Order on bonuses for employees. Order on bonuses for employees Order on incentives for employees form t 11a

Code¦ + + Form according to OKUD ¦0301027¦ JSC "Atlanta"+ + according to OKPO ¦¦ name of the organization L T ¬ ¦Number¦Date¦ ¦of the document¦ of preparation¦ + + + ¦87¦ 05/14/2009¦ Order L + (instruction) on encouraging employees for high professionalism and achievement of high production indicators; the motive for encouraging indicators is to declare gratitude and issue a bonus. type of incentive (gratitude, valuable gift, bonus, etc. - indicate) T T T T T ¬ ¦Last name, ¦ Timesheet ¦ Structural ¦ Position ¦ Amount, ¦ With order ¦ ¦ name, ¦ number ¦ department - ¦ ¦patronymic¦¦¦ness, pro-¦¦niem) work-¦ ¦¦¦¦profession)¦¦nickname familiar-¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦len.

Unified form No. t-11 - download form and sample

In this case, it is usually a presentation or report from the head of a structural unit, which indicates an employee or group of employees who have achieved certain successes in their professional activities. Who is involved in drawing up the document As a rule, the execution of such orders is the responsibility of a legal adviser, a specialist in the personnel department, the head of a structural unit or, in extreme cases, the secretary of the enterprise. And regardless of who is filling out the document, it must be submitted to the director of the organization for approval.

Basic rules for drawing up an order As today's law states, an order for bonuses can be issued in free form.

Order to reward an employee. forms t-11 and t11a

Personnel documents An order to encourage an employee (bonus) is drawn up if it is necessary to reward an employee for certain merits in his work and personal life. For registration, standard order forms T-11 and T-11a can be used. Order form for employee incentives, form T-11 – download in word format.

Form T-11a – download. The procedure for bonuses and incentives for employees is prescribed in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in its 191st article. The reason for a bonus may be the achievement of a certain result by an employee, exceeding the plan, an important event in his life, participation in any event, etc. The incentive can be gratitude, a certificate of honor, a material gift or a cash bonus.

Bonuses are awarded by the employee on the basis of an order from management, which, in turn, is drawn up on the basis of a proposal for incentives.

Form t-11 and t-11a. order on bonuses for employees

Then in the form you need to enter the last name, first name, patronymic of the employee, his personnel number (if such records are kept at the enterprise), the name of the position and structural unit (site, workshop, team) in which the applicant for the award works. In the second part of the order, you must indicate the motive, i.e. the reason for the award, then its type, and if it is a sum of money, then its exact amount (in words and figures). In the “Bases” line, a specific document is written on the basis of which the bonus is awarded (its date and number, if one was assigned).
Finally, the order is signed by the head of the organization, dated, and then handed over to the awarded employee for review and signature. Example of filling out an order T-11a This order form is filled out when a group of employees is expected to receive bonuses.

Order of encouragement (form t-11 and t-11a)

Personal signature 52¦Sales Department¦Head¦10,000¦Efremov¦ ¦Anton¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦Nikolaevich¦¦¦¦¦¦ + + + + + + + ¦Ionin¦61¦Marketing Department¦Deputy¦10,000¦Ionin¦ ¦Dmitry¦¦¦Head¦¦¦ ¦Vladimirovich¦¦¦of the department¦¦¦ + + + + + + + ¦Kharlamov¦73¦Department¦System¦ 8 000¦Kharlamov¦ ¦Timofey¦¦automated¦administrator¦¦¦ ¦ Sergeevich¦¦management systems ¦¦¦¦ L + + + + + Reason: submission of the Deputy General Director dated 05/11/2009. general Kuzkin Alexey director Kuzkin Mikhailovich Head of the organization position personal transcript signature signature Save this document now. It will come in handy. You found what you were looking for? * By clicking on one of these buttons, you help form a rating of the usefulness of documents.

Order on promotion t-11 - sample filling, form

Reason: the document on the basis of which the order is issued is usually a presentation, which, in turn, is drawn up on the basis of a request for an award; a clause of a collective agreement or other internal regulation establishing the need for incentives in certain situations can also be stated. For example, a collective agreement may establish bonuses for all employees on the occasion of anniversaries. The head of the organization signs the completed order form T-11.
The example employee also signs it. If, on the contrary, it is necessary to apply punishment to an employee, then an order for disciplinary action should be issued.

Unified form t-11 sample filling

An order for bonuses is a document issued by the management of an enterprise if it is necessary to reward subordinates. The reason for issuing an order can be a variety of reasons: exceeding the plan and production standards, high labor results, quality of work performed, etc. An important clarification: bonuses do not at all mean rewarding an outstanding employee or group of employees with monetary amounts only.

The bonus can be a written thank you from management, a certificate, or some other type of material incentive. It is difficult to overestimate the role of bonuses: this form of recognition of employees’ services to the organization is a powerful incentive for their further fruitful and effective work.

Unified form n t-11 (filling sample)

However, many enterprises and organizations continue to actively use previously approved and generally applicable

  • Form T-11 (if one employee is nominated for a bonus)
  • or form T-11a (if bonuses are intended to be given to a group of employees).

Both of these forms are quite similar in both structure and content. The adherence to the “old” forms is quite understandable: they include all the necessary data, including information about the employer and the employees being awarded, information about the reason for the bonus and the award itself, etc. The order can be issued in two versions: either in writing, by hand, or in printed form.

But no matter which one is chosen, it must always contain the original signature of the manager and the signatures of the awarded employees.

Unified form t 11a sample filling

At the same time, you should know how to correctly draw up this document and what is the difference between the T-11 and T-11a forms. You can download the unified form T-11 on our website. Download the unified form T-11 Orders on the unified forms T-11 and T-11a are distinguished by the fact that in the T-11 form an order will be given to reward only 1 employee, and the T-11a form is used to reward several employees.


The unified form T-11a can also be downloaded on our website. Download the unified form T-11a The procedure for filling out an order for promotion The execution of the order begins with reflecting the name of the organization. The data must correspond to the constituent documents of the enterprise.

In the example below, this is Forget-Me-Not LLC. Download a sample form T-11 The document number can contain not only numbers, but also letters. The number in the example is 15.


If this is some kind of material thing, a gift, then its name is also indicated in the order. In addition, the employee may be awarded a certificate and expressed gratitude. Memorandum on bonuses - the basis for remuneration The basis for bonuses to an employee can be a memorandum to management about the employee’s labor successes.

The figure below shows an example of filling out a memo from the production director addressed to the general director. Order on employee bonuses. Example of filling The figure below shows an example of rewarding an employee with a monetary reward based on an order from management. In addition to monetary remuneration, an employee can be encouraged with a valuable gift.
The figure below shows this sample order. Download the order on bonuses for employees. Sample and form Download samples of the organization's personnel documents: Form T-1 and T-1a.

Order on bonus payments to employees(form T-11 and T-11a) - an administrative document from the management of the organization on awarding a bonus to an employee of the organization. During the work activity of an employee, he may be awarded by management for any special merits; as a bonus, he may be given a certificate, gratitude, monetary or material reward. The employee's remuneration is formalized by drawing up an order on bonuses for employees. The order can be drawn up in free form on the company’s letterhead, or you can use the convenient unified form T-11 and T-11a. The first form is intended to reward one employee, the second - for a group of employees. Let's look at how to correctly draw up an order for bonuses using the T-11 form as an example.

Order on bonuses for an employee, form T-11, sample filling

Before the personnel service draws up an order, the head of the department in which the employee works must formalize a proposal for incentives, on the basis of which the order will be issued. This representation is indicated in the text of the order as the basis for its preparation.

An order is an administrative document, it is drawn up on behalf of the management of the enterprise.

The text of the order must indicate the basic information of the employee: position, department, full name. After this, the achievements and merits of the employee for which he is nominated for encouragement are reflected.

The last point is to indicate the type of bonus (incentive). This may be a cash bonus, in which case it is indicated in words in the order. If this is some kind of material thing, a gift, then its name is also indicated in the order. In addition, the employee may be awarded a certificate and expressed gratitude.

Memorandum on bonuses - basis for remuneration

The basis for awarding an employee a bonus may be a memorandum to management about the employee’s labor success. The figure below shows an example of filling out a memo from the production director addressed to the general director.

Order on employee bonuses. Filling example

The figure below shows an example of rewarding an employee with a monetary reward based on an order from management.

In addition to monetary remuneration, an employee can be encouraged with a valuable gift. The figure below shows this sample order.

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The head of the organization issues an order for incentives (bonuses or awards). This order is issued in the personnel department using the unified form No. T-11 or T-11a (for a group of employees). The order serves to document the fact of rewarding employees. Information from the order is entered into the employee’s personal card.

The unified form No. T-11 was approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

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How to fill out an incentive order correctly

An employer can reward its employees for the impeccable performance of their duties, conscientious work, and more. Encouragement can be expressed in the form of gratitude, a cash bonus, a certificate of honor or a valuable gift, as well as in the form of a nomination for the title of the best in their profession.

In order to give an employee a bonus, the head of the enterprise issues a special order to reward the employee. The basis for it is usually a petition from the head of a particular division of the company, but it can also be other documents confirming the merits of the recipient (for example, confirming his work experience at the enterprise). As for the order itself, here you don’t have to invent or invent anything. The document is not only unified, but also approved by the State Statistics Committee.

You will need a standard T-11 form. You need to enter the name of the company in it as it is written in your constituent documents. If you are an individual entrepreneur, enter your OKPO code in the employee incentive order. The document number and date of the order are entered in accordance with current data.
In the order to reward an employee, you must also enter the personnel number of the employee whom you want to reward, his full last name, first name and patronymic, the name of the department (structural unit) where he works, and the name of the position (according to the staffing table).

The incentive motive is written with a small letter. This could be, for example, “high achievements in work”, “conscientious performance of official duties”, etc.
In the “grounds for promotion” field, enter the name of the basis document (for example, a petition from the head of a department).

Now all that remains is to sign the document. The first person to do this is the head of the organization, its first person - he enters the name of his position (for example, general director, chairman of the board of directors or president), surname and initials and signs. After this, the order is certified by the company’s seal.
After reading the incentive order, the employee also puts his signature on it and indicates the date of signing.

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A bonus is one of the main types of employee incentives. On the other hand, this is a type of financial transaction that must be reflected in documents, for example, in an order for bonus payments to employees. A sample and instructions for compilation are in this article.

The specifics of the bonus are determined by 2 points:

  1. This is a voluntary act of the employer, i.e. This is his right, not his duty. As a rule, the employment contract stipulates that the company can provide bonuses to the employee, which in practice implies only one possible case - the initiative of the employer.
  2. On the other hand, there are no uniform rules for calculating bonuses: i.e. The legislation does not provide for the mode, amount and specifics of payment (on the day of salary or advance payment).

Thus, as for the very fact of paying the bonus, the procedure for this procedure, all this is the good will of the company, and specifically of the authorized persons who have the right to make the appropriate decision. That's why responsibility arises only for the correct execution of this financial transaction in the documentation. Exceptions are those cases when the employment contract initially specified the amount of the bonus and the procedure for paying it to the employee.

NOTE. According to labor law, the bonus is a component of the salary. Accordingly, it can only be issued on those days specified in the employment contract.

Procedure for drawing up an order largely depends on the size of the enterprise and the number of its staff: if bonuses for employees in a small company can be organized literally in 1 day, then in a large division the procedure is much more complicated. In general, the order is as follows:

  1. All heads of branches and separate divisions are notified of the need to prepare for bonuses and, in response, draw up initial lists of employees indicating the position, full name and grounds for the possible accrual of bonuses.
  2. According to the declared employees, authorized persons are studying the possibility of bonuses in each specific case in accordance with the internal regulations of the companies (fulfillment of the plan, performance indicators, etc.).
  3. Based on this analysis, the list is adjusted or left unchanged and distributed to all departments.
  4. The final version is transferred to the draft order, after which the finally approved document on bonuses for employees is printed.
  5. Each employee included in the list familiarizes himself with the document and must sign.

If some types of bonuses are awarded annually, quarterly and even monthly, others may be allocated on an extraordinary basis. That's why classification of orders depends on the order of awarding:

  • mass and isolated cases – i.e. immediately to the entire team (or department) or individual colleagues for individual successes;
  • planned (periodic) and unscheduled (irregular) - depending on the financial capabilities of the company, bonuses can be issued constantly or only in individual cases.

These payments are classified depending on the reason for the premium:

  1. Holidays – this often includes corporate gifts in the form of additional payments for the New Year, March 8, as well as a professional holiday.
  2. Production – i.e. for services related to the implementation of the plan, the implementation of effective measures that improve the work process, optimize production, help save resources, etc.
  3. Organizational in nature – i.e. awards for successful preparation and implementation of certain events in the interests of the company. For example, a seminar, a round table on an issue, a meeting of clients or guests from abroad, organizing a corporate event, etc.

NOTE. The bonus can be awarded not only in connection with labor successes, but also in connection with holidays, i.e. the employer himself has the right to choose the basis. However, such payments are not intended to help an employee in a difficult life situation. Then we are talking about providing financial assistance. Therefore, most often a bonus is understood as an additional payment exclusively for labor achievements, which, at the same time, can be timed to coincide with holidays.

Sample and examples of filling out an order 2019

Form T-11.

Form T-11a.

The employer has the right to use any form or develop an independent design option. The main thing is to correctly reflect the transaction in accounting documents and other financial papers. The main requirement for content is to whom the bonus is awarded, in what exact amount and on what basis. Usually the order also reflects the name and position of the person who is responsible for its implementation.

An example of a bonus order (in the case of payment to two employees) could be like this.

Thus, the document includes:

  1. Title - a header with the usual information: full name of the company, number, date and name of the order.
  2. The main part, which lists the persons awarded the bonus (full name, position, personnel number), the basis for the issuance and the amount of the amount. In this case, the size can be indicated either in numbers or as a percentage (for example, 10% of the salary). It is also stated here on the recommendation of which employee the bonus is awarded if there was a business recommendation.
  3. The manager’s signature, date and annex with the signatures of all awarded employees confirming the fact that they have become familiar with the award.

Which is better – a ready-made form or your own?

As a rule, it is more convenient to use a ready-made form, since it provides:

  • convenience in terms of design - no need to waste time developing your own sample;
  • ease of working with the document in the accounting department - all key details are already registered;
  • and most importantly, thanks to the indication of details, the inspectors will have fewer questions about bonus payments, which in large companies can amount to large amounts - on the order of hundreds of millions of rubles.

Employee bonuses: 6 risks for the employer

Since issuing a bonus is a financial transaction, there are certain risks on the part of the inspection inspectors. They concern, first of all, tax inspectors, but often come from representatives of the labor inspectorate.

Risk 1. Incorrect wording in the employment contract

Often, an employer indicates that its employee with whom the contract is concluded is entitled to a monthly or quarterly bonus in a set amount, for example 15% of his salary. In this case, the bonus in fact becomes an integral part of the salary, since the employer pays it within the agreed terms and in the established amounts, the obligations of which he himself has assumed. It is more correct to reflect the fact of payment in the category of “right” rather than “obligation” of the employer - otherwise, in essence, it is no longer a bonus, but a salary.

Risk 2. Payments of “13 salaries”

A bonus at the end of the year in the amount of the entire average salary or a significant part of it is traditionally called the “13th salary.” There is no such concept in the law; accordingly, such a bonus is the exclusive goodwill of the employer. But again, it is important to correctly reflect it in the employment contract (individual and collective), as well as in the local internal acts of the enterprise. At the same time, only references to these acts can be indicated in contracts, and the payment procedure must be spelled out in as much detail as possible in the acts:

  • connection between salary payment and employee performance indicators;
  • the possibility of non-payment of this type of premium with a detailed description of the entire list of reasons, including due to an economically unfavorable situation;
  • It is especially important to pay attention to the procedure for payment upon dismissal: should the employee work the whole year or not, how to pay if the dismissal occurs due to layoffs, liquidation of the company, etc.

Risk 3. Holiday bonuses

Such payments are considered by most managers as symbolic gifts in the amount of 500-1000 rubles. Therefore, attention is often not paid to this point, and everything comes down to the wording “The employer pays each employee a bonus of 1000 rubles annually by March 22 – the company’s Founding Day.” In this case, it is better to protect yourself from financial risks and indicate that the company undertakes to do this only if possible, and also reserves the right not to pay a bonus if the employee grossly violated the work schedule, etc.

Risk 4. Bonus amount and working hours

One should also take into account the important point that not all employees work the standard/quarterly/monthly hours due to various circumstances - vacations at their own expense, sick leave, maternity or child care leave, etc. Therefore, the amount of the bonus, as well as the very possibility of its payment, should be closely and unambiguously linked to a certain norm: for example, at least 180 working days.

Risk 5. Deduction of bonuses and deprivation of the right to a bonus

These concepts are widely present in real labor practice, however, confusion often arises with the interpretation both in documents and at the level of oral explanation by management of company standards for employees. In an employment contract, collective agreement and other documents, it is important to clearly distinguish both concepts. If deprivation of bonuses is a measure that is legally taken by the employer in the event of a significant mistake made by an employee while performing his duties, then deprivation of the right to a bonus may also have purely economic, objective reasons. Usually all these nuances are spelled out in detail in local acts.

Risk 6. How to properly develop premium reduction mechanisms

Both the grounds for accrual/non-accrual of the premium and the grounds for its justified reduction should be specified in the local act in great detail. It is best to give not specific numbers (a reduction of 500 rubles, etc.), but percentages - for example, “if an error is made when servicing a client, which leads to his refusal to cooperate, the monthly premium is reduced by 10% from the initially established amounts." Most often, the size of the reduction is set using a simple formula - in proportion to the extent to which the plan was fulfilled, and it is important to take into account not only individual indicators, but also the connection with the performance indicators of the department and the entire unit. This is especially true for large companies.

Thus, it is better to foresee all the key points given in advance. The main criterion for the correct procedure for awarding bonuses to an employee is drawing up orders and contracts in such a way that he himself can calculate the amount of payment at any time. Those. The calculation of the premium must be extremely transparent, and the grounds for payment or non-payment must be extremely clear.

Regulations on bonuses

The features of the procedure can be reflected in the following documents:

  1. Regulations on bonuses.
  2. Individual and collective labor contracts.
  3. Relevant local acts.

At the same time, the contracts do not need to spell out in detail the entire procedure, which itself should take up several printed pages, but only refer to a document that contains the relevant information. Wherein it is important to familiarize each employee with the Regulations on bonuses against signature.

Thus, the scheme for establishing a bonus procedure may look like this.

According to the unified form T-11, the provision on bonuses for the employee is filled out. You do not have to fill out a document on employee incentives using the unified T-11 form; you can develop the form yourself and fill out an order using the form that you approve in your company’s accounting policies. However, keep in mind that the forms you develop must contain all the necessary details (name of the organization that compiled the document, date of preparation, etc.) A complete list of requirements can be found in Part 2 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ .

Depending on what forms of documents you decide to use in your work, you have the right to both develop your own procedure for filling them out, and be guided by the instructions that apply to the unified forms developed by the State Statistics Committee of Russia. If you nevertheless decide to use the forms developed by Goskomstat, then you will have to draw up the bonus regulations using form No. T-11.

The provision must be drawn up not only in the case when you decide to reward an employee with money. When issuing a bonus in kind, when issuing a gift, you also need to fill out this T 11 form. In addition, if you decide to give a gift to an employee, you must draw up a gift agreement. As a general rule, a company can enter into it orally or in writing. However, in some cases it is necessary to formalize the agreement in writing: when the value of the property you want to donate is more than 3,000 rubles. or real estate is used as a gift.

Sample of filling out the unified form T-11

An order for bonuses, as a rule, is usually drawn up by an employee of the personnel department. If the company does not have such a department, then the responsibilities for filling out the order are assigned to the employee who is responsible for maintaining personnel records (for example, a secretary).

In the header you need to fill out the name of the company, the OKUD, OKPO form, the serial number of the order and the date of its preparation. The main part of the order consists of the following points:

  • Full name of the employee and personnel number;
  • Structural unit, employee position;
  • Reason for bonus;
  • Type of award (money, valuable gift);
  • Incentive amount;
  • Reason for promotion;
  • Signature of the head of the company;
  • Employee signature and date.

The bonus order is filled out on the basis of a submission or memo from the head of the structural unit of the company in which the employee works. If you fill out an order using a unified form, but the form of incentive is not a monetary reward (bonus), but, for example, a gift, then it is allowed to exclude the details “in the amount of ____ rubles” from the form. ____ kop.”

The order for incentives in the unified form T-11 must be signed by the head of the organization or a person authorized by him to do so. If in your work you use a self-drafted and approved reward order form, then the document must be signed by the responsible persons indicating their last names and initials (or other details that allow the identification of the responsible persons).

Please review the sample form to fill out the form correctly and avoid mistakes.

A sample of filling out the unified form T-11 is given below.