The meaning of life: what is it and does it really exist? What is the meaning of human life? The true meaning of human life

Reading time: 3 min

The meaning of a person’s life is everything for which he lives on earth. But not everyone really knows what makes them live. Every thinking person has a moment when he is faced with the question: what is the meaning of a person’s life, what goals, dreams, desires make people live, overcome all life’s trials, go through the school of good and evil, learn from mistakes, make new ones, and so on. Various sages, outstanding minds of different times and eras tried to find the answer to the question: “what is the meaning of human life?”, but no one, in fact, came to a single definition. The answer is individual for each person, that is, what one individual sees as his meaning of existence may not interest another at all, due to differences in individual characterological characteristics.

The meaning of a person’s life lies in the value he perceives, to which he subordinates his life, for the sake of which he sets life goals and realizes them. This is a component of the spiritual meaning of existence, which is formed independently of social values ​​and constitutes an individual human value system. The discovery of this meaning of life and the creation of a value hierarchy occurs in each individual in his reflections, based on personal experience.

Social science sees the purpose and meaning of human life as fully realized only in the case of the necessary conditions of society: freedom, humanism, morality, economic, cultural. Social conditions should be such that a person can realize his goals and develop, and not become an obstacle to his path.

Social science also sees the purpose and meaning of a person’s life as inseparable from social phenomena, therefore it can know what its purpose is, but society may not share it and in every possible way hinder its implementation. In some cases this is good when it comes to the goals that a criminal or sociopath wants to achieve. But when a private small business owner wants to develop, and socio-economic conditions slow him down, and he is not allowed to express his opinion, this, of course, does not in any way contribute to the development of the individual and the implementation of his plans in life.

The meaning of human life: philosophy

Actual question in philosophy it is the meaning of human life and the problem of existence. Even ancient philosophers said that a person can philosophize by getting to know himself; the whole mystery of the existence of a person lies in himself. Man is the subject of epistemology (cognition) and at the same time, he himself is capable of knowing. When a person comprehended his essence, the meaning of life, he had already resolved many issues in his life.

The meaning of human life philosophy briefly. The meaning of life is the basic idea that determines the purpose of any object, object or phenomenon. Although the true meaning may never be fully comprehended, it may lie in such deep structures of the human soul that a person has only a superficial understanding of that meaning. He can know it by looking inside himself, or by certain signs, symbols, but the full meaning never comes to the surface, only enlightened minds can comprehend it.

Most often, the meaning of a person’s life is considered to be the meaning of objects and phenomena with which he endows them himself, depending on his individual perception, understanding and degree of importance of these objects directly for this person. Therefore, the same objects can have multiple meanings, depending on the people with whom they interact. Suppose some thing may be completely inconspicuous, and it is of no use to one person at all. But for another person, this same thing can mean a lot, it is filled with a special meaning. He may associate her with certain events, a person, she may be dear to him not in material terms, but in spiritual terms. A common example of this is the exchange of gifts. A person puts his soul into a gift, regardless of its price. The main thing is that he wants the memory of him to remain. In this case, the most ordinary object can acquire an unprecedented meaning; it is filled with love, wishes, and charged with the energy of the giver.

Just like the value of objects, there is also the value of an individual’s actions. Every action of a person is charged with meaning when he makes a certain decision that is important to him. This meaning means that certain actions carry value, depending on the decision made and its value for the person and those around him. It also lies in the feelings, states, emotions and realizations that arise in an individual.

The meaning of human life, as a philosophical problem, is also studied in religion.

The meaning of human life in religion- means contemplation and personification of the divine principle in the soul, its direction towards the superhuman shrine and accession to the highest good and spiritual truth. But the spiritual essence is interested not only in the truth that describes an object, its real meaning, but the very meaning of this object for a person and the satisfaction of needs.

In this sense, a person also gives meaning and assessment to facts, incidents and episodes from his life that were significant to him and through the prism of this he realizes his value attitude towards the world around him. The peculiarity of the individual’s relationship with the world occurs due to the value attitude.

The meaning and value of human life, are correlated like this - a person defines value as everything that has significance for him, carries meaning, is native, dear and sacred.

The meaning of human life - philosophy briefly, as a problem. In the twentieth century, philosophers were especially interested in the problems of the value of human life and put forward various theories and concepts. Theories of value were also theories of the meaning of life. That is, the meaning and value of human life, as concepts, were identified, since the meaning of one passed into the other.

Value is defined almost equally in all philosophical movements, and the lack of value is also explained by the fact that a person is indifferent and is not interested in any differences in life between the categories of good and evil, truth and falsehood. When a person cannot determine values, or does not know which of them to guide him in his own life, it means that he has lost himself, his essence, the meaning of life.

The most important among the personal forms of the individual’s psyche are the values ​​of will, determination, etc. The most important value guidelines of a person are faith, as a person’s positive aspirations. It is thanks to faith that a person feels alive, he believes in a better future, he believes that he will achieve his life goal and that his life has meaning, without faith, a person is an empty vessel.

The problem of the meaning of human life began to develop especially in the nineteenth century. A philosophical direction was also formed - existentialism. Existential questions are the problems of a person living everyday life and experiencing depressive emotions and conditions. Such a person experiences a state of boredom and a desire to free himself.

The famous psychologist and philosopher Viktor Frankl created his own theory and school in which his followers studied. The object of his teachings was man in search of the meaning of life. Frankl said that when a person finds his destiny, he becomes mentally healthier. In his most famous book, which is called “Man’s Search for the Meaning of Life,” the psychologist describes three ways to comprehend life. The first path involves performing labor actions, the second - experiences and feelings associated with a certain person or object, the third path describes life situations that actually cause a person all his suffering and unpleasant experiences. It turns out that in order to find meaning, a person must fill his life with work, or some main activity, caring for a loved one, and learn to cope with problematic situations, drawing experience from them.

The problem of the meaning of a person’s life, the study of his life path, trials, severity and problems is the subject of a direction in existentialism - logotherapy. At its center stands man, as a creature who does not know his destiny and seeks peace of mind. It is precisely the fact that a person poses the question of the meaning of life and existence that determines his essence. At the center of logotherapy is the process of searching for meaning in life, during which a person will either purposefully search for the meaning of his existence, think about this question and try what to do, or he will be disappointed in the search and stop taking any further steps to determine his existence.

The purpose and meaning of human life

A person must think carefully about what his purpose is, what he wants to achieve at the moment. Because throughout life, his goals may change, depending on external circumstances and internal metamorphoses of the individual, her desires and intentions. Changing life goals can be traced using a simple life example. Let's say a girl finishing school dreams of passing her exams with flying colors, entering a prestigious university, she is delirious about her career and is postponing her wedding with her boyfriend until an indefinite time. Time passes, she acquires capital for her business, develops it and becomes a successful businesswoman. As a result, the initial goal was achieved. Now she is ready to have a wedding, she wants children and sees in them her future meaning in life. IN in this example two very strong goals were put forward, and regardless of their sequence, they were both achieved. When a person knows exactly what he wants, nothing can stop him, the main thing is that these goals and the algorithm of actions to achieve them are correctly formulated.

On the way to achieving the main goal in life, a person goes through certain stages, between which there are also so-called intermediate goals. For example, first a person studies to acquire knowledge. But it is not the knowledge itself that is important, but its practical application. Then, receiving a diploma with honors can help you get a prestigious job, and the correct performance of your duties will help you improve your career ladder. Here you can feel the transition of important goals and the introduction of intermediate ones, without which the overall result cannot be achieved.

The purpose and meaning of human life. It happens that two people with the same resources live their life paths completely differently. One can achieve one goal and come to terms with the fact that he does not feel the need to go further, while another, more purposeful, constantly sets himself new goals, achieving which he feels happy.

Almost all people are united by one life goal - creating a family, procreation, raising children. Thus, children are the meaning of life for many people. Because, with the birth of a child, all the general attention of the parents is focused on him. Parents want to provide the child with everything necessary and work for this, trying as best as possible. Then they work to provide education. But, most importantly, every parent dreams of raising their child in the right way, so that he grows up to be a kind, fair and reasonable person. Then the children, having received all the necessary resources from their parents in their old age, can thank them and make it their goal to take care of them.

The meaning of human existence is the desire to leave a mark on the earth. But not everyone is limited to the desire to procreate; some have more requests. They express themselves by trying to stand out from the gray mass in various areas of life: sports, music, art, science and other fields of activity, it depends on the talents of each person. Achieving some result can be a person’s goal, like a bar he has jumped over. But when a person’s goal is realized by an achievement and he understands that he has brought benefit to people, he feels much more satisfied with what he has done. But achieving and fully realizing such a great goal may take years. Many outstanding people were never recognized for their lives, but the meaning of their value was understood when they were no longer alive. Many die at a young age, when they have reached specific purpose, and saw no more meaning in life after finishing it. Among such people there are mainly creative individuals (poets, musicians, actors), and the loss of the meaning of life for them is a creative crisis.

Such a problem gives rise to thoughts about extending human life, and it may be scientific purpose, but you need to clearly understand why it is needed. If you look from the perspective of humanism, then life has the highest value. Therefore, its extension would be a progressive step in relation to society, and also to individuals specifically. If this problem Considered from the point of view of biology, it can be argued that there are already some successes in this area, for example, organ transplants, and the treatment of diseases that were once considered incurable. A lot is said about the elixir of youth, as a source for maintaining an eternally young body, but this is still at the level of science fiction. Even if you delay old age by adhering to a healthy and correct lifestyle, it will inevitably come, along with all its manifestations, psychological and biological. This means that the goal of medicine should also be some way so that older people do not feel physical discomfort and do not complain about reason, memory, attention, thinking, so that they retain mental and physical performance. But not only science should be concerned with prolonging life, society itself should also create the necessary conditions for the development of human talents and ensure inclusion in public life.

Life modern man very fast, and he has to expend a lot of energy and effort to meet the norms of society and keep up with progress. When a person is in such a rhythm, he has no time left to stop, stop doing everyday activities and memorized, practiced movements to the point of automatism and think about why all this is being done and how expensive it really is, deeply comprehend life and develop the spiritual sphere life.

The meaning of life for modern man- this is the pursuit of mirages, imaginary success and happiness, templates implanted in the heads, the false consumer culture of our time. The life of such a person has no value in spiritual terms; it is expressed in constant consumption, squeezing all the juices out of oneself. The result of this lifestyle is nervousness and fatigue. People want to grab a big piece for themselves, to take a place in the sun, regardless of the needs of others. If you look from this perspective, it seems that life is going downhill, and soon people will become like robots, inhuman, heartless. Fortunately, the likelihood of such a course of events is very low. This idea is very extreme, and, in fact, only applies to those who have truly shouldered the burden of a career and all the difficulties associated with it. But modern man can be viewed in a different context.

The meaning of life for a modern person is to give birth and raise children to be proud of, and to improve the world. Every modern person is the creator of the future world, and every work activity a person is an investment in the development of society. Realizing his worth, a person understands that his life has meaning, and he wants to give of himself even more, invest in the future generation, and do good deeds for the good of society. Involvement in the achievements of humanity gives people an understanding of their own importance, they feel like bearers of a progressive future, because they were lucky enough to live in such a time.

The meaning of life for a modern person is self-improvement, advanced training, obtaining a diploma, new knowledge, thanks to which one can generate new ideas and create new objects. Such a person is naturally valued as a good specialist, especially when he likes what he does and considers it his meaning in life.

When parents are smart, then their children should be smart too. Therefore, parents strive to develop and educate their children so that they become worthy members of society.

The meaning of life and human purpose

To answer the question: “what is the meaning of human life?”, you must first explain all the constituent terms. “Life” is understood as the category of a person’s location in space and time. “Meaning” does not have such a specific designation, since the concept is found in scientific works and also in everyday communication. If you analyze the word itself, it turns out “with thought,” that is, understanding an object or acting with it, with certain thoughts.

Meaning is manifested in three categories – ontological, phenomenological and personal. From an ontological view, all objects, phenomena and events of life have meaning, depending on their influence on his life. The phenomenological approach states that in the mind there is an image of the world, which includes personal meaning, which gives an assessment of objects for a person personally, and indicates the value of a given phenomenon or event. The third category is human semantic constructs that provide self-regulation. All three structures provide a person with an understanding of his life and the discovery of the true meaning of life.

The problem of the meaning of a person’s life is closely intertwined with his purpose in this world. For example, if a person is sure that his meaning in life is to bring goodness and God’s grace into this world, his destiny is to be a priest.

Destination is a person’s way of being; it determines his meaning of existence from birth. When a person clearly sees his goal, knows what to do, he completely devotes himself to it with all his body and soul. This is the purpose, if a person does not fulfill it, he loses the meaning of life.

When a person thinks about his purpose in life, he comes closer to the thought of the immortality of the human spirit, his actions, their meaning now and in the future, what will remain after them. Man is mortal by nature, but since he has been given life, he must understand that everything that is connected with him in this short period of his life is limited only by the date of his birth and death. If a person wants to fulfill his destiny, he will do things that are socially important. If a person does not believe in the immortality of the soul, his existence will be unthinkable and irresponsible.

The meaning of life and the purpose of a person is a vital decision. Each person chooses for himself how to perceive himself, as a person, body and soul, and then think about where to go and what to do. When a person has found his true purpose, he becomes more confident in the value of his life, can clearly build his life goals and treat the world with kindness and gratitude for the gift of life. Destination is like a river along which a person floats, and if he himself does not know which pier to swim to, not a single wind will be favorable to him. Religion sees its purpose in serving God, psychologists – in serving people, some in the family, some in preserving nature. And you can’t judge someone for the path they have chosen; everyone acts as they want, as they feel.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

Almost everyone asks themselves the question of what is the meaning of human life. The meaning of life, the concept of it, is one of the central ones in philosophy or religion. Lack of meaning in life can lead to depression and serious illness, so it is necessary to look for an answer to it. When the purpose of life disappears, a person becomes unhappy and loses interest in life, which also complicates the existence of those around him. In search of a life with meaning, some turn to religious texts, others go through psychological trainings, someone independently seeks the answer to this question by studying the treatises of famous philosophers.

The nature of the question: what is the purpose and meaning of human life

Many regularly ask the question: what is the meaning of human life? The need to find an answer to this question distinguishes humans from animals. Animals exist by satisfying only a certain set of material needs - sleep, food, reproduction; for some animals communication or community is also important. If a person does not find an answer to the question: “What is the meaning of my life?”, he will not be able to live truly happily. That is why the search for the meaning of life is so important for a person.

The meanings of life are a kind of compass that allows you to understand what is important for your future existence and what is not. Living with meaning allows you to make conscious decisions in various situations. Having a goal in a person makes his existence understandable and fulfilling. When he knows what he wants, he can easily formulate a strategy for his path.

Loss of meaning in life, on the contrary, leads to depression. A person may begin to abuse alcohol to get rid of sad thoughts. If you don’t find support in time and don’t understand what the meaning of a person’s life is, you can even become an alcoholic. After all, alcohol or drugs are an escape from reality, from the need to think, form your own goals and key areas of life.

Is it worth searching for the meaning of life?

Not everyone thinks about how to find the meaning of life. Some people don't even think about it. After all, there are successful examples of people who did not think about how to live the time allotted to them, and lived it quite happily. This kind of people believe that there is no need to think about the meaning of life, it is enough to just live and have fun. However, this is more like the life of animals and plants, so in old age, as a rule, such people become deeply unhappy and begin to rethink their existence.

Close to those who do not think about the meaning of human life are those who believe that the purpose of existence is simply to live. You just need to fulfill your functions as a father or mother, go to work, help your parents, and so on. Everyone does it. And this is the meaning of life - just to live it, fulfilling your social roles. But this is also an illusion. After all, a person, for example, sleeps to restore his energy, and not just to sleep. Or eat not in order to be full, but so that you also have the strength to further work. Therefore, the meaning of life is not to simply live it, but to do something, achieve something.

Finally, there are those who could not easily find the answer to this question for themselves; they believe that there is no meaning in life, and therefore it is not worth looking for it. As a result, these people also liken themselves to plants and animals, believing that there is no special meaning to life.

Self-realization as a life goal

A fairly popular answer to the question of what the purpose of life is is self-realization. Such a goal and meaning of human life means that a person has achieved certain success in some area of ​​life - in business, education, politics or any social issues. In other words, in this case, a life with meaning consists in the fact that a person leaves a certain mark in history, his successes will be remembered and, perhaps, even enjoy the fruits of his labors. This motivation is often present among scientists who want to make a discovery and thus preserve their memory for a long period.

However, there is a serious moral dimension to this goal. Self-realization can be achieved in different ways. After all, famous criminals also realized themselves. They have achieved impressive success in their illegal affairs and operations. They are also remembered; they are recognized authorities in their field. And in cases with scientists, the issue of ethics is of significant importance. For example, those who studied the structure of the atom probably simply wanted to understand the nature of the structure of the world. As a result, the atomic bomb appeared - one of the most terrible types of weapons.

Staying healthy

Some people, especially girls or women, make preserving beauty their meaning in life. Answering the question of what is the meaning of a woman’s life, they regularly visit various fitness gyms, use the services of cosmetologists, use various means for rejuvenation, and so on. Increasingly, men are beginning to behave in a similar way, paying very close attention to their physical health.

Leading a healthy lifestyle is, of course, good. This really gives a person more energy; as a result of sports, endorphins are produced - hormones of happiness, which creates a feeling of constant success and joy. People who actively and spend a lot of time on their health look, of course, happy, and therefore it seems that they have found their meaning in life. However, this is not quite true. Long years of life, a beautiful body, a lot of energy - what is all this for? If only in order to increase this beauty and health, then this is not entirely true. After all, every person is mortal. And even the best athlete will still die, no matter how hard he tries to maintain his physical shape. Therefore, over time, the question will still arise, why was it necessary to lead such a lifestyle? After all, all this energy could have been spent on something else. For example, for self-realization in some areas.

Earn Money

In the conditions of the material world, an increasingly popular answer to the question of where to find the meaning of life is in wealth and the accumulation of goods. As a result, more and more men and women are making great efforts to earn a lot of money to satisfy their material desires. At the same time, such desires tend to constantly increase, a person needs even more money and the result is a kind of vicious circle, from which it is very difficult to break out.

Before death, people seeking to accumulate as much as possible Money, a serious problem arises - how to divide the inheritance. Moreover, when a person who craves material wealth reaches old age, many even begin to wait for his death in order to gain access to his savings. This makes him deeply unhappy.

It also makes no sense to take your savings with you to the grave, and this is where the question arises: why was it necessary to work so long and so hard? Indeed, in the process of earning material wealth, such people sacrificed a lot, from attention to their own family and ending with receiving some simple pleasures in life.

How was the question of the meaning of life resolved before?

The question of how to find the meaning of life has concerned humanity for many centuries. Already the ancient Greek philosophers asked the question: is there a meaning to life? Unfortunately, they were unable to give a clear answer to the question of how to find the meaning of life; only a few concepts appeared, one of which - self-realization (its author is Aristotle) ​​is still popular. Later, many scientists tried to find an answer to the questions: “What is the meaning or purpose of life, is there a common goal for humanity, should the goals of men differ from women’s goals?”

A more clear answer to the question of purpose in life is contained in religious treatises. This is due to the fact that the basis of any religion is the human soul. If the body is mortal, then the soul lives forever, therefore the meaning of life is not in material, but in spiritual development. And if we consider the most popular world religions, we can draw the following conclusion:

  • Own spiritual development, atonement for sins, preparation for the transition of the soul to heaven.
  • Redemption past life, cleaning karma, preparing the soul for the transition to a new state of eternal happiness (Vedic analogue of life in heaven).
  • Preparation for the transition to a new reality or for reincarnation (settling into a new body), and relocation to a new body can occur either with an increase in status, if a person lives well, observes religious norms, pays attention to his spiritual development, or with a decrease, if norms are violated and a person leads an incorrect lifestyle.

Spiritual development

The meaning of life in the development of the soul can be formulated differently as learning, going through a certain school. Within the framework of this concept, a person must search for the meaning of life through his spiritual development. And not only in theory - by reading the relevant literature, but also in practice. Practice, in this case, is a form of examination. If a person is able to behave in accordance with religious precepts, then the exam will be passed and he will be promoted to the next class, where there will be more difficult tasks that test the spiritual strength and stability of the “student”.

Of course, in the process of such learning, as in a regular school, there are breaks, when you can relax and do various pleasant things. But then the lesson starts again, and you have to work again. Thus, the philosophy of life as a school requires significant effort. After all, constant development requires constant effort, but, on the other hand, treating difficulties as lessons makes them much easier to overcome. To overcome a life problem, it is enough to understand what a person is doing wrong and how to do it right, and life will change for the better. In addition, if there is no meaning in life, you can always turn to the experience of saints who have achieved impressive success in their activities.

Preparing for the transition to a new reality

This concept says that in the course of his life a person goes through various tests, and the more he passes them, the higher the likelihood that he will be ready to transition to a new reality. Some religions say that there are several levels of life. If a person is engaged in the development of his soul, he moves to the next level, where he will have Better conditions, but the tests are also more difficult. If development does not occur, and even degradation occurs, as a result of which the person will be transferred to another reality of a lower order. In Christianity we are talking about heaven and hell (if a person behaves decently, thinks about his soul, then he will go to heaven, and if he sins, then to hell). Vedic treatises speak of the presence of ten levels of reality, each of which has its own tests and its own conditions of existence.

Thinking about eternal life and the new reality can also help when it is not clear what to do if there is no point in living. In such a situation, depression is practically guaranteed, but it is not clear how to find the meaning of life. Conversations with mentors and loved ones who can tell you what to do if a person does not see the meaning of life help to achieve restoration of the desire to live.

How to return the meaning of life to a person?

Some girls, reflecting on the question of what is the meaning of a woman’s life, assume that it is in children. When they have children, they devote all their energy to them. However, children grow up over time and become independent. In such a situation, many mothers complain that the meaning of life has disappeared, nothing makes them happy, and there is no point in living further.

The question arises, how to fill life with meaning? Finding the meaning of life begins with answering the question: “What is the purpose in life?” How to determine the main goal? To begin with, it is recommended to make a list of goals in life. From the resulting list, you should choose which goals inspire, give strength, and fill with energy. This will be the main personal goal that will help answer the question of what is the meaning of life. However, you shouldn’t stop at this stage; setting goals is not enough when life suddenly ceases to be meaningful. You need to understand how to achieve your goal. To do this, you will have to figure out how to change your life.

Spiritual practices can also help a person who believes that there is no point in living. Psychology, as a rule, does not help in such situations. It allows you to set goals, but it does not tell you how to change your life. Thinking about the soul and overcoming trials allows you to correctly set the goal of life, set priorities and find the meaning of life for both men and women. However, in fairness, it should be said that for many who have lost their purpose in life, personal growth trainings help them change their life pattern and become happier.

Thus, when answering the question of what is the meaning of life, you should first think about your soul. Life with meaning makes it fulfilling and joyful. However, various ideas that one should preserve beauty or accumulate material wealth are false, because they do not have a spiritual component, which makes a person truly happy. In addition, you need to know how to set a goal correctly and how to achieve it later. This allows you to find answers to questions about why to live and how to live. If a person has lost the meaning of life, finding a purpose in life can help him. When he understands why he lives, he can see the goal, his desire to live will most likely no longer disappear.

“The misfortune of modern man is great:

he lacks the main thing - the meaning of life"

I.A. Ilyin

None of us like meaningless work. For example, carrying bricks there and then back. Dig “from here until lunch.” If we are asked to do such work, we are inevitably disgusted. Disgust is followed by apathy, aggression, resentment, etc.

Life is also work. And then it becomes clear why a meaningless life (life without meaning) pushes us to the point that we are ready to give up everything that is most valuable, but run away from this lack of meaning. But, fortunately, there is a meaning to life.

And we will definitely find him. I would like you to read it carefully and to the end, despite the length of this article. Reading is also work, but not meaningless, but one that will pay off handsomely.

Why does a person need a meaning in life?

Why does a person need to know the meaning of life, is it possible to somehow live without it?

No animal needs this understanding. It is the desire to understand the purpose of one’s coming into this world that distinguishes man from animals. Man is the highest of living beings; it is not enough for him to just eat and reproduce. Limiting his needs only to physiology, he cannot be truly happy. Having meaning in life gives us a goal to which we can strive. The meaning of life is the measure of what is important and what is not, what is useful and what is harmful to achieving our main goal. It is a compass that shows us the direction of our lives.

In such a complex world in which we live, it is very difficult to do without a compass. Without it, we inevitably lose our way, end up in a labyrinth, and run into dead ends. This is exactly what I was talking about eminent philosopher antiquity Seneca: “He who lives without a goal ahead always wanders” .

Day after day, month after month, year after year we wander through dead ends, seeing no way out. Ultimately, this chaotic journey leads us to despair. And now, stuck in yet another dead end, we feel that we no longer have the strength or desire to move on. We understand that we are doomed to fall from one dead end to another throughout our lives. And then the thought of suicide arises. Indeed, why live if you can’t get out of this terrible labyrinth?

That is why it is so important to strive to resolve this question about the meaning of life.

How to evaluate how true a certain meaning in life is

We see a man doing something in the mechanism of his car. Does what he's doing make sense or not? Strange question, you say. If he fixes the car and takes his family to the dacha (or his neighbor to the clinic), then, of course, there is. And if he spends the whole day tinkering with his broken-down car, instead of devoting time to his family, helping his wife, reading good book, and doesn’t drive it anywhere, then, of course, there’s no point.

That's how it is with everything. The meaning of an activity is determined by its result.

The meaning of human life also needs to be assessed through the outcome. The result for a person is the moment of death. There is nothing more certain than the moment of death. If we are entangled in the labyrinth of life and cannot unwind this tangle from the beginning in order to find the meaning of life, let's unwind it from the other, obvious and precisely known end - death.

It was this approach that M.Yu. wrote about. Lermontov:

We drink from the cup of existence

with closed eyes,

golden edges wetted

with your own tears;

when before death out of sight

the string falls off

and everything that deceived us

falls with a string;

then we see that it is empty

there was a golden cup,

that there was a drink in it - a dream,

and that she is not ours!


The most primitive answers to the question about the meaning of life

Among the answers to the question about the meaning of life, there are three of the most primitive and stupid. Usually such answers are given by people who have not seriously thought about this issue. They are so primitive and devoid of logic that there is no point in dwelling on them in detail. Let's take a quick look at these answers, the real purpose of which is to justify our laziness and not working to find the meaning of life.

1. “Everyone lives like this without thinking, and I will live too”

Firstly, not everyone lives like this. Secondly, are you sure that these “everyone” are happy? And are you happy, living “like everyone else” without thinking? Thirdly, look at everyone, everyone has their own life, and everyone builds it themselves. And when something doesn’t work out, you won’t have to blame “everyone”, but yourself... Fourthly, sooner or later, the majority of “everyone”, finding themselves in some serious crisis, will still think about the meaning of their existence.

So maybe you shouldn’t focus on “everyone”? Seneca also warned: “When the question arises about the meaning of life, people never reason, but always believe others, and meanwhile, in vain it is dangerous to join those ahead.” Maybe we should listen to these words?

2. “The meaning of life is to understand this very meaning” (The meaning of life is in life itself)

Although these phrases are beautiful, pretentious, and may work in a group of children or low-intelligent people, they have no meaning. If you think about it, it is clear that the process of searching for meaning cannot at the same time be the meaning itself.

Any person understands that the meaning of sleep is not to sleep, but to restore the body’s systems. We understand that the meaning of breathing is not to breathe, but to allow oxidative processes to occur in cells, without which life is impossible. We understand that the point of work is not just to work, but to benefit yourself and the people at this job. So talk about how the meaning of life is to seek the meaning itself are childish excuses for those who do not want to think about it seriously. This is a convenient philosophy for those who do not want to admit that they have no meaning in life and do not want to look for it.

And putting off understanding the meaning of life until the end of this life is like wanting to get a ticket to a luxury resort on your deathbed. What's the point of something you can't use anymore?

3. “There is no meaning in life” .

The logic here is: “I didn’t find meaning, so it doesn’t exist.” The word “find” implies that a person took some action to search (for meaning). However, in truth, how many of those who claim that there is no meaning have actually looked for it? Wouldn’t it be more honest to say: “I haven’t tried to find the meaning of life, but I believe there is none.”

Do you like this saying? It hardly looks reasonable, rather it just sounds childish. To a wild Papuan, a calculator, skis, or a cigarette lighter in a car may seem completely unnecessary, meaningless. He just doesn't know what this item is for! To understand the benefits of these items, you need to study them from all sides, try to understand how to use them correctly.

Someone will object: “I was really looking for meaning.” Here the next question arises: were you looking for him there?

Self-realization as the meaning of life

Very often you can hear that the meaning of life is self-realization. Self-realization is the realization of one’s capabilities in order to achieve success. You can realize yourself in different areas of life: family, business, art, politics, etc.

This view is not new; Aristotle believed so. He said that the meaning of life is in a valiant life, success and achievements. And it is in this self-development that the majority now sees the meaning of life.

A person, of course, must realize himself. But making self-realization the main meaning of life is wrong.

Why? Let's think about this considering the inevitability of death. What difference does it make - a person self-realized and died, or did not self-realize, but also died. Death will make these two people equal. Successes in life cannot be taken to the next world!

We can say that the fruits of this very self-realization will remain on earth. But firstly, these fruits are not always of good quality, and secondly, even if they are of the best quality, then the person who left them is of no use. He cannot take advantage of the results of his successes. He is dead.

Imagine that you have managed to realize yourself - you are a famous politician, a great artist, writer, military leader or journalist. And here you are... at your own funeral. Cemetery. Autumn, it’s drizzling, leaves are flying to the ground. Or maybe it’s summer, the birds are enjoying the sun. Words of admiration for you sound over the open coffin: “How happy I am for the deceased!N did this and that very well. He embodied all those abilities that were given to him not just 100%, but 150%!”...

If you come to life for a second, will such speeches console you?..

Memory as the meaning of life

Another answer to the question about the meaning of life: “To leave my mark, to be remembered.” At the same time, it happens that a person does not even care whether he leaves a good memory or a not very good one about himself. The main thing is “to be remembered!” For this reason, many people strive in every possible way for fame, popularity, fame, to become a “famous person.”

Of course, a good memory has some value for eternity - it is the grateful memory of our descendants about us, who left them gardens, houses, books. But how long will this memory last? Do you have a grateful memory of your great-grandfathers? What about great-great-grandfathers?.. No one will be remembered forever.

In general, a person’s external achievements (that very realization) and the memory of others about these successes are correlated like a sandwich and the smell of a sandwich. If the sandwich itself is useless, then even more so - you won’t get enough of its smell.

What will we care about this memory when we die? We won't be there anymore. So is it worth dedicating your life to “making a mark” then? No one will be able to benefit from their fame when they leave this world. No one can estimate the degree of his fame in the grave.

Imagine yourself again at your own funeral. The one who is entrusted with the funeral speech is intensely thinking about what good things to say about you. “We are burying a difficult person! That's how many people came here to see him off on his last journey. Few receive such attention. But this is only a faint reflection of the glory thatN had during his lifetime. Many envied him. They wrote about him in the newspapers. On the house whereN lived, a memorial plaque will be fixed...”

Dead man, wake up for a second! Listen up! Will these words make you very happy?..

The meaning of life is to preserve beauty and health

Although ancient Greek philosopher Metrodorus argued that the meaning of life is in the strength of the body and in the firm hope that one can rely on it, but most people still understand that this cannot be the meaning.

It is difficult to find something more meaningless than living for the sake of maintaining one’s own health and appearance. If a person takes care of his health (plays sports, exercises, undergoes preventive medical examinations in a timely manner), then this can only be welcomed. We are talking about something else, about a situation where maintaining health, beauty, and longevity becomes the meaning of life. If a person, seeing the meaning only in this, gets involved in the struggle for the preservation and decoration of his body, he condemns himself to inevitable defeat. Death will still win this battle. All this beauty, all this imaginary health, all these pumped up muscles, all these experiments on rejuvenation, solariums, liposuction, silver threads, braces will leave nothing behind. The body will go underground and rot, as befits protein structures.

Now you are an old pop star who grew young until your last breath. There are many talkative people in show business who will always find something to say in any situation, including at a funeral: “Oh, what a beauty died! What a pity that she couldn’t please us for another 800 years. It seemed that death no longer had power overN! How unexpectedly this death snatched her from our ranks at the age of 79! She showed everyone how to overcome old age!”

Wake up, dead body! Would it make you happy to evaluate how you lived?

Consumption, pleasure as the meaning of life

“Acquiring things and consuming them cannot give meaning to our lives... The accumulation of material things cannot fill

the emptiness of life for those who lack confidence and purpose.”

(Millionaire merchant Savva Morozov)

The philosophy of consumption did not appear today. Another famous ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus (341-270 BC), who believed that the meaning of life is to avoid troubles and suffering, receive pleasures from life, achieve peace and bliss. One could also call this philosophy the cult of pleasure.

This cult also reigns in modern society. But even Epicurus stipulated that one cannot live only for the sake of pleasure, while not being consistent with ethics. We have now reached the reign of hedonism (in other words, life only for the sake of pleasure), in which no one particularly agrees with ethics. We are tuned into this by advertising, articles in magazines, television talk shows, endless series, reality shows. This permeates our entire everyday life. Everywhere we hear, see, read calls to live for our own pleasure, to take everything from life, to seize the moment of luck, to “have a blast” to the fullest...

The cult of consumption is closely connected with the cult of pleasure. In order to have fun, we must buy, win, order something. Then consume it, and do it all over again: see an advertisement, buy it, use it for its intended purpose, enjoy it. It begins to seem to us that the meaning of life lies in using what is advertised everywhere, namely: certain goods, services, sensual pleasures (“sex”); enjoyable experiences (travel); real estate; various “readings” (glossy magazines, cheap detective stories, romance novels, books based on TV series), etc.

Thus, we (not without the help of the media, but of our own free will) turn ourselves into meaningless half-humans, half-animals, whose task is only to eat, drink, sleep, walk, drink, satisfy the sexual instinct, dress up... Man myself reduces himself to such a level, limiting the purpose of his life to the satisfaction of primitive needs.

Nevertheless, having tried all imaginable pleasures by a certain age, a person becomes satiated and feels that, despite various pleasures, his life is empty and something important is missing from it. What? Meaning. After all, there is no point in finding pleasure.

Pleasure cannot be the meaning of existence, if only because it passes and, therefore, ceases to be pleasure. Any need is satisfied only for a certain time, and then it manifests itself again and again, and with renewed vigor. In our pursuit of pleasure, we are like drug addicts: we get some pleasure, it soon passes, we need the next dose of pleasure - but it also passes... But we need this pleasure, our whole life is built on this. Moreover, the more pleasure we get, the more we want again, because... needs always grow in proportion to the degree of their satisfaction. All this is similar to the life of a drug addict, with the only difference being that the drug addict is chasing the drug, and we are chasing various other pleasures. It also resembles a donkey running after a carrot tied in front: we want to catch it, but we can’t catch up... It’s unlikely that any of us consciously want to be like such a donkey.

So, if you think seriously, it is obvious that pleasure cannot be the meaning of life. It is quite natural that a person who considers his goal in life to be pleasure, sooner or later comes to a serious mental crisis. For example, in the USA, about 45% of people take antidepressants, despite high level life.

We consume, consume, consume... and live as if we will consume forever. However, we have death ahead of us - and everyone knows this for certain.

Now over your coffin they can say this: “What a rich lifeN lived! We, his relatives, have not seen him for months. Today he is in Paris, tomorrow in Bombay. One could only envy such a life. How many different pleasures there were in his life! He was truly lucky, the darling of fate! How manyN changed cars and, sorry, wives! His house was and remains a full cup..."

Open one eye and look at the world you left behind. Do you think you lived your life as it should?

The meaning of life is the achievement of power

It's no secret that there are people who live to increase their power over others. This is exactly how Nietzsche tried to explain the meaning of life. He said that the meaning of human life is the desire for power. True, the very history of his life (madness, heavy death, poverty) began to refute this statement during his lifetime...

Power-hungry people see the point in proving to themselves and others that they can rise above others, achieve what others could not. So what's the point? Is it that a person can have an office, appoint and fire, take bribes, make important decisions? Is this the point? In order to gain and maintain power, they earn money, look for and maintain the necessary business connections and do much more, often overstepping their conscience...

In our opinion, in such a situation, power is also a kind of drug, from which a person receives unhealthy pleasure and without which he can no longer live, and which requires a constant increase in the “dose” of power.

Is it reasonable to see the meaning of your life in the exercise of power over people? On the threshold of life and death, looking back, a person will understand that he has lived his whole life in vain, what he lived for leaves him, and he is left with nothing. Hundreds of thousands had enormous, and sometimes even incredible power (remember Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Hitler). But at one point they lost her. And what?

The government has never made anyone immortal. After all, what happened to Lenin is far from immortality. How great is the joy in becoming, after death, a stuffed animal and an object of curiosity for the crowd, like a monkey in a zoo?

There are many armed guards at your funeral. Examining glances. They are afraid of a terrorist attack. Yes, you yourself did not die a natural death. The guests, dressed in immaculate black, look alike. The one who “ordered” you is also here, expressing condolences to the widow. In a well-trained voice, someone reads from a piece of paper: “...Life is always in sight, although constantly surrounded by guards. Many people envied him, he had many enemies. This is inevitable given the scale of leadership, the scale of power that he hadN... Such a person will be very difficult to replace, but we hope thatNN, appointed to this post, will continue everything he startedN..."

If you heard this, would you understand that your life was not in vain?

The meaning of life is to increase material wealth

The 19th century English philosopher John Mill saw the meaning of human life in achieving profit, benefit, and success. It must be said that Mill's philosophy was a target for ridicule by almost all of his contemporaries. Up until the 20th century, Mill's views were exotic views that were supported by virtually no one. And in the last century the situation has changed. Many people believed that meaning could be found in this illusion. Why in illusion?

Nowadays, many people think that a person lives to earn money. It is in the increase of wealth (and not in the pleasure of spending it, as we discussed above) that they see the meaning of their lives.

It is very strange. If everything that can be bought with money is not meaning - pleasure, memory, power, then how can money itself be meaning? After all, not a single penny or billions of dollars can be used after death.

A rich funeral will be little consolation. A dead body is no better off from the softness of the upholstery of an expensive coffin. Dead eyes are indifferent to the shine of an expensive hearse.

And again the cemetery. Place next to famous ones. The grave site is already paved with tiles. For the cost of the coffin, the poor young man could be educated at the university. A cloud of mutual hatred swirls over a group of relatives: not everyone is happy with the division of the inheritance. Even in admiring speeches, hidden gloating slips through: “N was the chosen man. A combination of luck, will and perseverance helped him achieve such success in business. I think if he had lived another 3 years, we would have seen his name on Forbes magazine's list of the world's largest billionaires. We, who knew him for many years, could only watch with admiration how high our friend had soared..."

If you were to break the silence of death for a moment, what would you say?

There will be something to remember in old age

Some say: “Yes, of course, when you are lying on your deathbed, everything loses its meaning. But at least there was something to remember! For example, many countries, fun parties, a good and satisfying life, etc.” Let's honestly examine this version of the meaning of life - to live only so that there is something to remember before death.

For example, we had a well-fed, full of impressions, rich and fun life. And at the last line we can remember the whole past. Will this bring joy? No, it won't. It won’t bring it because this good thing has already passed, and time cannot be stopped. Joy can only be obtained in the present from what was truly good for others. Because in this case, what you did lives on. The world remains to live with the good that you have done for it. But you won’t be able to feel the joy of what you enjoyed yourself with - going to resorts, throwing away money, having power, satisfying your vanity and self-esteem. It won’t work because you are mortal, and soon there will be no memories of this. All this will die.

What joy does a hungry man have in the fact that he once had the opportunity to overeat? There is no joy, but on the contrary, pain. After all, the contrast between the good “before” and the terribly bad and hungry “today” and absolutely no “tomorrow” is too clearly visible.

For example, an alcoholic cannot be happy because he drank a lot yesterday. This is exactly what makes him feel bad today. And he can’t remember yesterday’s vodka and thus gets a hangover. He needs her now. And real, not in memories.

During this temporary life, we can have many things that we think are good. But we cannot take anything with us from this life except our soul.

For example, we came to the bank. And we are given the opportunity to come to the bank vault and take any amount of money. We can hold as much money as we want in our hands, fill our pockets, fall into heaps of this money, throw it around, sprinkle ourselves with it, but... we cannot go beyond the bank vault with it. These are the conditions. Tell me, you were holding countless sums in your hands, but what will this give you when you leave the bank?

Separately, I would like to make an argument for people who want to commit suicide. The futility of good memories should be obvious to you, more than anyone else. And you had good moments in your life. But now, remembering them, you don’t feel better.


The meaning of life is living for loved ones

Very often it seems to us that living for the sake of loved ones is precisely the main meaning. Many people see the meaning of their lives in a loved one, in a child, spouse, less often - a parent. They often say: “I live for him,” they live not their own, but his life.

Of course, loving your loved ones, sacrificing something for them, helping them go through life - this is necessary, natural and correct. Most people on earth want to live, enjoying their family, raising children, taking care of their parents and friends.

But can this be the main meaning of life?

No, idolize loved ones, see only meaning in them all life, all your affairs - this is a dead end path.

This can be understood using a simple metaphor. A person who sees the whole meaning of his life in a loved one is like a football (or other sports) fan. A fan is no longer just a fan, he is a person who lives for sports, lives for the successes and failures of the team of which he is a supporter. He says: “my team”, “we lost”, “we have prospects”... He identifies himself with the players on the field: it’s as if he himself is kicking a soccer ball, he rejoices at their victory as if it were his victory . They often say: “Your victory is my victory!” And on the contrary, he perceives the defeat of his favorites extremely painfully, as a personal failure. And if for some reason he is deprived of the opportunity to watch a match involving “his” club, he feels as if he has been deprived of oxygen, as if life itself is passing him by... From the outside, this fan looks ridiculous, his behavior and attitude to life seems inadequate and even simply stupid. But don’t we look the same when we see the meaning of our whole life in another person?

It’s easier to be a fan than to play sports yourself: it’s easier to watch a match on TV, sitting on the couch with a bottle of beer, or at the stadium surrounded by noisy friends, than to run around the field after the ball yourself. Here you are cheering for “your own” - and it seems like you’ve already played football... A person becomes identified with those for whom he is rooting, and the person is happy with this: there is no need to train, waste time and effort, you can take a passive position and at the same time gain weight strong emotions, almost the same as if you were playing sports yourself. But there are no costs that are inevitable for the athlete himself.

We do the same if the meaning of our life is another person. We identify ourselves with him, we live not our lives, but his. We rejoice not in our own, but exclusively in his joys; sometimes we even forget about the most important needs of our soul for the sake of small everyday needs loved one. And we do this for the same reason: because it is easier. It’s easier to build someone else’s life and correct other people’s shortcomings than to engage with your soul and work on it. It’s easier to take the position of a fan, to “cheer” for a loved one, without working on yourself, simply giving up on your spiritual life, on the development of your soul.

However, any person is mortal, and if he has become the meaning of your life, then having lost him, you will almost inevitably lose the desire to live further. A serious crisis will come, from which you can only get out of it by finding a different meaning. You can, of course, “switch” to another person and now live for him. People often do this because... they are accustomed to such a symbiotic relationship and simply do not know how to live differently. Thus, a person is constantly in an unhealthy psychological dependence on another, and he cannot recover from it, because he does not understand that he is sick.

By transferring the meaning of our life onto the life of another person, we lose ourselves, completely dissolve in another - a mortal person like us. We sacrifice for the sake of this person, who also will not necessarily be gone someday. When we reach the last line, don't we ask ourselves: What did we live for? They wasted their whole soul on the temporary, on something that would swallow up death without a trace, they created an idol for themselves out of a loved one, in fact, they lived not their own destiny, but theirs... Is it worth dedicating your life to this?

Some live not someone else’s life, but their own life with the hope that they can leave their loved ones an inheritance, material values, status, etc. Only we know very well that this is not always good. Unearned values ​​can corrupt, descendants can remain ungrateful, something can happen to the descendants themselves and the thread can break. In this case, it turns out that by living only for others, the person himself lived his life without meaning.

The meaning of life is work, creativity

“The most precious thing for a person is life. And you need to live it in such a way that there is no excruciating pain for the years spent aimlessly, so that, when dying, you can say: all your life and all your strength were given to the most beautiful thing in the world - the struggle for the liberation of humanity.”

(Nikolai Ostrovsky)

Another common answer to the question about the meaning of life is work, creativity, some "life's work". Everyone knows the common formula for a “successful” life - give birth to a child, build a house, plant a tree. As for the child, we discussed this briefly above. What about "house and tree"?

If we see the meaning of our existence in any activity, even useful for society, in creativity, in work, then we, being thinking people, will sooner or later think about the question: “What will happen to all this when I die? And what use will all this be to me when I’m lying dying?” After all, we all understand perfectly well that neither a house nor a tree is eternal, they will not last even several hundred years... And those activities to which we devoted all our time, all our strength - if they did not bring benefit to our soul, then did they? do they make sense? We will not take with us any fruits of our labor to the grave - neither works of art, nor the gardens of trees we planted, nor our most ingenious scientific developments, nor our favorite books, nor power, nor the largest bank accounts...

Isn’t this what Solomon was talking about, looking back at the end of his life at all his great achievements that were the deeds of his life? “I, Ecclesiastes, was king over Israel in Jerusalem... I undertook great things: I built myself houses, planted myself vineyards, built myself gardens and groves, and planted all kinds of fruitful trees in them; made himself reservoirs to irrigate groves of trees from them; I acquired servants and maidservants, and I had household members; I also had more large and small livestock than all those who were in Jerusalem before me; collected for himself silver and gold and jewelry from kings and regions; He brought in singers and singers and the delights of the sons of men - various musical instruments. And I became great and rich more than all those who were in Jerusalem before me; and my wisdom remained with me. Whatever my eyes desired, I did not refuse them, I did not forbid my heart any joy, because my heart rejoiced in all my labors, and this was my share from all my labors. And I looked back at all my works that my hands had done, and at the labor that I labored in doing them: and behold, everything is vanity and vexation of spirit, and there is no benefit from them under the sun!(Eccl. 1, 12; 2, 4-11).

“Life’s affairs” are different. For one, the work of life is serving culture, another is serving the people, a third is serving science, and a fourth is serving for the sake of the “bright future of descendants,” as he understands it.

The author of the epigraph, Nikolai Ostrovsky, selflessly served the “cause of life”, served “red” literature, the cause of Lenin and dreamed of communism. A courageous man, an efficient and talented writer, a convinced ideological warrior, he lived in the “struggle for the liberation of mankind,” and gave his life and all his strength to this struggle. Not many years have passed, and we do not see this liberated humanity. Again he was enslaved, the property of this free humanity was divided among the oligarchs. The dedication and ideological spirit extolled by Ostrovsky is now a target for ridicule by the masters of life. It turns out that he lived for a bright future, raised people to heroic deeds with his creativity, and now these feats are used by those who don’t care about Ostrovsky or the people. And this can happen with any “life’s work.” Even if it helps generations of other people (how many of us are capable of doing so much for humanity?), it still cannot help the person himself. After death this will not be a consolation for him.


Here is an excerpt from Yulia Ivanova’s wonderful book “Dense Doors”. In this book, a young man, the darling of fate, Ganya, living in the godless times of the USSR, having a good education, successful parents, prospects thinking about the meaning of life: “Ganya was surprised to discover that modern humanity does not think much about this. Naturally, no one wants global disasters, nuclear or environmental, but in general we go and go... Some still believe in progress, although with the development of civilization the likelihood of falling down a nuclear, environmental or other slope increases greatly. Others would gladly turn the locomotive back and make all sorts of rosy plans about it, but the majority simply travels in an unknown direction, knowing only one thing - sooner or later you will be thrown out of the train. Forever. And he will rush on, a train of suicide bombers. A death sentence hangs over everyone, hundreds of generations have already replaced each other, and there is no escape or hiding. The verdict is final and cannot be appealed. And passengers try to act as if they have to travel forever. They make themselves comfortable in the compartment, change the rugs and curtains, make acquaintances, give birth to children - so that the offspring will occupy your compartment when they throw you out. A kind of illusion of immortality! Children, in turn, will be replaced by grandchildren, grandchildren - great-grandchildren... Poor humanity! The train of life that became the train of death. The dead who have already descended are hundreds of times more numerous than the living. And they, the living ones, are condemned. Here are the conductor's steps - they came for someone. Isn't it after you? Feast in Time of Plague. They eat, drink, have fun, play cards, chess, collect match labels, fill their suitcases, although they are required to leave without their belongings. And others make touching plans for the reconstruction of a compartment, their carriage, or even the entire train. Or carriage goes to war against carriage, compartment against compartment, shelf against shelf in the name of the happiness of future passengers. Millions of lives are derailed ahead of schedule, and the train rushes on. And these craziest passengers merrily kill a goat on the suitcases of beautiful-hearted dreamers.”

This is the gloomy picture that opened up to young Ghana after much thought about the meaning of life. It turned out that every life goal turns into the greatest injustice and nonsense. Assert yourself and disappear.

Spend your life to benefit future passengers and make room for them? Beautiful! But they are also mortal, these future passengers. All humanity consists of mortals, which means your life is dedicated to death. And if one of the people achieves immortality, is immortality on the bones of millions really fair?

Okay, let's take the consumer society. The most ideal option is to give according to your abilities and receive according to your needs. There may, of course, be the most terrible needs, and abilities too... To live in order to live. Eat, drink, have fun, give birth, go to the theater or go to the races... Leave behind a mountain of empty bottles, worn-out shoes, dirty glasses, sheets burned by cigarettes...

Well, if we put aside the extremes... Get on the train, sit in your seat, behave decently, do what you want, just don’t disturb other passengers, give up the lower bunks to ladies and old people, don’t smoke in the carriage. Before leaving for good, hand over your bed linen to the conductor and turn off the lights.

Everything ends in zero anyway. The meaning of life is not found. The train is going nowhere...

As you understand, as soon as we begin to look at the meaning of life from the point of view of its finitude, our illusions begin to rapidly disappear. We begin to understand that what seemed to us the meaning at some stages of life cannot become the meaning of the existence of our entire life.

But is there really no point? No, he is. And it has long been known thanks to Bishop Augustine. It was Blessed Augustine who made greatest revolution in philosophy, explained, proved and substantiated the existence of the meaning that we seek in life.

Let us quote the International Philosophical Journal: “Thanks to the philosophical views of Bl. Augustine, Christian religious teachings allow us to make logical and complete formations to find the meaning of human existence. In Christian philosophy, the question of faith in God is the main condition for the existence of meaning in life. At the same time, in materialistic philosophy, where human life is finite and there is nothing beyond its threshold, the very existence of a condition for resolving this issue becomes impossible and in full height Unsolvable problems arise"

Let us also try to find the meaning of life on a different plane. Try to understand what is written below. We do not aim to impose our point of view on you, but only provide information that can answer many of your questions.


“He who knows his meaning also sees his purpose.

The purpose of man is to be a vessel and instrument of the Divine.”

(Ignatiy Brianchaninov )

Was the meaning of life known before us?

If you look for the meaning of life among the above, then it is impossible to find it. And it is not surprising that, trying to find it there, a person despairs and comes to the conclusion that there is no point. But in reality he's just I was looking in the wrong place...

Metaphorically, the search for meaning can be depicted as follows. A person looking for meaning and not finding it is like to a lost traveler, finding himself in a ravine and looking for the right road. He wanders among the thick, thorny, tall bushes growing in the ravine, and there tries to find a way out to the road from which he has lost his way, to the path that will lead him to his goal.

But it is impossible to find the right path this way. You must first climb out of the ravine, climb the mountain - and from there, from above, you can see the right path. Likewise, we, who are looking for the meaning of life, need to first change our point of view, because we cannot see anything from the hole of a hedonistic worldview. Without making certain efforts, we will never get out of this hole, and we will certainly never find the right path to understanding life.

So, you can understand the true, deep meaning of life only by working hard, only by acquiring some necessary knowledge. And this knowledge, what is most surprising, is available to each of us. We just don’t pay attention to these treasure troves of knowledge, we pass by them without noticing or contemptuously brushing them aside. But the question of the meaning of life has been raised by humanity at all times. All people of previous generations faced exactly the same problems that we face. There has always been betrayal, envy, emptiness of the soul, despair, deception, betrayal, troubles, disasters and illnesses. And people knew how to rethink and cope with it. And we can use the colossal experience that previous generations have accumulated. It is not necessary to reinvent the wheel - in fact, it was already invented a long time ago. All we have to do is learn how to ride it. Still, we can’t come up with anything better or more ingenious.

Why do we, when it comes to scientific developments, medical advances, useful inventions that make our life easier, a variety of practical knowledge in one or another professional field and so on. - we widely use the experience and discoveries of our ancestors, and in matters as important as the meaning of life, the existence and immortality of the soul - we consider ourselves smarter than all previous generations, and with pride (often with contempt) we reject their knowledge, their experience, and more often do we reject everything in advance, without even studying or trying to understand? Is this reasonable?

Doesn’t it seem more reasonable to do the following: study the experience and achievements of our ancestors, or at least get acquainted with them, reflect, and only then draw a conclusion for ourselves whether previous generations were right or not, whether their experience can be useful to us, whether it is worth should we learn from their wisdom? Why do we reject their knowledge without even trying to understand it? Is it because it's the easiest?

Indeed, it doesn’t take much intelligence to say that our ancestors thought primitively, and we are much smarter and more progressive than them. It is very easy to assert unfoundedly. But studying the wisdom of previous generations will not be possible without difficulty. You must first get acquainted with their experience, their knowledge, let their philosophy of life pass through you, try to live in accordance with it for at least a few days, and then evaluate what this approach to life brings In fact- joy or melancholy, hope or despair, peace of mind or confusion, light or darkness. And then a person will be able to rightfully judge whether the meaning that his ancestors saw in their lives was correct.

Life is like a school

What, exactly, did our ancestors see as the meaning of life? After all, this question has been raised by humanity for centuries.

The answer has always been in self-development, in a person’s education of himself, his eternal soul, and in bringing her closer to God. Christians, Buddhists, and Muslims thought this way. Everyone recognized the existence of the immortality of the soul. And then the conclusion seemed quite logical: if the soul is immortal and the body is mortal, then it is unreasonable (and even simply stupid) to devote one’s short life to serving the body and its pleasures. Because the body will die, it means putting all your strength into satisfying its needs is pointless. (Which, in fact, is confirmed these days by desperate materialists who have come to the point of suicide.)

So, the meaning of life, our ancestors believed, should be sought in the good not for the body, but for the soul. After all, she is immortal, and will be able to enjoy the acquired benefit forever. Who wouldn't want eternal pleasure?

However, in order for the soul to be able to enjoy not only here on earth, it is necessary to teach it, educate it, elevate it, otherwise it will not be able to accommodate the boundless joy that is destined for it.

That's why life is possible, in particular, imagine it as a school. This simple metaphor helps us get closer to understanding life. Life is a school where a person comes to educate his soul. This is the main purpose of going to school. Yes, at school there is a lot of other things besides lessons: recess, communication with classmates, football after school, extracurricular activities - visits to theaters, hikes, holidays... However, all this is secondary. Yes, perhaps it would be more pleasant if we came to school only to run around, chat, walk in the school yard... But then we would not learn anything, would not receive a certificate, would not be able to receive further education, nor work.

So we come to school to study. But studying for the sake of studying itself is also meaningless. We study to gain knowledge, skills and get a certificate, and then go to work and live. If we assume that after graduation there will be NOTHING else, then, of course, there is no point in attending school. And no one argues with this. But in reality, life continues after school, and school is just one of its stages. And the “quality” of our subsequent life largely depends on how responsibly we treated our education at school. A person who leaves school, believing that he does not need the knowledge taught there, will remain illiterate and uneducated, and this will bother him throughout his entire life.

A person who, upon coming to school, immediately rejects all the knowledge accumulated before him, without even familiarizing himself with it, acts just as stupidly, to his own detriment; claims that he does not believe them, that all the discoveries made before him are nonsense. The comicality and absurdity of such a self-confident rejection of all accumulated knowledge is obvious to everyone.

But, unfortunately, not everyone is aware of the even greater absurdity of a similar rejection in a situation when it comes to understanding the deep foundations of life. But ours earthly life is also a school - school for the soul. It is given to us in order to form our soul, teach it to truly love, teach it to see good in the world around us, to create it.

On the path of self-development and self-education, we will inevitably encounter difficulties, just as studying at school cannot always be easy. Each of us understands perfectly well that any more or less responsible business is associated with various kinds of difficulties, and it would be strange to expect that such a serious matter as the education and upbringing of the soul will be easy. But these problems and trials are also needed for something - they in themselves are a very important factor in the development of the soul. And if we do not teach our soul to love, to strive for light and goodness while we are still living on earth, then it will not be able to receive endless pleasure in eternity, simply because it incapable will perceive goodness and love.

Elder Paisiy Svyatogorets said wonderfully: “This century is not for living it happily, but for passing exams and moving on to another life. Therefore, we must have the following goal: to prepare ourselves so that, when God calls us, we can leave with a clear conscience, soar to Christ and be with Him always.”

Life as preparation for birth into a new reality

One more metaphor can be cited in this context. During pregnancy, the unborn baby's body grows from one cell to a fully formed human being. And the main task of the intrauterine period is to ensure that the child’s development proceeds correctly and to the end, so that by the time of birth the child takes the correct position and can be born in new life.

A nine-month stay in the womb is also, in a sense, a whole life. The child is born there, develops, he feels good there in his own way - food arrives on time, the temperature is constant, he is reliably protected from external factors... However, at a certain time the child needs to be born; no matter how good it may seem to him in his mother’s belly, such joys, such events await him in his new life that are simply incomparable with the seeming convenience of intrauterine existence. And in order to get into this life, the baby goes through severe stress (such as childbirth), experiences unprecedented pain... But the joy of meeting his mother and the new world is stronger than this pain, and life in the world is a million times more interesting and pleasant , more diverse than existence in the womb.

Our life on earth is similar - it can be likened to the period of intrauterine existence. The purpose of this life is the development of the soul, the preparation of the soul for birth into a new, incomparably more beautiful life in eternity. And just as in the case of a newborn baby, the “quality” of the new life in which we find ourselves directly depends on how correctly we developed in the “past” life. And the sorrows that we encounter life path, can be likened to the stress experienced by a baby during childbirth: they are temporary, although they sometimes seem endless; they are inevitable, and everyone goes through them; they are insignificant compared to the joy and pleasure of a new life.

Or another example: the task of a caterpillar is to develop to such an extent that it can then become a beautiful butterfly. To do this, certain laws must be followed. The caterpillar cannot imagine that it will fly and how it will fly. This is birth into a new life. And this life is fundamentally different from the life of a down-to-earth caterpillar.

Life as a business project

Another metaphor that explains the meaning of life is the following:

Let's imagine that a kind person gave you an interest-free loan so that you could implement your own business project and with its help you could earn money for your future life. The loan term is equal to the duration of your earthly life. The better you invest this money, the richer and more comfortable your life will be at the end of the project.

One will invest a loan in a business, and the other will begin to eat this money, organize drinking parties, partying, but just not work on increasing this amount. In order not to think and not to work, he will find a bunch of reasons and excuses - “no one loves me”, “I’m weak”, “why earn for a future life if you don’t know what will happen there, it’s better to live now, and then we’ll see” and .etc. Naturally, friends immediately appear who want to spend this loan with the person (it’s not for them to answer later). They convince him that there is no need to repay the debt, that the One who gave the loan does not exist (or that the fate of the debtor is indifferent to Him). They convince that if there is a loan, then it should be spent on a good and cheerful present life, and not on the future. If a person agrees with them, then the party begins. As a result, a person comes to bankruptcy. The deadline to repay the loan is approaching, but it has been spent and nothing has been earned.

Now, God gives us this credit. The loan itself is our talents, mental and physical abilities, spiritual qualities, health, favorable circumstances, external assistance.

Look, aren't we like gambling addicts, wasting money on momentary passion? Have we played too much? Do our “games” cause us suffering and fear? And who are those “friends” who are so actively pushing us to skip this loan? And these are our enemies - demons. They themselves used their talents, their angelic qualities in the worst possible way. And they wish the same for us. The most desirable scenario for them is if a person doesn’t just skip this loan with them and then suffer for it, or if the person just gives them this loan. We know many examples when, manipulating weak people, bandits deprived them of housing, money, inheritance, and left them homeless. The same thing happens to those who waste their lives.

Is this horror worth continuing? Isn't it time to think about what we have earned and how much time we have left to complete our project?

Often suicidal people scold God because they don’t get what they want, that life is difficult, that there is no understanding, etc.

Don’t you think that we cannot blame God for the fact that we simply do not know how to earn money, to properly invest what He has given, that we do not know the laws by which we must live in order to prosper?

Agree that it is quite stupid to continue to skip what is given, and even blame the creditor. Maybe it's better to think about how to fix the situation? And our Lender will always help us with this. He does not act like a Jewish moneylender, sucking all the juice out of the debtor, but lends out of Love for us.

(Psychologist Mikhail Khasminsky, Olga Pokalyukhina)
How to find the meaning of life? ( Alfried Langle)
Is there any point in a soap opera? ( Hieromonk Macarius (Markish))
The choice of good ( Archpriest Dimitry Smirnov)
The meaning of life: To increase talents or develop abilities? ( Archpriest Alexy Uminsky)

We live our lives and in most cases we don’t think about what our priorities are, what we live for, how to understand the meaning of life and get answers to these questions. Psychologists say that if we think about such a concept as the meaning of life, then something is wrong. But meanwhile, we differ precisely from animals in that we do not live only for pleasure and physiological needs. This is why having meaning in life is so important, both for you and for you. modern society generally.

People who lost the meaning of life, feel unsatisfied and unhappy. You can object by saying that not every person has reflected on their meaning in life, but this is not so, sooner or later, but people ask this question and here are the answers they give to themselves:

The meaning of life is to live a good life;
What is the meaning of life - self-realization. Achieve success, become someone;
Leave your mark on history and on earth.
Stay beautiful and young;
Pleasure will help you understand the meaning of life, get as much pleasure as possible;
Achieving power! Reach certain heights!
Good and pleasant memories will help you understand the meaning of life.
Life for the sake of people close to you!
There is no meaning to life!

Meaning of life Each person has their own priorities, you can choose the one you like. But even if you have made your choice, how can you understand whether this is the true meaning, is it worth living for? First, let's define this concept. The period of time that God gave us from birth to death must be filled with some kind of purpose for which it is worth living and striving for something.

Let's speculate. Let's take your job, you don't just do your job. You must know what you will receive if you perform your duties, you will be paid good salary. You will receive results for the work done. And you can evaluate the meaning of your activity only by the result obtained, being at the last frontier, being at the employer’s desk. The main thing is that at that very last moment when we review and remember our lives, we do not become disappointed in our priorities, our goals and our positions in life. Listen to your heart, determine your meaning of life, accurately and clearly answer yourself one main question: is this how I want to live my life, which was given to me by God only once, what I want to achieve, what I want to achieve in the end. If you answer yes to this question without any doubt, rest assured, you are on the right path in life, you will live your life with dignity and can rightfully be proud of yourself.

If you cannot accurately decide on this issue, choose the path of self-improvement. To improve in everything is right choice, which will bring a lot of benefits to you and the people around you. Achieving excellence in work, in school, in raising children, in relationships, in friendships, this is worth a lot and it is definitely worth striving for.

How to understand the meaning of life, this question is individual and only your heart can tell you the answer.