The most terrible stories from a gynecologist. A girl at the gynecologist. stories of virgins. Medical stories. Alina: “At the time of birth, the gynecologist went to smoke, and the midwife looked out the window”

Victoria Schonner

22 years old, Moscow

My stomach hurt really bad and I called ambulance, who took me for examination to a gynecologist at the city hospital. From the very beginning, the doctor behaved unprofessionally: he immediately switched to you, saying that the paramedics are idiots and all day long he sees patients he shouldn’t have, including me. I began to understand that something was wrong when he began forward movements with his hand, which were not at all gynecological in nature. After that, he said: “Since you refused the chair, I’ll give you a massage.” And he began stimulating the external genitalia, at which point I finally understood what he was doing. I was shocked, I turned my head at him - he was looking at me with wild eyes. He asked: “Is that all?” How can a doctor ask this from a patient? It is very strange. After that, I quickly got dressed and left the office, saying goodbye: “You have chosen a good profession.” He replied: “People need to be helped.”

I have had cases of rudeness from gynecologists in city clinics, but I have never encountered anything like this. I did not suffer from prejudice, but now I understand that I will never go to a male gynecologist, even if it is the only option. Or I will ask that a woman be present at the examination. For me this is now very important and fundamental.

After what happened, I went to the administrative building, where the woman told me that it seemed to me that he was just joking. I was shocked by this reaction: I was hysterical, choking on tears and hoping for some kind of empathy. What kind of joke can we talk about in a gynecological office? To consider my complaint, a meeting was held with me, which was attended by the head of the gynecology department, the head of the admissions department, two deputies and some other woman for rights. There I encountered only contemptuous looks. A woman from the hospital management said that there were no complaints against him and they could not fire him because there was no one to work. And the head of the admissions department, like a robot, repeated what seemed to me.

I wrote fast on Instagram out of despair. I realized that there was no point in waiting for the hospital to investigate, especially since they constantly repeated that they did not want to take anything outside its boundaries - this offended me. Perhaps I was not the first victim of a gynecologist, and if I remain silent, I will not be the last. People are used to blaming the victim for everything, I wish such situations did not exist.

Because you cannot provoke rape, no matter how you dress, no matter how you look - it all depends on the person who decides to do this to you.

And I would like at least some percentage of people to understand this and stop blaming the person who got into this situation.

I wrote a statement to the police, and surprisingly everything went fine. No one ridiculed or discouraged me from writing a statement. I was asked to leave links to my accounts and to the posts that I wrote, they said that they would conduct an examination of my emotional state at the time of their writing. I'm definitely going to go all the way.

There are times when you want to give up and stop everything. Sometimes I think to myself, why do I need this? It is especially difficult when angry messages arrive. In the first two days I cried a lot because inadequate people there were really a lot, and they wrote all this bile, but it seems to me that there are still more people who support me, this is very cool. I understand that this is not in vain, that this is everywhere, these situations are everywhere: in doctors’ offices, on the street, in transport - this is not normal. I remember why I'm doing this, and I feel a little better.

Anna Chernova

27 years old, Yaroslavl

Three years ago I needed to have a pelvic ultrasound done, I wanted to save money and go to a different clinic than the expensive one where I had already been seen, but to find a cheaper one. I chose paid clinic, read good reviews and decided to sign up. When I called, a man answered. Naturally, I was embarrassed, but I began to drive away prejudices about male gynecologists. It doesn’t matter that he is a man, he is first and foremost a doctor.

I came for the ultrasound: as expected, I undressed and began to wait for the doctor. The gynecologist came in and said embarrassedly: “Lord, you took off your clothes.” This immediately alerted me - I didn’t come to church and undress, but for an ultrasound, where I had to do this. Then everything was even stranger. I lay there, waiting for everything to start, and then he told me: “You’re not letting me in.” I looked at him with a look like: “What?” He told me to relax, I tried to relax as much as possible. He continued to say that I still “won’t let him in”; I no longer understood at all what I had to do for everything to finally begin. And then he asked me to lift my T-shirt and bra. The thought arose that this was strange, because this had never happened before. But I thought, if he is a doctor, then he knows better.

He began to knead her breasts and touch her nipples. I lay there and didn’t understand at all what to do, I was confused.

We trust the doctor one hundred percent, so it’s hard to understand when during an examination he begins to cross the line. You always think: “Maybe this is how it should be?”

This situation may look comical to those who have not been in it. If I told my friend that the gynecologist groped my breasts, it would look ridiculous. And how can I prove that this was really the case? That’s why I didn’t tell anyone about this except my mother - she immediately wanted to go to him to sort it out, I asked him not to do this. We worked with him in the same building, I was on the third floor as a manicurist, he was on the second floor in the diagnostic center. After that, I tried not to cross paths with him in the corridor.

I did not become even more prejudiced towards male gynecologists. On the contrary, I now have a permanent gynecologist - a man, and I do not feel any discomfort during the appointment. An unpleasant situation can arise regardless of the gender of the doctor. I remember how a female gynecologist hurt me - and I gasped in surprise, to which she said to me: “What are you yelling at? When you spread your legs in front of men, you don’t yell.” It makes no difference to me who my gynecologist will be, a woman or a man. The main thing is that without Soviet views on gynecology, with correct questions and interest in helping the patient.

The problem of unethical behavior of gynecologists cannot be solved overnight. It is necessary to change the general attitude of society towards women and their rights. We will not achieve justice if we believe that men can do everything just because they are men, and that women themselves are to blame for violence. A woman can face violence and harassment everywhere: in a taxi, public transport, and even, as it turns out, in the gynecologist’s chair. The worst thing is that men feel their impunity. People are now writing that in the West everyone has gone crazy, that for any compliment a man can be imprisoned. I think this is correct. If men don’t understand a damn thing, then they need some kind of in radical ways fight. Because men already have the bonus of natural strength on their side. This means that women must be protected by law.

Veronica (name changed at the request of the heroine)

23 years old, Rostov-on-Don

Every gynecologist I encountered had their own unpleasant characteristics. I wouldn’t say that gynecologists are bad in general, but sometimes unpleasant phrases have slipped out from seemingly pleasant doctors. Nowadays, going to the gynecologist is more like a lottery - you will either be called sunshine or trampled into the dirt.

The most unpleasant incident in a gynecologist's office happened to me a year ago. I was pregnant then, it was a wanted child. I suspected a frozen pregnancy. I went for an ultrasound at the antenatal clinic. The doctor did not see a heartbeat, but since the machine there was not very good, they suggested that I go to another center and have it checked with more accurate equipment. When I went for a repeat ultrasound, I was sure that the pregnancy was frozen. Before this, I did a blood test for the hCG hormone, and at that time it had not increased for a week, although it should have doubled every two or three days. It was clear to me that we were only talking about confirming a frozen pregnancy; I no longer had any hopes and went to the office in an extremely broken state.

The gynecologist began her acquaintance with me with the phrase: “How did you even get pregnant with such a physique? That’s why you have problems.”

In fact, she immediately diagnosed me that I would not be able to carry a child due to my weight. During the ultrasound, all my assumptions were confirmed - the fetus did not develop. I couldn't hold back my tears. Despite my condition, she continued to say that it was my fault because I was fat. Her words made it even worse. At some point she tried to “comfort” me with the words: “Why are you crying? After you is a girl who has an ectopic. Guess who has it worse." Needless to say, she conducted the conversation with me in the most rude tone possible.

I didn't complain. I don’t think any measures could have been taken against her. It was not just a clinic, but a clinic under the Ministry of Health, plus I was taken to it through an acquaintance - in such cases they don’t complain at all. After this appointment, I could not come to my senses for a long time. I was very scared to plan my next pregnancy. I was constantly depressed by the thought she put into me that I would never succeed again. I was able to calm down a little only after the first trimester of my second pregnancy; before that, I was under great stress all the time and expected everything to go wrong again.

If this happens again, I will not tolerate it. It seems to me that now I have enough strength to stop taking it and stop any rudeness. An ideal appointment with a gynecologist - questions only to the point, a detailed answer to all my questions and tact. I hope that the attitude of gynecologists towards patients will change and there will no longer be room for rudeness at appointments.

If we talk about how a woman could defend herself in this story, this is the article “Depraved acts.” But there is one thing - in our Russian legislation this article can only be applied to people under 16 years of age. That is, if you are over 16 years old, then there cannot be indecent acts against you, which, of course, is not the case. There should be no age restrictions here, because depraved acts remain so in any case. Therefore, unfortunately, today there is no article of the Criminal Code that could somehow regulate this.

An important mechanism is publicity and attracting attention. Unfortunately, the institution of reputation does not mean as much as we would like, but nevertheless it exists in a commercial market where there is competition. You need to try to draw attention to the situation as much as possible in order not only to somehow defend yourself, but also to find people who will support. It is very important in such situations to feel safe and have trusting relationships with people who can support you.

In the field of gynecology, things are often very sad. For example, you can remember the flash mob

Andrey Evseev (obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, 24 years of experience):

One day, a pregnant woman came to us by ambulance. She had to have elective surgery due to two scars on her uterus. But here there is a threat of rupture, an emergency, straight to the operating room. The patient is quite thin, her stomach is small. They started to operate. When they took out one child, weighing about two and a half kilograms, they noticed that the uterus was not getting smaller. Then a surprise awaited us - we delivered the second child!

And all because the woman was not registered at the antenatal clinic and did not do an ultrasound - so she turned out to have undiagnosed twins. The mother herself was most surprised. If the woman had been operated on under general anesthesia, as was done before, it is unknown how we would have explained the presence of a second baby!

Another case was when ultrasound diagnostics was just beginning to develop, and the available devices were far from perfect. A woman was admitted to us from the pregnancy pathology department. By that time, she was already raising four sons and dreamed of a daughter. Mom was expecting twins, but it was virtually impossible to accurately determine the sex of the unborn child using existing ultrasound machines. They started to operate. They got one baby out - it was a boy. Fifth boy! Mom was even upset. But the second baby turned out to be a girl. And then my mother’s joy knew no bounds!

Photo GettyImages

Sergey Zayats (head of department, obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, 35 years of experience):

One day we received a patient with Shereshevsky Turner syndrome, a chromosomal genetic disease that usually leads to infertility. Women with this diagnosis can only become pregnant through in vitro fertilization (IVF). The procedure costs a lot of money, but the desire to become a mother was so strong that the woman took out a loan from the bank. When the required amount was in hand, the patient was examined and it was discovered that she had a serious kidney disease. With such a diagnosis, she should have been denied IVF. Obviously, greed has taken over the minds of reproductive specialists. She was given twins. Kidney disease worsened. At twenty weeks the woman appeared at a perinatal consultation. The test results were devastating - the pregnancy had to be terminated. Otherwise, the woman could have died. There was no choice.

I also remember how a woman in the 35th week of pregnancy was admitted to the regional hospital with a diagnosis of polyhydramnios. Imagine the surprise of the ultrasound doctor when he just brought the device and saw that the fetus had an intrauterine malformation, which forms in the first trimester of pregnancy and is characterized by the complete or partial absence of the bones of the cranial vault, cerebral hemispheres and soft tissues. Detection of such a defect means 100% termination of pregnancy. And the woman carried the child for 35 weeks and was completely in the dark. How the district doctors were unable to establish anencephaly is unclear? It is visible even at 12 weeks. And when examined at 20 weeks, it is obvious, even if the ultrasound machine is bad or the specialist is frankly weak. For the woman, of course, it was a terrible shock.

Photo GettyImages

Anatoly Kamaev (obstetrician-gynecologist of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, 35 years of experience):

This was in the 80s. I worked research fellow at the Institute of Obstetrics and Pediatrics. And one day I had to work not with a person, but with a monkey. The animal is rare and exotic; she was bought for a zoo in Latin America for huge sums of money at that time. It was impossible to risk the monkey's life. And then she gave birth - and something went wrong. They called us because veterinary services were not very developed at that time. In general, the responsibility is huge.

We took the tools and went to save the animal. As I remember now, expectant mother name was Circe, after greek goddess. The birth took place with a breech presentation of the fetus. Everything is like in humans, only in a smaller version. The monkey could not give birth for almost a day. They helped as best they could, everything went well. For our efforts, the director gave us an annual pass for a free visit to the zoo.

But probably the biggest stress for me in all my years of work was the birth of my daughter. The fact is that we, doctors, have a golden rule - do not treat, do not operate, do not deliver births from direct relatives. Why this is so - I don’t know! And I consciously broke the taboo and delivered the baby to my wife, who, by the way, is also an obstetrician-gynecologist. I was incredibly nervous, but fortunately everything went without complications and our daughter was born.

At an appointment with a gynecologist.
I am undergoing one simple procedure with a certain medicine. Done
it is done in two stages, one ampoule of medicine (quite expensive) should
enough for two times.
Well, the actual story: The doctor has done everything, calls the nurse: Oksana, go
here and take a sticking plaster and stick it here. I almost fell out of my chair:
Ah-ah-ah! What are you going to tape up there?
Just then the nurse and the doctor fell. The ampoule had to be sealed so that
the medicine did not wear off.

Dad told me yesterday (he is a radiologist with 20 years of experience).
This was in the mid-80s. District hospital. Ordinary, according to those
times and technique, procedure - a patient comes to the gynecologist,
who has female internal problems and to clarify and identify them
she is placed on a woman’s chair, then she is secured, respectively,
they introduce special tips with some kind of solution, and then all this
the structure must be removed using a fluorograph for further development of the film and
determining what happened inside. Due to the fact that any
Fluorography/X-ray is an irradiated matter, so that the gynecologist does not
light up, then they had the following command: “Run away” (i.e. the gynecologist should
at this time leave this theater for some distance). In short, father
says, loudly, "Run away." The gynecologist quickly walks away and... into this
the same second this madam breaks away from her habitual place, with her
spacers, what the mother gave birth in and... into the corridor, where it’s full of people....

Father didn't find it funny.

The case took place in Soviet times in the city of Sverdlovsk. The school authorities, having checked the schedules released from the city council, decided that it was time, and sent the girls of the senior classes for a medical examination to a gynecologist.
For many girls, visiting this specialist was their first time in their lives. And then one girl’s turn comes, and, somewhat nervously, she enters the office.

The gynecologist is a man of about 40, apparently, by that time he had already seen so much of the various charms of women that, as in the famous joke, he would probably kill a chick who asked for 3 rubles “for the show,” wrote down her last name, and, turning to the table with the instruments, in a tired voice he asked the usual questions, such as whether you gave birth or not, whether you were sexually active, and then ordered you to lie down on a chair and part your lips with your hands. He picked out some piece of hardware from the table, turned around and what did he see? Right. The girl sits on a gynecological chair, carefully stretching the lips of her mouth with her fingers.

Early 80s. Peter. I'm applying to LIIZhT. And at that time (maybe now, I don’t know) it was necessary to undergo a local LIIZhT medical examination.
I was 17 years old. Mom decided to go to the medical examination with me. This is the pre-building. Next is the story. Having successfully passed all the doctors, I get to the gynecologist.
The lively doctor let everyone through as if on a conveyor belt. It was my turn. Mom remained waiting in the corridor. I boldly walked into the office.

Let me remind you: I was 17 years old and had never visited such doctors before. Doctor: “Undress and sit in the chair” (she herself approached
washbasin and began to wash her hands, turning her back to me) Probably everyone knows what a gynecological chair looks like. I undressed, and only took off my dress. I left everything else to myself. Then she came over and sat down: I sat with my butt on the top step of the chair. I carefully placed my back in the semicircle of the chair (the cutout under which doctors place basins with instruments), and simply hung my arms on the footrests.

The doctor turned around, speechless. Then she turned purple and started laughing. I was scared and just about to get up, but she screamed and waved her arms, “Sit, sit,” and ran away. My mother spoke next. She was waiting for me from the examination, suddenly a red-faced, laughing doctor ran out and ran down the corridor, LOOKING INTO ALL OFFICES and calling all the doctors to her office. An ophthalmologist with a surgeon, a therapist and an ear, nose and throat doctor are already rushing along the corridor, all en masse into one office... My mother felt sick. What happened to my daughter that she needed ALL the doctors at once!!!

The doctors burst in en masse and started laughing as they watched me sit. Then the gynecologist said “that’s it, get dressed and go.” She signed the medical examination certificate without looking. Then my mother came out to me and quietly said something to her. The most annoying thing is that then my mother began to “fall out.” But for a long time, no questions like “do you have a friend?” My ancestors didn’t ask me any other bullshit.

I went for a medical examination, all that remained was to go through the gynecologist. And then they had lunch. Well, I think I’ll have time to run home, just in time to wash myself. I came home, washed myself, dried myself with a towel and ran back so that the line wouldn’t pass. I went into the office and went to bed. on the chair, and the male doctor says: “O-O-O-O.. How we prepared today.” What I didn’t understand. Let's go to work. Already in the evening I’m standing in the kitchen, and my daughter is screaming from the bathroom: MOTHER, WHERE IS THE TOWEL THAT WAS HERE IN THE MORNING, I PUT ALL MY SPARKLES AND STARS IN IT?

My friend Matvey works as a gynecologist in a regular district antenatal clinic. Yesterday we had a drink and shared our sorrows.
Like all doctors, Matvey has “favorite” patients. That is, those after which the doctor cannot continue the appointment due to frequent colic from laughter. The most “favorite” is twenty-year-old Lizonka and her mother. Firstly, the mother was brought up in sanctimonious traditions, and is sure that before the wedding - no, no... And she holds her daughter with a tight rein - after every disco she goes to Matvey to confirm her innocence. Lizonka herself is a girl with nymphomaniac tendencies, which are almost always successfully restrained by her temperamental mother. In practice, this is because it is not always possible to keep track. Either Lisa, having managed to remain innocent, uses women's tampons for their intended purpose in the amount of five pieces at a time, and Matvey - take it out, then scratch the corresponding places, and Matvey - treat it.
But these are still flowers. Recently, Lizonka created such an incident for the entire consultation that half of the doctors (including the predominant female part of the team) still cannot get out of the medical binge...
In general, the local therapist sent Lisa with symptoms of nausea and vomiting and with suspicion of pregnancy to a gynecologist. Naturally to Matvey. Matvey was already glad that the weekly virginity checks would finally end, and imagined how he would celebrate his release from the brilliant duet “Lizonka and Mom,” but that was not the case. Upon examination, Lisa was still innocent, like a baby. It turns out that she is not pregnant. But for the disappointment, Matvey decides to take revenge - he gives his mother a referral for a “pregnant or not pregnant” test. Mom, already on edge, goes into a pre-heart attack state.

But imagine the doctor’s surprise when the analysis clearly showed that she was pregnant. “Naturally, the laboratory assistant made a mistake,” Matvey decided. And sent it for a retake, secretly enjoying it appearance Lisa's mother, expressing:
“Uncle doctor, just don’t scare us like that again, and we won’t pester you anymore.”
The retake forced Matvey to go look for validol in the neighboring offices, because the result was again positive. I had to call the laboratory with the mats and write another referral.
After the arrival of the following results, the physically strongest colleagues held back the inadequate Matvey, who was trying to break into the laboratory and, to put it mildly, kill the laboratory assistants. Guess three times what the result of the analysis was? That's right, Lisa was pregnant.
During the examination, Matvey spent at least half an hour near Lisa, who was stretched out on a chair, trying to understand through which hole she could get pregnant. No suitable diameter was found, so the girl was sent for an ultrasound. The agonizing days of waiting dragged on, the situation gave the supervising doctor no rest... Lisa came to the appointment for the first time without her mother: “and mommy had a bad heart problem, she is recovering after an ultrasound.” When Matvey read the ultrasound form, he also had a desire to stay in bed, because on the form it was written: “... one live fetus...”, the period is 10 weeks. Then it dawned on my friend: he was faced with a previously unknown case of the immaculate conception, and he would either have the glory of being an assistant in carrying the new Jesus in the mother’s womb, or Nobel Prize, or, if you're really unlucky, a madhouse...
I will no longer torment the reader with riddles, just as my friend did not torment me. There was an explanation for everything. It turns out that Lizonka had a young man for a long time, but they did not go beyond petting, remembering the constant examinations. But everything, even petting, tends to get boring and, like everything boring, it begins to diversify.
As a result, a new miracle in medicine was created by a stupid, mature couple using a syringe. As the future virgin parents explained, they watched a program on TV about artificial insemination of cattle and decided to try it in artisanal conditions. Since both are equal in intelligence to rams, it turned out....
The story has a happy ending - a wedding was scheduled, they decided to keep the child, Matvey was invited to become a witness and godfather. Matvey himself is thinking about an urgent transition to another job - in this one, Lizonka will have to watch the entire pregnancy, then postpartum observations, and maybe a daughter will be born...

I'm getting ready, I come to the doctor... The gynecologist looks in, and cannot take his eyes off, I already warily ask:
- Doctor, is something wrong?
And he answers:
- I saw everything, but what about the expiration date...
I'm at a loss! What's wrong?!
It turns out that my boyfriend had nothing to do, so he took a sticker from the products and carefully pasted it where it was needed...

This week I made an appointment with my gynecologist for preventive
inspection. And that morning I got a call from the clinic quite early and said,
that due to the fact that someone canceled their appointment, I can come to them
already at 9.30. I just sent my family off to school and work,
and the clock already showed a quarter to nine and it was 35 minutes to the doctor
ride. That's why I was in a hurry. Like probably most women, before
visiting the gynecologist, I wanted to devote some time to intimate
hygiene, but this time I had too little time for
careful care, so I just grabbed a washcloth,
lying on the washbasin, and quickly washed herself with her help, so that
at least have a “presentable” appearance. I quickly threw the rag at
tank with dirty laundry, quickly got dressed and hurriedly went to the clinic. There
I only had to wait a few minutes before I could
enter the doctor's office. Since I, like many women, am familiar
with this procedure for many years, I habitually climbed onto the chair and looked
at the ceiling and imagined that I was in Paris or some
another distant place. The doctor came in and I must say that I was
I was somewhat surprised when he said: “Oh, how we tried today!”
I didn’t answer and was relieved that the procedure was over.
I spent the rest of the day doing household chores - cleaning, shopping,
When school ended, my six-year-old daughter
returned home. She was playing alone in the bathroom when she shouted:
Mom, where is my washcloth?" I told her that it was in the wash and
so that she can take a clean one for herself. But she objected: “No, mom, I need
exactly the one that was lying on the washbasin, I put everything in it
your own sparkles and stars!

In the good old Soviet times there was a trick if parents left
on a long-term business trip abroad - they took the children with them. So here's one
a rather young lady was planning to fly to Bulgaria with her parents, therefore
(I don’t know for what reasons) she was forced to undergo a full medical
examination. One of the offices that needed to be visited was
was an unremarkable gynecologist's office. And then after
a dull knock on the door with the phrase “Can I?”, a girl with red eyes from embarrassment
faces the gynecologist, it should be noted that the girl is
visiting a doctor of this profile for the FIRST TIME IN YOUR LIFE. Seeing crimson color
the young lady's face, the doctor (clearly a man) realized that it was better not
to traumatize the young lady’s psyche, asked her for her direction and
went behind the screen in the office, and from there asked the young lady
sit in a chair appropriate for her. Five minutes later
followed by the question “Are you ready?” “YES,” the young lady answered, and then the doctor
came out from behind the screen and saw an oil painting! The young lady lay down in
the gynecological chair is basically correct, the torso is in the chair,
head on the headrest, legs on the holders, everything is fine! just all this
on your stomach!
The doctor, seeing this flight of the body in the chair, was dumbfounded, after
which led to a grin from the question “Where are we flying?”
The answer knocked him down for the whole day.
The girl, turning around with the same crimson complexion, said in all seriousness: “To Bulgaria.”

I had... I remembered today... When I was breastfeeding my son, he constantly got his hands into my bra. On the day when I had to see a gynecologist, my son and I were walking on the playground and my friend and I were cracking sunflower seeds.. I came to the gynecologist.. It should be mentioned that the problem for which I went there was, let’s say, very delicate, I apologize for the details, but my husband and I were doing so much that everything was swollen there... So, my uncle gynecologist looked at me, prescribed an ointment... I was somehow embarrassed myself... And he said, “Let me examine your breasts...” I take off my bra..and SUDDENLY I HAVE SEED husks falling out of son stuffed them in there for me on the playground..Well, a normal doctor would have kept silent, but this one just started laughing, “HAHAHA, who stuffed them in there for you?”

Three months of online communication, plus three dates, equals “no sex”... How can this be, Katya? You said you liked him as soon as you saw him in person! - Marina still can’t understand how I didn’t sleep with the handsome guy I met online while chatting on the “All About Sex” forum. An original “place” for dating, don’t you think?

But, what can you do, Alexander turned out to be an expert in this matter, it remains to be convinced in practice. And oh, how I want to check, because this guy excited my perverted fantasy, even through the Internet, when we corresponded with him.

After three months of virtual communication, we decided to meet in person, although he had offered to see each other earlier, but I was a little worried and kept putting it off. And then I realized that I was doing it in vain. To say that he is cool is to say nothing. This guy stands out from the crowd. Tall, athletic, handsome blond with gray eyes It's firmly lodged in my head and won't leave it. And I constantly see his face, reminiscent of a March cat, before my eyes.

We saw him only three times, and each time our meeting was interrupted at the most interesting moment. The first time, when we looked closely at each other, the second, when we reached out to each other for a kiss, and the third time, in the midst of exchanging bacteria... we were interrupted. And what do you think? Phone call. Moreover, they called him every time. After which he apologized and ran away to work, as he said. And what kind of job does he have? Surprisingly, we never touched on the topic of his specialty.

So I don't know who he is. But I know one thing: he knows a lot about sex.

And now, sitting in the waiting room at the door of the gynecologist’s office, my friend is buzzing displeasedly in her ear.

Marina, dear, I just explained to you that we were interrupted every time...

Yeah, I suppose his P*sdy Ivanovna called! - my friend interrupts me. I just rolled my eyes at her and said:

What expressions!

My grandmother has a strong word, she taught me a lot,” Marina told me, proudly turning up her nose.

Wow, you're a grandma! A true connoisseur of sparkling phrases.

Who do you think called him?!?!?! - Marina still doesn’t calm down.

I don’t know how there will be an opportunity to find out - I’ll ask.

Yeah, but for now this chicken won’t let you fuck in peace!

Marina, that's enough! What do you suggest? Should I go now and meet him and find out everything?

No, you will visit the gynecologist first, since I already made an appointment for you. By the way, they say he is a great doctor!

Stop, stop, stop... HIM?!?!?! - will a man examine me?!?!?!

Well, yes. You asked to make an appointment with a good gynecologist, so I made an appointment. My friend says that she only goes to him. He is young, handsome and very charming. She even tried to seduce him, but he did not give in. And he also says that every girl dreams of having an appointment with him again, after he has visited her with his fingers,” Marina giggled, and I was already blushing.

And how do you imagine this?! Will I spread my legs for a man?!

And then you never spread it!

Marina, stop clowning around! - I'm already starting to boil.

Come on, he's not just a man, he's a doctor. In general, I don’t understand why panic? Just imagine, you will be examined handsome man, not a woman, and your breasts will be touched by men’s hands, not women’s.

Will he touch my breasts?!

Of course, this is all included in the inspection!

Why did I even decide to go through it?

You wanted to consult a doctor about contraception, which is better: pills or a condom?

Yes, I remember! But I don’t want anything anymore! I am against him examining me!

Don't be a child, he's a good gynecologist. Where are you going? - Marina asked me, seeing how I intended to leave.

I decided that I would be faithful to condoms, and I did not need any contraception, which means I did not need an examination.

At this time, the door opened and a happy young girl came out. Damn, now it’s my turn to come in... I froze in horror and swallowed hard, and Marina insidiously pushed me towards the door on which the doctor’s name was written: Alexander Novikov.

“The name is the same as my Alexander,” I thought. Mine?!

I knock on the door, quietly open it and enter the office, where a doctor sits at a table and writes something on a card. And I freeze in place. It's Alexander! The one who knows everything about sex! Is he a gynecologist?!

Now it's definitely time to tick. He puts the card aside and turns his head towards me.

Catherine? - He is surprised, just like me.


What destinies? - He breaks into a smile, looking me over from head to toe.

Gynecological,” I say slightly sarcastically.

And I already thought that I missed you.

Yeah, and that’s why I decided to have a date on the gynecological chair. In general, if I knew that you were a gynecologist, then...

What? - interrupts me, gets up from the table and heads towards me, stopping in close proximity.

I feel his perfume, which intoxicates and excites... He looks at me with such a warm gaze, in which undisguised joy splashes.

Well, why did you shut up?

Then I wouldn't have come.

Are you afraid of male doctors or shy?

So what should I answer? I've never visited a gynecologist with a dick and balls in my pants before. And right now my women’s doctor needed to go on vacation.

Neither one nor the other! - I answer, proudly turning up my nose.

Well, okay, then take off your clothes.

Take off your blouse and bra.

I want to check out the size of your breasts - and he smiles, you bastard! - Katya, I need to conduct a full examination. Usually, the gynecologist, in addition to the genitals, also examines the breasts.

My previous doctor didn't do this.

Because she is a woman, and women do not always conduct a full examination - well, of course, you guys won’t miss this!

Well, why did you stand rooted to the spot? Or help you? - He smiles conspiratorially, arching his left eyebrow.

I can handle it myself.

We go into a separate room where all the gynecological equipment was located. I walk over to the couch and slowly begin to unbutton the buttons on my jacket.

Be bolder. Do you want me to turn on the music? - this impudent guy is also mocking! He himself leaned his shoulder on the door frame and folded his arms across his chest, watching my actions.

Having taken off my jacket, I still didn’t dare to move on to the bra. I’m not a shy person, but for some reason right now I feel like the color has rushed to my face and my cheeks are starting to burn.

Alexander, apparently, understood my confusion and decided that I could not do without him.

A moment, and he is already standing behind me, turning me to face him, while looking intently into my eyes; his hands touch my hot skin and smoothly slide up to the only obstacle that is stopping me at the moment. A second and the clasp clicked, after which the bra flew down. Alexander lowers his hands to my hips, then runs his palms up, squeezing my buttocks a little, and lifts me up so that my shoes fall to the floor with a light thud, and he puts me on the couch and my breasts are in front of his face.

So, as I understand it, first there is a visual inspection. Alexander carefully examines the breasts, almost weightlessly running his fingertips over the delicate skin. He goes down to my ribs, and I barely audibly giggle from the slight tickling, but when he raises his eyebrow and looks into my eyes, I shake my head and bite the inside of my cheek so as not to moan - now he begins to massage my breast more noticeably, sometimes touching my nipple . His movements are becoming more and more exciting, and I no longer know who is more in these movements - the doctor or the man. Mmmm, how nice...

Okay, stop! He is now not like your potential boyfriend, but a doctor who, by the way, feels your breasts! My common sense always interferes in such pleasant moments.

-Yana! Of course, I understand that pregnancy practically turns off many parts of the female brain, but not to the same extent!
-Why did you leave your urine tests at the reception, because there is a window in the toilet for this!
Lord, I didn’t know where to go from shame!

This story happened back in 1998. A girl (17 years old) from a remote village was brought to the city maternity hospital. It’s time for her to give birth, and she has such thickets “there” that the medical staff almost lost consciousness.
They examined her, sent her to shave, and even gave her a nurse to help her. Saying:
- Why don’t I shave myself?
The girl locked herself in the bathroom. They wait 15 minutes, 30, 40, the nurse offers to help her:
- No, no, no need! I am already coming out!
The staff gathered, even the head doctor came to look. Finally, after an hour and a half, the village beauty came out. She came out for a reason, but SHAVED MY HEAD! Krasapetina shaved her head, shaved off her eyebrows and, the coolest thing, everything was still in the right place...
They say that the head physician was given tea for another thirty minutes.

The young parents, very worried, were expecting their first child. Like everyone else, this couple visited various doctors. Just before giving birth, the woman was sent for an ultrasound.

Imagine WHAT feelings the expectant mother experienced when a tired, young doctor with a sympathetic face said to her:
- Woman, how can I tell you, ummm, your son has a congenital pathology.
Which? The mother, who is turning pale before her eyes, is interested.
- THESE ARE Eggs! At the same time, the doctor shakes two fists in the face of the woman who is rapidly losing consciousness.
Having somehow come to her senses, the woman took a referral to the center for the fight against pathologies and went home to grieve. At home, stuttering, she gave her shocked husband an interrogation with passion. Like, honey, have you ever met any men in your family with a huge scrotum?
Needless to say, that night, the young family grieved inconsolably instead of sleeping peacefully.
Morning came, the woman and her husband went to the center for the fight against pathologies. They come for an ultrasound, the doctor, with a surprised and uncomprehending look, looks first at the direction, then at the ultrasound monitor:
- I can’t understand anything! Why were you sent here in the first place!?
The inconsolable mother, through tears, shaking her fists in the doctor’s face, answers:
- The previous doctor told me that the child had a rare pathology - THESE ARE THE EGGS!
Barely holding back his laughter, the old doctor said to his mother:
- Woman! You're having a girl! She just clasps her fists between her legs...

My friend Katya decided to go to the gynecologist... Everything would be fine, but 11 years have passed since the last visit... New technologies, you know. They prescribed an ultrasound for her.

The doctor (female) Katya instructed: - they say, go to the pharmacy opposite, buy a condom, pee and come for an ultrasound. Katya understood everything literally. I went, bought it, and went to the toilet at the clinic. And what do you think she did? Right. She managed to pee in a condom, as she was actually instructed)))
Katya suffered for a long time... it’s still necessary to get there, but that’s not so bad: - Katya is standing in the toilet with her pants down. There is a condom in my right hand, filled to the brim, and it is impossible to put on my pants with my left hand.
Katya swore a couple of times and decided to act: - she tied the condom into a bow, put it on the floor and calmly got dressed. And so she walks, all full of pride, carrying a condom (like a ball) in front of her, supporting it with her hand (so that God forbid she falls) through the corridor of the clinic, where about 50 people are sitting...

Katya walks into the ultrasound room and says: - Here, I brought everything!!! The female gynecologist and her nurse neighed like regimental horses, and Katya blinked her eyes and tried to understand what was wrong: either she peed too little, or, on the contrary, too much. After laughing, the doctor asked the confused Katya if she still had a condom, and, having received a positive answer, said: - you, Katya, just don’t poop in it))) Curtain)))