Why dream of witches in white guise. What does a witch mean in a dream? Universal family dream book: why do witches dream

Seeing witches in a dream- means that you, along with others, will strive for adventure, noisy fun, but all this can suddenly lead to your humiliation, disappointment and resentment. Business and other affairs may suffer if you see witches stepping on you. Household chores will also bring disappointment.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Witch- a symbol of the foremother, characterizes the forces of nature awakening in us. A scandal awaits you because of your frankness.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers

If you dream of a witch- this means that you will be looking for fun, entertainment and meeting new people. However, later you will be disappointed, as entertainment will not bring you pleasure, and new friends and fans will turn out to be low and dishonorable people.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Seeing a witch or sorceress in a dream- a sign that you are devoured by dangerous passions and desires. Be careful! Such a dream is trying to save you from trouble. Try not to succumb to dubious temptations - this can be disastrous for you.

Jewish dream book

Witch- danger, disease.

Dream interpretation of D. Loff

Meeting with the possessor magical powers face or the acquisition of such powers in dreams occurs very often. In the case of a plot about the occult sciences, in a dream you see unique personal items that allow you to use your willpower against others or vice versa. Who is the occult person: you or someone else? What matters is how these forces are used.

If they are used by you against others- You may feel like your opponents have an unfair advantage and want to level the playing field.

Another explanation for this dream- is your desire to show the degree of your power.

The third reason for the appearance of such a dream- is that you do not release anger directed at others to the surface.

Another possibility- is that you probably want to inspire someone with romantic affection for you. You can project your power onto a stranger, who most likely represents someone you know or a part of yourself.

If someone uses their power against you- you probably think that he uses his influence in your life or conspires against you.

If you or someone else is trying to use magical powers- Are the spells successful or is something stopping them?

Dream interpretation for the whole family

If you dreamed of a witch- you will probably have bad news. Someone is trying to complicate your life with their intervention, which will affect your fate in a far from pleasant way.

A witch performing a magical rite on you- portends you a lack of confidence in your abilities and an attempt to resort to the help of an influential, but unreliable person.

A witch who looks like your wife, your girlfriend- a dream foreshadowing a temporary cooling of relations with the second half.

If a witch in a dream looks like your mother-in-law- probably, your relatives will try to prevent the realization of your plans. But you should not listen to advice in this case, the implementation of plans promises profit.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Witch- your expectation of fun adventures and a good rest will not justify itself, you will be disappointed and upset.

be a witch- problems in family life and business activities.

New family dream book

Seeing witches in a dream- means that you better not strive for extraordinary adventures: they can lead you to disappointment and resentment.

If you saw that the witches are stepping on you- your commercial affairs may suffer.
Household chores will also bring disappointment.

Modern combined dream book

Witch- danger, depression, illness.

Dreaming Witches- predict participation in noisy joyful adventures, but over time, such entertainment will bring you humiliation and disappointment.

If witches approach you- Your affairs will fall into decay, and household chores may disappoint you.

Eastern female dream book

see the witch Get ready for an adventure. And even if at first the idea seems tempting, then you will have to regret it.

If witches approach you- it means that your affairs will fall into decay, and household chores will begin to tire.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Witch- it is possible for the patient to be healed, provided that the methods of non-traditional methods of treatment are used. In all other cases, see a witch- to an inexplicable event. be a witch- be very surprised.

Complete dream book of the New Era

The word "witch" comes from the word "know", which means to know. Before the start of church persecution of women, wise women were called witches. IN English language the same analogy.

Witch- to make a decision, you need a wise understanding of the whole picture, and not its fragments. The need to use female wisdom and / or activate the feminine. The need to take advantage folk remedies for the treatment of an ailment.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Seeing an old witch in a dream- to an unrealistic situation that will happen to you.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

Seeing an old witch in a dream It's time for you to take care of your skin.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

See the old witch- to the disease; young- to the surprise.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

A dream in which witches appear to you- means that you can get into a company having fun in nature, but the consequences of this fun will end for you only in a headache and an empty wallet.

To be a witch in a dream- to be in a critical situation, when there is not enough time for anything and everything literally falls out of hand, and there is nowhere to wait for help from anyone.

Women's dream book

dream witch- warns you that your thirst for adventure and wild fun in a circle of friends can suddenly lead you to humiliation, disappointment and resentment.

If in a dream you were attacked by a witch- you will be disappointed in commercial or domestic affairs.

General dream book

Seeing a witch in a dream- means that you will make a fatal mistake.

You dreamed that you became a witcher, a witch- you risk making the wrong choice, which will change your life for the worse.

If you dreamed that you had a fight, killed a witch- your business can go much better than before.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

For some people a witch- a symbol of evil. The writers tried to give this coloring to this image. fairy tales for children without bothering to get acquainted with the history of the cruel persecution of witches by the medieval christian church. These witches were mostly harmless herbalists, midwives and healers. Their oppression arose from the prevailing tendency in Christianity to separate God from nature and to worship a heavenly deity who did not set foot on earth.

Mythological dream book

Witch (the owner of magical secrets and knowledge received from the devil, is able to become a "werewolf", can fly, pass through walls) - some kind of evil woman surrounded, a conspiracy against the dreamer; bad influences, bad business; accident.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Witch- a primitive, undeveloped intuition that separates a woman from an integral spiritual sphere. Witch as a figure in dreams- can refer to the negative aspects of femininity, especially the Terrible Mother. Her magical intuitive power is perceived by others as something destructive.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

To see a young witch in a dream- the forces of your soul are slipping out of control / you are completely absorbed in yourself and do not see anything around / some kind of surprise.

To meet a witch, a sorceress in the forest- go ahead, there is no turning back.

Meet at the crossroads- before an important decision to be.

see the old witch- sadness / those forces of your soul that are ready for evil.

She cooks a brew- you accumulate evil in yourself, it can end badly.

She collects herbs You are too indifferent to both evil and good.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Witch- destruction, fear, unexpected troubles, quarrel, beware of women, danger, sadness, illness.

Erotic dream book Danilova

If you dreamed of a witch- beware of rash acts, casual acquaintances and close relationships, they can cause you many serious problems. Wait for some time, and for now avoid initiative actions, most likely, they will not bring you the desired results.

It is believed that the appearance of a female witch in a dream- does not bode well for a person. Such a dream means that someone has become the object of black witchcraft and must be careful.

On the other hand, the dreaming witch- symbolizes the animal nature in a person and means his desire to break with the rules and norms imposed by society.

Esoteric dream book

Witch- a dangerous adventure, which is interesting for that.

If in a dream you experience fear at the sight of a witch- the adventure will leave an indelible mark, and possibly scars and abrasions.

Ukrainian dream book

Seeing a witch in a dream- an unexpected nuisance.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Witch- an insidious woman; ugly- scandal; touches the sleeping- an evil slander.
Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone a bad dream before dinner.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Learn from online dream book what the Witch dreams of after reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpreters.

Witch in a dream: interpretation of 100 dream books

Miller's dream book

Why does the Witch dream in a dream?

Witch - Seeing witches in a dream means that you and others will strive for adventure, noisy fun, but all this can suddenly lead to your humiliation, disappointment and resentment. Business and other affairs may suffer if you see witches stepping on you. Household chores will also bring disappointment.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

What does the witch symbolize in a dream

Sorceress, witch - mother. Every child feels the magical energy of the mother. She can look like a good or evil witch, which depends not so much on her actual characteristics, but on the individual perception of her in childhood. The Witch is the Archetype of the Terrible Mother. In the dreams of a woman, the embodiment of the repressed sexual desires especially to your father.

Dreamed of a witch? Such a vision can hardly be called ordinary. And yet, if this happens, the dream is negative. The witch, in most cases, symbolizes the evil forces directed against you. Therefore, if you saw a witch in a dream, get ready for the fact that various unexpected troubles await you in reality. And worst of all, it will be impossible to foresee them.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why is the Witch dreaming?

A witch in a dream warns you that your thirst for adventure and wild fun in a circle of friends can suddenly lead you to humiliation, disappointment and resentment. If in a dream you were attacked by a witch, you will be disappointed in commercial or domestic affairs.

Family dream book

Witch see how to unravel the symbolism

Witch - If you dreamed of a witch, you are probably in for bad news. Someone is trying to complicate your life with their intervention, which will affect your fate in a far from pleasant way.

A witch performing a magical rite over you portends a lack of confidence in your abilities and an attempt to enlist the help of an influential but unreliable person.

A witch who has the appearance of your wife, beloved girl, is a dream that portends a temporary cooling of relations with the other half. If a witch in a dream looks like your mother-in-law, your relatives will probably try to prevent your plans from becoming a reality. But you should not listen to advice in this case - the implementation of plans promises profit.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about a witch

Witch - If you dreamed of a witch, beware of rash acts, casual acquaintances and close relationships - they can cause you many serious problems. Wait a while, and for now avoid initiative actions - most likely, they will not bring you the desired results.

It is believed that the appearance of a female witch in a dream does not bode well for a person. Such a dream means that someone has become the object of black witchcraft and must be careful. On the other hand, a dreaming witch symbolizes the animal nature in a person and means his desire to break with the rules and norms imposed by society.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

How does the Witch interpret the dream book?

Witch - Insidious woman; an ugly witch is a scandal; the witch touches the sleeping man - an evil slander, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why is the Witch dreaming?

Witch - Seeing a witch in a dream is an unexpected nuisance.

Old dream book

Had a dream - Witch

To see a young witch in a dream - the forces of your soul are slipping out of control; you are completely absorbed in yourself and do not see anything around; some surprise. To meet a witch, a sorceress in the forest - to face an important decision. Seeing an old witch in a dream is sadness; those forces of your soul that are ready for evil. She is preparing a brew - you have accumulated evil in yourself, this can end badly. The witch collects herbs - you are too indifferent to both evil and good.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Why is the Witch dreaming?

Witch - A dream in which witches appear to you means that you can get into a company having fun in nature, but the consequences of this fun will end for you only in a headache and an empty wallet. To be a witch in a dream is to be in a critical situation, when there is not enough time for anything and everything literally falls out of hand, and there is nowhere to wait for help from anyone.

Lewis' Encyclopedia of Dreams

Witch - In Christianity, the witch is the personification of evil. According to the ideas of the "New Wave", the witch is the goddess of mother earth. Walt Disney World is home to evil witches, good witches, and a godmother, a wish-granting sorceress. The meaning of this symbol depends on the context of the dream, as well as on the dreamer's associations with the image of the witch in the dream.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

The Witch is dreaming, what does it mean?

Witch - The symbol of the foremother, characterizes the forces of nature awakening in us. A scandal awaits you because of your frankness.

Modern dream book


Witch - Danger, depression, illness.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Why did the witch dream about spiritual sources

Witch - Danger, disease.

Esoteric dream book

Witch in a dream

Witch - A dangerous adventure that is interesting. If in a dream you experience fear at the sight of a witch, the adventure will leave an indelible mark, and possibly scars and abrasions.

Small Velesov dream book

Why is the witch dreaming?

Witch (sorceress) - Destruction, fear, unexpected troubles, quarrel, beware of women, danger, sadness, illness.

Tarot dream book

Witch: interpretation of the image

Spoon Witch - Herbal medicine is appropriate. Witch with the dead - Widowhood, danger, death.

Dream Handbook by David Loff

Why did the witch's magic dream

Witch (Sorcerer) - Meeting with a person with magical powers or acquiring such powers in dreams occurs very often. In the case of a plot about the occult sciences, in a dream you see unique personal items of a witch that allow you to use your willpower against others or vice versa. Who is a witch: you or someone else? What matters is how these forces are used. If used by a witch against others, then you may feel like your opponents have an unfair advantage and want to level the playing field.

Another option for explaining this dream about a witch is your desire to show the extent of your power. The third reason for having such a dream about a witch is that you do not release anger directed at others to the surface.

Another possibility is that you probably want to inspire someone with romantic affection for you. You can project the power of a witch onto a stranger, who most likely represents someone you know or a part of yourself. If someone uses their power against you, then you probably think that they are using their influence in your life or conspiring against you. If you or someone else tries to use magical powers, does the spell succeed or is something preventing it?

Mythological dream book

Witch - how to understand the symbols

Witch (sorceress) - The owner of magical secrets and knowledge received from the devil. The witch is able to become a "werewolf", knows how to fly, pass through walls, etc. - some kind of evil woman surrounded, a conspiracy against the dreamer; bad influences, bad business; accident.

Astrological dream book

Witch see what it means?

Witch - if she is old and scary, then this is a symbol of unsatisfied desires for women. Fail for men. A young witch dreams of bringing damage to reality and great, real danger. It is also a symbol of passion. Black Moon.

New family dream book of Nadezhda Soboleva

How to understand why being a witch in a dream?

Witch - inner wisdom; fear; the desire to prove their superiority; inspire someone with romantic affection for you; negative feelings towards other people.

Unique dream book / Tatyana Radchenko

Why is the Witch dreaming:

Witch - disappointment in business and family life. To see a coven of witches - you, along with some people, will seek adventure, as a result, your search will turn into failure and humiliation. An old witch - to a meeting with an insidious woman. Ugly witch - to the scandal. Communication with a beautiful witch is a penchant for fantasizing.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Interpretation: Witch:

Witch - New acquaintances will draw you into an unsafe adventure, which, at best, will end in financial losses. Imagine that water is poured on a witch, preferably holy. The witch, as in a fairy tale, melts.

Big modern dream book

Witch - why does the dreamer dream?

Witch - You seem to see a witch in a dream - you will become a participant in an incident that will expose you not from the best side; perhaps your behavior will even be considered immoral and they will discuss you in society for more than one day; avoid noisy gatherings, in which fun is in full swing, and abundant libations are too uninhibited; you will not even notice how you find yourself in the center of the coven, and even the main character.

The witch is trying to bewitch you - in fact, there is a person nearby who, loving you, is very jealous; not knowing how to control himself, being jealous, this person can do you harm, which he will later regret terribly.

A witch or several witches surround you and threaten you - you may have big problems at home and at work; but you are strong because in any circumstances you know how to organize yourself and go from defense to offensive; it will take some time, and you will cope with all the difficulties.

Universal dream book

witch means:

Witch - harm, damage, "damage", a symbol of female sexual aggression.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Witch - Seeing an old witch is a disease; young - to surprise.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Witch - Seeing an old witch in a dream is an unrealistic situation that will happen to you, this is how this dream is interpreted in the dream book.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Witch - Seeing an old witch in a dream - it's time for you to take care of your skin.

More N.V. Gogol wrote in his work "Viy" that "all women are witches." Whether the classic was wrong or not, let him remain a mystery. Is there anything more mysterious in a person's life than dreams? Let's see what happens when these incomprehensible representatives of the female tribe - witches appear in our dreams.

World dream books about dreams in which a witch appeared

Most people at the word "witch" experience negative emotions. Still would! For generations, only the negative meaning of the word has been cultivated. However, is it always necessary to be afraid of the dreaming sorceress and what the guests from Bald Mountain promise us. Many dream books offer interpretations that often contradict each other:

  • Miller's popular dream book interprets a dream with a witch as the likelihood of dangerous adventures, "bad" fun and the desire for a wild life. As life experience shows, this does not lead to good;
  • Wangi's dream book: a dreaming witch - you are faced with a choice. Perhaps you are determined with further life goals. Or try to gain control over your desires and actions.
  • Freud's dream book promises a person who saw a sorceress in a dream the possibility of a romantic relationship with a partner who did not take you seriously before;
  • the eastern dream book emphasizes with the help of such a vision your penchant for adventures;
  • V Modern dream book the appearance of a witch in a dream - to impending danger, illness or depression;
  • Grishina's dream book: if in a dream you met a witch at a crossroads - to make an important decision in reality;
  • Tarot dream book: a witch in a dream - to the danger of being in a sect.

A witch in a dream is an important symbolic image

Interpretation of a dream depending on the gender and age of the dreamer

When choosing the correct interpretation of sleep, you need to remember the nuances of vision. A dream about a witch or a sorceress is interpreted differently for men and women.

The meaning of sleep for a man

If a young and attractive witch dreams of a man, then this is a hint of a possible cooling of relations between spouses. And the old untidy hag portends problems in commercial affairs and conflicts with relatives. I dreamed of a dead witch - this is a warning about the disorder of choice in personal life. Flying on a broom along with the witch indicates to the stronger sex the manipulations by the woman.

The meaning of sleep for women and girls

The interpretation of a dream about a witch for girls is no less interesting and controversial. One of the key meanings here is the decline in all spheres of life and fatigue with everyday problems.

If a young woman sees in a dream a witch dressed in bright, colorful clothes, this means the beginning of a new romance, which is unlikely to last long.

One of the interpretations that refers to the image of a witch is the awakening of natural forces, the Mother archetype and, possibly, the birth of a child. Flying on a broomstick in many dream books predicts a quick marriage for girls, and for adult women - the marriage of their daughter. For a pregnant girl, a dream with a witch does not bode well: you need to take care of your health more and try not to communicate with new people.

Interpretation of sleep depending on the dreamer's actions and ongoing events

The interpretation of dreams about a witch is based on the actions of the dreamer himself and the dreaming witch.

witch attacks

If in a dream you are experiencing an attack by an evil sorceress, this directly indicates difficulties and conflicts that should have been resolved long ago. But, on the other hand, a dream warns against excessive concentration of attention on one's difficulties. Do not dramatize them, and then everything will work out.

Fight the witch, drive away, kill

If you fought with the attacking sorceress and even killed her, expect changes as abrupt as how serious the fight was. If you cannot boast of good health and great business success, then congratulations - a witch killed in a dream portends an improvement in the situation. If everything is going well in your life, then the sorceress defeated in a dream promises envy from others and many small problems.

If in a dream you enter into a fight with a witch and (or) drive her away, then, according to the interpretation of most dream books, to make the right decision in matters and problems related to the business and commercial spheres.

Sabbath in a dream

Interesting interpretations are given by various dream books to a dream about a coven of witches and sorcerers. According to Carlos Castaneda, a gathering of witches in a dream indicates the ability of the magician to use the lower energy centers and symbolizes the harmonization of energy flows. Perhaps such a dream is a symbol of the dreamer's desire to know his "I".

Leiman's dream interpretation interprets the dream of the coven as a desire to go beyond previous ideas, the desire for new horizons.

Witching coven in a dream - the desire to learn something new in reality

What does a witch look like in a dream

Dreams are a bizarre phenomenon and beyond the control of reason. Despite stereotypes about the witch as a black symbol, she does not always seek to harm.

Dreaming of a black old witch or a kind, young witch

  1. If in a dream a black witch helps you with her charms, then such help will negatively affect reality. This dream is a warning: be careful, do not trust the first person you meet.
  2. An unpleasant and old woman who fiddles with decoctions and herbs speaks of possible conflicts in the family. Not the last role in them will be played by jealousy.
  3. But the dream of the help of a good witch is likely to be repeated in real life. You will receive support from a wise woman. A dream about a young and attractive witch has a similar interpretation. In addition, it promises acquaintance with new and interesting people, the emergence of remarkable professional prospects. Even the beginning of a new novel is mentioned.

Witch on a broomstick

Remember Bulgakov's Hella and Margarita? How did they famously dissect on broomsticks in the night sky? So, let witch brooms remain in novels. Because having a dream about you, they can bring about a meeting with an unpleasant person who will bring a lot of minor troubles into your life.

The witch is mysterious femme fatale or a girl who casually wins men's hearts with just a glance. Why is the witch dreaming? Such a plot can make you nervous, because you never know what the witch has in her head, whether she will damage you or conjure good luck for you. But as the dream book says, a witch in a dream does not mean at all that a certain witch is interested in your life in reality. This is a collective image that should be interpreted from the point of view of symbolism and psychology.

If you dreamed of a witch, this could mean a meeting with a creative and original-minded woman in reality.

Want to figure out what the witch dreamed about? Most interpreters agree that witches or sorceresses who appear in a dream can portend meetings with interesting and unusual people who are not like anyone you know. For a more accurate and detailed interpretation, it is worth remembering your dream in detail: how did the witch look, whether she was old or young, well-groomed or neglected, what she was wearing, what she did, what and to whom she said, what surrounded her, how did you interact with her in some way or were an observer and similar trifles. What is the dream of an evil witch, and why, on the contrary, is a good one?

When a witch dreams, the dream book warns that the interpretation should take into account not only the fact that this is a character who has magic and some witchcraft abilities, but also that this is a woman. This leaves its mark on the decoding of the symbolism of the image.

Many dream books say that a dream about a witch or a sorceress warns that one must be on the alert with someone close to the female - wariness and distrust have appeared in the relationship. Also, such a dream is a sign that in the near future it will come in handy to be as reasonable as possible, because for men it portends a loss, and for women, the appearance, perhaps, of a reason for jealousy.

Who saw the dream: a woman, a man or a child

If a man happened to meet a sorceress in his dream, then he will meet the woman of his dreams ahead of him. It may even be his future wife, who will become not only a wonderful patroness of the hearth, a good housewife and a wonderful mother, but also the wisest enchantress and reliable support. Soon after this dream, a real woman will burst into your life with a fiery whirlwind.

Why does a witch dream in a woman's dream? In this case, the dream will be of a warning nature. Perhaps it is time to leave the period of fun entertainment and noisy companies behind, as well as the environment of people from this area. Few of them will actually be reliable, and you can be deeply disappointed in people.

A witch that a child dreams of is often the embodiment of his fears. This is especially true if he was scared scary stories about evil witches who take little children and eat them.
In another case, this means that the child is tormented by a difficult question that he does not dare to ask any of the adults. You should definitely talk to one of the parents with the baby and try to gently bring him to a frank conversation in order to understand the reason for bad dreams.

See in a dream the process of witchcraft

The interpretation of a dream in which a witch brews a potion depends on your personal feelings and emotions. If cooking did not cause you any trouble, and at the same time you liked the smell, the color of the potion, and the cooking process itself was pleasant and calm, then in this case good events and replenishment of internal forces await you. If you also drank the potion and liked it - to longevity and good years life.

But if a witch in a dream bewitches you or spends some magical actions, then this is a sign that you trusted the wrong person, who is also extremely influential. Your failure will make you doubt your own abilities and the rightness of your choice. The person you trust will be completely unreliable.

A witch on a broomstick may portend marriage to you or someone close to you.

What is the dream of a witch on a broom? On this issue, many dream books are in solidarity - a dream in which a witch saddled a broom is associated with marriage and marriage. Perhaps you will receive a marriage proposal, or you will suddenly have to marry your daughter.

And such a dream suggests that you do not want to take control of the situation on yourself, and you are ready to trust anyone. Such irresponsibility can cause trouble in your life.

If in a dream you yourself fly on a broom - this is good sign. There are no contradictions, struggles or problems within you. In difficult times life path such a dream brings with it the end of a difficult period.

But if a man flies away with a witch in a dream, in reality he is successfully manipulated. It is also worth listening to what the sorceress told you - it is possible that in real life something of her words will come true.

Was the sorceress evil or good?

To see a witch in a dream who is trying to harm you is an unkind sign. It promises upcoming unexpected troubles that can completely unsettle. If you saw an evil sorceress who attacked you, cursed with threats and anger, then in reality you will face complications in your family and personal life. There is another interpretation of what the evil witch dreams about, she warns of future work problems that will be difficult to deal with. You need to be as careful as possible, remain calm and wise in difficult situations.

If you have heard loud curses addressed to you and threats from the sorceress, you need to gather your courage and all your strength in order to remain resistant to the upcoming obstacles and cope with problems and hardships. You need to look at the immediate environment, there is a possibility of finding an angry and envious woman nearby who is trying with all her might to harm you. It is possible that her envy has no limits and she is ready to take decisive steps to bring you trouble and problems.

To hear witch's curses - perhaps in reality one of the strong and evil women is trying to bring damage to you. Such a dream is a manifestation of strong intuition. And since you've been warned, you can protect yourself by putting up an energy barrier.

An evil witch in a dream can portend troubles and troubles in reality.

Why dream of killing a witch in a dream? As a rule, such a dream portends you small, but frequent problems with health, they will create difficulties in business, and unusual people will appear in your environment. But do not despair, now is the time to start a project that has been planned for a long time, in the process of its implementation you will overcome all difficulties. Perhaps they are trying to impose on you some business in which you have absolutely no interest. It can lead to both success and failure, so you should not be led by others. At the moment, everything is in your hands, and choose only those life goals that are of interest to you personally.

A dream has a completely opposite interpretation, where you saw a kind sorceress with a pleasant and sweet face - in the near future you will find an interesting meeting with a wise woman who can seriously affect your destiny. No matter how strange it may be, if a kind sorceress helps you, such a dream is not always good.

Be careful: in reality you become more and more indifferent and risk completely losing interest. It will be very difficult to return it, you need to turn to things that give inspiration, happiness and desire for life. You risk sinking into a deep depression, so take action! Be in constant search of what will please you for real!

A whole coven of merry and dancing witches suggests that soon you will be pulled deep into an interesting, unusual and even adventurous adventure that will bring something interesting into your life and remain in your memory for a long time.

If in a dream you yourself became a witch, for a girl this means a quick meeting with her future husband and a passionate romance. In another case, for young ladies, such a dream promises the fulfillment of the most cherished desire, whether with regards to a career or personal life.

Pay attention to the appearance of the witch

If the witch seen in a dream was beautiful, this image promises you an exciting adventure.

If on your way you meet a young, bright, neat and beautiful girl- this is for interesting acquaintances, exciting trips, active communication with people, perhaps for an exciting romantic adventure.

And luckily! The case, which was in doubt, will suddenly move forward and become successful, and if there were two girls, then there will be a choice of two promising directions.

Your soul is strong and the forces are great, but you cannot cope and are not fully able to control them. A dream is a sign that you should think hard, perhaps you are too deeply absorbed in your own affairs, while you simply do not care about the people around you.

But an unpleasant and evil old woman in torn and greasy rags dreams of fraud and lies, deceit by loved ones. A dirty witch or dressed in torn clothes - someone will need your help in unpleasant circumstances. Your subconscious mind signals that it is worth feeding yourself and those around you more with good, not accumulating evil and resentment, and being able to forgive. After all, otherwise the negativity accumulated over the years can splash out in a terrible stream on people close to you and the consequences of this will turn badly against you.

If you met a little girl, a witch or a sorceress in a dream, be prepared to be surprised soon, eccentric personalities will appear in your life, communication with which will turn out to be an unusual but useful experience for you.

A dream can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the color of the sorceress's hair.

  • Brunette - you have hidden forces that need to be unleashed in the near future. Now you are stronger than ever, at the peak of your inner potential. Apply and use them wisely and for the benefit of yourself and others.
  • The red-haired enchantress - a sorceress with fiery hair dreams of on the eve of a noisy feast and large companies. In the near future, you will attend a large banquet, wedding or birthday. You will spend the time amazingly well, moderately sincerely and noisily, having fun in the company of friends and acquaintances.
  • Blonde - fair-haired sorceress with blue eyes is on the eve of a calm period in life, where you will need to use all your wisdom for its intended purpose and with benefit. You have to go through a bright streak with good news, you just need to stock up on strength so that you always have the patience and wisdom to act correctly.

The color of her clothes also speaks of her relationship with her beloved: bright red - a symbol of vitality - to a new romance with an unusual person. But such feelings will quickly get bored, and you will part as friends. A black skirt or dress with red details means that in the next relationship you will be guided by the external tinsel much more than the inner world of the chosen one.

Interpretation of dreams in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

Seeing a witch in a dream is a very unusual plot that can be interpreted both from a good and not very side. I dreamed of a witch - what is it for? This question can be answered depending on the emotions and feelings that you experienced during sleep. In the case of a sense of danger and a sense of fear, the witch cannot bode well. And the dream about witchcraft is calm, with notes of humor and somewhat funny, carries a positive message, they will come soon Good times. Remember your emotions and details of sleep, you can easily interpret what you see with the help of well-known dream books

Miller's dream book - your life is too ordinary

According to the interpretation of Gustav Miller, a witch in a dream portends an important offer that you will receive at the moment when you are completely confused in your affairs. This suggestion will clear things up. Also, the sorceress and magic in general usually dream when you are tired of the daily routine and wish for new adventures and events, travel or noisy feasts, which, unfortunately, can only bring resentment and disappointment as a result. If you are attacked by one or more witches, you will experience failures in work and household affairs.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation - You Should Be Careful

This dream book interprets the image of a witch as a lack of endurance in your character, and this is what harms you. In this case, the famous soothsayer urged to be more careful in their actions and desires. Soon significant changes will come into your life that will radically change your plans and the existing course of things.

Freud's dream book - check your partner

According to the interpretation of Sigmund Freud, for a woman to see a sorceress in a dream - to the discovery of her huge spiritual potential, which is dormant inside her. But for a man, this is just a sign of his fear and bad relations with the fair sex.

Perhaps you want to connect life with a person who is completely unsuitable for this. You have many hopes associated with her, and for her, your relationship is nothing more than ordinary entertainment. Be careful, do you need such a relationship?

French dream book - be patient

Why dream of a witch or sorceress? This is a harbinger of events during which you will need all your endurance and virtue.

Modern dream book - they are trying to deceive you

Someone close to you will try to deceive you. Also, a witch or sorceress means cardinal changes in life, which will be useless to resist. An attack by an evil sorceress portends a deterioration in work affairs. If you just saw a witch, you are striving for strange adventures, which as a result will bring nothing but disappointment.

Seeing witches in a dream means that you and others will strive for adventure, noisy fun, but all this can suddenly lead to your humiliation, disappointment and resentment. Business and other affairs may suffer if you see witches stepping on you. Household chores will also bring disappointment.

Witch according to the Family Dream Book

Seeing witches in a dream means that you better not strive for extraordinary adventures: they can lead you to disappointment and resentment.

If you saw that the witches are attacking you, your business affairs may suffer. Household chores will also bring disappointment.

Witch according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Seeing a witch or sorceress in a dream is a sign that dangerous passions and desires are eating you up. Be careful! Such a dream is trying to save you from trouble. Try not to succumb to dubious temptations - this can be disastrous for you.

Witch according to the latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Witch - it is possible for a patient to be healed, provided that the methods of non-traditional methods of treatment are used. In all other cases, seeing a witch is an inexplicable event. To be a witch is very surprising.

Witch according to the Spring dream book

Seeing an old witch is a disease; young - to surprise.

Witch according to the Summer dream book

Seeing an old witch in a dream is an unrealistic situation that will happen to you.

Witch according to the Autumn dream book

Seeing an old witch in a dream - it's time for you to take care of your skin.

Witch according to the dream book from A to Z

A dream in which witches appear to you means that you can get into a company having fun in nature, however, the consequences of this fun will end for you only in a headache and an empty wallet.

To be a witch in a dream is to be in a critical situation, when there is not enough time for anything and everything literally falls out of hand, and there is nowhere to wait for help from anyone.

Witch according to Fedorovskaya's dream book

To see a witch in a dream means that you will make a fatal mistake.

You dreamed that you became a witcher, a witch - you risk making the wrong choice that will change your life for the worse.

If you dreamed that you had a fight, killed a witch - your affairs can go much better than before.

Witch according to the Esoteric dream book

The witch is a dangerous adventure, which is why it is interesting.

If in a dream you experience fear at the sight of a witch, the adventure will leave an indelible mark, and possibly scars and abrasions.

Witch according to the dream book of a modern woman

Witch in a dream - warns you that your thirst for adventure and wild fun in a circle of friends can suddenly lead you to humiliation, disappointment and resentment.

If in a dream you were attacked by a witch, you will be disappointed in commercial or domestic affairs.

Witch according to Azar's dream book

Witch - danger, disease.

Witch according to Evgeny Tsvetkov's dream book

The witch is an insidious woman; ugly - scandal; touches the sleeping man - an evil slander.

Witch - danger, depression, illness.

Dreaming witches - predict participation in noisy joyful adventures, but over time, such entertainment will bring you humiliation and disappointment.

If witches approach you, your affairs will decline, and household chores may disappoint you.

Witch according to the Eastern dream book

If you see a witch - get ready to get involved in an adventure. And even if at first the idea seems tempting, then you will have to regret it.

If witches approach you, it means that your affairs will decline, and household chores will begin to tire.

Witch according to the Noble dream book of N. Grishina

To see a young witch in a dream - the forces of your soul are slipping out of control / you are completely absorbed in yourself and do not see anything around / some kind of surprise.

To meet a witch, a sorceress in the forest - go ahead, there is no turning back.

To meet at a crossroads is to face an important decision.

Seeing an old witch is sadness / those forces of your soul that are ready for evil.

She cooks a brew - you accumulate evil in yourself, it can end badly.

She collects herbs - you are too indifferent to both evil and good.

Witch according to the dream book of the healer Akulina

New acquaintances will draw you into an unsafe adventure, which, at best, will end in financial losses. Imagine that water is poured on a witch, preferably holy water. The witch, as in a fairy tale, melts.

Witch according to the Modern Dream Book

Witch - Danger, depression, illness

Witch according to the dream book of A. Mindelle

It is as if you are seeing a witch in a dream - you will become a participant in an incident that will not expose you from the best side; perhaps your behavior will even be considered immoral and they will discuss you in society for more than one day; avoid noisy gatherings, in which fun is in full swing, and abundant libations are too uninhibited; you won’t even notice how you find yourself in the center of the coven, and even the main character The witch is trying to bewitch you - in fact, there is a person nearby who, loving you, is very jealous; not knowing how to control himself, being jealous, this person can do you harm, which he will later regret terribly. A witch or several witches surround you and threaten you - you may have big problems at home and at work; but you are strong because in any circumstances you know how to organize yourself and go from defense to offensive; it will take some time, and you will cope with all the difficulties.

Witch according to the dream book of the sorceress Medea

To see a witch in a dream - The symbol of the foremother, characterizes the forces of nature awakening in us. A scandal awaits you because of your frankness.

Witch according to Russian dream book

Witch - harm, damage, "damage", a symbol of female sexual aggression.

Witch according to the Women's dream book

To dream about a Witch - A Witch in a dream warns you that your thirst for adventure and wild fun in a circle of friends can suddenly lead you to humiliation, disappointment and resentment. If in a dream you were attacked by a witch, you will be disappointed in commercial or domestic affairs.

Witch according to the Magic dream book

Witch - disappointment in business and family life. To see a coven of witches - you, along with some people, will seek adventure, as a result, your search will turn into failure and humiliation. An old witch - to a meeting with an insidious woman. Ugly - to the scandal. Communication with a beautiful witch is a penchant for fantasizing.

Witch according to the dream book of a housewife

Witch - inner wisdom; fear; the desire to prove their superiority; inspire someone with romantic affection for you; negative feelings towards other people.

Witch according to the Male dream book

If you dreamed of a witch, you are probably in for bad news. Someone is trying to complicate your life with their intervention, which will affect your fate in a far from pleasant way. A witch performing a magical rite over you portends a lack of confidence in your abilities and an attempt to enlist the help of an influential but unreliable person. A witch who has the appearance of your wife, beloved girl, is a dream that portends a temporary cooling of relations with the other half. If a witch in a dream looks like your mother-in-law, your relatives will probably try to prevent your plans from becoming a reality. But you should not listen to advice in this case - the implementation of plans promises profit.

Witch according to Meneghetti's Italian dream book

Symbolizes the "old woman" in a woman, indicating the negative female psychology, which can also appear in the form of a red-haired woman (see Old woman).

Witch according to the Old Russian dream book

insidious woman; ugly - scandal.

Dream book witch for the whole family

If you dreamed of a witch, you are probably in for bad news. Someone is trying to complicate your life with their intervention, which will affect your fate in a far from pleasant way.

A witch performing a magical rite over you portends a lack of confidence in your abilities and an attempt to resort to the help of an influential but unreliable person.

A witch who has the appearance of your wife, beloved girl is a dream that portends a temporary cooling of relations with the second half.

If a witch in a dream looks like your mother-in-law, your relatives will probably try to prevent your plans from becoming a reality. But you should not listen to advice in this case, the implementation of plans promises profit.

Witch online dream book

A witch is dreaming - you will soon be drawn into some kind of adventure. Although at first it will seem interesting to you, then you will regret it very much.

To see how witches surround you - a dream promises trouble in business.

If an old witch dreamed - according to the dream book, such a dream tells you about your evil spiritual forces and portends grief.

A dream in which a witch is conjuring over you predicts to the dreamer indecision in himself. You will try to use the services of someone very high-ranking person, but he will set you up.

Killing a witch in a dream - soon your life will become much better than it was before.

If you are afraid of witches, the upcoming trip will be remembered for a long time, most likely due to scars and wounds.

American Dream Witch

Witch - a vision of something terrible and ugly.

Witch according to the dream book of lovers

If you see a witch in a dream, this means that you will be looking for fun, entertainment and meeting new people. However, later you will be disappointed, as entertainment will not bring you pleasure, and new friends and fans will turn out to be low and dishonorable people.

Witch according to the Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

A witch is a primitive, undeveloped intuition that separates a woman from an integral spiritual sphere. Witch as a figure in dreams - can refer to the negative aspects of femininity, especially the Terrible Mother. Her magical intuitive power is perceived by others as something destructive.

Witch according to the Fairy-tale and mythological dream book

Witch (the owner of magical secrets and knowledge received from the devil, is able to become a "werewolf", can fly, pass through walls) - some kind of evil woman surrounded, a conspiracy against the dreamer; bad influences, bad business; accident.

Witch according to Tarot dream book

Witches - sectarianism, danger.

Witch with a spoon - herbal medicine is appropriate.

Witch with a dead man - widowhood, danger, death.

Witch according to the dream book for the bitch

Witch - your expectation of fun adventures and a good rest will not justify itself, you will be disappointed and upset.

Being a witch is a problem in family life and business activities.

Witch according to the Slavic dream book

Witch - if she is old and scary, then this is a symbol of unsatisfied desires for women. Julia men are a failure. A young witch dreams of bringing damage to reality and great, real danger. It is also a symbol of passion. Black Moon.

Witch according to Loff's Dream Interpretation

Meeting with a person with magical powers or acquiring such powers in dreams occurs very often. In the case of a plot about the occult sciences, in a dream you see unique personal items that allow you to use your willpower against others or vice versa. Who is the occult person: you or someone else? What matters is how these forces are used.

If you use them against others, you may feel like your opponents have an unfair advantage and want to level the playing field.

Another option for explaining this dream is your desire to show the extent of your power.

The third reason for the appearance of such a dream is that you do not release anger directed at others to the surface.

Another possibility is that you probably want to inspire someone with romantic affection for you. You can project your power onto a stranger, who most likely represents someone you know or a part of yourself.

If someone uses their power against you, you probably think that he is using his influence in your life or plotting against you.

If you or someone else is trying to use magical powers - does the spell succeed or is something preventing it?

Witch according to Denise Lynn's short dream book

Your today's vision of something terrible and ugly.

The word "witch" (witch) comes from wica, which means "wise woman" (In Russian, the word "witch" comes from "know", that is, "to know, to have wisdom"). This sign may indicate the feminine energy of wisdom hidden within you.

Witch according to Denise Lynn's detailed dream book

For some people, a witch is a symbol of evil. The writers of fairy tales for children tried to give this coloring to this image, without bothering to get acquainted with the history of the cruel persecution of witches by the medieval Christian church. These witches were mostly harmless herbalists, midwives and healers. Their oppression arose from the prevailing tendency in Christianity to separate God from nature and to worship a heavenly deity who did not set foot on earth.

Witch according to the dream book Veles

Witch - destruction, fear, unexpected troubles, quarrel, beware of women, danger, sadness, illness.

Witch according to Danilova's Erotic Dream Book

If you dreamed of a witch - beware of rash acts, casual acquaintances and close ties, they can cause you many serious problems. Wait for some time, and for now avoid initiative actions, most likely, they will not bring you the desired results.

It is believed that the appearance of a female witch in a dream does not bode well for a person. Such a dream means that someone has become the object of black witchcraft and must be careful.

On the other hand, a dreaming witch symbolizes the animal nature in a person and means his desire to break with the rules and norms imposed by society.

Witch according to the Ukrainian dream book

Seeing a witch in a dream is an unexpected nuisance.

Witch according to the Children's dream book

Fortune teller (witch, sorceress) - something is being started against you, and perhaps out of envy.

Dream Witch 2012

The word "witch" comes from the word "know", which means to know. Before the start of church persecution of women, wise women were called witches. In English, the same analogy.

Witch - to make a decision, you need a wise understanding of the whole picture, and not its fragments. The need to use female wisdom and / or activate the feminine. The need to use folk remedies to treat the disease.

Witch on the ABC of dream interpretation

The witch is a symbol of the foremother, characterizes the forces of nature awakening in us. A scandal awaits you because of your frankness.