, it is best to use the Internet. They rarely buy such a product in stores and it can lie there for months, shabby and useless to anyone. Another thing is custom-made products! You can create your own website or group on social networks on the Internet, where you will advertise and sell your work.

Technology for making bouquets of candy: what materials are needed and where to buy them + popular techniques + step-by-step instructions for making a bouquet + 6 unusual examples of candy bouquets + organizing a business.

Making candy compositions is a simple and at the same time exciting activity.

It can become an interesting hobby for people who love handicrafts, a joint activity for parents and children, or even a way to earn money (for example, for mothers on maternity leave).

Making bouquets of candy does not require any special skills. The main thing is a set of basic materials and a great desire to impress, give a gift or surprise.

How to learn to make bouquets of candy? Where can I buy everything I need? How to organize your small business on this? We will try to answer these and other questions in this article.

There is always a reason to make bouquets of sweets...

Every girl loves gifts, especially bouquets of flowers. But it is absolutely not necessary that the flowers be alive.

A bouquet of sweets will be a wonderful gift for any occasion, because you can create it in such a way that it suits a specific day:

  • Birthday;
  • Wedding or anniversary;
  • March 8;
  • Birth of a child;
  • New Year;
  • The 14th of February;
  • February 23 (yes, men can also sometimes be presented with a bouquet, especially if it is made of sweets).

A flower and candy arrangement can be an independent gift, an addition to it, or become part of the gift itself.

How? — Plant the bear in a candy-flower “bed” or place a bouquet of flowers in a crystal vase.

It will also be interesting if you hide a gift decoration in one of the flowers. There are no restrictions here except your imagination, but we can help with this too.

What materials are needed to make candy bouquets?

In fact, making flower-candy bouquets and compositions is not as expensive as it might seem at first glance.

We have prepared an indicative list of materials that will be needed at the beginning if you decide to make bouquets of candy professionally.

In the future, you should replenish your supplies and supplies based on orders and demand.

If this is a one-time event on the occasion of a holiday, and you want to make a composition for a gift, then take into account the expected size of the bouquet and the desired number of sweets.

List of materials required for making candy bouquets:

Material or toolRequired amountCost, rub.
Total:4000 rub.

Important! It is mandatory to have a wrapper that must not be removed or damaged under any circumstances.

We advise you to buy 1 kg of 5-7 types of sweets. And in the future, buy as orders arrive, because... sweets should always be fresh.
from 1000
Packaging paper and films in rolls of different types and textures.8-10 colors.from 500
Decor (beads, ribbons, ruffles, etc.).The bigger, the betterfrom 500
Containers (wicker, plastic, porcelain, etc.)3-5 pcs.

In the future - depending on the availability of orders

from 500
Glue gun and glue for it.1 PC. + 10 glue sticksfrom 400
Single- and double-sided tape of different thicknesses3-4 rolls.

Later, if necessary, buy additional colored tape.

Floral or tape tape.2 rolls100
Floral foam (sponge).Several pieces of different shapes.

If you don’t have it, you can replace it with polystyrene foam, but if you decide to make bouquets for sale, we still recommend purchasing it.

from 500
Wooden skewers, toothpicks, cocktail straws and wire.1 pack of eachfrom 300

Now you know what you need to start making bouquets of candy.

Finding all this will not be difficult. You can choose the following options:

    Specialized stores for creativity and handicrafts.

    This option is good because such stores often have a huge selection of materials and tools.

    PS. But you should pay attention to the prices, because... they are often overpriced.

    Online store.

    It is also a good option to buy everything you need at affordable prices, but you will have to wait a few days and receive your purchase by mail or pay additionally for courier delivery.

    What is needed for this and how much does it cost:

    Also don't forget about promotion. At first, you can get by with creating online profiles and distributing flyers.

    A little later, you should create a website, post photos of your work there and record master classes.

    The average price of one bouquet varies within 500 rubles.

    If we assume that we will sell about 100 bouquets per month, then the profit will be 50,000 rubles. Plus 50 bouquets will be sold online.

    Total: 75,000 rub.

    Subtract the monthly costs and get from 50,000 rub. net profit per month.

    Thus, making bouquets of candy- This is not only an interesting activity, but also a very profitable business.

    You can find a lot of master classes in the public domain on YouTube

    for making bouquets of sweets.

    Here, for example, is one of them:

    Having learned to compose compositions from simple and affordable materials, you will be able to bring joy to your loved ones during the holidays and for no reason.

    Also, a common hobby will allow you to open your own small business.

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"The bad soldier is the one who doesn't dream of becoming a general." This winged aphorism of A. Suvorov suits the handicraft world perfectly. There are no bad soldiers among us! We all always strive for better.
And then the day comes when one or another handmade product is asked to be sold or made to order. And here many people are invariably “attacked” by panic))). And what torments most often is not what is to be done and how, but the more prosaic question: “How to determine the cost?”
Among the masters of the Fashion Hobby Club there are many economists, so instead of panicking, we just sit down and count)).
We have already shown on the blog, and today I would like to offer an example of calculating the cost of a bouquet of sweets.

Basket "Coffee in the snow"
I published this example on my blog “Scrapotherapy” in December last year, during which time the page with the calculation was consistently among the leaders in terms of frequency of views.
This article will be useful not only to my fellow crafters, but also to potential customers for reference in prices.
I will show you two ways to calculate the cost of a bouquet of sweets: detailed calculation and an enlarged generalized method. (Please note that the prices indicated in the calculation are no longer relevant))
Let's calculate the cost of a large basket of "Coffee in the Snow" sweets.

1. Detailed costing.

Here you need to remember and scrupulously write down everything that was used in production:
  • Candy Eclair milk . Price 1 kg - 187 rub. There are an average of 24 candies per 100 grams. The cost of 1 candy is 18.7 rubles: 24 pieces = 0.78 rubles. The bouquet contains 63 pieces x RUB 0.78 = 49.14 rub.
  • Sweets with coffee filling . Price 1 kg - 270 rub. There are an average of 8 pieces in 100 grams. The cost of one candy is 27.0 rubles. : 8 pcs = 3.38 rub. The bouquet contains 39 pieces x 3.38 rubles. = RUB 131.82
  • Coffee Can Black Card Gold Arabica - 220 rub. .
  • Wicker basket - 360 rub. .
  • Corrugated paper. I count blue and brown together. 2 m x 20 rubles spent. = 40 rub.
  • Floral film . Used with blue and white pattern. The pounds spent 4 m x 15 rubles. = 60 rub.
  • Taplenta . Almost a whole skein of brown and a little white was used up. I count for 1 piece x 90 rubles. = 90 rub.
  • Base . I used polyurethane foam in this basket. A large bottle was enough for 2 baskets. 1/2 pcs x 220 rub. = 110 rub.
  • Glue sticks . Used 4 pcs. x 12 rub. = 48 RUR .
  • Birch skewers . Packing 100 pcs. purchased for 60 rubles. The cost of one stick is 60 rubles. : 100 pieces. = 0.60 rub. Used 46 pcs. x 0.60 rub. = RUB 27.60 .
The cost at this stage is RUB 1,136.56

Plus not taken into account:

  • toothpicks
  • Staples
  • using scissors, stapler, glue gun
For non-accounting, depending on the bouquet, I add from 50 rubles. Here the basket is large, I’ll add a little more and round it up - 1200 rub.
This is the net cost of materials used.

Plus the work of a master. It's individual here. On the one hand, when composing compositions from fresh flowers, phytodesigners charge 20% of the cost of the “material” used. But with us, every flower is made by hand! And I sat over this basket for two evenings. Less than 400 rub. I don't evaluate my work.

The total cost of a basket with a bouquet of sweets is 1600 rubles.

2. Enlarged method.

When you are asked about the cost of this or that bouquet, you won’t count out pennies every time. We need a more comprehensive method.
From the experience of collected bouquets and the materials used for them, I came to the following calculation:
  • 1 sprig of candy - 15 rubles,
  • 1 simple flower (rose bud, crocus, bell) - 20 rub.
  • 1 flower of a lush/complex shape (rose, poppy, narcissus, chamomile, peony, iris) - 30 rub.
And now I calculate the cost of the compositions like this:
  • Rose buds 39 pcs. x 20 rub. = 780 rub.
  • Twigs 7 pcs. x 15 rub. = 105 rub.
  • Coffee 220 rub.
  • Bouquet base. Bouquet in a basket - 360 rub. plus the base itself - I estimate about 100 rubles. for such a volume. Total 460 rub.
  • Plus for assembly (the so-called “unaccounted for”) and bouquet decor. I usually add depending on the size of the bouquet from 100 rubles. Here the basket is large, but there is no additional decor in the form of butterflies, dragonflies, etc. I'll add 100 rub.
Total aggregated cost of the basket is 1665 rubles.
The difference with the previous calculation is insignificant. And I always round up the aggregated cost in one direction or another, depending on the bouquet. So here the same 1600 rubles come out.

1. Detailed costing .

Here you need to remember and scrupulously write down everything that was used in production:

  • Eclair milk sweets. Price 1 kg - 187 rub. There are an average of 24 candies per 100 grams. The cost of 1 candy is 18.7 rubles: 24 pieces = 0.78 rubles. The bouquet contains 63 pieces x 0.78 rubles = 49.14 rubles.
  • Sweets with coffee filling. Price 1 kg - 270 rub. There are an average of 8 pieces in 100 grams. The cost of one candy is 27.0 rubles. : 8 pcs = 3.38 rub. The bouquet contains 39 pieces x 3.38 rubles. = 131.82 rub.
  • Coffee Can Black Card Gold Arabica - 220 rub.
  • Wicker basket - 360 rub.
  • Corrugated paper. I count blue and brown together. 2 m x 20 rubles spent. = 40 rub.
  • Floral film. Used with blue and white pattern. The pounds spent 4 m x 15 rubles. = 60 rub.
  • Taplenta. Almost a whole skein of brown and a little white was used up. I count for 1 piece x 90 rubles. = 90 rub.
  • Base. I used polyurethane foam in this basket. A large bottle was enough for 2 baskets. 1/2 pcs x 220 rub. = 110 rub.
  • Glue sticks. Used 4 pcs. x 12 rub. = 48 rub.
  • Birch skewers. Packing 100 pcs. purchased for 60 rubles. The cost of one stick is 60 rubles. : 100 pieces. = 0.60 rub. Used 46 pcs. x 0.60 rub. = 27.60 rub.

The cost at this stage is 1136.56 rubles.

Plus not taken into account:
using scissors, stapler, glue gun

For non-accounting, depending on the bouquet, I add from 50 rubles. Here the basket is large, I’ll add a little more and round it up - 1200 rub..
This is the net cost of materials used.

Plus the work of a master. It's individual here. On the one hand, when composing compositions from fresh flowers, phytodesigners charge 20% of the cost of the “material” used. But with us, every flower is made by hand! And I sat over this basket for two evenings. Less 400 rub. I don't evaluate my work.

Total cart cost 1600 rub.

2. Enlarged method .

When you are asked about the cost of this or that bouquet, you won’t count out pennies every time. We need a more comprehensive method.
From the experience of collected bouquets and the materials used for them, I came to the following calculation:

  • 1 sprig of candy - 15 rubles,
  • 1 simple flower (rose bud, crocus, bell) - 20 rub.
  • 1 flower of a lush/complex shape (rose, poppy, narcissus, chamomile, peony, iris) - 30 rub.

And now I calculate the cost of the compositions like this:

  • Rose buds 39 pcs. x 20 rub. = 780 rub.
  • Twigs 7 pcs. x 15 rub. = 105 RUR.
  • Coffee 220 rub..
  • Bouquet base. Bouquet in a basket - 360 rub. plus the base itself - I estimate about 100 rubles. for such a volume. Total 460 rub.
  • Plus for assembly (the so-called “non-accounting”) and bouquet decor. I usually add depending on the size of the bouquet from 100 rubles. Here the basket is large, but there is no additional decor in the form of butterflies, dragonflies, etc. I'll add 100 rub.

Total aggregated cost of the basket is 1665 rubles.
The difference with the previous calculation is insignificant. And I always round up the aggregated cost in one direction or another, depending on the bouquet. So here the same 1600 rubles come out.

A bouquet of sweets is a beautiful, edible, original gift that you can make with your own hands and give to your family and friends for the holiday. Bouquets of sweets compare favorably with ordinary flowers and sweets, because such a gift will be distinguished by its special beauty, originality and uniqueness, which cannot be purchased in any store.

Having received such a wonderful gift, your loved ones will remember it for a long time and will be very flattered by such attention on your part. Is it possible to start a business by making such unusual gifts as bouquets of sweets? Let's find out!

Business making bouquets of sweets: is it possible?

If you have a lot of free time and a desire to do what you know how to do and get paid for it, a candy bouquet business can be a very interesting solution. As a hobby, this activity may not bring much income, but when you develop it to a large scale and draw up a competent business plan, bouquets of candy can really bring you very good money.

Producing such gifts will take a lot of your time and effort, so be prepared for this. Later, when you become familiar with the sales market, you can hire several workers and open a mini-enterprise, but it is not advisable to do this right away.

Where can you learn this craft?

But if you can’t study alone, you can try to acquire the necessary knowledge from experienced masters. Such people can be found in many cities, they will be happy to help you and teach you everything you need. The cost of their training sessions starts from 10 thousand rubles. There are also various books that contain the secrets of making bouquets of candy.

Correct price calculation

So, you already know what you need to write down in your business plan first: you need to learn how to make bouquets of candy yourself. But the next important question: “How to calculate the cost of a bouquet of sweets?”

Each gift you create will be unique, and therefore different in cost. This is due to the fact that the candies, their cost and quantity in each bouquet will be different. Also, the consumables included in the bouquet will have a certain cost, which should be included in the total price

So how do you figure out how much a bouquet will cost?

Don't think this is very complicated math. Bouquets of sweets, the production of which is quite time-consuming, but not the most expensive, are valued as follows. We calculate the price of your created bouquet by multiplying the cost of all products by 2.

For example, if you spent 500 rubles on a candy bouquet, then you should sell it for 1000 rubles. Therefore, you personally will receive 500 rubles for your work. But be careful. If the order is somewhat difficult to complete, you have the right to ask for a higher price for your work; it is very important to correctly evaluate your work.

You can, for example, search for similar works in specialized online stores and see their cost. But the price depends on many factors - the level of skill, the number of orders, the cost of materials, the purchasing power of the people of the locality in which you live. In addition, you may not find the necessary material for bouquets in your city, and you will have to order it from other localities or travel there yourself, and this all increases the cost of your bouquet.

Where to find buyers?

While you are still new to this business, it is better to distribute your first creations to friends and acquaintances with a request to return the money for the materials spent. This will be beneficial for you in terms of experience, because your budget will not become poorer, but your skills will increase. Plus, your friends will admiringly praise your talent to their acquaintances, who in the future may become potential buyers of your product.

Therefore, write down the following in your business plan: bouquets of candies made in the first batches should be given to friends, colleagues, and acquaintances for all kinds of celebrations. This way you will gain experience, earn a rating, and create advertising for yourself. Don't be upset that at first you won't get paid for your work. This is normal, you just need to go towards your goal, otherwise you won’t be able to open a successful business.

What if you don’t give, but sell?

Once your skill becomes more advanced and you feel ready to work hard, you can try offering your product to flower shops. And so that they have an idea of ​​your work, provide photographs of already completed candy bouquets. This way, flower shop owners will have an idea of ​​your skill level and your capabilities. The price should be set at least 50% of the cost of the bouquet. But do not forget that retail outlets will also “increase” their trade markup on your product.

And so that the buyer knows you, so to speak, “by sight,” attach a small business card with your contacts to your candy bouquet. Then the buyer will be able to contact you directly with an order or recommend it to someone they know.

We advertise our services wisely

You can offer your services on city websites, forums, and advertise. But you can also create your own website dedicated to selling bouquets of sweets. There you can post photos of bouquets that you have already made, with a detailed description and price. Then people will have an idea of ​​your products and approximate cost.