The stairs to the second floor are winder. Calculation and production of a wooden staircase with winder steps. Pros and cons of winder design

When choosing a staircase, its dimensions are often decisive. If there is little free space in the house, the best option would be a staircase with winder steps, which takes up a minimum of space. You can choose a screw design or a two-flight one, in which the winder steps replace the intermediate horizontal platform.

Design features and varieties

The compactness of this design is ensured by the fact that there are no horizontal sections in it, and the entire occupied area is “useful”. The winder steps differ from the usual ones in their trapezoidal (beveled) shape and relative position (they form a turning section). Usually they are located on the same support.

Stairs with winder steps may have different types designs:

  1. Screw. In essence, these are winder stairs consisting entirely of turning steps.
  2. Marching. Conventional multi-flight staircases, in which not a platform is installed between the flights, but winder steps.
  3. U-shaped. Such structures consist of two parallel flights, the relative position of which resembles the letter “P”. In this case, winder steps are also installed as a rotating element.
  4. Mixed. In such designs, the base is a marching one, and the lower part is rotary or screw. Such a straight staircase with winder steps is convenient and safe, and the shape of its lower part allows you to save some space.

Winder stairs have characteristic pros and cons that must be carefully weighed when giving preference to this design. The most important advantages include the following features:

  • Stairs with winder steps provide maximum space savings, since the ascent occurs over the entire area of ​​the staircase (in classic designs, the transition platform only increases the space occupied);
  • Turning stairs with winder steps look stylish and aesthetically pleasing; their design has more rounded and smooth lines.

In addition to the advantages, stairs with winder steps also have certain disadvantages. The winder steps may be inconvenient for some people (especially when descending). Elderly people, holding the handrail, are forced to step on the inner narrow part of the step. There is not enough space for your feet, which can lead to falls and injuries.

If the staircase is winder, the outer part of the steps may also be uncomfortable. Holding onto the handrail on this side, it is more difficult to go down, since you have to walk long distances. In addition, if mistakes are made at the development stage, the winder staircase can become not only inconvenient, but also dangerous for children and the elderly.

Calculation of stairs with winder steps

The design of such stairs requires a responsible approach, since ensuring the proper level of convenience and reliability is more difficult than for conventional structures. When developing stairs with winder steps, we pay special attention to such points as:

  1. Search for optimal proportions. In their central part, winder steps should have the most comfortable width, corresponding to ordinary marching steps. The widths at the edges should also be quite comfortable.
  2. The height of the steps is also selected taking into account the convenience of all people living in the house. A wooden staircase with winder steps should not be too steep, as this will significantly affect the ease of descent, and the turning part can become not only inconvenient, but also dangerous. The winder staircase must have turning steps of the same height as regular staircases.

The general calculation of a staircase with winder steps is also somewhat complicated due to the turning section, which must be coordinated with the rest of the structure. There are different formulas and approaches that allow you to make calculations, but the key requirement always remains maximum compliance with ergonomic requirements.

The design of a staircase with winder steps should ensure the most comfortable movement of a person in both directions. Therefore, when calculating, we take into account the length of the step and the height of the person. People of tall or short stature have the opportunity to order wooden stairs with winder steps, designed and manufactured individually for them.

The most important parameter is the steepness angle of the stairs. If the angle is too shallow, then a staircase with winder steps takes up more space and it takes more time to climb it. If the angle is too steep, it creates difficulties when moving, especially difficult to go down such stairs.

A turning staircase with winder steps is designed so that the gap between flights is a quarter of the length of the flight. This is necessary so that the steps are not too narrow on the inside.

The flight sections of the stairs will be calculated in the usual way. For greater clarity, all calculations are accompanied by a graphical construction of a model of the future design (when agreeing on a finished project, before starting manufacturing work, the customer receives three-dimensional images for approval).

Straight stairs with winder steps are convenient because they have a straight single-flight design, but you can enter them from the most convenient side. The direction of rotation is selected according to the layout of the room. This staircase consists of a flight and a small turning section, making it convenient to place along the wall.

Our offer

If you need a winder staircase, order it from the Prelesnitsa company in Moscow. Our catalog contains a wide range of models of various configurations and sizes, designed for installation in any part of the room. We use only high-quality materials, thanks to which staircases with winder steps purchased from us will last for many decades.

Here you can choose both ready-made models and order production according to an individual design. An exclusive custom-made winder staircase will fit perfectly into the interior and will fully suit your taste. All elements are subject to careful painting, so they look neat and last a long time.

The Prelesnitsa company provides a full range of services related to the sale, design, design, custom manufacturing and installation of stairs. You can show us your favorite photo of a staircase with winder steps, and we will make for you an exclusive product with the same design, but tailored to your layout. Call us for details, or come to the nearest office.

Please indicate required dimensions

X- width of the staircase opening
Y- opening height
Z- width of the stairs
F- step projection
W- thickness of steps
C- number of all stages
C1- number of steps on the lower flight
C2- number of rotary steps


Calculation of stairs with 90° turning steps.

A wooden staircase with turning steps can significantly save space in the house without losing convenience and functionality.

When calculating, pay attention to the optimal number of rotary steps. In my experience, 3 steps are optimal for a staircase width of 80 cm. More - the steps will be too narrow and therefore inconvenient.

If the opening is located only above the top of the stairs, then the height at the turning point to the ceiling is important to avoid head injuries. It must be at least 2 meters.

With this design, the width of the stairs plays an important role. Because it directly affects the convenience of turning steps. The wider the staircase, the greater the number of steps that can be used without loss of convenience.

Due to the variety of projects and designs, railings for stairs are not calculated or shown in any way in the program.

Important! Pay attention to the dimensions of the turning steps. To get the dimensions of the step, do not forget to add the size of the protrusion to these dimensions.

Calculating a stone staircase is no different from calculating a wooden or metal staircase. The main thing is to correctly calculate the size of the steps. Their height must be the same for all its parts.

Calculation of stair comfort is calculated using a formula based on step length.
A person's stride length ranges from 60 to 66 cm, with an average of 63 cm.
A comfortable staircase corresponds to the formula: 2 step heights + step depth = 63±3 cm.

The most convenient inclination of the stairs is from 30° to 40°.
The depth of the steps of the stairs must correspond to shoe size 45 - no less than 28-30 cm.
The lack of depth can be compensated by the protrusion of the step.
The height of the step should be up to 20-25 cm.

The program will draw drawings of a staircase with turning steps with the main angles and dimensions.
The drawings show the general dimensions of the stairs, the markings of the top of the steps on the strings, the corners of the steps and the main dimensions of the steps themselves.

I hope the program will help you design and make a staircase for your garden or home with your own hands.

When manufacturing and installing stairs, builders often face the problem of lack of space. An excellent solution is wooden stairs with winder steps. To make them yourself, you need to know some nuances, which we will discuss below.

It should be said right away that the winder steps cannot be considered as a separate element of the structure, since their use determines the general structure of the product. As a rule, winder wooden stairs have complex design. Instead of a traditional platform, they have a smooth turn.

In this case, the tread standards are observed only along the middle line, while the inner edge turns out to be narrow. As mentioned above, winder steps are made to save space in the room.

They can be installed anywhere – either along the wall or right in the middle of the room. From the point of view of convenience and compactness, this is the most optimal option.

However, where there are pros, there are also cons. Winder stairs are no exception in this sense.

Their disadvantages include:

  • The steep climb;
  • narrow steps;
  • complexity of calculations;
  • labor-intensive manufacturing process.

Before you start working on the structure, you will have a difficult choice: make calculations and make the stairs yourself or buy a structure ready for installation.

If you want to purchase a finished product, you should consider the following nuances:

  • It will still have to be adjusted to the specific dimensions of your room. In most cases, this process requires more time and effort than making it yourself;
  • The finished product is not always made of high-quality materials;
  • The price of a finished staircase is disproportionately higher than the material from which you can make the staircase yourself.

It follows that it is much more advisable to take on the production of a staircase structure yourself, if, of course, you have at least a little experience working with wood.

Making stairs


To make a staircase, before performing all the calculations, you will need to decide on the material. It is best to use hardwood. An excellent option would be an oak staircase.

The wood structure of the oak structure looks great with almost any interior. And if desired, it can be painted in any color to give the design originality. However, ash and other types of wood can also be used.

Calculation of the winder staircase

For an example of calculation, let's take a staircase that has two parallel flights with a turn made using winder steps.

First of all, the future staircase must be created on paper. To calculate, you first need to draw two marches. In the center of the march it is necessary to draw a line ABC - this is the middle line of movement, in accordance with which the width of the steps is drawn.

The line must begin to be drawn from the rounded top so that the step located in the middle is divided in half by the line BC (sketch a in the diagram). In this way, ordinal divisions are obtained.

Advice! The greater the number of straight steps, the more comfortable the staircase will be, and the smoother the transition to the winder steps.

Then you need to draw a line DE horizontally, capturing three straight steps, enclosing the highest one. The regulation of the width of the step will begin from there, connecting two lines on the line of movement with the middle A.

After drawing a line until the lines intersect with the line DE and obtain the next segment, it must be continued from point D to E, until the next points are obtained. The resulting points should be connected by corresponding lines according to their numerical value, which are marked along the line of movement.

The result of such calculations is a horizontal projection of the shape of the winder steps of the staircase on the left side. The right side is calculated in the same way.

In addition, when independently calculating the winder steps, it is necessary to take into account the following points:

  • The width of the step should not exceed 40 cm;
  • The radius of curvature must be more than 30 cm;
  • The movement of the stairs should be smooth and follow the direction of the flight of stairs. Excessive tortuosity of the travel line is unacceptable.
  • The design must ensure safety, comfortable lifting and comply with established standards. When designing, special attention should be paid to the height of the steps. Low steps are uncomfortable and dangerous, while too high steps make climbing difficult.

Calculating beams is very simple, using Pythagoras’ law - the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the legs. You need to add about 30 centimeters to the resulting figure.


When creating a staircase, you will need the following set of tools:

  • Drill;
  • Jigsaw;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Self-tapping screws;
  • Roulette;
  • Hammer.

Manufacturing and installation of the structure

Do-it-yourself winder steps can be made of two types - on bowstrings or stringers. The most common option is the first type - on bowstrings. In this case, the elements made in accordance with the calculations are cut into the supporting base, i.e. the bowstring, while the bowstring itself remains in sight.

Making a staircase on stringers is a little more difficult, since it is necessary to make rectangular cutouts in the supporting beams on which the steps will be laid. This type of structure is wider, the stringers are hidden, and only the steps and risers remain visible.

If aesthetics and conciseness come first for you, then it is better to give preference to stringers. To do this, you will need two beams with a cross section of 100*200 mm. The most important thing is to correctly mark the beams and make identical cuts on them, since this will determine how evenly the steps will lie.

If the winder part is located at the base of the stairs, then the steps are mounted on supporting pillars and risers. In all other cases, the structure is conventionally divided into three parts - before the race, the winder steps and after the race. The turn must be mounted in the middle.

When the run is located in the middle, the rotary steps are mounted on beams. It is much easier to mount straight beams at right angles, without curved “twists”. If you want to make a rounding, then you can bend a piece of plywood at the bend of the winder ladder.

Advice! To bend the plywood, the sheet can be placed edgewise on two tables so that the main part of it sags. A weight is placed in the center, and the sheet itself is watered on both sides. The plywood should be in this position until the sheet reaches the required angle.

Also, when rotating the structure 180 degrees, three beams can be used for the race. However, the use of plywood, although more difficult to install, will make the staircase more beautiful. At the same time, in both the first and second cases, all shortcomings can be hidden behind a plasterboard box.

Advice! In order for the flight of stairs to fit well into the allotted space, the profile of the stairs should be drawn on the wall. If necessary, you can adjust the size of the steps.

Most often, the installation of stairs begins with the installation of the first part. Then beams are installed that will hold the structure suspended. All parts must be thoroughly sanded before installation, and the outer edges can be rounded for beauty.

When the main part of the structure is installed, all that remains is to mount the balusters on the steps. They can be secured using a pin 100 mm long and 8 mm thick. Railings are installed on top.

This completes the installation instructions. All that remains is to paint the structure. To ensure that the wood is well preserved without losing its natural beauty, you can use a transparent varnish as a coating.


By making your own staircase, you can get a reliable design that will completely suit your home. At the same time, you will significantly save money. However, without certain woodworking skills, it is unlikely that you will be able to complete this job.

Additional information on creating winder steps can be obtained from the video in this article.

If there is not enough space in the living room, finding a place to place the stairs causes a lot of trouble. A solution to this issue can be wooden stairs with winder steps. Such designs do not lose their practicality in operation and significantly save precious square meters. But before you begin installation work, you should know about important nuances described in this article.

Shape and types of stairs

First you need to decide on the design - the shape of the frame of the future staircase:

If necessary, all three options can be combined based on the layout of the room, the shape of the staircase and the presence of adjacent load-bearing walls.

Combined construction: stringers + bowstring

Safety requirements for a turning staircase with winder steps

Do not forget that walking on wooden stairs should be as safe as possible, since both adults and children can move along them. Therefore, the following recommendations are urgent:

  1. the number of steps in one flight of stairs must be at least 3 and it is desirable that their total number be odd - it is psychologically more convenient to start and finish the ascent from the same foot;
  2. the height of the fence must exceed the level of the person’s center of gravity; on average, this parameter ranges from 90 to 120 cm;
  3. The structure must be fastened directly to the load-bearing elements of the floor.

Manual calculation of staircase parameters

Despite the many nuances and pitfalls that are encountered in the work process, a wooden winder staircase can not only be erected on its own, but also be designed without the involvement of specialists. This does not require any special knowledge; everything you need to know is written in our article.

Stair height

This parameter is the distance from the floor of the first floor to the floor of the second floor, that is, the thickness of the ceiling is also taken into account. Many people forget about this, rushing to calculate the structure for the walls of a living space.

When choosing a slope, the minimum distance to the ceiling is taken into account

The distance from the steps to the ceiling is calculated according to the person’s height; on average, this figure should not be lower than 190 cm, another 10 cm is added for ease of movement. Now this value can change upward, but not downward.

March length

The length of the future structure consists of several points:

  • tilt angle;
  • step width;
  • number of steps;
  • size of the landing.

And you should start by taking measurements of the space available for the stairs and subsequently adjust the project to the standards and norms.

Stair width

The basis of all calculations is the convenience and safety of movement; a person must walk without pressing against the railing due to tightness and without fear of putting his foot past the step.

Regarding the width of the stairs, there are several recommendations:

  • the minimum size between handrails or other barriers is 80-90 cm, in which case only one person can move. It is not possible to drag furniture along such a structure;
  • the optimal size for a staircase with winder steps is 100-125 cm. Two people can easily separate, moving towards each other;
  • Comfortable movement zones are considered to be sizes from 125 m to 150 cm, when oncoming traffic is not obstructed in any way.

Tilt angle

Another parameter responsible for the ease of use of the stairs, and this has its own criteria:
1. If the design is too steep, more living space is saved.
2. If the structure is flat, then movement is more comfortable and safe.

For residential premises it is in the range from 26 to 45 degrees. A steeper slope is considered hazardous and is used only for economic and industrial purposes.

Number of steps

This indicator cannot be certain and depends on the overall height of the structure and the height of the step. For example, if the floor height is 3 m, then dividing it by 15 cm - the average size of the riser - we get 20 steps.

Stair pitch (step depth)

The most important rule to remember: the foot must be in full contact with the step, however, an error of several centimeters is allowed to clarify the dimensions of the structure.

  • the minimum value is 100 mm, however, if you quickly ascend or descend such stairs, you can get injured;
  • the most suitable dimensions are from 200 to 300 mm; the movement does not force you to strain and look every time where you put your foot.

If you need to increase the width of the steps, you can fix them with a slight offset, but not more than 40 mm, so as not to accidentally get caught when moving.

Online calculators

If you have difficulties with independently calculating the winder steps for a wooden staircase, you can use these calculators for turns on and. The advantages of this design approach:

  1. It is enough to indicate the required dimensions, and you will receive a diagram with all the parameters without unnecessary divisions and multiplications;
  2. the result can also be prepared in 3D, which will allow you to visually evaluate the design and simplify its manufacture.
  3. By specifying the materials, you will also receive a construction estimate.


After the calculations have been completed and the project has been prepared, you should decide on the type of wood from which the staircase will be built. For such structures, it is best to use hardwood that can withstand heavy loads, such as oak, ash, walnut and beech.

They are all approximately in the same density category, but differ in price and susceptibility to rotting. Thus, the walnut does not have sufficient durability and has an average cost. Ash is resistant to destruction, but also much higher in price. Pine is also suitable, but requires more careful processing.


The next stage is preparation the necessary tool for installation work:

  • electric drill;
  • jigsaw (you can get by with a hacksaw, but you will spend many times more time constructing the structure);
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer;
  • roulette;
  • building level or plumb line.

Nails, stainless steel screws and metal corners can be used as fastening elements.

Manufacturing and installation of the structure

Even at the stage of creating a drawing, you are faced with the question of what frame will underlie the staircase? In practice, products with stringers and bowstrings are considered the most popular - they are easy to install and practical to use.

Device diagram
Connections of structural elements
Attaching the stringer to the floor

Design features:

  • when the winder part is located directly at the base of the structure, the steps are installed on risers (if any) and on support pillars;
  • if the winder part is located in the middle and the transition angle is straight (90 or 180 degrees), the turning treads are laid on the supporting beams. The beams themselves are installed at right angles. Where the staircase bends, you can make a rounding using plywood, giving it a curved shape.

Let's consider both options for constructing a wooden staircase with winder steps with your own hands:

The assembly with the steps located on strings differs only in that they will be mounted between the base beams, and not on them, otherwise the sequence of actions is similar.

Marking stairs using a template

Staircase with winder steps with a 90° turn(L-shaped staircase) is an effective and fairly compact design, which in most cases is made in the form of two flights of different sizes, located at right angles and connected by steps, with an increasing width of the tread from the axis of rotation to the border of the opening. Winder steps allow you to create a frame of shorter length compared to a turning platform, but they make movement somewhat more difficult for the elderly, children and people with disabilities.

Online calculator staircases with a 90° turn with winder steps from KALK.PRO allows you to get a ready-made design project without special knowledge and specialized education based on measurements of the existing opening. The calculation result contains the most optimal consumption of materials for production without loss of quality, detailed drawings of the assembled structure and all elements separately, an adaptive 3D model in real proportions with a separate set of functional elements and recommendations for creating the most convenient and ergonomic design.

Calculation procedure

  • Step 1. Selecting the number of rotary steps - 2 pcs, 3 pcs, 4 pcs, N pcs ( default 3 pcs).
  • Step 2. Selecting suitable units of measurement - mm, cm, m, inches, feet.
  • Step 3. Specifying the color saturation of drawings for drawing - monochrome, color.
  • Step 4. Determination of the direction of entry onto the stairs - right entry (with a turn to the left), left entry (with a turn to the right).
  • Step 5. The method of fastening the rotary steps is a tongue-and-groove connection, in the section of the support column.
  • Step 6. Entering staircase parameters - length, flight width, opening height ( if the top step is at the level of the 2nd floor, the height of the opening = the height of the stairs) .
  • Step 7. Step parameters - number of straight steps, tread thickness, edge protrusion, top step below the level of the 2nd floor or at the level ( optional).
  • Step 8. Risers (optional) - the ability to use risers.
  • Step 9. Stringer parameters - beam thickness, beam width ( separately for direct and winding march).
  • Step 10. Supporting stiffening beams - thickness, width.
  • Step 11. Parameters of the support column - section side.
  • Step 12. Selecting the characteristics of the fencing elements - height, thickness, width of the handrails, side of the baluster section.
  • Step 13. Floors and walls - blocks are used only for 3D visualization and do not affect the final results.
  • Step 14. Confirm the entered values ​​and start calculating a staircase with a 90° turn with winder steps using the button " Calculate».

Design features / designations on drawings

Creating a staircase with your own hands allows you to significantly save your budget, but novice craftsmen do not always realize that this is a rather long and complex process with a large number of nuances, which are almost impossible to become familiar with right away. Therefore, in order to perform a competent design calculation and ensure the most comfortable conditions when moving, you must use the values ​​given below when filling out the fields of the calculator. They are based on the popular “convenience formula” of the French engineer Francois Blondel and have been tested in practice by more than one generation of builders. Other parameters can be found on the page " Calculation of stairs online».

Blondel formula: 2 × h + s = 60/65 cm

  • h - step height;
  • s - tread width;
  • 60/65 cm is the average human step length.

We also note that in order to manufacture a safe and reliable staircase, it is necessary to be guided by construction requirements and standards that describe permissible operating loads, dimensions, material characteristics, etc. Our calculator does not take these limitations into account, but it also does not allow you to create a guaranteed unstable structure - the calculation will stop and an error window will appear. However, in order to avoid possible negative situations, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the provisions of the following documents:

GOST 23120-78 “Flight stairs, platforms and steel fences”, SNiP 21-01-97 (SP 112.13330.2011) “Fire safety of buildings and structures”, SNiP 31-02-2001 (SP 55.13330.2010) “Single-apartment residential houses ", SNiP 2.08.01-89 "Residential buildings", SNiP 2.08.02-89 (SP 118.13330.2011) "Public buildings and structures", SNiP 2.01.07-85 (SP 20.13330.2010) "Loads and impacts", SNiP II-25-80 (SP 64.13330.2011) “Wooden structures”.

Check out our articles - installation of wooden stairs And optimal angle of inclination of the stairs. We are sure that this information will be useful to you, including when calculating a 90° winder staircase on the calculator.

Example of calculation of an L-shaped staircase