Is it possible to wear the clothes of a deceased father to a son. Is it possible to wear things after a deceased person - the priest's opinion how not to spoil Karma. Things of a deceased person: the opinion of the Christian church

What to do with the things of a deceased person - is it possible to wear the clothes and shoes of the deceased - not a frequent, but very difficult question? The loss of loved ones due to their death is not only an inescapable grief, but also a difficult period in the continuation of life without a departed dear person. People are different and differently, and again in different situations, experience this, and those things that belonged to the deceased become either a problem or a memorable consolation. With personal things: clothes and shoes, you can do it reasonably. Well-preserved or almost new ones can be presented to friends as a keepsake - let them wear it themselves if they fit and like it. Others, worn or obsolete, can be burned or thrown away.

Let's get straight to the point about what we're talking about. If this is clothing, then it is worth talking only about outerwear, underwear should be destroyed. An outer dress in good condition can be offered to those in need and given to them according to their wishes. Demi-season jackets, raincoats, windbreakers, winter coats, fur coats and hats, again in good condition, can also be offered as a gift to friends and relatives.

Separately, about shoes. Can the shoes of the deceased be worn? Trampled shoes, boots, boots, sneakers, sandals or model shoes are ruthlessly thrown into the trash can. But it may remain, a certain amount of shoes in good condition, which can also be offered as a gift to people.

It happens that the deceased was a passionate collector of books, paintings, antiques, old coins, stamps or badges, and his collection is both material and aesthetic value. With this, the heirs of the deceased can act according to their own considerations: from selling, to donating or passing it on to the younger generation.

But all of the above actions with the things of the deceased are suitable for people who are devoid of any doubts and superstitions. But in the customs of different times and peoples there were and are so many differences in this matter that it is impossible to tell about all of them here. Let's touch on only the most common of them.

Is it possible to wear the things of a deceased person and how are they related to his death?

In the Christian world, it is believed that the soul of the deceased remains on earth until the third day and can even be transported in space, until the fortieth day it undergoes air ordeals, and then its fate is unknown to the living: it is intended for Paradise or for Hell. Eastern beliefs believe that the soul of the deceased wanders the world. There are statements about the ability of the soul to be reborn in a new human body, or in the body of an animal and even in a plant. In Buddhism and its currents, it is argued that in its posthumous path, the soul of a person who has worked off all karmic debts in a past life has the opportunity to leave the circle of Samsara. Otherwise, due to unpaid debts, the soul will have to be reborn.

In Eastern traditions, where it is customary for some peoples to burn the body of the deceased with all his things, the question of what to do with the things of the deceased and whether relatives can wear them, by itself, disappears.

But there are also supporters of the existence of bioenergy, who adhere to the assertion that the energy of the living is different from the energy of the dead. On this is built beyond the ability of individuals, touching the things of the dead with reliable accuracy, to assert that their owner is dead. Bioenergetics even feel the viscosity and coldness of the energy of death, in contrast to the energy of living people.

They also claim that it is very difficult to cleanse a thing from the energy of death. A simple wash will not erase the "information of life and death" of the former owner of the thing. Based on this, psychics do not recommend buying used clothes and shoes, since they can not only carry this information, but also “infect” the living with it with an unforeseen result.

The Christian church rejects extrasensory perception, and even people who resorted to psychic consultations need to confess this before communion as a sin and superstition. On the question of what to do with the things of the deceased, Orthodox Church He does not give direct answers, but good things left over from the dead, which are brought by their relatives, are accepted in order to give to the needy and those who want to receive them. When accepting things, the priest sprinkles them with holy water and blesses them as a sacrifice that is allowed to be used for its intended purpose.

When can you dispose of the things of the deceased and can they be worn by relatives?

According to Christian teaching, things of the deceased can be distributed only after the fortieth day from the very date of the death of their former owner. Some believe that it is after the fortieth day that such things should not remain in the house for the reason that the soul of the deceased has left earthly existence forever and things and objects intended for giving away can be taken out of the house.

Bioenergetics are even frightened by prohibitions to sleep on the bed and in the room of the deceased, all the more, according to them, you can’t wear things after him, because they draw the energy of life from the living and attract the appearance of the deceased in their dreams.

It was believed that this must be done so that the deceased does not return for them - this is also superstition. Such a belief is most likely due to the fact that in the old days there were too many poor relatives and neighbors who needed things, and they accepted them with gratitude and without any fear, commemorated both donors and the deceased in their prayers.

Nowadays, there are not so many dead people who are in dire need of things, and they are embarrassed even to offer such things to relatives. Sometimes in dry weather, such things in excellent clean condition in cities are taken out to garbage cans as a silent gift. And to be honest - someone sorts them out.

If the question "What to do with the things of a deceased person?" you answered positively to yourself and dared to wear the things of your close relatives, then, naturally, you will wash them well if it is not a fur coat or a sheepskin coat. The latter - you can give it to dry cleaning or air it on fresh air. If you calmly made this decision and nothing torments you, then wear it to your health - everything will be as it will be, and with these things, well, it will not be connected in any way.

If you are a believer, ask your confessor how you can calm yourself in this regard. Since the priests illuminate the things brought to the temple for those in need with holy water, they may bless them for you at your request.

Jewelry should be treated the same as with things. After the fortieth day, they can be worn. For spiritual balance, you can put them in a vessel with holy water for the night until morning, remove them in the morning, put them on a clean paper napkin and store or wear them as usual.

If, during his lifetime, the deceased bequeathed any of his things as a gift, then they can be safely accepted and worn, preferably again after the fortieth day. It is generally accepted that you can even sell good expensive things of the deceased, but you cannot spend the proceeds on yourself - they must either be spent on a good deed or given as alms to those who ask.

It is especially not recommended before the fortieth day, not to mention the third and ninth days, not to give, not to wear and not to share the property of the deceased. It is objectionable and difficult for his still undead soul, and his relatives - it is a sin - will have to repent ... Sins burden and so grieving souls ...

It is not recommended to pass the things of deceased children to the next generation. Do not give your favorite toys to other people's children. You can bury your favorite toy with him. According to bioenergetics, the energy of children is much weaker than that of adults, and, most likely, misfortune can await them. How much truth is in this is unknown, but all young parents in our time and at all times are extremely superstitious ...

If, nevertheless, it is difficult and painful for parents to part with the toys of a deceased child, then they can be well packed in boxes, stored in a pantry or in the attic, and it is better to burn children's clothes so that they are not tormented by doubts about the correctness or incorrectness of your actions.

The custom of covering mirrors with a cloth after the death of relatives is a tribute to superstition, but so indestructible that even the mirror that the deceased liked to look at during his lifetime is advised to be buried on his grave. The rest of the mirrors in the home must be removed and wiped well.

We strongly do not recommend resorting to the help of bioenergetics to “cleanse” things from the energy of death and the negative energy of the deceased - this can only confuse your soul and become a temptation to sin. It is better to pray for the deceased according to the rite to which you reckon yourself and the deceased, and in this you will find true peace for him and for yourself.

In our article, we do not give any categorical advice and persistent recommendations on what to do with the things of a deceased person - whether it is possible to wear the clothes and shoes of the deceased. We only told how it can be in such a practice in relation to the things of deceased relatives, in order to console the mourners and not harm the deceased. In questions of what to do with the things of the deceased, you will do what you think is right and according to your spiritual direction, and we only tried to remind you how it is customary in various folk traditions, about which you may know more than ours.

Everyone has faced or will face death: until a drug is invented for eternal life. This event is sad, unplanned, burdened with many nuances and consequences. During life, a person moves, breathes, thinks - receives and preserves his own energy around him. And when he leaves, he leaves on earth not only the physical objects of his life, but also his energy. Therefore, many do not know whether it is possible to wear things after a deceased person.

What does folk wisdom say?

After the funeral, relatives and friends are left alone with all the luggage that the deceased managed to accumulate. And they ask themselves: “what to do next?”. Someone is burdened by the surrounding belongings of the deceased, wants to distribute, sell things, and someone, on the contrary, wants to preserve the memory of a loved one, having his thing. Psychics and churchmen have their own opinion about the sequence of decisions in this event.

You will not take expensive clothes, shoes, decor items with you to the other world, and besides, you never know at what exact moment this fate may befall. Therefore, many living relatives and relatives of the deceased experience desire to wear these things. Is it possible to do this, how to do:

  1. Esotericists have a clear answer to this question: it is impossible. Mediums, touching things, can say with accuracy whether the owner is alive or dead. Even with washing, this informational background cannot be completely cleaned. The energy of death is cold and viscous, it draws in the living, - so the leading psychics believe. Thus, the fate of the deceased is brought upon the wearer.
  2. Priests, on the contrary, believe that the above is just superstition. According to Christian law, superstition is considered a sin. Many parishioners bring things left over from the dead for those in need. The priest blesses them, but no one knows whether the accumulated energy and attachment to the living world is washed away by holy water. The church does not give an exact answer.
  3. For people who do not believe in psychics and religion, there is a third point of view. Psychologists believe that wearing a thing that you saw on the deceased and which may be associated with him is wrong and definitely not worth doing. Otherwise, when worn, it will sow sadness, longing and anxiety, reminding of the dead.

Deceased furniture

Questions of clothes, footwear, accessories - are clear. But what to do with furniture and photographs, where to give?

There is a saying that it is better to sleep on the grave of the dead than on his bed. And indeed it is. The sleeping place on which the deceased died and experienced torment is definitely worth replacing. Even if death did not overtake on the couch. A person spends a lot of time in a state of sleep, and, therefore, spends a large amount of energy on his sleeping place. After death, the energy is preserved and the bed will draw vitality from the sleeping person. Esotericists and mystics are in solidarity on this issue - such furniture must be disposed of. Any part of the interior that the deceased especially singled out should be removed from the apartment.

If there is absolutely nothing to sleep on and there is no opportunity to purchase new furniture, then the priests approach this problem more loyally: it is enough to go around the bed three times with a candle and a prayer. But it is unlikely that this ritual will completely remove all the bindings of the deceased.

Psychologists believe that if a sleeping place reminds you of the deceased, makes you worry, then it should be removed. If it does not cause special emotions, then sleep to your health.

Thus, the issue of furniture is up to you.

Photos of the deceased

A very sensitive issue is the presence of photographs and portraits in the house of the deceased. Why is it worth removing them: on the one hand, these are the owners of the most powerful energy and they should be abandoned. On the other hand, memory and knowledge of one's origins is very important. How would we know what writers and scientists look like without having their portraits?

A hundred years ago, people did not trust superstitions regarding photographs: it was the only connection and reminder of relatives. Therefore, in this matter, the opinion is unequivocal - photographs should be stored.

The Church believes that photographs with loved ones fill the heart with love and warmth. There is not much difference whether they are alive or dead, because before God we are equal.

The portraits in the house that we have become accustomed to since childhood can be left in the same places, or removed while the wound from the loss is still fresh. They can be moved to more distant corners of the apartment, but you should avoid the bedroom and children's room. After restoring the state of mind, the paintings can be returned to their original place.

At the same time, esotericists believe that portraits attract the souls of those depicted to the world of the living, and this disturbs their peace. In their opinion, the images of the deceased should be immediately removed to the far corner or added to the family photo album.

Gold, memorabilia of the deceased

To jewelry, gold, the attitude is completely ambiguous. Many families have a tradition of passing jewelry from generation to generation - this is a sign of a long history, status, wealth. Therefore, many believe that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to wear the gold of a deceased person will be positive. When a thing was worn infrequently (for example, mom wore a pendant only on special occasions), you should not be afraid of bad energy. However, if the thing was dear to the heart of the deceased and was often used, you need to resort to the help of bio \u003d power engineers.

Usually leave expensive jewelry behind only loving relatives. And, wearing them, a person will involuntarily remember the deceased. Difficult memories are unlikely to help good mood and the benevolent aura of the wearer.

Psychologists, as in previous cases with clothes, strongly advise you to wait until the feelings subside and you can put on jewelry without experiencing negativity.

The Church agrees with psychologists. After all, memories of the deceased can lead to despondency, and according to God's commandments, despondency is considered a sin.

Regarding certain types of jewelry, the priests are quite strict. For example, wedding rings, especially wedding rings, cannot be worn. After all, the protection of God extended precisely to this couple and relatives have nothing to do with it. The pectoral cross definitely cannot be worn alive. Regardless of what metal it is made of, the cross keeps only its owner and is filled with his energy. The best decision- put it in the grave of the deceased. Amulets, amulets, even those made of precious metals or stones, cannot be put on a priori: the church does not encourage idolatry.

It is not forbidden to wear the rest of the jewelry, but the priests do not deny the existence of an energy impact (for example, the relics of saints are considered healing).

Psychics completely agree with religious ministers, and they believe that it is not necessary to wear gold jewelry. gold like natural material, doubly absorbs the energy of the wearer. And that means that the impact from it is stronger. This applies to any natural products (wooden furniture, stone countertops, etc.). Another negative to gold is supported by its universal synonym as greed.

According to mystics, the decorations that were on the body of the deceased during the period of death should definitely not be worn. No purification rituals will help to completely get rid of its energy. In addition, such an object transfers to the living all the karmic debts of the deceased, complicating life and polluting the wearer's aura. At the same time, jewelry donated during his lifetime (for example, a father gave a watch) does not carry such a load and can be used completely freely.

What to do with things

When asked whether it is possible to store the things of a deceased person at home, there are several answers. The most reliable of all - completely get rid of the things that belonged to the dead, make a complete repair. If for a number of reasons it is impossible or undesirable to do this, you can resort to the following actions. Definitely worth it bring order to the house, disinfect and throw away all rubbish. Good but unnecessary items can be donated to those in need..

  • Clothes, shoes, bedding, fabrics - all this should be washed or laundered. Depending on whether you are a believer or not, you either need to consecrate things by reading a prayer and surrounding them with a lit candle, or resorting to the help of bio-energetics.
  • Furniture needs to be consecrated or cleared of energy with specialists.
  • The mirrors in which the deceased looked, carefully rub and remove, esotericists advise burying them at the grave of the deceased.
  • The pectoral crosses of a loved one are either buried with the body, or stored in a separate opaque bag, box. If a person was bad or left as a suicide, it is better to take his cross to the church or melt it down. This also applies to other decorations.
  • Books, records of the deceased that do not carry any positive memories cannot simply be thrown away, they must certainly be burned or donated. Such a gift will not be a transfer of karma with malicious intent.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that it is undesirable to store the things of the deceased in any case. But in the absence of a better one, it is worth taking all the precautions and protecting yourself and your loved ones as much as possible.

When loved ones leave us, the sadness of separation paralyzes our feelings and thoughts. Often, after a funeral and the inevitable troubles, relatives are faced with the question of how to deal with the things of a deceased person: should they be stored or distributed, can they be worn, washed, or is it better to sell, throw away? Confusion about the timing of the solution of these problems is forced by a special attitude to the 9th and 40th day after death. Unfortunately, there are many superstitions associated with the things of the dead. We asked experienced priests to answer the most pressing questions.

Is it possible to wear the things of the deceased?

Even after his death, a person continues to live through our memory of him, through the remaining fruits of the work of the deceased, through any evidence of various aspects of his life. And the things belonging to the deceased are one of the real evidence of this. If we use the things of the deceased even after the death, then through this we prolong our good memory of the deceased.

Wear or give things loved one depends on what the thing is. Everything must be approached with reason. You can leave yourself something to remember about dear person, and of course, wear his thing, if it is decent and can be used for its intended purpose. It is not for nothing that they preserve the things of the saints, for example, a mantle or a ring - something that is connected with these people, what they wore and what they touched. And there is nothing wrong with leaving these things at home.

Even in our time and among educated people there is a belief that some sins pass “along with things”, but this has nothing to do with our faith.

Unfortunately, there are situations when disputes arise among relatives about what things will go to one or another “heir”. In a way out of such a frequent intra-family difficulty, it is necessary to be guided by the following: to preserve a good memory of the deceased through peaceful relations between people, and therefore to yield. It will be according to God, out of love both for the deceased and for each other.

What to do with the things of the deceased?

First of all, we must pray for them, to which we have a direct indication from the Holy Tradition of the Church. We can pray privately (at home), order masses, memorial services. We can feed people in remembrance of this person, so that they pray for him, and give alms for him to the poor or needy. Just the things left over from a deceased person can serve such almsgiving.

In general, the responsibility for things left over from a deceased person lies directly with the heirs. Here, they are free to do as they please. For example, some things, especially memorable ones, they can keep for themselves. For example, I have things left after my dad, the servant of God George, the Kingdom of Heaven to him, which I wear with pleasure and often remember him. Some decent things can be distributed to those in need, and it is better to do this before 40 days, because up to 40 days you need a special prayer commemoration of the departed. It is during this period that the preliminary posthumous fate of a person is decided. And if there are some things left that are already unsuitable even for giving them away, then they can be disposed of in any way: throw away, burn or bury.

Is it possible to distribute the belongings of the deceased up to 40 days?

Archpriest Alexander Dokolin, Rector of the Churches of the Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', the Tikhvin Icon Mother of God and St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow at the Central Clinical Hospital of St. Alexy, Moscow

You can distribute things both before and after 40 days - at any time. You can also give on the day when a person who needs these things came. It is necessary to approach everything with reason: if a person has just died, then there is no need to immediately rush and urgently distribute everything. It's a little too provocative. But if suddenly someone specifically needs the things of the deceased - one, two, five, then you can immediately give it away.

Up to 40 days from the date of death, they usually do not make any serious life decisions: in the monastery, if the abbot dies, then up to 40 days they do not appoint a new governor, although someone performs his duties. In the world, in memory of the deceased, they do not get married during this period, they do not play a wedding. But as far as the disposal of the deceased's belongings or some necessary actions are concerned, this period should not be some kind of insurmountable obstacle. Waiting 40 days to open the room of the deceased and start cleaning there is probably not worth it.

You can distribute all the things of the deceased with very few exceptions. For example, you can not give oil after the unction. This consecrated oil is associated with a prayer for the salvation of a person's soul, so it cannot be transferred to another. Usually it is handed over to the priest, and after the funeral and farewell, he lays the oil on top of the bedspread.

But most things are not so connected with a person at all. Even if a priest dies, his award cross remains in the family: maybe one of his sons will become a priest and will wear this cross in memory of his father or grandfather. Or relatives can pass the cross spiritual child the deceased priest on the day he was able to come. The timing is not so important and there is nothing wrong: before 40 days this meeting took place and the thing was handed over or after.

What to do with the things of the deceased up to 40 days?

Archpriest Alexander Dokolin, Rector of the Churches of the Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow at the Central Clinical Hospital of St. Alexy, Moscow

Usually they try not to make any serious life decisions until 40 days from the date of death. In memory of the deceased, they do not play a wedding during this period, they do not get married. But as far as the disposal of the deceased's belongings or some necessary actions are concerned, this period should not be a stumbling block. Waiting forty days to open the room of a deceased relative or his apartment and start cleaning there is probably not worth it.

The superstition that before the fortieth day it is impossible to distribute the things of the deceased, was invented by people unknown to me. You shouldn't stumble over it. If it is practical to leave things to yourself or to your family, then you can leave them. If someone needs them, you can give them to your loved ones and even distant people who need these items. Today, not only in churches, you can find points for receiving things, which are then transferred to those in dire need, fire victims, refugees, and the homeless. If you do not personally know such people to give them things, then in big cities you can easily find special collection points. Of course, things must be washed, washed - this is not just “unnecessary trash”, which is a pity to take out in the trash.

The sin is not that I threw away the things of a deceased person, but that I could not prepare them in order to interest other people in their use. We know and believe that after death a person continues to live. And the things belonging to the deceased are one of the real evidence of his work and our memory of him. If we use the things of the deceased even after the death, then through this we prolong our good memory of the deceased.

You can leave yourself something in memory of a dear and close person, and of course, wear his thing: if it is decent, then why not use it for its intended purpose? It is not for nothing that they preserve the things of the saints, for example, a mantle or a ring - something that is connected with these people, what they wore and what they touched. And there is nothing wrong with leaving the things of the deceased at home.

It is sad when there are disputes among relatives about what things will go to whom. It is important for Orthodox Christians to keep a good memory of the deceased. This is possible only through peaceful relations between people, which means it is better to give in. This will be done in God's way, out of love for the deceased and for each other.

Is it possible to distribute the things of the deceased after 40 days?

Archpriest Alexander Dokolin, Rector of the Churches of the Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow at the Central Clinical Hospital of St. Alexy, Moscow

Earth life a person does not stop after his death. He continues to live through our memory of him, through the remaining fruits of his labors, through any evidence of the various aspects of this person's life. And the things belonging to the deceased are one of the real evidence of this. If we use the things of the deceased even after the death, then through this we prolong our good memory of the deceased. That is, distributing things of the deceased is not only possible, but also necessary. And the date of the 40th day should not be some number of the beginning or end of this process. When it is necessary for a person to transfer the thing of the deceased, then pass it on.

Nowadays, things are accepted not only in temples. On the Internet, you can find information about charitable foundations that sort and then distribute things among those in need: the needy, fire victims, refugees and the homeless.

If your loved one died, then what happens to him 3, 9 or 40 days after death? Why do we have a special relationship with these dates?

There is a revelation about what happens to the soul of a person after his departure. Upon death on the 3rd day (this is due to the fact that the Lord resurrected on the 3rd day), as a rule, a funeral and burial are performed. And until the third day, the soul of a person visits on earth those places on earth that he desired or were loved by this person. It cannot be said that he is saying goodbye to the earth, but the Lord gives him the opportunity to visit these places. From the 3rd to the 9th day, the heavenly abode is shown to the human soul - that which the Lord has prepared for each of us. After the 9th and up to the 40th day, a person already passes the answer for his life. In fact, this is not “get up - the judgment is coming!”, But the soul sees what it has clung to during its life. Therefore, on the 40th day, a private judgment comes before the second coming of the Savior - it is determined where a person should expect the final judgment: in paradise or where there is no God. But in fact, this decision is not made by the Lord himself, he does not open a book and look for an “article/paragraph”, but the soul of a person during these 40 days clings to what is important and dear to her.

The Lord does not “punish” in our earthly sense of the word. He does not want to harm a person, even if he does not want to be with Him. If you wanted to, but could not, the Lord will cover it with His love. And if you could, but did not want to, then you get what you were looking for.

Where to put things of the deceased?

Archpriest Alexander Dokolin, Rector of the Churches of the Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow at the Central Clinical Hospital of St. Alexy, Moscow

This must be approached with reason and practicality. Just close the room of the deceased relative and leave everything there, “as it was”? But the dust will still be collected there and this is just not a reverent attitude towards the memory of a person. Everything should not just “work”, but be functionally used somehow. If a person's things have been preserved by people who love him, then they must be kept in order and clean. If this is an icon, then they pray before it. If it is a prayer book, then it is also used. That is, things are not put away “in the bins” and then they gather dust there for years. Sometimes they must somehow be obtained, for example, on the memorable days of this person, even if once a year, but things must be used.

One can give an example of preserving the memory of people of a righteous life. Their cells, the rooms where they prayed and lived, are preserved, but they are removed, they are visited, they pray there. I myself witnessed how the cell of Father John Krestyankin in the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery is cleaned for Easter: something is tinted, updated, sometimes the curtains need to be hemmed or changed, washed. If a person who has lived here for many years has gone to another world, this does not mean that one cannot go there, or one can, but only on tiptoe and back to the door. Such behavior will just be a disregard for the memory of the deceased.

If you cannot keep the belongings of the deceased and are ready to donate them, but do not know to whom, then in our time it is easy to find information on the Internet about charitable collection points. You can take things to the temple - they will be given to those in need.

Is it possible to store the things of the deceased?

Archpriest Alexander Dokolin, Rector of the Churches of the Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow at the Central Clinical Hospital of St. Alexy, Moscow

If these items are dear to you, they remind you of a departed person, then why not? For example, a pectoral cross. You can hang it in a corner among the icons where you pray. This is a cross worn by my dad or grandfather, a person close to me. It is not necessary to bury with this cross - you can keep it in the family. Sometimes a person is buried with that icon, before which he always prayed, but after the funeral they leave it in the family, and bury it with a more “simple” icon, respectively, if a woman, then the Mother of God, and if a man, then the Savior.

After death, a person continues to live through our memory of him, through the remaining fruits of the work of the deceased, through any evidence of various aspects of his life. And the things belonging to the deceased are one of the real evidence of this. If we use the things of the deceased even after the death, then through this we prolong our good memory of the deceased.

The issue of preserving the belongings of a deceased relative must be approached with reason and practicality. Even if you lock up his room or apartment and leave everything there as it was during his lifetime, then all this will eventually become covered with dust. And this is just not a reverent attitude to the memory of a person. All things should not only “work”, but be functionally used, kept in order and clean. If this is an icon, then they pray before it. If it is a prayer book, then it is also used.

Keeping, wearing or giving away the things of a loved one depends on what this thing is. You can leave yourself something in memory of a dear person, and of course, wear his thing if it is decent and can be used for its intended purpose. No wonder they preserve the things of the saints, what they wore and what they touched. And there is nothing wrong with leaving these things in your home: the superstition that “sins pass along with things” has nothing to do with our faith.

Things of the deceased: the opinion of the church

Archpriest Alexander Dokolin, Rector of the Churches of the Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow at the Central Clinical Hospital of St. Alexy, Moscow

After his death, a person continues to live through our memory of him: if we use the things of the deceased after death, then through this we prolong our good memory of them. Leave their things for yourself or give them to those in need - this should be approached with practicality and respect for the memory of the deceased. If you lock the room or apartment of a deceased person and leave everything there as it was during his lifetime, then over time the dust will collect there. And this is just not a reverent attitude to the memory of a person. All things are designed not only to “work”, but to be functionally used, kept in order and clean. If you understand that things are already so old, dilapidated or broken and cannot be used for their intended purpose, then it is not a sin to throw them in a trash can.

The eight-volume "Handbook of a Clergyman" contains detailed description how to perform services in different periods church year. It also describes the requirements - baptisms, weddings, and including a detailed description of the funeral service. The traditions of preparing for the burial of the laity and monastics, outlined there, are the most detailed description of what exists in the church directly about the rite itself. There is nothing more special.

Two or three years ago, the Synod made a special decision on who could or could not be buried. Because in our time, a situation often arises when relatives want to say goodbye to their loved ones in the temple, to bury him, even if he was not baptized. The synod issued an explanation, confirmation on this matter: if a person is not baptized, then it is impossible to bury him. But the care of the Church for those relatives who worry about the unbaptized deceased does not end there: a prayer canon was adopted, the essence of which is a prayer for the relatives of such a deceased. The main core of this canon is the prayer-consolation of relatives. It turns out that even if the Church cannot pray for people who have not become members of the Church, then there remains an opportunity for prayer at home: you can and should pray at home to the martyr Huar for easing the lot of unbaptized relatives.

Is it possible to throw away the things of the dead?

Archpriest Alexander Dokolin, Rector of the Churches of the Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow at the Central Clinical Hospital of St. Alexy, Moscow

Save or give away, wash or throw away the things of a deceased person - these issues should be approached with prudence and practicality, with respect for the memory of the deceased person. The earthly life of a person does not stop after his death. He continues to live through our memory of him, through the remaining fruits of his labors, through any evidence of the various aspects of this person's life. And the things belonging to the deceased are one of the real evidence of this. If we use the things of the deceased even after the death, then through this we prolong our good memory of the deceased. That is, distributing things of the deceased is not only possible, but also necessary.

If there is no idea how to use too old things and to whom to give them, then you can take them out into the street. Even an ordinary garbage dump in our time can be not just a garbage dump, but some place for the transfer of things. Of course, we are not talking about “trash” piled up in a heap, but about clean, tidy items, washed, laundered. Usually there is such a “platform” next to the garbage containers, and you can put such things there and they will take them. I know that, for example, furniture is put there, and it soon disappears, and it’s not the garbage truck that takes it, but the people who need it. Our modern yard workers often collect metal and hand it over. Someone takes out the glass, and someone takes the frames. Things continue to be used.

The sin is not that I threw away the things of a deceased person, but that I could not prepare them in order to interest other people. If you understand that things are already so old, dilapidated or broken that they cannot be used for their intended purpose, then throwing them away is completely normal and this is not a sin.

Is it possible to wash the things of the deceased?

Archpriest Alexander Dokolin, Rector of the Churches of the Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow at the Central Clinical Hospital of St. Alexy, Moscow

All items must be clean. It doesn't matter if the person is dead or alive. Therefore, not only is it possible, but it is necessary to keep things clean and tidy. Nine days have passed since the death, or forty - the period has nothing to do with the question of washing.

If the things are so old, broken, dilapidated that they cannot be washed, washed in any way in order to be used for their intended purpose, then throwing them away is completely normal and this is not a sin.

I can give an example of preserving the memory of people of a righteous life: their cells, the rooms where they prayed and lived, are preserved, but they are removed, they are visited, they pray there. I witnessed how the cell of Archimandrite John Krestyankin in the Pskov-Pechersky Monastery is cleaned for Easter: something is tinted, updated, sometimes the curtains need to be hemmed or changed, washed. If a person who has lived here for many years has gone to another world, this does not mean that one cannot go there, or one can, but only on tiptoe and back to the door. Such behavior will just be a disregard for the memory of the deceased.

Regarding washing and its measure, Abba Dorotheus has a wonderful remark about the things of a monk, that excessive washing for a monk can be a sin: he could walk in this thing for a year, but washed it so that after a month the thing became dilapidated.

Is it possible to take things after a deceased person?

Archpriest Alexander Dokolin, Rector of the Churches of the Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow at the Central Clinical Hospital of St. Alexy, Moscow

Of course you can. How you use the things of your loved one after his death is up to you. If these objects will remind of him, become an occasion for prayer for his soul, then of course, they should be left. There are no strict rules or regulations on this subject in the Church. An engagement ring, a pectoral cross, for example, can be placed among the icons, in the corner where you usually pray.

Take it for yourself, leave it in the family, wear it yourself or give it to those in need, take it to the temple, throw away the things of the dead - this should be approached with reason, practicality and, of course, respect for the memory of the deceased. There is nothing wrong with leaving the things of the deceased at home: the superstition that “sins pass” through the things of the deceased has nothing to do with our faith.

If you lock the room or apartment of a deceased person and leave everything there as it was during his life, then the dust will gather there sooner or later. And this is just not a reverent attitude to the memory of a person. All things are called not only to “work”, but to be functionally used, kept in order and clean: one can and should pray before the icon of the deceased, his prayer book, books should not gather dust.

Is it possible to wear the belongings of a deceased relative?

Archpriest Alexander Dokolin, Rector of the Churches of the Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow at the Central Clinical Hospital of St. Alexy, Moscow

You can wear the things of the dead. If relatives are in need, then they leave things to themselves, and if someone outside the family needs them more, then they need to be transferred to these people.

The age of the deceased person does not affect the use of things for their intended purpose. The clothes of a child or a grandmother remain clothes. If a thing is wearable, then why throw it in rags or throw it away? It is not right. Moreover, time passes and what seemed old, old-fashioned, on the contrary, begins to be in demand, becomes fashionable.

It is important to understand that even after his death, a person continues to live through our memory of him, through the fruits of his labors, through material evidence of various aspects of his life. If we use the things of the deceased even after the death, then through this we prolong our good memory of them.

Wearing or giving away the things of the deceased depends on what the thing is. You can wear the thing of the deceased, if it is decent and can be used for its intended purpose. It is not for nothing that they preserve the things of the saints, for example, a mantle or a ring - something that is connected with these people, what they wore and what they touched. And there is nothing wrong with leaving these things with you: the belief that some sins pass “along with things” has nothing to do with spiritual reality.

Unfortunately, it happens that disputes arise among the relatives of the deceased about what things belong to whom now. But the most important thing is to preserve the good memory of the deceased. And this is possible through peaceful relations between people, which means that it is better to yield in such disputes. To keep peace in the family for the sake of a good memory of a deceased relative means to act in God's way, out of love both for the deceased and for each other.

Is it possible to put things of the deceased in the coffin?

Archpriest Alexander Dokolin, Rector of the Churches of the Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow at the Central Clinical Hospital of St. Alexy, Moscow

What is really important according to church canons before burial? Wash the body of a person, dress in clean clothes: the monastics have one, the laity have another. After that, they cover the body of the deceased with a church veil, put a cross in the hand, and a whisk on the head. After the funeral, a permissive prayer is additionally put into the hand. If oil has been preserved after the sacrament of unction (unction), then this oil is laid on top of the veil, and after that the body is buried in the earth. That's all that remains with the deceased when he is in the coffin. And put your favorite glasses or shoes in a coffin, a handkerchief in your hand - all this has nothing to do with saving a person's soul.

If your loved one has died, then it doesn’t matter to him not what you put in the coffin, but what happens to his soul at that time.

There is a revelation about what happens to the soul of a person after his departure. Upon death on the 3rd day (this is due to the fact that the Lord resurrected on the 3rd day), as a rule, a funeral and burial are performed. And until the third day, the soul of a person visits those places on earth that he wanted to see or were loved by this person. It cannot be said that he “says goodbye to this world,” but the Lord gives him the opportunity to visit these places. From the third to the ninth day, the heavenly abode is shown to the human soul - that which the Lord has prepared for each of us. After the 9th and up to the 40th day, a person already passes the answer for his life. What is this "judgment"? In fact, this is a situation that is not clear to us “get up - the court is coming!”. This is the time when the soul sees what it has clung to during its life. Therefore, on the 40th day, a private judgment comes before the second coming of the Savior - it is determined where a person will have to expect the final judgment: in paradise or where there is no God. But in fact, the Lord himself does not make this decision, he does not open a book and look for an “article / paragraph”, but the human soul during these 40 days clings to what is important and dear to it.

What to do if you dream that the deceased asks for things?

Archpriest Alexander Dokolin, Rector of the Churches of the Metochion of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow at the Central Clinical Hospital of St. Alexy, Moscow

The Church gives a general testimony that it is better not to believe in dreams. There is such a reasoning, which cannot even be called theological, that dreams are of three types: ordinary or everyday (when something pops up in a dream that we think about in the daily bustle), from the forces of evil (all the more you don’t need to believe them ), a revelation from the forces of good, from the angelic world. But you and I are not saints, so that an angel appears to us as Joseph the Betrothed and guides the actions to save the holy family. Who are we for such phenomena? This is the first sign of a state of delusion, deceit by demons, the thought that we are worthy of such revelations. Therefore, it turns out that it is not worth believing in any dreams.

Sometimes a person is still embarrassed, assuming that God wants to reach him through sleep, that this is His will. In this case, the holy fathers answer that the will of God is manifested not in one thing, but in several very clear circumstances. Therefore, the dream that the deceased needs some kind of clothing is absurd. What clothes might he need now, when he doesn't have a body? He has nothing to cover up. Therefore, a person is insane who collects something for himself in pyramids and tries to take something with him, even if with a margin, for 5 years. And then - what? With God, a thousand years are like one day, and one day is like a thousand years. In eternity, man already lives outside of time.

Therefore, most likely, the person who had this dream is very concerned about the things of the deceased. And in a dream, in the absence of restraining systems, this happens in his body. Doctors say that the dreams themselves last for a fraction of a second, and not all night, as we sometimes think. It is not useful to pay attention to dreams.

It is important to understand that after his death a person continues to live through our memory of him: if we use the things of the deceased after death, then through this we prolong our good memory of them. Keep it for yourself or give it to those in need - this should be approached with practicality and respect for the memory of the deceased. If you lock the room or apartment of a deceased person and leave everything there as it was during his lifetime, then over time the dust will collect there. And this is just not a reverent attitude to the memory of a person. All things are designed not only to “work”, but to be functionally used, kept in order and clean.

If there is absolutely no one to transfer certain things of the deceased, then you can take them out into the street. Even an ordinary garbage dump in our time can be not just a garbage dump, but some place for the transfer of things. Of course, we are not talking about “trash” piled up in a heap, but about clean, tidy items, washed, laundered. If you understand that things are already so old, dilapidated or broken and cannot be used for their intended purpose, then it is not a sin to throw them in a trash can.

When are the things of the deceased removed from the house?

The soul of a deceased person especially needs frequent and fervent prayer in the first 40 days from the date of death. Therefore, the opinion that one should not touch the things of the newly deceased until forty days is a prejudice, which, unfortunately, often prevents people from doing good deeds. Things should be distributed as early as possible so that a prayer is made for the deceased immediately after death, when his soul has to undergo posthumous tests. And here, not only our prayers are very important, but also good deeds in memory of the deceased with a request to pray for him. Feeding the hungry, clothing the poor is always a good deed and a great help to our deceased relatives and friends.

There are no strict rules about when to clean up or wash the belongings of a deceased relative. 40 days have passed or not - things can and should be distributed with a request to prayerfully remember the deceased.

Forties, forty days, is a special time not only for those who cross the threshold of eternity, but also for their relatives. No wonder this time coincides with the number of days spent by the Savior in the wilderness in fasting and prayer. It is, as it were, a reminder to us that our posthumous meeting with the Father will also come, a meeting with the One before Whom all knowledge falls silent and the vanity of this age is exposed. This is the time to ask yourself honestly: how will I appear before the One Who is Love itself? And therefore, it is good at this time to take care of our souls, battered by worldly bustle, to confess, to partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. This will also strengthen us to pray for those with whom we have recently parted and for whom our heart mourns.

Where to give the good things of the deceased?

Priest Fyodor Lukyanov, cleric of the Church of All Saints on the Filevskaya Poima, Moscow

The belongings of our deceased relatives can be donated to needy families who find themselves in a difficult life situation, fire victims, refugees, the poor, the homeless. These people will be happy with such things if they are clean and can be used for their intended purpose. At the same time, this will be your concern for the deceased relative: dressing a poor person, doing a good deed for him is always a great help to the soul of the deceased.

If you do not personally know the needy, you can donate things to a charity collection point. Nowadays, most Orthodox churches, despite the lack of premises, they accept things in order to distribute them to parishioners in need or to those who ask for help.

But before you pack these things for the elderly or orphans in the outback, a thrift store or a state homeless help center, you should carefully answer the question of whether the clothes are really good enough that you can put them on right away, or do you still need a little first. repair or insert a zipper? Because those people and even organizations professionally involved in helping those in need of things are unlikely to be able to launder or pay for dry cleaning.

There are no strict rules on how to deal with good things deceased, what and where to give. Some things remind us of our deceased loved ones, were dear to them at one time or even were bequeathed to us, their descendants. Therefore, do not neglect, disdain them. After all, the statement would be absurd: since the deceased lived on this earth, I will not walk on it ... These things can be washed, repaired, updated. In Russian families, it has always been an honor to keep a grandmother's wedding dress, great-grandfather's awards, and some things have become family heirlooms, not letting us forget that our God is "not the God of the dead, but of the living" (Gospel of Matthew, 22:32).

Is it possible to sell the belongings of the deceased up to 40 days?

Priest Fyodor Lukyanov, cleric of the Church of All Saints on the Filevskaya Poima, Moscow

The things of the deceased, from the point of view of a believer, are no different from ordinary ones. You can wear them, give them, sell them, and do everything that is done with ordinary things.

However, it will be very good for the deceased if these things are donated to needy people with a request to pray for him. A gift is always higher than a sale, because through the gift we acquire the imperishable treasure of virtue. Sale brings us only earthly treasure.

Forty days from the date of death is a special time not only for the deceased, but also for his relatives. This period reminds us, the living, of our posthumous meeting with the Father - with the One before Whom all knowledge falls silent and the vanity of this age is exposed. The death of a loved one raises an acute question: how will I appear before the One Who is Love itself? Therefore, it is very important during these 40 days to take care of your own soul: prepare for confession and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Such a spiritual feat will also strengthen us for prayer for those with whom we have recently parted and for whom our heart mourns.

Is it possible to burn the belongings of the deceased after 40 days?

Priest Fyodor Lukyanov, cleric of the Church of All Saints on the Filevskaya Poima, Moscow

You can burn the things of the deceased. It happens that this is justified by sanitary necessity or dilapidation of things. It is better to burn the things left after the deceased, if he was engaged in magic and witchcraft.

Simply burning things because a person has died is a pagan relic, a superstitious desire to get rid of everything that is connected with a reminder of a person’s death. Christian saints, on the other hand, were not afraid to die and often left for themselves a lifetime coffin or sayings about death for permanent memory.

The first 40 days after the death of a person is an infinitely important time not only for the deceased, but also for his relatives and friends. It is no coincidence that this period coincides with the number of days spent by the Savior in the wilderness in fasting and prayer. These days, we involuntarily think about our own posthumous meeting with the Father. The death of a loved one raises an essential question: how will I appear before the Creator, Who is Love itself?

Domestic issues are resolved one way or another, but the most important thing during these 40 days is to find the strength and the opportunity to take care of your own soul, prepare to participate in the Sacraments: confess and take communion. The acceptance of the Holy Mysteries of Christ will strengthen our prayer for the repose of the soul of the one with whom we have recently parted and for whom our heart mourns.

Why can't you wear the things of the dead?

Archpriest Sergiy Vasin, Rector of the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God in with. Bobyakovo, Novousmansky district, Voronezh region

It is POSSIBLE to wear the things of the deceased. Responsibility for the things left after the deceased lies directly with the heirs, who are free to do as they please. For example, they can keep some of the memorable and dear to the heart items. Part of decent things can be distributed to those in need, and it is better to do this up to 40 days: during this period, the preliminary posthumous fate of the deceased is decided.

While we are alive, we learn to love God and our neighbors. What is the meaning of our life? In union with God. And God is Love. Therefore, the meaning of human life is in the acquisition, growth of this love inside the heart. And until our path is completed, we all follow the repentant way of the cross to Christ.

When a person has died, he himself can no longer change anything in his posthumous fate. We, the survivors, can help the departed. Share your love with them.

How to do it?

First of all, we are called to pray, both at home and in the Church: to order masses and requiems. We can feed people in remembrance of this person so that they pray for him. Give alms to the poor or needy. Things left after the deceased can serve as alms.

Is it possible to touch the things of the deceased up to 40 days?

Archpriest Sergiy Vasin, rector of the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in the village. Bobyakovo, Novousmansky district, Voronezh region

You can touch the things of the deceased. If they are so dilapidated and unsuitable for further use, they can be thrown away. The things of the deceased can serve as alms, an occasion for prayer for the soul of the newly deceased: they can be distributed to those in need, and it is better to do this up to 40 days, since during this period the preliminary posthumous fate of the deceased is decided.

First of all, we must pray for the repose of their souls, to which we have a direct indication from the Holy Tradition of the Church. We can pray in private (at home), we can come to church for church prayers, order masses, memorial services. It will also be charity to treat people in remembrance of this person so that they pray for him.

Heirs can keep especially memorabilia for themselves. For example, I have preserved things after the death of my dad, the servant of God George, God rest his soul, which I wear with pleasure and often remember him.

It is important to remember and understand that the meaning of human life is in union with God, who is Love. Therefore, the purpose of our existence is to acquire this love inside our own heart. And our whole life until death is a school in which we learn to love God and our neighbors.

Is it possible to burn the things of the deceased?

Archpriest Sergiy Vasin, rector of the Church of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos in the village. Bobyakovo, Novousmansky district, Voronezh region

You can burn the things of the deceased. If it is obvious that things are so dilapidated and unusable, they can be burned.

The things of the deceased can serve as alms, an occasion for prayer for the soul of the newly deceased - they can be distributed to those in need. But first of all, the Holy Tradition of the Church calls us to pray for the repose of his soul. You can pray in private (at home), you can come to the temple for church prayers, order masses, memorial services.

Is it possible to sell the belongings of the deceased after 40 days?

I have never met with the fact that someone wants to sell the things of the deceased. Probably, we are talking about inheritance - an apartment, a car, a summer house. Of course you can sell. With things, relatives do as they see fit. More often, of course, they are left in the family or distributed as alms with a request for prayer.

Of course, you will commemorate more those people from whom you have something left to remember. Things, and any, not only related to our faith, but also quite utilitarian, can serve as such a silent reminder. When my father died, my mother gave us, his children, the icons that he collected all his life, saved from the Russian north, where in the 60s they died, they boarded up windows, threw them away. Papa brought these icons to Moscow and restored them. And after his death, these icons ended up in the families of his children, we pray in front of them and commemorate the pope.

If we are talking about the 40th day, about the special attitude of our people towards it, then something completely different is important here. From the ninth to the fortieth day, according to the teachings of the Church, hell is shown to the soul. On the 40th day, a person appears before God and the place of his stay is determined until the Last Judgment. This is the day of the most fervent prayer for the deceased. In our tradition, a commemoration is a prayer of relatives and friends for the repose of the soul of the deceased. The main meaning of the commemoration is to do a good deed in memory of the deceased. If you sell the things of the deceased in order to do alms in memory of him and ask for the prayers of those people whom you can help, then, probably, these efforts can be justified up to 40 days.

Is it possible to use the things of the deceased?

Archpriest John Yemelyanov, Chairman of the Parish Council of the Church of the Holy Right-believing Tsarevich Dimitry at the First City Hospital in Moscow

With the things of a deceased relative, you can do as you see fit. Someone distributes them to those in need, someone leaves them as a prayer memory for themselves. Nowadays, when things are virtual - pages on social networks, correspondence through various gadgets - they are guided by the same rule that applies to letters: if a person is dead, then letters can be read. diaries, correspondence famous people they even publish them, but in such a way as not to harm those living people who are mentioned in them, in extreme cases they replace them with N, so that without names.

It seems to me that it is quite possible to use the things of a deceased person who was dear to you. It is good to have something to remember a person in prayers. Over the years of my service, I had to bury and perform funeral services for so many people, and from my own experience I can say that more often I commemorate those from whom something has remained for me, for example, an icon or a candlestick: you look at this thing and immediately remember the deceased John, Theodosius who were pious people. But objects can also be quite utilitarian in nature: from beautiful pictures, vases up to anything. And you can use them.

How to deal with the things of the deceased?

Archpriest John Yemelyanov, Chairman of the Parish Council of the Church of the Holy Right-believing Tsarevich Dimitry at the First City Hospital in Moscow

The worst option is to collect everything in a row and “make happy” someone with something that should be taken out in the trash. If things are decent, then it is quite possible to distribute them. It is only important to remember that the fate of such things is also a special work, a big job, even a specialized one. If you know those who do this, you need to understand what the requirements are for things: on all charitable portals, for example, the website of the Orthodox service “Mercy”, there is a detailed description of what you need to bring and what is better not to. Such admission conditions are not whims, but the result of many years of experience working with people in need. Those things that no one needs anymore can be thrown away with a clear conscience.

Relatives, heirs of the deceased usually decide for themselves how to deal with his things. There are no special church rules. I think you will commemorate more those people from whom you have something left for prayer memory. When my father died, my mother gave us, his children, the icons that he collected all his life, saved from the Russian north, where in the 60s they died, they boarded up windows, threw them away. Papa brought these icons to Moscow and restored them. Now, after his death, these icons are kept in the families of his children, we pray in front of them and commemorate the pope.

Is it possible to throw away the belongings of the deceased after 40 days?

Archpriest John Yemelyanov, Chairman of the Parish Council of the Church of the Holy Right-believing Tsarevich Dimitry at the First City Hospital in Moscow

You can throw things away both before and after 40 days. This is pure superstition and has nothing to do with Orthodox dogma. The only pious explanation for this rule is that up to 40 days it is worth less fussing about everyday issues, being distracted by material problems, and pray more for the deceased. On the 40th day, the deceased appears before God and the place of his stay is determined until the Last Judgment. In our tradition, a commemoration is a prayer of relatives and friends for the repose of the soul of the deceased. The main meaning of the commemoration is to do a good deed in memory of a loved one: you can feed people with a request for prayer, you can distribute his things as a keepsake, donate your money or time to works of mercy.

I remember an incident in our country house. Decent-looking aunts passed by our plots with my brother, and when they saw that we had many children, they asked if we needed things. The whole story was about finding a car, and when we arrived at some crumbling house, they took out an antediluvian sofa and two trunks. But as soon as we opened these bags, we smelled a "flavor" that defies description. It immediately became clear that all things could well have been taken to the trash, but these people, obviously, were sorry to do so and they decided to “help” those with many children. Things in such a deplorable state - no matter whether they are from living people or from the dead - of course, no one will need them and they can be safely thrown away.

It often happens that people who leave this world have good wardrobe items, but we find out priest's opinion.

On a subconscious level, we are all afraid of death. But this is an inevitability that everyone will have to face.

Any of us, at a certain point in time, crosses this line, marked by someone, and finds ourselves in the face of the unknown. So what to do with the things that are left of the deceased, especially a loved one? Can they continue to use or do it differently? Opinions on this issue are completely different.

What the priests say

Representatives of various areas of the spiritual study of mankind, extrasensory people or the clergy have different attitudes to the issue of death. Accordingly, their recommendations to the relatives and friends of the departed also differ. You can get acquainted with the main tips from the table.

Scope of study Opinion of representatives
Psychology The answer is unanimous: it is impossible to wear.

Especially if you have ever seen them worn by the deceased.

  • You will always have associations with the image of this person.
  • One should not so honor the memory of the departed to another world.
  • An extra reminder of death is useless to you. You can worry about this, be sad and feel anxious.

Often, after a loved one, wardrobe items remain that are inappropriate to give, since they have too high a price. Maybe it's a nice fur coat or a decent leather jacket. Then take them away for a while, let the memory erase your memories a little. And after six months or a year, you can try to get them and wear them. However, if negative emotions nevertheless begin to overwhelm you, postpone this activity for an indefinite period. Your psychological state is more precious than any thing.

Psychics People with extraordinary abilities are also not advised to wear the clothes of the deceased.

They suggest:

  • Things are able to save part of a person's energy. And if he is no longer with us, then this energy is also no longer “alive”.
  • Clothing is a conductor of such negativity for the one who put it on.
  • If, nevertheless, the wardrobe of the deceased is full of sufficiently high-quality items, then it is better to start using them after forty days from death.
  • Previously, psychics advise to conduct a ritual that removes the negative energy of the deceased.
  • In no case should you use underwear, these parts should be disposed of immediately.
  • Do not use clothing that the person was wearing at the time of death. There is too much negative energy in it, which must be disposed of immediately.

A bad relationship with a deceased relative is one of the reasons that suggests that you will immediately refuse the offered things. Believe me, they will only harm you.

Orthodox Church Priests do not welcome common superstitions and customs. They believe that aura, karma or energy are far-fetched concepts.

The opinion of the priests:

  • The clothes of the deceased person are not at all dangerous, according to the church. Accordingly, the answer to the question of whether it is worth wearing it is in the affirmative.
  • The clergy simply adhere to the tradition, according to which things are distributed to the needy segments of the population.
  • Putting them on, people remember with a kind word the one from whom they received such an offering, and the person who owned the clothes.
  • If the clothes are too expensive or just expensive, like a memory, then you can keep it.
  • Give the rest to the temple.

If a child died

The worst tragedy that can happen in life is the death of your own child. In this case, how to deal with the clothes of a baby who will bad rock ended up in heaven? So is it possible to wear things after a deceased person, the opinion of a priest?

What to do with the clothes of a loved one who has died

From a psychological point of view, these clothes should be removed as far as possible. Going through blouses, pants, dresses of a deceased baby, you will torment your heart again and again, remembering the loss. It would be better if she did not remain in the house at all.

Why you shouldn't give away baby clothes

They should not be transferred to another family where there is Small child. Toddlers are more than adults defenseless against the forces of bad energy. It can harm the health and well-being of the baby. Therefore, do not take risks and do not try on the clothes of the dead on other people's children.

When can I donate the shoes of the deceased?

If there is a lot of controversy and disagreement around clothes, then opinions coincided about shoes. There is a tradition according to which it is distributed to the poor after forty days have passed from the moment of death.

Who to donate shoes

These should not be those who personally knew the deceased: friends or relatives. It is best to give shoes to complete strangers, never intersecting with the deceased, people. It is not clear where this tradition came from, but many prefer to follow it.

The attitude of representatives of the church to the things of the deceased

When a loved one leaves you, family members may contact the church to clarify what to do with the clothes of the departed. Often there is quite a lot of it left. It can also be various household items or decorations. It is a pity to throw it away or burn it, but many are afraid to wear it.

Energy of clothes

Priests prescribe to the things of the saints the property of distributing their power to all believing people. This means that other objects also have this property. It is worth determining what a person was like in life.

If he had such qualities as nobility, kindness, positive features character and success, then the household items that he used will be endowed with the same properties. Then think, why do you need the accumulated energy of an evil, unfortunate, grouchy talker? After all, it is she who will overwhelm his things.

Who needs to distribute things

The church is unanimous in its opinion on what to do with a pectoral cross. This is a personal item that should be placed with the deceased. But suddenly it happened that for some reason you missed this moment. In this case, it cannot be appropriated and worn, but it is also not recommended to throw it away. Put it in the folder with all documents or awards. You should keep them, but not use them.

As mentioned above, the clergy unanimously argue that it is possible to use the clothes of a deceased person.

But it will be better if it is distributed after the expiration of forty days to the poor and the needy. Do this at the door of the temple, so you will once again remember a person close to you and do a good deed.

The clothes he wore could serve someone else and keep him warm in the cold of winter. And this person will once again remember the deceased with a kind word.

Superstitions about the things of the dead

If you ask in a church if it is possible to wear things after a deceased person, the opinion of a priest, then you will be given the answer that secular superstitions are inappropriate in this case.

What Not to Do

But still there are certain rules that they recommend to adhere to in any case:

  • Do not burn the clothes and shoes of the deceased
  • Distribute wardrobe only after forties
  • Do not give the pectoral cross to anyone.
  • If you decide to keep something for yourself, then you need to consecrate these things. It is not difficult to do it yourself at home. It will be enough to draw water in the church and sprinkle all the clothes or other household items with it.

Believe or not in omens

Part of the superstitions that have come down to us from antiquity suggests that personal items used by the deceased can harm health and bring misfortune to the one who will use them. But this statement is debatable. Especially when it comes to expensive things, family heirlooms or jewelry. It is not for nothing that there is a tradition to pass on from generation to generation diamond earrings, a precious necklace or hereditary gold inherited from grandmothers. Most likely, you will proudly wear these jewelry, not thinking that they can bring you trouble or illness.

Leave a memory of a loved one

If it comes to the remaining wardrobe, then in this case everyone decides for himself what to do with it. This is a piece of memory left by a departed loved one. It all depends on how much you succumb psychological impact whether you can put on a thing that will constantly remind you of the loss. If you're only concerned about the physical side of things, modern disinfectants can do the job of protecting you if a person dies due to a serious illness.

You can be sure of your peace of mind if you answer “no” to all of the following questions:

  • Do you feel negative energy emanating from clothes,
  • Is your health deteriorating
  • Are you haunted by the thought that you will soon die,
  • Does wearing clothes bring trouble and misfortune on your head, etc.

What to do with the jewelry of the deceased

If the answer to the question of whether it is possible to wear things after a deceased person, the opinion of the priest is practically received, then the debate continues regarding jewelry. This is especially true for gold jewelry. It is generally accepted that this metal is able to absorb all the negativity and then gradually transfer it to the new owner.

Therefore, with gold products, you should do the following:

  • Sell
  • Remelt.

If you can’t raise your hand to do this with precious things, and you want to keep them as a keepsake, then put them together with a pectoral cross and documents and do not use them in everyday life.

Why You Shouldn't Buy Gold at a Pawnshop

That is why you do not need to buy gold earrings, rings or chains in pawnshops. You do not know for what reason they were handed over there, what kind of person used them. Most likely, this did not come from a good life, and, therefore, carries a negative.

superstitions about jewelry

Remember the legends about pirates and various cursed treasures. All of these stories came from the theory that gold should have one owner.

The Church, however, does not adhere to this position and considers all this to be the invention of the evil one.

There are no legends or superstitions associated with silver. This metal is mainly used in churches. By the way, pectoral crosses often made of silver.

How to consecrate the things of the deceased

If your deceased relative owned things that you feel sorry for giving into the wrong hands, and you prefer to use them yourself, but are afraid, then the church in this case recommends consecration. To do this, it is enough to take holy water and sprinkle things, reading a prayer known to you. After that, you can safely use them.

If the clothes are still a reminder for you of a loved one who suddenly left you, then do not throw them away. Do a good deed - take it to a church or a shelter for the poor, it will be credited to you.

There are two unspoken rules that must be followed in any case. In this matter, psychics, psychologists and clergy are united. Therefore, if you are faced with the question of how to deal with the things of a deceased person, do as your heart tells you, but be sure to fulfill the following two conditions:

  1. Clothing and bedding, on which a person said goodbye to life, must be disposed of. They cannot be thrown away, as they contain quite a strong negative energy. If another person picks them up, she will pass on to him and bring trouble and misfortune.
  2. 40 days after the death of the owner, things should not be touched in any case. Once this period has passed, dispose of them as you see fit.

Seriously enough approaching the question of whether it is possible to wear things after a deceased person, the priest’s opinion is unambiguous - yes, and you yourself make the right decision. It's up to you how you deal with them. Everything will depend entirely on your superstitiousness, sentimentality and relationship with the deceased person.

The death of a loved one is an event that sooner or later will happen to everyone. The people, who have repeatedly observed this, saw signs of fate in the details. Especially a lot of superstitions are associated with the personal belongings of a deceased relative. So, for example, signs give a certain interpretation of what it means to wear the clothes of the deceased and sleep on his bed.

If a person put on the trousers of the deceased, then unexpected luck awaits him.

Is it possible to wear the things of the deceased

The things of the deceased do not always carry a negative sign of fate. In some cases, wearing the clothes of a dead person is an indication of positive events in the near future. To understand what it means to wear the things of an already deceased person, you need to look at the sign of the thing:

  • Wearing the jacket of the deceased means soon meeting your enemy. A person will face an opponent whom he has not noticed for a long time. After this duel, it will become clear which of the opponents is ready to go to the bitter end.
  • Wearing a dead man's T-shirt is a harbinger of unwanted communication with members of the opposite sex. A person will associate with those who will bring him notoriety. In the future, this will negatively affect the status in society and public opinion.
  • If a person put on the trousers of the deceased, then unexpected luck awaits him. Luck will meet him at a moment of complete disappointment in his own abilities. As a result, there will be motivation for hard work and unprecedented productivity.
  • Putting on the shirt of the deceased - to parting with the second half. Partners will not be able to support each other in difficult times, which will worsen relations. Constant conflicts and domestic squabbles will replace the old romantic feelings. This will lead to disappointment in the satellite and a break.
  • Wearing socks or underwear is a harbinger of illness. A person cannot save himself from a serious illness. Lack of examination and serious treatment will aggravate the situation and cause the family to spend a lot of money on rehabilitation.
  • To wear a hat or scarf that belonged to a deceased person means to find new way development. A person will understand in which area he can start his activity. His life will change, thanks to active work, new opportunities will open up. This will positively affect self-esteem and communication with others.
  • Putting on a jacket bought by a dead person is a harbinger of an unpleasant conversation with relatives. The topic of conversation will be the behavior of one of the family members. However, instead of mutual understanding and compromise, dialogue will lead to a quarrel and aggression.
  • Wearing watches or other personal items of deceased relatives - to long-term well-being. A person will be able to arrange all his affairs and deal with problems. At work and at home, a calm and productive atmosphere will appear, thanks to which career growth will become possible.

What to do with the things of the deceased

If it turned out that, according to superstition, you can’t wear some things of a deceased person, then there are several options for their implementation. Depending on who the deceased person was, you can find out what is recommended to do with his things:

According to the priest, the eldest of the descendants must put on the cross and wear it for 2 years from the date of death. In the future, it can be transferred to the grave or arrange a small memorial place in the house. Other jewelry or small personal items can also be placed there.

If the cross remains in the house, then it must be worn by the eldest descendant every anniversary of death.

A less popular option is the burial of a person with a cross. This method is not recommended, because if the deceased harbored a grudge against any of the relatives, a crisis will soon come in the family. A difficult financial situation will negatively affect the opportunities and well-being of everyone.

What to do with photographs of the dead

All photographs stored on electronic media are printed and combined with early photographs. Photos of the deceased are stored in a separate photo album. You should not put there more recent pictures that were taken after death, as family members can bring trouble on themselves.

The detrimental effects will lead to a long illness or serious conflict. If some of the pictures are influenced environment deteriorated, they must be burned or buried along with other things of the deceased.

Is it possible to sleep on the bed of the deceased

Sleeping on the bed of the deceased is a sign of fate, which can indicate both positive and negative events in the near future. The significance of this act can be recognized by what caused the death.

  • Sleeping on the bed of someone who left the world due to illness - to the unpleasant consequences of a long conversation with colleagues. The work team will misinterpret the words of a person, which will negatively affect further relations with the boss and other employees.
  • Death as a result of an accident indicates that one should not sleep on the bed of the deceased in any case. Otherwise, the whole family will be haunted by misfortune. The black bar will be detrimental to a career and other areas of life.
  • The bed of the deceased at the hands of the killer is a symbol of a childless existence. To sleep in such a place means to put up with the absence of descendants. This situation will only change if the bed is sold or thrown away.
  • If carelessness became the cause of death, then regular nightmares await the deceased sleeping on the bed. Bad dreams will negatively affect your well-being and professional achievements.
  • Sleeping in the place of the deceased during the fire means starting to change. A person will start to buy one personal characteristics and reject others. This will lead to an improvement in material well-being and the quality of life in general.
  • Natural death indicates hostility from others, which will be directed at the deceased sleeping on the bed. You will have to make many times more efforts to establish relationships with others and find like-minded people.
  • Death after an accident is an omen of bad news for the deceased sleeping on the bed. The information received will cause discouragement and lack of motivation.
  • Sleeping on the bed of someone who has gone missing means you will soon quarrel with your boss. A conflict with the boss will lead to a job change.

Wearing things after a deceased person, according to many, is a bad sign. However, the signs say otherwise. Some objects of the deceased can continue to be used, despite the prevailing opinion in society. Not only will they not ruin a person’s life, but they will also indicate imminent positive events.