The missile strike hit one of the few safe airfields in Syria

He has traveled all over Crimea, including Sevastopol (SHEVA-stopol; Kher-Sones) and will soon begin uploading heterological information on Crimea. In addition, Holmes was in one more place. But Crimea - first of all, because it is a “bomb”! Just give Holmes time to get himself into working condition a little from the road.

But first, just some travel notes that are still fresh.

A “democratic riot” has been added at airports. Apparently, after a dude was caught with powder in his underpants in Holland last fall. In Sheremetyevo they put an aunt in uniform, who with her gloved hands feels men and women alike, trying not to touch the genitals. Just a question, Watson:

- Why, if in Holland they caught some black man with powder in his underpants, going to the USA, why in Russia they immediately make a show of it and put their aunt to feel everyone?
It seems the orders come directly from the West, bypassing the Kremlin. This is what they do at Kennedy Airport - and at Sheremetyevo too! The same thing happened when in London they caught someone with a vial of liquid and said that the guy wanted to set fire to the plane. Everyone was immediately prohibited from taking liquids on board. And when, they say, they “caught” this Jew, sold for, they say, an “Arab,” with powder in his shoes,

then everyone was forced to take off their shoes. And now they are scanned with the same foreign X-ray machines that have just been introduced into practice. And in Sheremetyevo there is absolutely the same X-ray closed system as in the Kennedy, which, when you enter, you place your feet on the indicated marks drawn on the floor, raise your arms up and...

Watson, where is the guarantee that all the parameters of your naked body do not go into some kind of database? After all, the X-ray system is sold to everyone from one foreign concern! And all countries are obliged, by the way, to use only it! In the age of computers and the Internet, where is the guarantee that all the information does not go to a central foreign data base located somewhere not at all in Russia?

I'll tell you more, Watson, - the technology now is such that THEY can just eliminate a person they don't like. How? - Very simple! The person in this "X-ray machine" at the airport is identified by scanning, and if there is an order for him - (technically this is not a problem now) - the machine can automatically issue this person lethal dose radiation. What, Watson, is fundamentally fantastic about this?

The total search, Watson, is explained, they say, by security measures for the safety of passengers. Are you satisfied with this "explanation"? - Don't rush to agree, Watson. Doctors have long proven the effect of alcohol, that alcohol makes a person aggressive:
"In the initial phase of exposure, excitation is observed..."link
"The effect of ethanol on aggressive behavior depends significantly on the reason for drinking alcohol - "Alcohol and aggressive behavior" link
"Alcohol abuse and aggressive behavior" link

"Alcohol abuse and chronic alcoholism were revealed.... causing criminal aggressive behavior in women" link

The connection between alcohol and aggressiveness has long been proven. So? - So! So why , answer this simple question,at all stages x-ray examination and palpation in airports, alcohol, and in its multi-degree version, fill yourself up?!

Here I will describe to you the possibilities of buying vodka, whiskey, cognac at Sheremetyevo airport. First, when you enter the airport, right from the door, you can drink yourself to death - alcohol is sold everywhere, and there are tables and chairs, and tables for drinking. You might think that this is the most necessary thing for people - to get drunk while flying to death. Then you go through baggage screening, check-in and passport control and then, after passport control, a personal full body x-ray barefoot, and then just enter the waiting rooms.

There are these liquor stores selling alcohol - just fill up. This is supposedly a duty-free trade zone. Not only can you get drunk in the waiting rooms to the point of aggressiveness, but if you buy alcohol in this area, they will also bring it on the plane! You can’t bring your own, but if you buy it there, you’re welcome! That's not all, Watson - then there is a candling, personal probing of the body and a search of personal belongings before entering the pre-landing pen. But as soon as you’ve passed this and entered the pre-landing pen, there’s a kiosk with water and snacks right there!

Moreover, if in the duty-free waiting rooms both wine and beer were available, then in the pre-boarding area - only high-grade water! - Eat the vodyara until it becomes aggressive and hit everyone on the head! - Isn’t this supposed “concern for the safety of passengers” too peculiar, Watson? Or, Maybe, on the contrary, passengers are provoked into aggressiveness? Do you think this is all a kind of “concern”?

On the plane itself, during the flight, you can buy heavy alcohol at any time - flight attendants carry it between the rows on carts - just buy it and start taking over the plane!

Why am I telling this, Watson? To make you think, someone actually supposedly cares about your safety; or THEM does it just require you to step into a foreign-made X-ray super machine manufactured under secret conditions by the US military-industrial complex and spread your legs? Can you trust the words of a man with such a face?

And all these stories, Watson, with these powders, which were allegedly “accidentally” found in the shoes, bottles and underpants of passengers - this is just an excuse for forcing passengers, like cattle, to go through this X-ray machine - in fact , - unknown design and purpose! And I draw your special attention to this! You are, in fact, dealing with aliens in human form who are an order of magnitude superior to you in intelligence, which they use against you!

Another point - to which I want to draw your attention, Watson, and which is striking again precisely at airports, is that a certain category of humanoids - at airports has a completely different treatment - these are the so-called “VIPs” - persons! Maybe they aren’t even translucent? In Sheremetyevo, for example, there are separate special check-in counters and a special waiting room for VIPs.

Even the design of modern aircraft themselves now has “separate accommodation” - lounge for the elite - "business class" for the "blue-blooded" and "economy class" - for other mortals.

In the “totalitarian USSR”, by the way, the airplane cabin was common to everyone!

And on “democratic” planes there are separate rooms for the elite, separate from the unelected others! I got up from my chair and went forward to the toilet. I was told that this is a “business class” toilet, and that you have a common one - in the back of the plane. And now, Watson, prove to me that you are not a cretin and do not see the obvious, that from the very beginning of recorded human history there has always been, and still is, a clear division of humanoid bipeds into privileged creatures "noble blood" and the unprivileged mass of rednecks. Or do you think that this is now an anachronism? Why is the moment of separation of human beings clearly accelerated even in transport? Why, no matter what revolutions occur, the fundamental division of humanity is forced even in small things? Why does this fundamental division of bipeds take place precisely through blood?

And here is a concrete fact from a recent teletype that some can do everything and others can do nothing:

"Dozens of human heads were found on the plane. A terrible cargo was discovered in the cargo hold of the American Southwest Airlines plane - from 40 to 60 human heads. They were found by an airline employee at the Little Rock airport during an inspection of one of the containers, Sky News TV channel reports. Cargo , it turned out, was destined for medical research company Medtronic in Texas, but arrived in Arizona by mistake, with the heads packed in leaking plastic containers secured with tape. There was no information about the contents on the outside, reports Mignews."Looks like there is a black market human organs for research," police spokesman Garland Camper told The Associated Press. The supplier of the heads, JLS Consulting, has not been listed in the database as having a business license since last year. U.S. federal law prohibits the sale of human body parts, but when legitimate medical research is being conducted, suppliers may receive payments for providing research material."

Watson, I warn you - never listen to the media's "explanations" - otherwise you will be such a fool and die prematurely. Imprint and realize in your head the simple fact that human heads were transported en masse on the American plane. For practice, try to suggest a couple of other alternative explanations, based on the heterological hypothesis of the presence of two human species. Some people transport human heads on planes en masse, and women are not even allowed to take nail scissors on board!

MOSCOW, April 7 – RIA Novosti, Andrey Kots. Shayrat airfield, severely damaged by cruise missile strikes from the US Navy destroyer USS Ross in the early morning of April 7, has been actively used by the Syrian Air Force from the very beginning civil war. The favorable location 38 kilometers southeast of the city of Homs in the geographical center of the western part of the country allowed the aircraft based here to strike targets not only in their “home” province, but also to carry out combat missions directly near Damascus, in Hama, Idlib, Aleppo .

The three-kilometer-long runway could accommodate aircraft of all types - from fighters to heavy transport aircraft. An auxiliary GDP of similar length was to be used in the event of failure of the main one.

By the fall of 2015, the construction of 45 fortified bunkers to shelter aircraft was completed in Shayrat. Obviously, they did not complete their task. Satellite images published by Western media shortly after the strikes clearly showed that Tomahawk cruise missiles seriously damaged the base's ground infrastructure and both runways. In addition, containers containing aviation fuel were hit. This information was confirmed to RIA Novosti by an airfield employee.

“In total, seven people were killed, five of them military, two civilians from the village of Shayrat, located near the airfield,” Homs Governor Talal al-Barrazi said on Friday morning. “We are currently counting material damage, work at the site continues. We We hope that the airfield will begin to function again in the coming days."

Two of the seven bomber squadrons of the Syrian Air Force were based on Shayrat - the 677th and 685th, armed with Su-22M2 and Su-22M4 fighter-bombers, as well as a squadron of MiG-23MF/UM multirole fighters.

In addition, in March-April 2016, a small air group of Russian Mi-28N, Ka-52, Mi-8 and Mi-24P helicopters was temporarily stationed here. Satellite images of Russian Aerospace Forces equipment parked in early April 2016 were published by the American magazine Jane's Defense Weekly. According to the publication, Russian aviation used Shayrat as a jump airfield during the operation to liberate Palmyra. At the time of the missile strike, the US Navy military equipment There were no Russian Aerospace Forces on the airfield.

Shayrat was considered a fairly protected object. Since the beginning of the war, it has hardly been shelled: the militants were unable to get close enough. The most serious incident occurred on July 25, 2013, when a Su-22 bomber of the 685th squadron, fired from the ground 80 kilometers from the airfield, crashed directly in front of the runway.

The airbases closest to Shayrat cannot boast of a relatively safe location. Tiyas airfield near Palmyra has been repeatedly attacked by militants. And in May 2016, according to the American agency Stratfor, terrorists managed to launch an artillery strike on the base, as a result of which several helicopters were destroyed. The Hama airfield in the province of the same name northwest of Shayrat also came under fire several times. At the moment, just a few kilometers from this strategically important facility, there are fierce battles between the Syrian Arab Army and militants of terrorist groups seeking to seize the airfield.

“Today, the Syrian Air Force can actually use about 8-10 military airfields in the territories controlled by Damascus,” Anatoly Tsyganok, head of the Center for Military Forecasting, told RIA Novosti. “Today one of them was destroyed. And this means that the load on other air bases will increase significantly ", including at Khmeimim, where our aviation is stationed. Now our pilots will have more work, and terrorists will definitely try to use this missile strike in their favor."

And indeed, a few hours after the strike, ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra militants went on the offensive in the eastern part of Homs province, just near Shayrat. Said this at a briefing on Friday official representative Russian Ministry of Defense Major General Igor Konashenkov. As the Arabic portal Al-Masdar, in turn, reported, terrorists began to storm checkpoints of the Syrian Arab Army near the strategic city of Al-Furqalas. During the two-hour battle, the military managed to repulse the attack. But it is obvious that the militants will not stop at this attempt.

Large militant attacks on airfields immediately after airstrikes by coalition forces have occurred before. On September 17, 2016, US Air Force F-16 and A-10 aircraft attacked Syrian military positions near the Deir ez-Zor airbase near the city of the same name. The raid killed 62 military personnel. The Pentagon immediately called the actions of its pilots erroneous. But the very next day, IS militants, almost without encountering resistance, were able to take positions on Mount Jebel al-Sard, as well as the entire southern half of the Jebel al-Tard mountain range. From these commanding heights they were able to fire at the airfield with impunity.

*Terrorist organization whose activities are prohibited in Russia.

In total, according to Syrian sources, eight missiles were shot down. The missiles fell in the vicinity of the airfield; the strike did not cause any material damage to the airbase.

At the same time, the Syrian news agency reports about the dead and injured as a result of the missile attack, their exact number is unknown. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said 14 people were killed.

The Pentagon has denied US involvement in the strike on Syria.

The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the attack on the T-4 airfield was carried out by two Israeli F-15 aircraft.

“On April 9, from 03:25 to 03:53 Moscow time, two F-15 aircraft of the Israeli Air Force, without entering Syrian airspace, from Lebanese territory attacked the T-4 airfield with eight guided missiles. Air defense units of the Syrian Armed Forces during "Five guided missiles were destroyed during anti-aircraft combat," the Russian ministry quoted the statement as saying.

Let us remind you that on April 7, dozens of people died as a result of the alleged attack. The Syrian government was blamed for the use of chemical weapons, causing US President Donald Trump to criticize Russia and Iran for supporting it. Trump promised that those responsible for the attack would pay a heavy price.

In 2017, the United States launched a missile attack on Syrian positions in response to a sarin gas attack in northwestern Syria.

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