Why dream of wearing a black dress. See yourself in a black dress. The image of a femme fatale

I dreamed of a black evening dress - in the near future you will have to decide on important things, set priorities, and make new plans. All this must be done in order to achieve success in your professional activities and get a new position.

Dreaming of a girl in a black dress

The interpretation of the dream, where there was a girl in a black dress, suggests that appearance does not always correspond to the inner world. You can make a mistake in choosing a partner, guided only by external parameters.

Try to show attention, do not blindly believe the words and beauty of representatives of the opposite sex. This will protect you from stupid mistakes and empty personalities.

Dreaming of a black lace dress

If you dreamed of a black lace dress, you will be able to successfully cope with complex tasks in your professional activities and overcome serious obstacles on the way to your goals. A problem that prevents you from living peacefully for a long period of time will disappear from your life.

Naturally, nothing will happen by itself. You will have to show diligence to achieve positive results. Remember that the cost of mistakes can be too high.

I dreamed about my mother in a black dress

Do you dream about your mother in a black dress? The dream is a harbinger of doubt. They will appear soon. You will seriously doubt the correctness of your decisions, thinking that your mother would not want to see such behavior from you.

Wearing a black dress in a dream

Did you wear a black dress in your dream? The Oracle's Dream Interpretation gives this symbol a negative meaning. You have to experience negative emotions and feelings in reality. They will be associated with failures in personal relationships caused by one’s own carelessness.

Often in dreams a person sees signs that can lift the curtain of the future or help him understand the present. Thanks to this, you can avoid future troubles and cope with life's difficulties. If you want to know why you dream of a black dress, then you need to turn to dream books.

A black dress is a thing that should be in every woman's wardrobe. However, very often it is associated with something negative, with tragedies and mourning. Old dream books agree with such interpretations and classify dreams about a black dress as negative, not promising positive things in the dreamer’s life.

New dream books do not agree with such interpretations and interpret this vision as a very positive sign. In their opinion, seeing a black dress in a dream means that fate will soon present unexpected gifts that can dramatically change a person’s life. Modern dream books also claim that the one who saw this piece of clothing in a dream must show his determination and all his talents in order to build a foundation for a future successful life.

Psychologists interpret black color not as a mourning color, but, on the contrary, as the color of security, calmness, silence, infinity and vitality. This is probably why they began to wear it during mourning - to feel comfort and strength.

If a girl happened to see herself in a dream in a black cocktail-style dress, then she will soon have a pleasant romantic evening in the company of an influential admirer. The dream suggests that this may be a chance to arrange your personal life.

If you dreamed that all the hangers in the closet were occupied by black things, then the dream indicates being in a state of depression and emotional imbalance. If the dreamer constantly changes black clothes to bright clothes, then in reality he suffers from sudden mood swings. If you have had such a dream for a long time, then it is better to seek help from a specialist.

If the dreamer is a businesswoman, and in a dream she tried on a black dress before an important work meeting, then in reality she will be able to conquer business partners with her resourcefulness and acumen, as well as her personal qualities as a leader.

An evening dress worn by a woman to a social event shows that she will soon have sensual adventures that will help her reveal her sexuality and elegance. It is important that such a dream is not related to the business sphere, otherwise it speaks of success in work.

A man who sees his mother in a black dress in a dream is advised by the dream book to prepare for not the most favorable events. Illness, grief and difficult experiences are possible.

An old, torn dress also carries a negative meaning. The worse it looks, the more difficult the events in the dreamer’s life will be. On the contrary, solemnity, brightness of the image and atmosphere promise a lot of interesting and eventful things in life.

Parents who see their daughter or son in black clothes will soon face difficulties in raising them. Dream books say that a child who dreams in the dark will not want to live by the rules that society and upbringing impose on him.

Sigmund Freud

According to the dream book of the famous psychologist Sigmund Freud, a black dress is associated with a woman’s appearance: her figure, grace and beauty. Therefore, she tries on a dark dress in front of the mirror and admires herself, interpreting the dream book as a sign that everything in her life will turn out exactly the way she wants. She will be completely satisfied with her personal life and relationships.

If in a dream a woman puts on a black dress and boots, in reality she will be on a trip with a loved one. During the trip, she will be able to get to know him from a new side.

Seeing yourself in a shabby old dark dress in a dream means dissatisfaction with your appearance. The dreamer is not confident in her attractiveness; she acutely feels aging and fatigue. The dream book advises learning to love yourself as you are and accepting all age-related changes with dignity, because a woman can be attractive at any age.

For a woman to wear or try on a black cocktail dress in a dream means a desire to possess something more, hidden dissatisfaction with the situation. In life, she can attract the gaze of potential partners, as if endowed with hidden charms. For unmarried woman seeking to find ideal love, a favorable period comes when she can fulfill even her wildest desires.

Miller's interpretation

According to Miller, dark wardrobe colors in a dream carry only negative emotions. They are opposed to white and bring negative relationships, quarrels and problems. It is likely that a period is coming in which the dreamer will reveal everything negative traits of your character. It will be difficult to avoid clarification of relationships and disagreements with both relatives and colleagues.

Seeing a deceased relative in black means the loss of something intangible. If a relative said something and the dreamer remembered it, then such a dream may turn out to be prophetic.

A black robe on a mother or aunt is a negative sign. It means a period of deep melancholy and depression, from which emotional conversations with loved ones will help. During this period, it is important to find outside support and people who will make you smile even on difficult days.

Seeing yourself in a black dress at someone else's wedding means you will soon have to worry about troubles in the lives of your friends. Dancing at the same time indicates that the dreamer herself needs to be more careful, especially in relationships.

Seer Vanga

According to the dream book of the seer Vanga, black color means humility, repentance and patience. If the dreamer puts on a robe of this color, then in life he will change his lifestyle from a very free and free one to one filled with goals and perseverance. This is a favorable period for creativity and creating new facets of your existence. Even minor efforts directed in the right direction will bring great results.

If such clothes were worn by one of the older relatives or on parents, then the dream can warn of health problems, as well as that one should not abuse luck. It is better not to take risks for dubious purposes and thrills.

Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Tsvetkova's dream book interprets a dress of a dark shade as a sign of losses and very likely adversity. It’s better not to start anything new and moderate your ardor. Overconfidence will get you nowhere.

It is recommended to devote this time to family and friends, to live for others. This will bring very unexpected results that will help improve the quality of life after emerging from an unfavorable period. When it ends, it will be clear from the changed attitude and lightness.

If the bride sees herself in black wedding dress and a veil or veil in church, then the dream recommends not getting married right now. It’s better to take a little more time to think and make sure that the choice is right. A black evening dress with red shoes promises passion and new impressions.

Modern dream book

U modern dream book There are very clear interpretations that depend on the details of the dream. It is advisable to remember them before turning to interpretations - it will be more objective.

  • Seeing a beautiful black dress is a sign of great honor.
  • Short - to receive a good gift.
  • Long to the floor - promises surprise.
  • Funeral - promises to meet a new friend.
  • A deep neckline on a dress speaks of imminent changes in routine life.
  • Buying silk means dependence on an evil person, into which the dreamer will fall due to his stupidity and recklessness.

Simon Canonite

This dream book also gives a residually specific description, which depends on the details of what was seen. Some interpretations are similar to other dream books:

  • - to sad or even mourning events.
  • Luxurious Nice dress dreams of life changing for the better. The dreamer will be surrounded by wealth and chic.
  • Buying a dress means reconciliation with a friend.
  • To sew - soon all the dreamer’s efforts will be noticed and rewarded; to rip - to possible waste; it is better to be thrifty.
  • Torn - to gossip and petty quarrels throughout the environment.
  • If there are a lot of dresses, then you will soon have to endure insult.

Other options

According to Hasse's dream book, a dress stained with stains means that an event will soon happen that will affect the dreamer's honor. If in a dream they try to wash a dress with a piece of laundry soap, then the outcome of the situation in reality will depend on the success in the dream: the better the stains are washed, the less significant the losses will be. A short one promises an undesirable turn in business, while one trimmed with gold promises happiness and a powerful patron.

In Felomena’s dream book, seeing a beautiful dress that is not intended for a specific event is interpreted as receiving unpleasant news. They may not be too bad, but they will leave a bad aftertaste. A mourning dress with a train promises a quick acquaintance with a person who will become a good friend to the dreamer.

The Islamic dream book says that if the dress in a dream is white and clean, then the dreamer’s chosen one is smart and good husband. The darker it is, the stupider the future (or current) husband. A dream before the wedding recommends that you reconsider your decision. If the dress is blown away by the wind or the hem rides up, then someone is slandering the chosen one, wanting to destroy the relationship. Holding it with your hand means the dreamer will cope with the circumstances.

By Universal dream book, wearing a black dress and adding bright accessories to it, for example, a colored scarf, means an easy way out of difficult situations. The red lipstick present in the dream shows that after this the dreamer will become even more confident in her abilities.

A black hat on the head in addition to a dress of the same color promises serious trials, says the Oracle’s dream book. If there were shoes white, then everything will end well with the help of loved ones. If you dreamed of a woman in black and without a face, then you need to listen to the sensations: unpleasant ones promise serious danger, and positive ones do not carry any special signs. This lady's white hair indicates that troubles will soon be replaced by a white stripe. Especially if the hair is long (the longer, the sooner the danger will pass).

A polka dot dress in a dream can mean a lot, it all depends on the color of the polka dots. The interpretations of colors are usually as follows:

  • Red - happy relationships, passion, danger or aggression.
  • Yellow - openness, new events, clarity of thinking.
  • Orange - the desire for positivity, joy, prosperity.
  • Green - hope, harmony, healing, new beginnings.
  • Blue - wanderings (spiritual or physical), new endless horizons.
  • Purple - mystery, magic, deep spiritual development.
  • Blue - intelligence, wisdom, compassion.
  • White - purity and purity, change.

A more accurate interpretation can only be given based on the details of the dream. Even the mood and emotions that the dreamer had are important. Negative signs that do not cause rejection or fear in a dream may simply turn out to be meaningless images with which the brain tried to fill the void.

Why do you dream of trying on a dress? The dream book interprets such a plot ambiguously. A dream vision can promise prosperity, success, love relationship, but difficulties, unnecessary troubles, and hard work are also possible. The color of the robe in a dream will help you correctly interpret its meaning.

Miller's Dream Book warns about a rival

Why does a woman dream of trying on a dress in front of a mirror? She will suddenly have a rival. But if a woman, going to buy it, goes on a diet in a dream, watches her figure - she will prevail over her rival and find the love of her chosen one.

Your business and relationships will be successful

Trying on a dress in front of a mirror in a store and subsequently buying it means the dreamer will experience success in personal affairs. Trying on an outfit in a store and then purchasing it means, according to the dream book, reconciliation after a long quarrel.

Why do you dream of seeing and trying on a lot of dresses in a store? You will be caught up in routine chores and constant bustle. When there are a lot of them in your wardrobe, prosperity, well-being, and the implementation of your plans await.

You are ruining your own life - correct yourself

Length and size also matter in a dream. So, trying on a dress that is too short or tight foretells that things will worsen in all areas. A long one, reaching to the toes, promises condemnation of acquaintances for an unseemly act.

Trying on a dress that is too large or for pregnant women means your self-esteem is too high, your ambitions are too big. The dream book emphasizes: you are trying to do things for which you are not prepared, since you lack the necessary knowledge and experience. It’s better to abandon them and take on what you can handle.

Concerns, problems

Seeing yourself trying on some old dress means, according to the dream book, hard work.

Trying on a dress for a married woman in a dream foreshadows the appearance of a rival who threatens her family happiness.

Did you dream of trying on someone else's outfit? Taking on other people's troubles and problems. You should think about whether you can cope with the additional load.

Black - temporary minor troubles that will still lead to tears. Don't take them too emotionally.

Dress colors

The interpretation of the dream pays attention to color. So, when I dreamed:

  • white - the dream book warns of a possible illness;
  • luxurious white wedding - an influential rich admirer;
  • black - you will learn sad news;
  • red - a quarrel, conflict is possible;
  • rich red - readiness to flirt, love affair;
  • purple - persistent courtship of men or jealousy of a partner;
  • yellow - you are surrounded by lies and envy;
  • green or blue - the wish will come true.

Also, trying on black in a dream promises a deterioration in well-being. White color gets dirty easily, so seeing such an outfit on yourself means vulnerability to negativity and troubles.

Good omens

Why does a girl dream about choosing a dress? The dream book promises a pleasant relationship with a young man, bringing many vivid impressions. But then disappointment awaits.

A dream about trying on a beautiful toilet promises: the dreamer will make a pleasant impression on others with her ability to behave and behave with dignity in society.

If in a dream it is beautiful, it looks great on you - internal harmony: you are satisfied with everything about yourself, you feel that you are desired.

Dream Interpretation Dress, why you dream about seeing a Dress in a dream

Dream Book of AstroMeridian Why do you dream about Dress according to the dream book:

To see trying on a dress in a dream - if you are dating someone or married, then such a dream promises you a rival who can really take your loved one away from you. But if you are going to try on a dress that fits your figure perfectly and you look stunning in me, you can beat her.

Why dream of trying on a dress - changing place of residence or work.

Why dream of trying on a dress that doesn’t suit you - it means family quarrels.

Putting on a dress - seeing your friend or relative doing this means quarrels with them.

Why does a man dream of putting on a dress? Seeing a woman getting dressed means a quarrel with relatives or friends.

Choosing a dress - for a young girl, dreams of a bright connection with a young man, which will bring her a lot of impressions. However, disappointment will follow in the end.

Why dream of choosing a dress - not having time to try it on - you are connected by a strong relationship with your loved one.

A beautiful dress - to see yourself in it - you will pleasantly surprise your loved ones with your ability to behave well in society.

French dream book Seeing a Dress in a dream, why?

Interpretation of the dream book: What does a dress mean in a dream - If you dreamed that you were putting on a dress, the dream foreshadows an interesting trip. Taking off your dress in a dream is a warning about a possible illness.

Children's dream book What does Dress mean according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about seeing a Dress in a dream - A new dress means the beginning of a new life, new acquaintances, new incidents. This dream is especially significant for girls.

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if you dream about a Dress:

  • Dress - Seeing the ordinary has no special meaning;
  • A rich dress to see on oneself promises honor and elevation in ranks to the rich, misfortune to the poor, and death to the sick;
  • a soiled or torn dress to see a sign of sadness and unhappiness;
  • Wearing a new dress portends joy, profit and success in business;
  • seeing your dresses on fire means boredom, slander, insult, loss of litigation and quarrel with friends;
  • seeing a dress of light and bright color on yourself foreshadows an elevation in dignity, an increase in fame and an increase in wealth;
  • to lose a dress means to lose honor;
  • For a man to wear a woman’s dress means deception, and for a woman to wear a man’s dress signifies temptation, as it is said in the dream book about this dream.

Dream book for the whole family Why do you dream about Dress?

Dream Interpretation: to see in a dream To see a Dress in a dream - To see a well-made dress in a dream from Thursday to Friday - to a meeting with former classmates. A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday or from Sunday to Monday, in which your dress is torn, foreshadows reproaches for misbehavior. If in a dream from Monday to Tuesday you are trying on a dress, this indicates that you have a rival, whom you will learn about from the people around you.

Dream Interpretation of Esotericism by E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: What does a dress mean?

Seeing a dress in a dream - Wearing it - success among friends, ambitions; to buy is envy, as the dream book says - the predictor.

Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why do you dream about Dress?

See in a dream
  • Wearing a good dress in a dream is a sign that you will be given some kind of honor,
  • very expensive - to envy, trouble,
  • dirty - to displeasure, shame,
  • holey - to trouble, lies,
  • embroidered - to joy.
  • A very long dress - to surprise,
  • short - a sign that you will receive a gift.
  • Dress made of matting - to chagrin,
  • from paper - to profit,
  • a wedding dress is a sign that success awaits you in business;
  • mourning - to a new friend.
  • Having a large neckline is a sign that changes in everyday life are coming.
  • Buying a silk dress for yourself in a dream means that, due to your mistake or stupidity, you may become dependent on a very dangerous and scary person.
  • See in a dream
  • Wearing a green dress in a dream - fortunately, such a dream is especially favorable for girls - is a harbinger of happiness in love, mutual understanding with a loved one, and imminent marriage.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream about a Dress:

Seeing a dress in a dream - Putting it on means success; buy - to envy; wedding – illness; rich - quarrel; embroidered - joy.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

What does a dress mean in a dream - Woman, the image of the feminine for a man; mood, state of consciousness, feelings (by color); personal plans and hopes for a woman. Wedding - disappointment, hope; marriage (for a woman).

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Dress in a dream

  • Dress - Wearing a luxurious one means you will be content;
  • to see buying a dress in a dream - you will make peace with your friends;
  • What does a black dress mean in a dream - sad news;
  • to see a heavenly color or a green dress in a dream - your wish will come true;
  • to see a yellow dress in a dream - envy, lies;
  • What does a white dress mean in a dream - soon marriage;
  • To see sewing a dress in a dream - hard work will be rewarded;
  • to see a torn dress in a dream - squabbles;
  • If you dream about a stained dress, your honor will be affected;
  • to see a red dress in a dream - you will be important;
  • What does flogging a dress mean in a dream - be thrifty;
  • to see a multi-colored dress in a dream - roads await you;
  • What does a gray dress mean in a dream - work awaits you;
  • What does a dress woven in gold mean in a dream - happiness and strong protection;
  • many dresses - insult, slander;
  • Seeing a short dress in a dream means bad things.

Esoteric dream book If you dream about a Dress:

Dress – New to profit. Crumpled for future troubles. Old, torn, dirty - foretells troubles that threaten material losses. Unusual, antique for extraordinary events, balls, presentations. To put on someone else’s clothes or take on someone else’s troubles and shift them onto your own shoulders.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing a Dress in a Dream

  • Dress – Wearing a luxurious one will make you happy
  • buying a dress in a dream means making peace with a friend
  • what does a black dress mean in a dream - sad news
  • to see a heavenly or green dress in a dream - your wish will come true
  • what does a yellow dress mean in a dream - envy, lies
  • what does a white dress mean in a dream - marriage soon
  • Why dream of sewing a dress - hard work will be rewarded
  • what does a torn dress mean in a dream - squabbles
  • to see a stained dress in a dream - your honor will be affected
  • What does a red dress mean in a dream - you will be an important person
  • What does it mean to dream about unraveling a dress - be thrifty
  • multi-colored - roads await you
  • see a gray dress in a dream - work awaits you
  • What does a dress woven with gold mean in a dream - happiness and strong protection
  • many dresses - insult, slander
  • seeing a short dress in a dream means bad things

Trying on a black dress

Dream Interpretation Try on a black dress dreamed of why you dream about trying on a black dress? To select a dream interpretation, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on initial letter characterizing the dream image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Trying on a black dress in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Black dress

Dream Interpretation - Black dress

Mourning. Sadness.

Mourning, sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Dream Interpretation - Dress

An embroidered dress is a sign of joy.

A dress made of matting is a shame.

A dress made of paper means profit.

A blue dress means mental suffering.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Dream Interpretation - Pay

The dream is the opposite.

Dream Interpretation - Payment, pay

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Great happiness.

In a dream I tried on dresses.


Lolita Nabokovskaya

joy, profit and all good things are waiting for you soon...
elevation in dignity, wealth and even some glory...

Elena Levina

buy - envy; buy - make peace with your friends; black - sad news;


If a young woman sees an elegant, well-tailored blouse (or dress) in a dream, it means that she will be admired by everyone for her art and pleasant manners.

If she sees that her dress is torn, this foreshadows condemnation for unlawful deeds.

If a woman tries on a blouse (dress), she will unexpectedly meet a rival in love, but if she dreams that she is watching her figure in order to buy the dress she likes, she will successfully defeat her rival and achieve the love of her chosen one.

Mouse Aska

trying on, changing clothes is about change social roles. some role was not suitable. It’s better to ask around... subtleties are important and how does this relate to your real life?
I have a feeling that not everything is easy in your life

Dresses to try on

Dream Interpretation Dresses to try on dreamed of why you dream about trying on dresses? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see trying on Dresses in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Seeing or wearing a white dress in a dream foretells heartfelt joy and an imminent marriage. Green dress - to the fulfillment of hopes; blue or blue - you have to hit the road; dress yellow color- a sign of lies, envy and gossip; red - for an important visit; gray - do some general cleaning or repairs; golden - get help from sponsors; multi-colored and motley - for many entertainments; pale - you will rest your soul in peace and quiet; a black dress portends sad news that will lead you into great upset.

A dream in which a dress that is too short or tight, or the wrong size, foreshadows a deterioration in affairs in all areas. A long dress reaching to the toes means condemnation of others for an unseemly act.

To sew a dress for yourself - your hard work will be rewarded, and if it is sewn for you in an atelier, you will face meetings that will not bring joy, and luck that will turn into disappointment. Buying a ready-made dress means reconciliation after a long disagreement.

If in a dream you try on a dress, this portends obtaining a profitable place or occupation that promises a side income that will exceed the main one. A beautifully tailored dress means that in reality you will become bored with the lifestyle you lead and will want a change.

A beautiful luxurious dress, and also a very expensive one, which you see on yourself in a dream, is a sign of joyful events in the family circle. Seeing an ugly or wretched dress on someone predicts troubles threatening from a rival.

An unkempt, wrinkled or dirty dress means that real life you are about to meet a person for whom you have an insurmountable hostility. A torn dress means squabbles and disagreements at work; a patched one means a lot of trouble, difficulties and the possibility of losing property.

A dress with frills suggests that you will soon experience a completely extraordinary romantic adventure. A dress with a belt - deprived of freedom and material independence, with lace, ruffles and other frills - a sign that in reality you should be guided by common sense rather than emotions and whims.

A velvet dress in a dream means many fans in real life. A dress covered in sequins portends an acquaintance with a smug and arrogant suitor for your hand, who, naturally, will be immediately rejected. Wash or iron a dress - for an upcoming date.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Wearing a good dress in a dream is a sign that you will be given some kind of honor.

An expensive dress means envy and trouble.

A dirty dress means displeasure and shame.

A dress with holes means trouble, lies.

An embroidered dress is a sign of joy.

A long dress is a surprise.

A short dress is a sign that you will receive a gift.

A dress made of matting is a shame.

A dress made of paper means profit.

A wedding dress is a sign that success awaits you in business.

Funeral dress - to a new friend.

Having a large neckline on a dress is a sign that changes in everyday life are coming.

If you buy a silk dress in a dream, because of your mistake or stupidity, you can become dependent on a very dangerous and scary person.

A blue dress means mental suffering.

Wearing a green dress - fortunately, such a dream is especially favorable for girls - a harbinger of happiness in love, mutual understanding with a loved one, and imminent marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Seeing the ordinary has no special meaning.

To see a rich dress on oneself promises honor and elevation in ranks to the rich, misfortune to the poor, and death to the sick.

A soiled or torn dress is seen as a sign of sadness and unhappiness.

Wearing a new dress portends joy, profit and success in business.

Seeing your dresses on fire means boredom, slander, insult, loss of litigation and quarrel with friends.

Seeing a dress of light and bright color on yourself foreshadows an elevation in dignity, an increase in fame and an increase in wealth.

To lose a dress means to lose honor.

For a man to wear a woman's dress means deception, and for a woman to wear a man's dress signifies temptation.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

For a young woman - to see an elegant, well-tailored blouse (or dress) - you will arouse everyone's admiration for your art and pleasant manners; to see that your dress is torn is a condemnation for unlawful deeds; for women - try on a blouse (dress) - you will unexpectedly meet a rival in love; watch your figure to buy the dress you like - you will successfully defeat your rival and achieve the love of your chosen one. Also see Clothes, Wedding Dress.

Dream Interpretation - Pay

The dream is the opposite.

Paying someone in a dream is a harbinger of evil that will be done to you by the person you paid in the dream. Subsequently, you will be haunted by the obsession of taking revenge on him for what he did. If in a dream you refused to pay someone, then you will move from words about revenge to action. But such a dream also predicts that your revenge plan will not work. Paying bills in a dream means that you will have to fulfill your obligations or pay for your mistakes. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will be tormented by remorse. See interpretation: money.

Paying for a purchase in a dream is a sign that you will get involved in an unpleasant business from which it will not be easy for you to extricate yourself. See interpretation: buy and sell.

If you dream that someone is paying you money, then beware of a trick, deception or revenge.

Dream Interpretation - Payment, pay

If you dream that you are receiving payment for something, the dream foretells losses. The larger the amount, the greater the losses will be. On the contrary, if you pay bills in a dream, a small profit awaits you.

If you were paid in a dream, imagine that you spent all the money on paying bills.

Paying for something in a store means your wishes will come true. It’s a bad sign if you don’t have enough money to buy something you like, it means that your dreams are unrealizable.

In this case, imagine that you are either given a discount, or you find a large bill in your wallet.

If you dream that you are receiving a salary at the cash register, a major financial disappointment awaits you: instead of the expected income, you will have only losses.

If you had such a dream, imagine that you did not receive a penny: your entire salary went to pay insurance, fines, etc. Not only that, you also had to pay extra from your own pocket...

If you pay salaries to your subordinates, the dream means expensive gifts from good friends or a profitable business that you will undertake in collaboration with friends.

Imagine that you pay each of your subordinates good salary and you also give a bonus.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Ironing a dress portends a move.

Great happiness.

A soiled, dirty shirt or dress - portends humiliation, shame.

Wearing an expensive and beautiful dress means prosperity for children and grandchildren.

If a dress gets dirty with oil or grease, there will be mercy and protection from above.

Ironing a dress portends moving, great happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Dream Interpretation - Dress, blouse

If a young woman dreams of an elegant, well-tailored blouse (or dress), everyone will admire her manners and intelligence. If her dress is torn and shabby, she will be condemned for unseemly actions. Trying on a blouse or dress in a dream means unexpected rivalry in love. But if a woman dreams that she is watching her figure in order to buy a dress she likes, she will get rid of her rival and achieve the love of her chosen one.

Dream Interpretation - Pay

Paying in a store for purchases made - such a dream foreshadows that in reality you will incur significant expenses on unforeseen items of the family budget. Paying bills - in reality you will be disappointed in your relationship with your chosen one. Avoid payment utilities etc. - in reality, you will get out of a difficult and delicate situation with cunning.

If you pay someone for a service provided or work performed, you will find yourself in a position where they will demand too much from you. Paying off your debts in a dream means that in reality you will be able to avoid many troubles. Receiving correspondence by cash on delivery in a dream foreshadows opposition in your endeavors from envious people. Paying a fine means illness and financial losses.

Dress to try on green

Dream Interpretation Dress to try on green dreamed of why you dream about trying on a green dress? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a green dress in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Seeing or wearing a white dress in a dream foretells heartfelt joy and an imminent marriage. Green dress - to the fulfillment of hopes; blue or blue - you have to hit the road; a yellow dress is a sign of lies, envy and gossip; red - for an important visit; gray - do some general cleaning or repairs; golden - get help from sponsors; multi-colored and motley - for many entertainments; pale - you will rest your soul in peace and quiet; a black dress portends sad news that will lead you into great upset.

A dream in which a dress that is too short or tight, or the wrong size, foreshadows a deterioration in affairs in all areas. A long dress reaching to the toes means condemnation of others for an unseemly act.

To sew a dress for yourself - your hard work will be rewarded, and if it is sewn for you in an atelier, you will face meetings that will not bring joy, and luck that will turn into disappointment. Buying a ready-made dress means reconciliation after a long disagreement.

If in a dream you try on a dress, this portends obtaining a profitable place or occupation that promises a side income that will exceed the main one. A beautifully tailored dress means that in reality you will become bored with the lifestyle you lead and will want a change.

A beautiful luxurious dress, and also a very expensive one, which you see on yourself in a dream, is a sign of joyful events in the family circle. Seeing an ugly or wretched dress on someone predicts troubles threatening from a rival.

An untidy, wrinkled or dirty dress means that in real life you will meet a person for whom you have an insurmountable dislike. A torn dress means squabbles and disagreements at work; a patched one means a lot of trouble, difficulties and the possibility of losing property.

A dress with frills suggests that you will soon experience a completely extraordinary romantic adventure. A dress with a belt - deprived of freedom and material independence, with lace, ruffles and other frills - a sign that in reality you should be guided by common sense rather than emotions and whims.

A velvet dress in a dream means many fans in real life. A dress covered in sequins portends an acquaintance with a smug and arrogant suitor for your hand, who, naturally, will be immediately rejected. Wash or iron a dress - for an upcoming date.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Wearing a good dress in a dream is a sign that you will be given some kind of honor.

An expensive dress means envy and trouble.

A dirty dress means displeasure and shame.

A dress with holes means trouble, lies.

An embroidered dress is a sign of joy.

A long dress is a surprise.

A short dress is a sign that you will receive a gift.

A dress made of matting is a shame.

A dress made of paper means profit.

A wedding dress is a sign that success awaits you in business.

Funeral dress - to a new friend.

Having a large neckline on a dress is a sign that changes in everyday life are coming.

If you buy a silk dress in a dream, because of your mistake or stupidity, you can become dependent on a very dangerous and scary person.

A blue dress means mental suffering.

Wearing a green dress - fortunately, such a dream is especially favorable for girls - a harbinger of happiness in love, mutual understanding with a loved one, and imminent marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Seeing the ordinary has no special meaning.

To see a rich dress on oneself promises honor and elevation in ranks to the rich, misfortune to the poor, and death to the sick.

A soiled or torn dress is seen as a sign of sadness and unhappiness.

Wearing a new dress portends joy, profit and success in business.

Seeing your dresses on fire means boredom, slander, insult, loss of litigation and quarrel with friends.

Seeing a dress of light and bright color on yourself foreshadows an elevation in dignity, an increase in fame and an increase in wealth.

To lose a dress means to lose honor.

For a man to wear a woman's dress means deception, and for a woman to wear a man's dress signifies temptation.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

For a young woman - to see an elegant, well-tailored blouse (or dress) - you will arouse everyone's admiration for your art and pleasant manners; to see that your dress is torn is a condemnation for unlawful deeds; for women - try on a blouse (dress) - you will unexpectedly meet a rival in love; watch your figure to buy the dress you like - you will successfully defeat your rival and achieve the love of your chosen one. Also see Clothes, Wedding Dress.

Dream Interpretation - Pay

The dream is the opposite.

Paying someone in a dream is a harbinger of evil that will be done to you by the person you paid in the dream. Subsequently, you will be haunted by the obsession of taking revenge on him for what he did. If in a dream you refused to pay someone, then you will move from words about revenge to action. But such a dream also predicts that your revenge plan will not work. Paying bills in a dream means that you will have to fulfill your obligations or pay for your mistakes. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will be tormented by remorse. See interpretation: money.

Paying for a purchase in a dream is a sign that you will get involved in an unpleasant business from which it will not be easy for you to extricate yourself. See interpretation: buy and sell.

If you dream that someone is paying you money, then beware of a trick, deception or revenge.

Dream Interpretation - Green

The color green as such in a dream means hope, financial success, long trips. Seeing a green dress in a dream foretells the fulfillment of hopes. Using green paper in a dream means that in reality you will experience neglect in love or failure in business.

Seeing green lawns in a dream means that in reality a meaningful future awaits you. A green hedge foreshadows joy and profit, a green spruce - pleasure.

Green coffee in a dream foreshadows arrogant enemies from whom you should not expect mercy, and if you do not take this dream as a warning, they will seek to harm you in every way. Roasting green coffee in a dream warns against the bad intentions of strangers.

Green acorns on a tree or lying under it are a sign of good changes. However, tearing them and collecting them foreshadows, on the contrary, bad events and meetings. Green pea, seen in a dream, portends good health and income growth. Seeing mustard greens growing portends success and joy for everyone involved in agriculture.

Green lemon portends infectious disease or injury, eating it in a dream means humiliation and disappointment. Eating green gooseberries in a dream is a sign of happiness that will visit you after worries. Making green gooseberry jam - you will make a mistake in seeking pleasure, and will even be involved in a whirlpool of sensational events.

Seeing green leaves in a dream means the opportunity to receive a rich inheritance or marry a wealthy person. A green meadow in a dream foreshadows happiness, health and prosperity that will accompany you for many years. Taking a green blade of grass into your mouth and chewing it means profit.

Dream Interpretation - Greens

Seeing greenery in a dream portends prosperity; eating it means joy in family life, cutting and preparing for the table - anxiety in the family, boiling, frying or stewing - there is a danger of fire, eating greens - you will have a healthy heart and insides, planting, weeding and watering greens - to the fulfillment of secret aspirations.

A dream in which you see green onions foretells surprises that can be avoided. Picking green onions from the garden means you will encounter a lie; eating them means circumstances will be unfavorable for you.

Seeing or eating fresh radishes in a green salad in a dream means you will have to indulge in deception for the benefit of your neighbors; carrots - to profit; cucumbers - for money that will be spent on entertainment with men; tomatoes - success if in the garden; green ones mean haste, overripe - slowness.

Seeing cabbage in a dream is a bad sign; green cabbage means treachery in love and infidelity in marriage; cook or eat it - you are digging a hole for yourself with your stupid actions and words.

Seeing green sorrel in a dream foreshadows an unsuccessful matchmaking and generally problems in cordial relationships and love. If you see parsley in a dream, this portends many patrons and protectors. Parsnip means good luck in business and trade, but for lovers it means nothing but trouble.

Seeing asparagus in a dream foretells that you will wait for your finest hour; eating it will improve your health. A dream in which green dill appears, in small quantities means disappointment and anger, in large quantities - a sharp change for the better.

Stir greens in a salad - illness and lack of understanding in your environment await you. If you pour vegetable oil over the greens in your salad, your admirer will turn out to be a slippery person. Adding sour cream to greens in a salad is a sign of sadness and chagrin over petty quarrels.

Dream Interpretation - Payment, pay

If you dream that you are receiving payment for something, the dream foretells losses. The larger the amount, the greater the losses will be. On the contrary, if you pay bills in a dream, a small profit awaits you.

If you were paid in a dream, imagine that you spent all the money on paying bills.

Paying for something in a store means your wishes will come true. It’s a bad sign if you don’t have enough money to buy something you like, it means that your dreams are unrealizable.

In this case, imagine that you are either given a discount, or you find a large bill in your wallet.

If you dream that you are receiving a salary at the cash register, a major financial disappointment awaits you: instead of the expected income, you will have only losses.

If you had such a dream, imagine that you did not receive a penny: your entire salary went to pay insurance, fines, etc. Not only that, you also had to pay extra from your own pocket...

If you pay salaries to your subordinates, the dream means expensive gifts from good friends or a profitable business that you will undertake in collaboration with friends.

Imagine that you pay each of your subordinates a good salary and also give a bonus.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Ironing a dress portends a move.

Great happiness.

A soiled, dirty shirt or dress - portends humiliation, shame.

Wearing an expensive and beautiful dress means prosperity for children and grandchildren.

If a dress gets dirty with oil or grease, there will be mercy and protection from above.

Ironing a dress portends moving, great happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

If a girl dreams of a well-made dress, it means that she will be admired by members of the opposite sex.

Her dream of a torn dress foretells that her lover will condemn her actions.

Trying on a dress symbolizes the appearance of a rival in love. If in a dream a girl watches her figure in order to wear the dress that she likes, this means that she will achieve reciprocal feelings from the person with whom she is in love.

Trying on black clothes

Dream Interpretation Trying on black clothes dreamed of why you dream about trying on black clothes? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Trying on black clothes in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

New clothes in a dream are always associated with new plans and foretell good luck in business, new acquaintances, new relationships, a new period in life or a profitable business, if you like these things. Such a dream is especially favorable if you put on clothes and see yourself. If you dream that your lover is wearing the clothes that he wore before meeting you, then your relationship will soon come to naught, as his intentions will change.

Seeing or wearing rags or old clothes in a dream is a sign of need and deprivation. If you dream that you are wearing a lot of clothes, then expect trouble.

Seeing or buying children's clothes in a dream means that your hopes are in vain. Sometimes after such a dream one should expect family scandals or quarrels with a lover. Carefully sewn clothes in a dream foreshadow troubles and worries.

Seeing, trying on or putting on your old clothes in a dream means that you will live the same way as at the time when you wore these clothes. Unfashionable but good-quality clothes in a dream portend you modest prosperity and a calm, measured life.

If you dream that you are taking off old, worn, tattered clothes, or simply clothes that you don’t like, then good changes in life, success in business and in your personal life await you.

Staining a dress with oil in a dream is a sign of success in love.

Wearing someone else's clothes in a dream, especially if they don't suit you, means that troubles and disappointments await you. Such a dream also warns you that you have taken on the wrong business. For lovers, such a dream predicts the collapse of hopes and hints that they are not comfortable cutting down a tree. If you dream that you do not like your clothes in a dream, then you have rivals who would like to take your position in society. If your clothes are too big for you or you are wearing someone else’s, then you are doing something wrong. Borrowing someone else's clothes in a dream means that you cannot do without someone else's help. If in a dream someone asks you to lend him your clothes, and you refuse this person, then you should be wary of envious people or rivals. Such a dream also indicates that your rivals will be powerless in their attempts to harm you. If in a dream your clothes are too small, then you are doing empty work. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may soon find yourself in straitened circumstances if you do not learn to spend money wisely. Clothing that fits you poorly in a dream foretells disappointments and experiences associated with this. Wearing the clothes of loved ones or relatives in a dream means that you will receive an inheritance after their death (or after separation from these people).

A dream in which you saw that someone else’s high-quality or rich clothes suited you perfectly, then a business for which you did not have high hopes will come true and promises you the respect of others and profit. The same can be said about the long clothes that you dream about.

If you dream that you are poorly or poorly dressed, then your life will be joyless and monotonous, associated with worries about a piece of daily bread.

Admiring someone else's clothes in a dream warns you: beware of the jealousy of your spouse or lover.

Wearing wedding clothes in a dream means that illness or great sorrow awaits you. Wearing a wedding dress with pleasure in a dream means joy and success in business. Often such a dream foreshadows new meetings and acquaintances.

Seeing a dirty dress or stained clothes on oneself in a dream is a sign of disgrace, humiliation and shame.

Clothes drenched in blood, seen in a dream, warns you that your enemies are not sitting idle.

To see a rich, expensive fabric (silk or velvet), a magnificent dress, embroidered, etc. in a dream means receiving good news, benefit and respect from others. The dream in which you put on a toga has the same meaning.

Having or seeing a lot of elegant clothes in a dream means that you live carefree and spend money without thinking. However, this will not last forever. The dream predicts that you will soon have to regret your extravagance.

Wearing a clean shirt in a dream means that you will be able to avoid trouble. If in a dream your shirt is white, then good news about success in business awaits you. If you dream that you are sewing a shirt, then a loved one will appreciate your feelings for him if in the dream you can finish your work. But if you do not complete it in a dream, then your happiness with your loved one will not be complete. Losing your shirt in a dream means that failure and shame await you.

Wearing silk bloomers in a dream means making a profit. Wearing trousers in a dream indicates that you will try to get out of a difficult situation with honor. Buying trousers in a dream or seeing new ones is a sign of success in business. Taking off your pants in a dream is a sign of loss or loss.

Seeing or wearing a formal dress, tailcoat or tuxedo in a dream is a sign of imminent entry into a profitable marriage. Seeing a uniform in a dream means that a responsible job awaits you, thanks to which you will earn the respect of others and make a decent fortune. If you dream that you are putting on a priest’s robe, then the patronage of an important dignitary awaits you. The richer the robe, the richer your patron will be.

A dream in which you saw that your outfit is decorated with flowers means that your happiness is short-lived.

If you dream that you are walking through mud and your clothes are dirty, then beware of illness.

Putting on a woman's dress is a shame and loss for men; for a woman to be in men's clothing in a dream - a harbinger of imminent marriage.

Losing clothes or a piece of clothing in a dream is a sign that your hopes are in vain.

Seeing a cheap dress in a dream means vain hopes.

Being left without clothes in a dream means that shame and humiliation await you.

Seeing or wearing a vest means false news. For a woman to see herself luxuriously dressed (in a shiny, unusual dress or suit) is a sign of a serious illness.

A hole in clothes in a dream foreshadows illness or injury in the place where the hole will be.

Seeing patches on clothes is a sign that your well-being will be shaken.

Applying patches in a dream means that soon you will have to seriously reduce your expenses. Seeing patches on others is a sign of imminent need and trouble. A patch on new clothes is a harbinger that your bright hopes will not come true. Being ashamed of a patch or covering it up in a dream means that you will soon find yourself in a desperate situation and will try to hide it from others. Sewing a patch in a dream is a sign that you will find yourself in a difficult situation due to your own stupidity and frivolity. Patches in a dream mean everything that is associated with hopes of improving one’s material well-being, which, as a rule, are not justified. Seeing or installing a lot of patches means lack of money. See interpretation: spots.

To be wrapped in rags and numerous clothes in a dream means that you will be entangled by bad and deceitful people. Such a dream calls for caution. Being wrapped in expensive fabric in a dream is a sign of honor and respect from others.

Seeing a caftan in a dream means a calm, well-ordered life in the house.

Breaking it, losing it or spoiling it is a harbinger of trouble that will destroy your life.

Leather clothing in a dream is a sign of prosperity and good luck. After a dream in which you saw yourself dressed in leather clothes, you can try your luck in risky ventures. It is believed that the business will work out.

Seeing a corset in a dream is a sign of revealing a secret. Sometimes such a dream predicts that the person you love is not indifferent to you, but hides his feelings.

Wearing a corset in a dream means suffering due to one’s own curiosity.

Trying on a corset in a dream means for a wedding.

Fastening (unfastening) a corset in a dream is an indication that you should show patience in an important matter, and not take out your anger on your neighbors in order to avoid unnecessary quarrels.

A men's suit in a dream is a symbol of unsuccessful money transactions.

Seeing a masquerade costume in a dream foreshadows an extraordinary turn in your business.

A children's fancy dress in your dream means that you will be lucky in places you never thought possible. See interpretation: masquerade.

Seeing cuffs on your dress in a dream is a sign of celebration, an official meeting. Seeing them starched and very white is a sign of honor or respect from others. Sometimes such a dream means the stability of your position or emphasizes the firmness of your position on some issue. If the cuffs on your dress are torn, dirty, frayed, then expect grief due to failures in business or love. Such a dream predicts that you will be dissatisfied with yourself, and your pride will be hurt by the dishonest and vile act of a partner or loved one. If you dream that there are no cuffs on the dress, although you know that they should be there, then something will not turn out the way you would like. See interpretation: cufflinks, jewelry, collar.

Seeing a coat in a dream is a sign of a change in position. The more expensive and beautiful it is, the better your business will go. Dropping, losing, getting dirty, seeing it torn or dirty in a dream is a sign of great troubles, difficulties, and humiliation.

If it turns out to be large, then disappointments and failures await you in a matter that is “too tough for you.” If you dream that someone took your coat, then difficulties await you in business and in your personal life.

A cloak in a dream is a symbol of your condition, what you have or will have by law. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you may receive an inheritance. If you dream that you are putting on a raincoat to protect yourself from bad weather or something else, then you should remember that the enemy is watching you. A raincoat (raincoat) in a dream means that you need to take safety measures to protect your interests or health. A camouflage cloak in a dream foreshadows troubles in business and indicates the need to keep your eyes open, since the enemy is not asleep. A new cloak in a dream portends success and prosperity. Covering yourself with it in a dream means receiving a lucrative offer. If you don’t like the cloak in a dream, then your affairs will not go well. See interpretation: gap.

A home or hospital robe in a dream portends ill health, worries and troubles. However, to dream of men's dressing gowns in which you can walk down the street (such as national, quilted, beautifully embroidered) is a sign that another person will soon join your family. If the robe has an exotic look, then the person will be of a different nationality. Seeing a lot of dress robes in a dream means that you will have many meetings with different people from other countries. Being undressed in a dream is a sign of loss and loss. Dressing in a dream in the presence of strangers means that you will find yourself in an awkward position. Being dressed sloppily or inappropriately in a dream is a sign that you will be taken by surprise. Sometimes such a dream predicts an unexpected meeting. See interpretation: naked.

Seeing yourself in underwear in a dream is a sign of shame and dishonor. If you dream that you see yourself in pajamas or a nightgown, then you should take care of your health. Such a dream portends illness. Seeing others in a dream in the clothes they usually sleep in is a harbinger that someone in your family will need your help. The dream warns you about the need to help people who find themselves in a difficult situation and ask you for help.

Trouble, worries and grief are foreshadowed by a dream in which you or someone will take off your underwear.

Seeing your underwear on your lover in a dream means that failures, monetary losses, shame and humiliation await you. To dream that your lover's underwear is damaged - torn, cut, burned, etc. - is a sign of great financial losses and worries. Sometimes such a dream predicts that your debtor will not return your money or that your creditor will ruin you. And sometimes both together. If you dream that some important person appears in your presence undressed or naked, then this is a sign of alarm about a loved one.


(See interpretation: veil).

Wearing a sundress in a dream is a sign of wasting time or empty worries about some business.

Seeing insects on your clothes is a sign of trouble, anxiety and dishonor. Shaking them off your clothes in a dream is a sign of liberation from worries and the useless machinations of slanderers seeking to discredit you. See interpretation: insects.

Frills and ruffles on a dress in a dream mean that your behavior may cause disapproval from others. See interpretation: lace.

Long tails on clothes are a sign of respect from the people around you. Short tails on clothes predict the opposite. Frayed tails on clothes mean poverty or need. Cutting coattails in a dream means losses and disappointments. A clasp on a dress in a dream means affection. If it is broken, then the dream warns you that you will soon be disappointed in some person.

A dream in which you saw that your clothes are on fire, but remain intact, means: your friends will betray you and begin to spread bad rumors about you. This is an unhappy dream. He foretells you a lot of grief, undeserved insults, humiliation and insults.

Clothing made of linen or cotton in a dream is a sign of poverty, unless you wear it out of season. A dream about clothes made from cheap fabrics foreshadows failures and disappointments. See interpretation: fabrics.

In general, in a dream it is very important to be dressed according to the season, as this indicates that your business is going well and nothing threatens your well-being.

Seeing or examining the lining or back of clothing in a dream means that you do not trust your loved ones or partners. Sometimes such a dream tells you that you should be careful when making important decisions that may affect your future.

White clothes in a dream almost always predict bad changes, sadness, illness, and worries. Seeing a crowd dressed in white underwear in a dream means that you will soon experience a period of great setbacks associated with reforms in the country. Funny company in beautiful white clothes in a dream - a sign of success in business and in love.

Green clothes in a dream are a sign of hope or a trip to distant lands; red (crimson) - a sign of sadness or illness due to the death of a relative. However, most often such a dream means that success in business, respect from others and power await you. For lovers, wearing red outfits predicts that their situation will change for the better and everyone will respect and honor them. The crimson color of clothes in a dream foretells you victory over your enemies, success in business and the protection of a powerful patron.

Blue, lilac or purple clothes are a sign of good luck in love and respect from others.

If the dress is black, short or shiny, then such a dream predicts a quick death for the patient, and for the one on whom you see it, death from a serious illness in the prime of life. To be in black clothes in a dream means failure in love. Yellow color in clothes means jealousy, gossip, love affairs.

White clothes on a loved one in a dream warns you of a serious illness of this person, which will cause you a lot of trouble and worry.

A white shirt in a dream means your hopes and pure thoughts. Sometimes such a dream predicts that some false accusation will be dropped against you.

Colorful and bright clothes in a dream foreshadow an abundance of opportunities. For lovers, such a dream foreshadows quarrels and misunderstandings. Clothes of floral, delicate colors in a dream indicate that a tender affection will arise between you and some person. This dream foreshadows pleasant meetings, conversations, and peace of mind. See interpretation: color, buttons.

A long train on a dress is a sign that there are a lot of rumors about you that are unlikely to flatter you. The dream warns you that you should not talk too much about yourself and avoid rash actions and casual relationships.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Shabby clothes that are about to tear - the wife looks away.

If you own the same clothes with some person, your wife has a lover.

If you hand someone official clothes, a uniform, you will have a purpose.

If you give a person some clothes, official matters will arise, there will be illness, illness, grief.

The wife puts on brocade clothes - foretells the birth of a noble offspring.

A woman puts on a man’s clothes - indicates the birth of a noble offspring

Soiled, dirty underwear portends an unhappy birth.

A noble person gives out clothes and hats to people - fortunately.

Cutting clothes, wearing mourning clothes - portends happiness.

A rat bites a person’s clothes - you will achieve what you were striving for.

Flies land on clothes - portends slander, slander.

Throw a raincoat over your shoulders and cover yourself with clothes from the weather - it will be a great mercy.

Cutting clothes with scissors portends misfortune with your wife.

Dressed in white clothes - someone is plotting something against you.

Gusts of wind tug at clothes - illness, illness.

Losing items of clothing foreshadows a difficult birth for the wife.

The belt on the clothes opens or unties on its own - good luck and happiness in all matters.

If you accept simple clothes made from hemp fabric from another person, it is unfortunate.

A commoner in white clothes comes to you as a messenger and calls you - portends death.

You fold and collect new clothes - there will be various adversities and failures.

If you wash dirty clothes, a new employee or official will arrive.

You wash, clean your clothes - in all cases, to happiness.

If you kill a person so that the blood stains his clothes, you will receive material profit, wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Seeing clothes in a dream is a dream-prediction. The success of your business depends on what the clothes were like in the dream: whole and clean, or dirty and torn.

Seeing excellent but unfashionable clothes foretells that you will be lucky, but will neglect valuable ideas.

If you refuse clothes that are out of fashion, then soon you will move away from your current environment, start new affairs, and make new love affairs. All this will completely change you.

Seeing yourself and others dressed in white means change, and almost always sad.

Walking with a person in white means illness and grief for him, unless this is a young woman or a child. In the latter case, you can expect pleasant events.

Seeing yourself and others portends quarrels, disappointments and unwanted travel companions. commercial activity will not meet your wishes.

Seeing yellow clothes portends interesting entertainment and financial success. If you see a silently moving ghost in yellow, unnatural lighting, then you should expect a change for the worse. Good luck will accompany you if you see a beautiful yellow fabric in a dream.

Seeing blue clothes in a dream means that your energy will help you achieve your desires. Friends will support you.

Seeing crimson clothes in a dream means that you will get rid of terrible enemies by changing your intentions in time.

Seeing green robes is a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness.

Seeing multi-colored robes portends drastic changes and the interweaving of good and bad in the future.

Seeing ill-fitting clothes in a dream means the end of some of your affections. It is possible that you will make a mistake in some enterprise.

Seeing an old man or a young man in well-tailored suits means that you will undertake some unpleasant and troublesome business.

If a woman dreams that she does not like her clothes, the dream foretells that she will encounter unpleasant competition in achieving social success.

If she admires the clothes of others, the dream promises jealous suspicions of her friend.

Seeing the loss of some toilet detail in a dream means interference in commercial affairs and obstacles in love.

For a young woman to see herself in a black suit in a dream - the dream portends sadness and disappointment.

If she sees in a dream another woman in crimson clothes with a crepe mourning veil on her face, it means that she will be surpassed by a rival whom she did not consider equal to herself; bitter disappointment will embitter her against all women.

Interpreting a dream about clothes. You must pay attention to whether the objects you see are natural. If the faces are distorted and the light is unnatural, although the colors are bright, be careful, because failure to implement important plans will cause you harm.

Dirty and torn clothes always portend deception and warn about caution in dealing with strangers. Such a dream may also portend an action that could tarnish your reputation. But clean clothes mean prosperity.

If you dream that you have a lot of bright and beautiful outfits, this dream warns you: be careful, otherwise wrong actions will lead you to losses, as a result of which you will not have enough even the most necessary things.

For a young lady, this dream promises unfulfilled hopes.

Light, pleasant cotton clothing promises that circumstances will soon not be in your favor. Weaving cotton in a dream is a harbinger of a successful marriage with an enterprising and economical person; for married women it is a promise of comfort in the home and harmony.

Seeing yourself undressed portends gossip around your name.

Seeing an important person undressed in a dream portends grief and pain for the people dear to you.

Seeing others undressed is a harbinger of joy stolen from you.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Buying clothes in a dream foretells a happy event in your life. Light clothes mean satisfaction and elation, dark clothes mean sadness in the soul and changes for the worse.

Children's clothing portends family troubles. Fashionable outfits - for interesting meetings and entertainment in the company of people you like; out of fashion - you will soon change your image by doing something else and making new connections.

A tailored shirt and perfectly fitting clothes mean that you will undertake something that will bring you a lot of trouble, but will give you deep moral satisfaction.

If clothes don’t fit and spoil your entire figure, in reality you will break with old connections and attachments without making new ones.

To envy a rival dressed in an elegant suit that suits her very well - in real life you will be tormented by jealousy and consumed by suspicion.

If you don’t like someone’s flashy or tasteless clothes, you will have to try very hard not to look at least worse than others in terms of your appearance at an upcoming celebration or when visiting some spectacular event.

A button that comes off at the wrong time or a lock that breaks in the most interesting place foreshadows sad events and temporary unrest.

Repairing new clothes portends that your inescapable energy will help overcome unexpected obstacles.

Patching old clothes means you will experience hardships that will not last long. Putting on old clothes from someone else's shoulder foreshadows the loss of a lover, seduced by the beauty and tinsel of a fool stuffed with money.

Dirty clothes warn of possible deception when purchasing an expensive item at the market. Washing clothes in a dream means that in reality you will find yourself at a disadvantage, having revealed your plans ahead of time. Taking your clothes to the dry cleaner foretells unexpected income that will be used to pay off debts.

If in a dream you repaint your clothes, it means you will have a great time this coming weekend; if you change it, you’ll have to really take care of household chores and devote free time communication with family.

If you dream that your wardrobe has a wide selection of outfits, do not rely on support and do not believe other people’s promises, because they will certainly let you down.

To see an empty closet, having lost all your clothes, means beware of tarnishing your reputation by associating with persons of dubious behavior.

Taking off your clothes means that in reality you will achieve greater success by demonstrating feminine qualities that are especially valued by men. A dream where you put on a lot of different clothes or try them on one after another promises you strong marital happiness. Giving someone your clothes in a dream means losing property.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

whoever sees that he has put on green clothes, then for the one who is alive it is faith and service to the Almighty, and for the dead it is his good position near Allah Almighty, since green clothes are the clothes of the inhabitants of Paradise. White clothes represent the piety of the one who wore them in a dream. Some troubles, and maybe even death, will happen to those who wear black clothes in a dream, if they are not used to doing this in reality. As for the fact that if he is used to wearing it, then this means honor, power, wealth, greatness and dominance for him. And whoever sees that he is wearing a red robe, he will be given a lot of wealth, from which the allocation of Zakat will become obligatory, and therefore let him fear Allah and give Zakat. If a woman sees herself wearing red clothes, then this is her joy. For the rich, putting on new clothes is an improvement in his life, for the poor it is wealth, and for a debtor it is the payment of debts. And whoever sees that he is wearing old, worn clothes will be overcome by anxiety and sadness. Blue or light blue clothes also represent anxiety and sadness. And taking off dirty clothes in a dream means the disappearance of worries and anxieties. If a woman sees that she is dressed in men's clothing, then this is good, but if a man sees that he is dressed in women's clothing, then he is in great danger from his enemies. Military clothing refers to the husband. Clothing made of silk means acquiring wealth through illicit and precarious means. Woolen clothes in a dream indicate the acquisition of great wealth and a luxurious worldly life. Yellow clothing signifies illness, care and sadness. Wearing short, unkempt and dirty clothes is a violation of Sharia law. Wearing clean, spacious and tidy clothes in a dream means well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

A dream about clothes is always a kind of prediction. It all depends on the color of the clothing, as well as on what it was like: clean and intact or dirty and torn.

Excellent but unfashionable clothes are a sign that you will be lucky, but will neglect valuable ideas.

If you saw yourself or someone else in white in a dream, expect changes, and not the best ones.

Yellow clothing foretells interesting entertainment and financial success.

The blue color indicates that your energy and the support of your friends will help you achieve your cherished desires.

The crimson color promises deliverance from terrible enemies.

Green robes are a sign of hope for prosperity and happiness. Multi-colored robes signify drastic changes and the interweaving of good and bad.

If your clothes don't fit you well, you will have to give up some of your attachments. Perhaps you will make a mistake in some enterprise.

A woman who does not like her clothes in a dream will encounter unpleasant competition in achieving social success.

If she admires the clothes of others, then the jealous suspicions of her lover will fall on her.

A young woman who sees herself in a black suit in a dream will face sadness and disappointment.

Dirty and torn clothes always dream of deception and warn against communicating with strangers, as well as against actions that could tarnish your reputation.

But you dream of clean clothes for prosperity.

D. Loff wrote about these dreams: “Clothing is a reflection of a person’s inner world and individuality. This is a mirror of your self-esteem. Therefore, before interpreting a dream about clothes, ask yourself whether your clothes cause admiration or ridicule.

Losing clothes shows your vulnerability. Don't believe me? Try undressing, say, in a department store - let's see how confident you feel about it. Of course, these can also be sexual or exhibitionist fantasies.

Giving clothes in a dream is an ambiguous matter. Who has not received clothes as a gift, which later became the talk of the town as a sign of bad taste? However, buying clothing that fits you well and makes you feel confident can lead to positive changes in your self-esteem.

Sometimes in a dream you buy things for special occasions or clothes that are attributed to magical properties. In this case, you are simply seeking understanding or protection.”

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Whoever sees that he has put on green clothes, then for the one who is alive it is faith and service to the Almighty, and for the dead it is his good position near the Almighty Allah, since green clothes are the clothes of the inhabitants of paradise.

White clothes represent the piety of the one who wears them in a dream.

Some troubles, and maybe even death, will happen to those who put on black clothes, if they are not used to doing this in reality.

If he is used to putting it on, then for him it is honor, power, wealth, greatness and dominance.

And whoever sees that he is wearing red clothes, he will be given wealth, from which it is necessary to allocate employment, and therefore let him fear Allah and give employment.

If a woman sees that she is wearing red clothes, then this is joy.

For the rich, putting on new clothes is an improvement in his life, for the poor it is wealth, and for a debtor it is the payment of debts.

And whoever sees that he has put on old, worn clothes will be overcome by anxiety and sadness.

Blue or light blue clothes also mean anxiety and sadness.

And taking off dirty clothes means the disappearance of worries and anxieties.

If a woman sees that she is dressed in men's clothing, then this is good, but if a man sees that he is dressed in women's clothing, then he is in great danger from his enemies.

Military clothing refers to the husband.

Clothing made of silk means acquiring wealth through illicit and precarious means.

Woolen clothing indicates the acquisition of great wealth and a luxurious worldly life.

Yellow clothing signifies illness, care and sadness.

Wearing short, unkempt and dirty clothes is a violation of Sharia law.

Wearing clean, spacious and neat clothes is a sign of well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Washing viscose clothes in a dream serves as a warning that your new frivolous hobbies can cause you big troubles in the future.

If you have greasy stains on your clothes, you are in for a profitable business.

For young people, such a dream can be a harbinger of a rich marriage.

Black clothing symbolizes illness.

White clothes are a good dream.

To see a lot of clothes means a lot of trouble ahead.

You saw a jacket in a dream - you might catch a cold.

Wearing a sheepskin coat in a dream means wealth, unexpectedly high income, longevity without decrepitude.

A jumper in a dream symbolizes the warmth of friendly relations.

Wearing a jumper means making a new friend.

Wearing a jumper means lasting friendship.

Taking off a jumper means a quarrel.

Dressing in a dream means you can find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Dressing sloppily or inappropriately in a dream means welcoming an unexpected guest.

Dressing in new clothes in a dream outerwear- a new wife or mistress.

Cleaning clothes is good luck.

Sharing clothes with someone means your wife will cheat on you.

Lots of people wearing violet and purple clothes - to abuse.

A woman in men's clothing - for the birth of a son.

You see fur clothes - you will receive some property legally.

If you put on fur clothes, you will receive some property legally.

Brocade clothing on you is a harbinger of sadness and loss.

Burning clothes means loss.

If your clothes burn, it means loss of property.

A man in overalls - for a woman, she will be deceived about the true character of her lover.

A man in overalls - for a married woman - is a sign that she will remain in the dark for a long time about the reasons for the frequent absence of her husband, until an incident makes her think seriously.

A sundress for a woman - the desire to have fun can lead to problems in family life and mistrust on the part of the spouse.

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

Clothes in a dream is a dream-prediction.

It all depends on what the clothes are like: whole, dirty, clean, torn.

Excellent, but unfashionable clothes - good luck awaits you, but you may overlook some fresh, original idea.

If someone offers you clothes that are out of fashion, expect changes in your life.

Young girls wearing white clothes signify pleasant events.

Yellow clothes are interesting entertainment.

Blue clothes are friendly support in your affairs.

Raspberry-colored clothes - you will recognize falsehood in a warm friendly relationship in time.

Green clothing is your hope for success.

Multi-colored clothes - an interweaving of good and bad.

If a girl sees herself in a black toilet - sadness, disappointment.

Dirty and torn clothes are a warning about possible deception and the need to behave more carefully with strangers.

This dream is the second episode of the previous one. The main conclusion: take care of yourself, please!

Dream Interpretation - Clothes

"They meet you by their clothes..."

Clothes are a reflection of a person’s inner world and individuality. Does your clothing evoke admiration or ridicule? This is a mirror of your self-esteem.

Losing clothes shows your vulnerability. Don't believe me? Try undressing, say, in a department store - let's see how confident you feel about it. Of course, these can also be sexual or exhibitionist fantasies.

Giving clothes is an ambiguous matter. Who has not received clothes as a gift, which later became the talk of the town as a sign of bad taste? However, buying clothing that fits you well and makes you feel confident can lead to positive changes in your self-esteem.

Sometimes you buy things for special occasions or clothes that are believed to have magical properties. In this case, you are simply seeking understanding or protection.

Try on a dress blue and

Dream Interpretation Try on a dress of blue and dreamed of why you dream about trying on a blue dress? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Trying on a blue dress in a dream and by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Seeing or wearing a white dress in a dream foretells heartfelt joy and an imminent marriage. Green dress - to the fulfillment of hopes; blue or blue - you have to hit the road; a yellow dress is a sign of lies, envy and gossip; red - for an important visit; gray - do some general cleaning or repairs; golden - get help from sponsors; multi-colored and motley - for many entertainments; pale - you will rest your soul in peace and quiet; a black dress portends sad news that will lead you into great upset.

A dream in which a dress that is too short or tight, or the wrong size, foreshadows a deterioration in affairs in all areas. A long dress reaching to the toes means condemnation of others for an unseemly act.

To sew a dress for yourself - your hard work will be rewarded, and if it is sewn for you in an atelier, you will face meetings that will not bring joy, and luck that will turn into disappointment. Buying a ready-made dress means reconciliation after a long disagreement.

If in a dream you try on a dress, this portends obtaining a profitable place or occupation that promises a side income that will exceed the main one. A beautifully tailored dress means that in reality you will become bored with the lifestyle you lead and will want a change.

A beautiful luxurious dress, and also a very expensive one, which you see on yourself in a dream, is a sign of joyful events in the family circle. Seeing an ugly or wretched dress on someone predicts troubles threatening from a rival.

An untidy, wrinkled or dirty dress means that in real life you will meet a person for whom you have an insurmountable dislike. A torn dress means squabbles and disagreements at work; a patched one means a lot of trouble, difficulties and the possibility of losing property.

A dress with frills suggests that you will soon experience a completely extraordinary romantic adventure. A dress with a belt - deprived of freedom and material independence, with lace, ruffles and other frills - a sign that in reality you should be guided by common sense rather than emotions and whims.

A velvet dress in a dream means many fans in real life. A dress covered in sequins portends an acquaintance with a smug and arrogant suitor for your hand, who, naturally, will be immediately rejected. Wash or iron a dress - for an upcoming date.

Dream Interpretation - Blue color

Blue rays or blue things, a landscape in blue tones - all this signifies trouble, warns of impending danger in any area of ​​life.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Wearing a good dress in a dream is a sign that you will be given some kind of honor.

An expensive dress means envy and trouble.

A dirty dress means displeasure and shame.

A dress with holes means trouble, lies.

An embroidered dress is a sign of joy.

A long dress is a surprise.

A short dress is a sign that you will receive a gift.

A dress made of matting is a shame.

A dress made of paper means profit.

A wedding dress is a sign that success awaits you in business.

Funeral dress - to a new friend.

Having a large neckline on a dress is a sign that changes in everyday life are coming.

If you buy a silk dress in a dream, because of your mistake or stupidity, you can become dependent on a very dangerous and scary person.

A blue dress means mental suffering.

Wearing a green dress - fortunately, such a dream is especially favorable for girls - a harbinger of happiness in love, mutual understanding with a loved one, and imminent marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Blue

Clouds that are blue or black are unlucky.

A space surrounded by blue or blue walls is joy and happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Blue

This is the color of magic.

Some interpreters believe that dreams colored blue only promise big troubles.

Blue color - symbolizes femininity, fidelity, poise, meekness, eternity, harmony and peace.

It is also constancy, perseverance, perseverance, devotion, dedication, seriousness and rigor.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Seeing the ordinary has no special meaning.

To see a rich dress on oneself promises honor and elevation in ranks to the rich, misfortune to the poor, and death to the sick.

A soiled or torn dress is seen as a sign of sadness and unhappiness.

Wearing a new dress portends joy, profit and success in business.

Seeing your dresses on fire means boredom, slander, insult, loss of litigation and quarrel with friends.

Seeing a dress of light and bright color on yourself foreshadows an elevation in dignity, an increase in fame and an increase in wealth.

To lose a dress means to lose honor.

For a man to wear a woman's dress means deception, and for a woman to wear a man's dress signifies temptation.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

For a young woman - to see an elegant, well-tailored blouse (or dress) - you will arouse everyone's admiration for your art and pleasant manners; to see that your dress is torn is a condemnation for unlawful deeds; for women - try on a blouse (dress) - you will unexpectedly meet a rival in love; watch your figure to buy the dress you like - you will successfully defeat your rival and achieve the love of your chosen one. Also see Clothes, Wedding Dress.

Dream Interpretation - Pay

The dream is the opposite.

Paying someone in a dream is a harbinger of evil that will be done to you by the person you paid in the dream. Subsequently, you will be haunted by the obsession of taking revenge on him for what he did. If in a dream you refused to pay someone, then you will move from words about revenge to action. But such a dream also predicts that your revenge plan will not work. Paying bills in a dream means that you will have to fulfill your obligations or pay for your mistakes. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will be tormented by remorse. See interpretation: money.

Paying for a purchase in a dream is a sign that you will get involved in an unpleasant business from which it will not be easy for you to extricate yourself. See interpretation: buy and sell.

If you dream that someone is paying you money, then beware of a trick, deception or revenge.

Dream Interpretation - Payment, pay

If you dream that you are receiving payment for something, the dream foretells losses. The larger the amount, the greater the losses will be. On the contrary, if you pay bills in a dream, a small profit awaits you.

If you were paid in a dream, imagine that you spent all the money on paying bills.

Paying for something in a store means your wishes will come true. It’s a bad sign if you don’t have enough money to buy something you like, it means that your dreams are unrealizable.

In this case, imagine that you are either given a discount, or you find a large bill in your wallet.

If you dream that you are receiving a salary at the cash register, a major financial disappointment awaits you: instead of the expected income, you will have only losses.

If you had such a dream, imagine that you did not receive a penny: your entire salary went to pay insurance, fines, etc. Not only that, you also had to pay extra from your own pocket...

If you pay salaries to your subordinates, the dream means expensive gifts from good friends or a profitable business that you will undertake in collaboration with friends.

Imagine that you pay each of your subordinates a good salary and also give a bonus.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Ironing a dress portends a move.

Great happiness.

A soiled, dirty shirt or dress - portends humiliation, shame.

Wearing an expensive and beautiful dress means prosperity for children and grandchildren.

If a dress gets dirty with oil or grease, there will be mercy and protection from above.

Ironing a dress portends moving, great happiness.

Black dress to try on

Dream Interpretation Black dress to try on dreamed of why you dream of trying on a black dress? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see trying on a Black dress in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Black dress

Black dress - wear - mourning, sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Black dress

Mourning. Sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Wearing a black dress

Mourning, sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Seeing or wearing a white dress in a dream foretells heartfelt joy and an imminent marriage. Green dress - to the fulfillment of hopes; blue or blue - you have to hit the road; a yellow dress is a sign of lies, envy and gossip; red - for an important visit; gray - do some general cleaning or repairs; golden - get help from sponsors; multi-colored and motley - for many entertainments; pale - you will rest your soul in peace and quiet; a black dress portends sad news that will lead you into great upset.

A dream in which a dress that is too short or tight, or the wrong size, foreshadows a deterioration in affairs in all areas. A long dress reaching to the toes means condemnation of others for an unseemly act.

To sew a dress for yourself - your hard work will be rewarded, and if it is sewn for you in an atelier, you will face meetings that will not bring joy, and luck that will turn into disappointment. Buying a ready-made dress means reconciliation after a long disagreement.

If in a dream you try on a dress, this portends obtaining a profitable place or occupation that promises a side income that will exceed the main one. A beautifully tailored dress means that in reality you will become bored with the lifestyle you lead and will want a change.

A beautiful luxurious dress, and also a very expensive one, which you see on yourself in a dream, is a sign of joyful events in the family circle. Seeing an ugly or wretched dress on someone predicts troubles threatening from a rival.

An untidy, wrinkled or dirty dress means that in real life you will meet a person for whom you have an insurmountable dislike. A torn dress means squabbles and disagreements at work; a patched one means a lot of trouble, difficulties and the possibility of losing property.

A dress with frills suggests that you will soon experience a completely extraordinary romantic adventure. A dress with a belt - deprived of freedom and material independence, with lace, ruffles and other frills - a sign that in reality you should be guided by common sense rather than emotions and whims.

A velvet dress in a dream means many fans in real life. A dress covered in sequins portends an acquaintance with a smug and arrogant suitor for your hand, who, naturally, will be immediately rejected. Wash or iron a dress - for an upcoming date.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Wearing a good dress in a dream is a sign that you will be given some kind of honor.

An expensive dress means envy and trouble.

A dirty dress means displeasure and shame.

A dress with holes means trouble, lies.

An embroidered dress is a sign of joy.

A long dress is a surprise.

A short dress is a sign that you will receive a gift.

A dress made of matting is a shame.

A dress made of paper means profit.

A wedding dress is a sign that success awaits you in business.

Funeral dress - to a new friend.

Having a large neckline on a dress is a sign that changes in everyday life are coming.

If you buy a silk dress in a dream, because of your mistake or stupidity, you can become dependent on a very dangerous and scary person.

A blue dress means mental suffering.

Wearing a green dress - fortunately, such a dream is especially favorable for girls - a harbinger of happiness in love, mutual understanding with a loved one, and imminent marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Seeing the ordinary has no special meaning.

To see a rich dress on oneself promises honor and elevation in ranks to the rich, misfortune to the poor, and death to the sick.

A soiled or torn dress is seen as a sign of sadness and unhappiness.

Wearing a new dress portends joy, profit and success in business.

Seeing your dresses on fire means boredom, slander, insult, loss of litigation and quarrel with friends.

Seeing a dress of light and bright color on yourself foreshadows an elevation in dignity, an increase in fame and an increase in wealth.

To lose a dress means to lose honor.

For a man to wear a woman's dress means deception, and for a woman to wear a man's dress signifies temptation.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

For a young woman - to see an elegant, well-tailored blouse (or dress) - you will arouse everyone's admiration for your art and pleasant manners; to see that your dress is torn is a condemnation for unlawful deeds; for women - try on a blouse (dress) - you will unexpectedly meet a rival in love; watch your figure to buy the dress you like - you will successfully defeat your rival and achieve the love of your chosen one. Also see Clothes, Wedding Dress.

Dream Interpretation - Pay

The dream is the opposite.

Paying someone in a dream is a harbinger of evil that will be done to you by the person you paid in the dream. Subsequently, you will be haunted by the obsession of taking revenge on him for what he did. If in a dream you refused to pay someone, then you will move from words about revenge to action. But such a dream also predicts that your revenge plan will not work. Paying bills in a dream means that you will have to fulfill your obligations or pay for your mistakes. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you will be tormented by remorse. See interpretation: money.

Paying for a purchase in a dream is a sign that you will get involved in an unpleasant business from which it will not be easy for you to extricate yourself. See interpretation: buy and sell.

If you dream that someone is paying you money, then beware of a trick, deception or revenge.

Dream Interpretation - Payment, pay

If you dream that you are receiving payment for something, the dream foretells losses. The larger the amount, the greater the losses will be. On the contrary, if you pay bills in a dream, a small profit awaits you.

If you were paid in a dream, imagine that you spent all the money on paying bills.

Paying for something in a store means your wishes will come true. It’s a bad sign if you don’t have enough money to buy something you like, it means that your dreams are unrealizable.

In this case, imagine that you are either given a discount, or you find a large bill in your wallet.

If you dream that you are receiving a salary at the cash register, a major financial disappointment awaits you: instead of the expected income, you will have only losses.

If you had such a dream, imagine that you did not receive a penny: your entire salary went to pay insurance, fines, etc. Not only that, you also had to pay extra from your own pocket...

If you pay salaries to your subordinates, the dream means expensive gifts from good friends or a profitable business that you will undertake in collaboration with friends.

Imagine that you pay each of your subordinates a good salary and also give a bonus.

Dream Interpretation - Dress

Ironing a dress portends a move.

Great happiness.

A soiled, dirty shirt or dress - portends humiliation, shame.

Wearing an expensive and beautiful dress means prosperity for children and grandchildren.

If a dress gets dirty with oil or grease, there will be mercy and protection from above.

Ironing a dress portends moving, great happiness.

Trying on a dress in front of a mirror

Dream Interpretation - Toll

The desire to achieve a goal.

Dream Interpretation - Long dress for you

A reward awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Wearing a new dress

To sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Dress with stains

Bad conscience, dubious relationships, resentment, trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Wear a black dress

Mourning, sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Buy a dress

Dream Interpretation - Dress is narrow or short

Poverty and misery.

Dream Interpretation - Salary

Receive on time wages or an advance - such a dream is a harbinger that your efforts are not in vain: your proposals will be approved, your plans will be realized, and difficulties will soon be overcome.

If the payment of wages is delayed, unexpected profits or financial rewards await you.

If you are dissatisfied with the size of your salary, there is an opportunity to improve your financial situation, but it depends on you how much you will be able to take advantage of it.

Increased wages are a harbinger of losses and damages.

Receiving a long-awaited fee in a dream means an unusual and controversial event in your life, which will ultimately bring you happiness or success.

If you give out wages or other monetary remuneration without being a cashier, you are about to experience separation or a serious quarrel with a person dear to you.

Dream Interpretation - Seeing yourself in the mirror

Seeing yourself in the mirror means it’s time to think about whether you love yourself too much to the detriment of everyone else?

Dream Interpretation - Sex in front of a mirror

A dream about sexual intercourse in front of a mirror is an expression of the dreamer’s desire to receive approval in connection with one or another action he has performed (for example, a new achievement at work, a promotion, receiving a title or an academic degree) or a desire to hear at least simple praise from others about him, which would flatter his vanity. This interpretation is especially valid if the dreamer has sexual arousal and orgasm in a dream.

In the same case, if in a dream you cannot achieve orgasm, this indicates that your claims are not justified and your self-esteem is inflated. You are confident that you do not depend on the outside world and others, that you are a self-sufficient, independent person, and therefore are not obliged to do what you do not like, even if your help is needed.

But if you condescend to the people who need you, then you will present them with an incredible bill for your services. Therefore, knowing this peculiarity of you, those around you try to look for help elsewhere, move away from you, and prefer not to have a relationship with you.

Most likely, you are now in a position where the gradual removal from you of people who were dear to you some time ago has begun to hurt you. You urgently need to think about your behavior and change your attitude towards others, otherwise you risk being left without friends and good acquaintances.

Coco Chanel's little black dress is the most revered, versatile and practical item in a woman's wardrobe. This outfit is ideal for work during the day and for going out in the evening. Seeing yourself in a black dress in a dream is very strange. We will find out why such a plot is dreamed of in dream books.

The first thing that comes to mind from the memory of a dream about a black dress is whether grief and mourning will be experienced in the near future. But it turns out that such a cocktail outfit has many other interpretations. The black shade of a person’s appearance characterizes him as a very restrained and creative person, possessing the gift of foresight and motivated by a specific goal in life.

This image on a woman contains a promise or hope that everything will be fine. But, on the other hand, the black color attracts those who are depressed, permeated with silence, calmness, it, like death, speaks of the end.

In mythology, this is the personification of mystery, the unknown, hard work and self-knowledge.

The predominance of dark shades of clothing in a dream means a shortage or absence of something important and necessary in life. A person subconsciously closes himself off from unnecessary questions from others, sometimes challenges, trying to free his essence.

Philosophers who prefer the dark mantle argue that every person must go through black in order to understand how much white there is in him.

For a woman, a friend is better than an old one, but a new dress

A young girl tries on a dark dress that is too short - she will experience the disappointment of her loved ones. They always expect something more from you, but you don't try to live up to their expectations. You don’t have to prove your abilities to them all the time. Strive to be happy and better just for yourself. They will soon change their opinion about you.

The lock on the back comes loose - get ready for unexpected troubles. Don’t push away the support of your friends, it will come in very handy now.

For a married woman, dark clothing can portend quarrels with her spouse and a showdown. Accumulated claims and grievances release your emotions. The end of the scandal may be divorce.

For an unmarried person, such a dream promises separation from a loved one. Your busyness and complete independence hint to him of unnecessary things and your indifference. If you don’t try to change your feminist views, be more gentle and attentive to the guy, then you will be left alone.

If someone gives you a chic black outfit, get ready to make some decent money. But the method of generating income will not suit you and will not solve all the problems, but will only bring worries about your reputation into your soul.

For a business lady, a black suit with bright accessories will help her avoid problems thanks to her professional qualities. And an overly open neckline of a jacket promises good dividends from an impending deal. You will not only be able to make good money, but also double your capital.

A closed long cloak of a dark shade predicts grief and loss.

For a bride to wear a dark wedding dress, it is a good omen of new ways and opportunities for self-expression. And if suddenly a white dress at a wedding turns black, this is a bad sign. In reality, there will be significant reasons for canceling the holiday.

Who dreams of wearing a black dress?

  • daughter is a reminder to you of parental love and care for her. Perhaps right now your good advice or financial assistance is needed;
  • mom - get ready for criticism and condemnation of your lifestyle and actions. Your views have not coincided for a long time, but she really wants to see you happy;
  • girlfriend - to discord and mutual accusations of someone who was previously close to you. There is a high probability of being left without a companion;
  • stranger - speaks of your promiscuity in people. They are trying to gain your trust and you do not notice any bad intent in this. You may suffer financially from someone else’s cunning and deceit;
  • an acquaintance persuades you to dress in black - in reality, take a closer look at this person, he is clearly not who he claims to be;
  • we bought them ourselves, without trying them on - in life we ​​are used to acting alone, trusting only our experience, intuition and abilities.

Wise men don't look at the dress, look at the mind

To see your woman in a black dress at a party where everything is saturated with color and paint, the dream hints that she lacks your love and attention. Your relationship has long since settled down and has moved from the romantic category to a calmer and more casual one. She senses your slight indifference. Showing how much you value your spouse means avoiding betrayal.

Man in female image a gloomy shade is an indicator of one’s own dissatisfaction. Dissatisfaction with your activities, level of earnings, and management’s manipulation of you increases. But you don't do anything to change the situation. It's time to learn to make your own decisions and take responsibility for your destiny.

The dress is black, but the conscience is white, author’s dream books

Gustov Miller

A black appearance in a dream does not promise good and positive news in reality. Most likely, fate is preparing another test of strength.

In contrast to this interpretation, the white shade of the outfit is about the beginning of bright events. White is the color of babies and brides. Such a dream promises joy from marriage or from a new addition to the family.

A white and black dress suggests neutrality of events without unnecessary excesses of good and evil. These colors seem to cancel each other out. By suppressing the initial information, they do not provide the opportunity for energy intervention.


Trying on a dress means seeing your rival and feeling her interest in your spouse. Different shades of outfits indicate the dreamer’s changeable mood and eccentricity. You are tormented by doubts and overcome by migraines, and frequent mood swings make it difficult to concentrate on specific matters.

Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Black colors in a woman's or men's wardrobe warn against unnecessary spending. Soon you will have to tighten your belt, as difficult times are coming, associated with losses and the loss of large sums of money. You are not in danger of going broke, but it is possible to save even on the most necessary things.

Try not to take on a new promising project during this period; it is more prudent to complete all current issues.

Sigmund Freud

The black silhouette in the mirror represents loneliness and lack of intimate relationships. You once enjoyed your seclusion, secrecy and isolation. But now you want change, you are growing up and experiencing sexual desires that require fulfillment. It's time to leave your cell and open up to people. You will gain a new taste and joy for life.

Everything you dream about trying on a black dress in a dream indicates that in real life the dreamer is very determined. The thirst for change is what has been driving her lately. The dream book advises not to even try to convince her: thoughts that these changes will require sacrifices or deprive her of the usual comfort for an indefinite period may perhaps upset her a little, but will not stop her or make her come to her senses.

If a married woman had to sew a black dress in a dream, most likely, in reality she is not happy with many things in the current situation. family relationships. The Dream Interpretation believes that in this case this object symbolizes a hidden conflict that has been brewing for a long time and is about to spill out. The consequences may be unpredictable: a big quarrel, a noisy scandal and even divorce are possible.

The modern dream book reminds us that getting married in a black dress these days, not only in a dream, but also in reality, is not something unusual. Today, such stylistic solutions are offered by leading world-class designers. Fashion shows of popular models parading down the catwalk in charcoal lace garments no longer cause such a sensation as they did just a few years ago.

Interpreting why a black dress is dreamed of as a symbol of style and elegance in a dream, the dream book offers a slightly different interpretation. In the near future, you will have to put things in order in your value system and set priorities: what is most important to you. Films insists that this must be done now, so as not to make a mistake when making a fateful choice.

If a man tears a black dress on an unfamiliar woman, it means he will be lucky in real life and no competitors or ill-wishers will be able to prevent him from realizing his plans. If the dreamer rips or tears his wife’s clothes, it means that in the near future he will learn an unpleasant secret that the woman has been hiding for a long time.

Receiving a black dress as a gift from friends means a blow from behind; it is possible that troubles will arise through pseudo-friends who will be denigrated by the dreamer. If a woman in a dream tries on a stylish and beautiful black dress that she really likes and goes with it, it means a promotion at work or a salary increase. Seeing a beautiful and elegant black dress, but not trying it on - until your rival appears.

Find a very beautiful and inexpensive outfit on the road or on the street - until a sponsor or an influential friend appears who will fulfill all the dreamer’s whims. Washing a black dress in a dream threatens tears. If the water is cloudy, it means tears will be shed from some loved one. Sewing or sewing up black clothes means monetary reward and high appreciation of the dreamer’s work.

Accepting a gift or finding a black dress in a dream does not bode well for a man. A woman’s item of clothing warns that quite serious people have taken up arms against the dreamer. If a man gives a woman a black dress in a dream, it means he will soon do an act that will bring tears to the fair sex.

Everyone associates the color black with troubles and grief, but it does not always have a negative meaning. If you want to know why you dream of a black dress, then you will have to remember all the nuances of your dream. Most often, this dream is indeed a harbinger of failure, but sometimes it also promises profit.

Seeing yourself wearing a black dress speaks of an upcoming illness, bad mood and depression. An old and ugly outfit warns you that people will discuss and criticize you. This can lead to bad consequences and financial difficulties.

If you saw yourself and other women in black dresses, then such a dream foreshadows disappointment and quarrels. In addition, this promises problems in professional field and talks about a possible meeting with a vile person.

Seeing a young woman in a luxurious black dress means that in reality the dreamer will be disappointed in a loved one. Maybe he will do something bad, or unpleasant details about him will come to light. past life. However, the sleeper should not be too upset and judge him, since it is unknown how he would act in such an ambiguous situation.

A black dress can be called a negative symbol, since in most cases it is a harbinger of failure, disruption of plans and the death of loved ones. However, in some situations it promises profit and easy money, which will not bring pleasure.

If someone sent a man a black dress by mail as a gift, then in fact he has a serious enemy. He needs to figure it out faster, otherwise, through his fault, he will end up in a very unpleasant situation that will cost him his reputation.

If a young girl saw herself in a black torn dress, then such a dream foreshadows her mourning. Perhaps one of her relatives will die, but most likely her loved one will die tragically, and she will simply be disappointing.

New - to profit. Mints - until future petitions. Old, torn, dirty - to troubles that threaten material losses. Unusual, ancient - to extraordinary events, points, presentations. To put on someone else’s clothes or take them for yourself means to shift someone else’s troubles onto your shoulders.

Why do you dream about Dress - Woman, an image of the feminine for a man; mood, state of consciousness, feelings (by color); personal plans and hopes for a woman. Wedding - disappointment, hope; marriage (for a woman).

Seeing or wearing a white dress in a dream foretells heartfelt joy and imminent marriage. Green dress - to fulfillment of hopes; blue or dark blue - you have to hit the road; a yellow dress is a sign of lies, envy and gossip; red - for an important visit; gray - do some general cleaning or repairs; golden - get help from sponsors; multi-colored and motley - for many entertainments; pale - you will rest your soul in peace and quiet; a black dress portends sad news that will lead you into severe upset.

An unkempt, wrinkled or dirty dress means that in real life you will meet a person for whom you have an insurmountable hostility. A shabby dress means squabbles and disagreements at work, a patched one means a lot of trouble, difficulties and the possibility of losing property.

If in a dream you try on a dress, this portends obtaining a profitable position or an occupation that promises a side income that will exceed the main one. A beautifully tailored dress means that in reality you will get tired of the lifestyle you lead and you will want changes.

A dress on the body is good - honor. Very expensive - envy, trouble. Dirty - displeasure, shame. Shady - trouble, lies. Shabby - the threat of losing a friend. Very long - surprise. Short or mat - annoyance. Made of paper - nailed. Wedding dress - business success. Funeral - a new friend. Smoothing out a fold on a dress - unintentional sadness. Too much neckline mother - changes in your life.

An unkempt, wrinkled or dirty dress means that in real life you will have a meeting with a person for whom you have an insurmountable hostility. A shabby dress means squabbles and disagreements at work, a patched one means a lot of trouble, difficulties and the possibility of losing property.

If you are a man, then sew all the buttons on your clothes with red threads. Bad meaning If you dreamed that you were putting on a dress, then in the near future you will find yourself in an awkward situation. To avoid this, sew a few coffee beans onto your clothes using black thread.

If in a dream you try on a dress, this portends obtaining a profitable position or an occupation that promises a side income that will exceed the main one. A beautifully tailored dress means that in reality you will get tired of the lifestyle you lead and want to change.

According to the dream book, a new Dress predicts that you will soon fall in love. In general, this is a symbol of renewal: in relation to life, feelings, social circle, etc. Wearing a new dress - the dream book promises you a quick romantic meeting and all kinds of entertainment.

If you dreamed of a blue dress, the dream book interprets this as a reflection of your loyalty and devotion to a cause, ideal or person. It can also be a signal from your subconscious about self-doubt, fatigue and sadness.

A dirty or torn dress is a very auspicious sign. It portends a feeling of guilt or a situation in which a woman will reproach herself for wrong actions or behavior, less often it symbolizes condemnation from other people.

The purple dress is the most meaningful symbol. Violent - from lat. “Violence”, “desecration”, therefore for a woman a dress of this shade in a dream can mean both persistent male courtship and gross harassment. For women who were in a relationship, it may indicate jealousy and suspicion on the part of the partner. Regarding the social sphere, the dream is interpreted as the likelihood of a collision with a powerful person who will try to persuade or force something. And a purple dress can also promise pregnancy.

It may hint at the danger of an accident, the cruelty of a loved one, or the violent death of one of the spouses. But such dreams are very rare. If a red dress frightens you, it indicates illness or an accident, so you need to be careful after it, especially with strong drinks, sharp objects, as well as fire.

Therefore, after it you need to exercise caution and prudence. If you saw a dress inside out on a friend, this means that he will disappoint you or you will see him from a completely different side. Often such a dream speaks of meanness or lies characteristic of this person, as well as the fact that he will be drawn into a big quarrel and even a fight. Sometimes a dream about a dress inside out suggests that someone will interrogate you and literally force you to tell your secret or a surprise will happen that will give you away.

Which dream speaks of envy and illness, as well as the fact that your amorous affairs will come to light at a completely unexpected moment. If you had such a dream before a date, it means that the romance will quickly end and will bring you disappointment and bitter feelings. Sometimes such a dream indicates haste in a relationship and that it can damage your female self-esteem. If someone tore your dress, it means that there is a person who is plotting against you and doing everything to ruin your romance.

Which dream speaks of an unpleasant surprise and an unexpected turn in business or love. It is possible that you will unwittingly find yourself at the center of a scandal or your reputation will be at risk. Sometimes such a dream suggests that details of your personal life will become known or you will make a mistake that you will greatly regret. Sometimes a dream that you put on a dress inside out speaks of a dramatic change in circumstances, deception and fraud in which you will be drawn.