The kidnapping of Ilona Novoselova. Ilona Novoselova: before and after photos. Are there photos of Ilona Novosela before and after sex reassignment surgery?

The dream of a beautiful life united a schoolchild near Moscow, a builder and an unemployed man into a criminal group. Investigators found out that these people wanted to earn no less than 7 million rubles. But everyone planned to spend such an impressive amount in their own way. How exactly became clear during the assault, which was carried out by special forces soldiers.

According to NTV correspondent Alexander Dolgikh, the special forces knocked on the apartment of one of the likely kidnappers early in the morning. The owner, half asleep, did not immediately realize that the masked people had come for him. 17-year-old Nikita is suspected of kidnapping psychic Ilona Novoselova.

Just yesterday morning, a schoolboy from Sergiev Posad took the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, and in the evening he was spotted in one of the most expensive stores in Moscow. Under the pillow, the investigators found change from purchases - three packs of five thousand dollar bills. Detectives are sure that Nikita received money for the kidnapping of psychic Ilona Novoselova.

The clairvoyant recalls: she was hit with a stun gun in the entrance, tied with tape and taken away in an unknown direction.

Ilona Novoselova: “I was spinning with fear. The esophagus has narrowed. I read all the prayers - Orthodox, Muslim, and pagan. I listed all the prayers. I went to bed and asked if I could dream about whether I would survive or not. I dreamed that I was alive and everything was fine with me.”

The TV star spent three days in a rented apartment on the outskirts of Sergiev Posad. She was forced to drink beer, and, the captive is sure, some drugs were mixed into the drink to suppress the will.

Ilona Novoselova: “They poisoned me there. That is, all the time they gave me something to drink, some kind of nasty stuff, after which my legs felt like wobbly. I just completely slid down.”

Ilona Novoselova's kidnappers called her parents and demanded a ransom. For the sake of their beloved daughter, the mother and father collected all their savings.

Andrey Pilipchuk, official representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation: “The relatives paid a million rubles, then handed over another 6 million rubles, after which the woman was released. An operation to apprehend the attackers has begun.”

The girl told the police that she knew one of the kidnappers. This is the builder who was renovating her apartment. A certain Stanislav. Operatives detained a man on the outskirts of Moscow. He followed the clairvoyant for almost three months, choosing the right moment for the abduction. He, his friends said, himself developed a plan for the crime and assigned roles. Nikita was supposed to kidnap the TV star, and his friend Yegor was supposed to guard the captive in the apartment.

Sergey Stukalov, And. O. senior assistant to the head of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for Moscow: “In the near future, all suspects are planned to be charged with kidnapping and extortion. In addition, the investigation plans to submit a petition to the court to select a measure of detention for them in the form of detention.”

Two of the three detainees have already admitted to the abduction. So far, only the probable organizer of the crime remains silent. But detectives are confident that it will not be difficult to prove his guilt, given that the victim identified him.

Ilona Novoselova announced her psychic abilities in the sixth and then in the seventh season of the popular mystical show “Battle of Psychics.” In 2008, the girl suddenly changed her mind about taking part in the program. She stated that she saw the sign and now, under pain of death, must leave the show and give up the fight. However, a year later, Novoselova again decided to test her abilities. The 21-year-old girl took second place, losing the victory to Alexey Pokhabov. Her popularity fell upon her - many turned to her for help and signed up for consultations.

However, four years later, Ilona’s name appeared in crime news reports - it turned out that she and a young man were kidnapped and asked for a ransom of seven and a half million rubles. After the entire amount was received, the hostages were released. After contacting law enforcement agencies, the criminals were caught.

“It’s impossible to describe how scary it still is, I can’t go out alone,” Ilona said four years ago.

However, instead of sympathy, the girl was criticized. Some accused her that the kidnapping was staged for the sake of extra mention in the press. The girl’s mother, Elena Novoselova, said that this incident greatly injured Ilona and almost drove her to suicide.

“Even once I wanted to throw myself from the 15th floor, but my friend held me back. I feel very sorry for her,” the woman said in an interview.

After the scandalous material about the kidnapping, details of her past were revealed. According to some reports, Ilona Novoselova used to be a man named Andrei, but changed her gender in adolescence. It turned out that her companion Oleg, who was kidnapped with her, had undergone a similar operation and was preparing to receive a passport and a new name - Lana.

A television report reported that Ilona’s mentor Irina Bogdanova even tried to dissuade her ward from the final operation. However, according to one version, the psychic was adamant - she believed that this would only add magical power to her.

“No, it is impossible that a person changed his gender and became a psychic. In appearance, it doesn’t feel like she was a boy and then became a girl,” said the girl’s colleague Ziraddin Rzayev in the report.

Albina Selitskaya, who was on the project with Ilona, ​​said that the girl was really different from others. In her opinion, she did not know how to walk in heels, she stumbled all the time, and did not know how to handle women's things.

After information about the sex change appeared on the Internet, Novoselova herself hastened to refute these rumors.

“In connection with negative events, I would like to say: I do not have, never had, and never will have any mentor. Irina Bogdanova - she did not pass and did not prove her abilities. There is a myth that I am supposedly a transsexual, and I had a gender reassignment. This is also not true. And about who I communicate with and what my environment is like is my personal business,” the psychic said in the video.

However, for almost ten years, no significant evidence appeared that Ilona was undergoing sex reassignment surgery - there were no childhood photographs, true stories from friends or acquaintances. Novoselova herself admitted that after graduating from elementary school, the girl switched to home schooling and began to devote more time to the development of psychic abilities.

“At the age of 8 I went to school. My classmates didn’t accept me, I didn’t understand them and kept to myself. I couldn’t get along with the teachers either because I didn’t think they were right. In general, from the age of 12, I stopped attending school and began studying at home, devoting more and more time to my abilities,” the psychic said about herself.

In Moscow and the Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region, criminals involved in the kidnapping of a participant in a popular TV show were detained. The finalist of one of the seasons, Ilona Novoselova, and her boyfriend were kidnapped on May 21.

Criminal investigation officers detained suspects in the abduction, although the exact number of detainees was not reported. As noted in the press center of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, the police now continue to search for their accomplices. Investigative and operational activities continue.

Some details of this case became known to Life News. According to the publication, the 39-year-old attacker decided to kidnap Ilona Novoselova while he was renovating her house. He was detained in the Moscow district of Kozhukhovo, and he denied his guilt. The man told the operatives that he had been living in

Moscow, earns his living by working in construction and repairs. However, law enforcement officers already know the detainee: he has a criminal record and has already served time for theft in 1996 and 2007.

Another participant in the abduction turned out to be a minor. A 17-year-old young man, who the day before, like thousands of graduates across the country, was detained in the Moscow region. The guy said that the hostage-taking operation was led by the said 39-year-old native

Yaroslavl region. And the young man himself and his other accomplice only carried out the tasks that he set for them. At the guy's home, they found stacks of five thousand dollar bills - part of the ransom for the hostages, which the criminals divided among themselves.

The guy also said that they did not use force against the abducted people - they frightened them with an electric shocker, but did not beat them. However, Ilona and her boyfriend had to lie tied up under the stairs for three hours, where the kidnappers hid them in order to later take them out of Moscow.

The third suspect was detained in the southwest of Moscow. He did not deny his participation in the kidnapping, but explained to the operatives that he did not know what was happening at all. According to the man, a friend asked him to stay in the apartment with some couple and paid him 50 thousand rubles for it.

26-year-old Ilona Novoselova and her 21-year-old boyfriend were kidnapped from the entrance of a house in the east of the capital. The criminals ambushed the couple late in the evening. The abductees spent almost three days in captivity of the bandits. Later, having received a ransom of 7.5 million rubles, the bandits released them. However, criminal investigation officers were able to quickly identify the criminals, so their capture was only a matter of time.

Ilona Novoselova was born on November 2, 1986 in Pavlovsky Posad, near Moscow. She claims that she developed supernatural abilities in early childhood, and in her youth she decided to help people with her gift. In 2008, she began to participate in the show “Battle of Psychics,” but, having achieved some success in it, she announced her resignation. The girl explained that “the spirits are unhappy” with her participation in the TV show.

The operatives who freed the finalist of the famous television show and her fiancé from captivity were very surprised: the young clairvoyant man, identified according to the documents as Oleg Petrov, in fact turned out to be a girl.

As it turned out, the lover of 26-year-old Ilona Novoselova recently underwent gender reassignment surgery. Oleg Petrov, a 21-year-old native of Yaroslavl, became a woman by getting rid of male genitals.

Oleg Petrov’s classmates, who studied with him at school No. 8 in Yaroslavl, told more about the “groom” of the “Battle of Psychics” star.

Oleg has always been very feminine. He dated girls until grade 6, then very unexpectedly switched to boys. Because of his gentle character, our boys offended him and called him Lena, Olya,” classmate Alena D. told Life News. “At school, he was still somehow interested in girls, but after graduation he entered the university and completely changed his orientation. I started going to gay clubs. He visited these establishments dressed in dresses and skirts, that is, like a transvestite.

Oleg Petrov was so confident in his special “purpose” in this world that even at school he did not hide his plans to change gender.

He told us about his desire to become a girl at the age of 16, the girls talked to him as a friend,” continues Alena D. “Oleg entered a pedagogical university, but then dropped out. Even in the capital, he chose women’s clothing for going to clubs.

According to a classmate, Oleg Petrov’s family is aware of all the changes and is trying to support him.

The last time I talked to him was on May 6, he invited me to his birthday... And I recently saw his mother. She seemed to be talking about Oleg’s gender change,” added Alena D.

As his relatives said, having met Ilona Novoselova, the young man enlisted the support and understanding of his beloved and decided to make such drastic changes.

Oleg Petrov, despite his first and last name being a man, has been living as a woman for several months now: he underwent surgery to remove the male genital organs. And in order for his figure to be no worse than that of any top model, the ex-student of the Yaroslavl university took special hormones for a long time.

Oleg Andreevich Petrov has already contacted law enforcement agencies with an application to change his passport. The reason was the desire to change the name to Lana K., the source said, in the coming days, documents with a woman’s name will be transferred to the owner.

Many believe that it was Ilona who accelerated her lover’s decision to change sex, since she herself is a transsexual.

How can you trust a person who has changed gender? Ilona has been a man since birth. “She doesn’t have an innate gift, she acquired it,” Irina Bogdanova, Ilona Novoselova’s first psychic teacher, commented on Life News.

As sources told Life News, Ilona Novoselova from birth was Andrey N. from a city near Moscow.

Let us remind you that today operatives carried out an operation to rescue the finalist of the 7th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova and her transsexual fiancé from captivity. The kidnappers demanded a ransom of 7.5 million rubles, holding their lovers in a house near Moscow in the city of Sergiev Posad. The criminals were detained at the scene of the operation.

The Preobrazhensky Court of Moscow today took into custody four people accused of kidnapping the finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova. The girl and her friend were held captive for three days until relatives paid 7.5 million rubles for the hostage’s release.

An investigator of the Preobrazhensky interdistrict investigative department of the Investigative Committee for the city of Moscow applied to the court for the detention of those accused of kidnapping the finalist of the “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova and her friend.

The first to be brought into the courtroom was the alleged organizer of the kidnapping, 39-year-old resident of the Yaroslavl region Stanislav Volodin, who the day before was charged with “kidnapping” and “extortion” (Articles 126 and 163 of the Criminal Code).

Insisting on his arrest, the investigator, in particular, pointed out that Volodin was charged with committing acts that were too serious to remain free. For one of them a punishment of up to 12 years is provided, and for the other - up to 15 years of imprisonment.

“Being free, Volodin will have a real opportunity to escape,” said a representative of the investigation. He drew the court's attention to the fact that the accused knows where the victims live.
Volodin himself, who, as it turned out, had a previous conviction, was against being placed in a pre-trial detention center. He generally denied involvement in kidnapping, although he admitted that he knew Novoselova, with whom he had previously done repairs. “I am not guilty of this crime, there were no criminal actions on my part,” the detainee insisted. “I have a family, a wife and a child.”

Lawyer: “The kidnapping was started by the psychic herself for the sake of PR”

His lawyer Pavel Krapivenskikh asked the investigators to reject the motion. According to the defense lawyer, Volodin did not participate in the kidnapping, but at the request of Ilona Novoselova’s mother, he and the girl went to her house to get money.. “In general, I believe that all this was started by the victim herself for the sake of PR.”

According to the defense lawyer, during the confrontation the victim stated that the kidnappers initially demanded 20 million rubles from her mother. “But then how could they get 7.5 million and let her go, because Volodin knew Ilona well and she knew him. Where is the logic?" - the defender was surprised.

While they were waiting for the court's decision, Stanislav Volodin continued to convince others of his innocence. He stated that the “kidnapped” drank and smoked marijuana, that “they had a real opportunity to leave, but they did not.”

“How do you know this if you say that you did not participate in the kidnapping?” the journalists were surprised. “They told me about this,” the detainee was found. When asked if he was afraid that the clairvoyant would “curse” him, he answered negatively.

After that, she considered the issue of choosing a preventive measure for three other defendants: 19-year-old first-year student of the Academy of National Economy Egor Yakimov, 17-year-old graduate of one of the Moscow region schools Nikita Lisovets, as well as Sergiev Posad resident Mikhail Bashurin.

The finalist of the seventh season of the mystical TV show “Battle of Psychics,” 26-year-old Ilona Novoselova and her 21-year-old friend Oleg Petrov were abducted on May 21 from the entrance of the house on Altaiskaya Street where they lived. As follows from the case materials, when the couple entered the elevator, Bashurin used a stun gun on them. Then he, together with Nikita Lisovets, forcibly pushed the young people into the car. They were taken to Bashurin’s rented apartment in Sergiev Posad.

The attackers contacted the psychic’s mother and demanded 1 million rubles for the hostage’s release. It is noteworthy that the criminals believed that they had kidnapped two girls.

Later it turned out that Novoselova’s friend was a transsexual, who, although his passport indicated he was a man, had already undergone sex reassignment surgery and was planning to change his documents in the near future, receiving a female name. By the way, according to some sources, Ilona Novoselova was allegedly previously a man herself.

The next day, Novoselova’s mother brought the ransom and handed over the money to the kidnappers in one of the capital’s cafes. However, they, realizing that the hostage’s relatives were solvent, demanded another 6.5 million rubles.

Only after they received the second part of the ransom did they take the abducted people home to Altai Street. Later, Ilona Novoselova filed a complaint with law enforcement agencies.

On May 28, in Moscow and Sergiev Posad, employees of the Main Directorate of Criminal Investigation I. Some of them have already spent part of the ransom.


During the arrest hearing, it became known that Yegor Yakimov and Nikita Lisovets wrote a confession, and the latter even filed a petition to conclude a pre-trial deal with the investigation.

The question of choosing a preventive measure for Lisovets took place behind closed doors, since the young man is a minor. His lawyer Vladimir Chebotarev told the site that he offered his client house arrest as a preventive measure or release on bail, the amount of which he proposed to establish in court.

“When Nikita learned from his adult comrades about what they wanted to do, he was simply afraid to refuse them, fearing that they would deal with him,” the defense attorney outlined his client’s version.

Lisovets' friend Yegor Yakimov promised that he would not hide from the investigation and would appear upon request. And Mikhail Bashurin refused to speak at the trial, bursting into obscene language at the journalists.

As a result, all three, like Stanislav Volodin, were also placed in a pre-trial detention center by court decision until July 26. The lawyer for the alleged organizer of the kidnapping, Pavel Krapivenskikh, told the site that he will not file an appeal, since his client does not see the point in it. Nikita Lisovets’ defender Vladimir Chebotarev, on the contrary, said that he would definitely do this.