Is it possible to carry things? Where to put the things of the deceased. What to do if the deceased was unpleasant, but the things remained good and it’s a pity to throw them away

Many people who have recently lost loved one, wondering - what to do with his things? In this article we will try to explain in as much detail as possible when it is possible to distribute the belongings of the deceased and whether this can be done at all.

What people usually do

People in such situations act differently: some take them to church or a shelter immediately after death, some consult with a priest before taking any action, and some keep them and do not distribute them until they die. until things decay. The latter does not seem entirely reasonable, although very natural - loved ones want to keep at least something in memory of the deceased person, and his things become a symbol, an illusion that nothing happened to him, he just left the house for a short time. However, it is still not recommended to keep what belonged to a person, but to find out when after death you can distribute the things of the deceased. There is a belief that these things preserve the energy a person possessed during life. Therefore, most religions (Orthodoxy included) do not advise preserving such items.

Why you shouldn't save the things of the deceased

Now let’s clarify whether it is possible to distribute the things of the deceased. As we have already said, storing them is not recommended. The fact is that the death of a loved one, naturally, is associated with pain and suffering both for him and his relatives who are left alone with themselves. These experiences mix and create powerful negative energy around the deceased’s belongings, which accumulates more and more over time in the room where they are stored. This is especially true for everything that was in direct contact with the body, such as jewelry or costume jewelry, clothing, and especially bedding. However, you can always take the jewelry to church and check with the priest whether you can wear them. It is likely that he will advise you to consecrate them, and after this the jewelry can be calmly put on, while remembering the deceased and praying for his soul.

By the way, priests say that you can wear a cross that belonged to a previously deceased person, despite the fact that there are completely opposite opinions on this matter. There is a superstition that by putting on the cross of a deceased person, a person thereby takes upon himself his lifetime sins, but this is really just a superstition.

Letters and manuscripts

As for letters, manuscripts, diaries, it all depends on the relatives themselves, whether they want to leave the papers of the deceased as a keepsake or not. Some may consider it unethical to store and perhaps read the texts of even a deceased person; for others, this will be the only item that they will keep, and the best memory of the deceased. But if relatives decide to get rid of his papers, under no circumstances should they be thrown into the trash; it would be much better to burn them so that prying eyes cannot read them.

However, in general, priests are of the opinion that the memory of a person should be preserved not in things, but in minds. Therefore, the best answer to the question of when you can distribute things after a deceased person is: as soon as possible, and you should not leave a lot of things. Much the best solution will get rid of them, which we will talk about later.

When can you give away the belongings of a deceased person?

IN Orthodox tradition It is believed that the deceased’s belongings must be distributed before the fortieth day after his death. Therefore, the answer to the question whether it is possible to distribute the belongings of a deceased person will be in the affirmative. Relatives have quite a long time for this good deed. Therefore, in principle, it does not matter on what day the things of the deceased can be distributed. Within forty days after the soul leaves the body, according to the Orthodox, it goes through ordeals in order to ultimately end up in heaven or hell. Therefore, any good deed done on earth in her name will benefit her. The more relatives are merciful to those in need, the more merciful God will be to the soul of the departed person. It is assumed that the people who received the items will remember the deceased and thereby influence where his soul ends up (so you can ask them directly so that they do not forget to remember him).

However, according to another opinion, it is better not to touch things until the fortieth day, since the energy of the deceased is too negative to be distributed to strangers. Items can be safely distributed only after this period has expired. In addition, supporters of this position believe that all these forty days the soul is at home, next to loved ones, and it will be simply unpleasant for her to see how quickly her former things are given away. However, the opinion is quite dubious.

But the Bible does not say a word about how many days later the things of the deceased can be distributed, therefore, if you do not listen to what the priests say, you can believe whatever you want in this regard.

What to do with the room of the deceased

After forty days have passed since the death of a person, it is worth doing a large-scale cleaning of his room. Throw away everything objectively, including old furniture, which is completely useless to keep, because it is saturated with human suffering. If there is no reason to throw it away, you can sprinkle it with holy water, thereby cleansing it. It is better to put personal items that relatives have decided to keep away in the closet for a while, so as not to constantly come across them, each time experiencing the pain of loss. We have already discussed on what day the things of the deceased can be distributed. If the deceased was seriously ill before his death, then it is better, just in case, to make repairs to the room in order to clear the space of negative energy, if possible.

How to clean the belongings and room of the deceased

Along with the question of when it is possible to distribute the things of the deceased, relatives also think about how to clean those things that they nevertheless decided to keep. One of the most successful options is sprinkling with holy water. They also say that salt absorbs negativity well, so you can wash things in salt water. In addition, you can alter the things of the deceased, make something new out of them, in a word, give them new life, and therefore, charge with new energy.

Where can you put the deceased's belongings?

There are actually a lot of options. Some mementos can be left in the family, some can be distributed to loved ones. If we are not talking about family, then first of all it is better to give things to those who really need them. If there are no such people around, you can give things to the nearest branch of the Red Cross, the nearest church or any collection point for things for the poor. Nowadays, funeral service bureaus do the same thing, taking the deceased’s belongings and distributing them to those in need in the same way. Completely unusable clothes can be left at trash cans or simply burned, the latter is even better. In any case, it is important not to try to squeeze profit out of the deceased’s belongings, but to do something good for others with their help. Otherwise, according to some superstitious individuals, all sorts of punishments and illnesses may await you. However, it’s not even a matter of punishment: it’s simply not very ethical to profit from death. It is also worth adding that there is an unspoken rule - it is better not to give the things of the deceased into one person’s hands, but to distribute them among at least several people.

Is it possible to keep the things of the deceased?

Along with the question of how many days after the things of the deceased can be distributed, many are interested in whether they can be kept for themselves - there are different opinions on this matter. Some believe that there is nothing wrong with this; at a time when clothing, especially outerwear, was in short supply, many, even during the life of the deceased, could begin to distribute his things among themselves. Nowadays such a situation is rare, but nevertheless, relatives often tend to keep some things as souvenirs, especially completely new ones. Another opinion says that doing this with the things of the deceased is a great sin and it is absolutely necessary to give away absolutely all items, even furniture from the room where the person lived shortly before his death.

As for the deceased's money, this is a separate issue, but almost the same rules apply to it as to other things. It is necessary to set aside some amount for alms. And of course, thank the deceased for such an involuntary gift before becoming a full-fledged owner or mistress of the funds, regardless of the amount.

When can you give away a deceased child's belongings?

All of the above tips do not apply to children's belongings. They are strictly not recommended to be distributed. To be honest, there are hardly any parents who would agree to accept the things of a deceased child and put them on their own.

In the event of the death of a child, it is best to burn or throw away clothes; you should do the same with toys, under no circumstances giving them away to other children, so as not to transfer negative energy. And just don’t put other parents in an awkward position in which they won’t know how to tactfully refuse. In the same way, there is no need to put clothes on a younger child if something irreparable happens to the older one. However, you can leave a couple of the most significant and favorite toys, but take them out only in a moment of intense grief for the baby.

If you yourself find yourself in such a situation that someone gave you things that belonged to a previously deceased child, pray for his soul, but do not use the things or even leave them at home. You should not store such things, it can lead to a variety of consequences.

In Orthodoxy, the answer to the question of when it is possible to distribute the belongings of the deceased is direct and unambiguous - within forty days after death. In contrast to the pagans, who burned things belonging to a deceased person along with him on the funeral pyre, in Orthodoxy these things, as already mentioned, are dealt with completely differently. They are distributed as alms within forty days after the death of a person. However, as Orthodox priests say, nothing bad will happen if for some reason the relatives did not manage to distribute the deceased’s belongings during this period. This can be done calmly later, although it is better to do it within forty days, which, according to Christian tradition, are especially important for the soul of the deceased, whose posthumous fate is decided at this time. It is also possible to check with the priest in the nearest church when things can be distributed after the deceased.

Other religions

In Judaism, for example, it is believed that a person’s belongings can be given away completely calmly, but this rule does not apply to his shoes. Legend has it that whoever walks in the shoes of the deceased tramples them underground, so shoes are traditionally disposed of.

Unfortunately, people tend to die. Death always comes unexpectedly, you never know how tomorrow will turn out. After the death of a person, there are many things, clothes and accessories left that are quite suitable for use. However, the very awareness of the situation repels many. Some people are afraid because of their religious beliefs, others believe in heavy energy, which is transmitted. Some people simply find it unpleasant to use the deceased’s belongings, but sometimes situations force them to do so. This issue should be understood from different points of view.

Psychics are convinced that everything that a person used during his lifetime, one way or another absorbs his energy, some kind of information. Therefore, this issue is very controversial, because the energy of an object will depend on the energy that the person himself possessed. Psychics argue quite a lot about this issue, however, most agree that each thing needs to be checked individually to determine the energy background. It is strictly not recommended to leave the things of the deceased, in which he was in the last moments of his life. All the sensations and possibly pain that he experienced translated into negative energy that remained on his clothes.

Definitely, each person leaves a certain mark on the objects he used. If you don’t want to use the services of psychics, then it’s best to trust your feelings. If a person was good, bright and kind, then the energy of his things will be similar.

The attitude of the Orthodox Church to the issue of belongings of a deceased person

For many people, this is, at a minimum, unpleasant, not aesthetically pleasing and not comfortable. It becomes especially unpleasant when you have to use the things of a loved one who is no longer in the world. Wearing various clothes and accessories of deceased people is ambiguously assessed from a religious point of view.

The opinion of religious leaders on this is ambiguous, however, Orthodox priests agree. The Orthodox Church allows and even approves the fact of wearing things after the deceased. Previously, there was even a custom to distribute the property of the deceased to the needy poor. Usually this was always done near temples, always after 40 days had passed from the death of a person. The logic of this benefit is simple - clothes will help those in need, it may even save them, they will remember the deceased with a kind word and gratitude.

Now there are quite a lot of superstitions on this issue. The Church is skeptical of all superstitions, for example, burning the clothes of the deceased. This is absolutely forbidden to do; it is not only useless, but also insults the personality of the deceased and is a bad sign. It is also impossible to distribute and put on things before the end of the forties, when the soul still walks among people. Some people mistakenly believe that leaving any belongings is dangerous for health, both physical and energetic. This is, of course, a myth. Religion has a positive attitude towards the memory of lost people, so throwing away something, especially valuable and memorable, is pointless.

What can be done to wear the things of the deceased, is it worth doing?

Orthodox priests recommend consecrating the clothes you are going to wear. To do this, it is not necessary to contact church workers; it is enough to get water from the nearest church spring or buy it in bottles. At home, you can simply sprinkle your clothes, after which they will be ready for constant wear.

Important! Can't give away pectoral cross the deceased to strangers, you also cannot carry it yourself. The best option is to keep it as a keepsake, or put it in a coffin before the burial procedure.

The best use of the deceased’s belongings according to all canons

As already mentioned, according to tradition, the deceased’s belongings used to be distributed to those in need near churches and temples. But this was done only after the fortieth day. Such an action will be the best and quite noble. If some item or element of your wardrobe is very valuable to you, as a memory of a person, you should definitely keep it. You also need to keep the item if it has any physical value (for example, any jewelry, equipment) - the church does not criticize this in any way, treating it with understanding. It is important not to resort to any superstitions, which the church has always had a negative attitude towards and still has.

The most important thing is to listen to your heart and feelings. If there is a feeling that the thing will come in handy, will be useful, then it is worth leaving it. The main thing is to weigh all doubts, arguments, and answer yourself whether the thing will bring any troubles, illnesses and negative emotions. If there are no doubts, you can safely use things, remembering with a good word someone who is no longer around.

How to properly dispose of the wardrobe left after his death? Is it possible to wear the shoes of the deceased, and is it worth keeping his jewelry? Writes

Clothes of the dead

Psychics advise burning the belongings of a deceased relative. In their opinion, such clothes will not bring joy and happiness to a person who wants to keep them.

But anyone who decides to wear the things of a deceased person can expect major troubles: from family quarrels to problems at work and relationships with friends and colleagues.

Therefore, you should not wear the clothes of the deceased, even if you really like this thing.

Is it possible to wear jewelry of the deceased?

What about family jewels? After all, they are passed down from generation to generation from a deceased family member to a living one.

In order for jewelry to bring happiness to its new owner, it must be “cleansed.” Holy or pure spring water will help you with this, as well as special prayers that need to be read over these decorations.

After the ritual with water and prayers, jewelry will not only not cause you any harm, but will also protect you from everything bad, and also help attract joy and success.

Deceased's shoes

What to do with the shoes of a deceased person? Is it possible to wear it, and if not, why not? For example, in Jewish culture, shoes are very important, and wearing them after the deceased is strictly forbidden.

There are several reasons explaining this ban.

Is it possible to wear the shoes of a deceased person?

Reason #1:

Some say that this injunction is based on the Talmudic statement that a dream in which a deceased person comes to take away an item of clothing is a good sign, unless the item is a shoe.

And since dreams are largely the result of our thoughts, upon awakening a person also continues to be haunted by the fear that wearing the shoes of the deceased is not very good, moreover, it is a bad sign.

Many people believe that dreams are a reflection of our reality, which means wearing the shoes of a deceased relative is definitely a bad omen.

Reason #2:

Another reason to discard your deceased relative's shoes is that natural leather is a carrier of many infectious diseases.

Therefore, unless a person died from some terrible viral disease - for example, if he died in an accident or was killed, the ban on wearing his shoes should not apply.

Based on these considerations, some argue that the ban applies only to the pair of shoes in which the person died.

Others argue that all the shoes from the wardrobe of the deceased should not be worn by living people. It also needs to be gotten rid of, since it already contains the energy of the deceased, which means it will bring only misfortune to living people.

Reason #3:

Some religions prohibit shoes made from the skin of a deceased animal whose death was the result of disease.

“You can’t wear shoes made from the skin of a dead animal!”

The reason for this ban is the fear of transmitting the disease that killed the animal. In ancient times, it was believed that this infection could spread to someone who would subsequently wear shoes made from the skin of such an animal.

According to this interpretation, there is no problem with wearing shoes worn by a deceased person if he did not suffer from infectious diseases during his lifetime.

In the lives of each of us, sooner or later losses occur - someday our grandparents pass away, then our parents and other close people. After all the unpleasant ceremonies, we are left alone with many questions: “What now to do with everything acquired by our relatives?”, “Can I keep their things in my house?”, “Can I wear their clothes, jewelry, shoes? ?.

This article will be devoted to all folk signs, all beliefs, as well as church instructions regarding the belongings of deceased loved ones.

There is an expression: “It is better to sleep on the grave of a dead person than on his bed!” Perhaps there is some truth in this. If a person was sick for a long time, experienced crazy torment on the bed, and eventually died on it, then it is of course better to part with such an inheritance.

People related to extrasensory perception argue that it is better to replace the bed of a deceased person. If it is not possible to buy a new bed, but you need to sleep on something, then it is better to perform a ritual of cleansing the deathbed of a loved one. To do this, you can go around the bed on all sides with a lit church candle, passing over and under it, sprinkle it with holy water and sprinkle with salt.

If the deceased person had some otherworldly abilities, then to get rid of the trace of his strong energy, it is better to invite a clergyman to the house. The church, as a rule, meets its parishioners halfway and helps them overcome their fears of the unknown.

If you turn with similar thoughts to someone more down-to-earth, such as scientists or doctors who are skeptical about this kind of activity, they are unlikely to find anything reprehensible in keeping the sofa or bed of a deceased person for themselves. Their only advice may be to disinfect furniture or reupholster it. This is especially true for those options when a person died from an infectious disease or virus.

What to do with the bed of a deceased relative?

The Church, in turn, may take a reprehensible attitude towards the desire of relatives to keep the deathbed of their loved one. It is not Christian to sleep on a bed where another person has come face to face with death.

The psychological side of this issue is also very important. A person who has lost a loved one may not immediately be able to get rid of grief and melancholy. An object associated with this person can often remind you of him and excite sad thoughts in your head. However, there is a category of people for whom, on the contrary, memorabilia gives only positive emotions and memories. Falling asleep on the bed of their relative, they can meet them more often in their dreams and enjoy such spiritual communication.

In other words, the choice is yours. If you are able to subjugate your feelings of fear and give up superstitions, then put the bed of your loved one in order and sleep on it to your health!

What to do with photographs of deceased relatives?

This is perhaps the most controversial issue. We have long been accustomed to the fact that in the houses of our grandmothers, great-grandmothers and parents, numerous portraits and general photographs of their ancestors and loved ones hung on the walls. In the old days, this was not considered something dangerous or reprehensible. But today there are a lot of ideas floating around that photographs of the dead carry negative energy and can affect the health and fate of living people.

First of all, let's talk about a portrait of a person who has just died for a funeral procession. It should be a photo that both you and he liked. The portrait can be framed in a mourning photo frame or have a black ribbon placed on it in the lower right corner. After burial, the portrait of the deceased must remain in his house for 40 days. What to do with the portrait later is up to his loved ones to decide.

If after this time the wound of loss is still too fresh, then it is better to remove the photograph until calmer times. If the relatives have already managed to survive their loss and have coped with their nerves, then the portrait can be placed in the living room or another room other than the bedroom.

Photos of deceased relatives in the house - the opinion of the church

The Orthodox Church does not see anything wrong with photographs of deceased relatives being in the home of their relatives. We are all equal before God - both the dead and the living.

Therefore, photographs of loved ones, especially loved ones and loving ones, can only bring a bunch of pleasant memories and fill the heart with purity and love. If the loss is too severe, then at first it is better to remove the photo out of sight. But there is absolutely no need to get rid of it forever. The time will come when the appearance of the deceased begins to blur and gradually disappear from a person’s memory - that’s when his photo will come to the rescue.

It is also better to temporarily hide a photograph of a deceased person with whom there is resentment or misunderstanding. After a certain period, all negative emotions will fade into the background, and then you will be able to see your loved one with a pure heart.

What to do with old photographs of deceased relatives?

Of course, they need to be stored. Now, if we imagine that the relatives of great writers or other outstanding people would not keep their photographs, as we would imagine them to be. It’s always interesting to check the portrait drawn in your imagination famous person with the original.

So in this situation, our grandchildren, great-grandchildren and other heirs will want to know what their ancestor looked like. Photography will help them with this. By preserving photographs of our relatives, we preserve a piece of our history, which will be important for our offspring. But the question of whether to expose these photographs to the public and ours, including our daily viewing, remains open.

Is it possible to hang portraits of deceased relatives on the wall?

Psychics claim that a photograph of the deceased can become a portal to the other world. By hanging a portrait of the deceased on the wall, we can open the door to the world of the dead. If this door is constantly open, that is, the portrait will always be in sight, living people living in the house can feel the energy of the dead.

Some relatives who have hung photographs of their deceased loved ones on the walls claim that they are constantly tormented by headaches, impotence, and various kinds of diseases. All this may be just a far-fetched theory, or it may have some truth.

Photographs taken on the day of the funeral have especially strong energy. It’s not clear why people take these kinds of pictures at all. After all, they only bear human sorrow and grief. Such photos are unlikely to bring goodness and positivity into the home. It would be better to get rid of them.

How to store photos of deceased relatives?

According to the instructions of psychics, you should store photographs of deceased relatives as follows: It is advisable to separate photographs of the deceased from photographs of living people. For photographs of the deceased, it is better to select a special photo album or photo box. If there is no separate album, then it is better to place such photos in a black opaque bag or envelope.

If the photograph is general and there are also living people in it, then it is better to cut out the deceased from it and store it separately. In order for the photograph to be stored longer, it is better to laminate it. Photos of the deceased can be scanned and stored on a separate medium - disk, flash drive, website.

What to do with the clothes of a deceased relative?

The clothes of a deceased person can preserve his energy, especially if they were his favorite clothes. Therefore, you can either store it or get rid of it. The best way to get rid of a deceased person's clothes is by distributing them to those in need. The person will be grateful to you for the gift, and you can ask him to remember the deceased with a kind word and pray for him.

If a person wore clothes during a period of illness on the eve of death, then it is better to burn such things.

What to do, how to deal with the things of the deceased?

It is best to deal with the deceased’s belongings in the same way as with clothes - distribute them to the poor. If among his things there are things close to his heart, then they can be kept somewhere in a secret, remote place and taken out only when you want to remember your relative.

If the thing is directly related to the suffering and death of a sick person, then it is better to get rid of it by burning it. If during his lifetime a person gave instructions to his relatives regarding certain things, then it is best to deal with them in the way the deceased wanted.

Is it possible to keep and wear the things of a deceased person?

As mentioned above, it is best to get rid of such things. However, there are some things that are very difficult to part with. They can be preserved, but it is not recommended to take such clothes out of the closet for a long period of time. You can wear clothes after the deceased no earlier than 40 days after his death. Some people recommend holding off on doing this for at least a year after the person’s death.

Psychics offer to clean the clothes of the deceased using the same holy water and salt. The item can simply be soaked in a water-salt solution for some time, and then washed thoroughly.

Is it possible to give the deceased's belongings to relatives?

If a relative himself insists that he would like to keep a memory of the deceased in the form of one thing or another, then he should not be denied this. You just need to ask him to pray for the soul of the deceased.

If, being in full health, the deceased bequeathed his things to one of his relatives, then it is better to fulfill his will and give what was promised.

Is it possible to keep the belongings of the deceased at home for relatives?

Of course, it is possible to store the belongings of a deceased person, but is it necessary? It is believed that after a person departs for another world, his house, apartment, room needs to be put in complete order. The best option Of course there will be new renovations. However, if this is not possible, then it is necessary to remove all the rubbish from the premises, throw away old, outdated things, distribute suitable things to those in need, and do a general cleaning with disinfection.

If the thing is as dear as a memory, then it can be hidden away from human eyes. It is best to wrap such a thing in a rag or an opaque bag and put it in the “far corner” for a while.

Is it possible to wear the shoes of a deceased relative?

The fate of the deceased's shoes is the same as the fate of his clothes and his other belongings - it is best to give them away, but you can also keep them as souvenirs. There is only one rule common to everyone - under no circumstances should you wear clothes and shoes taken from a deceased person, especially one who died a violent death.

Is it possible to wear a deceased relative's watch?

A watch is a rather personal thing, capable of retaining the imprint of its owner for a long period of time. If the deceased person lived happy life and was with his relatives in good relations, then nothing will come of wearing his watch.

If the deceased led an unworthy life and was at enmity with his loved ones, then it is better to get rid of his watch. In any case, when you put a watch on your hand, you will feel whether you want to wear it or not.

Is it possible to wear jewelry from deceased relatives?

Precious metals and stones have a very good memory. They are able to remember their first owner for years and even decades. If relatives received the jewelry from a benevolent deceased person, then there should be no harm from wearing it. Some stones, such as opal, very quickly adapt to new energy and forget their former owner.

If the deceased was engaged in witchcraft or other magic with the help of this jewelry, then it is better to get rid of it altogether. It is advisable only for those heirs to whom the deceased passed on his secrets and knowledge to continue the work of his relative, that is, to connect himself with the world of magic.

What to do with the dishes of a deceased relative?

The dishes of a deceased relative, again, are best distributed to those in need. If the archives of the deceased contain family silver or dinnerware, then they can be washed, cleaned and continued to be kept in your possession.

Is it possible to use the phone number of a deceased relative?

The telephone is a relatively new thing in our lives, so neither the church nor our grandparents have a clear opinion on this matter. If the phone is expensive, then you can continue to use it. If the device is already quite outdated, then again you can do a good deed and give the phone to the poor - let them pray for the deceased once again.

If the phone was in the pocket of the deceased at the time of suicide or violent death, then it is better not to keep such a thing.

What to do with the things of a deceased person - is it possible to wear the clothes and shoes of the deceased - not a common, but very difficult question? The loss of loved ones due to their death is not only an inescapable grief, but also a difficult period in the continuation of life without the departed dear person. People experience this differently and in different ways, and again in different situations, and those things that belonged to the deceased become either a problem or a memorable consolation. You can do this wisely with personal items: clothes and shoes. Well-preserved or almost new ones can be given to friends as a souvenir - let them wear it themselves if they fit and they like it. Others, worn or obsolete, can be burned or thrown away.

Let's immediately decide what things we are talking about. If this is clothing, then we should only talk about outerwear, underwear should be destroyed. An outer dress in good condition can be offered to those in need and given to them according to their wishes. Demi-season jackets, raincoats, windbreakers, winter coats, fur coats and hats, again in good condition, can also be offered as gifts to friends and relatives.

Separately about shoes. Is it possible to wear the shoes of a deceased person? Worn out shoes, shoes, boots, sneakers, sandals or dress shoes should be mercilessly thrown into the trash can. But there may be some shoes left in good condition, which can also be offered as a gift to people.

It happens that the deceased was a passionate collector of books, paintings, antiques, ancient coins, stamps or badges, and his collection is both material and aesthetic value. The heirs of the deceased can do with this according to their own considerations: from selling, to donating or passing on to the younger generation.

But all of the above actions with the things of the deceased are suitable for people devoid of any doubts and superstitions. But in the customs of different times and peoples there were and are so many discrepancies in this matter that it is impossible to talk about them all here. We will touch only on the most common of them.

Is it possible to wear things of a deceased person and how are they related to his death?

In the Christian world, it is believed that the soul of the deceased remains on earth until the third day and can even be transported in space, undergoes aerial ordeals until the fortieth day, and then its fate is unknown to the living: it is destined for Heaven or Hell. Eastern beliefs believe that the soul of the deceased wanders around the world. There are statements about the ability of the soul to be reborn in a new human body, either in the body of an animal or even in a plant. Buddhism and its currents claim that in its posthumous path, the soul of a person who has worked off all karmic debts in a past life has the opportunity to leave the circle of Samsara. Otherwise, due to unpaid debts, the soul will have to be reborn.

In Eastern traditions, where it is customary among some peoples to burn the body of the deceased with all his belongings, the question of what to do with the things of the deceased and whether they can be carried by relatives naturally disappears.

But there are also supporters of the existence of bioenergy, who adhere to the assertion that the energy of the living is different from the energy of the dead. This is the basis for the super ability of individuals, touching the things of the dead, to assert with certainty that their owner is dead. Bioenergetics even feels the viscosity and coldness of the energy of death, in contrast to the energy of living people.

They also claim that it is very difficult to cleanse a thing of the energy of death. A simple wash will not erase the “life and death information” of the item’s former owner. Based on this, psychics do not recommend buying used clothes and shoes, since they can not only carry this information, but also “infect” the living with it with an unforeseen result.

The Christian Church rejects extrasensory perception, and even people who have resorted to psychic consultations must confess it before communion as a sin and superstition. On the question of what to do with the things of the deceased, Orthodox Church does not give direct answers, but good things left from the dead, which are brought by their relatives, are accepted to give to those in need and those who want to receive them. Upon receiving the items, the priest sprinkles them with holy water and blesses them as a sacrifice permitted for their intended use.

When can the deceased’s belongings be disposed of and can relatives carry them?

According to Christian teaching, things of the deceased can be distributed only after the fortieth day from the date of death of their former owner. Some believe that after the fortieth day such things should not remain in the house for the reason that the soul of the deceased has left earthly existence forever and things and objects intended for donation can be taken out of the house.

Bioenergetics even scares people with prohibitions on sleeping on the bed and in the room of the deceased, especially, according to them, you cannot carry things after the death, because they draw the energy of life from the living and attract the appearance of the deceased in their dreams.

It was believed that this must be done so that the deceased would not return for them - this is also a superstition. This belief is most likely due to the fact that in the old days there were too many poor relatives and neighbors in need of things, and they accepted them with gratitude and without any fear, and remembered both the donors and the deceased in their prayers.

Nowadays, there are not so many people who are in dire need of the things of the deceased, and they are even embarrassed to offer them to relatives. Sometimes in dry weather, such things in excellent clean condition in cities are taken to garbage cans as a silent gift. And to be honest, someone is sorting them out.

If the question “What to do with the things of a deceased person?” If you answered positively to yourself and dared to wear the things of your close relatives, then, naturally, you will wash them well, if it is not a fur coat or a sheepskin coat. The latter can be dry cleaned or aired fresh air. If you calmly made this decision and nothing torments you, then bear with it for your health - everything will be as it will be, and, well, it won’t have anything to do with these things.

If you are a believer, ask your confessor how you can reassure yourself in this regard. Since the priests illuminate with holy water the things brought to the temple for those in need, then perhaps he will consecrate them for you at your request.

You need to deal with jewelry in the same way as with things. After the fortieth day they can be worn. For mental balance, you can place them overnight until the morning in a vessel with holy water, remove them in the morning, put them on a clean paper napkin and store or wear them, as is customary.

If during his lifetime the deceased bequeathed any of his things as a gift, then they can be calmly accepted and worn, preferably again after the fortieth day. It is generally accepted that it is even possible to sell good-quality, expensive things of the deceased, but the proceeds cannot be spent on yourself - they must either be spent on a good deed or given as alms to those asking for alms.

It is especially not recommended to give, carry or divide the property of the deceased until the fortieth day, not to mention the third and ninth days. This is displeasing and difficult for his soul, which has not yet been put to rest, and his relatives are sinful - they will have to repent... Sins burden already grieving souls...

It is not recommended to pass on the belongings of deceased children to the next generation. Do not give your favorite toys to other people's children. Your favorite toy can be buried with him. According to bioenergeticists, the energy of children is much weaker than that of adults, and they are most likely to face misfortune. How much truth there is in this is unknown, but all young parents in our time and at all times are extremely superstitious...

If, nevertheless, it is difficult and painful for parents to part with the toys of a deceased child, then they can be well packed in boxes and stored in a pantry or attic, and it is better to burn children’s clothes so that they are not tormented by doubts about the correctness or incorrectness of your actions.

The custom of covering mirrors with cloth after the death of relatives is a tribute to superstition, but so ineradicable that even the mirror in which the deceased loved to look during his lifetime is advised to be buried on his grave. The remaining mirrors in the home must be removed and wiped thoroughly.

We strongly advise against resorting to the help of bioenergetics to “clean” things from the energy of death and the negative energy of the deceased - this can only confuse your soul and become a temptation to sin. It is better to pray for the deceased according to the ritual in which you and the deceased belong, and in this you will find true peace for him and for yourself.

In our article, we do not give any categorical advice or persistent recommendations on what to do with the things of a deceased person - whether it is possible to wear the clothes and shoes of the deceased. We only told how this can be a similar practice in relation to the things of deceased relatives, so as to comfort the mourners and not harm the deceased. In matters of what to do with the things of the deceased, you will do as you consider correct and in accordance with your spiritual direction, and we only tried to remind you how this is customary in various folk traditions, about which you may know more than we do.