Why are the president and the government so calm when they mock Russia? Raising pensions is a mockery of older people! How they mock the Russian people

Direct Line is a format for advertising Putin, invented by Kremlin technologists, when he supposedly communicates with ordinary people, answering their question. The idea here is very simple - people are given the opportunity to complain to the “good king” about the “bad boyars”. They do this on the air of the two most popular Russian TV channels, “Russia” and “Channel One”.

This year, the presenters even decorated the Direct Line with rebellious SMS messages - this, probably, should have shrouded the whole action in a slight spirit of freethinking and Fronde.

They say that even these retouched and shiny mouthpieces of the Kremlin allow themselves to criticize the Tsar. And let those Western journalists go crazy with envy, watching this riot of freedom of speech.

And, it can be assumed that a large number of topical issues were not framed. A young teacher from a small town in the Irkutsk region was interested in how to live on a salary of 16.5 thousand rubles (this is approximately 6,600 UAH). The presenter here added that a kindergarten teacher and a fireman complained in questions about a salary of 8,000 rubles (3,200 UAH), a postman - 3,600 rubles (1,400 UAH).

Putin responded with a promise to index salaries from January 2018, and told the teacher that additional payments were a matter for the school. “We’ll sort it out,” he concluded. So he “sorts it out” every year, but for some reason Russian public sector employees are always unhappy and continue to complain every year.

And so almost the entire broadcast. A woman complained to Putin from a flooded house where she lives with three children. Residents of Moscow's Balashikha complained about a 50-hectare garbage dump. People from Khanty-Mansiysk and Izhevsk complained that they were living in emergency barracks. “We’ll sort it out” was the answer to all of them.

Or another good example. A guy calls from Krasnodar and shows broken asphalt on a local street. “This shouldn’t happen,” Putin replies. And then... then he goes on about how, in general, “77% of federal highways have been brought to normal condition.” Just like that.

So this street with broken asphalt is not in trend. In fact, everything is fine with us. But we’ll also look into your case. Only later, when we finish the war in Syria, we will strangle Europe and the United States with sanctions.

The website Gazeta.Ru, which from time to time allows itself light criticism of the Kremlin, and this time noted that since 2001, when Direct Line with Putin was conducted for the first time, interest in it has fallen. “It is obvious that Russians already know their president so well that they can roughly imagine his answers to any possible questions,” the publication concludes.

But where there were definitely no calls prepared in advance is, of course, a geopolitical bloc. One guy who grows vegetables happily talked about how good life has become under sanctions. A guy who regularly takes part in “Immortal Regiment” events called from Kyiv and asked: “Why did you leave us?”

And a man called from the American state of Arizona and asked what to do about the “rabid Russophobia” of the Americans.

After a quick check, a friend named Jeremy Bowling turned out to be a lover of the Russian social network VKontakte, conspiracy theories, conspiracy theories and the fight against American imperialism. A classic example of the “Western quilted jacket” that is so popular on Russia Today. And so, of course, both the guy from Kyiv and from Arizona got through to Putin on air completely by accident.

All these mini-performances were needed only so that Putin could realize his homework. The funniest of them are the story that Viktor Medvedchuk is actually a Ukrainian nationalist and the quotation of Taras Shevchenko. The latter was a sort of poetic response to Petro Poroshenko, who recently quoted Lermontov’s poem about “unwashed Russia.”

“The new trend of top diplomacy is a poetic duel. I can imagine how the Putin administration studied Shevchenko in search of an answer,” Ukrainian diplomat Dmitry Kuleba sneers about this.

And another noteworthy fact is that for some reason Putin always brings up the topic of gays in Europe. Here, for some reason, remembering Lermontov’s poem, he got hooked on the “blue uniforms” - they say that there are more of them in Europe than in Russia.

The other is comprador, based on connections with the West (conventionally, “liberals”). Putin maintains a balance with this group and does not enter into conflict with it. Imagine the situation is such that you live in the same house with a bandit who constantly steals from you. In fact, you pay him tribute by buying new things that he will steal tomorrow. Will you keep a balance with him? Obviously, you need to depend very heavily on this bandit in order to maintain balance with him. The profitability of the Russian economy is colossal. Speculators and offshore businesses withdraw a total of about $100 billion a year from it. In theory, if it weren’t for this tribute that we dutifully pay to the West, having organized the economy in such a leaky way, Russia would already be the world hegemon.


After all, one and a half trillion rubles for the Sochi Olympics were found without difficulties (and no one from the government spoke about their absence) - and at the same time, in January-November 2015, unused budget balances grew by 2 trillion rubles! And it turns out that it is impossible to find half the amount for Putin’s May decrees (despite the fact that as much as 8 trillion rubles are lying around in the budget accounts without movement)! The reason is simple, writes Mikhail Delyagin: “Grand theft, as far as one can judge, does not contradict modern liberal values, since the stolen money enters the financial systems of developed countries, ultimately serving global business. Directing money for the benefit of people takes them out of the control of global business and, from its point of view, is mismanagement and squandering of funds, and from the point of view of liberals, it is heresy, an ideological crime.”

When will the bullying of the Russian people by our government end?

V. Putin, D. Medvedev, V. Matvienko, N. Patrushev, V. Surkov, I. Sechin, V. Ustinov, S. Ivanov, B. Gryzlov.

For the presidential elections in Russia, V. Putin created in his campaign headquarters, headed by S. Govorukhin, an impressive list of trusted persons - more than 500 people.

The people included in this list are the “intelligentsia” of the so-called Russians, and their multifaceted social, educational, labor and cultural diversity. Cultural figures: N. Babkina, E. Bagirov, Y. Bashmet, F.

Bondarchuk, M. Boyarsky, V. Gergiev, A. Kalyagin, L. Luzhina, N. Mikhalkov, A. Nevzorov, A. Pankratov, A. Rybnikov, N.


Slichenko, Y. Solomin, O. Tabakov, G. Khazanov, K. Shakhnazarov. Surgeon L. Bockeria, former President of Tatarstan M. Shaimiev, Chairman of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia M.

Shmakov, fashion designer V.

Medvedev's instructions will turn into bullying and end in excuses

Income gap between the rich few and the vast majority of the poor - today 98% of property income is owned by just 7% of the population. But all of these listed crimes and counts of state prosecution are sufficient to carry out the sentence.

The Russian Nuremberg trial against the crimes of the Kremlin “elite” is ahead; all those who committed heinous crimes against Russia, Russians and other indigenous peoples will be in the dock. The motivation of the criminals will be completely uninteresting to judges and public prosecutors, since there is no justification for the executioners and corrupt officials who have been destroying our country for more than 20 years, taking into account their predecessors - Gorbachev, Yeltsin, etc.

V.’s 520 proxies are also in a hurry to find themselves in this dock.


Fortunitos 10/13/2015 - 18:16 [ show ] 17 Status: Offline Prankster Registration: 04/04/14 Messages: 283 Quote (about100name @ 10/13/2015 - 18:09) My salary is 9200. Fortunately, I work in shifts 24 hours / 3 days at home. There is an opportunity to earn extra money. These same ghouls go to work to sleep.
And they calculate their own salaries. Fucked up comrades. settled down badly. Not a job, but a dream. And what about money...money is dust. This message was edited by Fortunitos - 10/13/2015 - 18:17 [^] good2010 10/13/2015 - 18:17 [ show ] -35 Status: Offline Khokhmach Registration: 06/29/12 Messages: 604 Quote (385abr @ 10/13/2015 - 18:09 ) Quote (GrayAngel @ 10/13/2015 - 18:04) So maybe it’s time??? what time is it?) by the way, yes, TS, what are you talking about? Like everyone is going to a rally? or something else? [^] In a big secret, I’ll answer: there is a leader (IMHO, but...), and he was not alone...

No government in the world will abuse its people like this!

I will mention in this article about the fall in oil prices and its consequences. The United States, having enormous influence on the OPEC oil cortel, artificially lowered oil prices, cutting off the foreign exchange flow to Russia.

In this regard, in the last 2 years we have observed great volatility in the ruble exchange rate and its depreciation against the dollar. The Central Bank, instead of stopping manipulation of the ruble exchange rate, actually condones it, without applying measures generally accepted in world practice to stabilize the exchange rate of the national currency.

There is dual power. It is obvious that the country is governed by two elite groups: one, Putin’s (relatively “siloviki”), relies on the people.

How much can you mock people!

The genocide of the Russian people is a reduction in the number of people by 2.2 million annually, of which 200 thousand deaths are due to suicide, death from drugs and drunkenness, and murder. In Russia, about 2 million abortions are performed annually; murdered babies become material for stem cell extraction - a way to rejuvenate aging businessmen and cultural figures. About 2 million children are homeless; the number of children living in dysfunctional families has exceeded 4 million. Every year, over 220 thousand children are taken away from parents deprived of parental rights, including for non-payment of housing and communal services. These are far from the complete results of the 12 years of rule of V. Putin and his organized crime group over Russia and the people; the list can be continued further, remembering the annually increasing number of billionaires and the rapidly impoverished population of Russia due to unemployment and inflation.
Any decision of a WTO member country can be challenged in court, and laws must be brought into line with WTO law. From the moment of ratification of Russia’s accession to the WTO by the State Duma, the President and Government of Russia will no longer be able to interfere with the mandatory monetization of all social benefits, the provision of our market to foreign companies on equal terms, and there will also be a transition to world prices for housing and communal services for all our citizens. Russia has become another cluster of the world supranational government and is completely subject to its decisions. “NATO planes fly over our country unhindered, and NATO soldiers are not under the jurisdiction of Russia, that is, they are sovereign citizens of their countries, not subject to inspection and control by Russian security services.
Instead of speeding up the development of the national economy and giving domestic producers access to loans with an adequate interest rate so that national business can replace imports, the Central Bank increases it. Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergei Glazyev writes the following about this: “Following the contraction of credit, enterprises are reducing their working capital and curtailing investments, which we observe in terms of the decline in GDP and investment in fixed capital. Those enterprises that the market allows to raise prices are forced to do so in order to pass on the rising costs of paying interest on loans to consumers - this is how inflation is promoted. So we found ourselves in a stagflation trap: having raised the key rate to twice the profitability of the production sector, the Central Bank switched cash flows in the economy to the financial market, in which the foreign exchange segment began to rapidly inflate.” One more example.

Chubais - the Rusnano corporation, worth 120 billion rubles, completely moved to the USA, burying Russian money in America. — Carrying out army reform, as a result of which the combat effectiveness of our army has catastrophically decreased. Appointment of parquet floor specialist A. to the post of Minister of Defense.

Serdyukov, who intends to “arm” the Russian army with foreign weapons, puts the country’s complete dependence on foreign spare parts, which in the event of war will leave the entire army without weapons, is a betrayal of Russian interests. — The introduction of Article 282 of the Russian Criminal Code for inciting national, racial or religious hatred put the Russian people under a ban on the development of their own culture, traditions and national identity. The law enforcement practice of convicting under this article concerns only Russian nationality, but bypasses all other peoples.

Status: Offline Chairman of the fuckers club Registration: 01/14/13 Messages: 3676 Quote (komaroff64 @ 10/13/2015 - 18:14) The desire to increase the salaries of bureaucrats, coupled with the abolition of free travel for pensioners in the Moscow region and other steps of our beloved state to improve ours existence doesn't look bad. Bravo! And also raise the retirement age [^] GrayAngel 10/13/2015 - 18:16 [ show ] 75 Status: Offline Funny Register: 04/14/06 Messages: 211 Quote (rayden2004 @ 10/13/2015 - 18:08) Your sources have long been compromised, stop throwing around .

this is not a sketch... If you are watching the news, then your attention could not be missed by messages that are fundamentally contradictory to each other, such as: increasing pensions for bureaucrats up to 200 kilo rubles and finding ways not to pay pensions to those who earned them with their own hump (as an example )... And you can dig up mountains of this...

We are publishing a response to the “personal experience” of our reader “I know what the problem is with the Russians.” – ed. I would like to note that at this time no hurricane passed through the Leningrad region, there were no earthquakes and no military operations were carried out.

This was the first blow to the head of the common people. The second blow came in 1998, the collapse of the ruble against the dollar (although those who had the currency were the winners), but these were only a few, the majority of people were brought to their knees. The third blow below the belt was 2008, again the collapse of the ruble.

Here they have already dropped us below the plinth. With the slogan “We cannot be defeated!” My wife and I once again began to climb out of yet another “hole.” And only at the age of 46, my wife was 44, we went abroad for the first time, it was Finland.

Lots of impressions. Ignorance of the language did not bother me at all, because... Everywhere they smiled sweetly and patiently tried to help us. Then there was a trip to Europe, Austria, Germany, Czech Republic.

The apparent calm, at first glance, in the power structures of the Russian state is deceptive, and far from corresponds to the true situation that has developed on the political Olympus of the country. The processes within the government are now no less tense than those within the opposition. There is also very strong fermentation, a struggle between different concepts, a rethinking of the future. The picture of political reality “floated”, became incomprehensible, dreary and full of phobias. There was a very depressing feeling of timelessness and hopelessness.

What actually happened irrevocably was the breakdown of the power structure into its two components: the liberal-oligarchic part and the group “Putin and the Ozero cooperative” (aligarhs-siloviki). V. Putin, the man whom the founders of “wild capitalism” elevated to the throne of power to protect their capital and their safety. In order to make the president of the country from an unknown lieutenant colonel, they launched a second Chechen campaign. But he had already become independent and uncontrollable. Under pressure from his circle, against the will of the oligarchs, he ran for a third presidential term. This is where the rift occurred. But they are already equal in capital, in laundering and withdrawing money through various criminal schemes. According to the Central Bank, in 2012, about $50 billion was illegally transferred abroad through banks, and most of these transfers are suspicious. Only 14 billion out of 50 are associated with commercial transactions. According to the Chairman of the Central Bank Ignatiev, the remaining 36 billion could be used to pay for semi-legal imports, drugs, bribes and kickbacks to officials. Such a leak suggests the existence of a large-scale and sophisticated money laundering system controlled by an “organized group of individuals,” Ignatiev said. Was it because of this statement that the decision was made to replace Ignatiev with Nabiulina?

To be in power, liberal oligarchs now have to prove their worth. But their low effectiveness in establishing control over Moscow street activity coincided with the withering away of another important function. “Putin’s group” no longer intends to create the appearance of democratic development of the country; there is no one else and there is no need to demonstrate them as evidence of Russia’s constant movement towards a bright democratic future and the commitment of the country’s leadership to the principles of liberalism. What is happening now suggests that, firstly, the balance of power has changed, one group has weakened and the other has strengthened, and this affects the fate of specific people. Now there is a struggle for streets and squares. Relations with the West and information policy are now such that the liberal screen is no longer needed.

Everything that the Putin regime previously tried to hide from the media space is now being brought into the main stories of analytical programs on federal channels to the joyful and welcoming cries of nationalists of various stripes and the Russian Orthodox Church MP. “Russia has finally risen from its knees, and it has nothing to hide anymore!” Of course, the transformation of the “Putin group” into this state did not happen overnight and not without the help of righteous reformers. In this shameful history of the degradation of an entire social stratum, image-conscious liberal persons took an active part, A. Chubais with his public support for the second Chechen company, his words about “the revival of the Russian army in Chechnya” became textbook. Home-grown liberals took an active part in the destruction of Media-Most, that is, in delivering the first powerful blow to the independent press in Russia. And the destruction of NTV was led by a prominent figure in the liberal movement, A. Koch. The thesis that tight monetary policy is more important than freedom of speech, although it was not voiced publicly, it actually became the motto of the united “liberal-power corporation” for many years. Numerous and constant rollbacks from democratic principles began to be perceived as inevitable costs in the fight against international terrorism and for the low level of inflation the Liberal oligarchs were united with. “Putin’s group” has the deepest conviction that in this backward country, these wild people cannot under any circumstances be trusted to choose power in free elections - otherwise they will definitely choose terrible people who “will jeopardize the further course of market reforms and authoritarian modernization” Or, in other words, they will begin to ask unpleasant and indecent questions about the origin of huge fortunes of both. Huge fortunes and the nature of their acquisition are also one of the factors of their unity. The oligarchs gained their fortune under the cannonade of all types of weapons and aircraft that ironed the Chechen Republic in 1994-96. Under this noise, the entire gas and oil complex was bought up from the state for pennies. But this money was also taken from the state on credit. It turned out that his property was taken from the state using his own money. It was the scam of the century, and it would have been funny if not for hundreds of thousands of people killed, millions of lives maimed. But the scam had its sad continuation under President V. Putin. Putin and his close circle were no longer satisfied with the existing order of things; they demanded their share of the oligarchs’ fortune. Under the joyful cries of the Nikonovs, Markovs, Leontyevs and other servants feeding from the Kremlin’s hand, the Kremlin “returned” to the country its illegally seized wealth. What the Abramovichs “bought” for several hundred million from the state, the state bought from them for tens of billions of Russian taxpayer dollars. What the entire Soviet people had accumulated together for decades was sold for pennies, and only part of it, for the money of all Russians, was returned back, but not to the state, but to V. Putin and his group. The whole trick is that Gazprom and Rosneft and other so-called state corporations have a mixed share of ownership, in connection with this, subsidiaries of private companies are attached to these state corporations, through which resources are withdrawn and stolen.

According to a report by Washington-based think tank Global Financial Integrity (GFI), the business is booming: annual flows of dirty money to and from Russia have more than doubled over the past eight years. As GFI points out, the underground economy accounts for 46% of Russia's GDP. And this is called that Russia is getting up from its knees?

But these looters are not done destroying the country yet. The authorities announced that the national wealth of Russia, officially: $4.0 trillion, in fact (according to the Research Institute of Statistics of the State Statistics Committee of Russia): $40 trillion. An understatement of 10 times, this is necessary for the authorities in order to appropriate and sell off the remains of the former public property for next to nothing, and at the same time convince the population that we live no worse than we work. And all this is happening against the backdrop of a depressing situation in the country. GDP growth rate. Officially: 4%. Actually: 1-2%. By “inflating” the GDP growth rate by one and a half times, the authorities are trying to convince society that its announced doubling for 2003-2010. could have happened if not for the global crisis. In fact, for 2003-2008. the economy grew by only a quarter, and in the crisis year of 2009, Russia turned out to be the record holder for decline among the G20 countries! Inflation averaged over the year. Officially: 6-8%. Actually: 18-27%. It has long been known that the rise in prices for essential goods in Russia is much faster than the average for all goods and services. Therefore, inflation for the poor (social inflation) is much higher than for the rich. And the poorer the family, the faster the prices for the goods it buys rise. As the ex-director of the Research Institute of Statistics explains, prices are rising by 18% per year for precisely the list of goods and services that the country’s least affluent citizens buy. Therefore, it is not surprising that even the government recognizes the growing gap between rich and poor almost every year. Income gap between the richest 10% and the poorest 10%. Officially: 16 times. In fact: 28-36 times. The maximum permissible level for national security, according to the director of the Institute of Socio-Political Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences G. Osipov, is 10 times. In Russia it is exceeded three times.

As noted above, it is obvious that these power groups, which have ruled the country over the past 10 years, have come into conflict with each other; there has not been a crack between them, but a rift. Putin and his supporters are openly flirting with nationalists and relying on the Russian Orthodox Church MP. The business portal dp.ru tried to evaluate the property of the Russian Orthodox Church MP only in Moscow. Here, about 600 objects with an area from 5 to 50 thousand square meters with land plots ranging from 0.3 to 10 hectares fall under “church restitution”. Taking into account the cost of a hectare of Moscow land (from 6 to 50 million dollars) and a square meter (from 3 to 15 thousand dollars), we can calculate the total cost of church property in Moscow. Real estate alone will cost $50 billion. In general, across the country, 443 monasteries, 12,665 parishes should go to the Russian Orthodox Church MP, as I. Starikov calculated when he was the chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy, about 2 million hectares of land. The ROC will own property comparable in value to the assets of Gazprom, RAO UES of Russia, and RAO Russian Railways. To this we must add the fact that the Russian Orthodox Church saved on value added taxes, on real estate and on customs duties, from which the law exempted it.

It turns out that the Kremlin, represented by the Russian Orthodox Church MP, has acquired an equally powerful ally, both in terms of status and influence on society. But what is circulating in the controlled media about the influence of the church on the masses is far from true. The “servants of God” bask in luxury; they openly entered into a conspiracy with the authorities, and this cannot but cause bewilderment among parishioners. And nationalists are groups created with the money of Russian special services and oligarchs in order to divert the attention of Russians from the true causes of their misfortunes and instability with their misanthropic hysteria against Muslims, Asians and Caucasians. They do not talk about perhaps the most important topic for Russians - the threat of demography. Putin has done nothing to reverse the decline in the Russian population, the mortality rate of which has now become dramatic; according to Cossack ataman Yu. Churekov, the population of Russians in Russia is declining by 2 million people annually. According to the Research Institute of Statistics (Rosstat), there are 12 million alcoholics, more than 4.5 million drug addicts, more than 1 million street children, and 700 thousand orphans in the country. According to estimates by a group of scientists from the Research Institute of the Academy of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation under the leadership of Professor S. Inshakov, the number of crimes committed is almost 10 times greater than official statistics record - approximately 26 million per year

Nationalists do not talk about these problems, since, obviously, neither Muslims nor non-Russians are to blame for this, but at the same time, they incite interethnic hatred everywhere. In this way, the social revolt is drowned out by the nationalist revolt. In general, Russians themselves are beginning to realize that it is the authorities who are responsible for their socio-economic disorder.

In the absence of any ideology or verified socio-economic program, the government only reacts to events. Where should the country move next?! It's not stated. The current government does not set any big goals for itself. There is no underlying idea. At the same time, the government consistently passes laws that lead those in power away from responsibility. Here is what Professor S. Milyukov said about this: “The Russian parliament amends the criminal code so often and so haphazardly that outside observers get the impression that legislators do not have any special strategy and are simply reacting to the current political situation. But in reality, this strategy can be traced quite clearly and it consists in maximally mitigating responsibility for crimes of an economic nature." Let us also note that, despite all the anti-corruption rhetoric of the State Duma, legislators have still not ratified Article 20 of the UN Convention against Corruption. This article requires “to establish as a criminal offense the unlawful enrichment of a public official in excess of his lawful income, which he cannot reasonably justify.” Just look at Dima Yakovlev’s populist law, supposedly aimed at protecting Russian children abroad. And who will protect them within the country?! According to a statement by the head of the Committee on Family, Women and Children, E. Mizulina, 300 adopted children and more than 1,200 children in general die in Russia every year.

The situation in the country is only getting worse day by day. The degree of depreciation of fixed assets, in%. Officially: 48.8%. Actually: 75.4%. Individual enterprises (IEs) are being closed en masse throughout Russia, according to the co-chairman of the Republican Party B. Nemtsov, already more than 300 thousand. Experts attribute this to a significant increase in the amount of contributions for compulsory pension and health insurance. Small shopkeepers can only become hired workers, go into the “shadow” or into crime. The hydrocarbon freebie is probably running out. In the search for alternative sources of Russian oil and gas, consumer countries have made a huge breakthrough. Methhydrates explored by Japanese companies in their coastal waters have the potential to lead to an energy revolution in Japan comparable to the shale revolution in the United States.

The message from the World Bank (WB), which lowered its forecast for Russia's GDP growth in 2013 from 3.6%, which it predicted in October, to 3.3%, is also not reassuring.

The World Bank explains the decline in the prospects for the Russian economy by five factors:

Firstly, by lowering the average oil price forecast for 2013 from $105.8 to $102 per barrel.

Secondly, the foreign economic situation turned out to be less favorable than expected.

The third factor was the decline in economic activity within Russia.

The fourth factor was faster inflation rates than previously predicted, which will restrain consumption, which is the main driver of growth.

And the fifth factor constraining economic growth will be weak investment growth.

All this together indicates that under certain conditions, when the hour X comes, and it will inevitably come, V. Putin can count in civil society only on “Sveta from Ivanovo, the workers of Uralvagonzavod and the State Duma deputy from the ONF V. Lysakov.”

We state. The competing groups of oligarchs have two types, but the essence is the same. The wolf pack from the “Ozero cooperative” is robbing Russia without any ideological pretensions, and their competitors assure the public that they are classical progressives and for twenty years “have been leading the country along the path of unpopular, but so necessary for the country, market reforms.”

However, it would be a mistake to think that the liberal oligarchs will give up their positions in power without a fight. We will still witness exciting wars, loud revelations and dramatic endings. “Liberals” will fight for every place in the Government and in the regions, for every educational audience and expert council.

Again his main sacred question hung over Russia - what to do? There is no need to do anything supernatural - it is necessary to hold fair elections of all branches of government. Urgently stop stirring up interethnic and interfaith hostility in the country. Then the correct saving vector of movement along the path of real reforms will be determined. Otherwise, the winner will be determined not at the polling stations, but in the streets and squares. In any case, interesting hot times await us. We will witness a war of incriminating evidence, revealing stories and confessions. We will probably find out who is behind the bombings of houses in Buinaksk, Moscow and Volgodonsk, behind the murders of Yuri Shchekochikhin and Anna Politkovskaya...

But will those who rule us today allow such a course of things to save the country? Here is a question of questions! Today's political field is everywhere crammed with interethnic and interfaith time bombs, almost all audio-visual media in Russia are oozing poison.

And then the time will come for the real danger of the collapse of Russia. Both of these groups, having amassed their billions through criminal means, will be able to evade responsibility and keep the wealth they stole, provided that they retain power. Is it possible then?! Crimes of such magnitude can be avoided if this state does not exist. Consequently, the most interested party in the collapse of the country is Putin with his entourage and the oligarchs. And only citizens who are not torn apart by religious or national squabbles, united by one national idea - to create a truly democratic, socially oriented state, will be able to oppose them with anything in order to save the country. A state where there is no place for ethnic nationalism and religious extremism, where economic and political corruption are kept to a minimum, where creativity, not looting, triumphs.

Vladimir Vladimirovich, today they raised pensions for the population, what D. Medvedev said there is complete nonsense and it shows that he is far from the people. He became completely fat at his workplace from his salary. What kind of increased standard of living of the population is he talking about? Pensioners live long.

Complete nonsense. 50% of the people do not live to see their pensions, 25% die upon retirement, 15% of the population dies barely reaching the age of 70, the remaining 10% may even reach the age of 75-80. How can a population live long? When there is constant stress in life, resulting in stroke and heart attack and oncology, moreover, the population is poisoned with all sorts of chemicals in products so that these products can be preserved for a long time.

Look at Europe, they have long abandoned these chemicals in their food, which is why they live longer. We live in a Gas and Oil country, unlike Europe, the pension fund is constantly stolen, but that’s your problem, how can you mock the people like that. And in general, this doesn’t look like you, as if a completely different person is at the helm of Russia, and lately it has been noticed that your “direct connections”, in which the people complain, do not accomplish anything, but simply let off steam from the people. It’s as if the “Brezhnev times” have returned (rock the carriage, pretend that we are driving).

Of course, we understand that it is you and it is YOU, through D. Medvedev, who are pursuing a policy to increase the retirement age. You are wrong here (to put it mildly, you can’t mock the people this way. We all voted for you and you are already a national hero, but after this, the people will go to the barricades in the worst case and you will cancel this decree, but you will no longer be a national hero of Russia .

The easiest option is for people to swallow the increased retirement age, but keep in mind that this will cost you the other way, and you won’t be able to do anything. I won't say how. But what you save on pensioners, you will receive five times the budget expense and you will not be able to do anything. Therefore, since 1995

It’s already double, because of the people’s ridiculous pension. If you leave the people without pensions, the surviving pensioners will still live (the need for invention is cunning). The more you squeeze profit out of pensioners, the more you lose the Russian budget. Moreover, who will in the future defend Russia and your officials?

The children and grandchildren of future pensioners, seeing that you are mocking their grandparents, will refuse to simply defend Russia. Today Govorukhin died, and many deputies are dying in their posts, why do they need a pension with a large deputy salary, plus bonuses, plus they receive from the outside. Maybe they should be deprived of their pensions, but they still won’t leave their posts while the officials are sitting in their chairs. Likewise, you will not leave, D. Medvedev and the entire government with deputies will not leave his post, can you all refuse pensions?

This would be the right step on your part. Why were sellers paid little in the USSR? Because they would steal anyway.

What you are doing now is not like you, where are the pension increases that you promised pensioners in May, they are not there, people say that Putin has become a chatterbox. It seems that you yourself are already lagging behind the life of the people, with full provision in life. Have you forgotten how you yourself vegetated* before, without a position or a job, lived in the country and drove a Moskvich 412 car, God helped you rise, and at the same time you began to forget who you were?!

What can we say about your officials, they do not argue with you for fear of losing their jobs. At the same time, you are committing a great stupidity by raising the hand of a “capitalist” * against older people in Russia, God will not forgive you for this. While the people are still behind you, do not lower your authority below the plinth, from today your authority has gone down and very SHARPLY. As they say, God gave you, God took everything that is yours.

Where should you run from Russia? Moscow is behind you and you have nowhere to run! Having power, you humiliated the law on raising the retirement age of all elderly Russians! Galiullin Tahir Khidiyatovich, Kazan GSVG

Appeal from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation

Russia is going through difficult times. The socio-economic crisis is growing. After 2014, all main indicators went negative. Production decreased and the standard of living of citizens fell. Real incomes of Russians have decreased by 12 percent over 4 years. Over 20 million people live below even the artificially low subsistence level. A quarter of the population does not have the means to pay rising tariffs for housing and communal services. For tens of millions of people, the problem is to buy medicine, pay for treatment, dress and put on shoes for children, send them to school... A huge part of the country's population lives in conditions of a real social disaster, and even more Russians are constantly teetering on the brink of it.

Against this background, the social divide is deepening. The number of dollar billionaires in Russia is constantly growing, and their wealth, obtained from the plunder of public property, is increasing. The fortune of the 200 richest oligarchs exceeds all gold and foreign exchange reserves and three annual budgets of Russia. The export of capital is increasing, amounting to an astronomical figure since the beginning of liberal reforms: 60 trillion rubles. And this is in conditions of chronic underfunding of industry, agriculture, and the social sphere.

Strengthening social antagonisms is especially dangerous under conditions of external pressure. Russia is openly threatened with aggression, we are surrounded by military bases and unfriendly political regimes, and sanctions are imposed. Hysteria of Russophobia is spreading in the West. Based on these dangerous trends, the government began to use in its rhetoric the correct theses about the need for a technological breakthrough, a significant increase in the living standards of the population, and strengthening defense potential. It was on this wave that the current President of the Russian Federation was able to be re-elected for a new term with a record result.

Soon after the elections, the promises were successfully forgotten. People who have been implementing reforms that are dangerous for the country all these years have retained their positions in the government. Liberal leaders are again deciding how we should live. Alexey Kudrin, the guru of modern Russian liberalism, returned to power.

The consequences of these personnel decisions were not long in coming. The VAT increase will hit the country's economy hard. Fuel prices have risen sharply, which inevitably affects rising prices and complicates life for domestic farmers.

The culmination of the attack on the rights and interests of the people was the pension “reform”. The government announced a gradual increase in the retirement age to 63 for women and 65 for men. It would be difficult to imagine a more vile “gift” for millions of people. The reform was announced during the World Cup hosted by our country. The sports festival is used for dirty manipulative purposes.

In 2005 V.V. Putin assured that under his leadership no decision would be made to increase the retirement age. The leaders of the United Russia party did not say a word about pension reform before the 2016 parliamentary elections. This topic was not raised during the presidential campaign either.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation expresses a firm and decisive protest against the criminal pension “reform”. Raising the retirement age will allow the authorities to save at least 1 trillion rubles - and for the sake of this money the interests and even lives of millions of people are being sacrificed.

By raising the retirement threshold, officials simply cut off almost half of older citizens from it. Let us recall that in Russia 43 percent of men do not live to reach the age of 65, and a quarter of women do not live to reach the age of 63. In almost half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, life expectancy for men is below the new retirement age. This is almost all of Siberia, the Far East, and Central Russia. Therefore, the authorities’ references to some “world experience” are completely untenable: we are asked to take an example from countries where life expectancy sometimes exceeds 80 years!

But the country’s leadership planned to rob the population not only by saving pension payments. People who deserve rest and respect from the state will be forced to continue paying taxes. And this despite the fact that many of them will never receive their pension. It's hard to imagine a more cynical approach.

Statements that the pension reform will supposedly be accompanied by an increase in pensions are also a blatant lie. People who do live up to the threshold set by the government are promised a mocking increase of one thousand rubles.

The government's plans destroy the last vestiges of social justice and undermine the foundation of the social security system. Elderly people are forced to work in conditions where the country is experiencing acute unemployment problems. Finding a job after 50 years is not easy, but citizens are left with no other choice. This will inevitably cause an increase in unemployment and arbitrariness on the part of employers who will save, taking advantage of the needs of the older generation. In addition, the appearance of millions of people on the labor market will hit young people who are already unable to find work after graduating from universities and technical schools.

The growth of social tension in these conditions is inevitable. The difficult international situation will only increase Russia's vulnerability to external challenges.

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation declares its intention to resist the dangerous and cynical attempts of the authorities. After the criminal collapse of the USSR, communists always opposed anti-people decisions. We led the resistance to the snatching of industrial enterprises into the pockets of the oligarchs. We fought against the introduction of the purchase and sale of land, the monetization of benefits, and changes in labor legislation in the interests of big business. And today we are waging a determined fight against pension “reform”.

On July 28, 2018, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation will organize an All-Russian protest against the cannibalistic policies of the authorities. We call on all citizens of the country to take to the streets of their cities and villages to say a decisive “No!” open mockery of the people.