The strongest girl of the 20th century. The strongest girl on earth: What the “Hercules girl” looks like now

At the age of four, young Varya took part in powerlifting competitions along with adults; at the age of 14 she was already much stronger than most men twice her age: at this age she could hold a platform with 10 adult men, which in total amounted to almost 700 kilograms ! How does Varya live now that she is 25 years old?

At one time, Varvara Akulova was called the “Hercules girl” because of her incredible strength. Now that she is 25 years old, one would expect to see a pumped-up girl who looks more like a man, but it was this image that once stopped Varya from continuing to participate in serious competitions.

« Let them tell you that everyone wins “cleanly,” but as a professional who has traveled almost the whole world and has been stewing in this cauldron for a long time, I declare openly: without doping, it is impossible to win a medal in weightlifting at the Olympics,” Varvara explains her departure from the professional sports - U human body, even the strongest and most trained, there is a limit. Everything beyond that is pharmacology.”

And indeed, now Varvara looks like a completely ordinary girl, except that her shoulders give her away as a weightlifter. According to Varya, she can still lift the same weights with which she once won competitions: after all, she never completely abandoned the sport. While studying in her third year at university, Varya swapped weightlifting for fitness, and never regretted it. " Sport is one thing, fitness is another. What is important here is not the star coaches, but the team. Now I do powerlifting according to my mood, to stay in shape and when I want it.”

Now Varvara lives the way she wants, the way she likes. But this was not always the case. The girl’s family is from Krivoy Rog. Her father, Yuri Akulov, began training the girl from infancy, so that already at one year old she could stand upside down on her hands, and at two she was already performing tricks on a pole. She often competed in competitions and certainly won prizes, even despite her young age, but at the same time her training took place in a dorm closet, and the family itself huddled in more than modest conditions.

For a long time, Varya wanted not so much medals as simply having her own room. So at some point the family decided to risk everything and completely changed their lives: they organized their own circus troupe and began touring around different cities and countries. Varya's dad juggled weights, her mom sewed costumes and acted as a clown, and Varya amazed the audience with her extraordinary strength. This is how the whole world learned about Varvara.

By the age of fourteen, Varya’s achievements in weightlifting had already been included in the Guinness Book of Records twice. Then she still dreamed that she would grow into the strongest woman on the planet and be able to lift an elephant. However, grueling training at some point stops bringing the desired results simply because in adult professional sports everything is tied to artificial muscle building and increasing one’s abilities. “Compare my figure, my face with those weightlifters you see on TV. I don’t swallow steroids, so I weigh 75 kilograms, not 120, my T-shirt doesn’t burst from the pile of muscles, my mustache doesn’t grow, my voice doesn’t get rough. I don’t want to turn into a man, I’m a girl!”

Varya admits that she does not regret anything in her life. She now has a favorite job, a favorite hobby, and a beloved family. And Varya’s younger sister, 11-year-old Barbara, also does weightlifting and shows results even better than Varya at her age.

Circus artist Yuri Akulov from Krivoy Rog began training his daughter Varvara from early childhood, and therefore, even as a child, she surprised everyone with her heroic strength. The girl broke one record after another, began performing for the public, but then all this became a thing of the past. Next, we suggest finding out how Varvara Akulova lives now.

There were those who considered the training to be abuse of the child and wrote a statement to the court. Yuri won the trial: despite the heaviest loads and grueling training, Varvara grew up as a normal child, did not look emaciated and was almost no different from her peers. Well, except because she could easily raise her own father. At just 4 years old, young Varya took part in adult powerlifting competitions, and at 14 she could already hold a platform with 10 adult men, which is almost 700 kilograms!

The life of the strongest girl on the planet, and that’s what Varya will be called in the future, can hardly be called easy. She was born into a family that had to live in an old communal apartment and take turns cooking food with other families on an electric stove. The conditions were terrible. However, this only strengthened the dream of the girl’s father to make her a real champion.

Yuri accustomed the future athlete to strength training from the age of two weeks, tying metal nuts to the baby’s arms. At one year old, Varya could stand on her hands, at two years old she performed tricks on a five-meter pole without harness, at four years old she lifted a total of an incredible 92.5 kilograms in exercises at competitions...

The girl's dream was very simple - a separate room. In the end, the Akulovs decided to take a desperate step, created a family circus troupe and went on tour: Yuri juggled weights, Larisa retrained from a teacher to become a clown, and Varya lifted various weights, amazing the audience with her heroic strength.

They denied themselves everything, but were still able to save some money to make their dream come true - they bought a two-room apartment. Now Varya could train in her own room, and not in a cramped closet in a communal apartment. At the age of 14, she passed all adult standards in weightlifting, was twice listed in the Guinness Book of Records and traveled halfway around the world.

Varya had big plans, she was quite famous, but all her dreams were not destined to come true: after graduating with honors from the Institute of Physical Education, the girl suddenly left the big sport and now works as a fitness trainer. She claims that she feels quite happy and lives the way she always dreamed. This year the strongwoman turned 25 years old. The only thing that distinguishes her from ordinary girls is her broad shoulders.

One can only wonder why Varvara Akulova did not achieve more, why she refused new records: she told reporters that she was going to lift a horse or even an elephant. However, each person knows when he needs to stop. And Yuri Akulov trains the next champion, Barbara, who is now 11 years old.

Circus artist Yuri Akulov from Krivoy Rog began training his daughter Varvara from early childhood, and therefore, even as a child, she surprised everyone with her heroic strength. The girl broke one record after another, began performing for the public, but then all this became a thing of the past. Next, I propose to find out how Varvara Akulova lives now.

There were those who considered the training to be abuse of the child and wrote a statement to the court. Yuri won the trial: despite the heaviest loads and grueling training, Varvara grew up as a normal child, did not look emaciated and was almost no different from her peers.

Well, except because she could easily raise her own father. At just 4 years old, young Varya took part in adult powerlifting competitions, and at 14 she could already hold a platform with 10 adult men, which is almost 700 kilograms!

The life of the strongest girl on the planet, and that’s what Varya will be called in the future, can hardly be called easy. She was born into a family that had to live in an old communal apartment and take turns cooking food with other families on an electric stove. The conditions were terrible. However, this only strengthened the dream of the girl’s father to make her a real champion.

Yuri accustomed the future athlete to strength training from the age of two weeks, tying metal nuts to the baby’s arms. At one year old, Varya could stand on her hands, at two years old she performed tricks on a five-meter pole without harness, at four years old she lifted a total of an incredible 92.5 kilograms in exercises at competitions...

The girl's dream was very simple - a separate room. In the end, the Akulovs decided to take a desperate step, created a family circus troupe and went on tour: Yuri juggled weights, Larisa retrained from a teacher to become a clown, and Varya lifted various weights, amazing the audience with her heroic strength.

They denied themselves everything, but were still able to save some money to make their dream come true - they bought a two-room apartment. Now Varya could train in her own room, and not in a cramped closet in a communal apartment. At the age of 14, she passed all adult standards in weightlifting, was twice listed in the Guinness Book of Records and traveled halfway around the world.

Varya had big plans, she was quite famous, but all her dreams were not destined to come true: after graduating with honors from the Institute of Physical Education, the girl suddenly left the big sport and now works as a fitness trainer. She claims that she feels quite happy and lives the way she always dreamed. This year the strongwoman turned 25 years old. The only thing that distinguishes her from ordinary girls is her broad shoulders.

One can only wonder why Varvara Akulova did not achieve more, why she refused new records: she told reporters that she was going to lift a horse or even an elephant. However, each person knows when he needs to stop. And Yuri Akulov trains the next champion, Barbara, who is now 11 years old.

Varya Akulova is one of those outstanding personalities that most people have never heard of in their lives. Often referred to as the “strongest girl in the world,” Varya holds two Guinness World Records and is able to lift four times her body weight.

Born in 1992 in the Ukrainian mining town of Krivoy Rog, Varya Akulova showed remarkable physical abilities from the very beginning. early age. When she was only one year old, Varya could do a handstand, at the age of one and a half she was doing somersaults, at the age of three she began performing acrobatic routines with her parents, and by the age of four she was already doing powerlifting exercises with huge weights. When Varya's mother, Larisa, became pregnant, her father, Yuri, began making plans to perform in the circus with his as yet unborn strong son, but when his wife gave birth to a girl, he realized that his dreams were not destined to come true. But over time, Yuri began to realize that with the right training, his daughter could become as strong as a man. The girl's arms and legs were stronger than those of most children her age, and he soon became convinced that Varya had inherited the legendary strength of the Akulovs. Historically, his ancestors served in the court of Catherine II and became famous for their amazing abilities and endurance during the Russo-Turkish Wars. And over the years, it became clear that Varya really was Akulova, and was able to lift enormous weight, while other girls her age were playing with dolls.

Although Yuri's teaching methods raised concerns among doctors about Varya's normal growth and bone development, a series of tests performed by doctors when Varya was five years old showed that she was in excellent physical shape and had an enhanced immune system. At the age of six, the strongest girl in the world could carry her difficult father on your back, holding a weight in your hands. She won several weightlifting competitions and began performing throughout Ukraine. When she was 12 years old, Varya Akulova could carry both of her parents on her back and at the same time lift three heavy weights. She set the first Guinness World Record in 2000 when she lifted 100 kilograms, although she weighed only 40 kilograms, and in 2006 she managed to lift 300 kilograms, which is four times her body weight.

It would seem that someone so strong should be more like a man than a woman, but Varya has retained her femininity and is no different from any other slender 21-year-old girl. She doesn't take any supplements and says her strength is the result of rigorous daily training.

1 place.

Becca Swanson from America managed not only to become the strongest among the ladies, but also entered the top ten strongest people on the planet. She has won all possible awards in powerlifting and can give odds to many men.

Becca became interested in bodybuilding back in the mid-90s. She liked this sport so much that the girl decided to devote her life to it. This decision turned out to be correct and bore fruit. Six years passed and Swenson was invited to take part in the Strongest Women competition.

This event became a turning point in Becky’s fate and career. In the bench press, she lifted 270 kilograms, in the deadlift she lifted 310 kilograms, and in the squat she lifted and held 387 kilograms of the barbell.

Today, Becca Swanson continues to engage in powerlifting, regularly visits the gym and maintains her status as the strongest woman.

2nd place.

Next in the ranking the strongest woman in the world lives in Ukraine and is the champion of her country. Do bodybuilding Anna Kurkina started after forty years. She took this step out of dissatisfaction with her figure, considering it imperfect and problematic. After five years of hard training, the athlete acquired the desired slimness, but did not stop there.

Having heard about the strongest girl on the planet, Anna decided to find out what she was capable of and increased the load. It took two years to prepare the body and now Kurkina is on the list of the strongest women in the world.

3rd place.

The bodybuilder from Miami is not only very strong, but also very tall. Height Lindsay Hayward is more than two meters. The girl is proud of her anthropometric data and monitors her physical fitness: she consumes a lot of protein foods and goes to the gym every day.

In the bench press, she lifts a barbell weighing 320 kilograms, and is able to throw a person a decent distance. In addition to strength training, Lindsay is interested in wrestling, a dangerous and difficult sport.

4th place.

Girl named Varvara Akulova at one time inspired Anna Kurkina to take up bodybuilding. Varya entered the Guinness Book of Records, becoming the strongest girl on the planet.

Her capabilities are impressive: at the age of 4 she began lifting her first dumbbells, at the age of 6 she could already carry her father on her back, at the age of 8 she could lift a hundredweight of weight, and at the age of 14 she lifted a three hundred kilogram load.

Varvara Akulova is not much like other female bodybuilders. Her figure is like that of ordinary girls, and her strong abilities were inherited.

5th place.

Kathy Sandvina was the most famous female bodybuilder of the last century. This woman was lifting three men at the same time. She was very tall and was considered the first bodybuilder of the early 20th century. Katie lifted a bell weighing 130 kilograms above her head, breaking steel chains and twisting metal. At the same time, she was very beautiful and had a graceful, round figure.

6th place.

The strongest woman in Sweden and one of the strongest representatives of the weaker sex is considered Irene Anderson . She has been bodybuilding since she was 15 years old and has already won many awards.

7th place.

Kim Czyzewski is an American legend. She was once the strongest woman on the planet, but has now retired from sports and is raising children.

8th place.

Nicole Bass-Fachs He is interested not only in exercise equipment, but also in his acting career. This is one of the strongest women on the planet.

9th place .

American Rosemary Jennings I became interested in bodybuilding as a child. Now she is included in the IFBB bodybuilder rating and is famous in many countries.

10th place.