Gasoline Kalosh. Description, properties, application and price of Kalosh gasoline. Gasoline Galosh: application features and characteristics What is the octane number of nefras

Chemical base:

It is a low-boiling fraction of dearomatized catalytic reforming gasoline. Boiling temperature limits (80 - 120) ° С. Contains paraffinic and naphthenic hydrocarbons, not more than 2.5% aromatic hydrocarbons. Mass fraction of sulfur - no more than 0.001%.

Technical data according toTU 38.401-67-108-92:


  • Dissolves rubbers, hot - polyethylene,
  • It is used to dilute rubber adhesives and prepare the surfaces of rubber products before gluing and vulcanizing.

Directions for use:

  • carefully pour into a used container
  • when diluted, add to the paintwork material or glue in small portions with stirring until the desired consistency is obtained.

Storage and transportation conditions:

Transportation of products can be carried out by any type of transport in covered vehicles in accordance with the rules for the carriage of goods in force for this type of transport. It is necessary to store the product in the manufacturer's packaging in closed form at a temperature from -20°С to +40°С

Precautionary measures:

Gasoline is a flammable liquid. It is necessary to store in a hermetically sealed container, away from heating devices. When storing and using gasoline, it is prohibited to handle open flames and other sources of ignition. In case of fire, the following fire extinguishing agents can be used: asbestos blanket, sand, fire extinguishers. The use of water is prohibited.


NEFRASY С2-80/120 AND С3-80/120


GOST 443-76



* Reissue (February 1988) with Amendments No. 1, 2, approved in October 1988 and February 1987 (IUS 12-81, 5-87).

By the Decree of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated May 20, 1976 No. 1237, the deadline for the introduction is set

from 01.07.77

Checked in 1986. By Decree of the USSR State Standard of February 13, 1987 No. 240, the validity period was extended

until 01.07.92

Non-compliance with the standard is punishable by law

This standard applies to nefras C2-80/120 and C3-80/120 (gasoline solvents for the rubber industry), which are a low-boiling fraction of dearomatized catalytic reforming gasoline or gasoline of direct distillation of low-sulfur oils and used in the rubber industry.


1.1. Depending on the manufacturing technology, two brands of nefras are installed:

С2-80/120 (BR-2) - from catalytic reforming gasolines;

C3-80/120 (BR-1 "Galosha") - from direct distillation gasoline.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).

1.2. Nefras must be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard from raw materials and according to the technology approved in the prescribed manner.

1.3. In terms of physical and chemical parameters, nefras must comply with the requirements and standards specified in the table.

Name of indicator

Norm for the brand

Test method


Nefras С3-800/120

top grade

first grade

OKP 02 5113 0203

OKP 02 5113 0202

OKP 02 5113 0201

1. Density, g/cm3, no more




2. Fractional composition:

distillation start temperature, °C, not below

According to GOST 2177-82

up to 110 °С, distilled, %, not less than

distilled up to 120°С, %, not less than

residue in the flask after distillation, %, no more

3. Bromine number, g of bromine per 100 cm 3 of gasoline, no more




4. Mass fraction of aromatic hydrocarbons, %, no more


6. Mass fraction of sulfur, %, no more






9. Oil stain test


10. Content of tetraethyl lead


(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).


2.1. Nefras is taken in batches. Any quantity of a product that is homogeneous in terms of its quality indicators and is accompanied by one quality document is accepted as a batch.

2.3. Upon receipt of unsatisfactory test results for at least one of the indicators, repeated tests of the sample from a double sample are carried out on it. The retest results apply to the entire lot.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 2).


potassium bromide-bromate, a solution of 0.00167 mol/dm 3 , is obtained by appropriate dilution of a titrated 0.0167 mol/dm 3 solution;

crystalline sodium thiosulfate according to GOST 244-76, analytical grade, solution 0.01 mol / dm 3, prepared by appropriate dilution of 0.1 mol / cm 3 titrated solution;

acidified potassium iodide solution; prepared by dissolving 0.64 g of potassium iodide in 20 - 30 cm 3 of water; then pour 60 cm 3 of dilute (1:5) sulfuric acid. If at the same time the potassium iodide solution turns yellow, carefully add a few drops of 0.01 mol / dm 3 sodium thiosulfate solution to it until it becomes discolored; then the solution is diluted with distilled water to 100 cm 3 ;

4.2. (Deleted, Rev. No. 2).


5.1. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of nefras with the requirements of this standard, subject to storage conditions.

5.2. Guaranteed shelf life of nefras is five years from the date of manufacture.

5.1, 5.2.


6.1. Nefras belongs to the flammable products of the first category.

6.2. The flash point of nefras in an open crucible is minus 17 °C.

6.3. The self-ignition temperature of nefras is 270 °C.

6.4. The explosive limits of the volume fraction of nefras vapor in a mixture with air are 1.1 - 5.4%.

6.5. According to the degree of impact on the body, nefras belong to the 4th hazard class. The maximum permissible concentration of nefras vapors in the air of the working area is 100 mg/m 3 .

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).

6.6. In the premises for the storage and use of nefras, it is prohibited to handle open fire, artificial lighting must be made in an explosion-proof design.

6.8. All work on opening barrels and tanks with nefras should be carried out with tools that do not give a spark when struck.

It is forbidden to drain and pump nefras with compressed air.

6.9. Tanks, mixers, communications, pumping units must be sealed, excluding the ingress of gasoline-solvent into the working room.

The room in which work with solvent gasoline is carried out must be equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation.

6.10. If gasoline-solvent is spilled indoors, it must be collected in a separate container and taken out of the room, wipe the spill site with a dry cotton rag (in case of a spill on the ground, cover it with sand). When gasoline is poured over large areas of a worker's overalls, overalls must be changed.

6.11. In case of fire, all fire extinguishing agents are applicable (chemical and air-mechanical foam, inert gases, water vapor, finely sprayed water, felt, asbestos cloth).

6.12. In case of accidents and gas contamination of the air with nefras vapors, gas masks of the BKF brand are used

6.13. When working with nefras, personal protective equipment should be used.

(Revised edition, Rev. No. 2).

6.14. Nefras is a mixture of paraffinic and naphthenic hydrocarbons, toxic, narcotic effect on the body. When in contact with the skin, it causes dryness of the skin and can lead to dermatitis and eczema. Adversely affects the nervous system, causes anemia.

Low-octane gasolines, in addition to fuel for piston aircraft engines and carburetor vehicles, are also used as a solvent. They belong to the group of nephras (formed from initial letters words "petroleum solvent"), the production of which in our country is regulated by the requirements of GOST 443-76. Br-2 gasoline, which is also not quite accurately referred to as Kalosh gasoline, also belongs to the nefras. There are many variants of the appearance of this name, the most common version is that this gasoline was first received by the Hungarian organic chemist Galoshy, whose distorted surname was fixed in modern version.


This type of nefras is quite widely used in industry, although it is gradually being replaced by less carcinogenic and less flammable grades of solvents.

Main technical characteristics:

  1. Self-ignition temperature range_- 190 ... 250 ° C.
  2. Chemical composition - organic hydrocarbon compounds, the number of carbon atoms in which ranges from 9 to 14.
  3. Color - light yellow or (more often) - colorless.
  4. The octane number is about 52.
  5. Additives are absent.
  6. Impurities: the presence of sulfur compounds is allowed, the total percentage (in terms of sulfides) is not more than 0.5.
  7. Density - 700 ... 750 kg / m 3.

Other indicators of Kalosh gasoline vary, depending on the industry of its application. What is common is that the alkanes included in chemical formula of all nefras are close to crude oil cycloparaffins. As a result, the main technology for producing Kalosh gasoline is fractionation with moderate intensity.

The resulting petroleum product is used to dissolve printing inks, pesticides, herbicides, coatings, liquid asphalt and other organic substances, including rubber. They are also used to clean moving parts of machine-building and metalworking equipment in repair production from contamination (which brings this product closer to some other brands of gasoline, in particular). Do not use the product in ambient temperatures above 30 0 C.

Brands and safety requirements

Nefras produce two grades: C2 80/120 and C3 80/120, which differ only in the technology of production and purification. In particular, for the production of C2 80/120, gasoline that has undergone catalytic reforming is used as the initial semi-finished products, and for C3 80/120, gasoline obtained by direct distillation is used. For nefras C2 80/120 of the first grade, the density is somewhat lower.

Particular attention is paid to the rules for the safe use of the brands of gasoline in question. It should be borne in mind that the flash point of such substances is very low, and is only -17 0 C for an open crucible. When using, the explosive hazard of the substance should also be taken into account. GOST 443-76 defines this parameter as dangerous even when the concentration of nefras in air vapor is more than 1.7%. The concentration of gasoline vapors in the atmosphere of the room cannot be higher than 100 mg/m 3 .

Often there is confusion in the technological requirements for solvent gasolines due to differences in the standards that guide manufacturers. So, nefras (including the most common Nefras C2 80/120) is produced in accordance with GOST 443-76, and Kalosh gasoline is produced according to specifications, which are obviously less rigid. However, according to the formula and properties, this is an identical product, differing only in the degree of refining (for Kalosh gasoline, this degree is lower). Therefore, from an actual point of view, Br-2 gasoline, Kalosh gasoline and Nefras C2 80/120 are one and the same substance.


Based on the totality of its properties, Kalosh gasoline is considered primarily a solvent gasoline, but its practical area of ​​\u200b\u200buse is much wider:

  • Refueling lighters.
  • Cleaning of tanks and reservoirs of oxy-fuel cutting plants.
  • Preparing fabrics for dyeing.
  • Degreasing electronic components before soldering.
  • Jewelry cleaning.
  • Refueling stoves and other heating equipment for tourism purposes.

Kalosh gasoline should not be completely identified with Br-2 gasoline. They are produced from different raw materials and tested for the content of components by various methods, especially when the manufacturer introduces specific additives into the main composition. In addition, all nefras produced according to technical requirements GOST 443-76, are distinguished by a stable indicator of their octane number, which is not typical of other brands considered in this article.

The prices for these products are determined by the packaging of the goods. For gasoline Kalosha, which is bottled in a container of 0.5 liters, the price ranges from 100 ... 150 rubles, for packaging in canisters of 10 liters - 700 ... rub/kg.

Solvent gasoline, which was often and for various reasons mentioned somewhere in the comments on the muse, and its name can lead to a stupor, because it would seem, what does gasoline and rubber shoes have to do with it?
However, this does not diminish its usefulness in the economy. I took it for myself for washing circuit boards, refilling lighters and, less often, washing any parts.


This gasoline is called differently - "Kalosha", "Galosha", "Nefras 80/120" or "BR2" - has a transparent or slightly yellowish tint, a pungent smell, is included in the group of nefras (petroleum solvents) and has properties like fuel, as well as solvent.
It has an octane rating ranging from 52-54, which makes it easy to detonate and very combustible. Cleaner than the cleanest automotive fuel, leaving no odor or color after use. However, it behaves aggressively and destructively in the fuel supply system in cars in relation to parts and gaskets made of rubber and plastic, and the fuel vapor recovery system. According to some sources, "Kalosh" is allowed to be used as fuel in a car, but only in one-time emergency cases.

There are many hydrocarbons in the liquid, therefore it is toxic. Inhalation of vapors can cause a narcotic effect and lead to anemia (decreased hemoglobin) with prolonged olfactory contact.
Household minute work with gasoline is considered safe, while long-term work requires protective equipment - a mask (gas mask), glasses and gloves. Contact with the skin should be avoided, otherwise it causes severe drying.

The numbers 80/120 mean the boiling point of the fractions contained in gasoline: 80g. - for light fractions, 120g. - for the remaining 95% fractions.

Around the name "Kalosh / Galosh" there are several rather funny versions. Of course, it is not necessary to take them seriously, but I will cite them for review. One of the most famous - KAlosh (emphasis on the first "A", in some articles GAlosh) - is the name of a Hungarian (somewhere it is said that this is a Czech or Frenchman) chemist who first learned to separate the 80/120 fraction from oil. In the Russian community, not knowing about the achievements of this "famous" chemist, the name of gasoline was transformed into the name of footwear. Of course, there is also a version that no European chemist with such a surname exists. In any case, GooGle is silent about this.
Fantasy may not be possessed, but this thing is very contagious. According to another of the no less funny versions, it is said that the name is based on the trend of the smell of new, unworn Galoshes / Galoshes, they say that it is similar for gasoline and rubber shoes.

Gasoline is produced according to two conditional standards - according to GOST 443-76 and according to technical conditions TU308.401-67108-92.
GOST is constant in quality, but a product manufactured according to its standard requires attestation and certification. Therefore, manufacturers most often resort to technical conditions, which eliminate all the bureaucratic red tape that relies on GOST, but the quality of gasoline made according to TU may vary. In my case, gasoline is made according to specifications.

Extraordinarily wide:
- degreasing of surfaces before repair, painting or gluing
- fuel for catalytic and tourist burners, lighters, etc.
- jewelry (when soldering parts, cleaning and polishing to a shine)
- washing of parts (injectors, bearings, aircraft engine components)
- when extracting oils (squeezing and extraction)
- dilution of paints, varnishes and enamels
- removal of old grease from skis
- washing of printed circuit boards
- removal of corrosion

Gasoline arrived in a regular plastic liter bottle. On the label, it is designated as "Galosha", made according to technical conditions. Although the Internet often says that "Galosha" is made according to GOST, and "Galosha" is already according to technical conditions. My case refutes this stereotype.

The main scenarios for the use of this solvent gasoline are listed. And by weight - 1 liter of "Galoshes" is lighter than 1 liter drinking water for 300gr.

Surface cleaning
A small comparative test of the quality of cleaning the surface of a rubber flap compared to ethyl alcohol.

Alcohol cleaning

Firstly, alcohol dries for a long time, and secondly, after it there are still some stains on the surface

Cleaning "Galoshes"
Here I neglected TB a little, and wiped it with a cotton swab dipped in gasoline, which I picked up. Nothing terrible happened, but after the test, a white coating remained on the fingers.

Gasoline evaporates very quickly, and after processing it, almost nothing remains on the surface, with the exception of the corner that was held with a finger

Flushing the area on the board from the flux
Relatively speaking, I spend in 2 stages. First, I wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in a solution. Then the passage - already a toothbrush. The solution was made according to the formula gasoline + alcohol in a ratio of 1: 1, so gasoline at least does not immediately evaporate from the surface.

Filling a capsule lighter
I successfully use it in such a lighter (I did a review on it), - it can lie for a year and gasoline, despite the degree of volatility, does not evaporate. But here it all depends on the quality of the rubber gasket, how tightly it clogs the body halves. When refueling Zippo-type gasoline lighters, a troublesome moment already arises - gasoline evaporates quickly. But you can’t take one away from Galosha for sure - it doesn’t smoke when burning.

Another indicative comparative test.
I was looking for something to clean, compare and show accordingly. Found a coffee can. Many people are familiar with the situation in everyday life, when after a torn off label on a jar there is an adhesive layer that is not so easy to peel off. Soap and water won't take it.

Alcohol is also powerless here:

Gasoline does the trick. However, it looks like this:


I didn’t find gasoline in my city at that time (a year ago), so I ordered it as part of a combined package, where there was still a set of radio components. I rate the experience of buying at ChipDip as rather negative than positive. The stumbling block here was unsatisfactory logistics: placing an order - the beginning of January 2017, receiving an order - only a month later, this is within the country. Despite the minuses, the criterion “so that everything is in 1 package” was a higher priority for me. With the delivery of leapfrog. It seems that it is indicated that gasoline can be picked up from a Euroset-type pick-up point, in fact, the manager unexpectedly wrote, saying that only the Russian Post is available, which is more expensive than from a pick-up point. Plus, the prices are outrageous.
As for gasoline, it is recommended to buy, but ChipDip is not the best place in terms of price / delivery, so look in the stores of your city, it will be cheaper and faster.

- Universal
- Takes a long time
- Evaporates quickly
- Does not smoke when burning

- Toxic, flammable
- Sometimes difficult to find offline

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