World Cat Day. Cat Day: the history of the holiday and the benefits of the most gentle animals When is the holiday Cat Day

There are few people in the world who remain indifferent to these fluffy, active, affectionate and very smart pets. We are, of course, talking about cats. The love for them turned out to be so great in the world that a special holiday, Cat Day, was established for everyone’s favorites, which is celebrated in Russia on the first day of spring, March 1. A World Cat Day note 8 August. Scientists believe that cats, having lived next to a person for so many years, feel equal to him, and therefore you need to communicate with these animals as equals, talk respectfully and explain what they are doing wrong, but in no case punish them. In addition to emotions, cats also perform a number of useful functions for humans: they exterminate rodents, treat certain diseases, and simply prolong the life of their owner. In some countries, cats have a special state position, for example, in Austria, every cat that guarded food warehouses is paid a lifelong pension in the form of meat and milk, and in China, cats are protected at the legislative level.

All mustachioed, striped
And fluffy and shaggy,
Cats, kitties, cats
Congratulations on a great day.

Let them purr peacefully
They sleep peacefully in a secluded place,
They bring joy and peace,
Create comfort in the family.

Let them cure boredom,
They jump on their own hands,
They will be affectionate and obedient
And they are indifferent to wallpaper.

Today is an unusual day,
Soft and fluffy,
The cats celebrate the holiday
“Mur-r-r” sounds radiant.

To all the tailed and striped ones
I wish you good health,
Happy wonderful day to the owners

Mur-meow, happy Cats Day. I would like to wish you to grumble less in life and purr more with your loved one. In moments of sadness or joy, despair or inspiration, let the fluffy ball warm you with its song and give you a pleasant massage of soft paws.

World Cat Day is today, that's it!
And for many this is not a trifle at all.
On Cat Day, I want them not to get sick,
So that their eyes glow with a joyful sparkle.

Let them purr loudly and give peace,
Let them always find their way home.
Cats bring us warmth and comfort,
Let them live in every home!

Purring, fluffy,
Beautiful creatures,
Long time ago cats and kitties
Found your calling
The cutest animals,
They came to our house
And then shamelessly
They stayed in it
World Cat Festival
On this day we will celebrate
Let's pet the cats, and they
They will answer us with love!

You're tired, come home,
Who will be next to you?
Who's lying on the sofa?
And he purrs under your breath?

Well, of course! It's a cat!
I'll lie with you for a little while,
Your anger will go away immediately
And peace will come!

And on World Cat Day
We are not too lazy to congratulate them,
Our best doctors,
Our devoted friends!

Who warms us in the cold
And lulls him into the night,
He hums his song,
Purrs cheerfully?

These are cats, of course
And beautiful cats
We heartily congratulate them,
Let's give a drop of kindness!

Congratulations to all “cat people”
I wish you a magical day.
Wishes for health
I’ll purr to everyone with a mustache.

Let the stress be removed properly
Cats are always cute
After all, when the fluffy is nearby
Anything other than that is nonsense.

Happy holiday to all cats!
Soft, kind, affectionate, fluffy,
And big, and small, and crumbs,
White, black, red and spotted!

Let them purr tenderly and tenderly,
They greet you joyfully from work,
They sleep so sweetly, peacefully, serenely,
Let your home be filled with comfort!

Beautiful animals -
Mysterious cats:
Free, independent,
They go their own way.

They have beauty and grace,
Bringing peace.
Let's give
They receive affection and love.

And purring tenderly,
They will give the answer
And our hearth is family
They will save you from troubles!

Let your favorite pussy
Ham and sausages
For each “mur” he receives
Yes, he is rarely in melancholy.
Her luxurious and smooth fur,
And the claws should be sharp.
In the game so that you are cheerful and active
She was a sporty cat.
Make your mug more beautiful!

There are no different diseases to be seen!
Sleep on the hostess's pillow!

According to sociologists, about 70% of the planet's inhabitants have pets. And most of them preferred cats. Yes, yes, there are more cat lovers in the world than dog lovers. It is not surprising that a real holiday is dedicated to these cute pets - World Cat Day.

Cat Day is an unofficial holiday. It is not accepted by the UN or UNESCO, it is not on the list of public holidays in any country in the world, but at the same time it is celebrated by pet lovers all over the planet, regardless of borders and distances.

What date is World Cat Day 2018? The question is not without foundation. The fact is that there are several “cat” holidays. International, Russian, national, and in addition to this there is also its own Day in a good dozen countries. It’s no wonder that every year the same question consistently arises: “when is World Cat Day celebrated?”

It's actually not that difficult to figure out. There is one common holiday that has international status - World Cat Day, celebrated on August 8th.

But there is a second category of holidays - Cat Day, celebrated in each country separately. In Russia, March 1 was chosen as the date of the holiday - in honor of the saying about March cats. National Cat Day is an American holiday celebrated on October 29th. France, Poland, Japan, Germany, Italy have their own holidays... it is impossible to list all the countries in one short article.

World Cat Day: history of the holiday

How did World Cat Day come about? The history of the holiday is simple and at the same time somewhat tragic.

The initiator and founder of the holiday was IFAW - International Fund for Animal Welfare, the International Fund for Animal Welfare. The idea of ​​the holiday, no matter how strange it may seem now, was not to honor furry pets at all, but a desire to focus attention on the problems associated with domestic cats. Yes, raising pets is fraught with many problems. This includes uncontrolled reproduction, cruel treatment, awakening people’s sympathy for domestic animals, and even the interaction of domestic cats and wild animals. The desire to protect pets from people themselves gave the foundation’s volunteers the idea of ​​a new holiday.

The holiday appeared in 2002, and almost immediately it was recognized by other organizations that protect pets. Following them, representatives of the business sector, primarily manufacturers of food and accessories for pets, joined the holiday. And in 2018, World Cat Day is celebrated for the seventeenth time.

Events in honor of International Cat Day

Every year, a huge number of events are organized in honor of the holiday, both internationally and locally.

Of course, the main events are held by IFAW - the International Fund for Animal Welfare, the initiator of the holiday. Thus, in 2017, the International Animal Conservation Conference was held in Honolulu in honor of Cat Day. The main issues discussed there were devoted to the interaction between domestic pets and wild representatives of the cat family.

Other animal protection organizations are not lagging behind. As part of resolving the issues of coexistence of pets, a number of recommendations have been created for owners of “cute fluffies”. Animal conservationists have taken every detail into account, and great attention is paid to a “stimulating environment” (this means that the cat should have at least several vertical surfaces on which it can hang or climb; several toys; ropes with which it can paw; objects against which you can scratch your back and sharpen your claws).

But the most interesting thing: in honor of Cat Day, IFAW annually produces videos about wild animals especially for domestic cats. Yes, yes, your pet can also become a movie buff - there are a lot of mini-films on the Internet made specifically for cats.

Animal Rescue

Since 2014, a program to work with animals in areas affected by hurricanes and floods has joined the usual events in honor of Cat Day. The traditional event began with a project to spay/neuter pets found on lands hit by hurricanes Rita and Katrina. In 2016, IFAW volunteers worked to rescue animals affected by Hurricane Matthew in Jamaica and Haiti. In 2017, all the attention of IFAW workers is focused on the American continent and the Caribbean, whose coasts were hit by several hurricanes - Harvey, Irma, Maria. Here, for several months, work has been going on to rescue, treat and sterilize domestic animals, some of which are carried out under the auspices and with funds raised by International Day cats.

World Cat Day is celebrated annually on August 8 at the initiative of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, not only to honor furry couch potatoes, but to draw attention to the problem of stray cats. And today the holiday unites millions of owners of these animals around the world.

Cat Day 2019: the benefits of cats

It is no secret that from time immemorial cats have been and remain the most common pets in the whole world: about 80% of all inhabitants of the Earth keep a pet, and more than half of them have given their preference to cats, with dogs coming in second place.

In addition to “aesthetic pleasure” (after all, what could be more pleasant than a purring, warm friend cuddling on your lap), cats also perform a number of useful functions for humans. They perfectly exterminate rodents, treat some diseases and even prolong the life of their owner. Thus, American doctors found that cat owners are 40% less likely to suffer from heart disease, and they are also less likely to have heart attacks and strokes. And English doctors have even developed a whole “cat therapy”, with the help of which they offer to treat a number of diseases, in particular, inflammation of the joints and gynecological diseases.

It is worth noting that there is even a science about cats - felinology (from Latin felinus - cat and Greek logos - science), emphasizing that cats are very smart and useful.

Some proponents of feline therapy believe that cats of different breeds and colors treat different diseases. For example, if a person has problems with the liver, kidneys, gastritis or colitis, then it is better to get a short-haired cat.

World Cat Day: Interesting Facts

It is not surprising that in some countries these animals have a special state status, for example, in Austria, every cat that guarded food warehouses is paid a lifelong pension in the form of meat and milk, and in China cats are protected at the legislative level.

By the way, in Japan there is even a Cat Temple, built in honor of 7 cats who served Japanese warriors faithfully in the 17th century, and in Germany there is a Cat Museum, which contains many exhibits related to cats and selected from around the world.

Cats spend almost 2/3 of their day sleeping. Most cats are right-handed, and most cats are left-handed.

There are more than 500 million domestic cats in the world. Australia has the highest number of cats, with nine cats per 10 people.

It is worth noting that in many countries there are special parks for walking cats, as well as various cat shops, cafes (there are such in Ukraine - ed.) and hotels where a pet can be accommodated for a while.

Fluffy rowdies: a selection of the best cats for World Cat Day

For example, a monument was unveiled in Odessa.

And earlier, a group of scientists from the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenova came to the conclusion that patients with mental disorders more often suffer from toxoplasmosis, which

The Cat Day holiday is not official, but it is customary to celebrate it all over the world, including in Russian Federation.

World Cat Day is also popularly called “Cat Day” or “Cat Day”. These furry animals have had their own holiday since 2002.

At the initiative of the International Fund for Animal Welfare, World Cat Day is celebrated on August 8th. This holiday was created not only in honor of these pets, but also to draw attention to the problems of cats and cruelty to them.

The Russian Federation additionally has its own day dedicated to cats, which is marked on the calendar on March 1st. But on August 8th it is customary to celebrate Cat Day all over the world.

Today, cats occupy a leading place in the popularity of pets. Both in Russia and in many other countries, people have cats as pets and treat them as full-fledged members of the family.

For such people, the holiday of August 8 was created, on which all pet lovers pay tribute to the merits of cats, express their love, respect and recognition to them.

On Cat Day, you can tell why these animals are dear to people

Since ancient times, cats have been considered the most common pets on the planet. About 80% of the country's population keep pets. Moreover, more than 40% of the planet's inhabitants keep cats, with dogs in second place.

It has been noted that in addition to aesthetic pleasure, cats have a number of other qualities. They are good rodent fighters, treat some diseases, and can also prolong the life of their owner.

Thus, American doctors found that cat owners are 40% less likely to suffer from heart disease, and they are also less likely to have heart attacks and strokes. Thanks to such research, a whole “cat therapy” has even begun to be carried out in England.

Since childhood, we have all been familiar with the phrases “How many people, so many opinions” and “There can never be too much of a good thing,” but it is not always possible to apply them to the same phenomenon. This time is a rare case when it is not only possible, but also necessary. A holiday that reminds us of gratitude and respect for such amazing creatures as cats was definitely worth inventing.

When is Cat Day celebrated?

It should not be surprising that in Russia World Cat Day is March 1, in the USA it is October 29, in Great Britain it is August 8, and, say, in Italy it is February 17. Firstly, good ideas often visit different people at the same time, especially in different countries. Secondly, one of the oldest companions of man, with a population of more than half a billion, certainly deserves increased attention.

Thirdly, everything is logical: for each season there is one Cat Day (or more, if you count not only officially international, but also local holidays). But still, let's talk about some of them in more detail.

February Cat Day

World Cat Day, which is celebrated on February 17 in a number of European countries, can rightfully be called one of the “oldest”, if this can be said about a holiday that is 27 years old. And it all started in Italy with the initiative of a journalist from the famous Tuttogatto publication, Claudia Angeletti.

On its pages, a survey was conducted among readers whether they would like to see Cat Protection Day. Since the audience supported the idea, the next day was chosen - February 17 was proposed by a certain Oriella Del Col. The woman motivated her choice by the fact that February is traditionally considered the month of witches and cats in Italy, and the number 17 also portends bad luck.

If such a message for a holiday seems strange to you, let us explain: Italian animal activists thereby spoke out against superstitions and mistreatment of cats (in particular, black ones who suffered from the Inquisition). And so that no one else has any questions, they appointed an additional holiday for the most unfortunate category of cats - November 17 (Black Cat Day).

But even earlier, Japan began to honor furry pets. Every February 22, since 1987, events are held in Tokyo at which a special jury chooses the most unusual cat (not in terms of appearance, but taking into account its “achievements” and behavior). The day was not chosen by chance, because the Japanese “meow-meow” (in the original “nyan-nyan”) means two deuces.

England and America

In 2002, the International Fund for Animal Welfare officially registered World or International Cat Day on August 8th. This initiative caused a great response among the British. This is not surprising if we remember how eagerly in the United Kingdom they erect monuments to mustachioed mouse hunters, who not only protect grain stocks at enterprises from rodents, but are also officially on duty in museums, for example, in the most famous repository of relics - the British Museum.

On Cat Day, it is customary to congratulate these employees: arrange houses for them, sew “uniforms”, pamper them with tasty treats. Other Europeans also do not forget about home front workers: in Austria, for example, on one of the World Cat Days, a special bonus was established, which was awarded to animals who have worked for the good of their homeland for several years - mouse-catching cats there are accepted for lifelong maintenance at the expense of the state.

In America, Cat Day is celebrated annually on October 29 - this decision was made by the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in 2005.

In addition to the fact that on this day many people wear T-shirts and “cat ears”, buy and give gifts with cat symbols (paying tribute to marketing, so to speak), the main emphasis in the media (and social networks) is on people taking as many shelter cats as possible. Photos of empty cages with adoption statistics for October 29 and August 8 are posted online every year.

World Cat Day in Russia

We are unlikely to be mistaken in assuming that most of our citizens do not know when Cat Day is celebrated in Russia. Still, despite its growing popularity, this holiday is not the most iconic, and besides, truly popular love is coming on its “tail” - March 8th. But you must admit that March is much more suitable for purrs than other months.

Spring begins, the sounds of dripping, bird chirping and March “trills” are heard more and more often outside the window. The nature of the latter, we think, does not need to be interpreted by anyone - the phrase speaks for itself. Did these associations influence the choice of the date of the holiday in our country? We decided to find out how it happened that March 1 is International Cat Day in Russia.

How it all began

For the first time this holiday, Cat Day, took place in Russia on March 1, 2004. The magazine “Cat and Dog” and the private Moscow Cat Museum took direct part in its birth. It was at the opening of the exhibition dedicated to the mustachioed heroes of the occasion (under the motto “Love for cats is forever!”) that the organizers announced the creation of a new holiday. Then other organizations took up the idea.

The emblem of the holiday was drawn by the talented artist Tatyana Kharitonova - it was a portrait of a sunny red cat named Sebastian.

Now it seems correct and logical that Cat Day is March 1, its history, however, could have been completely different if not creative people behind the scenes. This is Natalya Dmitrieva, Chief Editor newspaper and magazine “Cat and Dog” and the artist Andrei Abramov (he is also the director of the Cat Museum and at that time the host of the program “ Amazing world cats").

Double birthday

An interesting fact that perhaps opens up new dimensions, if not in the holiday itself, then in its history: the editor-in-chief of the magazine “Cat and Dog” also celebrates his birthday on March 1st! Congratulations Natalya Yakovlevna on her personal holiday and at the same time on World Cat Day.

And we remind readers that the first issue of the newspaper “Cat and Dog” was published on September 2, 1990 - this publication immediately became popular among pet lovers. Then a magazine of the same name appeared, which, despite very difficult times, did not give up its positions, putting love for animals and attention to readers above many market factors.

Natalya Yakovlevna sincerely loves cats (as the beauties who live in her home would probably tell you), is interested in the life and rights of animals, and participates in many events dedicated to pets. It is not surprising that she put a piece of her soul into the creation of World Cat Day.

By KITTS for the holiday

Now that you know everything: how things are abroad, and why World Cat Day is celebrated on March 1 in Russia, congratulations, poems and pictures will no longer be out of place.

We really hope that through joint efforts with you we will replenish the “people's stock” of ditties about CATs, interesting poems about cats, poetic and prosaic declarations of love and heartfelt photographs. In the meantime, check out the pictures and poems for March 1 on Cat Day that we found for you on the Internet and came up with ourselves.

So that you never get sick

Eared ears, purrs,

And only delicious food

Pillows, hands, mice

They were surrounded day and night,

And all sorrows go away with the wind!

March motives

We don't need empty speeches,

Forecast for the week

The cats have arrived -

Now we are waiting for the rooks.

Red-haired pirate

Spring, oh, how glad I am.

Look, admire,

But don’t pry into my personal life!

Beauty connoisseur

And he hates slippers...

From the sore

If the cat is striped -

She is harmful and mustachioed,

But loving her at the same time

You must in winter and summer.

They bought me a filler

For the cat's litter box.

I tried - the whole apartment

Like a hamster cage.

Dark night in my bedroom

They are closing.

I sing to them at the door.

But they don’t like everything!

I'll go for a walk in the yard

There's a nasty ball there.

I will drive him -

Let him know what revenge means!

I'll tell you people this -

If you offend me,

My butt and my tail -

Just see it!

Every day packages, bags

You bring it home.

Oh, the work, that work!

Smell everything, dig through it!

My master is in the laptop

I compiled the entire program.

He created it in agony -

I washed everything with my paw!

Louder than thousands of decibels -

Our Murzik hasn’t eaten yet

"Ode to a Cat" by Pablo Neruda

And finally, again a little poetry... On March 1, Cat Day, the poems of the wonderful poet Pablo Neruda (translated by O. Savich) sound especially solemn, gentle and elegant. And what do you think?

Animals were at first imperfect:

the tail is too long

it's a tiny head.

But they gradually settled down

and created a landscape for themselves,

acquired grace and spots

Dear ones, you have mastered flight.

And the cat is just a cat!

And she appeared whole and proud;

she was born complete,

she goes and knows what she wants.

Would a person like to become a fish or a bird,

the snake would like to have wings,

a dog is just a confused lion,

an engineer would like to become a poet,

and the fly learns to become a swallow,

the poet strives to imitate the fly,

but the cat wants to be a cat, and that’s all;

every cat is a cat

yes, cat, from whiskers to tail

and from premonition to fast rat,

from night to gold in the eyes.

There is no such unity yet;

there is no such building

neither the moon nor the flower;

there is integrity in everything,

like the sun, like topaz,

and elastic line

confident and fine contours

similar to the drawing of the bow of a ship;

and yellow eyes

they leave only one crack,

so that the night can throw its coins there.

Oh little one

Empress without a globe,

conqueror without a homeland,

toy salon tigress,

Sultana in the sky of the roofs,

you call in bad weather

love wind;

you walk on the ground,

walking with four graceful feet,

sniffing everything, not trusting

earthly nothing, -

everything is disgusting - unclean

for the feet of cats immaculate.

O independent domestic predator,

an arrogant relic of the night,

lazy, elastic, alien,

the whole cat down to the roots of the hair

and to the end of the nails,

secret home police,

the remnant of the disappeared velvet, -

there is no mystery, of course

in your demeanor;

maybe you're not a secret at all,

everyone knows you, you -

of the least mysterious creatures;

maybe everyone believes this,

but they consider themselves

masters and owners,

comrades and friends of cats,

and relatives, students.

Me not. I won't sign up for this.

I don't know cats.

I know everything - life, archipelagos

and the sea, and the innumerable city,

botany and the path of the whorl to the sun,

and mathematics - to the extent and extent

and passionate deceptions of the world,

and surreal crocodile clothes,

the unknown kindness of firefighters,

priests azure atavism, -

but I can’t decipher the cat.

My mind slides over her indifference,

and there are golden numbers in her eyes.