Communion and types of participles. What is the passive participle in Russian? What participles do not have short forms?

A part of speech that combines the properties of an adjective and a verb is called a participle. This article describes the characteristic features of the participle, its morphological characteristics, types, main differences from the adjective. Examples are also given for better understanding of the material.

Participle– a special form of a verb that combines the grammatical properties of a verb and an adjective. Indicates the attribute of an object by action and answers questions - Which? Which? Which? Which? What do you do? What did he do? What did he do?

Examples of participles: lying, washed, paid off, collected, written, hugging, wishing.

The concept of participle as a grammatical unit

The grammatical description of a participle includes morphological features of verbs and adjectives.

Constant grammatical features of participles (verb features):

  • Type(active or passive);
  • View(perfect or imperfect);
  • Time(present or past).

Inconstant signs of participles (signs of adjectives):

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  • Form(full or short);
  • Number(singular or plural);
  • Genus(male, female, average);
  • Case.

The initial form of participles is the full form singular, nominative case, male (seeking, replaced, moved).

What kinds of participles are there?

There are active and passive participles. Each type has two subtypes - groups of words of the present and past tense.

Types Active participles (denote the attribute of an object by the action that the object itself performs) Passive participles (denote the attribute of an object by the action that is performed on the object)
Present tense -ush-/-yush-;


living, playing, trembling -om-/-eat-; discussed, directed, persecuted
Past tense -vsh-/-sh- knew, danced, froze -nn-/-enn-/-t- carried away, described, shot down

Participle as part of a sentence

Participle in full form is usually used as a modifier in sentences and agrees with nouns or pronouns. Participles in short form are the nominal part of a compound predicate.

Examples: Fields covered with snow were visible from the window (fields (what?) covered - definition). The fields were covered with snow (the fields (what were they doing?) were covered - part of a compound predicate).

Adjectives and participles

Adjectives are often confused with their corresponding participles. To determine which word is used in a sentence, it is enough to replace it with a synonymous word or phrase:

  • A participle can be replaced by a verb denoting the same action as the participle (seeds scattered by the wind - seeds scattered by the wind);
  • An adjective can be replaced by another adjective (absent-minded person – forgetful, inattentive person).

The differences between adjectives and participles are briefly taught in seventh grade.

In Russian lessons we all studied the participle. However, linguists still do not have a common opinion on what a participle is. Some consider it a special form of the verb, others define the participle as an independent part of speech. Let's try to figure out what a participle is: the Russian language and its answers.

Definition of participle

Conventionally, a participle is a special form of a verb that denotes the attribute of an object or object by action, and answers the questions: which?, which?, which?, which?. In addition, the participle combines the characteristics of both a verb and an adjective.

Participle and adjective

Participles have many similarities with adjectives. Participles are inflected - agree with the noun in gender, number, case. The initial form of the participle has the same characteristics - masculine, singular, nominative case. For example, reflective, coloring, flying. Participles, like adjectives, can have a short form.

Short Communion

What is a short participle is another question that linguists ask when arguing whether it is an adjective or special part speech. One way or another, the modern Russian language distinguishes two forms of participle - short and full. The short participle answers the questions: what has been done?, what has been done?, what has been done?, what have been done?.

For example, spilled - spilled, lost - lost. In a sentence, short participles are always a predicate: “the shop has been closed for several hours.”

Short participles are formed from the full form by adding a zero ending, as well as the endings “a”, “o” and “s”. For example, built – built; beveled - beveled.

Participle and verb

The participle has common morphological properties with verbs - reflexivity, transitivity, aspect and tense. Moreover, unlike the verb, the participle does not have future tense forms. But only participles that are formed from imperfective verbs have present tense forms. For example, sit – sitting.

The most difficult moments are associated with the question of what a past participle is, namely with their formation. The following rules must be remembered:

  • Active past participles are formed from the infinitive with the addition of the suffixes “vsh” or “sh”, as well as the endings of adjectives. For example, hide - hidden; endure - endured.
  • Passive past participles are formed from the infinitive with the addition of the suffixes “nn”, “enn” and “t”, as well as the endings of adjectives. For example, do – done; contribute – contributed; shoe - shod.

Participle in a sentence

In a sentence, participles are a definition, less often part of a compound nominal predicate. Participles with dependent words: nouns, adverbs or adjectives form a participial phrase. In a sentence, it is usually separated by commas: “a dog running along the road”

It is customary to distinguish two types of participles: active and passive.

What is a passive participle

Passive participles denote a feature that is present in an object after the influence of another object or object. For example, a problem solved by a student is a problem that the student solved; lost fight by a boxer - a fight that a boxer lost.

What is a real participle

Active participles denote a characteristic that is created by the actions of the object or object itself. For example, a suffering man is a man who suffers; a running horse is a horse that runs.

It is worth remembering that a participle can be translated into an adjective or verb with dependent words. For example, a lying boy is a boy who was lying; a proven friend is a true friend. Sometimes you can form a short adjective from participles: a charming smile - a smile is charming.

What is communion in church

The word “communion” can mean not only a part of speech, but also the church rite of communion or the Eucharist.

During this rite, the believer must taste wine and bread, which symbolizes the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ. Communion or communion is done to come into close contact with God, which brings blessing.

At different times they received communion different numbers of times. In the Middle Ages, Christians observed the Eucharist every day, and since the 19th century, this rite was performed twice in a lifetime - after birth and before death.

Participle- a special form of a verb that denotes an attribute of an object by action and answers the questions what? which? which? which?

Some scientists consider participles to be an independent part of speech, since they have a number of features that are not characteristic of the verb.

Like verb forms, participles have some of their grammatical features. They are perfect type and imperfect; present time and past; returnable And irrevocable.
The participle has no future tense form.
There are participles active and passive.

Denoting the attribute of an object, participles, like adjectives, grammatically depend on nouns that agree with them, i.e. become the same case, number and gender as the nouns they refer to.
Participles change by case, by number, by gender.
The case, number, and gender of participles are determined by the case, number, and gender of the noun to which the participle refers. Some participles, like adjectives, have a full and a short form.

Initial participle form- nominative singular masculine. All verbal features of the participle correspond to the initial form of the verb - indefinite form.
Like an adjective, a participle in its full form in a sentence is a modifier.
Participles in short form are used only as a nominal part of a compound predicate.

Active and passive participles.

Active participles denote a sign of the object that itself produces the action.
Passive participles denote a sign of an object that is experiencing action from another object.

Formation of participles.

When forming participles, the following verbal features are taken into account:

  1. Transitivity or intransitivity of a verb(both active and passive participles are formed from transitive verbs; only active participles are formed from intransitive verbs).
  2. Verb type(perfect verbs do not form present participles. Imperfect verbs do not form real present and past participles; most imperfective verbs do not form passive past participles, although these verbs have corresponding forms of present passive participles).
  3. Verb conjugations(both active and passive present participles have different suffixes depending on the conjugation of the verb).
  4. Reflexivity or non-reflexivity of the verb(passive participles are not formed from reflexive verbs). Active participles formed from reflexive verbs retain the suffix -sya at all times, regardless of what sound (vowel or consonant) is located before this suffix; The suffix -sya appears at the end of the participle.
When forming participles with present tense suffixes -ush- (-yush-), -ash- (-box-), -eat-, -im- and past tense -vsh-, -sh-, -nn-, -enn-, -t- masculine, feminine and neuter singular endings are added ( -y, -y, -aya, -ee) or plural endings ( -s, -s).
From a number of verbs are formed Not all types of participles.

Most transitive imperfective verbs do not have a passive past participle form.

Morphological analysis of the participle.

I. Part of speech (special form of a verb); from which verb is the general meaning derived?
II. Morphological characteristics:
1. The initial form is the masculine nominative singular.
2. Constant signs:
a) active or passive;
b) time;
c) view.
3. Variable signs:
a) full and short form (for passive participles);
b) case (for participles in full form);
c) number;
d) birth
III. Syntactic role.

Parts of speech

The participle is an independent part of speech, possessing both the characteristics of a verb: tense, reflexiveness and aspect, and the characteristics of an adjective: gender, number and case. We can say that it is a verbal adjective or a special form of a verb, as few linguists claim. Participles are also divided into active and passive.

Participles together with dependent words form participial phrases.

Participle conjugation

The participle changes according to the characteristics of both the verb and the noun. It changes by type, by tense, by number, by case, by gender in the singular.


  • verb "paint" - participle "painted"
  • verb "go" - participle "going"
  • verb “to exist” - participle “existing”
  • verb "to live" - ​​participle "living"

see also


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See what “Participation (part of speech)” is in other dictionaries:

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    Wiktionary has an entry for “participle.” Participle is a polysemantic term. Participle (calque from Latin participium) in grammar is a part of speech or a special form of the verb Communion (Holy Mysteries, Eucharist, holy ... Wikipedia

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  • Practical grammar in Russian language lessons: an educational and methodological manual for working with students in grades 4-7 of special (correctional) educational institutions. In 4 parts. Part. 2. Verb, A. G. Zikeev. The manual includes exercises aimed at developing the lexical, word-formation, morphological, syntactic, phraseological and stylistic aspects of students' speech. In the second…

During the lesson, you will become more familiar with the concept of “participle voice”, consider the differences between the active and passive voice (semantic and grammatical). During the lesson, pay special attention to the suffixes with which participles are formed.

Topic: Communion

Lesson: Active and Passive Participles

Rice. 2. Verb conjugation


Exercises No. 83 - 84. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.

Exercise: write down phrases with participles, indicate suffixes of participles, determine the voice of participles.

1. A wonderful monument. 2. Visible from afar 3. Towering structure 4. Protected cathedral 5. Protected by law 6. Memorable 7. Intimidating 8. Awe-inspiring 9. Respectful 10. Enthusiastic tourists 11. Architectural style 12. Frozen music

Russian language in diagrams and tables. Declension of participles.

Didactic materials. Section "Communion"

3. Online store of the publishing house "Lyceum" ().

Spelling participles.

4. Online store of the publishing house "Lyceum" ().


1. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. 13th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2009.

2. Baranov M.T., Ladyzhenskaya T.A. and others. Russian language. 7th grade. Textbook. 34th ed. - M.: Education, 2012.

3. Russian language. Practice. 7th grade. Ed. S.N. Pimenova. 19th ed. - M.: Bustard, 2012.

4. Lvova S.I., Lvov V.V. Russian language. 7th grade. In 3 parts, 8th ed. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2012.