How to spend a billion bucks. The Most Expensive Things You Can Spend a Billion Dollars on

On Saturday, a long-prepared agreement on the sale of the Kopeyka discount chain to X5 Retail Group was finally signed in London. Owner of 100% of Kopeika Nikolay Tsvetkov (No. 26 in the Golden Hundred, worth $3.2 billion) as a result of the transaction will receive about $1.13 billion(transaction amount is 51.5 billion rubles, Kopeyka’s debt is 16.5 billion rubles). In eight years, the company's value has increased 10 times. By selling Kopeyka, Tsvetkov will not only successfully exit a long-term investment project. He's selling a business that doesn't really fit his image as an apologist. healthy image life, lover of cleanliness, order and ecology.

At Uralsib, he really created all the conditions for his potential followers: there is a dining room with organic food, a room for yoga classes with a teacher, massage rooms and rooms for various spa treatments. (See our video).

Tsvetkov’s entire non-core business is now associated with the idea of ​​​​introducing a healthy lifestyle to the masses. His Organic Corporation includes organic food stores “Bio-Market” and an ecological dairy farm “Spartak” in the village of Sharapovo, Shatura district. The farm has been certified according to European standards and produces milk, sour cream, kefir and cottage cheese under the EtoLeto brand.

The Meta Health Corporation deals with diseases and their prevention. It includes the Center traditional medicine and dentistry "Intermed". The Palisade Corporation is engaged in landscaping. The nursery for the production of rolled lawns is located on an area of ​​590 hectares in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region. Previously, this land belonged to another Tsvetkov structure - the Znak corporation. Palisade also plans to grow trees and shrubs for landscape design in the Moscow region, so as not to import them from abroad.

According to Forbes, all of these projects will receive additional funding from proceeds from the deal. The money will also be used to expand the branch network of Uralsib Bank. Planned purchases of small regional banks that have fallen in price as a result of the crisis.

Part of the fundsTsvetkov wants to invest in the Imperial Porcelain Factory in St. Petersburg, which belongs to his wife Galina and eldest daughter Yulia.

Part of the money will go to charity projects. These are the MIRBIS business school, the Kremlin riding school, the Victoria children's foundation and the Meta education foundation, which is engaged, in particular, in the reconstruction of Orthodox churches.

How to spend a billion? Photo from the site

Who among us has not at least once in our lives dreamed of unexpectedly falling happiness in the form of a billion rubles? Have you ever thought that spending a billion is not as easy as it might seem at first glance? Having bought everything you have dreamed of for so long - an apartment, a car, a house, and having already returned from trip around the world, you will find that you have not spent even half the amount. And then you will be faced with a question that you could not even imagine before - “How to spend a billion?” In our new article we want to give some advice on how and where to spend a billion dollars or rubles.

Having won our lottery, you have to think about where to spend a billion rubles.

Think like a billionaire

No one knows better than billionaires how to spend large sums. The leaders of the annual rankings of the popular Forbes magazine have long acquired everything they need for a comfortable life, so their purchases are often extensive. For example, billionaire of Indian origin Mukesh Ambani decided that all he needed in his life to be completely happy was his own skyscraper. Of course, it would have been possible to purchase one of the existing skyscrapers, but Mukesh did not look for easy ways and built the building from scratch, spending exactly a billion dollars on it.

Having won a billion, you can even spend it on building a skyscraper. Photo from the site

Another billionaire, Steven Cohen, is known for his love of art. Of particular interest to a connoisseur of beauty is contemporary art, on which he spares no expense. It is known that in the last few years alone, Cohen has spent hundreds of millions of dollars purchasing paintings at auctions. The most expensive item in his collection is Andy Warhol's painting "Coca-Cola".

By the way, spend a billion for works of art - the decision is quite reasonable. This is an excellent investment for the future, because the paintings famous artists Over the years they increase in price, which means that after a while you will be able to resell them, multiplying your profit.

The most unusual expensive celebrity purchases

You don't have to spend the entire billion at once. You can make several expensive purchases that will gradually solve your main problem - where to spend a billion dollars. You can start by buying...a city. This is exactly what the famous actress Kim Basinger did in 1989. She purchased a 7 square kilometer town in Georgia and went down in banking history as the person who paid for the most expensive purchase with a credit card.

Don't know where to spend a billion? Buy a city! Photo from the site

Singer Celine Dion has not made such large-scale purchases, but the singer of the hit “My heart will go on” loves to buy useful and fantastically expensive little things for the home. A few years ago, Dion bought a $2 million humidifier. Agree, having such habits, spending a billion will not be difficult.

Champagne for the winner

Once you become a multimillionaire, you'll definitely want to celebrate your victory. And, of course, the most suitable drink for such an occasion is champagne. Did you know that the most expensive bottle of champagne in the world costs 270 thousand dollars? We are talking about Heidsieck champagne from a batch intended for Emperor Nicholas II. The ship carrying it sank, and only almost 100 years later, in 1997, professional scuba divers were able to reach it and raise a box of champagne to the surface. The sparkling drink was put up at auction, where each bottle was sold for 270 thousand dollars.

If you win a billion, you can use it to buy the most expensive bottle of champagne. Photo from the site

How to spend a billion rubles usefully?

Sudden wealth is intoxicating, which is why many lottery winners squander their money and after a couple of years are left with nothing. However, lottery history knows many examples when people who won large sums were able to manage them very wisely. If you find yourself in a situation where you have to think about how to spend a billion rubles, then we advise you to invest money in your future.


Investing money in your education or in the education of your children will be the right decision. And you should start by studying foreign languages. If you know one or more foreign languages, then the whole world will be open to you. In addition, this will provide an opportunity to undergo an internship abroad, which will subsequently have a very positive impact on your career.

Become a rentier

A rentier is a person who lives on interest from his deposits. In Russia, this practice is not yet so widespread, but, it is worth recognizing, this is one of the best ways existence. By putting your billion in the bank at interest, you can always be confident in the future. And this is probably the smartest way to spend a billion.

The best way to spend a billion is to invest it in a bank at interest. Photo from the site


Almost every person dreams of having their own business. A small production that will bring not only income, but also joy. Agree that spend a billion rubles to make your dreams come true, not so bad. You can invest money in an existing project or create your own company from scratch. The main thing is to choose a business that you really like and then everything will work out. Perhaps you will become the founder of a family company that will last for generations.

Billion from Stoloto

Don't forget that New Year, and with it the draw, is getting closer! Tickets for the New Year's draws of three lotteries are already on sale on the website - “Gosloto “5 out of 36” special issue”, “Gosloto “6 out of 45” special issue” and our new product “Gosloto “4 out of 20”. In total, 8 lotteries will be drawn on New Year's Eve, which you can watch live on the NTV channel on December 31, at 20:00 and January 1, at 12:00.

Do you want to receive gifts before the New Year? Then welcome to the game "". Every two weeks we hold a drawing of valuable prizes among our participants (iPhone, promotional codes, Macbook). It's very easy to become a participant in the game! To do this, you need to buy tickets for the New Year's draws of our lotteries. Remember that one ticket gives you the right to one turn in the quest. If you complete the entire quest at once, you will become a participant in all future prize draws in our game.

On the first day of 2019, the first lottery billionaire may appear in Russia. The size of the main prize is twice as large as the current largest win in Russia (506 million rubles). According to Stoloto, the billion will definitely be raffled off.

“Any participant in the 1264th draw can become the owner of a truly colossal sum. The mechanics are extremely simple. The guaranteed jackpot for the New Year's draw is 1 billion rubles. If there is not a single winner in the “Jackpot” category of the holiday draw, then a billion rubles will be drawn in the second round, where one or more winners will definitely appear. This means that the billion will definitely be raffled off,” comments Varvara Basanovich, the marketing director of the largest distributor of state lotteries in Russia.

For those who have never thought about it: a billion in cash is 200,000 5,000 ruble bills or 204 kg of money. If you take it in thousandths, it’s more than a ton. It is quite possible to build an all-season camp for gifted children, become an art dealer (if you distinguish impressionists from battle painters), go around the world and visit at least all the capitals of the world, or buy an island in the Caribbean. The most breakthrough and potentially profitable investments include, for example, the development of a supercomputer or an “invisibility cloak” consisting of a material that sensors cannot detect. Such uniforms are the dream of all armies in the world. However, many investment gurus recommend investing in pharmacy and biomedical technologies, since the pharmaceutical industry is one of the most dynamically growing, and people, unfortunately, always get sick. It is possible to finance the development of a promising drug. For example, this year in Russia they created a drug for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis: the number of patients in our country alone is estimated at 2.5 million. A billion rubles were spent on development.

Of course, you can use this amount to create the most comfortable conditions for your life. These funds will be enough to provide not only for yourself for the rest of your life, but also for your children, grandchildren and numerous relatives, including second cousins. There are several paths you can take: conservative investment methods (buying real estate, deposits, investments in stocks and bonds, etc.) or investing in a trending direction - startups. According to statistics, the most popular startups are those developing technologies for optimizing and increasing business efficiency. Among them are technologies of artificial intelligence and 3D printing, and the most breakthrough “consumer” technology is genome editing.

Thus, in the 2017 Radar Report, Saber identifies nine technology trends: artificial intelligence, augmented reality, autonomous delivery, blockchain, neural interfaces, quantum computing, space tourism, recognition technologies, virtual reality. Car sharing, grocery delivery, payment services, Internet of things, human voice recognition - whatever suits everyone’s taste. In the field of medicine, the world-famous Cleveland Clinic medical center highlights existing developments: pharmacogenetics, 3D technologies for detailed projection of cancer tumors, robotic surgeons, as well as the treatment of some pain in an unconventional way - using virtual reality. There is also a prospect in Russia. For example, scientists from Novosibirsk are able to grow human skin using living cells; another team of scientists has developed rapid tests for diagnosing stroke. And the robot Vera is already consulting large companies regarding personnel selection. So creating an android robot that goes to the store or regulates traffic is a real breakthrough.

Of course, you can find the development you are interested in and invest in it, but more often startups reach the market with the help of accelerators and venture funds. The former provide financial, expert, and consulting support, while the latter invest in a “pool” of startups, from which some “shoot out.” Moreover, an investor can rely both on the instincts of a venture investment professional and on his own faith in certain technologies.

“The main trends in the world of IT and related technologies will be projects related to the use of artificial intelligence (AI). Examples include: the Internet of Things using AI to organize the interaction of independent devices, smart spaces (homes, offices), autonomous vehicles, analysis of all kinds of data using general and specialized AI. Such projects are worth paying attention to, but making specific predictions is now quite difficult - most likely, innovative solutions will exceed the expectations of not only people not associated with the IT field, but also many specialists from the field,” says the director of the company resident in the special economic zone “ Innopolis" OWN.

At the same time, you need to understand that it is possible to “grow” your capital through startups. After all, Uber was once a startup too. But you need to be careful: venture investors consciously take risks, so it’s not worth investing a full billion in one seemingly promising idea. Financiers recommend acting on the principle of “don’t keep your money in one basket,” that is, distributing investments, including into conservative investments (real estate, deposits, shares of large companies, etc.).

A million possibilities

According to state lottery statistics, over the 11 months of this year, the number of winning tickets from all state lotteries has already amounted to about 80 million. More than 830 people became lottery millionaires, who could contribute not only to the development of promising industries, but also become visionaries.

You can look forward to New Year's happiness in a relaxed atmosphere - the drawing will be broadcast on television as part of the holiday program. Thus, the New Year's “Ogonyok” can be extended for the whole family for the whole day. In such a situation, even if the winning ticket was given to someone (and many Russians buy them as a gift), there will be no bitterness. In the meantime, there is time to figure out where to spend a billion wisely.

How to spend a billion? Imagine that you have already earned it. How would you spend it?

Everything is clear that they would give it away debts, bought a full wardrobe of clothes and even new dacha. But this will not help the matter - you bought all this, but the billion just lay there, and lies untouched, and only grows with interest.

Not enough imagination? Well, we won't leave you in trouble.

£2 million. toy car
This Bugatti Veyron Diamond model is just over 25 centimeters in length. It is made of gold, platinum and diamonds. This toy car has everything like a real one - full-function steering and exact copy engine with all its parts. The model is twice as expensive as the car that served as its prototype. But you won't be able to drive it. It’s even a little offensive, isn’t it?

$600,000. Chess
Don't even say that you don't know how to play. And why should you know – just look at them and enjoy the beauty of black and white diamonds with a total weight of 320 carats, with which the figures are encrusted. Only seven people in the world have such chess. Necessary thing. You placed them on the table near the TV and the interior immediately perked up, the room began to sparkle with new colors. Nice and not ashamed to invite guests.

£1689.00. Headphones
After the previous points, it’s already somehow cheap. Should we, billionaires, use such simple things? But in a pinch, these Dr Dre Beats headphones encrusted with Swarovski crystals will do.

$2.97 million. Cellular telephone
This is the iPhone 3GS Supreme Rose by Stuart Hughes. You can plug in our cheap Dr Dre Beats headphones and listen to R’n’B while leisurely walking. For example, Potap and Nastya. Overall it will be cool. But if this phone jumps out of your pocket at the wrong moment and you drown it in the toilet, that will be a shame.

25 million dollars. Wrist watch
Time is money. Our bills are growing by leaps and bounds, but we have no expenses for a minute now. We are agonizing over what else to buy, and then a Chopard watch catches our eye. This is just a gift of fate! By purchasing this watch, we acquire 201 carats of diamonds and the pleasant realization of the fact that we have the most expensive watch in the world. The main thing is not to be blinded by the sparkle of diamonds the first time you try to find out what time it is.

£140 million. Painting
This is a painting by the world's leading abstract expressionist, Jackson Pollock. £140 million, buy and enjoy. What do you mean, you accidentally stained the canvas? This is the greatest work of art! What does it mean, why? Yes, because it costs 140 million pounds!

$8,000. Feather
A feather from the extinct Hula bird costs eight thousand at auction. Brown with white tip. Yes, these feathers are not capable of shocking anyone with their beauty, but there are few of them. And there are also few people who have such feathers - and this is already a lot to amuse one’s pride.

16 million dollars. Domain name
Well, if you don't like artwork and feathers from extinct birds, then buy the domain name Oh, this domain name is worth the money! The investment potential in it must be enormous, it cannot be otherwise. It would be somehow strange to pay that kind of money, without even having the opportunity to see the purchase with my own eyes, and not get any benefit from it.

£90.00. Omelette
Black-headed gull eggs cost £5 each. They can only be collected by specially licensed enterprises for only a few weeks a year. The omelettes they make from them at London's Boisdale restaurant also include Scottish lobster, crab, Italian truffles and English asparagus. 90 pounds is not very expensive. But if you eat such omelettes all your life, for example, for 80 years every month, then you get about 90,000 pounds. If we eat them weekly, then the expense is already under 350,000, and if daily, then on omelets alone we eat a substantial amount of two and a half million pounds sterling. A completely different conversation.

£390 million. House
If you are a billionaire, buy the most expensive house in the world. Villa on the Mediterranean coast for 390 million pounds. The house was originally built as a palace for the Belgian King Leopold II. Large territory, 20 hectares of garden. So – the goals are clear, the tasks are defined, let’s get to work, comrades! Let's look through the Kayfodrom website a little more and continue earning our first billion.

Recently, Garik Korogodsky published the book “How to spend a million that doesn’t exist?” The book turned out to be very popular in Ukrainian society. But it seems that for our rich people the question is much more important: how to spend the billion that they have?

Ukrainian “inhabitants” of the Forbes list do not know how to spend their money at all.

I felt this problem after reading Sergei Leshchenko’s recent publication about the super-yacht of Yuri Kosyuk, the owner of Nasha Ryaba.

Of course, a rich person can afford to build a yacht for 150 million dollars, and even an escort ship for it - for 20-30 million.

Allow it - maybe. But why?..

I had a businessman-politician in the early 2000s. He also owned a luxury yacht in the Adriatic Sea. He supported the team, covered expenses, but complained that during the year he had time to rest for barely 10-15 days.

And is it worth working, working hard, mastering financial flows in order to buy a yacht, satisfy your “ego” - and then find out that your competitor has a longer yacht, and more than one? And if Yuriy Kosyuk has two watercraft, then Igor Kolomoisky has as many as four yachts!

I wonder how our billionaires compare themselves with yachts? Well, not just yachts. Personal planes and helicopters come to the rescue, and especially large fish have their own football clubs and TV channels.

But are they happy from all this brilliance, chic and wealth?..

Having 20 hryvnia, we can be guaranteed to have the pleasure of buying delicious ice cream. But how can you enjoy having a million? Hundred million? Billion?

Well, they built a house, then another, then two more palaces for themselves and their children. There definitely needs to be a fence around it. Drive journalists...

Well, we bought a Lexus, then a Mercedes, then a Bentley. What to do next? – You can cover the Bentley with gold leaf.

You can set diamonds in your teeth.

Tens of millions could be thrown away for a dubious piece of art at a prestigious auction site in London. To show everyone, they say, “you understand something about art.” But where is happiness here?

I remembered the joke. Two men live. One has a billion dollars, and the second has ten children. Which one is happier? Well, you guessed wrong. Happier is the one who has a horde of children, because he has enough!

Unfortunately, it must be stated: many in the post-Soviet space, having received money, did not become happy.

And their offspring? Many have tired faces from being fed up with life.

They don't know what else to want... It's never enough for them.

The fact is that it is very difficult to find pleasure in consumption. Having satisfied one need, two new ones will arise. And from the covers of glossy magazines, limited edition cars or villas on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean will look at our millionaires with renewed vigor.

How to spend a billion if yachts, planes and golden toilets are not an option? At the same time, do you want to have fun, not be ashamed of wealth, and even gain public recognition?

Everything is very simple. To do this, you need to become a creator, not a consumer.

For example, Sergei Taruta followed this path, investing colossal funds in the transformation landscape park"Aivazovskoe" in Partenit. He created extraordinary beauty on the Black Sea coast. And even though it has now been captured by the occupation authorities, I am sure it will still return.

Alexander Feldman takes pleasure in creation by founding a unique private eco-park in Kharkov, free and open to everyone.

Vladimir Yanchenko, without billions, nevertheless set out to build a life-size ancient Kyiv of the 10th-12th centuries - the Kievan Rus park.

A living example of how having money, you can be able to enjoy it is the already mentioned Garik Korogodsky. After all, he gets great pleasure from both his election campaign and his project “Lover of Life.”

It's not just about charity. The more you are given, the more you are asked for. The point is that you get pleasure from the money you spend on yourself.

Instead of the newest Mercedes, which are a dime a dozen in Kyiv, you can buy a collectible Cadillac from the 70s. It will cost 5 times less than a modern luxury foreign car, but will cause many times more admiration and delight.

For just 10 million dollars, you can completely restore the luxurious Sharovsky Palace in the Kharkov region - I have been saving it for two years now.

It is possible to create an International Center for Culture and Arts on its basis. And then sit on the balcony of the ancient palace and drink coffee, enjoying the view of the magnificent landscaped park.

Can the awkward dovecotes behind high fences on the outskirts of Kyiv compare with this? Or villas on the Mediterranean coast?

And how much public recognition will the one who does this receive! He will be loved not only by Kharkov residents, but also by millions of Ukrainians whose hearts ache from the state of our cultural heritage.

Instead of buying an expensive and useless yacht, buy a large three-masted sailboat! Think big! It can be repaired and placed on the embankment of Kherson, where the sailing ship “Comrade”, the pride of the city, once stood.

It will be several times cheaper than Yuriy Kosyuk’s yacht, and at the same time – a grand gift for both Kherson residents and sailors. And once every five years you could use it to go to Amsterdam for the famous regatta, representing Ukraine...

Or, if sailing doesn't excite you, go for a missile cruiser! In Nikolaev, the missile cruiser “Ukraine” has been rusting for many years.

Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to complete it. But it can be given to the city and converted into a huge floating museum, with a hotel and restaurants. And such a project is several times cheaper than private yachts and planes - but it would be a huge contribution to the development of Nikolaev!

These are just some examples.

But there are a lot of ideas on how to spend money enchantingly and with pleasure. You can complete the construction of Okhmatdyt, you can revive Ukrainian cinema, you can open your own university, you can buy an entire village and turn it into the village of the future!

By the way, one millionaire in dying Detroit bought 6,300 abandoned houses, many of which are architectural masterpieces. And he spent just a little more than $3 million on it. Now the happy owner plans to breathe life into the territory, creating a masterpiece of urban planning. He is clearly passionate about his work and... happy!

Yes, there is a war in Ukraine now. Yes, times are difficult.

But now is the time not only for struggle, but also for creation. And Ukraine is in such a deplorable state that wherever you look, the hands of a creator are needed, transforming reality.

Living to improve the world - isn't that true meaning life? Isn't this true happiness?..