How to take revenge on a friend for hitting on girls. How to approach a girl: step-by-step instructions. How to approach a girl on the street phrases

You can’t just go ahead and approach a girl using a universal template. Each representative of the fair sex requires an individual approach and a phrase that will meet her current expectations. It is important to guess whether she wants to be made to laugh, praised, happy, told something beautiful or moderately vulgar. To ensure that the girl’s reaction is extremely positive, you should use advice based on the experience of many guys and a list of ready-made phrases for tackles for all occasions.

General rules for approaching a girl

It seems to guys that there is nothing easier than approaching a girl or writing her a message asking for an acquaintance. However, there are tricks here too, on which the success of the tackle depends to one degree or another.

In the Internet

IN in social networks the easiest way to get to know each other. By studying the contents of the personal page, you can get information about the girl’s hobbies, her style of communication, the places she visits, and based on this, choose the right approach tactics. However, in order for the acquaintance to be successful, you should follow a few simple rules:

  1. Don't be pushy. Two hundred and ten messages sent one after another within an hour, the semantic load of which boils down to the question “why aren’t you answering”, is the worst way to attract attention to your person. If a girl is interested in meeting you, she will definitely write an answer at a time convenient for her, and now she may be bathing the cat or preparing for exams.
  2. Remain yourself. You shouldn’t introduce yourself as the son of an oligarch in the hope that the girl will become greedy and fall for the photo of an expensive car secretly taken in the VIP parking lot. It is wrong to portray yourself as a sociable and witty guy, being an introvert who has difficulty finding common topics of conversation with strangers. Even if a girl comes on a date, she will be disappointed by the discrepancy between reality and expectation, after which it is unlikely that it will be possible to establish contact with her.
  3. To upload a photo. Guys prefer to communicate with girls who have posted at least a few photos on their profile. But they don’t like to show themselves for various reasons (they suspect that their appearance is not good enough or they are already in a relationship and do not want to be caught cheating). This is the secret of most failures, since girls consider anonymous accounts suspicious and do not respond to messages for security reasons.

In real life

If the meeting with the girl you liked took place in transport, on the street, in a store or other public place, you can play up an acquaintance as an ordinary situation. For example, ask for help in finding the right address, complaining that the navigator is providing incorrect data. Of course, you shouldn’t ask for a phone number immediately after receiving the required information, but as a sign of gratitude for the service, you can invite your interlocutor to take a walk in the park or sit in a cafe.

In real life, it is possible to monitor a girl’s reaction directly during a conversation and defuse the situation in time with a joke or stir up interest in yourself with some intriguing statement thrown in casually. There is no need to neglect this.

And in order not to be refused an offer to meet or leave a phone number, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. Pick the moment. You can approach a girl when she is sad or worried about something only if the guy is confident that he will be able to distract her from bad thoughts.
  2. Take care of your appearance. It is unlikely that a girl will be interested in a young man in unkempt clothes, dirty shoes, or with unkempt or greasy hair.
  3. Give compliments correctly. If you want to say something nice to a girl, you should focus on her clothes or accessories (notice the tasteful earrings or praise the original cut of the dress). Phrases that contain body features are perceived as undisguised flattery.
  4. Don't stalk the girl. It happens that a representative of the fair sex is not in the mood for communication and literally walks away from the conversation. Some guys take it as a game and try to follow her, insisting on getting to know each other. There is no need to do this, because the chances of a positive outcome are zero.
  5. Behave naturally. On a subconscious level, a girl is able to sense uncertainty and constraint, and a set of cliched phrases and quotes immediately reveals a person without imagination.
  6. Don't drag out the conversation. Perhaps the stranger is in a hurry somewhere, or she has other plans for how to spend the next few hours.


Nowadays, few people use text messages, which are a built-in feature of the phone. Therefore, before you write to a girl, you should check whether she is registered in special applications for exchanging SMS, photos and voice recordings. Most programs automatically add people whose number is listed in the phone book to your contacts.

When communicating via SMS, it would be a good idea to remember the following rules:

  1. Tell about yourself. The guy has enough personal information about the girl, which means she also has the right to know who bothered her. It is not necessary to post your entire biography in the first message, but you will have to give your name and age. It is worth mentioning the source from which the number was taken (given by a mutual friend, listed on a page on a social network or on a dating site). This will significantly increase the girl’s credibility. But a mysterious admirer who carefully hides any information about himself will most likely be blacklisted forever.
  2. Consider time. Sending messages late at night or early in the morning is rude, to say the least. Many people do not turn off the sound on their phone when they go to bed, because they do not exclude the possibility of receiving a really important call or SMS. A girl who was woken up in the middle of the night by the message “Hello, I have always dreamed of meeting a beauty like you” will definitely not want to communicate with its author.
  3. Observe the rules of decency. You can move on to intimate topics only if the girl initiates it. And using obscene words and obscene jokes is completely unacceptable.

Examples of unsuccessful tackles

Before you find out which phrases are best suited for meeting a girl, it won’t hurt to familiarize yourself with unsuccessful examples of tackles. At least in order to never repeat them from your own experience.

Correspondence Basic mistakes

The guy initiates the conversation, but after the first sentence he makes no attempts to maintain communication. Girls don't like boring interlocutors, so such an acquaintance is doomed to failure

The desire to seem original is quite normal, but you should be careful when choosing epithets
The presence of grammatical errors in messages often makes girls reluctant to continue the conversation. And illiteracy, coupled with importunity, reduces the chances of a successful acquaintance to zero

Writing nonsense in the hope that a girl will find it funny is a losing proposition.

The ability to give compliments is always valued by the fair sex. And experts in the field of psychology recommend praising a girl’s pet in order to awaken her favor towards herself. However, in this matter it is very important to watch your words, otherwise you may inadvertently offend the girl

Best phrases for dating

When using any of the phrases given below, you should remember that there are no universal dating options. Words to which one girl reacted positively can cause rejection in another simply because she was not in the mood.

Before approaching a girl, you should weigh the pros and cons, evaluate the appropriateness of a particular phrase and be prepared for the fact that in the future you will have to show your ingenuity.


As practice has shown, when communicating with an unfamiliar girl, you should not be particularly original. Firstly, because it is impossible to predict her reaction to certain statements; and secondly, interesting and non-cliché phrases taken from the Internet are not always appropriate in a specific life situation. If you really want to stand out from the guys who roll up with a boring “Hello! How are you?”, you can use one of the following expressions:

  • Hello! I'm lost in life and I'm looking for a beautiful, smart, kind girl like you who will lead me out of this boring, dull world of loneliness.
  • Sorry, I forgot my phone number. Can you lend me yours?
  • Unfortunately, now I don’t have time to melt your cold gaze, but I can call you in the evening.
  • You are so sad... Can I take your sadness away? I need it for experiments.
  • It's terribly nice to see at least one girl who walks slowly. Now everyone is running like that... In our city it will soon be like in the ancient tribes: if you catch up, you get married, if you don’t catch up, it’s your own fault. Have you heard of this custom?
  • I liked you so much that I’ve been following you for three stops. Do you mind if we sit down and rest for a while?
  • What will you do tonight after we go to the cinema together?
  • When I see a girl like you, I thank God that I am not married.


An ideal option to start a conversation with a stranger, because all girls like young men with a good sense of humor. It’s easy to come up with funny phrases yourself, but if your imagination fails you, you can use one from this list:

  • The fate of humanity depends on your answer. Are you ready to meet me?
  • Girl, I'm sorry to distract you from a very interesting telephone game, but I would like to offer you my hand and my heart. We have a ton of this stuff in our surgery, there’s nowhere to put it!
  • I thought about it and decided to buy a lottery ticket. You will help me choose him as the goddess of luck in human form, right?
  • What are you planning to do this summer? Instead of walking around the stuffy city and kneading molten asphalt, come with me to my grandmother in Chukotka!
  • How I like your hat, your handbag, your watch, your coat and your wig... Will you become my personal stylist?
  • Attention! This street is mined and only I know the safe way. Let me show you around.
  • I was told that you have a family recipe for cactus jam. I'm ready to do anything to get it... if necessary, I can even kidnap you and take you to the most beautiful place on earth.


The use of vulgar phrases is justified only if the girl has a good sense of humor and does not mind some frivolity in communication. The following phrases will sound familiar and interesting:

  • Girl, you're wearing a lot Nice dress! However, in my bedroom you would look better without it.
  • We've been waiting for the bus for so long that you're probably hungry. And by the way, I know how to cook a very tasty breakfast in bed.
  • Just don't look at me like I'm a sex object! This excites me even more and I will be forced to meet you!
  • Let's make a bet of $200 that you will say no if I invite you to sleep in my bed?
  • Can I get to know you right away or do you give your name and phone number only after sex?
  • Hello! You look like a girl whose parents went to the country. I’ve been looking for someone like this for three days, let’s get acquainted?
  • I'm going to bed. Will you join me?


When it comes to banal and cliched phrases, the first question that comes to mind is about a mother who needs a son-in-law. It has almost gone out of use and is used only as a joke, although sometimes young people still try to “lasso” a girl with its help.

  • Hello, I liked you! My name is (name), and yours?
  • Hello girl! May I meet you?
  • I see you are carrying a very heavy package! Let me help you, and as a sign of gratitude, will you go to the theater with me?
  • Have you heard that a world-famous musical group is coming to our city? I have two tickets to the concert, but my friend won't be able to accompany me. Let's go together!
  • This is the third time I’ve met you at this place. This is fate making a sign that we need to get to know each other better.
  • Information has been received that such a charming girl needs a brave and reliable bodyguard. Ready for duty!
  • The gypsy told me that I would meet the most beautiful girl in the city. Finally I met her! What is your name?
  • Girl, what would you answer to a young man who approached you with an offer to meet you?


Any girl will appreciate such statements. However, they must be pronounced sincerely and with warmth in the voice, otherwise they can be regarded as mockery or banter:

  • We are so different, but I feel that we cannot live without each other, like yin and yang, like black and white, like day and night, like sweet and bitter chocolate. Let's get acquainted?
  • I watched the wind play with your hair and couldn’t resist asking permission to touch it too. Will you be my angel?
  • The sparkle in your eyes makes me forget about my loneliness and sadness. Would you mind spending a little more time together?
  • They say that in our time there are no knights. Not true, there is one! But he was always busy looking for such beautiful lady, how are you.
  • On this cloudy day, only your smile makes me enjoy life.

Other options

A few more phrases that can be used to approach a girl, regardless of the situation:

  • You are one of the few in this city who has intelligence in their eyes.
  • Have you already tried to meet you today? No? It's good, I like to be first.
  • I really love to read. But not books, but inscriptions on T-shirts. Please unbutton your jacket so I can find out what is written on yours!
  • Girl, it’s written on your face that you don’t meet people on the street, so let’s go to the nearest cafe.
  • My alarm clock is broken, and tomorrow I risk oversleeping a very important event. Could you wake me up at 7 am?
  • If you continue to spend so much time in my thoughts, I will have to charge you rent.
  • Do you know what I always carry with me? A spool of thread so you don’t miss the opportunity to make acquaintance with such a beautiful girl like you!

Confident behavior, sincerity in the eyes and the right phrase can conquer any girl. However, if you fail, you should not be upset - you can only gain invaluable practical experience from your own mistakes.

A young man who likes a girl should know how to properly approach and win the affection of the young lady he likes. You should be decisive and confident, even if the girl is older than you, because women cannot stand cowards and weak men. You also need to look neat and stylish, show creativity and originality in order to interest the young lady. Any phrase should be pronounced clearly, without mumbling or stuttering - this is the key to successful acquaintance.

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Correct approach to a girl on the Internet and school

To attract the attention of a representative of the fair sex on the Internet, you need to have beautiful and extraordinary photographs. Phrases for building a dialogue on VKontakte or another social network between a guy and a girl he likes:

  • Hello, charming stranger. You have very cool photos, I dream of meeting you in real life. Will you make my deepest wish come true?
  • I dreamed about you today, and suddenly I saw you on VKontakte. I am sure that fate itself decided to bring us together.
  • I look at this beautiful photo and imagine how our children will ask: “Dad, tell us about how you met your mother!” "
  • Your unearthly beauty blinded me. Will you become my guide, because it was your fault that I lost my sight?

Give a ride at school or summer camp, you can use a clever trick: ask the girl you like to introduce you to your friend, and invent a story about unrequited love for her friend. The young lady will definitely show compassion for the guy in love, and the acquaintance will take place. There is no need to show any interest in the object of your true passion, completely focusing on the other girl. Female rivalry always works, so your lover will want to attract your attention, and she will begin to act decisively.

Phrases for meeting people on the street and at work

To create an addiction, you need to regularly appear in those places where the young lady goes, study her interests and find common ground. Shared hobbies bring you very close: if a girl is into sports, go for a morning jog together; if she is into the theater, you happen to have an extra ticket to her favorite show. Romantic and dreamy girls will enjoy a composed poem or a night walk on the roof of a high-rise building.

There is no need to say hackneyed phrases when meeting someone on the beach or driving past the person you like in a car. The words “can I meet you? ” immediately repel the fair sex, so you should come up with an original phrase:

  • Smile, it’s getting dark outside.
  • You are so charming that all the words I wanted to say flew out of my head.
  • Did you turn off a lot of annoying fans today? And I’m already five, such arrogant women have gone!
  • Shall we talk or will we continue to wink at each other?
  • Let me walk you to the entrance... At least with my glance...
  • Young woman! No need to pass by. Then the guys are even scarier.

Dating and Pickup

How to approach a girl you know

Every guy at least once in his life met a girl whom he really liked, but at the same time he was also incredibly afraid of meeting her, much less approaching her with a direct offer to date her.

But we have good news for you, you won’t need to hit on a girl yourself, we will teach you how to make a girl pay attention to you first. You want the girl to come to you on her own, right, guy?

Why didn't you have a chance to hit on a girl?

You've probably noticed that most couples are couples who practically didn't know each other before the relationship. At the beginning of this relationship, the girl did not know anything about this guy, and could not clearly answer the question: “What is this guy like, what is he good at, and what is he bad at.” There was some uncertainty and curiosity on the part of the girl; she first started dating him, and only then found out about his cockroaches and “pen”.

When a girl has known you for a sufficient period of time, she has already formed a stable image about you in her head, which has turned into a stereotype: “Seryozha is a cool guy, but too boring, but it’s good to communicate with Vasya, but he drinks and sleeps with everyone.” . Those. she roughly knows your weaknesses, so every time you tried to hit on her, she didn’t ask her heart, she just turned on her head and correlated your pros and cons. And guys have enough disadvantages for a girl to refuse to date them.

Therefore, meeting a girl who knows you well is extremely difficult. This is many times more difficult than writing to a new girl on VK or asking for a phone number on the street.

How to get a girl to pay attention to you

First, you need to change the stereotype about yourself in the girl’s head, and to do this you need to perform a number of actions:

Completely ignored. The less a girl sees you, and the less she hears about you, the more unclear and incomprehensible your image becomes in this girl’s head. This way you will gradually blur stereotypes about yourself and prepare the girl for new information.

Improving your data. There's no doubt you're good at something, and that's cool. But you also have a number of moments that do not show you at your best. Most likely, you won’t be able to fix them; everyone has bad habits, but you’re quite capable of disguising them in front of a girl for the first time:

  • The new kind. Most often, we associate people with the image that we see first: “Oh, this collective farmer has come again: wrinkled pants, a dirty head, a pack of cheap cigarettes, a shabby black leather jacket and a “leftist” T-shirt from a cool brand.” This is how we form our first impression of a person. You want to get the reaction: “Wow.” To do this, open any Hollywood film with actors aged 25-30 and select similar clothes.
  • Manner of speaking. You need to speak slowly and slightly thoughtfully. This will give you visually more intelligence and a bit of mysticism, which girls are so fans of. Speak as if it were a voice-over from a drama - it's a win-win.
  • Aura of success. It's no secret that girls are looking for men who would not only be great in bed, but also know how to “get theirs.” That’s why they like guys so much who get things done and achieve some results. Therefore, find something in which you can achieve results and replicate it: photographs, symbols, buzzwords. Girls love this.

Show. If you sit quietly in the corner and are afraid to show your nose, then no one will pay attention to you, except mice, who behave the same way. But will the mouse suit you? Don't think!

So make it a habit to make people pay attention to you. This can be achieved with the help of competent words and a slight touch of rebellion, which will give your nature a romantic color. Watch the movie: Advanced Beginner 2002. You will understand what we are telling you.

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Let's move on to the active phase of the tackle

So, after you create a new image and push it into this girl's head, it's time to get her to reciprocate your feelings. To do this, a fairly simple tactic is used: “Closer = further.”

To begin with, you simply contact her with some matter in which she can help you. For example, you ask her to check some of your work or advise her on a gift for a friend. At the end, you say a phrase like: “Thank you, you helped me, then we’ll go to a pizzeria sometime and I’ll tell you “thank you.” Whether the girl agrees or refuses: it doesn’t matter.

Then you completely stop communicating with her again for 10 days. After which you turn to her with the phrase: “Hello, remember, I owed you a favor, I invite you to go today. Are you coming?

  • If she agrees, then it's done. All you have to do is follow the recommendations from this article, and everything will be fine: .
  • If she refuses you, then you need to switch to “guerrilla communication,” which we will tell you about in this article: . In short, you begin to correspond with her and take an interest in her state of mind, and then arrange a meeting when she is ready for this.

Important to remember

You can find articles where they will tell you that you should not ask a girl out first and so on. In fact, there is a slight inaccuracy in them, correctly: you can invite a girl to a meeting, but you should not confess your love to her and ask her to meet. An ordinary walk is great and fun, but love and relationships are hard and responsible. They are happy with the first, but they are still afraid of the second. Remember this!

Have you ever wondered why some men manage to easily win a girl's attention, while others fail? At the same time, the latter can be much more beautiful, more successful and more interesting. It is very important to impress a girl from the first minutes of communication. Let's talk in more detail about how to do this.

Pickup rules: how to approach a girl

Your most important task when seducing a beauty is to approach the girl so that she does not immediately reject you.

  • The first and fundamental rule for a successful pickup truck is to be confident.
  • The next step is to catch her eye. You can read a lot from the eyes, including whether the girl is now ready for dating and whether she is interested in it at all at the moment. Impudence is, of course, good, especially in the pickup business, but since we are talking about success and not being rejected right away, it’s still not worth going ahead.
  • You shouldn’t ask everyone such boring questions as “Does your mother need a son-in-law?”, “Why is the beauty bored?” etc. By doing this, you will definitely push the girl away from you and you are unlikely to start a conversation with her.

If a girl catches your eye and you see her interest, then secure your position. If your chosen one is walking down the street, try to walk next to her, keeping as close as possible close range, but without stepping into her comfort zone. If a girl, for example, is sitting in the park, then continue to steal glances, but not directly at her, but slightly sideways, with peripheral vision. So to say, watch her. You can also adapt to her posture. Psychologists say that if a person adapts to the posture and breathing of another person, then on a subconscious level he will make a favorable impression and inspire trust.

Now the moment has come when it's time to start a conversation

  • It is important to remember that the first impression of a person is formed within 15 seconds. So make sure you are neatly dressed, have your hair combed, your shoes are clean and you smell good. Don't forget about your smile too.
  • Don’t start communicating with a girl with banal template phrases: “Girl, can I meet you?” or “Girl, haven’t we met before?” Most likely, this will scare her away immediately. Believe me, you are not the first who approached her with similar questions.
  • Also try not to use the particle “not” in your questions. For example, “Would you like to go to the theater with me?” The answer is likely to be no. And, again, this acts on the subconscious, a defensive reaction is triggered.
  • Be original. If you accidentally heard her name, you can come up and say: “Marina, your smile blinded me more than today’s bright sun.” Don't be afraid to be stupid: girls love with their ears. She will definitely smile at you again, maybe even feel embarrassed, not to mention you will improve her mood for the whole day.

Following these tips, you will not even notice how you are already walking with the girl you like, chatting happily, and at the end of the walk she will definitely leave you her phone number.

Internet dating

If you are not yet brave enough to meet girls in real life, there is another way - to approach the girl you like on VKontakte (VK) or other social networks.

  • You can come up with an interesting, non-trivial comment for her photo, which she will definitely want to respond to.
  • You can also, after analyzing her personal data and looking at her photographs, ask her some interest Ask in PM.
  • It would be a good idea to study what unites you and direct communication towards this topic. This way you will have a better chance of getting her interested and taking your relationship to the next level!

To consolidate the result, also read our articles and. Good luck with your seduction!

Hello, dear lover of women! And since you admit that I’m addressing you, it means that you definitely want to know how to hit on a girl.

I’ll tell you a secret: in relationships with women there are no strict boundaries or strict regulations.

Very often improvisation or a banal “Hello!” will have a greater effect than some memorized phrase, because such a manifestation of you will be completely sincere, coming from within and reflecting your inner masculine core, if of course you have one.

But even if he is absent, it doesn’t matter. Everything can be developed, everything can be learned.

Still, it’s better to be prepared and armed important recommendations, especially if you really decided to hit on a girl.

  1. Directive acquaintance– you directly declare your intentions, clearly being the initiator of the acquaintance.
    It’s when you come up so confident and like, “Hey. I saw you, you seemed interesting to me, and I decided to come up and chat. What is your name?"
    This is also a working scheme, but you can use a different approach, which, however, requires a greater level of concentration, the presence of a living mind and a certain amount of imagination.
  2. Dating in context– acquaintance arises as if by itself, as if you didn’t want to get acquainted in the first place.
    This is when, for example, you are walking down the street, and a girl meets you, but suddenly you notice a falling meteorite and say loudly out loud so that the girl can hear: “This is YES!!! What do you think about this?”

By going through, you can find out from the article on the psychology of dating on the Internet the reason why the second option of the above classification is sometimes preferable.

Which girl would you value more: the one who approached you on her own, or the one whom you had to run after for six months (wow, what a disgusting thing it is to run after a girl for six months)? So similar thoughts arise in their heads.

He wants to be with me, which means I’m better than him, and I don’t really need him. And in general, he is the same as all the other guys.

Otherwise, what an interesting character, we should get to know him better.

Therefore, you can veil your interest in relation to a girl and show it in doses, for example, showing disinterest, then interest, then disinterest, then...

If a girl decides to play a role snow queen, answer her with indifference. This doesn't mean running away, just be calm, without much emotion, any compliments, and without using a wide smile.

When you start dating, you don’t have to ask the girl’s name at all, let her ask your name first.

Try to show your interest only when you clearly observe the girl’s interest in you.

How to attract a girl's attention

The first thing you have to do if you decide to hit on a girl is to attract her attention.

Instead of just approaching a girl and starting an acquaintance, you can make her initiate the conversation.

Example of non-standard behavior No. 1

You get on the subway and start dusting off your shoes and kicking your feet. As a result, the girl looked at you.

You turn around and immediately say:

  • A blizzard of snow has blown! Have you seen it?
  • No, what is the truth?

What happens when you get attention? The girl looks at you in the hope of finding out: “What is going on?”, “What is he doing?”, “What is he planning to do next?”

And you immediately answer a question that she hasn’t asked yet.

Example of non-standard behavior No. 2

One guy once saw beautiful girl in the bar. She kicked everyone out, one after another. The guys didn’t even have time to contact her.

This guy comes up to her and confidently sits down next to her. She looks at him. He doesn’t say a word to her, without even looking at her, he loudly and brazenly declares to the bartender: “Bartender, bring me a beer to drink!”

The girl looks intrigued to see what he will do next. She expects the guy to turn to her and speak, but instead of answering, she immediately dismisses him, like a dozen previous guys.

But the guy was on point.

He takes out a matchbox, slowly breaks the match and places it on the bar counter. Zero attention to the girl.

She sits stunned by the impudence of the guy who sat on the chair next to her, although the bar counter is all free.

He breaks the second match and slowly places it on the table. And so he begins to lay out a path with matches leading to the girl sitting next to him, who begins to carefully delve into this mysterious process.

Every move he makes is very demonstrative and funny.

Finally, on the 6th match, her patience breaks, and she asks the guy:

  • What are you doing? Why all these matches?
  • I’m testing your intelligence (the guy answers her without turning around)!
  • Me?! How did I pass the test?
  • Not yet!
  • What is it?
  • Don't you understand this yet?
  • If you understand, it means you passed the test.
  • Do you always test women?
  • When I want to understand whether I will be interested in communicating with her.
  • How self-confident.
  • Yes, like that.

After that, he turned to the girl and winked at her. She was embarrassed and smiled. Communication has begun.

He turned out to be smarter than the 10 previous guys, making sure that this girl herself began communicating with him.


An opener is a way to approach a girl (open a girl), i.e. enter into communication.

The right opener at the right moment can decide the entire outcome of the dating experience.

Types of openers

  1. Service.
  2. A depraved and fun opener.
  3. Compliment.
  4. A compliment with a hook.
  5. Accusation.
  6. Advice.
  7. Directive (direct) opener.
  8. Opinion.
  9. Joke.
  10. Situational opener.

1. Service

→ Approach the girl and ask:
“Tell me where I am? I moved from St. Petersburg a month ago, I’m afraid of getting lost.”
“Girl, hello! Tell me, where is a men’s clothing store nearby?”
“Please tell me what floor the cafe is on?”

→ Ask the girl to guard the bag and go away for a while, and then come back and continue communication.

→ Ask the girl in the store to choose clothes or some food for you to cook dinner.

→ Borrow a girl's phone and call your number.

If a girl does you a favor or gives you her things, it means that she is already invested in communication and lets you into her personal space, i.e. communication has already been established.

Just remember that the girl should not be in a hurry to get anywhere, and she should have free time.

2. Lecherous and fun opener

A depraved and cheerful opener is based on the vulgarity you said, which is veiled as a joke.

Thanks to this, the girl begins to think in a sexual way, but perceives the information she receives from you cheerfully and adequately.

It will be great if you arrange everything as if this girl is depraved, looks at you lecherously and clearly wants something from you.


→ Are you preoccupied, are you just crazy, do you have problems in your sex life? Why do you always think about sex around me? Do you think that everything is possible? I'm not like that!

→ You look so dirty!

→ You are silent - are you afraid that I will guess that you are excited?

→ Did you go into the store to pick up someone? I knew it, but you're just vulgar.

→ You took my hand to touch me! I know, just give it free rein, you will touch me all over. Don't touch me with your dirty hands. Well, you just undress me with your eyes. You're a maniac!

→ No, we can't leave the crowd. I have a feeling that if we are left alone, you might rape me.

→ The way you look at me! What a vulgar look! Stop undressing me! Do you think I didn't notice?

→ Where are you looking? Why do you always have vulgar intentions! I'm afraid to be alone with you!

→ You have such depraved eyes. I can imagine what's going through your mind! How can so much depravity fit into one person! I wouldn't have thought of it!

→ I know something about you. You are very excited right now, but you want to hide it.

→ I'll sit next to you... if you don't pester me, of course.

→ Oh you! Don't look at my body and think what you want to do with it!

→ Maybe we can go to my place, close the curtains, undress, go to bed, cover ourselves with a blanket and see what happens? Although no, I’ll think about it, do you even know how to cook?!

→ Is it really hot in here or are you that hot?

→ Do you like handsome guys who can do something? Not what you're thinking about now! Where are you looking? Are you excited? Happens!

→ So, she probably would have taken me by force now, if not for the people around me. Being next to you, I begin to be afraid of you!

→ You are the most depraved monster I have ever met.

→ How much can you think about sex! All clear with you. Don't make excuses, I know you all are! Okay, let's get to work. What did the director say?

This opener can be used in different situations. There was an awkward pause in communication? Then load up and have fun, the girl's roof will be blown away.

As a result, the young lady becomes embarrassed and thinks: “Maybe I’m actually depraved?”, or laughs, realizing the absurdity of the accusations. Both are cool.

And yet, you shouldn’t flirt with this opener, because most often it will only scare off the girls.

3. Compliment

– this is the oldest of all existing openers.

Due to the fact that it is used by the majority, almost everywhere and most often, it has lost its potential, and instead of a proudly flying flag of an effective entry into communication, it looks more like a torn gray rag.

Despite this, there are compliments that can truly boast of their effectiveness.

In this case, we are talking about unusual compliments - non-standard remarks that emphasize the girl’s unique qualities or lack thereof.

The compliment should convey new information about her to the girl, as a result of which she will think: “Wow. I didn’t know I was so interesting.” Instead of her concluding, “Well, there you go. This is the 937th time I hear the same thing.”

This refers to compliments that do not relate to physical attractiveness.

Such compliments bring pleasure to girls and at the same time characterize you as an extraordinary person, automatically distinguishing you from the crowd of banal admirers.

  • Hello, do you happen to be a dancer? You move with such grace.
  • You have a natural talent that cannot be ruined.
  • How high are these heels? Many women are so funny and awkward in stiletto heels, but you walk in them so deftly. It is, one might say, a lost art. How did you learn?
Get off the dance floor
  • Hello. I'm very sorry, but I have to ask you to leave the dance floor for one reason...
  • For what?
  • You show other girls in gray because they look small and dull compared to you. This is bad and I feel sorry for them. But if you want them to be jealous, let's show them how to have fun.

Should be used on very self-confident girls.

  • Hello. You're so strict. Are you the director of some company? The point is that you look confident, and it’s clear that you know what you’re doing. People are probably even afraid to talk to you.
Compliment with intrigue
  • Hello. You know, I noticed something in you that most guys don’t like in women, but I really like it, I appreciate it in girls...

4. Compliment with a hook

Women are no strangers to receiving compliments, as was mentioned earlier.

Therefore, if you decide to hit on a girl, dilute the gray ordinariness of another beauty with a compliment with a hook.

To do this, say a regular compliment, then tease the girl, but only about those things that she can improve in herself, and do not touch her to the quick and do not insult her.

Speak confidently and in a cheerful manner.

Find something in a girl that she is proud of, or something that you like about her. Something that constantly attracts the attention of others or at which she considers herself a professional.

Give a girl a compliment, then point out something negative about her behavior, or find something to find fault with, and then tease it in a positive manner. However, remember that sometimes some variations of a given opener can have the opposite effect.


"You look good. How long have you been wearing makeup?

“Very beautiful jacket. I saw this at a fashion exhibition in Paris. It's clear that you have a great eye for style. Wait, I don't think it's the right size for you? Or is this a visual illusion?

You blink.
"Hello! I was wondering something about you... (pause, wait for her to ask, “What?”) Why are you blinking so much?”

No taste.
“Cool hat. Did you choose it yourself?”

"Hello. You have an interesting gait (color of your face, hair, clothes, shape of your eyes, lips, ears, neck, energy, aura)!” Keep in mind that most likely you will be asked, “What’s interesting about it?”

“Cool handbag! Very beautiful color, it is very eye-catching. It just doesn't fit your shoes very well. But it’s not very noticeable when viewed from afar...”
“Cool belt. It just doesn't fit well. You know you need to fix it. Let me fix it..."

She's yours?
“Your handbag is cool, is it yours?”
“Cool phone, is it yours?”
“What interesting shoes, are they yours?”

“Nice tan. He is real?"
"Beautiful hair. Are they real?
“Nice hair... Is it real?”

Old stuff.
“Cool boots. My grandmother has the same ones.”
“What a cool jacket, it looks like my grandfather’s jacket from the front after World War II.”

I like it the most.
Notice in a girl what does not relate to her appearance and personality: things, clothes, etc.
“What I like most about you is... your purse. So cool!”

They are different.
“What beautiful legs. One is slimmer than the other."
"So beautiful Blue eyes, one is bluer than the other!

How much effort do you spend on beauty?
“You’re so slim...Are you on a diet?”
“Your legs are so long... How long does it take you to shave them?”

“Let's go to the cafe. Let’s eat together and talk... Although, maybe we don’t know each other very well yet?”
“You are a very sweet and stylish girl, and I really like you. I would even suggest we date you... Although, can you cook?
“You are so beautiful and well-groomed, it’s not a shame to go out with you... Although, do you know how to dance?

5. Accusation

This opener shows your courage and arrogance, and is designed to confuse the girl, forcing her, making excuses, to enter into communication.

This opener should be delivered provocatively, but in a humorous manner, and you should clearly show who you are addressing.


Lecherous look.
"Oh my God! What a depraved look! Why do you undress people with your eyes?”

Suspect a person of lustful intentions:

  • Looking for something to cure his hangover with.
  • What to eat.
  • Sweet tooth.
  • Wants to steal something.
    For example: “What, are you looking for a snack or something to get over your hangover? It’s hard in the morning, I understand!”

Don't paw me.
Best used at and bars. If a girl accidentally pushes you, use this opportunity.
“Why are you groping me, look how impudent you are. Aren't you ashamed to paw me in public? So right away! I didn’t even recognize the name! Are you always so impudent?

Is it okay that I'm silent?
Approaching close to the girl, stand for a minute or two with the air of a person in deep thought, and then stun the unfortunate girl with an innocent question: “Is it okay that I’m silent?”

Look into the eyes.
In response to her gaze, immediately say: “Stop looking into my eyes. I'm a humble guy! Then you can add: “Okay, I forgive you...”

Perversion of intent.
Pervert any girl's behavior so that it is funny.
“You probably dress this way on purpose so that everyone thinks you’re a school teacher.”
If a girl reads: “You probably deliberately pretend that you are reading in order to seem more educated and to please young people?”
The girl eats: “You probably eat here on purpose so that everyone will think how cool you are?”
A girl goes to university: “You probably study at a vocational school, but you come here so that everyone thinks that you are studying at a university?”
A girl buys something in a store: “You probably buy these things here on purpose so that everyone will think that you can afford it?”
A girl buys a postcard: “Are you probably buying a postcard so that everyone will think that you have friends?”

Advice is great way approach the girl, showing her your authority and proving that you are an educated person who is a professional in some matter.

When you give advice, you put the girl in a very advantageous position as a student. The student respects the teacher, trusts and obeys him.

Advice can be given for any reason. For example: “Zip your jacket, you can’t wear it like that!” or “There’s something on the back of your skirt, let me fix it.”

7. Directive (direct) opener

This opener is sometimes dangerous because it clearly shows your intention and is the easiest for a girl to fight off.

But if there is no context, and you really like the stranger, why not take a risk.

The main thing that you must demonstrate in this case is confidence and perseverance (within reasonable limits, of course).


You're interesting.
"Hello. I saw you, you seemed interesting to me, and I decided to come up and chat. What is your name?"

Passing by.
"Hello. I'm in a hurry, so I can't talk for long. But I thought you were cool and I have a desire with you. My name is... Let's exchange phone numbers, I'll call you in the evening." (Note: casually asking girls for a phone number often doesn't call them.)

What is your name?
"Hello what is your name?" Then you should introduce yourself and use the next opener.

Let's go dancing.
Apply accordingly in the club.

8. Opinion

How to approach a girl? Ask her opinion on something. At the same time, it is very important to address the girl correctly.

You should not approach her directly to get her opinion. Do it differently: do not turn your whole body towards the girl, turn only your head in her direction, as if initially you had no clear intention of speaking to her.

If the girl reacted positively, turn your whole body towards the girl, otherwise just walk away.


Which club is better?
“I need a woman's opinion. Tell me, which club is better: this one or the one two streets further?”

“My friend went to a psychic. He said that my friend would soon become rich. Do you believe in psychics?

“I need your woman's opinion. My friend has been dating a girl for three months and she calls him ten times a day. But it seems to me that this is an obsession. What do you think?"
You can touch on any topics: jealousy, betrayal, girls fighting for a guy (guys fighting for a girl is not suitable).
“My friend saw her boyfriend kissing another girl and freaked out, but she loves him. She is even ready to forgive him in order to be with him. But I want the best for her. What is your opinion on what she should do?”
“My friend found out that her boyfriend was sleeping with her roommate. Do you think she should quarrel with her neighbor or not?”

Choosing clothes.
"Hello. I need your opinion as a woman. Which item do you think suits me better?

Similar, but different.
“I need a woman's opinion. Who do you think is cooler: Jennifer Lopez or Britney Spears?

Situational opinion.
"Hello. Listen, I need a woman's opinion. Some girl through my friends asked me to... What should I write to her? I don’t know her at all...”

“I need a woman's opinion. Who do you think lies more: men or women?”

9. Joke

A good joke is the most powerful opener, but also the most difficult, because the joke must actually be funny.

Your goal in this case is to make the girl laugh. A cool guy is a rarity, which means you are valuable just because you are cool.


“Today I had a unique opportunity to have a great ride with the wind in a pleasant company. Do you want me to give you a ride too? On the escalator?

“This dress looks great on you. Well, actually, I would look no worse in his place.”

Bay, wow! Wow!
Should be used when a girl answers a question:

  • Guess what my zodiac sign is?
  • Hmm...Cancer?
  • Bay, who cares? Wow!
  • I guess?

10. Situational opener

Situational openers are the most flexible and natural, but they require resourcefulness and observation from you.

The point is to notice something in your environment and comment on it.

The object of your comments should not concern the girl and getting to know her. Comment on the situation itself, people on the street, surroundings, objects, weather, etc.

If a girl is wearing sunglasses with mirrored lenses, then you can ask her to use them as mirrors (to comb her hair, for example).

“Did your phone just ring?”

"Hello. What interesting things are you looking at there? Beads? I worked as a bead consultant, let me help you choose.”

“Girl, how do you manage to survive in this weather?”

In conclusion

As you can see, dear friend, in order to approach a girl, you can approach from the flank, but in general it is better to act according to the circumstances.

Don't forget that there are no taboos. Sometimes you just have to say out loud, “Hi. What’s your name?”, “Girl, hello. How are you?”, “Hello. I saw you and decided to come up and talk.”, after which contact will be established.