In a dream, smell different perfumes. Why do you dream about Perfume? Dream book for a bitch

Promises to please you.

Dream book for a bitch

Perfume- disappointment.

Buy or give- you will easily forget your friend and find new love.

Spill perfume- to useless work.

Did you see someone spill perfume- you have empty troubles ahead of you.

In a dream you were given perfume- one of your friends will offer you a profitable business, which will turn into big, useless troubles.

You gave someone perfume- because of your fault, someone close to you will have to do a lot of wasted work.

Buy or sell perfume- to endless troubles and expenses.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Smells have a very strong impact on how we perceive everything around us. And although their effects are very subtle, sometimes smells can cause much stronger emotional reactions than visual images or sounds. Note your emotional reaction to certain perfumes, as well as the memories associated with them.

Dream book of the 21st century

Seeing perfume in a dream or giving it as a gift- to troubles, buy- to pleasant chores, to sniff- to changes in life or work, feel the pleasant aroma of perfume in a dream- means that in reality you will be caught in treason or deception, something secret will become apparent.

Receive perfume as a gift in a dream- to pleasant news, gifts or acquisitions.

Seeing cologne in a dream- a sign that the beginning of a romantic adventure awaits you, which can turn into something more.

English dream book

Dreaming that you are wearing perfume or smelling a strong aroma of it- this is always a favorable dream for a business person; it promises good luck in friendships and love.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Perfume- trip, change of plans; romantic adventure.

Modern universal dream book

Deodorants- perfectly prevent the smell of sweat, and perfumes allow us to emphasize our image. In a dream, do perfume symbolize the desire to hide your true nature from others? What do you do with perfume in your dreams? Do you spray perfume on yourself, does someone else spray it on you, or do you give or receive it as a gift?

Perfume- associated with desire and attractiveness.

If you are choking yourself in a dream- it means you are striving to open up, Do you want your reputation to “speak for you”, and also want to “keep your mark”? What scent do you use in your sleep?

If you don't use it in real life - maybe you should try it.

Good perfume- expensive liquids that are poured into vessels. Do you feel like you are full of precious creative ideas?

Dream book of a gypsy

If in a dream you inhale the scent of perfume or wear perfume- you will have a date with a very attractive representative of the opposite sex. You will even think about a romantic relationship with him (her).

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

Perfume to see, buy or give- troubles.

Esoteric dream book

Smell perfume, smell it- to an infectious disease.

Perfume- good will be good luck. Angry, aggressive troubles. It’s better to go to church and light a candle “for the repose.”

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

smell perfume - new life; buy- someone loves the sleeping person.

Collection of dream books

If in a dream you really smelled- it means sensuality.

Perfume- a revelry awaits you.

Buy perfume, give it as a gift, use it- you will be disappointed in your loved one.

Buy perfume- means that someone is trying to pull dust in your eyes.

Spilling perfume means loss of hope for reciprocity on the part of a man.

Dream about how you buy your favorite perfume- to a pleasant date with a young man.
Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

It is a well-known fact that Cleopatra drove the stronger half of humanity crazy, although she was far from beautiful. It's all about the smell. A pleasant, alluring aroma emanating from a woman can command men. We will find out why spirits appear in dreams in dream books.

Perfume represents the awakening of the dreamer's soul. This state is similar to a blossoming spring bud, which is eager to meet something new and better. Aroma can be stronger than words, evidence, will. By smelling your perfume, you can work and live in a state of prolonged euphoria. It has the ability to inspire, inspire confidence, and even inspire love for all things.

Therefore, for a sleeper to inhale something pleasant and close to his taste means to experience happiness and bliss in real life. This could be a series of pleasant events, meetings, acquaintances. For young people, such a sign promises prospects in their personal lives or career success.

But there are a number of situations that portend a negative interpretation. Buying, breaking or smelling an unpleasant odor does not bode well for good things in the near future, but on the contrary, warns of caution, sobriety and prudence.

Every woman, like every flower, has her own scent.

The right perfume scent for a woman is a serious choice. After all, she will have to live with this scent for some time and appear in society. Therefore, she often chooses him for a long time as her beloved man.

A woman's dreams, saturated with the desired fragrance, promise many pleasant surprises and changes in her usual daily schedule.

What does a bottle of fragrant perfume promise to the weaker half of humanity:

  • hidden in a sideboard - financial profit and stability will come to the house;
  • in a purse - emphasize your individuality, neatness and presence of your own opinion;
  • feel something new on a colleague - success and unlocking your potential at work;
  • got a whiff of what my friend prefers - close person who has not been seen for a long time, misses you very much and intends to meet;
  • Mom boasted of a gift - for a big family holiday, the occasion of which will be you;
  • uncle's cologne - it's time to visit distant relatives;
  • in a beautiful package - a youth party promises a lot of attention from fans;
  • expensive selective recruitment - increase in position or salary;
  • buy and break - failure of a responsible task that promised a new position;
  • forgetting it in the store means wasting money and purchasing a useless item.

For a young lady to inhale and not feel the fragrance - to become the object of adoration and attention of a new admirer. Your obsession with your career and penchant for workaholism make it impossible to enjoy youth and enjoy your own charm. Look around and give free rein to your feelings.

A pungent, repulsive smell reveals your obstinate character. You have forgotten what tenderness and responsiveness to people are. Your loved ones have not experienced your care and affection for a long time.

Having sniffed, we felt:

  • soft freshness - on the way to a romantic date;
  • citrus notes - get ready for a passionate, unforgettable night;
  • the scent of a rose bush - expect a declaration of love;
  • sweet and ripe fruits - you will unwind on a walk in pleasant company around the city;
  • smell medicinal herbs- your health will improve, and you will feel good spirits and a surge of strength;
  • incense and essential oil- to spiritual growth and development;
  • the freshness of alpine herbs - pack your bags for a quick trip;
  • exotic spicy aroma - imbued with oriental culture, you will develop a craving for the Tibetan secrets of existence.

A man does not know his own scent

Men have their own special attitude towards perfume; it should not be too noticeable and intrusive. Therefore, sharp and stunning aromas are more likely to reveal the negative sides of the dreamer, as if showing that those around them are experiencing discomfort and rejection.

Buying a women's selective perfume means meeting a very intriguing person who will show you a different side of life. You will discover and become imbued with something that has not previously taken place in your soul. You will have a rare opportunity to change your lifestyle, change your values ​​and enjoy happiness.

It takes a long time for a businessman to choose a cologne - it opens up many opportunities and ideas in the direction of previously unexplored areas of business. Your wisdom and intuition will help you make a decision and invest in a profitable project.

Choose perfume and change your life. Author's dream books

Gustov Miller

The delightful aroma of perfume is a joyful and cheerful adventure in reality. Using someone else's perfume is a danger of trusting a person who pretends to be the wrong person and is trying to deceive you through cunning flattery.

You are suffocating from excessive fragrance - in reality you are abusing idleness and an idle lifestyle, which will lead to the acquisition of harmful habits and bad inclinations. Excessive passion for empty fun can lead to loss of work and disappointment in your loved ones.

Spill perfume - miss the opportunity to experience happy moments life. By chance, you will have an excellent chance to change your destiny, but arrogance and arrogance can ruin everything. If the bottle is broken, your desires, plans and hopes will fail.

If you felt like a famous perfumer, pouring unique, never-before-seen essences into test tubes, you will experience success and recognition in your new workplace. The team you join will appreciate your abilities, talents and passion for work.

For women, taking a fragrant bath promises romantic, exciting events that will raise your self-esteem and make you take more care of your external image.

A bottle as a gift from a man in a dream means being in a risky situation in reality, which will bring a lot of pleasure.

Sigmund Freud

A bottle of perfume represents the feminine principle. Opening a bottle for a young girl means losing her innocence. For a man, it is the first time to experience intimacy with the woman he likes.

For a young man to have several sets of cologne - to be very frivolous and indiscriminate in reality when choosing a life partner.

A guy spills perfume - there is a high probability that his girlfriend is pregnant. If you buy a fragrance for her, you want a permanent and serious relationship. Breaking the bubble means dissatisfaction in relationships and a desire for variety in intimate relationships.

Evgeniy Tsvetkov

If you go to a perfume store to make a purchase, expect an ardent and emotional declaration of love. Inhaling unfamiliar aphrodisiacs means plunging into a new life full of bright moments.

Dreams are a special reality. They do not come to a person every night; sometimes dreams are prophetic. It is important to interpret them correctly.

Why do you dream about perfume? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream of perfume - basic interpretation

Today perfume is an indispensable household item. Their selection is huge. Some people select them by aroma, others by trademark And appearance bottle. It's very nice to receive perfume as a gift.

But what does it mean to dream that you are buying your favorite scent? Such a dream suggests that you will soon be able to meet a pleasant young man with whom you will have a wonderful time. What should you pay attention to in a dream?

Where did you get the perfume in your dream;

Do you like their scent;

What events are associated with them;

Who else appears in your dream;

What emotions overcome you?

If you dream that perfume was given by a loved one, such a dream indicates that wonderful events await you in life. Perhaps you can go on a long journey with him - this may be indicated by a dream in which the aroma of perfume is like a sea breeze.

If you dream that you received a huge bottle of previously unknown perfume as a gift, such a dream promises a surprise. Whether it will be pleasant - the following events will tell about it:

If you liked the aroma, the surprise will be pleasant for you;

If you don't like the scent, you will be surprised;

If you haven't smelled the perfume, the surprise will be unpleasant.

If you dream that you have been walking around the store for a long time looking for your favorite scent and can’t find it, such a dream means that you will be trying for a long time to find a way out of a difficult situation and you will never succeed.

If you dream that a bottle of perfume is broken, such a dream promises you trouble. Most likely, you will feel the bitterness of betrayal. It is important to remember exactly whose spirits were broken. If this is your perfume, you may witness an unpleasant trial. If it was another person’s bottle that was broken, you will have to sort things out with him. If you don’t know who it belongs to, expect trouble from a man unknown to you.

If in a dream you buy perfume for someone as a gift and for a long time cannot choose from many options, such a dream promises you hesitation in making decisions in reality. You may not be able to decide on some action for a long time. You may still be choosing from several options for a long time.

It is important to interpret the dream as a whole, because any missing symbol in the dream already changes the interpretation. If you dream of a lot of perfumes in beautiful packages - such a dream indicates that it is high time for you to rest, your soul desires a holiday - let this happen.

When in a dream you have a long conversation with the seller regarding the choice of perfume, such a dream foreshadows a long-term solution to a financial issue. The further development of events in reality depends on what events awaited you in the dream. If you nevertheless purchased a fragrance you liked, such a dream foreshadows the solution to a financial issue. If you left the store without shopping, such a dream indicates the impossibility of resolving the problem at the moment.

If you dream that you are buying perfume as a gift for another person, such a dream means that you will become the culprit of pleasant changes in the life of another. If you dream that you are secretly placing a bottle of perfume under your beloved’s door, such a dream promises you secret feelings and hidden experiences. You won't be able to be honest with yourself for a while.

It is important to remember your emotional state during sleep and when waking up. If it was calm and you felt balanced, then there is nothing to fear in the future. But, if a bottle of perfume constantly fell out of your hands in a dream, or you broke it, such a dream foreshadows anxiety and loss in reality. It is important not to panic, but to use all the sleep clues to your advantage.

It is also important to remember all the dialogues that you had in your sleep, all the words spoken by strangers. Often, when describing a scent, you can hear a description of your future life. If it is described as gentle, light and alluring, such a dream foretells you a calm and measured future. If it is described as sweet and tart, you will have to fight for your happiness.

If you saw your favorite perfume in a dream, but its aroma is completely different, such a dream means that betrayal awaits you. Someone has been eyeing you and your work for a long time. You shouldn’t trust people so resignedly. Soon everything will fall into place, but now it is important to prepare the ground for the coming changes.

Why do you dream of perfume according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

IN Esoteric dream book it is said why perfumes are dreamed of. Such a dream promises many pleasant changes. You will soon have to radically change your perception of the world around you. If you smell perfume in a dream, such a dream promises you a pleasant rest, a meeting with old friends.

Spraying perfume around yourself - such a dream speaks of the need for communication. You are too withdrawn into yourself, and you lack live communication in order to fully relax.

If in a dream you are constantly bothered by the unpleasant smell of perfume, and you just can’t find where it comes from, such a dream foretells you minor troubles and worries. You definitely need to relax and unwind, because painstaking and hard work on yourself awaits you soon.

If a young girl dreams that an unfamiliar boyfriend gave her a bottle of perfume, such a dream foreshadows new acquaintances, a new stage in her personal life. If a married woman has such a dream, she may become a victim of temptation; someone else will appear in her relationship with her husband.

Breaking a bottle of perfume is not a very favorable sign. Such a dream predicts a change in plans and priorities. If you've broken your favorite perfume and can't find it anywhere else, it means you'll be fussing for a long time. This vanity can lead to the loss of your chosen position in life. Stand your ground and never give up on far-reaching plans.

Why do you dream of perfume according to Freud's dream book?

Freud's dream book says that one dreams of perfume as a reflection of the hidden desire for love and romance. If a man dreams of his favorite scent, and he can’t figure out where it’s coming from, such a dream foreshadows his acquaintance with a mysterious lady. This will be a short-lived union, but it will bring many pleasant moments into his life.

A dream in which a woman catches the pleasant aroma of men's perfume predicts her infatuation with a stranger, who can even destroy an existing relationship. A woman will have to make a choice between an existing relationship and a new boyfriend. It is important to interpret all sleep signs. Then it will be possible to more accurately predict the future.

If you dream that you are buying a fragrance for yourself, you will be happy in your relationship. If you buy a fragrance for another person, you will bring joy to someone close to you. Seeing broken perfume in a dream and enjoying its aroma - it is possible to restore past forgotten relationships.

Why do you dream of perfume according to other dream books?

In Grishina's dream book it is said that perfumes dream of a new pleasant acquaintance. If you hear their aroma and you really like it, such a dream means that you will be able to enjoy your partner for a long time. Relationships will bring you joy and pleasure.

If you give perfume to someone in a dream, bewilderment awaits you. If you buy perfume in a store, you will simply waste money. If you buy a lot of perfume and simply give it away to passers-by, such a dream speaks of your predisposition to easy relationships and flirting, but do not get too carried away with such connections. Nothing permanent or joyful will come of them.

In the Mythological Dream Book It is said that you dream of perfume as a sign of the element of air, which fills your life. Such a dream foretells you an easy solution to any issue. You will simply flutter above the ground with happiness. Get ready to receive a lot from life and don’t be afraid to change your thoughts to positive ones.

No matter how sad or funny the dream may seem to you, it is important to interpret all its symbols. It is also important to remember that dreams provide only general clues, and the person himself decides whether to accept them or not. If you don’t like the course of events that the dream predicted for you, you can change it yourself in reality. We ourselves are responsible for our actions and thoughts. Dreams only indicate options for the development of events in the future.

Have you dreamed of exquisite, exotic aromas and shining bottles of perfume? Such images, as a rule, bring vivid impressions to the dreamer. What’s also unusual is that you not only had to see this symbol, but also smell it. What do such dreams bring to the real world?

I dreamed about perfume - what does it mean?

The dream book interprets perfumes quite ambiguously. To find the correct meaning and unravel this symbol, remember all the details of the circumstances of your dream.
Each dream book explains the smell of perfume differently.

If you happen to smell any incense, remember how the aroma made you feel. If he was pleasant, graceful and gentle, this means that a new acquaintance awaits you.

Popular articles:

  • Miller's dream book, for example, interprets such a plot as some joyful events that await you in the future.
  • But smelling a pungent aroma is a high probability of a quarrel. Beware of entering into debates and be more prudent.
  • For a man, this dream can mean a meeting with a charming person who will not only turn his head, but will also be able to support him financially. However, this is only true if you happen to smell the sweet, attractive smell of women's perfume.
  • If a woman dreams of a pleasant aroma, then it can mean a gift or readiness for something new to appear in life.
  • For an unmarried girl, such a dream can portend happiness in marriage.

Why do women dream about perfume?

The dream book interprets women's perfumes differently, because you may not always like the aroma.

  • If you smell too strong of a smell, this could mean quarrels and disagreements. Also, having seen such a dream, you may accidentally discover someone’s carefully hidden secret.

Why do you dream of smelling perfume?

  • The dream book interprets smelling perfume as follows: you probably have a desire to get new experiences. IN Lately you work too much or lead too monotonous a life. It would be a good idea to change some habits and start learning something new.

Why do you dream about choosing perfume?

  • If you bought your favorite perfume, then soon you will find yourself on a date with a young man.
  • The dream book also deciphers buying perfume as a quick change of environment. You will quickly forget your previous romantic interests or you will make new acquaintances.
  • If you made such a purchase for yourself, then this indicates your romantic mood.
  • But giving a purchased fragrance as a gift is a sign of an imminent separation from the one to whom it was presented in your dream.

Wonderful, exotic aromas can actually immerse a person in a world of dreams or memories. Therefore, choosing them in a store in a dream can mean your dreams of a better life and improving your situation. You are probably not happy with the way things are going now.

Why do you dream of perfume in a bottle?

  • Have you accepted a bottle of fragrance as a gift? Soon some news will come from a person you know.
  • A broken bottle is an unfavorable sign. He says that some of your desires and dreams will not come true.

Smothering yourself with perfume in a dream - what does it mean?

  • Perfuming yourself in a dream is a sign that you are very wasteful.
  • If you had to spray perfume on yourself, then you should be more prudent in your spending. Take care of financial issues more carefully and do not throw money away.
  • If you used perfume in a dream, it means that you know your worth, but are fair to others. In addition, many dream books interpret the process of applying fragrances with upcoming romantic events in your life.

Any smells that you smell in a dream usually mean some image of a person or a certain event. Therefore, before you try to understand the meaning of the dream plot in which you saw perfume, you should definitely remember the aroma. In this case, you need to restore in your memory all the associations and feelings that have arisen. Often the exact interpretation of the dream book depends on these features.

Give as a gift

Receiving perfume as a gift from a man in a dream means pleasures that will involve some risk. This dream is also interpreted as a symbol of the fact that a person who is indifferent to her is trying to conquer the sleeping woman. A female interpreter explains why one dreams of becoming the owner of a treasured bottle presented by a loved one. If you dreamed that perfume was a gift from a lover, then entertainment and pleasure await you in life. Giving perfume to someone means that through your fault, your loved ones will have to do a useless task. The Dream Book of Wanderers explains such a dream as a harbinger of future troubles or disappointment in love. If you were given perfume in a dream, expect a declaration of love in reality. Another option for why you dream about something like this is the beginning of a big business, which will involve a lot of hassle.

Purchasing and choosing perfumes

Buying perfume means you need to soberly assess the situation. Perhaps you are entertaining yourself with vain illusions. Depending on the features, this dream can also foreshadow future exciting incidents and pleasant experiences. To see someone else buying fragrant perfumes in a dream - despite the fact that everything is going well, your plans will not come true. The Dream Book of Wanderers advises not to despair, but simply to wait for a more suitable time to make your dream come true. Did you dream that you were choosing perfume? You can understand why you dream about this by looking at the Universal Interpreter. Universal dream book warns that in reality you will have to make a choice between what is pleasant and what is not so pleasant. Its correctness depends on the circumstances of the plot and your emotional state in it.

Miller's explanation of the dream

Miller's dream book interprets this dream in different ways. Small details will tell you why this or that dream is happening. So, a gentle smell means a happy adventure. But a too strong aroma rather indicates emotional distress. Taking a scented bath means experiencing exciting events in life. If you enjoyed swimming, then you will feel happy in life. Spilling perfume is a rather sad sign; most likely, in reality you will lose a source of pleasure. If you dreamed that you smelled perfume, get ready to hear from your loved one. You can also expect a long-awaited meeting with him. But, if the aroma is too strong and even unpleasant, then intrigue awaits you.

Various interpretations

If a girl dreams of perfume or perfume, then the interpreter gives hope for what awaits her in the future happy marriage. And this will happen very soon. If the sleeping woman is married, then simply good events in reality are promised. Seeing a whole bottle of perfume in a dream means receiving some pleasant gift. But Aesop’s dream book interprets a broken bottle as an unpleasant sign. Most likely, your cherished dreams will not come true. In general, you should pay special attention to the plot in which you smelled the perfume. The dream book interprets a dream about men's perfume as a positive sign. For women, this means the presence of a strong and wise man in life. Women's perfume has a more unpleasant meaning. Grishina's dream book advises taking care of your own health and emotional state. Weakness, melancholy, general malaise, despondency and sadness are not excluded.

Now let's find out together whether your dream will come true? 🔮 Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night️ 🌃.

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    In a dream I saw two bottles of perfume, both articular in shape, one actually exactly the same. Like these perfumes are gifts from my friends ex-husband, and I’m quietly playing with one of them, what’s this for?

    11-Sep-2017 Irina:

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    I dreamed that I was standing waiting for something. Suddenly an unknown man comes up to me and leans close to me to smell my perfume, and he likes the smell of my perfume, and I am afraid of this man, lest he do something terrible. And I’m afraid to leave, and he doesn’t leave. And it seems like I know him, but in real life I don’t know anyone like him. What is this strange dream? Maybe someone knows?