Projects of two-story houses 150 200 sq. m. Pros and cons

We will develop in a short time house project up to 200 sq. m according to your personal wishes. We offer favorable terms of cooperation for customers from Moscow and Russian regions. The catalog contains many standard sketches of cottages for large families. At your request, we can make any changes to them. In this case, you will need to make an advance payment of 50% of the cost of the sketch. After the work is completed, all related documentation is provided. Promotions are held regularly, with discounts and interesting offers as prizes.

Projects of houses up to 200 m2 are created for large families with the expectation that several generations will live there at once. It is for this reason that people need a large living space to live comfortably. We create various versions of such sketches, such as a house project up to 200 sq. m with garage or basement. Such cottages can have one or two, less often - three floors. The cost of developing a cottage project of 200 sq. m we calculate in each case individually. It depends on the current price list and the number of your wishes, which ultimately determine the complexity and timing of the work.

Typical sketches

The planning and construction of a country mansion is always a little like magic. Choosing an ideal plot away from the city, which is surrounded by beautiful landscapes and untouched nature around, is not a matter of one day or even a week. When you become the owner of the desired piece of land, the next step, of course, will be construction planning residential complex. For a family consisting of a couple of adults and one or two children, house designs up to 200 sq.m. are perfect. Such a cottage will perfectly fit a spacious kitchen, a living room, a parent’s bedroom and small but spacious children’s rooms. A competent layout will allow not only to arrange all the necessary rooms, but also to achieve their maximum accessibility.

Mansions up to 200 square meters

In house projects up to 200 sq. m. it is assumed that there will be several floors, because if you build a structure with such an area of ​​​​one floor, it will take up a lot of space. Mansion project within 200 sq. m. looks elegant with a second floor, compact with an attic and practical with a basement. There are also projects that harmoniously connect floors to each other, for example, projects of country estates with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bwithin 200 square meters, in which there are both basement and attic rooms or second and attic floors. The price of such a cottage will depend on the chosen plan, the laying of communications and materials.

A mansion with an area of ​​more than 100 sq. m. will not necessarily be bulky and massive. It can be complemented with elegant elements such as bay windows or balconies. In house projects up to 200 sq. m. extensions such as verandas or terraces are often used. You will receive several square meters of space for a recreation area on fresh air, which can be equipped with a barbecue or fireplace, and for a comfortable time, install a soft corner and a small table. The glazed terrace can be used all year round, and if heating is installed, the functional characteristics of the room are significantly increased. The balcony can be used as a relaxation area on the second floor, and if it is glazed, you will get a wonderful winter garden, library or office.

A good idea for a house project up to 200 sq. m. becomes the use of the “second light” technique. If you are ready to get rid of several tens of square meters of usable space in your cottage, then this element of luxury will undoubtedly please you. Huge floor-to-ceiling windows, views of the garden plot and nature around, huge space and natural light all day long - this is not only elegant and luxurious, but also very cozy. Of course, you will need to take care of a competent heating and ventilation system, but these issues are completely solvable.

Projects of country mansions no more than 200 sq. m.

Among the large number of available house designs up to 200 sq. m. you will probably be able to choose one or more that will suit your family. If desired, any plan can be adjusted and modified. If you want to acquire a completely unique mansion, then take advantage of the opportunity to individually develop a project that will become the embodiment of even the most unconventional ideas and fantasies.

A cottage with such an area will allow all family members to sit comfortably and feel independent, and enjoy an atmosphere of comfort and reliability.

Cottages over 150 sq. m are considered spacious family homes. These buildings have enough space to accommodate a family of 4-6 people. Those who dream of building a cozy family nest and those who value free space will be comfortable inside such a home. Projects of houses up to 200 sq. m include an area for arranging a relaxation and sleeping area, separating the kitchen and living room, organizing a spacious bathroom with windows.

Features of house projects with an area of ​​150 to 200 meters

When developing projects for such buildings, architects take into account the need for personal space for each of the three generations of one family (children, parents and grandchildren). Projects of houses and cottages up to 200 m2 are houses where each of the residents can study, work or create on their own territory and relax in a common area.

The structural differences of this type of building are presented:

  • number of storeys - most often these are two-story houses;
  • rational layout (attic, utility rooms and a second kitchen in the basement);
  • the presence of balconies, loggias and terraces;
  • placement of bathrooms on each floor;
  • organizing a common area downstairs (kitchen, living room, dining room, hall, guest room);
  • placing bedrooms, offices and a bathroom under the roof.

The house project for 200 square meters has increased living space dimensions, includes space for a car in the internal garage, and may contain a veranda, winter garden, and sauna. Our catalog contains the best projects of residential buildings and cottages of 200-250 sq. m. m with photos and drawings. Choose a standard one or order the development of an original version of a family residence.

Advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages of family cottages:

  • spacious premises;
  • domestic comfort and the ability to receive guests;
  • status of real estate and high market price.

Large houses also have their disadvantages, which affect suburban residential buildings up to 250 square meters in size. m.:

  • high cost of construction and operation;
  • high care costs and public utilities;
  • impressive size of the heated area;
  • serious expenses for ensuring home security.

A country house or cottage-type residential building built within the city is an excellent place for a family to live. Large footage will help ensure coziness, comfort, and properly distribute space. The construction of houses with an area of ​​200 square meters involves design, preliminary study of every nuance, communications, layout, arrangement of furniture, equipment and other things.

It all starts with the foundation. Competent craftsmen know how to conduct research and analysis of the soil, terrain, conditions, take into account communications, and select a type of foundation that will ensure the safety and durability of the building.

You can choose ready-made solution or an individual project. It is the second option that is a priority, since it allows us to specify the customer’s requirements. The number of rooms, the specific placement of functional premises, recreation areas, various wishes must be taken into account.

Aerated concrete blocks and bricks are materials used in construction. The main advantages of the technologies used:

  • structural strength;
  • durability of the building and high level security;
  • good thermal insulation and sound insulation qualities.

Construction time for a house up to 200 sq. m. may differ in each case. Repairs, wall structure, facade and interior decoration, number of rooms and much more have little impact on the process and time of delivery of the object as a whole.

The SK GOST company builds durable, beautiful and safe houses with an area of ​​up to 200 square meters. Such housing is perfect for a family of four and can provide a sufficient level of comfort. The company’s specialists offer designs and prices for 200 m2 cottages for customers to choose from. All nuances are discussed, each detail is worked out individually.

SK GOST offers favorable prices that are affordable to most citizens. Construction is carried out throughout the Leningrad region. Contact, order, consult for more detailed information!

Housing whose area does not exceed 200 square meters. m, will be ideal for a small family. Here each member will feel comfortable and will receive sufficient personal space. Projects of houses from 150 to 200 sq. m are harmonious in terms of balance between common areas and individual premises. On the ground floor it is traditional to place the premises of the day zone, that is, the living room, kitchen, dining room. However, if necessary, you can also allocate space here for one of the bedrooms. For example, if there are elderly people in the family who find it difficult to climb the stairs several times a day.

The number of floors of a building can be reduced if you have a large plot of land. Opting for two-story and attic buildings will help you save space for other outbuildings. It also costs less to build with a smaller footprint. Projects of houses up to 200 sq. m allow the use of a built-in garage. This is more convenient and economical than building a separate room for the car. It should be noted that this structure will look organic in any landscape solution.

Which buildings should you prefer?

Choosing house designs from 150 to 200 sq. m, you can get confused by the variety of options offered. Do you prefer a brick building or a dwelling made of blocks, wooden or built using frame technology? What rooms must be in a cottage? Should there be, in addition to bedrooms, a kitchen, bathrooms and a living room, dressing rooms, a dining room, guest rooms, and storage rooms? How many floors should you prefer? It is sometimes difficult to answer all these questions, so it is better to address them to an experienced specialist who will explain to you the advantages and disadvantages of this or that choice.

If you don’t know exactly what your future home should look like, you’d better study ready-made house designs up to 200 square meters. m. They already include everything that an average family might need. If you know exactly how you want your living space to look, not only from the outside, but also from the inside, you can order the design of a house on an individual basis.