The battle near the clean river is the main idea. Review of Dragunsky's story “The Battle of the Pure River. What proverbs are suitable for Dragunsky's story "The Battle of the Pure River"

Number of pages: 10

Genre: story

Main characters: Denis Korablev, Raisa Ivanovna, Mishka.

Characteristics of the main characters:

Denis Korablev- irresponsible.

He played so hard that he did not learn his lessons.

I didn't have the courage to admit it.

Raisa Ivanovna- wise, fair and patient teacher.

She couldn't help laughing at Korablev's answer.

Summary of the story "Main Rivers" for the reader's diary

The day before, nine-year-old Denis Korablev played with a flying kite, which he tried to send into space, and forgot to learn the lessons.

He was almost late for school, almost knocked down a teacher near the class, and of course she immediately called him to the blackboard.

Raisa Ivanovna stopped him and asked, a poem, which poet he was supposed to read.

Mishka Elephants contrived to tell Denis and he answered Nekrasov.

Here only with the name there was a hitch.

Mishka tried to suggest, but Denis understood everything in his own way, and in his interpretation the title of the poem sounded like "A peasant with a fingernail."

Then the teacher asked him to tell about the main rivers of America, but even here Denis did not know the lesson.

Another classmate tried to tell him, but again Denis mixed up something and named the main river Misi-Pisi.

Such a shame happened to the boy, because he did not learn his lessons.

Story plan:

1. Launching a kite into space

2. Overslept

3. Korablev, to the board!

4. Tip Bear Elephant

5. A man with a fingernail

6. Petya Gorbushkin's hint

8. Misi-Pisi

9. Oath to learn lessons

Drawing - illustration:

The main idea:

Always arrive at school on time and prepared for lessons.

Instead of games the day before, lessons should be learned.

What does the story "Main Rivers" teach

The story teaches us to be collected and take responsibility for our studies.

He shows us that if we neglect the lessons, then the situation can arise ridiculous, unpleasant and even funny.

Brief review (abstract) about the story "Main rivers" for the reader's diary

The story is funny, funny and instructive.

The work causes a lot of laughter, it is a very beautiful and funny story in which we see what unlearned lessons and misunderstood clues lead to.

I'm sure many will recognize themselves in this story.


A deaf person will not hear, so he will lie.

He hears a ringing, but does not know where he is.

A smile for the young, a bitter tear for the old.

The part of the story that struck me the most:

- What did I ask? - she said.

- Yes! - I said.

- What "yes"? What did I ask, I ask you? Korablev!

- What? - I said.

- I'm sorry, what"? I ask you: what did I ask?

Here Mishka made a naive face and said:

“Why, doesn’t he know, or what, that you asked Nekrasov?” It was he who did not understand the question, Raisa Ivanovna.

The main characters of Victor Dragunsky's story "The Battle at the Pure River" are first grade schoolchildren of one of the Moscow schools. The story is told on behalf of a student Denis Korablev. In those days, every self-respecting boy in his pocket always had a toy gun and a supply of caps for it.

One day the teacher said that on Sunday all the first-graders would go to the cinema to watch a film about the struggle of the Reds and the Whites. Denis began to look forward to Sunday.

And then the long-awaited day came, and the first graders, accompanied by two teachers, went to the cinema. When the film began, the guys enthusiastically began to follow the plot. Everything was calm until the whites attacked the red fighters. The Reds had a hard time and the schoolchildren did not like it.

They began to express their indignation violently. And then Denis could not stand it, and, deciding to help the Reds, he ordered to open fire. The first-graders took out their toy pistols with caps and began to shoot at the whites.

The auditorium became very noisy. Teachers ran along the rows and demanded that the children stop the disgrace. But the schoolchildren continued to shoot at the whites running across the screen. This continued until the guys ran out of caps. Luckily for them, soon help came to the Red soldiers, and the students calmed down.

And on Monday, the principal of the school gathered all the boys who went to the cinema and demanded that they hand over toy guns to him. Then he said that he was giving all the boys a verbal reprimand with a reduction in marks for behavior.

But at recess, Mishka, a friend of Denis, said that they had done well to help the Reds in the film. And Denis agreed with him.

Takovo summary story.

The main idea of ​​Dragunsky's story "The Battle of the Pure River" is that the power of art sometimes makes a person act contrary to common sense. The first-graders believed in what was happening on the screen so much that they decided to help the heroes of the film and opened fire from toy guns right in the cinema hall. The guys sincerely believed that they were helping the heroes of the film.

Dragunsky's story "The Battle of the Pure River" teaches to critically assess the situation and not violate the rules of behavior in in public places. The schoolchildren acted out of the best of intentions, but the director of the school regarded their act as a violation of the order and punished the children.

In the story, I liked the main characters, first-graders who sincerely wanted to help the red fighters defeat the whites.

What proverbs are suitable for Dragunsky's story "The Battle of the Pure River"?

The person is supported.
All the sisters got earrings.
The enemy jumped out into the field, causing grief to everyone.

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All the boys of the 1st class "B" had pistols.

We agreed to always walk around with weapons. And each of us always had a pretty little pistol in his pocket and a supply of piston bands to go with it. And we really liked it, but it didn't last long. And all because of the movie...

Once Raisa Ivanovna said:

- Tomorrow, guys, Sunday. And we will have a holiday. Tomorrow our class, both the first "A" and the first "B", all three classes together, will go to the "Artistic" cinema to watch the movie "Scarlet Stars". This is a very interesting picture about the struggle for our just cause... Bring ten kopecks with you tomorrow. Gathering near the school at ten o'clock!

I told my mother all this in the evening, and my mother put ten kopecks in my left pocket for a ticket and in my right pocket a few coins for water and syrup. And she ironed my clean collar. I went to bed early so that tomorrow would come sooner, and when I woke up, my mother was still asleep. Then I started getting dressed. Mom opened her eyes and said:

Sleep, it's still night!

And what a night - bright as day!

I said:

- How not to be late!

But my mother whispered:

- Six o'clock. Don't wake your father, sleep, please!

I lay down again and lay for a long, long time, the birds were already singing, and the janitors began to sweep, and a car hummed outside the window. Now you should definitely get up. And I started getting dressed again. Mom stirred and raised her head.

“Well, what are you, restless soul?

I said:

- We'll be late! What time is it now?

“Five minutes past seven,” Mom said, “sleep, don’t worry, I’ll wake you up when you need to.”

And it's true, she then woke me up, and I got dressed, washed, ate and went to school. Misha and I became a couple, and soon everyone with Raisa Ivanovna in front and Elena Stepanovna behind went to the cinema.

There our class took best places in the first row, then it began to get dark in the hall and the picture began. And we saw how in the wide steppe, not far from the forest, the red soldiers were sitting, how they sang songs and danced to the accordion. One soldier was sleeping in the sun, and beautiful horses were grazing not far from him, they plucked grass, daisies and bluebells with their soft lips. And a light breeze blew, and a clear river ran, and a bearded soldier by a small fire told a fairy tale about the Firebird.

And at that time, out of nowhere, white officers appeared, there were a lot of them, and they began to shoot, and the red ones began to fall and defend themselves, but there were much more of them ...

And the red machine gunner began to shoot back, but he saw that he had very few cartridges, and he gritted his teeth and began to cry.

Here all our guys made a terrible noise, stomped and whistled, some in two fingers, and some just like that. And my heart just ached, I could not stand it, pulled out my pistol and shouted with all my might:

- First class "B"! Fire!!!

And we began to shoot from all pistols at once. We wanted to help the Reds by all means. All the time I fired at one fat fascist, he kept running ahead, all in black crosses and various epaulettes; I probably used a hundred bullets on him, but he didn't even look in my direction.

And the firing all around was unbearable. Valka hit from the elbow, Andryushka in short bursts, and Mishka was probably a sniper, because after each shot he shouted:

But the whites still did not pay attention to us, and everyone climbed forward. Then I looked back and shouted:

- For help! Save yours!

And all the guys from "A" and "B" got out their bangers with corks and let's bang so that the ceilings shook and smelled of smoke, gunpowder and sulfur.

And in the hall there was a terrible fuss. Raisa Ivanovna and Elena Stepanovna ran up and down the rows, shouting:

- Stop messing around! Stop it!

And gray-haired controllers ran after them and stumbled all the time ... And then Elena Stepanovna accidentally waved her hand and touched the elbow of a citizen who was sitting on a side chair. And the citizen had a popsicle in her hand. It took off like a propeller, and plopped down on the bald head of one uncle. He jumped up and shouted in a thin voice:

– Calm down your crazy house!!!

But we continued to fire with might and main, because the red machine gunner was almost silent, he was wounded, and red blood flowed down his pale face ... And we, too, almost ran out of caps, and it is not known what would have happened next, but at that time due to red cavalry jumped out of the forest, and their checkers sparkled in their hands, and they crashed into the very thick of the enemies!

And they ran wherever their eyes look, to distant lands, and the red ones shouted "Hurrah!" And we, too, all, as one, shouted "Hurrah!".

And when the whites were no longer visible, I shouted:

-Stop shooting!

And everyone stopped shooting, and music played on the screen, and one guy sat down at the table and began to eat buckwheat porridge.

And then I realized that I was very tired and I also wanted to eat.

Then the picture ended very well, and we went home.

And on Monday, when we came to school, we, all the boys who were in the cinema, were gathered in a large hall.

There was a table there. Fedor Nikolaevich, our director, was sitting at the table. He stood up and said:

- Hand over your weapons!

And we all took turns approaching the table and surrendering weapons. On the table, in addition to pistols, were two slingshots and a pea-shooting pipe.

Fedor Nikolaevich said:

“We discussed this morning what to do with you. There were various proposals ... But I announce you all a verbal reprimand for violating the rules of conduct in enclosed spaces spectacular businesses! In addition, you are likely to get lower marks for behavior. Now go - learn well!

And we went to study. But I sat and studied poorly. I kept thinking that a reprimand was very bad and that my mother would probably be angry ...

But at the break Mishka Elephants said:

“Still, it’s good that we helped the Reds hold out until the arrival of our own!”

And I said

- Certainly!!! Even though it's a movie, maybe they wouldn't have survived without us!

When somewhere in a rest home you slaughter a goat all day or when you go out of town with the guys on the weekend and also pick strawberries all day, then later, at night, when the strawberries have long been eaten or the bones have been removed, red berries still flash before your eyes for a long time or white glasses, and there is no way to get rid of them. So it was now. No matter what I did, shovels flew up in my head. Shovels. Shovels. Shovels. They sank into the soft clay soil, slurping lusciously under the cutting blade. They tore off the clods clinging to their native layer, they carried the earth on them, these constantly moving shovels, they shook the earth in their iron palms, cradled it or cut it into neat chunks. Shovels slapped the ground, beat on it, crushed it, stroked, chopped and torn, leveled and scraped its stony belly. Sometimes one shovel, which was wielded by a person standing deep below, flew up only to half the escarp, to a crack in the wall left for another person, he substituted his other shovel and waited for the lower one to give him his load, after which he took up his burden again higher, to the third, and only he threw this clay nugget, mined by the labor of three people, onto the crest of the structure. Shovels, only shovels, nothing but shovels.

And we held on to these shovels, it was our only tool and weapon, and yet, whatever you say, we dug ditches with these shovels so beautiful, even and impregnable for any tank, that our hearts were filled with pride. These spades, love for them and hatred firmly united us, spade heroes, into one family.

Gradually, day after day, I got to know new people on the track. Now I already knew that over there, behind the fishing line, the Kazakh Baiseits were showing unprecedented records - a batyr with a crafty face and a round one, like a frying pan. Scientists say that overhanging eyelids Asians appeared to protect the eyes from wind and sun. In this case, Baiseitov defended himself especially reliably. I have never seen his eyes. Two dashes and that's it. But they were proud of him, everyone knew him, and I was also proud that I knew him. I also knew that Gevorkyan, a cameraman from the cinema, a connoisseur of folklore and a philatelist, was working to my left, and next to him was Vanka Frolov, a shaggy baker, white, like an undeveloped negative. There is a chastushechnik, Sechkin, as fat as a sausage, he likes to show a photograph of his four guys, who look alike, like droplets. This is Kiselyov, the printer, he is ill, his chest hurts. Here is the restless sixty-year-old womanizer pharmacist Weisman. The hairy giant Bibrik, the thoughtful fireman Khomyakov. The mass of militias, so faceless at first, disintegrated for me into hundreds of particles - different, interesting in different ways, each built in its own way. The snow is falling, there's so much of it, snowdrifts, and each snowflake is forged in a special way - rub your eyes!

These days a glorious, almost summer weather has set in, there was no blackout, there were no raids and bombings, there were no patrols, no night shifts, and we all got a little healthier, tanned, filled with muscles. We worked ardently, conscientiously, because we desperately believed that we were doing the most important thing, helping with our own hands, with our personal labor, the close cause of victory. So the mood could be nothing, but it interfered with the fact that there was no radio and newspapers. It really bothered us and broke our spirits. People were all waiting for something, languishing, hurting their hearts for loved ones and for everything in common, and at meetings, when they went to work, or home, or on a smoke break, everyone asked each other if anyone had heard something? And, of course, we heard, often and more and more bad things ...

It was hard, people were worried and now they no longer silently threw themselves into the straw after eighteen hours of work, they didn’t fall asleep right away, no. Now they sat for a long time, smoked, peered into the darkness and talked quietly. In the evenings and at night, on the straw - I noticed - they speak quietly, wary, as if the enemy is close, somewhere nearby, and can hear our voices and open heavy deadly fire on them.

They gave away the eagle, - Stepan Mikhalych said on a cold windy morning.

Yes, - said Frolov, - rushing, infection, to Tula. There is information.

Will show up here soon, - Leshka said and smiled. He thought he was joking.

But Seryozhka Lyubomirov shouted so furiously that it became terrifying:

Fuck him in the throat! This is where it ends!!!

I suddenly felt sick at the mere thought that the Fritz could come so close to Moscow. I was immediately covered with perspiration, and, once again cursing my ugly leg that was preventing me from going to the front, I took a shovel and went. Everyone followed me, and we began to work again, and today we worked especially ardently, silently, without talking.

It was on a new site, I had already thrown out a cubic meter. Leshka was somewhere nearby. We have now become close friends, because he was a golden, golden man, you can’t say otherwise. We worked with him on the slope. There were a lot of stumps sticking around, it was clear that they used to cut wood here, and the front of our scarps stretched like a thread, and if we came across stumps along the way, we uprooted them.

Leshka and I just began to uproot a huge stump. Stump ran his Berendey fingers deep into the ground and didn't want to get out. We were going to cut off all his tentacles and throw him into the river. It was not an easy task, Lyoshka and I were sniffling and puffing, not knowing how to handle half the time. At that moment, a scream was heard not far from us. We jumped out of the trench. Behind the crest stood hard labor. Seeing the people, he waved his hands and yelled:

Cro-ot! Come here-ah-ah! Cro-from dug out!!!

We ran and huddled around hard labor. On his shovel lay a small, black, woolly pig. She had a pink movable piglet. The pig stubbornly moved its front strong and clawed paws. City dwellers, we stare at the mole like it's a miracle. Leshka smiled and wrinkled his forehead. The cart squatted down to see better, Baiseitov said:


And on his strange, khan's face lay a light, tender shadow.

Hard labor moved his shovel, slightly disturbing the mole, he wanted to distinguish himself, his insolent, crooked nose hung in thought. At last inspiration struck him, and he yelled:

And, swinging widely, he threw the mole up to the sky. The little pig flew up, turned into a dot and, describing a curve, gurgled into the river. All this happened very quickly, and it was possible to disperse.

But Gevorkyan quietly said:

It's a pity. Mole - he's our breed. Listen, he's a digger.

A chip floated on the river. The sliver suddenly pecked like a float, and a second later a small stigma was already sticking out next to it: it was our cheerful hard worker mole who thought that life was too beautiful a thing to part with it at the dawn of a foggy youth, surfaced and clung to the sliver. Lyoshka was the first to understand this and, slapping his sides, shouted, squealing with delight:

Hey, mole! Surfaced! Hey, damn bastard! Save!!! - And, in what was, our golden Lech splashed downstream, went into the water, waited and pulled out the mole.

He carried it ashore, knelt down and, blowing on the ground for some reason, laid down the mole. The mole was shaking, and we again stood over him in a tight circle. Leshka said sternly:

Give me the sun!

And we parted so that the mole could warm up.

The mole warmed up, came to life, and everything fell into place.

I had to go to work, and so much time lost. I passed and hit Katorga with my shoulder. I did it without intention. He looked at me and said with a grin:

Walk politely, scumbag. And then you will go sideways. I am accumulating material for you.

I didn't answer him. I went to my stump, began to fiddle with it and wait for Leshka.

And at night a chilling north wind suddenly blew, it shook our dilapidated barn, scattered straw on the roof, and dry white cereal flew through the open doors. We woke up half-frozen and huddled together. The wind was piercing to the bone, it was dreary, even hang yourself, but it could not be otherwise - it was October outside, accursed October of the forty-first year, so unhappy for our land.

The first grade students went to the cinema and an accident happened to them. A military battle was shown on the screen, and one boy decided to help defeat the enemy with a water pistol. A cheerful story about how a first-grader alarmed the entire cinema will appeal to everyone.

The story of the Battle of a clean river download:

The story of the Battle of the Clear River read

All the boys of the 1st class "B" had pistols.

We agreed to always walk around with weapons. And each of us always had a pretty little pistol in his pocket and a supply of piston bands to go with it. And we really liked it, but it didn't last long. And all because of the movie...

Once Raisa Ivanovna said:

- Tomorrow, guys, Sunday. And we will have a holiday. Tomorrow our class, both the first "A" and the first "B", all three classes together, will go to the "Artistic" cinema to watch the movie "Scarlet Stars". This is a very interesting picture about the struggle for our just cause... Bring ten kopecks with you tomorrow. Gathering near the school at ten o'clock!

I told my mother all this in the evening, and my mother put ten kopecks in my left pocket for a ticket and in my right pocket a few coins for water and syrup. And she ironed my clean collar. I went to bed early so that tomorrow would come sooner, and when I woke up, my mother was still asleep. Then I started getting dressed. Mom opened her eyes and said:

Sleep, it's still night!

And what a night - bright as day!

I said:

- How not to be late!

But my mother whispered:

- Six o'clock. Don't wake your father, sleep, please!

I lay down again and lay for a long, long time, the birds were already singing, and the janitors began to sweep, and a car hummed outside the window. Now you should definitely get up. And I started getting dressed again. Mom stirred and raised her head.

“Well, what are you, restless soul?

I said:

- We'll be late! What time is it now?

“Five minutes past seven,” Mom said, “sleep, don’t worry, I’ll wake you up when you need to.”

And it's true, she then woke me up, and I got dressed, washed, ate and went to school. Misha and I became a couple, and soon everyone with Raisa Ivanovna in front and Elena Stepanovna behind went to the cinema.

There, our class took the best seats in the front row, then it began to get dark in the hall and the picture began. And we saw how in the wide steppe, not far from the forest, the red soldiers were sitting, how they sang songs and danced to the accordion. One soldier was sleeping in the sun, and beautiful horses were grazing not far from him, they plucked grass, daisies and bluebells with their soft lips. And a light breeze blew, and a clear river ran, and a bearded soldier by a small fire told a fairy tale about the Firebird.

And at that time, out of nowhere, white officers appeared, there were a lot of them, and they began to shoot, and the red ones began to fall and defend themselves, but there were much more of them ...

And the red machine gunner began to shoot back, but he saw that he had very few cartridges, and he gritted his teeth and began to cry.

Here all our guys made a terrible noise, stomped and whistled, some in two fingers, and some just like that. And my heart just ached, I could not stand it, pulled out my pistol and shouted with all my might:

- First class "B"! Fire!!!

And we began to shoot from all pistols at once. We wanted to help the Reds by all means. All the time I fired at one fat fascist, he kept running ahead, all in black crosses and various epaulettes; I probably used a hundred bullets on him, but he didn't even look in my direction.

And the firing all around was unbearable. Valka hit from the elbow, Andryushka in short bursts, and Mishka was probably a sniper, because after each shot he shouted:

But the whites still did not pay attention to us, and everyone climbed forward. Then I looked back and shouted:

- For help! Save yours!

And all the guys from "A" and "B" got out their bangers with corks and let's bang so that the ceilings shook and smelled of smoke, gunpowder and sulfur.

And in the hall there was a terrible fuss. Raisa Ivanovna and Elena Stepanovna ran up and down the rows, shouting:

- Stop messing around! Stop it!

And gray-haired controllers ran after them and stumbled all the time ... And then Elena Stepanovna accidentally waved her hand and touched the elbow of a citizen who was sitting on a side chair. And the citizen had a popsicle in her hand. It took off like a propeller, and plopped down on the bald head of one uncle. He jumped up and shouted in a thin voice:

– Calm down your crazy house!!!

But we continued to fire with might and main, because the red machine gunner was almost silent, he was wounded, and red blood flowed down his pale face ... And we, too, almost ran out of caps, and it is not known what would have happened next, but at that time due to red cavalry jumped out of the forest, and their checkers sparkled in their hands, and they crashed into the very thick of the enemies!

And they ran wherever their eyes look, to distant lands, and the red ones shouted "Hurrah!" And we, too, all, as one, shouted "Hurrah!".

And when the whites were no longer visible, I shouted:

-Stop shooting!

And everyone stopped shooting, and music played on the screen, and one guy sat down at the table and began to eat buckwheat porridge.

And then I realized that I was very tired and I also wanted to eat.

Then the picture ended very well, and we went home.

And on Monday, when we came to school, we, all the boys who were in the cinema, were gathered in a large hall.

There was a table there. Fedor Nikolaevich, our director, was sitting at the table. He stood up and said:

- Hand over your weapons!

And we all took turns approaching the table and surrendering weapons. On the table, in addition to pistols, were two slingshots and a pea-shooting pipe.

Fedor Nikolaevich said:

“We discussed this morning what to do with you. There were different proposals… But I announce you all a verbal reprimand for violating the rules of conduct in the closed premises of entertainment enterprises! In addition, you are likely to get lower marks for behavior. Now go - learn well!

And we went to study. But I sat and studied poorly. I kept thinking that a reprimand was very bad and that my mother would probably be angry ...

But at the break Mishka Elephants said:

“Still, it’s good that we helped the Reds hold out until the arrival of our own!”

And I said

- Certainly!!! Even though it's a movie, maybe they wouldn't have survived without us!