The media reported the detention in Bryansk of a world champion in MMA, wanted in Chechnya due to blood feud

9 June 2017, 12:10

How it all started: fighter Murad Amriev was forced to flee Chechnya and left Russia after being tortured by Chechen police in 2013. His older brother was suspected (unofficially, no cases were opened) of an attempt on the life of Grozny police chief Magomed Dashaev. But Murad Amriev’s brother left the country and now lives in Germany. And Murad essentially became a hostage of the police: he was tortured with electric shocks, hung from the ceiling, and beaten. Amriev turned to the investigative authorities with allegations of torture, and after another refusal, he left the republic. A blood feud was declared against his family. Murad Amriev himself moved to Ukraine and within a few years became the world champion in MMA.

June 4 at night he was taken off the train in Bryansk (he was going to Moscow to reissue documents). The police said that Amriev was wanted at the request of Chechnya. Bryansk police officers informed their Chechen colleagues about the arrest. Human rights activists wrote an urgent request to the ECHR about the threat to Amriev’s life and health. And the very next day, Chechen special forces surrounded the building in Bryansk where Amriev was interrogated. Amriev's extradition to the Chechens could happen at any moment. To prevent this, local lawyer Tarasov, hired by the relatives, came up with an original plan: he persuaded Amriev to incriminate himself in any other crime that would have been committed on the territory of Bryansk in order to delay the time of extradition to Chechnya at least for the period of verification by Bryansk investigators of this very “confession.” Murad Amriev incriminated himself in insulting a border guard officer while crossing the Ukrainian-Russian border.

June 5, 2017. Nizhny Novgorod

The Committee for the Prevention of Torture (the head office is in Nizhny Novgorod) learned about the detention of Murad Amriev from Murad Amriev’s mother.

The Chairman of the Committee, Igor Kalyapin, immediately contacted the Chairman of the Human Rights Council under the President of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Fedotov. Mikhail Alexandrovich began the well-established procedure of “putting everyone on their ears.” The first appeal regarding Amriev was sent to the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Kolokoltsev.

The committee also turned to lawyer Pyotr Zaikin for help. The question of where to go was being decided: to Bryansk or straight to Grozny. The chances of Amriev being extradited to the Chechens were extremely high; upon arrival in Bryansk, the lawyer might no longer find his client.

(Petr Zaikin is one of the bravest lawyers)

The Committee's lawyers prepared and sent a complaint to the Strasbourg court asking for urgent protective measures for Amriev. The essence of this mechanism: the ECHR promptly asks the Russian government to provide protection to its citizen on the territory of its own country. It sounds absurd, but in fact it is an extremely effective measure.

June 5. Moscow

Federal media and Facebook are joining in to save Amriev. The first information about the detention appeared from Nizhny Novgorod journalist Konstantin Gusev. This was followed by a publication on the Novaya Gazeta website. The entire Facebook feed is filled with alarming reposts about champion Amriev, who is awaiting extradition Chechen security forces in the Bryansk temporary detention center.

The leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation is aware of the situation. There is hope that Amriev’s extradition to Chechnya will not take place. At least it won’t take place on June 5th. Lawyer Zaikin and employees of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture travel to Bryansk.

June 6. Bryansk

9.00. The head of the Bryansk temporary detention facility is having a meeting. Stormy. They are trying to explain to the Chechen detectives who came to pick up Amriev that their accompanying papers demanding the extradition of Amriev do not comply with the laws. Russian Federation. Therefore, there can be no extradition to the Chechen convoy. Amriev must be released.

9.30. Lawyer Zaikin enters the temporary detention center to meet with his client.

10.00. Amriev's 48-hour detention period is ending. Exactly at the appointed hour, the doors of the temporary detention center swing open, and Murad Amriev and Pyotr Zaikin are released. In an interview with Novaya Gazeta, Murad thanks everyone who helped in his rescue.

10.15. To resolve the situation with the statement in which Amriev incriminated himself in insulting the border guard, Murad and his lawyer (as well as the entire support group) move to the building of the Bryansk prosecutor's office and, concurrently, the investigative department. Amriev must write an explanation to investigator Yevgeny Zmozhny, under what circumstances and why he incriminated himself. However, investigator Zmozhny locked himself in his office. The reason for this behavior becomes clear very soon. Chechen opera houses appear in the prosecutor's office building, and a bus with masked Chechen special forces is parked next to the building. The Chechens take the building under siege. One of the officers (in a blue T-shirt and with a pistol on his belt) clearly tells the lawyer that he has an order to take Amriev to Chechnya, that he doesn’t care, that there are no legal grounds for this order, that “everyone is free except Amriev.” There is a real threat of Amriev being seized by force by the Chechens.

11.00. There are reports from lawyer Zaikin that the Bryansk police, in fact, are not preventing their Chechen colleagues from capturing Amriev.

11.30. Lawyer Zaikin records the testimony of Murad Amriev on video. Amriev says that he recognized in one of the Chechen operas the man who tortured him in 2013 in Grozny. He also reports that Chechen security forces are preventing him from freely leaving the building of the Bryansk prosecutor's office.

Based on reports from lawyers, Amriev’s relatives, and employees of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture, the media are conducting an almost live broadcast, recording an amazing fact: Chechen police, for unknown reasons, without hiding their faces, names, ranks, strictly referring to the order of the Chechen leadership, are completely openly trying to kidnap a person on the territory of another region of the Russian Federation. But Bryansk police, investigators and prosecutors cannot do anything about it.

It becomes obvious that only a miracle can save Amriev.

At 13.00 lawyer Zaikin gets in touch. A miracle happened. At some point, all the characters gather in the office of investigator Zmozhny - Chechen and Bryansk opera, prosecutors, Amriev's lawyers. Chechen operatives rudely insist that investigator Zmozhny hand over Amriev to them. The investigator almost gives in. He's clearly scared. Bryansk police also do not show an ounce of courage. Apparently, only lawyers are not afraid of Chechen operas. They enter into a furious verbal altercation with the Chechens.

On what basis do you want to take Amriev to Chechnya? - asks opera lawyer Zaikin.

He is on the federal wanted list.

Based on what article?

What's the difference! - the Chechen policeman answers irritably.

It is at this moment that Murad Amriev realizes that this is the ideal moment to escape. He leaves the building, goes to his friends’ car, gets in...

He writes to the lawyer: “I’ll get in touch when I’m in a safe place.”

The Chechen special forces, who were on duty on the bus near the prosecutor's office building, do not see Amriev. The special forces are waiting for commands from the Chechen operas. But they notice too late that the bird has flown away from the cage.

But the story doesn't end there. On the night of June 8, while crossing the Russian-Belarusian border by Belarusian border guards, Murad Amriev was detained and taken to the Dobrush police station. His lawyer Zaikin was immediately informed about this, who immediately flew to his client.

Amriev's lawyer Petr Zaikin said that he had not yet been allowed to see his client.

“We are standing at the police department building. He's still there. We watch the cars that leave. They shouted at him through the window, but he was taken to another office,” said Pyotr Zaikin. Earlier it became known that the Belarusian authorities decided to immediately expel Murad Amriev. All authorized ministries of Belarus have been instructed to urgently prepare and immediately carry out the expulsion of Murad Amriev. That is, document it and hand it over to representatives of Russia at the zero kilometer of the Russian-Belarusian border.

Murad Amriev, who had previously been detained in the Belarusian Dobrush, was taken out of the police department and taken to an unknown direction. Lawyers and journalists follow the motorcade, trying not to lose sight of it. But two columns of three cars each left the police department, one of which “was a decoy.” Pyotr Zaikin says: “One column is moving towards the border, we overtook it. We don’t see the second column, maybe it has gone far ahead,” he added. - “We lost him. That’s it.”

Yesterday, June 6, one of the top federal news was an incredible story that happened in Bryansk. The quiet town, somewhat similar to Smolensk, “became famous” for the fact that local police, on June 4, at the Suzemka station, removed and detained a Chechen world champion in mixed martial arts Murad Amriev, put on the wanted list by law enforcement agencies of Chechnya. So to speak, they helped colleagues who only dreamed of dealing with their compatriot. And on June 6, Amriev simply ran away from everyone.

Amriev is a Russian citizen, he was traveling to Moscow to apply for a new visa. But I was only able to get to the Bryansk region. He was placed in a temporary detention center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the city of Bryansk and was about to be handed over to representatives of the Chechen police, who were rushing after their “client”. We weren’t too lazy to drive a thousand kilometers. They had been hunting for Amriev for several years - blood feud for old “grievances.”

The champion called his mother from Suzemka for the first time, and the second time from the temporary detention facility. He reported that they took all his things and money, but gave him water and promised to bring him food. After this, contact with Murad was severed.

For reference: Amriev is a complainant to the Committee for the Prevention of Torture. In 2013, he appealed to human rights activists with a complaint about torture by Chechen police officers. For 2 days he was suspended from the ceiling, beaten, and electrocuted in the building of one of the internal affairs departments. According to Amriev, all this is the revenge of a high-ranking Chechen policeman, who suspected his older brother of an assassination attempt on himself, his beloved (according to Memorial, this Magomed Dashaev, Chief of Police of Grozny).

Dashaev allegedly had a grudge against Amriev Sr., but could not get either the enemy himself (he left for Germany) or evidence against him. Then they tried to “get” the second through one brother. As a result, the family lost both the eldest and the youngest: Murad also left Chechnya.

The return not only to Chechnya, but also to Russia in general, turned out to be fatal for him: he was put on the wanted list due to an incorrectly issued passport. The passport officers made a mistake. A small thing, but very useful.

Amriev's lawyer Petr Zaikin intends to appeal the actions of the Bryansk police, who already in the first hours of the arrest contacted the Chechen police with a view to extraditing Murad Amriev to Chechnya.

— 48 hours of detention is the only coercive measure that was officially permissible in this situation,- says the head of the Committee against Torture Igor Kalyapin. — This deadline expired on Tuesday, June 6th at 10am. After this, Murad was released from the Bryansk temporary detention center. But he was taken to the transport prosecutor's office... There Amriev, having heard the “bargaining” about himself, did not wait, he took it and left. Let's run. An athlete after all.

Kalyapin seems to be a little disingenuous - in fact, while Chechen special forces were blocking the exit from the building, Murad jumped out of the window while representatives of both sides gathered in the investigator’s office and argued heatedly. Amriev ran around the corner where his relatives’ car was waiting for him. Now, according to his family, he is safe. But how lawfully did law enforcement officers act?

— There were grounds for his detention: after all, he was on the wanted list,- comment in the Bryansk Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. — But all the questions are not for us. He was detained and transported by the transport police. We only provided temporary detention facilities.

According to Amriev’s defenders, representatives law enforcement Chechnya could not explain on what basis they put him on the federal wanted list.

Small dialogue:

Chechen opera: He<Амриев>is on the federal wanted list.

Lawyer Peter Zaikin: Based on what article?

Chechen opera: What's the difference!

Currently, Amriev is in the temporary detention center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Bryansk. The athlete was detained due to the fact that on February 1, 2017, at the initiative of the Grozny police, he was wanted on charges of committing a crime under Part 3 of Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Use of a knowingly forged document”). However, according to the media, this is just an excuse; in fact, the athlete is being persecuted because of blood feud.

The duty officer of the Bryansk linear department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for transport clarified to RBC that the decision to transfer the detainee to Chechnya has not yet been made. Lawyer Pyotr Zaikin confirmed that Amriev will be handed over to Chechen law enforcement agencies. Investigator of the Bryansk Line Department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for Transport Ivan Kurpatov also said that Murad is awaiting transfer to Grozny under the escort of Chechen police officers. The temporary detention center duty officer reported that the convoy should arrive soon.

Meanwhile, Novaya Gazeta, citing relatives of the detainee, reported that the Chechen police declared blood feud against Amriev. In 2013, Amriev turned to the checkpoint, accusing the Chechen police of illegal persecution. The athlete claimed that one of the high-ranking representatives of the Chechen Ministry of Internal Affairs accused his older brother, living in Germany, of attempting to kill himself. According to the human rights organization Memorial, we are talking about Grozny police chief Magomed Dashaev.

According to Memorial, on August 25, 2013, in the center of Grozny, Amriev’s car was blocked by a black Priora, from which three men ran out. They forced the athlete into their car, putting his own T-shirt over his head, and took him to the police station.

According to Amriev, Chechen police kept him in handcuffs for several days, beat him and tortured him with electric shocks. Then the law enforcement officers took him to his parents - the Amrievs were warned that if Murad’s older brother did not return to Chechnya, all responsibility for the assassination attempt would fall on him. The next day, the athlete was ordered to report to the police, but he left Chechnya and then went abroad, where he continued his sports career.

In February 2017, the police department in the city of Grozny put him on the wanted list on charges of using a deliberately forged document. Amriev's mother said that the reason was an error in the date of birth in the passport. As Roza Amrieva explained to Novaya Gazeta, in 2000, due to the bombing of their house in Chechnya, family documents were destroyed. In 2002, Murad's mother received a copy of her son's birth certificate from the registry office, which indicated that he was born a year later - in 1986. The registry office employees promised to correct the mistake later, after the war. Based on this copy, Murad received a passport. Subsequently, this mistake became the basis for accusations of using forged documents.

Murad Amriev is still a Russian citizen. For this reason, he again had to go to Moscow to apply for a new visa. But he was only able to get to the Bryansk region.

According to human rights activists, the persecution of Murad Amriev is connected with the personal revenge of a high-ranking Chechen policeman, who declared blood feud against Amriev - according to the principle, brother is responsible for brother.

According to members of the checkpoint, after being transferred to Chechnya, he may become a hostage in the hands of local police. Employees of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture are trying to prevent Amriev from being transferred to Chechnya; they are also going to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights with a request to take emergency measures on this issue.

Based on the report of Murad Amriev’s crime and illegal detention and torture by the police, investigators of the first department for the investigation of especially important cases of the Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Chechen Republic are conducting an investigation that has been going on for five years. During this audit, fifteen decisions to refuse to initiate a criminal case into the abduction and torture of Amriev were declared illegal and cancelled.

Murad Amriev did not break any laws, said the parents of the MMA world champion detained in Belarus, asking to prevent their son from being transferred to Russia. The European Court of Human Rights has given priority to the complaint of Murad Amriev, human rights activists reported. In declaring blood feud against the athlete, the residents of Chechnya saw a violation of traditions.

Murad Amriev's parents announced an attempt to settle scores with their son

Today, Murad Amriev’s parents recorded a video message in which they stated that their son did not violate any laws and asked to prevent their son from being transferred to Russia.

According to Amriev's parents, their son faces deadly danger. “Previously, our son was subjected to violence, was kidnapped, and we could not help him. Please help us prevent this transfer. He is not guilty of anything, did not break the law, they just want to settle personal scores with him,” the man says on video posted today on YouTube.

Murad Amriev in September 2013 reported to human rights activists in Chechnya about abduction and torture from law enforcement officers. According to Amriev, under torture they demanded that he slander his older brother, who is abroad, after which they took him home and put forward the condition that his brother must return to Chechnya. Murad, fearing for his life, left the republic, and then Russia, and the Chechen police declared blood feud on his family, Novaya Gazeta writes. In January 2016, human rights activists complained to the European Court about the kidnapping and torture of Amriev. The biography of Murad Amriev has been published in the “Personalities” section of the “Caucasian Knot”.

The European Court gave the case of Murad Amriev priority

Today, lawyers of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture received a response from the European Court of Human Rights, informing them that the case of Murad Amriev was given priority under Article 41 of the European Convention on Human Rights. This means that the court will pay special attention to the situation developing around Amriev, according to a message on the human rights organization’s website.

It notes that the European Court also asked additional questions regarding the applicant’s safety in order to decide on the application of interim measures against Amriev. “At the moment, our response to the request depends on whether Amriev will be extradited to Russia or not,” human rights activists note.

Amriev was detained in Bryansk, and then in Belarus, on suspicion that he used a passport in which the year of birth was 1986 instead of 1985. Amriev was given a passport in the early 2000s to replace the lost one, having mistakenly entered the wrong year of birth, the head of the public organization "Committee for the Prevention of Torture" Igor Kalyapin previously told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent. He called the error "technical."

Blood feud against Amriev does not correspond to adats, they believe in Chechnya

Representatives of the public and clergy of Chechnya believe that the declaration of blood feud against Murad Amriev does not correspond to the traditions of the Chechens and the norms of Islam.

“Amriev in no way can be the object of persecution based on blood feud. There is simply no reason for this. After all, neither his brother nor he himself killed anyone, which means that neither according to adat nor according to Sharia they are blood relatives of anyone.” , - said the head of one of the local NGOs, in particular, on condition of anonymity.

According to human rights activists, a high-ranking Chechen policeman declared a blood feud against Murad Amriev. The security forces are pursuing Murad Amriev with the aim of returning his older brother Zurab, who is considered the organizer of the assassination attempt on this security official, to Chechnya, Zurab Amriev himself said.

A representative of another public organization, Ruslan, called the situation with the persecution of Murad Amriev “absurd.” In his opinion, the initiator of the persecution of the athlete should be “dismissed from the authorities in disgrace” and prosecuted for abuse of official authority.

“I remember well the stories of our elders about how blood feud used to be committed. A blood feud was killed, having previously announced to him that this was being done out of revenge for such and such a person, and this was done openly, face to face, often in a fight with daggers or "To kill secretly, from around the corner, especially to use administrative resources for this, to involve law enforcement agencies to settle scores with your enemy has always been considered an action unworthy of a real man," says Ruslan.

The Amriev family was persecuted on the basis of suspicions that Murad’s elder brother took part in preparing an assassination attempt on a high-ranking Chechen policeman, but whether this crime took place is not known for certain, writes Novaya Gazeta, according to which, no criminal case was opened regarding the unsuccessful attempt.

A representative of the local clergy notes that in matters of blood feud, the customary law of the Chechens - adat - has some discrepancies with Islamic Sharia.

"In Islam, it is allowed to carry out blood feud, but only against the culprit and subject to a number of conditions. For example, to kill the person responsible for the death of your loved one should be with the same weapon and by inflicting on him the same wound that the killer inflicted, and so that he feels the same pain that he inflicted on his victim. What does this tell us? It is clear that it is almost impossible to comply with all these conditions, which means that we should refrain from killing according to the “eye for an eye” principle, and forgive the culprit, who will be rewarded for this by the Almighty. You can also take payment for blood, but forgiving the killer for the sake of Allah is still preferable,” said Muftiate representative Ahmad.

According to Chechen adats, he said, blood feud extends not only to the killer himself, but also to all his close male relatives on the paternal side. Moreover, in many cases, the most famous and respected member of the bloodline's family becomes the victim of blood feud.

“I know many cases where, as retribution, they killed not the culprit himself, but his brother or someone else whom the bloodline considered the most worthy and respected member of society. The point is to inflict as much suffering as possible on the killer himself, his family and clan, depriving them of the best member of the clan. But such things come primarily from ignorance of religion and our customs,” the theologian emphasized.

In the North Caucasus, the principle of blood feud has by no means become part of history, but still continues to operate as a relevant social mechanism, says the material “Blood feud - how they kill in the Caucasus now,” published in the “Directory” of the “Caucasian Knot”.

Murad Amriev did not break any laws, said the parents of the MMA world champion detained in Belarus, asking to prevent their son from being transferred to Russia. The European Court of Human Rights has given priority to the complaint of Murad Amriev, human rights activists reported. In declaring blood feud against the athlete, the residents of Chechnya saw a violation of traditions.

Human rights activists asked the Belarusian police to prevent Murad Amriev from being transferred to Russia. According to Novaya Gazeta, the security forces who blocked Amriev in Bryansk came from Chechnya. In one of them, the athlete identified the person who tortured him.

Murad Amriev's parents announced an attempt to settle scores with their son

Today, Murad Amriev’s parents recorded a video message in which they stated that their son did not violate any laws and asked to prevent their son from being transferred to Russia.

According to Amriev's parents, their son is in mortal danger in Chechnya. “Previously, our son was subjected to violence, was kidnapped, and we could not help him in any way. Please help us prevent this transfer. He is not guilty of anything, did not break the law, they just want to settle personal scores with him,” says the man on video posted today on YouTube.

Murad Amriev in September 2013 reported to human rights activists in Chechnya about abduction and torture from law enforcement officers. According to Amriev, under torture they demanded that he slander his older brother, who is abroad, after which they took him home and put forward the condition that his brother must return to Chechnya. Murad, fearing for his life, left the republic, and then Russia, and the Chechen police declared blood feud on his family, writes Novaya Gazeta. In January 2016, human rights activists complained to the European Court about the kidnapping and torture of Amriev. The biography of Murad Amriev has been published in the “Personalities” section of the “Caucasian Knot”.

The European Court gave the case of Murad Amriev priority

Today, lawyers of the Committee for the Prevention of Torture received a response from the European Court of Human Rights, informing them that the case of Murad Amriev was given priority under Article 41 of the European Convention on Human Rights. This means that the court will pay special attention to the situation developing around Amriev, according to a message on the human rights organization’s website.

It notes that the European Court also asked additional questions regarding the applicant’s safety in order to decide on the application of interim measures against Amriev. " At the moment, our response to the request depends on whether Amriev will be extradited to Russia or not", human rights activists note.

Amriev was detained in Bryansk, and then in Belarus, on suspicion that he used a passport in which the year of birth was 1986 instead of 1985. Amriev was given a passport in the early 2000s to replace the lost one, having mistakenly entered the wrong year of birth, the head of the public organization "Committee for the Prevention of Torture" Igor Kalyapin previously told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent. He called the error "technical."

Blood feud against Amriev does not correspond to adats, they believe in Chechnya

Representatives of the public and clergy of Chechnya believe that the declaration of blood feud against Murad Amriev does not correspond to the traditions of the Chechens and the norms of Islam.

“Amriev in no way can be the object of persecution based on blood feud. There is simply no reason for this. After all, neither his brother nor he himself killed anyone, which means that neither according to adat nor according to Sharia they are blood relatives of anyone.” , - said the head of one of the local NGOs, in particular, on condition of anonymity.

According to human rights activists, a high-ranking Chechen policeman declared a blood feud against Murad Amriev. The security forces are pursuing Murad Amriev with the aim of returning his older brother Zurab, who is considered the organizer of the assassination attempt on this security official, to Chechnya, Zurab Amriev himself said.

A representative of another public organization, Ruslan, called the situation with the persecution of Murad Amriev “absurd.” In his opinion, the initiator of the persecution of the athlete should be “dismissed from the authorities in disgrace” and prosecuted for abuse of official authority.

“I remember well the stories of our elders about how blood feud used to be committed. A blood feud was killed, having previously announced to him that this was being done out of revenge for such and such a person, and this was done openly, face to face, often in a fight with daggers or "To kill secretly, from around the corner, especially to use administrative resources for this, to involve law enforcement agencies to settle scores with your enemy has always been considered an action unworthy of a real man," says Ruslan.

The Amriev family was persecuted on the basis of suspicions that Murad’s elder brother took part in preparing an assassination attempt on a high-ranking Chechen policeman, but whether this crime took place is not known for certain, writes Novaya Gazeta, according to which, no criminal case was opened regarding the unsuccessful attempt.

A representative of the local clergy notes that in matters of blood feud, the customary law of the Chechens - adat - has some discrepancies with Islamic Sharia.

"In Islam, it is allowed to carry out blood feud, but only against the culprit and subject to a number of conditions. For example, to kill the person responsible for the death of your loved one should be with the same weapon and by inflicting on him the same wound that the killer inflicted, and so that he feels the same pain that he inflicted on his victim. What does this tell us? It is clear that it is almost impossible to comply with all these conditions, which means that we should refrain from killing according to the “eye for an eye” principle, and forgive the culprit, who will be rewarded for this by the Almighty. You can also take payment for blood, but forgiving the killer for the sake of Allah is still preferable,” said Muftiate representative Ahmad.

According to Chechen adats, he said, blood feud extends not only to the killer himself, but also to all his close male relatives on the paternal side. Moreover, in many cases, the most famous and respected member of the bloodline's family becomes the victim of blood feud.

“I know many cases where, as retribution, they killed not the culprit himself, but his brother or someone else whom the bloodline considered the most worthy and respected member of society. The point is to inflict as much suffering as possible on the killer himself, his family and clan, depriving them of the best member of the clan. But such things come primarily from ignorance of religion and our customs,” the theologian emphasized.

In the North Caucasus, the principle of blood feud has by no means become part of history, but still continues to operate as an actual social mechanism, says the material “Blood feud - how they kill in the Caucasus now,” published in the “Directory” of the “Caucasian Knot”.

The "Caucasian Knot" does not have any comments from representatives of law enforcement agencies regarding the situation with Amriev.

Latest news from Dagestan on the topic:
The parents of MMA fighter Amriev announced a threat to his life in Chechnya

The parents of MMA fighter Amriev announced a threat to his life in Chechnya- Makhachkala

Murad Amriev did not break any laws, said the parents of the MMA world champion detained in Belarus, asking to prevent their son from being transferred to Russia.
16:53 08.06.2017 Caucasian Knot


Security forces are pursuing Murad Amriev with the aim of returning his older brother Zurab, who is considered the organizer of the assassination attempt on a high-ranking police officer, to Chechnya, Zurab Amriev himself told Dozhd.
13:23 08.06.2017 Caucasian Knot

The criminal prosecution of athlete Murad Amriev, who was suspected of using a forged document, was terminated due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, the Chechen Ministry of Internal Affairs announced today.
Murad Amriev, suspected of using a forged document, refused the demands of the security forces to admit guilt and filed a petition to terminate the criminal case, Novaya Gazeta reported.
06/15/2017 Caucasian Knot Detention near Bryansk, and then in Belarus, of the MMA world champion Murad Amriev, who stated about torture in Chechnya and fled the republic because of this, and his transfer to the Chechen security forces;
06/12/2017 Caucasian Knot