Parks and gardens projects. Multifunctional parks. Landscape design services

The specialists of the Svetlana Korzh Architectural Workshop have unique experience in the design and implementation of projects for parks, squares, recreation areas, areas of retail and public buildings, as well as private areas. Svetlana Korzh's assets include the development of master plans and the design of landscapes for country villages - from concept to implementation of the full scope of working documentation. We develop and implement the best engineering solutions; We are working on creating new design forms in the architecture of landscape structures, looking for creative solutions for decorative ponds and waterfalls, and also working on geoplastics of artificial relief and landscape dendrology... At a high professional level, we develop private gardens and parks using various architectural styles. We carry out projects of any complexity and volume.

The landscape projects of the Svetlana Korzh workshop have been awarded many of the highest awards:

2010, awarded for outstanding achievements in the field of landscape architecture and design. Topic: "Design and implementation of landscape objects of private estates with inspiration and soul." This award recognizes the following objects: 1) a landscape garden for children - “Garden for Birds, Butterflies and Children” and 2) a conceptual garden “Lake of Inspirations”, developed for the outstanding fashion designer and clothing designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

year 2009- National Award in the field of landscape architecture and design “Ukraine Kvitucha” "Big Gold Medal" - Grand Prix . Objects 1) Architectural, planning and dendrological solutions for the reconstruction of Orlyatko Park 2) Vidradny Park, solution for the entrance group.

year 2009. Laureate of the International Landscape Festival in Tallinn. Theme "Garden of the Middle Ages" - first place

2008- National Award in the field of landscape architecture and design “Ukraine Kvitucha” "Gold medal" - ,. The implemented objects were presented: 1) Japanese-style garden 2) Mexican-style garden 3) English-style garden 4) Russian garden

Landscape design services

Photo gallery of design works Geodesy
Design of public areas
3D graphics and visualization
Price list

"Architectural workshop of Svetlana Korzh" performs design and reconstruction work city ​​gardens, parks, squares and boulevards, public and private areas. We also work together with design institutes, investment companies, architectural bureaus and workshops. We develop planning concepts, solutions... of general plans, dendrology and illustrative material on a subcontract to coordinate landscape solutions. After completing the design work, we carry out author's supervision or we implement landscape projects - We carry out landscaping and landscaping work.

Stages and sections of design

Section 1. Photo gallery of projects

The section presents design work on the development of landscape design of public areas (city squares and parks) and private estates.


Section 2. Pre-project activities and documents:

In order to start designing, you need to receive design assignments from the customer organization. When designing a private estate, the design assignment is drawn up together with the owner of the cottage or estate.

The basis for designing a park, square or courtyard space is a geodetic topographic survey with the networks of all communications mapped.

If this is a private plot with a cottage, then the area of ​​this plot is determined, the wishes of the customer, his preferences, the number of people living, and their interests are recorded. The direction of the garden style is determined. If a private plot has complex terrain, then it is also necessary to carry out a geodetic topographic survey.

It is very important to determine the composition of the soil and the humus content. The agrochemical composition of the soil will help determine preferences in choosing plants for landscaping the site and determine measures to improve the soil structure, create conditions for the development and growth of plants.

More details in SECTION 2 “PRE-DESIGN WORK”

Section 3. Geodetic topographic survey:

The basis for the design of general plans for public gardens, parks, as well as for the development of landscaping and landscaping of urban and private plots and territories is geodetic topographic survey.

We carry out geodetic surveying, which is necessary as one of the pre-project activities. The topographic plan accurately marks and links existing trees, relief marks, buildings and structures, underground communications such as gas, telephone, electricity, water supply, sewerage (the location and depth of these networks). Geodetic surveying is especially necessary when designing public and urban areas. The design of private areas with complex terrain (hilliness, slope, ravines) must also begin with a geodetic topographic survey of the area, which will help in the future to save on the volume of concrete, masonry and other work, such as strengthening slopes... etc.

See more details in SECTION 3 "GEODESY"

Section 4. Design of public areas

Before landscape design public territories are posed with completely different tasks than when designing the territories of private estates. Although in both cases they perform the same function - harmonization of the surrounding space. In the formation of public areas, firstly: a completely different scale, it is subordinate to the surrounding buildings and in many cases this is a multi-storey building. If a larger scale is used in a private estate, for example, large trees are planted, the private park begins to resemble a city park area.

The nature and style of improvement of public areas is influenced by its location. Naturally, the improvement and landscaping of the historical part of the city will differ significantly from the improvement of areas with modern buildings. Modern development gives rise to new creative landscape compositions, new forms of water structures and new design small forms. It is not only Western countries that have succeeded in this. Landscape architecture and design of public areas in China are developing at a rapid pace. The design solutions of Chinese landscape architects are very accurately transferred to nature, without any simplifications, even in detail. Unfortunately, Kyiv squares and local areas, even in new areas, look rather modest and unpretentious, and the attitude towards the formation of an aesthetic landscape space is secondary. Very often, architects completely shift the solution to this problem onto the shoulders of dendrologists. Required collaboration architects, designers and dendrologists. Although Kyiv can be proud of its annual flower exhibitions at Spivochy Field. Communal areas - spaces along avenues and city streets - began to delight with their design and landscaping.

Great opportunities for a landscape architect arise when creating “commercial” landscapes - country clubs and restaurants. The names of restaurants and clubs allow our specialists to create appropriate “landscape stories”, work on the character and style of the artificial landscape, and create a theme park.

Of particular importance is the landscaping and landscaping of areas in front of business centers, large corporations, entertainment centers and shopping supermarkets. This is one of the new trends in landscape design, where a specialist needs to combine restraint, respectability and democracy.

The improvement and landscaping of public areas almost always involves all the components of the landscape - sculpture, small forms, water features, fountains, waterfalls, decorative paving and expressive decorative landscaping. Decorative lighting has become more relevant and diverse in landscape design.

Natural stones began to occupy a special place in the landscape. Rockeries, alpine slides, and Japanese gardens have boldly emerged from private gardens and decorate public areas with dignity. Our company, in addition to the above, develops and produces a new fashionable rock garden - “Czech rolling pins”.

Public and “commercial” gardens are well complemented by decorative birds such as ducks, swans, peacocks, carp and even ostriches. A nice addition to the landscape is a small zoo. They are appropriate to be placed in family recreation areas - country clubs and restaurants. Rabbits, foxes, deer, squirrels, turtles, goats and sheep can be inhabitants of these zoos.

Special requirements are imposed on the design of medical institutions - hospitals, clinics and sanatoriums. The project must take into account a number of specific factors related to dendrology, color and composition. Hospital gardens should serve a healing function.

The landscaping and landscaping of resort areas, pioneer camps and recreation centers must meet high artistic and aesthetic requirements. Here, special attention is paid to flower beds, lawn parterres and artificial water features such as fountains, decorative pools, and streams. Space must be allocated for sports and playgrounds. The territory of boarding houses, holiday homes, sanatoriums and other resort areas is landscaped with exotic plants and beautiful flowering shrubs. It is difficult to imagine the alleys of resort parks without sculptural compositions.

Green spaces on the territory of higher educational institutions play mainly a sanitary-hygienic and architectural-planning role. According to regulatory requirements, park areas near universities must occupy at least 40% of the total territory.

In addition to aesthetic and sanitary hygienic functions, landscaping in school and preschool institutions plays an educational role. For this purpose, research sites with certain plant species and landforms are set up. Traditional flower beds, flower beds and compositions of trees and shrubs saturate the air of children's institutions with phytoncides, and at the same time perform a health-improving role. The mental, physical and aesthetic development of a person is laid down from childhood, therefore, it is necessary to use creative ideas in the design of landscaping and landscaping of school areas, as well as the areas of kindergartens. design solutions, select planting material that is varied in shape, color and smell to create a harmonious environment.

The design of landscaping and improvement of residential areas, courtyard spaces and territories of cottage villages is currently undergoing changes in qualitative and quantitative aspects. Due to dense residential development, landscape compositions have become more complex, more expressive, varied and multi-layered. The landscaping of the space develops vertically, even the roofs and walls of houses are included in it.

An important stage in the completion and implementation of design solutions is this is designer's supervision , for the performance of landscaping and landscaping works.

More information about the design of public and industrial areas can be found in SECTION 4 “DESIGN OF PUBLIC TERRITORIES”

Section 5. Park Design

Before you start park design or reconstruction , you need to know which functional type this park area belongs or will belong. The main types of parks according to their functional purpose include:

  • Aesthetic and decorative parks
  • Cultural and entertainment parks
  • Amusement parks
  • Sports and physical education parks
  • Wellness parks
  • General children's park
  • Parks near industrial areas
  • Reserves
  • Ethnographic parks
  • Memorial parks
  • Golf clubs
  • Wildlife sanctuaries
  • Botanical and zoological parks
  • National parks (nature reserve)

Depending on the purpose of the park, a functional zoning scheme for the park territory is developed, on the basis of which an architectural and planning scheme is developed. The functional zoning of each of these parks is different. But there are common or basic necessary areas for each of them, these are -

    Entry group

    Recreation and entertainment area (children's section, attractions)

    Service area (restaurants, cafes, kiosks)

    Sports area (sports grounds, fitness centers)

    Quiet recreation area (alleys, paths, paths, lawns, lakes and artificial reservoirs, benches, gazebos, flower beds)

    Area for methodological services and club sectional work (libraries, lecture halls, art studios, etc.)

    Exhibition and collections area

    Administrative and economic zone

City Garden- this is a structural element of landscaping in an urban area, intended for short-term recreation of the population, limited in area (from 2 to 6 hectares) and located in the system of residential areas or the city center, which does not allow a wide range of functional zones. The main entrance to the garden is located in places where pedestrians concentrate. According to the characteristics of use, gardens can be walking or spectacular. IN spectacular city garden the planning structure is designed in the form of a kind of open space for spectators. When designing, it is necessary to take into account that the city garden may contain recreation areas for adults, playgrounds for children, fountains, pavilions, sculptures or monuments, and public toilets.

What needs to be taken into account when designing city ​​square ? A square is green space on a square or street that performs an architectural and decorative role and is used for short-term recreation. Squares according to their purpose are divided into the following main groups: quiet rest and walks, memorial, entertainment, historical and architectural, exhibition (flowers, sculpture), decorative, informational, separation and games. Depending on the purpose and functional orientation of the park, the project solves the problems of developing the design of small forms and compositions in landscaping .

Boulevards and embankments , as a rule, solve a recreational and architectural planning problem and are used for walking and pedestrian traffic.

Work on improvement and landscaping of city parks and squares is usually carried out by public utilities and enterprises, so it is very important that the author of the project supervises the work on site until all types of work are completed.

For more details on the design of parks, squares, city gardens, boulevards and embankments, see SECTION 5 “PARK DESIGN”

Section 6. Design of private estates and parks

Until recently, landscape architecture and design concerned only public gardens and parks, resort areas and botanical gardens. Currently, landscape architects in private gardens and parks are boldly experimenting with different styles and trends. Artificial streams, waterfalls and ponds have already become mandatory elements even a small garden. Implementing a landscape project with a huge selection of plants and decorative materials for paving and landscaping has become much easier than 15 years ago. And, nevertheless, it is impossible to carry out a good, competent project that takes into account all the constituent elements of landscaping and landscaping without professional skills and experience. After all, this requires knowledge in various fields - architecture, design, composition, knowledge in the history of the creation of landscape parks, dendrology and engineering.

It is necessary to start designing by developing the main idea (concept). The appearance of your future garden depends on the novelty and creativity of the idea. Then the concept is dressed in more specific materials and dimensions in the preliminary design.

After approval of one of the options for the preliminary design of the layout and small forms, we move on to the working design project of the landscape. The main drawings of the detailed design consist of: 1) General plan; 2) Layout drawing; 3) Road surface plan; 4) Vertical layout; 5) Cartograms of earthworks; 6) Dendroplane, 7) Specifications of planting materials; 8) Lighting schemes; 9) Explanatory notes.

The complexity and scope of design solutions determine whether additional drawings need to be developed. Additional drawings are developed for complex landscape compositions, such as: entrance groups, flower beds, mixborders, collection rose gardens, as well as other collection gardens, color gardens, rock gardens, rockeries and Japanese gardens, etc.

Additionally, drawings are being developed for the design and construction of small forms and garden structures such as: gazebos, rotundas, barbecues, covered recreation areas, pergolas, fences and fences, cellars, benches, templates and drawings of forged products, complex paving patterns.

The presence of various water structures on the site requires them detailed study and design Drawings are carried out to develop the design and construction of fountain groups, individual pools, artificial lakes, waterfalls, cascades and streams.


Section 7. Design of a winter garden

A winter garden is one of the interior components of any estate. Winter gardens are very often located in attached rooms or detached, well-glazed buildings. A winter garden can also be arranged in a cottage by allocating a room with good lighting for it.

When designing and creating a winter garden, there may be two problems.

Firstly, it is necessary to complete project documentation for the development of the design and construction of a building or winter garden premises. Provide for heating, air conditioning, protection from direct sunlight, as well as a water supply, sewerage, and, if necessary, a drainage device to remove excess water from irrigation. Lighting is of particular importance for the winter garden. When designing, it is necessary to calculate the power of artificial lighting and select special lamps.

Secondly, develop a design for landscaping the winter garden. Elements of the winter garden landscape, in addition to flowers and plants, can be waterfalls, swimming pools, rock gardens, slides, stairs, fountains, sculptures, etc. Therefore, drawings of landscape elements and small forms are included in the design documentation.

By creating beauty and comfort in the premises, we are building a solid foundation for restoring health and the success of your business!


Section 8. “3-D” graphics and visualization

Our architectural studio produces landscape, architectural and technical 3D graphics and visualizes objects of any level of complexity: from private gardens and parks with cottages and small forms to urban landscapes, any degree of elaboration, from sketch visualization to an animated video and 3-D presentation.

The core of our team is made up of professional architects and designers, which allows us to create not only beautiful, but also technically competent materials, based on any source data, from working drawings to sketches. We can professionally refine your ideas and sketches, or develop a project from scratch, create a beautiful and convincing set of demonstration materials to promote projects at exhibitions, negotiations and presentations, and to submit material for approval.

To conduct preliminary analysis or initial discussions about investment and construction projects We offer the production of architectural visualization of buildings and the surrounding real landscape, the composition of a city park with the linking of all structures and proposals for small forms, with a set of analytical materials for analyzing the area and volume of objects, as well as dendrological analysis.

In architecture and landscape design, 3D graphics helps to think through all the nuances and features at the design stage, and to see the final result even before the start of construction work.


Section 9. Engineering design

When designing a landscape, it is necessary to solve a number of engineering issues:

    it is necessary to complete a rainwater drainage project and develop a storm drainage system

    if there are high groundwater project is being developed drainage system, which will lower them and divert them outside the site

    an automatic watering project is necessary for comprehensive care of ornamental gardens and lawns;

    the formation of complex terrain and its strengthening is carried out using retaining walls. Therefore, calculations are performed and the design of retaining walls is developed

    When constructing water pools, cascades, fountain groups, ponds and waterfalls, it is necessary to perform structural calculations and drawings, as well as engineering calculations for the selection of equipment and water supply calculations.

See more details in SECTION 9 "ENGINEERING DESIGN"

Section 10. Price list

In this section you can familiarize yourself with the prices for developing a landscape design project for both private estates and public gardens and parks. See more details in SECTION 10 "PRICE LIST"

The company “Architectural Studio of Svetlana Korzh” is capable of creating the landscape project of your dreams, a project of any complexity. Our employees have the necessary work experience and a body of knowledge in the field of horticulture, landscape architecture and engineering. This allows us to complete tasks of almost any complexity. We don't limit your fantasies.

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Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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    "Central Park of Culture and Leisure in Leningrad." Nikolsky A.S. Published according to the publication “Problems of landscape architecture. Digest of articles". Publishing house of the All-Union Academy of Architecture. Moscow. 1936. The history of the Leningrad Central Park of Culture and Recreation begins on December 3, 1931, when the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR, in their historic decision on the socialist reconstruction of Leningrad, decided to create a park of culture and recreation with a large sports stadium on Elagin and Krestovsky Islands. In 1932, the Leningrad Central Park of Culture and Culture began its work only on Elagin Island with its wonderful, well-preserved park. Krestovsky Island, this bare, swampy, windswept lowland, was yet to receive its own park.

    Park named after Kirov in Baku. Ilyin L.A.

    "Park named after Kirov in Baku." Ilyin L.A. Published according to the publication “Problems of landscape architecture. Digest of articles". Publishing house of the All-Union Academy of Architecture. Moscow. 1936. The pronounced features of the geographical location of Baku, dry desert conditions, difficult for park construction, make this experience not only interesting from the point of view of overcoming nature and simultaneous use of it, but also instructive for the practice of park composition in similar and similar conditions. The park is located on the slopes of hills and plateaus - the highest spurs of the Caucasus Range within the city at its exit to the Caspian Sea. On the entire coast south of Makhach-Kala there is not a single point where the mountains approach the sea so close and in such relief.

    Ensemble of the Catherine Park of Tsarskoye Selo

    Ensemble of Catherine Park: Regular part of Catherine Park (Old Garden). Garden sculpture. Hermitage Museum. Grotto. Hall on the island of the Big Pond. Granite terrace. Upper bath. Lower bath. Hermitage kitchen. Admiralty. Sadovaya Embankment and Lower Ponds. Landscape part of Catherine Park. Tower ruin. Chesme Column. Kagul Obelisk. Moray column. Crimean column. Turkish bath. Palladium Bridge. The slide from " wild stone", "Pudostsky Bridge" and the Red Cascade. Gatchina Gate. Pyramid. Monument to A.D. Lansky. Concert hall. The kitchen is a ruin. Small whim. Evening hall. Cast iron gazebo. Gothic gate. Gate "To my dear colleagues." Cadet Gate. Fountain "Milkwoman".

    The ensemble of Alexander Park of Tsarskoe Selo

    Ensemble of Alexander Park: Regular part of Alexander Park (New Garden). Chinese village. Big whim. Chinese theater. Cross Bridge. Creaky gazebo. Chinese bridges. Alexander Palace. Landscape part of Alexander Park. Chappelle. White Tower. Farm. Pensioner stables. Lama's Pavilion. Arsenal. Fedorovsky town. The Egyptian Gates. Babolovsky Palace and Park. Alexander Park, due to the difference in natural resources and historical features of its formation, is significantly different in character from Catherine Park. The oldest part of Alexander Park - the New Garden - is laid out in a regular style. The landscape part of the park was laid out only at the beginning of the 19th century.

    Summer Garden in St. Petersburg

    Peter I chose the place for his summer residence on the left bank of the Neva, at the mouth of the river. Erika (Fontanka), almost opposite the Peter and Paul Fortress. The garden was founded in 1704-1706. and initially occupied only the northern part of the site, which faces directly onto the Neva. At the same time, the main contours of that system of straight lines were determined perpendicular to each other to a friend's alley, which is in general outline has reached our time. Some researchers believe that the owner of the garden himself outlined the direction of the alleys, the position of the first flower beds and fountains, but the first plan of the Summer Garden known to us was drawn up by J. Roozen. This plan already shows the newly built palace designed by D. Trezzini, which occupied not the central position on the site, but its north-eastern corner next to the small harbor on the Fontanka...

    Historical sketch of the development of the palace and park ensembles of Tsarskoe Selo

    The ensembles of palaces and parks of Tsarskoe Selo took shape over a century and a half. There are four stages in their formation. The first of them is 1710-1720. This is the time of the emergence of a country royal residence - the Sarskaya Manor, with a small stone palace of Catherine I and a formal garden. In the middle of the 18th century, after the reconstruction of the palace, redevelopment and expansion of the parks, the Sarskaya Manor turned into a grandiose ensemble, surpassing in size all other palace residences in Russia. The next period began in the 1760-1770s, simultaneously with the emergence of a new style in Russian architecture - classicism. The work carried out at this stage to create landscape parks on the territory adjacent to the old regular gardens was not completely completed at the end of the 18th century. They continued in the first half of the 19th century.

    Fountains of Peterhof

    The ensemble of parks, palaces and fountains of Peterhof-Petrodvorets, located 29 km from Leningrad and arose in the first quarter of the 18th century, is a kind of triumphal monument in honor of the successful completion of Russia’s struggle for access to the Baltic Sea. Regular parks, 144 fountains and 3 cascades, gilded statues of gods and heroes of antiquity, the majestic architecture of palaces - all this expresses the idea of ​​​​the triumph of Russia, “feasting on the open sea.” The beginning of construction of Peterhof dates back to 1714. The idea of ​​creating an ensemble (the basic layout of the central and eastern parts of the Lower Park, combining the palace, a grotto with a cascade and a canal into one compositional whole) belongs to Peter I. Often, mentioning the desire of Peter I to see a residence here in Peterhof that “befits the first sovereigns” ...

    Architectural and park ensemble of Kuskovo

    The architectural and park ensemble of Kuskovo is one of the remarkable monuments of Russian art. Created in the 18th century, it fully absorbed the achievements of estate construction of the era. Peculiar architectural ensembles near Moscow became widespread at the end of the first third of the 18th century, when the noble nobility returned to the ancient family estates. Of the surviving estates near Moscow, Kuskovo is the earliest, giving an idea of ​​the type of Elizabethan estates. It was located 7 miles from Moscow, between the Vladimir and Ryazan roads. Since 1715, these lands belonged to an associate of Peter I - a prominent military leader, hero of the Battle of Poltava, Field Marshal B.P. Sheremetev. The Kuskovo ensemble was created over several decades. In 1755, a large pond was dug here, which allowed the low-lying and swampy area to be drained...

    Ostankino Estate

    The ancient Ostankino estate near Moscow is of particular interest to us because its ensemble was formed mainly in a very short period of time - 10 years, although it has existed since the 16th century. Another feature is its “entertainment” purpose, which was reflected in the specific nature of garden compositions. Ostankino is a unique monument of Russian culture of the 18th century, an amazingly perfect example of the creative synthesis of architecture, landscape art, theater, painting, sculpture, works of decorative and applied crafts, which merged into a single artistic whole. The estate, palace, park and everything in them were created by the talent and labor of hundreds of peasants, artisans and craftsmen. Ostankino gardens are an integral part of this one-of-a-kind ensemble...

    Pavlovsky Park

    When the Great Catherine Palace was already shining with its splendor in Tsarskoe Selo, on the site of the future Pavlovsk there were still dense forests, the silence of which was occasionally disturbed only by court hunts. Pavlovsk Park is younger than Tsarskoye Selo and other imperial residences in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, it is better preserved. It reflected the heyday of Russian classicism in its purest form; it was created in a fairly short period of time - 50 years - and is distinguished by the special artistic integrity of its ensemble - gardens, architecture, sculpture. This is a one-of-a-kind example of Russian landscape architecture, a renowned masterpiece in which new trends in landscape art found their fullest expression...

    Palace and park complex of Tsarskoe Selo

    The country residence of the wife of Peter I, Ekaterina Alekseevna Tsarskoye Selo, was founded in 1708, 6 years after the liberation of Koporye from Swedish troops. It was located on the site of the former Swedish “Sarskaya Manor” in a picturesque and vast area, on a gentle hill, near the small river Vangazi. Old wooden buildings, an orchard, and a pond initially became the core of the future estate. After 1716, when the wooden Assumption Church was built here, Sarskaya Manor (“Island Manor”) received the name Tsarskoye Selo. The creation of the first stone chambers here and the expansion of outbuildings date back to this time. Unlike the palace and park complexes of Peter I, Catherine’s estate for a long time retained the appearance of a Russian estate and reflected in its appearance a traditional and simple way of life...

    Memorial complex "Mound of Glory" in Minsk

    The Mound of Glory immortalized the feat of arms of the Soviet Army and partisans. It was laid down on September 30, 1966. The land of Belarus mixed in it with the land of hero cities and other places that glorified themselves for their military and labor achievements. A memorial was erected to mark the 25th anniversary of the liberation of Belarus from the Nazis. The grand opening took place on July 5, 1969. Its authors are sculptors A. Bembel, A. Artimovich, architects O. Stakhovich, L. Mickiewicz and engineer V. Laptsevich. The mound, 70 meters 60 centimeters high, is crowned with four bayonets, symbolizing the four fronts that liberated Belarus. At the base of the bayonets, which are held together by a two-meter-high ribbon-belt, there are mosaic orders of Glory and the Patriotic War.

    Gardens of Granada. Alhambra and Generalif. Alhambra & Generalife

    Having borrowed the experience of Egypt and Rome in constructing irrigation structures, the Arabs were able to use the melting snow to mountain peaks and created a powerful hydraulic system, turning waterless Spain into a flourishing land. A new type of garden was formed here - the Spanish-Moorish one. This is a small courtyard (200-1200 m²) of atrium-peristyle type (patio), surrounded by the walls of the house or fence, and is a continuation of the front and living quarters in the open air. A complex of such miniature patios included in complex structure palace, represent the gardens of Grenada, created in the 13th century. in the residences of the caliphs - Alhambra(650 X 200 m) and Generalife(area 80X100 m). In the Alhambra, the palace premises were grouped around the Court of Myrtle and the Court of Lions. The myrtle courtyard (47 x 33 m) is surrounded by walls of buildings with an elegant arcade, richly decorated with ornaments.

    Versailles. Parc de Versailles

    The town of Versailles, located near Paris, was a royal estate and was a flat, marshy area, partially covered with small forests. In this territory, in the period from 1661 to 1700, Lenotre, together with the architect. Levo and Mansart and the artist Lebrun created a palace and park ensemble. Its dimensions are enormous: the so-called Small Park occupied an area of ​​1,738 hectares, and the adjoining Big Hunting Park - 6,600 hectares. First, preliminary work began on preparing the territory - draining the area using canals, creating reservoirs that feed the park's water systems, and filling up a large area with soil. A huge number of trees were brought for planting from various regions of France and other countries. However, despite all efforts, the plantings turned out to be short-lived and after 150 years some of the trees had to be replaced.

    Vaux-le-Vicomte. Chateau de Vaux-le-Vicomte

    Vaux-le-Vicomte - (French Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte) is a classic French manor-palace of the 17th century, located in the vicinity of Melun, 55 km southeast of Paris. Built for Nicolas Fouquet, Viscount of Vaux and Melun, Superintendent of Finance under Louis XIV. The park ensemble was created by A. Lenotre together with architect. Levo and the artist Lebrun. When laying the garden (1656-1661), 18 thousand people worked. On a vast territory, 3 villages were demolished, forests were cut down, the relief was transformed, and the river bed was changed. The area of ​​the park is 100 hectares. In its northern part there is a palace, surrounded by a canal in the spirit of ancient castles, which is the center of the composition. The southern façade of the palace faces the park. From it, in three low terraces, a wide strip of open space, framed by arrays of bosquets, gently descends to the south.

    Stowe Park. Stowe Landscape Gardens

    Stowe Park(Stowe Landscape Gardens) is located 96 km from London. The area of ​​the park is 100 hectares, and together with the adjacent lands that form one whole with it - 500 hectares. Initially there was a regular park here, created by architect. J. Vanberg, in 1714 it was rebuilt by the architect. C. Bridgman, and in 1738 - W. Kent and L. Brown. The center of the composition is the palace, which stands on elevated elevations in the alignment of an open meadow, stretching from north to south and forming the main axis of the park. In the lower part there is a pond - its second compositional center. The volumetric-spatial solution is based on a combination of alternating closed areas with open spaces of a pond and lawns, where individual trees and groups form landscape pictures. The park is full of buildings in the spirit of romanticism, stylistically related to the architecture of the palace.

    Villa Lante. Villa Lante

    The construction of Villa Lante was also carried out according to the design of the architect. Barozzi da Vignola in the 50s of the 16th century. It is located in the town of Bagnaia, 84 km from Rome. The owner of the villa was the Duke of Montalto. The garden area is 1.5 hectares, the relief difference is 16 m. Here, as in Villa Caprarola, the theme of a stream flowing from the mountain and forming the longitudinal axis of the garden is used. However, despite the overall similarity of the plan, the solution to this topic is significantly different. The architect, “dividing” the house into two volumes and placing them symmetrically to the axis, seemed to spread the path of the stream. The lower terrace - the entrance part of the garden - is designed in the form of a flat parterre (75X75 m), divided into a number of squares. Their module includes a water parterre with a round island in the center, where a sculptural group of young men (10 m high) supporting the Montalto coat of arms with their hands gives a monumental vertical.

    Villa d'Este. Villa Tivoli. Villa d'Este

    Villa d'Este, Villa Tivoli (Italian: “villa d'Este”) is located 80 km from Rome in Tivoli, its owner was Cardinal d'Este. Built in the 40s of the 16th century. Author - architect Pirro Ligorio, water devices were created by the engineer Olivieri. The area of ​​the garden is 3.5 hectares, the relief difference is 35 m. The palace is located on the highest point, and on the slope there is a garden. The steep slope is terraced, transverse axes run along narrow terraces, in the lower, most flat part there is a parterre (70X70 m). Mutually perpendicular roads form rectangles of bosquets. The main axis is directed from the lower parterre to the palace. On this axis, the most important compositional unit is the Dragon Fountain, located on the platform below the foot of the palace, and three groups of cypress trees - on the parterre, near the reservoirs of the transverse axis and the Dragon Fountain, forming powerful vertical accents.

    Sefton Park in Liverpool. Sefton Park. Liverpool

    Sefton Park in Liverpool (Sefton Park. Liverpool). Author - architect. E. Andre. Construction of the park began in 1867 on an area of ​​156 hectares. The area was previously used for agricultural land and was surrounded by private buildings. From north to south it was crossed by a channel, which was then turned into a series of artificial ponds and streams. The park has a clear functional zoning and includes lawns for sports, a garden, a Deer Park, a restaurant, a music pavilion and a botanical garden, allocated as a separate area with its own layout. The road network forms ellipses, circles and smooth curves in plan, limiting the contours of open spaces. Due to the large scale, road lines are not perceived in real life as geometric curves. Along the periphery there is a road for horse riding and shelter houses for rest.

    Villa Farnese. Castle of Caprarola. Villa Farnese

    Villa Farnese (Italian: Villa Farnese), also known as Caprarola Castle. 70 km from Rome, near the town of Caprarola, arch. Barozzi da Vignola in 1547-1550. built a castle for Cardinal Farnese. Up the slope, 300 m from the castle, a small house was built and a garden was laid out, intended for secluded relaxation (an example of a “secret garden”). Despite its small size, the garden was designed monumentally - in large proportions, without unnecessary small details, using local materials. Thus, it organically merges with the surrounding landscape and the ensemble of the castle. From the lower platform of the first level, decorated with a fountain, the road rises along a gentle ramp, decorated with a stream flowing down it and closed on both sides by walls, to the second level - a platform richly decorated with fountains and monumental sculptures of river gods.

    Ensemble of the Shugakuin Imperial Villa in Kyoto

    On the northeastern outskirts of Kyoto, the retired Emperor Gomitsuno planned the Shugakuin ensemble with an extensive garden-park. The first part of the work was completed between 1656 and 1659, but then work continued for several more years with interruptions. The uniqueness of the Shugakuin composition among Japanese garden ensembles is associated with its location on three levels - terraces rising above each other along the mountainside. This is what determined the overall spatial structure of the ensemble and the specific solution for each of its parts. Unlike Katsura, the main scale and main emotional tone of Shugakuin was set by the background - the view of distant silhouettes of mountains and trees (which is called “sakkei”), and all the artificially constructed elements of the garden became the foreground of the composition and received a subordinate role.

    Peace Memorial Park in Hiroshima

    One of the first public ensembles of post-war Japan - Peace Park in Hiroshima(architect Kenzo Tange, 1949-1956), conceived and implemented as a synthesis of national and modern spatial and structural-plastic ideas. The park is located on the territory of the former Nakajima district, which was completely destroyed as a result of the atomic bombing of the Japanese city of Hiroshima in 1945. On an area of ​​12.2 hectares there is a Peace Memorial Museum, many monuments, a ritual bell and a cenotaph. The ensemble consists of a vast area for demonstrations (it is covered with white pebbles) with a laconic and mournful monument-arch (the Flame of Peace Monument), light buildings raised on pillars of the museum, administrative building and library. The skeleton of one of the few buildings that survived the atomic bombing, visible in the background, is also visually included in the ensemble.

    o Myoshinji Monastery Gardens in Kyoto

    Boboli Gardens. Giardino di Boboli

    The Boboli Gardens (Italian: Giardino di Boboli) is a famous park in Florence, one of the best park ensembles of the Italian Renaissance. The Boboli Gardens are located on the slopes of Boboli Hill behind Palazzo Pitti, the main residence of the Medici Grand Dukes of Tuscany and are one of the most famous works landscape gardening art of the 16th century. In accordance with the tastes of the time, the park is divided by long axial paths, wide gravel paths, and is decorated with decorative stone elements, statues and fountains. The Boboli Gardens are divided into a private zone with limited access and a public zone with grottoes, nymphs, and open garden temples with colonnades made in the classical style. An unusual feature of the Boboli Gardens for its time is the magnificent views of the city that open from them.

    Garden of Joruriji Monastery in Kyoto

    The garden of Joruriji Monastery on the outskirts of Kyoto belongs to the rarest type of gardens of the Heian era of the Amidian type. The temple building was built in 1107 and moved to its current location in 1157. It is considered one of the finest examples of Buddhist temple architecture from the late Heian period. On the eastern shore of the pond, among the trees, rises an elegant pagoda, originally built in Kyoto, and moved here in 1178. The temple and pagoda are located opposite each other, symbolizing the eastern and western Buddhist paradise. The layout of the garden at the temple is an attempt to find and express a symbolic expression of the world order in the components of living nature, highest point which is “The Western Paradise of Amida Buddha”. Just as there was no fundamental difference between religious and secular architecture, the Amidian temple gardens and palace gardens are so close in their characteristics.

    Kinkakuji Temple Garden (Golden Pavilion) in Kyoto

    Quite large in size, Zen landscape gardens often arose from palace gardens of the shinden type. Thus, the Kitayama Palace, built by the shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu in 1397, was then converted into the Rokuonji Temple (Temple of the Deer Garden), or Kinkakuji (Golden Pavilion), and the garden was reconstructed in accordance with the aesthetic canons of the Rinzai school of Zen. In contrast to earlier Japanese architecture, the meaning of a work such as the Golden Pavilion, its content, is revealed only in comparison with nature, unity with it. Architecture and nature become equal parts of the artistic image. But natural nature, not artistically organized, could not enter into this unity; it had to be transformed in accordance with the same principles that guided the architect-builder.

    Ginkakuji Temple Garden (Silver Pavilion) in Kyoto

    The Silver Pavilion is Ginkakuji (or Higashiyama-den, the official name of the temple is Jisho-ji), built in 1489 by Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimasa, inspired by the Golden Pavilion of Kinkaku-ji, which was built by his grandfather Ashikaga Yoshimitsu and later became a Buddhist temple. In the history of Japanese architecture, the Silver Pavilion is a transitional phenomenon; it combines the features of the Shinden style with new elements of residential architecture of the so-called Shoin style. Like the Golden Pavilion, it stands on the shore of a lake, and retractable walls (a new feature of the Shoin style) directly separate the interior from the garden space. When the walls are moved apart, this separation disappears and nature seems to come inside the house. This fusion with the natural environment was reflected in the spatial design of the interior and, moreover, in the entire concept of architecture, its new connection with the environment.

    Gardens of Tofukuji Monastery in Kyoto

    Tofukuji is a Buddhist temple complex in southeast Kyoto. Sammon Temple Gate is the oldest gate of Zen temples in Japan and is a national treasure. The height of the structure is 22 meters. There are many gardens on the territory of the temple complex, the largest of which are North, South, West, East and Hojo Garden. Mirei Shigemori, author of one of the most famous modern temple ensembles, Komyo-in, at Tofukuji Monastery in Kyoto (1939). The entire “vocabulary” of Mirei Shigemori’s art goes back to Zen symbolic gardens (such as kare san-sui), but the very use of well-known symbols, their combination and contrast in one composition mark a master with a new vision and feeling. Shigemori, before becoming a garden designer, diligently studied the history of gardening, took measurements and made plans for more than 500 gardens.