Dual wielder dragon age origins. Dragon Age Tips for leveling, skills, classes, party gathering. Hit below the belt

Role - make the battle massacre enemies in a first come first serve basis

Candidates - Morrigan.

And again, why not main character? The answer is the same as with the support - it is illogical to make Gg what the Morrigan already is. Yes, and her spells are scattered more successfully. Only if you are tired of this cynical bitch - similarly with Winn - make a Controller out of Gg, but do not take Morrigan to the party.

What is control in general - this is putting enemies out of action. Usually this means a complete inability to move, attack and cast spells. Control can also be called a disable. The duties of the controller also include the imposition of debuffs - damage that reduces attack, defense, movement speed, and so on.

Characteristics - because the most disgusting thing for a magician is in the game - "Resilience" is invested only in the Power of magic. Can occasionally in Willpower. By the way, you will be surprised how much less often the controller (which does not combine the functions of damage) has to drink mana than the healer.

crafts - again, we don't need anything at all. But if the controller is Morrigan and not gg, then her herbs will be highly developed already at the beginning, it is logical from the whole party that it is for her to pump Herbalist to the end. By the way, Morrigan has already taken combat training for 2 points, which gives additional mana regeneration in battle.

Cloth - any for the power of magic and damage from the elements (best of all from fire, fireball is our everything). You can also occasionally have willpower - this is a supply of mana and its regeneration in battle.

spells - Firstly, we immediately dismiss everything that the support takes, and even more so that the support considered useless even for himself.

So what do we have?

Element branch

Basically, this is the dd branch, but we need a couple of spells here.

String of Fire

Party leveling

Party leveling

B) Fireball! Why with an exclamation point? Because this is your main spell. Moreover, it combines both control and non-childish damage. This is one of those cases where harmful Resilience only works on holidays - the fireball knocks even Orange Bosses off their feet. The exception is Indomitable, but everything is clear here. Add a small mana cost and CD - you get just a wonderful spell.

Do not believe me - you will be able to see for yourself when you get the Fiery form in the realm of dreams, and after that you will want to pump the fireball immediately to all non-supports.

The spells preceding the fireball in the line of fire are of almost no interest to us - the cone of fire is weak, the fire weapon is standard, and is replaced by a telekinetic one.

Earth line

Party leveling

Party leveling

Strange line. The first spell is specific and not needed by the controller, about it not now. It's time to talk in detail about the damage on a single target of the magician.

The tale of how magicians killed a single target:


And the thing is that only 4 spells cause direct damage to a single target - Magic Arrow, Ice Grasp, Lightning and Stone Fist. All of them can be taken already at the beginning and generally seem "cheap". Only besides them in the game, nothing can do direct damage to one target. So the magician must first inflict Corruption of Vulnerability on the target, which greatly increases all magical damage, and alternately casts the above spells. If you take any 3 of them and do them one by one, you will have a couple of seconds between casting the 3rd and completing the cd of the 1st. And if you take all 4, then you can click them in a row without stopping. Oddly enough, despite the fact that these are the first and seemingly "cheap" spells, and even despite the lousy "stability", the mage is the most reliable single-target damage dealer. The most reliable and strong. The only negative is that mana will have to be whipped with a ladle. All AoEs deal the same damage to one target as these first spells, it's just that the advantage of AoE is that there are a lot of targets at once. The downside of the 4-spell approach is that due to the huge damage, you will constantly rip the aggro boss off the tank, and it is not easy to restore it. So your choice is to take all 4 spells or not. Practice shows that 3 aggro spells rarely break.

And a little more about single targets and specifically the controller - when only the Boss remains, there is no one to control. Those. the controller becomes a regular single-target DD. Morrigan already has Frost Grasp and Lightning for this. If the controller is Gg, there is also a Magic Arrow. You need to take the Morrigan 3rd sang almost in any case, otherwise you will stand idle for a long time. 4th - at your discretion.

Earthquake - refers to the Big AoE. About them later, for now I will say that it is not worth taking.

But I can't get away from the next retreat.

A story about strong disables:

Therefore, in general, take the Fist in this line and calm down on this.

Line of Ice

Party leveling

Party leveling

A) Frost Grasp, which is the only one of the 4 nukes-on-one-target is also a full-fledged disable, is very useful and has already been pumped.

B) Ice weapon - again, telekinetic is better - but it opens access to the Cone of Ice.

Well, since the controller had more than one retreat, then let there be one more

Guide to drawing cones on the floor with crayons or paints:


There are three cones in the game - fire, ice and lightning. The first is generally not needed except at the beginning of the game, but they all have features. Namely: any spell has a casting time, like warriors - attacks. If you give a new order before the expiration of this time, the spell will be canceled. For some, this triggers a cd (fact - chain lightning), some do not (fact - fireball). So. If single-target nukes are homing, then the delay in casting the cone can be fatal. By pressing pause and highlighting the enemies running at you in the center of the cone, after releasing the pause, you may find that they were running at another party member, and eventually ran past while the mage was waving his staff. Therefore, those running past need to be caught “ahead of the curve”, as in shooters. The exception is the Ice Cone. It takes even longer to cast than lightning or fire, but in return it freezes the targets that were in the marker at the time of the mouse click, rather than those that ran past when the cast went out of hand. Absurd situations result - the ally was ordered to run out, but he did not have time, and froze along with the enemies ... behind the caster's back. Be careful.

But let's get back to Cone of Ice - along with Fireball, this is one of the main spells of any non-support mage. It also rarely gains stability, works quite consistently on Bosses, even dragons, although bosses have a shorter freeze time. But ordinary targets usually stay in the ice for as long as the cd goes! That is, having caught a lot of enemies, which are not important now, you can keep them in place for as long as there is mana.

The only negative is the cone. Compared, for example, with the firing range of archers - consider a melee spell. Basically, by the way, it freezes those who crept into close combat with you or a tank or other party members. Do not even think about running to the archers for two screens to freeze them - do not run.

D) Buran - Big AoE, about him later, do not take.

Spirit Branch

Mana Drain Line

Party leveling

Party leveling

Logically, the whole line is aimed at fighting magicians. In order:

A). The spell extends our mana at the expense of other people's magicians, cd is small, there is no mana cost, everything would be fine, but magicians are rare, and this is the main problem of the line.

B) Mana burning - according to the idea, it burns out all mana, but in practice, after that, emissaries manage to heal. Complex complexity. Unclear. Fact.

Q) Magic power is a really useful thing, but is it worth it to climb to it in two points?

D) Mana Collision - deals great damage to magicians, because. damage is equal to all mana burned. Some bosses will point to this fig=resilience. But even if it is so useful - due to the small number of really dangerous magicians, you can not spend 4 points on this business.

Line of Necromancy

Party leveling

Party leveling

A) A walking bomb, this is something divine. Requires filigree application, but when all spells hit 40-50 damage, the bomb bangs for all 130. This makes it much easier to clear groups of enemies. How to use:

When the enemy has health left for any one nuke, pause the game. If the spell with which you are going to finish off the enemy is an ice grip, then the scheme is as follows - press the magician to throw a bomb, and at the moment when it hits the enemy, press pause and press Grip. If there is no stability, the target will immediately explode. If the spell is Cone or any other single-target nuke, then pause, choose a target for the bomb, and at the moment when the bomb (small white oval) flew out of the caster's hands, pause the game and send any other spell . It will look spectacular - as soon as the bomb hit, another spell immediately caught up with it and the bomb bang. Nuances - the bomb "lies" in the target for a short time, you need to blow it up quickly. Therefore, it is advisable not to neglect the dances described above. The bomb has a decent recharge, use it carefully.

B) Funnel of death - after switching on, a funnel appears around the character (barely noticeable, blue). Decomposes one corpse every second or two, granting you mana within the vortex radius. Useful spell, download or not - at will. Gives access to:

C) An infectious walking bomb - the same bomb, only it does not require dances with activation. She achieves it herself. It is better to throw it at the target, which is near death.

D) Calling a skeleton - extra hands (even dead ones) capable of holding a sword are always useful. Download or not - at your discretion.

Line of Reason

Party leveling

Party leveling

A) Mind Blast - Morrigan has already been taken. A useful spell, if they ran to the magician. Use as "ran - stunned - ran away" is not advised, only in extreme cases - you break the aggro.

B) Force Field - Miraculous spell, take necessarily has a bunch of uses, but it's wonderful because it works on Orange (albeit less in time). You rarely see stability with it. Fully turns on the target from the battle for a long time, but makes it completely invulnerable. There are more applications than you think. More details below.

C) Telekinetic weapons - the best "enchantment" weapon of the three options. There must be one in the party. Preferably not at the support.

D) Crushing Dungeon - a strong disable, which has already been written about above. I do not recommend, but optional.

Entropy Branch

Line of Paralysis

Party leveling

Party leveling

Very useful line for the controller.

A) Weakness is a standard debuff, as is Disorientation in the Sleep line.

B) Paralysis - akin to Nightmare, only there is no such fashionable bundle. Still take it.

C) Toxic fumes - it is doubtful that you want to run up close to other people's melee units and thereby impose penalties on them, but if you are confident in the aggro of your tank, it is quite likely. Yes, and it is useful to turn it on when you are being chased.

D) Mass paralysis - mass control that allows you to kick targets. What else is needed for happiness?

Line of Curses

Party leveling

Party leveling

The first two curses must be taken.

A) Throwing Vulnerability Corruption on a strong target in combination with Siphon Life is a very good thing, as well as with single-target nukes.

B) Infectious damage must be thrown in each battle, preferably on a white target (so that it does not resist) and one that you will not touch for a long time. After all, the curse spreads from the target, and when the target dies, there will be no effect.

C) Distracting damage - in fact a debuff, only well, VERY strong. When successfully cast on a target, its critical hits become normal hits, and normal hits become misses. If he passed on the boss, then the boss (only applies to melee) remains helpless.

D) Deadly damage makes all hits on the target critical, which is very good on bosses - all damage dealers need it, except for Rogue-melee, for some reason - lower.

Sleep Stitch

Character development theme in dragon age: Origins, like any other game, is deeply individual. Of course, there are general rules, relying on which you can save time and get a decent result. At one time, he dwelled in some detail on the issue of character development. Richard Psmith, now untimely gone, in an article on Dragon Age: Origins in the magazine "Best computer games"(№11, 2009). After reading the article, the questions will disappear by themselves. I would like to briefly list those characteristics, skills, abilities and spells that need to be developed in a character depending on the chosen class.

For the main character, it is imperative to study skill "Influence"(you need cunning), it will be useful in many cases: the character will be able to easily use authority, convince and extract information from the characters. It is advisable to start developing it from the very beginning, and pump it over as quickly as possible, while trying not to forget about other skills. The third level of influence can be obtained already in Lothering. For warriors priority skills will be "Combat Training" and "Combat Tactics", for robbers- Combat Training, Poison Making, Trap Making and Thief, for magicians- "Herbalist" and "Survival". Developed combat training among magicians reduces the likelihood of a spell breaking when attacking an enemy.

Stat points distribution in Dragon Age: Origins:

  • Warriors must emphasize strength and constitution (approximately 2:1), agility develops only to the minimum values ​​​​of opening skills. For " tank warrior»Maximum development of the skills associated with the shield: the line "Shield Strike", "Shield Defense", "Shield Block". As a specialization, we take a berserker or a ripper. For " warrior-hitoboy"- skills with a two-handed sword: the lines "Strike with a hilt", "Mighty blow", from specializations - a knight or a berserker. Among the useful skills, it is worth noting "Provocation" (switching the attention of opponents to a provocateur), and "Exit the battle" (reducing the hostility of opponents). With their help, you can fight for a long time, passing the baton between the warriors.
  • Rogues should focus on dexterity and cunning, depending on the style, strength is also added. A rogue's main weapon can be a dual weapon or a bow. Bows are easier to develop and work better with traps than poisons. For " robber-hit-boy"We develop skills related to dual weapons, here you can also add skills from the Dirty Fight and Low Blow line, the killer and the duelist are suitable from the specializations. " Rogue Overlord» should focus on the bow, but most of the battles he will be busy singing. Of the skills, we develop the “Melee Shooting” or “Rapid Shooting” lines. As specializations, we choose a bard and a ranger. Rogues must be able to pick locks and be invisible by learning the relevant skills. In addition, after leveling the “Combat Training” skill, you can completely switch to the development of cunning by purchasing the “Lethality” skill from the “Low Blow” line. In this case, cunning will be used to calculate attack damage instead of strength.
  • Magi must actively develop magic and willpower (2:1 or 3:1). There are many spells to choose from that make the character unique and inimitable. You can make a healer out of a magician, or you can focus on combat development. In any case, it is advisable to develop a magician under, which do not require special costs, but multiply the damage done or have special effects. mage healer is a lifesaver, helps save a lot of first-aid kits, poultices and constantly saves in difficult situations, healing and resurrecting the fallen on the battlefield, without it - like without hands. Also worth noting are the useful spells Rune of Paralysis, Rune of Neutralization from the School of Creation, Mass Paralysis from the School of Entropy, Crushing Dungeon from the School of Spirit, and the entire Elemental School.

Specializations expand the possibilities of character customization. They are directly related to the class (warrior, mage or rogue) and you can only take two specializations for a hero. Most companions join a party already having one specialization and can learn a second one as the game progresses. Some of them refuse to accept at all.

There are two stages in obtaining a specialization. First, it must be opened with a teacher or through a guide (book or manuscript). You can open a specialization at any level.

Secondly, at levels 7 and 14, the hero receives points that can be spent on learning specializations. The character also receives a one-time bonus to attributes and the ability to allocate talent points to skills that are tied to a specialization. Very few points are given and they are spent independently of others.

All specializations that you unlock in Dragon Age: Origins remain available on replay and can be learned immediately after earning the appropriate points.

Warrior Specializations 1/2

This is an experienced warrior who, fighting, confidently leads others. The Knight has skills that raise the spirit of allies, as well as intimidate and demoralize enemies. These heroes often command entire armies or headlong into combat, making it seem less dangerous.

Strengthening your own, penalties to enemies. With terrible cries, the knights weaken the opponents (or even throw them to the ground), with a cheerful voice they increase the attack and defense of the squad.

Specialization Bonuses:
+2 willpower
+1 trick

Capabilities: Battle cry(Required level 7) - The Knight lets out an intimidating scream, and nearby enemies take an attack penalty. If the "Dominance" skill is taken, then enemies that do not pass the physical resistance check fall to the ground. Encouragement(Required level 12) - The presence of the knight inspires nearby allies, and they receive a bonus to defense. If the skill "Motivation" is taken, "encouragement" also gives a bonus to attack. Motivation(Required level 14) - The Knight inspires allies to continue the fight with a new force. The Rally skill now increases both defense and attack. Superiority(Required level 16) - The knight looks so formidable that his "Warcry" ability knocks enemies down if they fail a physical resistance check.

How to study:
Heal Earl Radcliff Eamon.
Loghain mac Tir can teach, provided that we pardoned him at the meeting of the lands.


Mages who reject the Circle's authority become renegades and live in fear of templars who can dispel and counter magic. Templars faithfully serve the Church and for many centuries remain for her the most effective tool control over the spread and use of magical powers.

Antimage: He has the ability to expel mana from the enemy, increase his mental stability and neutralize spells.

Specialization Bonuses:
+2 magic
+3 mental stability.

Capabilities: righteous strike(Required level 7) - Templars are harsh punishers, designed to watch the magicians and kill the possessed. Each melee hit by a templar against a mage drains mana from the opponent. Cleansing the area(Required level 9) - Templar dispels magic in an area, removing all dispelling magical effects from nearby targets. Beware of friendly fire. Spirit Fortress(Required level 12) - The Templar has learned to focus on his duty, gaining a large bonus to mental stability. holy punishment(Required level 15) - The Templar strikes with righteous fire, dealing spiritual damage to the target and nearby enemies. If the target is a caster, it must pass a psychic resistance check, otherwise it loses mana and takes additional spiritual damage in proportion to the mana lost. If enemies hit fail a physical resistance check, they are stunned or knocked down.

How to study:
Alistair can teach if his attitude towards you is high enough.
You can buy a textbook from Bodan the merchant in the Hero's camp.

Warrior Specializations 2/2

The first berserkers were dwarves. They put themselves into a state of dark rage, which increased their strength and resilience. Over time, the dwarves taught these skills to others, and now berserkers are found in almost all races. Berserkers are known for their ability to instill fear in opponents.

Attacking fighter: battle rage increases damage (for slowed down recovery of health), there is a technique that burns all energy in one blow and deals damage proportionally.

Specialization Bonuses:
+2 strength
+10 health

Capabilities: Rage of the Berserker(Required level 7) - The smell of blood and death awakens a berserk into a frenzy and grants a bonus to damage. While raging, the berserker takes a penalty to stamina regeneration. The Restraint skill reduces this penalty, while the Fortitude skill adds a bonus to health regeneration. Fortitude(Required level 8) - The berserker can now focus his battle rage more effectively, gaining a bonus to health regeneration for the duration of Berserker's Rage, as well as a permanent bonus to Nature Resistance. Restraint(Required level 10) - Berserker has learned to maintain control over himself, falling into a rage. Stamina recovery penalty is reduced. final blow(Required level 12) - All of the berserker's stamina is spent on one hit, which, if hit, deals additional damage in proportion to the stamina expended.

How to study:
Oghren, your fellow party member, will agree to train you if his attitude towards you is high enough.
Buy a textbook from the gnome merchant Gorim, who is located in shopping district Denerim.


Demonic spirits teach more than just blood magic. Rippers are able to use the souls of fallen foes to heal their flesh and go on a bloody rampage, becoming stronger the closer they are to their own death.
Specialization Bonuses:
+1 physique
+5 Physical Resilience

Capabilities: devouring(Required level 7) - The Ripper revels in death, absorbing the fading energy from all nearby corpses. Each of the corpses restores a portion of the Ripper's health. intimidating look(Required level 12) - This skill turns the ripper's menacing demeanor into a weapon. A target that fails a mental stability check cowers in fear. In addition, Intimidating Appearance increases the effectiveness of Taunt and Intimidate. Aura of Pain(Required level 14) - An aura of mental anguish enveloping the Ripper deals permanent Spirit damage to him and surrounding enemies while this ability is active. blood rage(Required level 16) - Ripper, enraged with pain, gains increased damage bonuses when his health is reduced. While this ability is active, health regeneration is reduced, and if the frenzy drags on, the ripper flirts with death.

How to study:
During the quest "Urn of Sacred Ashes" in the ice caves you will meet the leader of the Rippers Kolgrim. When talking to him, try not to be rude to him. Then he will offer you a deal. You will need to desecrate Andraste's ashes. In such cases, when you exit the temple of Andraste, Kolgrim will give you a drink of dragon's blood, thereby gaining the opportunity to learn the Ripper specialization.

Mage Specializations 1/2


Rumor has it that the barbarians have the secrets of turning into various animals. The circle of mages denies such rumors, but in the remote corners of Thedas this rare art is still alive. Body control gives werewolves some protection even in human form, making them hardy adversaries and staunch allies.

The first ability from the line turns the magician into a giant spider that spits poison and cobwebs, the second into a huge bear, the third into a stinging swarm of insects, which, when attacked by an enemy, loses mana instead of health. The fourth strengthens all these forms - for example, the swarm begins to drink the health of the enemy. In the transformed form, the werewolf does not cast spells.

Specialization Bonuses:
+2 physique
+1 armor

Capabilities: Spider Form(Required level 7) - The werewolf transforms into a giant spider, gaining a large bonus to nature resistance and the spider abilities "Web" and "Poison Spit". The effectiveness of this form is determined by the magic power of the caster. The werewolf master transforms into a corrupted spider that is stronger and has the Throw ability. Bear Form(Required level 8) - The werewolf transforms into a bear, gaining bonuses to nature resistance and armor, as well as the bear abilities Mighty Strike and Fury. The effectiveness of this form is determined by the magic power of the caster. The Master Werewolf transforms into a Bereskarn, stronger and with the Throw ability. hovering swarm(Required level 10) - The werewolf's body explodes and transforms into a swarm of insects that sting enemies, dealing Nature damage. The amount of damage depends on the magic power of the caster and proximity to enemies. In this form, the caster gains Stormbreak, and all damage dealt to the werewolf is mana, not health. Mana is not restored. Insects are immune to normal ranged attacks, dodge physical ones well, but are extremely vulnerable to fire. Master Werewolf has learned to drain life instead of mana when attacking an enemy. Master Werewolf(Required level 12) - Proficiency in the art of shapeshifting alters the forms of the bear and spider, allowing the caster to transform into a birchbark and a foulspider far more powerful than their normal cousins. While in these forms, the werewolf also gains the Throw ability. In addition to this, the form of the Flying Swarm allows you to drain health from enemies when you deal damage to them.

How to study:
Morrigan, your companion can teach you this specialization.
You can buy a textbook from the elf merchant Varthorn in the Dalish elf camp.

spiritual healer

Not all Shadow dwellers are demonic in nature. Many are Good beings of life energy and can be called upon to heal flesh or heal disease. The spiritual healer is able to redirect the energy emanating from such spirits, which makes him an indispensable specialist in the squad.

The obvious specialization of the healer: here, and only here, there is a group healing, resurrection, a talisman (a “delayed” heal that works when the target becomes low on health), and even an aura of permanent healing of all friends around him.

Specialization Bonuses:
+2 magic
Increased health regeneration in combat

Capabilities: Group treatment(Required level 7) - The caster showers allies with beneficial energy, instantly healing a noticeable amount of health. rebirth(Required level 8) - The caster revives fallen party members in the area of ​​effect, returning them to consciousness and restoring some of their health. life keeper(Required level 12) - The caster creates a ward for an ally that automatically restores the ally's health when he is on the verge of death. Aura of Purification(Required level 14) - While this ability is active, the caster emits waves of healing and cleansing that restore health to all nearby allies every few seconds and heal the wounds of allies in the immediate vicinity of the caster.

How to study:
Wynn, one of your companions, can teach you, but only if you have completed her personal quest Wynn's Regrets.
Buy a textbook in the magic shop "Miracles of Tedes", located in the Denerim Trade District.

Mage Specializations 2/2

Battle Mage

Among the ancient elves were magicians who developed magical abilities in addition to their martial arts, they missed magical power through his weapons and body, spreading terror on the battlefield. It is believed that these skills are forever lost, but it is possible that they are still preserved in the forgotten corners of the world. Battle mages can use their magic score to meet the strength requirements for higher level weapons and armor.

Wizards who directed the flow of magic into their bodies, thus ceasing into effective fighters.

Specialization Bonuses:
+1 trick
+5 Attack

Capabilities: combat magic(Required level 7) - While this ability is active, the battle mage turns magic inward, trading increased fatigue for an attack bonus and the ability to use magic power to determine damage in combat. Efficiency is improved by the skills "Aura of Strength" and "Shadow Shroud". Aura of Strength(Required level 12) - The battle mage has mastered the secrets of mastery and receives additional bonuses to attack, defense and damage during the "Battle Magic" ability. Shimmer Shield(Required level 14) - The battle mage is surrounded by a shimmering shield that blocks most damage and gives a significant bonus to armor and all types of resistance. While the shield is active, mana is quickly consumed. Shroud of shadow(Required level 16) - When the "Battle Magic" ability is active, the battle mage partially disappears from the real world. The gap between the fabric of the world and the shroud of shadow gives the mage a bonus to mana regeneration and a chance to avoid an attack. How to study:
On the quest of Zathrian, the elven guardian, to search for the white fang, you should be careful in the ruins of the Brescilian Forest. In the ruins you can find a nondescript amulet. This amulet contains an ancient spirit. He will offer you a deal, he will teach you this specialization, and in return you must place the amulet on a nearby pedestal.

Blood Mage

The dark pull of blood magic is felt by every mage. These dark rituals, brought to our world by demons, use the power of blood, turning life energy into mana and giving the magician power over another's consciousness. However, such abilities come at a high price: to use them, the magician must sacrifice his own health or the health of his allies.

Conjuring over the blood of the enemy, he can subjugate him, turning him into an ally. In addition, a blood mage can cast spells at the expense of health (instead of mana), as well as heal at the expense of an ally's life force (from which he may die). Keep in mind that blood magicians... to put it mildly, are not very liked by many, and for good reason.

Specialization Bonuses:
+2 physique
+2 magic power

Capabilities: blood magic(Required level 7) - While this ability is active, the blood mage spends not mana on the spell, but health, but the healing effects on the mage are much weaker than usual. sacrificial blood(Required level 12) - The Blood Mage drains the life force from an ally. The caster is healed, but the ally may die. The healing penalty imposed by blood magic does not apply to this effect. bloody wound(Required level 14) - The blood of all hostile targets in the area of ​​effect boils in their veins, dealing severe damage. Victims that fail a physical stability check stand still, twitching, and unable to move. Does not affect creatures without blood. Master of the blood(Required level 16) - The Blood Mage subdues the target's blood. If the target fails the mental stability check, it becomes the caster's ally. If the target resists the spell, it takes a lot of damage as a result of the blood manipulation. Creatures without blood are not affected by this effect.

How to study:
During the quest to save the boy Connor, the son of Earl Eamon, you will have the opportunity to learn this specialization. Agree to conduct a ritual with which you will enter the shadow and kill the demon that has moved into the boy. But it is you who must go into the shadows. And if you are not a magician, then you will not have the opportunity to open the blood magician specialization. As soon as your Mage Hero enters the shadows, look for the demoness there and agree to her offer.

Rogue Specializations 1/2

He believes that the battlefield is not a place for manifestations of nobility. Assassins make extensive use of poisons, as well as deadly blows that leave terrible wounds on the body of the enemy. They are excellent at hiding and, unexpectedly for the enemy, deliver a fatal blow.

The most damage-oriented variant, he can inflict bleeding wounds, as well as "mark" the target so that everyone deals increased damage against it.

Specialization Bonuses:
+2 dexterity
+2.5% Critical Chance

Capabilities: Marked for death(Required level 7) - The assassin marks the target, revealing vulnerabilities in its defenses that others can exploit. All attacks against the marked target deal additional damage. Weakness detection(Required level 12) - Keen eye and killer instinct help to identify the target's weak points. In case of a successful backstab, the killer deals additional damage based on cunning. mutilation(Required level 14) - If a backstab deals a certain amount of damage, it leaves a bleeding wound, which inflicts additional damage to the killer's opponent for some time. Feast on the bones(Required level 16) - The killer enjoys the moment of death. Each time the assassin defeats an enemy with a backstab, he restores some of his stamina.

How to study:
Zevran, one of your fellow party members, will teach you this specialization, but on the condition that his attitude level towards you is +70 or more.
The textbook is sold in the Alarita shop, in the city of Denerim.

In Orlais, bards traditionally engage in contract killings, espionage, sabotage, and other clandestine missions that the nobility often entrusts to them, mired in incessant internecine strife. Having brought their performing arts to the highest level, bards are excellent musicians and skilled manipulators. With their songs and tales, bards are able to inspire their allies and discourage their enemies.

Unique Specialty: Allows you to sing a song that stuns all nearby enemies every few seconds instead of directly participating in combat. To do this, you need to fully develop the line of his abilities; and before that, he strengthens the detachment with his songs.

Specialization Bonuses:
+2 willpower
+1 trick

Capabilities: Song of Valor(Required level 7) - The bard sings an old song of heroic prowess, the unit gains bonuses to mana or stamina regeneration in proportion to the bard's cunning. A bard can only play one song at a time. Abstraction(Required level 8) - The bard fills his performance with extravagant gestures and dizzying stunts to distract and intimidate the opponent. A target that fails a mental stability check becomes disorientated and forgets who it was fighting. Song of Courage(Required level 10) - Bard performs a heroic dog from the deeds of the squad. The unit gains a bonus to attack, damage, and critical strike chance. The size of the bonus is determined by the cunning of the bard. A bard can only play one song at a time. Enchanting Song(Required level 12) - Bard sings an enchanting song. Nearby hostile targets that fail a psychic resistance check every few seconds are stunned. The song does not cost any stamina to continue, but the singing bard cannot move or perform other actions.

How to study:
Leliana, your bard companion can teach you this specialization as long as she has +75 or more appreciation for you.
Alimar the Dwarf, who lives in his home in Orzamar, can teach you this specialization.

Rogue Specialization 2/2

bear call(Required level 8) - The ranger summons a mighty bear to help the party. spider call(Required level 10) - Pathfinder summons big spider to help the squad. Master Pathfinder(Required level 12) - The ranger can summon strong animal companions. Animals summoned by a master ranger are much stronger in combat than their normal counterparts.

Duel(Required level 7) - The duelist pays extra attention to choosing the optimal position and receives a bonus to attack. The skill "Defensive Reflex" gives a bonus to defense when this ability is active. imbalance(Required level 12) - The duelist performs a quick move that throws the opponent off balance. A target that fails a physical resistance check suffers a penalty to movement speed and defense. defensive reflex(Required level 14) - The duelist has the uncanny ability to simply not be in the place where the enemy strikes, thus gaining a bonus to defense. Aimed strike(Required level 16) - The duelist has learned to hit vital organs with high accuracy and from any angle. For a short time, all successful attacks automatically end with a critical hit.
How to study:
In Denerim, there is a brothel "Pearl". In this brothel you will meet a girl, Isabella. She will offer you to play cards with her. If you beat her, she will teach you this specialization. But in order to beat her, you need to have a high level of dexterity. You can also try to get to know her better.

And I must say in her distribution she did detailed description talents, but the mod itself anglicized the two-handed weapon skill tree. So I decided to post a translation.
And so in the beginning I will write why I decided to put myself this mod.
The fact is that I personally have always been impressed by the character Stan, of course, apart from the "two-handed" I did not see anyone else in him. But, in fact, it turned out that my two-handed warrior was crippled. Slow to the point of impossibility. And the most annoying thing is that a frail elf (I have nothing against elves), that a huge tall qunari, both wave their two-handed sword like sleepy flies. But after I swelled Stan almost all the points in strength, he should cope with a two-handed sword like a straw. Agree there is logic in this. For some reason, the developers limited the character who wants to upgrade a two-handed weapon with a bunch of restrictions and penalties, while providing them with not entirely intelligible skills.
So here's someone DodgeMoreLightning made a Better Two-Handed Talents mod that brought such a character back to life, making it playable on high levels difficulties.
So what are the changes:
Let's start with the fact that the biggest question arose when using the "Powerful Strikes" skill. The damage bonus, but the attack and defense penalties, made this ability very controversial to use, because even the "Power of Two Hands" did not completely remove all the penalties. Now everything is different. Penalties have been removed and added a bonus damage based on the character's Strength, as well as a bonus to armor penetration based on Willpower. But at the same time increased fatigue from 5% to 15%.

Further, the Crushing Blows skill now grants a damage bonus against Golems, Undead, and Dragons based on the character's Willpower. Thus, two-handed combat requires Willpower more and more, because now a number of skills depend on it.

The "Critical Strike" skill now affects all enemies without exception, but varies depending on the rank of creatures. 45% on normals, 40 on lieutenants, 25 on bosses and players, and 20% on unique bosses.
Stunning Blows now procs much more frequently (80% of the time)
Mighty Strike now adds additional damage based on the character's Strength instead of slowing the victim like it did before.

The skill "Strength of Two Hands" now, instead of removing penalties from the skill "Powerful Strikes", because. these penalties are gone anyway, increasing bonuses to a range of skills.
And finally, one of the main changes has affected the skill that crowns the skill tree, namely "Destroyer". In the original game, the skill additionally shattered armor, effectively copying the "Armor Shatter" skill. Now "Destroyer" in case of a successful attack increases the speed of combat by 20% for 8 seconds, plus the time of the increase in speed directly depends on the Willpower of your character. Hooray! In fact, this means that your hero, having pumped the skill tree to the end, will receive a well-deserved increase in combat speed.

Here is such a balance. Those skills, for example, "Indomitable", which worked so well in the original game, were not affected by the changes.
Now I’ll add on my own what to do with the pumped Willpower, because earlier for the Two-Handed, nothing but Strength was needed? What was downloaded in vain? If you like mods, if you are not afraid to change the gameplay, I strongly recommend installing a mod, it has the "Fanaticism" skill, which, among other things, increases attack speed using a bonus from Willpower, and indeed the whole branch is based on Willpower. A very good choice for an Improved Two-hander.

Now, regarding the installation
Everything is simple here. The file is BetterTH_101a_rus in the archive, install it using daupdater.