Why did you dream about the neck?

The article on the topic: “dream book of breaking a neck” provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

Dream Interpretation of Empress Catherine the Great

The neck in a dream is a symbol of power, honor and inheritance. If you dreamed about your neck, then you should take care that family problems do not interfere with the development of your business. Having a longer than usual neck in a dream means elevation in rank and dignity, as well as the acquisition of wealth and fame. But having a shorter than usual neck in a dream means the opposite of the above.

Seeing a thick neck in a dream is a sign of the security of your position, which indicates that you can overcome any difficulties. A dream in which you saw that your neck has become thick means great personal happiness and material well-being. Pain in the neck in a dream portends great trouble about an unpleasant matter.

A dream in which you broke your neck indicates that due to your own stupidity you will find yourself in a difficult situation and all your plans will collapse. If you dream that someone broke their neck, then soon you will hear about the failure of some business that you previously considered hopeless. A dream in which your neck is cramped foretells shame, dishonor and material loss.

If you dream that you are thinking about how to hit someone in the neck, then in reality you may lose control over yourself and lose control, thereby ruining your business and ruining your relationship with the right person. Seeing your neck fragile in a dream means that you will not cope with the tasks assigned to you. Admiring the beauty of someone’s neck in a dream means that in reality not only others, but also you yourself will suffer from your selfishness.

Dream Interpretation of I. Ermakov

If you dream about the Neck, what is it for:

The neck is a symbol of power, honor, wealth and great inheritances. Whoever sees in a dream that his neck has become thicker and larger than usual will be respected for his honest, good life, and he will soon become richer than he was before. A neck that has decreased in volume means the opposite. If a person dreams that someone has tied or squeezed his neck with his hands, this is a bad sign. Such a dream foretells to the one who saw it that he will submit to the person who laid his hand on him in the dream. To dream of your neck being crooked so that your head is constantly tilted to one side is a sign of unhappiness, shame and loss. A neck swelling in a dream from inflammation or a boil portends illness. Whoever dreams that he has three heads will expect influence, honors, and dominance in life. He can look forward boldly and boldly, like a man with three heads. If someone sees in a dream that robbers or murderers have cut off his head: such a dream foretells for a man that he will lose his children, relatives or home; for a woman - the loss of her expensive trinkets; when the head is cut off by the sentence of the law, this is a sign that the one who saw such a dream will be freed from his melancholy and other affairs. Only for bankers, money changers, paramedics and industrialists, such a dream foreshadows the opposite. Seeing yourself in a dream with your throat cut but still alive means hope for a successful outcome. Cutting off the head of another in a dream predicts good luck in business and revenge on enemies; if you dream that you have twisted the head of a chicken or other bird, this is a sign of awaiting joy, feasts and amusements. Holding your head in your hands, cut off from your body, predicts the loss of children or one of your relatives to the person who dreams about it; if he is single and if it seems to him that he decorated his head with flowers or other decorations, so much the better for him - this is a sign that all his affairs will end happily and prosperously.

Find out why you dream about the Neck in the interpretations of other dream books.

Why do you dream about the Neck according to the dream book:

Neck - In general, for everyone to see a neck in a dream - to honor, power, wealth. Your own neck means trouble in the family. If your neck is cramped, the dream predicts money; wounds or abscesses on the neck - to a mistake or illness; if the neck is thicker than usual - to honor, thinner - to malice, grumpiness. If your neck is squeezed, you will become dependent on someone; bitten - you will get sick or face trouble. The primacy of the neck for a man in his dream is a sign that the head of his family at home is a woman. Wash your neck - buy something very expensive for your wife. Admiring someone's neck is trying to destroy someone else's family because of your own whims.

Neck according to the dream book

There are a lot of folk sayings and sayings associated with the neck: people hang on it, sit on it, and they even say that it controls the head - wherever it turns, the eyes go there. Why do you dream about this mobile and unprotected part of the body? The dream book usually associates it with freeloading, dependence, and manipulation, but in order to correctly decipher its predictions, you need to remember all the details in the dream.

Maybe she was wearing some kind of jewelry - a scarf, pendant, beads, or she was damaged - by a bite, a knife, or simply broken. Or maybe your lover’s lips touched your neck? Only by thoroughly remembering all the details can you draw up a correct interpretation of the dream book.

Why do you dream about a person’s neck?

The Small Velesov dream book interprets what a thick neck means in dreams as unexpected wealth, luck that will completely change the way of life. But if it is not only thick, but also short, then everything will be the other way around - you will be demoted at work, and your earnings will drop significantly.

Hair on the neck in a dream is a versatile symbol, which is interpreted by the dream book depending on the length and color of the hair. If they are rare, hard and curly, then misfortune awaits the dreamer. If they stand on end and goosebumps appear on your skin, it means you will quarrel with your relatives. If they are short, as if they had been cut, listen to the advice of the dream book about frugality; soon there will not be enough material resources for a normal life.

If in a dream you had to sit on someone’s neck, the dream book predicts that you will not be able to provide for yourself and will have to ask your loved ones for money. If your shoulders are full of burdens, then on the contrary, you will have to borrow money.

According to Miller’s dream book, a hickey on the neck is a symbol of subconscious dissatisfaction with oneself, and one’s appearance in particular. Try to take more care of your appearance, love yourself with all your flaws, and then your attractiveness to others will instantly increase.

A reflection of the desire for intimacy is what you dream about if a man kisses your neck in a dream. For a married woman, the dream book gives advice to pay more attention to her spouse, and then you yourself will not notice how sexual satisfaction will no longer cause problems.

If a lonely girl dreams of a kiss on the neck, then she should reconsider her priorities in promiscuous relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. The dream book warns that multiple fleeting romances will negatively affect your reputation and lower your self-esteem.

A man who had to kiss his beloved on the neck in a dream is subject to strong sexual feelings and cannot calm down his violent passion. Let everything remain as it is, love your soulmate, many people dream that such a passionate relationship will last as long as possible.

A married woman who in a dream kissed the neck of a man who was not her husband should think about family relationships. It is better to discuss with her husband what nuances of an intimate nature do not suit her, and then thoughts of betrayal will no longer occur.

For a young girl whom a guy kisses on the neck in a dream, the dream book has prepared a special prediction: very soon the man you like will take a decisive step towards a more serious relationship and will finally show his feelings.

Pimples on the neck in a dream are a sign of problems in the professional sphere. The dream book predicts that misunderstandings may occur at work, which will lead to demotion. If there are a lot of pimples, then you are in danger of being fired due to a series of failures.

Neck jewelry

For those born in summer, beads on the neck in a dream are a sign of acquiring some expensive and luxurious item. And autumn birthday people who see such a dream can count on a gorgeous gift from their loved one.

A scarf around the neck in a dream is a sign of unsatisfied sexual desires; the dreamer in reality is looking for opportunities for intimate relationships and new fascinating acquaintances. But if the scarf is warm and fluffy, then this is a sign of a change in the weather - colder weather.

For a young lady, a necklace around her neck in a dream is a dream book prediction about a poor but sincere gift from a suitor. The erotic dream book gives a different interpretation - the necklace foretells the dreamer the appearance of many fans.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, a necklace on the neck in a dream means impending failures on the love front. And Freud’s dream book interprets such a picture in a dream as the dreamer’s complete submission to his sexual partner.

A girl who sees a gold chain around her neck in a dream can expect a marriage proposal from her beloved man. For a man, a thick gold chain is an unfavorable sign. In reality, he is subjected to humiliation and manipulation by the fair sex.

A scarf around the neck in a dream, especially a colorful and bright one, promises the dreamer a rise up the career ladder. But if the scarf was black, then a serious but curable illness will overtake a member of your family.

If you dreamed of a gold chain around your neck, then the psychoanalytic dream book warns: without trust in your soulmate, you will never achieve spiritual harmony and peace with yourself. Stop being jealous and offended over trifles, and your love bonds will become much stronger.

A snake around the neck is a symbol of betrayal of friends. Some people around you treat you completely differently than they show. Take a closer look at those who are sycophants and do not pay back money borrowed - such “friends” will not do anything good for you in life.

Why do you dream of a tattoo on your neck? In reality, you feel dependent on your loved ones, and this incredibly depresses you. Try to get a job, change your social circle, do everything to get out of the situation of bondage and responsibilities to others.

Gatherings with family are foreshadowed by what a mole on your neck means in a dream, if in fact you don’t have one there. If it is there, but in the dream its size was much larger, then expect a new addition to the family. For girls, such a plot can predict pregnancy.

Why do you dream of a wound on the neck or damage to it?

The betrayal of a loved one predicts what a snake bites in the neck in a dream. The person you trust the most doesn't really deserve your respect. Behind his back, he weaves intrigues and spreads rumors. There is no need to trust your secrets to those in whom you are not sure, it will backfire on you.

Why do you dream about blood from the neck? The dream book interprets such a plot as a feeling of guilt before a relative. In the coming days, do not commit any reprehensible acts towards your loved ones, otherwise your remorse will be so great that you will not be able to live in peace.

If in a dream a dog bites your neck, and you feel everything as in reality - the sharpness of the fangs, pain, then in real life you will quarrel with a person dear to you, and the cause of the conflict will not be an act you committed, for which you will be blamed.

Why do you dream about a scar on your neck? This is a dream book prediction about a tragic accident that will be associated with your emotional state. Deep depression will disturb the peace, and even after it will leave deep traces in the subconscious.

An injection in the neck in a dream is a symbol of gossip and gossip about the dreamer. Beware, rumors around you will be spread by a person close to you, and they can ruin your respect for others for a long time if you do not take any action to restore your reputation.

According to the Gypsy Dream Book, breaking your neck in a dream is a symbol of shame. If the incident in the dream happened by an absurd accident, then you yourself will become the cause of your shame, and if someone turned it on you, then in reality you will become a victim of gossip.

In reality, you will be presented with demands that you will not agree with if in a dream you were stuck with a knife in your neck. Try to come to a peaceful agreement with someone who demands that you fulfill his own conditions that are unacceptable to you - you can always find a solution that suits everyone.

Why do you dream about being bitten in the neck? The interpretation of the dream book depends on who bit you. If it was a person, then you will quarrel with a friend, and if it was an animal, then at work there will be problems in mutual understanding with colleagues.

You will miscalculate your plans and ideas if you see a cut on your neck in a dream. The dream book advises you to step away from serious matters in the next few days and get some rest. The same can be said about a broken neck - a period of failure and self-disappointment is coming, but it will soon end, and getting things back on track will not be difficult.

Dream Interpretation Neck, why do you dream about seeing a neck in a dream?

From this article you can find out why you dream about the Neck from dream books of different authors. An analysis of the dream on the Lenormand cards will tell you what what you see means. And the lunar calendar will help you understand your dream even more accurately.

Why do you dream about the Neck: interpretation of the dream

I dream about the Neck, what does it symbolize?

Neck - “Hang on someone’s neck” - become a burden, be glad to meet you. “break or wring your neck” - not calculating your strength, getting involved in a dangerous project that is obviously impossible. “push into the neck” - drive away; “break someone’s neck” - win; “stretch your neck” – curiosity, foresight.

Why do you dream of a neck in the fall?

Neck - The wife will insist on her own, whatever she wants will happen.

Why do people dream of a neck in the summer?

Neck – Someone else will sit on your neck.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about the Neck, interpretation of the dream:

Neck - Wealth, inheritance, honor, gift; short – demotion at work; long, thick - promotion, wealth; thin - you will work with your head; curled, crooked - loss, misfortune, shame; inflamed, swollen - disease; reduced - get money; in wounds, abscesses - illness, mistake.

What does neck mean and why do you dream:

Neck – Generally means honor, wealth and inheritance; to have a longer and thicker neck than usual means elevation in rank and dignity and the acquisition of wealth and fame; but to have a shorter neck than usual signifies the opposite of the above; to have a neck twisted to the side means shame, loss and misfortune.

Why do you dream about the Neck in a dream?

Neck – Seeing a human neck in a dream indicates that your sexual needs are becoming more refined and exotic. If in a dream you look at your neck in a mirror image, this means that troubles in the business sphere will affect your sexual activity. Seeing yourself with an unnaturally thin neck means that in real life you are intolerant of others and close people, and do not take their opinions and points of view into account.

Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

Why do you dream about the Neck in dreams?

Neck - See - honor, power, inheritance; cramped neck - to receive money; damaged or with boils, a wound - fatal mistakes, illness, this is the interpretation of the Neck according to the dream book.

Why do you dream about the Neck, according to popular beliefs in Little Russia:

Neck - Seeing the neck means honors, power, inheritance.

Why do you dream of a neck in spring?

Neck - Someone will decide, and you will have to execute.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

Neck - The dreamer himself as a person. Long or thick - authority, respect, prosperity. Curve, thin - misfortune, loss. Pressure or with a collar is a strong addiction. In cuts, scratches - a miscalculation, a mistake; disease.

Why do you dream about the Neck according to the dream book:

Neck – See – honor, power, inheritance.

Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Why do you dream about Neck and how to interpret it?

Neck – Represents spontaneous moments of life, random turns. If you are being strangled in a dream, this is a symbol of an evil force, an enemy who is “cutting off your oxygen.” The neck is a symbol of changing life in one direction or another. A thin, skinny neck is fruitless work. A fat, swollen neck is a disease. The inability to turn your neck means being under someone’s strict control.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

Why do you dream about the Neck according to the dream book:

Neck - If you dream that you see your own neck, this means that unfavorable family relationships will harm your business affairs. Admiring someone’s neck portends that your experience and cynical attitude towards feelings will push you to destroy someone else’s family. If a woman dreams that she has a thin neck, this is a sign that she will quickly become grumpy if she loses control of her character.

Why do you dream about the Neck according to the Holy Quran and Sunnah:

Neck - If someone sees a collar on his neck in a dream, causing embarrassment, he will have an unpleasant thing happen to his neck. If someone sees in a dream that a person’s neck was cut and his head was given away, then for the sick it means healing, for the debtor it means release from debts and the performance of Hajj.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse

Dreaming about the Neck, why?

Neck – Long, thin – unhealthy; beautiful - confidence, quick engagement; wash - health; hold or strangle - they want to harm your well-being; swollen - happiness, this is how the dream book interprets your dream.

Persian dream book of Khubayshi Tiflisi

Why do you dream about the Neck - an astrologer’s interpretation:

Neck - If in a dream you see a collar on your neck that causes embarrassment, then in reality you will be involved in some extremely unpleasant business. If you dream that someone’s neck was cut and his head was given to you, then if you were suffering from an illness at the time of the dream, know: this dream is for healing. If you are healthy, but burdened with a large number of debts, in reality you will be able to miraculously get rid of all debts; in gratitude for the incredible mercy of Heaven, you are supposed to soon go on a pilgrimage to holy places in order to say prayers and offer gifts.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite

Why do you dream about the Neck according to the dream book?

Neck – Long, thin – unhealthy – beautiful – confidence – wash – health – swollen – happiness – hold or strangle – they want to harm your well-being

Meaning of sleep by day of the week:

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

  • If you dream about the Neck in a dream from Sunday to Monday
  • Why do you dream about the Neck according to the dream book from Monday to Tuesday
  • If you dream about the Neck from Tuesday to Wednesday
  • If you dream about the Neck according to the dream book from Wednesday to Thursday
  • Why do you dream about the Neck from Thursday to Friday?
  • If you dream about the Neck in a dream from Friday to Saturday
  • Why do you dream about the Neck in a dream from Saturday to Sunday?

Neck in the dream book. Tell me your dream:

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Dream Interpretation

Break your neck

Dream Interpretation Break your neck dreamed of why you dream about breaking your neck? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Breaking your neck in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Why do you dream of a neck - interpretation of sleep

Why do you dream of a neck according to the dream book -

"A large universal dream book for the whole family by O. Smurov"

If you dreamed of a neck, it is a symbol of power, honor and inheritance.

Pain in the neck in a dream portends great trouble about an unpleasant matter. A dream in which you broke your neck indicates that due to your own stupidity you will find yourself in a difficult situation and all your plans will collapse.

If in a dream you think about how to hit someone in the neck, then in reality you may lose control over yourself and lose control, thereby ruining your business and ruining your relationship with the right person. A dream in which your neck is cramped foretells shame, dishonor and material loss. If you dream that someone broke their neck, then soon you will hear about the failure of some business that you previously considered hopeless. Seeing your neck fragile in a dream means that you will not cope with the tasks assigned to you. Seeing a thick neck in a dream is a sign of the security of your position, which indicates that you can overcome any difficulties. A dream in which you saw that your neck has become thick means great personal happiness and material well-being.

Why do you dream of a neck according to the dream book - “Vanga’s Dream Book”

Tying a scarf or tie around your neck in a dream:

Tying a scarf or tie around your neck in a dream is a sign of a promotion that you didn’t quite deserve, but were really looking forward to. The main thing is to remain a person in the new position, otherwise the new position will not be a joy.

The neck is a very important part of the human body, providing communication between the “command center” - the head and the underlying organs and systems. No less symbolic is her appearance in night dreams. To figure out why you dream of a neck, let’s turn to the most popular and reliable dream books.

ABC of dream interpretation

According to this source, a neck in a dream symbolizes life changes that can occur in both positive and negative directions. She can also talk about the spontaneity of your actions and random turns of fate. A thin neck in visions means useless labor, and a thick and obese neck means the approach of some kind of physical illness.

Eastern dream book

According to this dream book, a neck with a tight collar means that you will have to deal with unpleasant circumstances. A cut throat with a severed head can mean a quick healing for a sick person, and for a debtor - future deliverance from the debt burden.

Family dream book

According to the interpretation of the family dream book, a neck in dreams means disagreements in family life that must certainly be resolved. Otherwise, they may interfere with career growth. If a young lady sees herself with a thin, thin neck, she needs to work on her own character so that with age she does not turn into a grumpy and dissatisfied old woman.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

In this source, the neck personifies the sleeping person as a complete personality. Pressure on the throat area means dependence on someone else's will, and wounds and sores on the skin indicate possible mistakes and miscalculations, as well as imminent illness. When you dream of a thick, powerful neck, it means that a person will be honored and prosperous in life, and if it is thin and crooked, it is a harbinger of misfortune and loss.

American dream book

A dream about a neck, according to this source, indicates a lack of flexibility and insight. This means that a person is not always able to see the full picture of what is happening and correctly assess the current circumstances. Also, such a vision may mean that someone wants to use you for their own purposes and is “sitting” on your neck.

Modern dream book

Seeing your own neck in a dream is an omen of annoying family quarrels that will become a serious hindrance to your affairs. Admiring someone else's neck indicates that your negative attitude towards life's problems can put an end to family relationships.

The neck in a dream is a symbol of power, honor and inheritance.

Pain in the neck in a dream portends great trouble about an unpleasant matter. A dream in which you broke your neck indicates that due to your own stupidity you will find yourself in a difficult situation and all your plans will collapse.

If in a dream you think about how to hit someone in the neck, then in reality you may lose control over yourself and lose control, thereby ruining your business and ruining your relationship with the right person. A dream in which your neck is cramped foretells shame, dishonor and material loss. If you dream that someone broke their neck, then soon you will hear about the failure of some business that you previously considered hopeless. Seeing your neck fragile in a dream means that you will not cope with the tasks assigned to you. Seeing a thick neck in a dream is a sign of the security of your position, which indicates that you can overcome any difficulties. A dream in which you saw that your neck has become thick means great personal happiness and material well-being.

Interpretation of dreams from

There are a lot of folk sayings and sayings associated with the neck: people hang on it, sit on it, and they even say that it controls the head - wherever it turns, the eyes go there. Why do you dream about this mobile and unprotected part of the body? The dream book usually associates it with freeloading, dependence, and manipulation, but in order to correctly decipher its predictions, you need to remember all the details in the dream.

Maybe she was wearing some kind of jewelry - a scarf, pendant, beads, or she was damaged - by a bite, a knife, or simply broken. Or maybe your lover’s lips touched your neck? Only by thoroughly remembering all the details can you draw up a correct interpretation of the dream book.

Why do you dream about a person’s neck?

The Small Velesov dream book interprets what a thick neck means in dreams as unexpected wealth, luck that will completely change the way of life. But if it is not only thick, but also short, then everything will be the other way around - you will be demoted at work, and your earnings will drop significantly.

Hair on the neck in a dream is a versatile symbol, which is interpreted by the dream book depending on the length and color of the hair. If they are rare, hard and curly, then misfortune awaits the dreamer. If they stand on end and goosebumps appear on your skin, it means you will quarrel with your relatives. If they are short, as if they had been cut, listen to the advice of the dream book about frugality; soon there will not be enough material resources for a normal life.

If in a dream you had to sit on someone’s neck, the dream book predicts that you will not be able to provide for yourself and will have to ask your loved ones for money. If your shoulders are full of burdens, then on the contrary, you will have to borrow money.

According to Miller’s dream book, a hickey on the neck is a symbol of subconscious dissatisfaction with oneself, and one’s appearance in particular. Try to take more care of your appearance, love yourself with all your flaws, and then your attractiveness to others will instantly increase.

A reflection of the desire for intimacy is what you dream about if a man kisses your neck in a dream. For a married woman, the dream book gives advice to pay more attention to her spouse, and then you yourself will not notice how sexual satisfaction will no longer cause problems.

If a lonely girl dreams of a kiss on the neck, then she should reconsider her priorities in promiscuous relationships with representatives of the opposite sex. The dream book warns that multiple fleeting romances will negatively affect your reputation and lower your self-esteem.

A man who had to kiss his beloved on the neck in a dream is subject to strong sexual feelings and cannot calm down his violent passion. Let everything remain as it is, love your soulmate, many people dream that such a passionate relationship will last as long as possible.

A married woman who in a dream kissed the neck of a man who was not her husband should think about family relationships. It is better to discuss with her husband what nuances of an intimate nature do not suit her, and then thoughts of betrayal will no longer occur.

For a young girl whom a guy kisses on the neck in a dream, the dream book has prepared a special prediction: very soon the man you like will take a decisive step towards a more serious relationship and will finally show his feelings.

Pimples on the neck in a dream are a sign of problems in the professional sphere. The dream book predicts that misunderstandings may occur at work, which will lead to demotion. If there are a lot of pimples, then you are in danger of being fired due to a series of failures.

Neck jewelry

For those born in summer, beads on the neck in a dream are a sign of acquiring some expensive and luxurious item. And autumn birthday people who see such a dream can count on a gorgeous gift from their loved one.

A scarf around the neck in a dream is a sign of unsatisfied sexual desires; the dreamer in reality is looking for opportunities for intimate relationships and new fascinating acquaintances. But if the scarf is warm and fluffy, then this is a sign of a change in the weather - colder weather.

For a young lady, a necklace around her neck in a dream is a dream book prediction about a poor but sincere gift from a suitor. The erotic dream book gives a different interpretation - the necklace foretells the dreamer the appearance of many fans.

According to Tsvetkov’s dream book, a necklace on the neck in a dream means impending failures on the love front. And Freud’s dream book interprets such a picture in a dream as the dreamer’s complete submission to his sexual partner.

A girl who sees a gold chain around her neck in a dream can expect a marriage proposal from her beloved man. For a man, a thick gold chain is an unfavorable sign. In reality, he is subjected to humiliation and manipulation by the fair sex.

A scarf around the neck in a dream, especially a colorful and bright one, promises the dreamer a rise up the career ladder. But if the scarf was black, then a serious but curable illness will overtake a member of your family.

If you dreamed of a gold chain around your neck, then the psychoanalytic dream book warns: without trust in your soulmate, you will never achieve spiritual harmony and peace with yourself. Stop being jealous and offended over trifles, and your love bonds will become much stronger.

A snake around the neck is a symbol of betrayal of friends. Some people around you treat you completely differently than they show. Take a closer look at those who are sycophants and do not pay back money borrowed - such “friends” will not do anything good for you in life.

Why do you dream of a tattoo on your neck? In reality, you feel dependent on your loved ones, and this incredibly depresses you. Try to get a job, change your social circle, do everything to get out of the situation of bondage and responsibilities to others.

Gatherings with family are foreshadowed by what a mole on your neck means in a dream, if in fact you don’t have one there. If it is there, but in the dream its size was much larger, then expect a new addition to the family. For girls, such a plot can predict pregnancy.

Why do you dream of a wound on the neck or damage to it?

The betrayal of a loved one predicts what a snake bites in the neck in a dream. The person you trust the most doesn't really deserve your respect. Behind his back, he weaves intrigues and spreads rumors. There is no need to trust your secrets to those in whom you are not sure, it will backfire on you.

Why do you dream about blood from the neck? The dream book interprets such a plot as a feeling of guilt before a relative. In the coming days, do not commit any reprehensible acts towards your loved ones, otherwise your remorse will be so great that you will not be able to live in peace.

If in a dream a dog bites your neck, and you feel everything as in reality - the sharpness of the fangs, pain, then in real life you will quarrel with a person dear to you, and the cause of the conflict will not be an act you committed, for which you will be blamed.

Why do you dream about a scar on your neck? This is a dream book prediction about a tragic accident that will be associated with your emotional state. Deep depression will disturb the peace, and even after it will leave deep traces in the subconscious.

An injection in the neck in a dream is a symbol of gossip and gossip about the dreamer. Beware, rumors around you will be spread by a person close to you, and they can ruin your respect for others for a long time if you do not take any action to restore your reputation.

According to the Gypsy Dream Book, breaking your neck in a dream is a symbol of shame. If the incident in the dream happened by an absurd accident, then you yourself will become the cause of your shame, and if someone turned it on you, then in reality you will become a victim of gossip.

In reality, you will be presented with demands that you will not agree with if in a dream you were stuck with a knife in your neck. Try to come to a peaceful agreement with someone who demands that you fulfill his own conditions that are unacceptable to you - you can always find a solution that suits everyone.

Why do you dream about being bitten in the neck? The interpretation of the dream book depends on who bit you. If it was a person, then you will quarrel with a friend, and if it was an animal, then at work there will be problems in mutual understanding with colleagues.

You will miscalculate your plans and ideas if you see a cut on your neck in a dream. The dream book advises you to step away from serious matters in the next few days and get some rest. The same can be said about a broken neck - a period of failure and self-disappointment is coming, but it will soon end, and getting things back on track will not be difficult.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about the Neck in a dream according to 30 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Neck” symbol from 30 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

American dream book

Neck - lack of flexibility and mobility.

Positive sign- flexibility; the ability to see a situation from all sides.

Negative sign- someone is sitting on your neck.

Ancient Persian dream book Taflisi

If you see a collar on your neck in a dream, causing embarrassment, then in reality you will be involved in some extremely unpleasant business.

If you dream that someone’s neck was cut and his head was given to you, then if at the time of the dream you were suffering from an illness- this dream is for healing.

If you are healthy but burdened with a lot of debt- in reality you will be able to miraculously get rid of all debts; in gratitude for the incredible mercy of Heaven, you are supposed to soon go on a pilgrimage to holy places in order to say prayers and offer gifts.

Idiomatic dream book

"Hanging on someone's neck"- become a burden, rejoice at the meeting; "break or wring your neck"- fail to calculate your strength, get involved in a dangerous project that is obviously impossible; "push into the neck"- drive away; "break someone's neck"- win; “stretch your neck” - curiosity, foresight.

Islamic dream book

Neck pain- indicate the bad attitude of the author of the dream towards the people around him and the fact that he is the object of complaints. This dream may also mean that its author abused someone's trust and suffered divine punishment as a result.

Maly Velesov dream book

Neck - wealth, inheritance, honor, gift; short - demotion at work; long, thick- promotion, wealth; thin - you will work with your head; curled, curved- loss, misfortune, shame; inflamed, swollen- disease; reduced - to receive money; in wounds, abscesses - illness, mistake.

Muslim dream book

If someone sees a collar on his neck in a dream, causing embarrassment- will have an unpleasant thing on his neck.

If someone sees in a dream that some person’s neck was cut and his head was given away, then for the sick- this is for healing, for the debtor to be freed from debts and to perform the “Hajj”.

New dream book 1918

Seeing the neck means honor, power, inheritance.

Family dream book

If you dreamed about your own neck- try to improve your family relationships. Otherwise, they will harm your business affairs.

A dream in which you admired someone's neck- portends that your cynicism can destroy someone's happiness.

A woman who dreamed of herself with a very thin neck- you should watch your character, otherwise over the years she will become very grumpy.

Dream Interpreter

Neck - generally means honor, wealth and inheritance; have a longer and thicker neck than usual- means elevation in rank and dignity and acquisition of wealth and fame; but have a shorter neck than usual- signifies the opposite of the above; have your neck turned to one side- means shame, loss and misfortune.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about the Neck?

Seeing your own neck in a dream- a sign that annoying family troubles will interfere with your business.

Admiring another person's neck- predicts that your cynical attitude towards life will cause the severance of many family ties.

If a woman dreamed that she had a thick neck- in the near future she will gain a reputation as a grumpy person if she does not learn to control her temper.

Dream Interpretation 2012

The neck is a reflection of flexibility or inflexibility (stiffness) in general. Reflection of harmony between intellect and feelings.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

look at your neck- danger, surprise that must be guarded against. having a fat neck is success.

Swollen - illness.

Thin - useless labor and torment.

Have a swollen blue neck- have difficulty enduring the life around you, suffer from the bustle of life.

To have no neck means to have no independent will, to act automatically or under someone’s suggestion.

Have a cut neck- adversity.

Scratching your neck means sadness.

If your neck seems too long- this means that in reality idle curiosity distracts you from real problems, threatening to become a source of misunderstandings for you.

Meet a person with a long neck in a dream- a sign that someone is showing excessive interest in your affairs.

A man with a short neck drawn into his shoulders, seen in a dream- portends danger.

Dream Interpretation of Health

Wash your neck - to health; see a thin, long neck- to deterioration of health; see a strong, strong neck- to health.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Neck - the wife will insist on what she wants and will do it.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Neck - someone else will sit on your neck.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Neck - someone will decide, and you will have to execute.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Miss Hasse

What does it mean if you dream about the Neck in a dream?

The neck is long and thin- ill health; beautiful - confidence, quick engagement; wash - health; hold or choke- they want to harm your well-being; swollen - happiness.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream that you see your own neck- this means that unfavorable family relationships will harm your business affairs.

Admiring someone's neck- portends that your experience and cynical attitude towards feelings will push you to destroy someone else’s family.

If a woman dreams that she has a thin neck- this is a sign that she will quickly become grumpy if she loses control of her temper.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Neck in a dream?

If you dreamed of someone's excessively long neck - say, a giraffe or a swan- this means that in reality you will be at risk by taking part in a rather dubious business.

If you were hit on the neck in a dream- only patience and endurance will help you avoid serious troubles in an extremely tricky situation.

Decapitated neck- says that you will soon meet a person with whom fate will connect you firmly and for a long time.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of the dream: Neck according to the dream book?

The neck is the dreamer himself as a person.

Curve, thin - misfortune, loss.

Pressure or with collar- strong dependence.

In cuts, boils- miscalculation, mistake; disease.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you were washing your neck- you have to pay a large sum to the state.

In a dream you cut someone's throat, it doesn't matter whether it's a person or an animal- a long streak of bad luck awaits you ahead.

If you dreamed that your throat was cut- your enemy will begin a long streak of bad luck and you can benefit from it.

If you dreamed that you were rubbing or scratching your neck- soon you will have to make a serious choice.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Seeing the neck means honor, power, inheritance; cramped neck - to receive money; damaged or in boils, a wound - fatal mistakes, illness.

Medieval dream book

A crooked neck means great sadness.

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing the neck means honors, power, inheritance.

Erotic dream book

Human neck seen in a dream- indicates that your sexual needs are becoming more refined and exotic.

If in a dream you look at your neck in a mirror image- this means that troubles in the business sphere will affect your sexual activity.

Seeing yourself with an unnaturally thin neck- in real life, you are intolerant towards others and close people, you do not take their opinions and points of view into account.

Online dream book

Meaning of sleep: Neck according to the dream book?

The neck symbolizes how flexible you are in communication and life in general.

More interpretations

You have observed yours - you will suffer due to the fact that not everything is going smoothly in the family.

I dreamed that it was too long- Be careful and refuse to participate in anything that involves risk.

Got hit in the neck- a time is coming that will prove to be a serious test of your patience.

A dream in which you are sitting on someone's neck- this means that in real life you will most brazenly use this person for your own personal purposes. Try to remember who exactly you saw and in reality treat him with due respect.

Video: Why do you dream about the Neck?

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    Hello, I dreamed that my parents and I were standing on the street, or rather near our house, and someone attacked us, but I can’t remember the faces of the attackers. My father broke the neck of one of them, and I ran away, as it seemed to me, I was hysterical... I probably wanted to cry, but I couldn’t, and I understood that.
    Thank you in advance.

    I dreamed of a strange event, as if I was at war, I felt bad and over time I realized that my neck was bleeding and was almost cut off from my body! Then someone tried to help me, but instead of sewing up my neck, they simply taped it with something, like this dream. Now I have a very unpleasant feeling when I woke up.

    I dreamed of my neck, torn, I suppose by a knife/sword. Events happened during the war, instead of sewing my neck back, they simply glued it, I realized in a dream that this was not enough. I felt pain. When I woke up, it was unpleasant, as if my neck was pressing :(

    We came to a club that was like a cinema, my mother, husband and I were there, we had a fight and I ran away from them, then I stopped and waited for them and we went into some dark corner, there were a lot of men and one walked with everyone with a gun, then... then suddenly my aunt appeared and this man told me to try, and kissed my sister, for some reason we ran away from them without my mother, me and my husband, and ran into some building there, I jumped from the window so that they wouldn’t catch me and broke my neck, then Some time passed and we returned to that place again and they were waiting for us there, we again jumped over some kind of fence and ran away to the sea, a boat was waiting for us there and we left somewhere.

    hello) I dreamed that my neck was dirty, what does that mean? In the dream they told me that it was dirty and I started to wipe it several times with some kind of napkin, trying to remove the dirt. In the dream I felt terribly uncomfortable about it my neck is dirty.

    It all started when I found myself in a large building with a lot of marble stairs. I've been here before, in a dream, of course. And she knew what would happen next. Last time I was chased by someone in this building. Man. Apparently, no hair on his head. I remember how I was hiding from him, but he caught up with me on the way down one of the stairs, at the end of which there was an abyss. They cut off my head. Now I found myself in a similar room. I know that there were scaffolding nearby and many, many elevator shafts. There were also a lot of stairs. Then, already running, I realized that a lot had changed. Now everything looked like some kind of shopping center. With escalators, TVs, armchairs. There were four floors, no more. And that man showed up again. I saw him only once, when I turned around and ran away. His face was red. Red and yellow. And it grinned. I ran away, knowing that I had to hide, and so that he wouldn’t see you or suspect anything. I hid behind the red soft chairs that stood in a row. I remember then he disappeared somewhere. I noticed a TV that was broadcasting all four floors. I saw that he was looking for me on the fourth and realized with horror that he, too, could see me through the TVs. I started to run, knowing for sure that he had already noticed me. I remember I ran into another room, not much like a shopping center. There was a TV there, but my attention was drawn to the figures that were in this room. They looked like ghosts, ghosts, the walking dead. The entire room was painted dark green with a hint of blue. A small white animal caught my eye. Less cat. Rat, mouse or whatever. Definitely not a hamster. I couldn’t pick him up for a long time, and then, when I picked him up, for some reason I tried to wring his neck, which I couldn’t do the first time. About the fifth time, I concentrated and began to forcefully bend his head until I heard a crunch. You know, it's like cracking your fingers. I remember something shocked me so much that I burst into tears into my pillow, and then my boyfriend woke me up, saying that he heard strange sounds, as if someone was suffocating. However, I woke up in tears and all white.

    Hello, I had a dream a few minutes ago, I decided to take a nap. In general, I don’t remember the dream well, but it’s very strange for me. first there was a university, then some kind of sanatorium, as I understood, and then I was at my sister’s house and there was something wrong with my neck, as if I had moved it somewhere... I don’t know how to explain... and then I felt that A long tubercle formed on my head, I felt scared, I woke up...

    I had a lot of dreams, but I became agitated after that. how I saw myself in the mirror, and especially my neck. It was terribly wide, and there were huge cuts that I could grab the so-called piece of meat, which is what I did in the dream. There were about 5 such pieces. And I took each one and moved it, it didn’t hurt me, only when I took the one closest to the middle of the neck. And besides, such cuts were only on the right side of the neck.

    Hello Tatiana.
    Today I had 2 dreams that I didn’t understand. In the first one, I was in my ex-girlfriend’s apartment, she was in the kitchen, and I went to the bathroom and saw in the mirror that a thread was sticking out of my neck. I began to pull it, pulled it all out, there was no deep wound left, blood began to flow, I shouted, “Zai... He fell and died.”
    The second dream was like this - I was walking down the street in the dark, I saw a cart-trough full of all kinds of gold, coins, jugs. I scooped up some change from there into my pocket and left. something like this)

    I dreamed that they cut my neck and it became hard for me to breathe, and at that moment I began to press my head tighter to my neck so that air would flow into my lungs and it became easier for me and I remained alive, and I also saw blood coming from the wound on my neck, then it disappeared

    I have a child I know who is very spoiled, people like him say “no brakes”, maybe he is sick. I dreamed about him today at 5-6 am. She picked up the boy and threw him onto the bed, and he fell unsuccessfully and broke his neck. I called my husband, said with tears that I had killed the child and began to call an ambulance, but could not get through. They brought me a cutting board and I wanted to fix my neck, because... the boy was alive. His face began to turn blue and he constantly tried to arch his neck, and my husband kept him pinned to the bed so that he would not harm himself. I didn’t call the ambulance and didn’t fix my neck, because... My husband woke me up. I woke up with a sense of reality.