Deleting all VKontakte audio recordings new design. How to delete a VKontakte audio recording in the new version and from Android. How to delete all songs at once

Social network " In contact with"In addition to the main function related to the positioning and communication of users, it provides ample opportunities for viewing and sharing audio and video recordings. VC contains a colossal bank of media data, which can be the envy of most virtual resources specializing in music and video. Sometimes, in all the vastness of the global network, only in contact you can find the composition of interest. However, taking into account compliance with copyright law, all media materials are for informational purposes only, that is, the site does not provide a download function. In fact, you can download it, but this is a topic for another instruction. Now let's look at how to delete all audio recordings " In contact with"immediately, even if you are one of the greatest music lovers, and your audio library exceeds tens of thousands of favorite tracks.

Carefully and scrupulously

Social network " In contact with"offers its own mechanism for deleting audio recordings, but it is hardly suitable for people who value their time, since it allows the elimination of each composition separately. But this method takes place and, therefore, requires lighting, let’s consider it step by step:

Now it is necessary to consider more drastic methods of musical elimination in order to minimize time costs.

All at once

Let's look at it step by step again new method how to delete all audio recordings in VC:

Some anti-virus programs may perceive the introduction of a script as a hacking attempt. When a conflict arises software It is recommended to temporarily disable the antivirus.


This article examined the algorithm for deleting audio recordings on the social network vk, both individually and all at once. So, the question is how to independently delete all music from VC, can be considered resolved.

Video on the topic

Some VK visitors do not understand how to get rid of unnecessary audio recordings if there is no cross next to the melody. Let's figure out how to erase specific tracks and whether it is possible to delete all of them at once.

Remove the unnecessary track in the “Music” section in the main menu of the site or by clicking on the link.

To get rid of all the songs you added to your collection over last week, you need to click on the icon of the same name, which will appear after deleting any track.

Before removing a song, please note that the changes will take effect as soon as the page is reloaded.

Audio recordings uploaded to the site by you will disappear from the server after deletion, that is, they will not be displayed by friends who added them to their page.

IN new version VK are albums with music. They add any number of tracks there, design the cover and description, attach it to the wall and send it to friends. Deleting an album that has become irrelevant is as easy as deleting one song:

  1. In the “Music” section, go to the “Playlists” tab;
  2. Go to the editing menu by clicking on the pencil icon;
  3. Click on the inscription: “Delete playlist”;
  4. Confirm the action in the next dialog box;
  5. We erase all the music;

If it’s easy to exclude one song from the list of audio recordings or an entire album in VK, then problems arise with the destruction of the entire music collection.

The developers have not implemented this feature. After adding hundreds, or even thousands, of songs, users get scared at the very thought of having to click on crosses all day long. In this case, delete all music from VK using the browser by following the following instructions:

javascript:(function())(var a =document.getElementsByClassName("audio");i=0;inter=setInterval(function())(Audio.deleteAudio(;if(i>a.length) clearInterval(inter)),500); ))()

A browser or antivirus program sometimes issues a warning about a possible attack by cybercriminals, which should be ignored.

  1. We enter “allow insertion” as confirmation that the operation was performed by a person;
  2. Press Enter and wait for the result for some time, depending on the number of tracks being erased, and thereby clear your own audio recordings.

Most owners of Android smartphones use a special device to visit VKontakte. mobile app. In terms of functionality, it is not inferior to the computer version of the site and allows you to quickly get rid of not only one unnecessary song, but also delete the album completely in a few clicks.

  1. We go to our page from the phone and through the “Music” menu open the audio collection;
  2. Click on the button with three dots next to the unnecessary song, and then click on the trash can icon;
  3. We confirm our decision.

In the same section you can delete an album:

Clearing music from cache

Along with other April innovations, VKontakte developers have removed the ability to listen to music for free through a mobile application for Android without an Internet connection. Now tracks no longer remain in the audio cache if the VKontakte client has been updated to version 4.9.1.

Only users who have installed the Boom app and subscribed to a paid subscription will be able to temporarily save audio recordings to their device.

Music from the cache cannot be deleted using the phone or VKontakte client, but only while in the Boom program.


To delete all audio recordings in VK at one time, you need to use third-party software. To do this, you should use the installation of an add-on in the browser. You can download the plugin on the developer’s web resource There is a special link at the top of the site to proceed to the download. You need to press it.

Scroll down the page that appears, find your browser icon and click on it. I chose as an example Mozilla.

The install button should then appear. Click it too.

The browser will then ask whether to allow make changes. Confirm by clicking the " Allow».

Then another install button will appear. Click it.

You can check whether the plugin has been installed. To do this, click the button in the upper right corner of the browser. It resembles a piece of notepad.

A menu will open where you need to click “ Add-ons" You will be taken to the extensions page where you will see VkOpt.

If you click " More details", you can manage updates. You can also see buttons for disabling and deleting the plugin.


In other browsers it is done approximately the same way as in Mozilla.

Working on a social network

Press it. After pressing F5 on your keyboard, the audio recordings will immediately disappear.

Attention! This function works for files located in the “My Audio Recordings” category.

How to delete single songs? To do this, hover the cursor over the melody. Icons appear on the right. Find a cross among them and click on it. The audio recording will disappear after refreshing the page.

The VkOpt plugin provides you with many features. You can get acquainted with its capabilities in the settings. Click on the triangle next to your logo in the upper right corner of the browser. In the menu that appears, find and click the VkOpt line.

Plugin options will appear in front of you

What to do if there is no “Delete all” button?

It may happen that you installed everything as expected, but the “Delete everything” button did not appear. Dont be upset. This happens periodically in the new version of VK. Over time everything will work. In any case, this is what the developers of the VkOpt plugin promise.

It's not easy to reach them. I wrote to the forum and technical support more than once. So that you don’t get yourself into trouble with this too, I’m sharing the information. Showing one of my letters.

And this, finally, came the answer.

The reason lies in the fact that VK owners constantly change their program code. At the same time, they do not think about the assistants who improve their brainchild without demanding payment.

VkOpt is not the only service courting the network “ In contact with" For example, SaveFrom allows you to download videos from social networks, VKfox manages messages and news. Without such services, the VK network would be less interesting and popular. Do you think differently?

How to delete music on VK without wasting too much time on this simple matter? At first glance, it seems that such a question should not bother users, since there is nothing complicated in the procedure for deleting records. But upon closer examination of the functionality proposed by the administration of the social network, it turns out that each song will have to be removed separately. To do this, click the cross next to the audio recording and refresh the page. There is no separate button for clearing the entire music list at once.

That is, the existing task will not cause difficulties for those who want to get rid of several songs, but it will turn out to be quite difficult for owners of solid, long playlists. They will have to spend a lot of time cleaning the list of audio recordings or think in advance about finding a universal way to destroy the collected music collection.

Despite the complexity of the task at hand, there are 2 effective methods for destroying a list of audio recordings:

  • using a special script;
  • using third-party applications and extensions (for example VKOpt).

It is important to emphasize that using the second approach may become completely unavailable. Now it allows you to achieve the desired result, but the introduction of new functions by the VK administration or simply an update can limit access to third party services. And then users will have to look for new programs or wait for updates to existing ones so that their functionality meets the changed requirements. Or hope that people working on the development of the social network have expanded the capabilities of accounts and added additional functions that allow full editing of each section.

Script for deleting audio recordings on VKontakte 2019

Most effective method deleting a track list is to use a special script. Users who use it will not have to think about how to delete all audio recordings on VK, since it allows you to quickly achieve your goal. To get rid of songs that have become unnecessary, you will need:

  1. Copy javascript script:(function())(var a = document.getElementsByClassName("audio"); i=0;inter=setInterval(function())(Audio.deleteAudio(;if(i>a. length)clearInterval(inter)),500);
  2. Log into your account and open a page with a list of saved audio.
  3. Scroll the list to the most recent track.
  4. Press the F12 key and wait for the special panel to open.
  5. Switch to the tab mentioning the console.
  6. Paste the copied script and press enter.
  7. Wait for the running process to complete.
  8. Close the panel.
  9. Refresh the page to ensure the desired result is achieved.

The main advantage of the described approach is its versatility. It works when other methods lose their effectiveness.

How to delete music on VK all at once from your phone?

Owners of smartphones cannot use the described method, since it is intended exclusively for browsers. It will allow you to quickly clear the list of songs on VK from your computer, but will not bring the desired result to owners of other devices (where it is inconvenient to use the browser). They will have to think about how to delete all the music on VK at once using another method. The only way out of this situation is to install a special application. But you will have to look for it yourself. To prevent your search from causing problems, you should:

  • determine the effectiveness of the program in advance in specialized forums;
  • download files only from trusted sources;
  • use antiviruses and other security programs.

Additionally, you can create a backup copy of your data or a system restore point so that unexpected difficulties do not lead to dire consequences.

How to delete an audio recording on VK that you uploaded?

The process of deleting a new song that has been uploaded by a user is no different from deleting other music from a playlist, especially if it concerns one or two songs. But even clearing a large list will not cause difficulties, since for this you can use the instructions already suggested above or install a special program. When choosing the second option, you will need (using the VKOpt utility as an example):

  1. Download, install and run the software.
  2. Visit your own Vk account and go to the section with audio recordings.
  3. Find in the right panel the added function that offers to delete the entire list of songs.
  4. Click the button that appears and wait for the process to complete.
  5. Check the result by reloading the tab.

It is worth emphasizing that it is not possible to recover deleted records. You will have to search for them and add them again manually.

How to delete listened music on VK?

Knowing how to delete all VKontakte audio at once, you won’t have to think about how to quickly delete recently listened tracks. Moreover, if the owner account I didn’t add them to the playlist myself; they weren’t saved anywhere. That is, there will be nothing to delete. But, if you want to destroy all traces indicating that you listened to certain songs, you should delete likes under such songs (if any) and clear part of your browser history. As a result, none of your friends or relatives will be able to guess what songs the user was listening to.

Users are always in a hurry to add their favorite melody to their personal list in VKontakte, and then listen to it a hundred times a day. But sometimes you come across the wrong sound and need to get rid of it, or you want to clear the list of outdated hits, or even radically change your lifestyle and delete all the tracks. But not everyone knows what is the best way to clear your music list on VK.

Audio removal procedure

The user can delete music from his page in contact using the “My Audio Recordings” section. In the section that opens, you need to left-click on the “My audio recordings” link. The page will appear full list user's music. To delete any of the songs, you need to hover the mouse cursor over the line with the composition, special editing buttons (in the form of a pencil) and delete buttons (in the form of a cross) will appear there. By clicking on the cross, the user will delete the selected audio file.

Note. Having accidentally deleted the wrong song in a contact, the user can immediately restore it. You just need to click on the “Recover audio recording” button in the line of the deleted song (it’s located in the line on the right, the Plus icon). After this, the composition will again be on the list. After clearing the list of unnecessary songs, the page needs to be refreshed in VK by pressing Ctrl+R.

Clear audio list with one click

Sometimes you need to delete all your music at once. The procedure for deleting all audio files from VK requires preliminary installation special program VkOpt. You can download this program from the developer’s website After installing VkOpt in your browser, you need to go to your page. A message will appear there thanking you for installing the VkOp script and warning you about using the official version of the program. The window with the message must be closed and proceed to the instructions by clicking “OK”. After this, this message will no longer be shown in the contact.

To continue the procedure, namely, start deletion, you need to hover the mouse cursor over the “My Audio Recordings” section and left-click on it. Will open new page, in this window you should select the folder with your audio recordings; all third-party ones, of course, cannot be deleted. You need to left-click on the “My Audio Recordings” menu. Only the user's audio list will be displayed. It can be removed immediately using the VkOpt program.

To delete all songs, left-click on the “Delete all” link. After clicking on the link, a window will appear in which you will need to confirm the deletion of the entire list of music from VK. To continue deletion, you must click on “Yes” by left-clicking on it. By clicking “Yes,” the user starts the process of automatically deleting all collected compositions from VK. Then you will have to wait a while until the music is deleted. The waiting time depends on the number of downloaded audio files. The more there are, the more time it will take to process the selected action. After completing the procedure, you need to refresh the page in the contact by pressing Ctrl+R.

To make sure that all songs have been deleted from VK, you need to click on the “My audio recordings” menu with the left mouse button. There will be no songs in the user's audio list.

Deleting songs via phone or tablet

The above describes the procedure for clearing the player list in VK, carried out through a computer. Sometimes you need to delete music by going to social network via phone or tablet. But with this transition, the mobile version of VK is used. Therefore, the cross will not simply be displayed. If a user logs into VK using a phone, he can use another option for getting rid of an unnecessary song.

To delete a song in contact from your phone, you need to go to your page in mobile version, click on the link “My Audio Recordings”.

A list of the user's audio recordings will appear on the page. To remove music, you need to click on the play button of the song you want to delete. After clicking “Play”, a melody will start playing on the phone, and a cross will appear in the music line on the right. And then you can safely delete the audio recording by clicking on the “Cross”. After eliminating the selected melody, you need to refresh the page in contact, since the deleted song will continue to play. To refresh the page, click on the “My Audio Recordings” link. After this, the page will refresh and the selected audio recordings will be eliminated.

That's all. The unnecessary song was removed, now on your favorite page there is only the best, extremely pleasant music and no “audio weed” (and unnecessary memories that were associated with this melody).