Bird feeder made of wood. Bird feeders. Assembling a wooden feeder is carried out in several stages

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In harsh winter times, only a person can take care of the birds that remain for the winter near his home. Not all birds are ready to go to warm countries; many migrate in search of food to small areas. The nimble birds do not hibernate, they are endlessly in search of food, and if there is no food, then the nimble creatures literally fall dead right under people’s feet. Editorial websiteis concerned about the fate of our feathered friends and offers readers useful material on how to make a bird feeder with your own hands.

Feeders are an opportunity for a bird to survive in winter, and in the spring it will thank humans by fighting harmful insects in the garden

Before you rush out and build a structure from the first materials you come across, you should consider what types of designs there are for outdoor bird feeders. Perhaps there are already convenient instructions and a drawing of the birds’ future feeding area. Not every bird's dining room is convenient - some birds will not be able to feed from certain structures, others will have to wait until their more nimble comrades have eaten. Birds are different; it depends on how the bird is used to feeding, whether it will be convenient for her to take food from your feeder, or whether the anatomy of the beak will not allow this.

In addition to the fact that the food should be visible from afar, the design should be such that the food will not be swept away by the wind: not only will the food get lost, but also the food scattered on the ground serves as an excellent marker for small predators. Let's study the best designs for a bird canteen.

The simplest designs

The suspended platform is located either on a rope or in a mesh case. Tits love to eat in such a place, but a woodpecker will not be able to visit such a kitchen.

Advice! If you want to feed the tits, you can simply hang a ball of a mixture of lard and seeds with inclusions of vegetables.

The trays are convenient to place, their sides do not allow food to spill out, and in general the design is quite stable. A roof is not required in the building.

To set up a food area, one rectangular square is enough. plywood, four pieces of wood for the sides and rope for fastening. Sometimes they simply secure a plastic egg container in a stable place and pour grain and bread crumbs into the compartments. They also use other plastic trays for vegetables or salads. This is rather a temporary solution, since the plastic will quickly be blown away by the wind, or the mini-dining room will collapse during a snowfall.

Feeders in the form of a house and closed options

The house looks more solid and reliable - the roof protects the edible contents and the birds themselves from wind and snow, and besides, the ubiquitous sparrows do not like to poke their noses into such feeders. The disadvantage of houses with roofs is that forest birds may not notice the life-saving treat and die of hunger right under the bird's kitchen. To do this, first feed the birds, scattering food around.

Many guests fly to the house with a pitched roof to feed: pigeons, waxwings, jays, and nutcrackers. If a perch is equipped, then the area around the bird's dining room will always be noisy and interesting. It is easiest to build a house with a flat roof, but a significant drawback will be the retention of snow on it, which can cause the bird’s canteen to fall.

Sparrows do not like bunker feeders: flocking birds do not fit in the feeding area, and those that do fit will not be able to interfere with buntings, titmice and other birds.

The bunker structure has several compartments for feeding different birds; sometimes there are sections for various feeds. Making your own bunker bird feeder is not difficult: you can make a structure from a plastic bottle, a plate, thread and super glue.

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DIY birdhouse made of wood. Drawings, review of materials, dimensions of the structure; features of manufacturing from cardboard, wood, bottles and plywood; decor and installation - read our publication.

How to make feeders for street birds with your own hands - description and drawings

Let's pay tribute to the vastness of the Internet: it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel when there are ready-made recommendations, instructions and drawings with pictures. It’s okay if it’s someone else’s idea - another person’s execution will add a new twist to the design.

DIY bird feeder made of wood

Wood is an excellent durable material. Minimal skills in working with wood are desirable, but even beginners can easily build a wooden feeder.

It is not necessary that all surfaces be perfectly smooth; the more creative the craft, the more interesting it will be to watch how the birds master it. You can find 4 thick, beautifully shaped branches and prepare a platform from wood or plywood. The roof is made of wooden slats, but you can make a roof from the bark of old trees - such a design will look very organic.

DIY bird feeder made of plywood

Plywood is a convenient material and has a service life of several years. Plywood feeders, which is a plus. When working with plywood, use a tape measure, a drill, a corner, a pencil, screws and a knife.

Important! The calculations take into account that the roof is larger in size than the bottom - this prevents moisture from getting inside the structure.

All markings from the drawing are transferred to a sheet of plywood and blanks of the selected sizes are cut out with a jigsaw.

The sides for the fencing are attached to the base with screws. The bottom and roof are connected to each other by longitudinal slats. The height between the roof and the base should be comfortable for birds, but not too high.

Advice! It is better to treat plywood with an antiseptic waterproofing solution - this will significantly increase the service life of the product.

Parts for the roof are made from identical sheets, which are connected to each other with screws.

Simple options for making feeders from boxes

Tetrapack is a material that you don’t even need to specifically look for: juice and milk boxes can serve as an excellent base for making a feeder for your feathered friends. By connecting two narrow boxes and making holes in them at different heights, you get a bunker canteen for birds.

To work you will need a knife, scissors, rope and 5 minutes of time.

The most interesting models of feeders made from plastic bottles

Plastic bottles are never used. The plastic feeder is light, creative and convenient for the birds. More often they take bottles of 0.25-0.5 liters. Holes are drawn with a marker, which are then cut out with scissors.

Original hanging bird feeders

In addition to the above materials, use any other available material.

Methods for attaching a bird feeder to a window

Those who like to observe the inhabitants outside the window can be advised to purchase or make a bird feeder with suction cups. This mount allows you to admire the flying birds all winter, photograph them and regularly change the food.

The glass is washed with vinegar and water and suction cups are pressed tightly against it. That's all the difficulties associated with attaching the feeder.

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Bird feeders - what types of feed are there?

In an article about feeding birds, we must not forget to talk about those birds that bring unconditional benefits to humans. Tray feeders are used to feed chickens - they are designed in such a way that the chick does not fit completely into the feeder and does not have the opportunity to spill the food.

Trough feeders can be limited at the top by a grid and divided inside into compartments for different types of feed.

Used for dry food: poured grain in the morning and remembered a fresh portion the next morning. The environment is kept clean, and the food is supplied in doses as it is eaten.

How to make a chicken feeder with your own hands

It is not always possible to have the means or desire to purchase a chicken feeder in a store. We offer several options that are convenient and easy to manufacture.

Do-it-yourself bunker feeder for chickens made of wood or plywood - description and drawings

This method takes more time. The video shows all stages of work:

To make it, you need thick-walled plywood, screws, 90° hinges, sandpaper, a jigsaw, a tape measure, a pencil, a ruler, a saw, a drill with drills, and a clamp.

First, mark the desired dimensions on the plywood and draw out all the details with a pencil and ruler. All parts are cut out with a jigsaw, and holes for fastening are immediately made with a drill. The edges of all parts are sanded and then assembled using screws and a clamp.

Advice! The front part can be made of transparent plastic - this way the amount of feed will always be visible.

The lid is attached with hinges to the side walls. The product is treated with an antiseptic.

Making a chicken feeder from PVC pipes

Take 1-3 sewer pipes with a diameter of 15 cm, plugs and according to size if necessary. It is better to make the pipes of medium length - and there will be a lot of feed and good stability.

The two parts are connected with a knee, the larger one is laid horizontally and several holes with a radius of 4 cm are made in it with a drill with a circular bit. A plug is installed at the other end. The second option is installed vertically, and the elbows are placed on both sides of the main pipe.

Feeder made from plastic bottles

A convenient option for both drinking bowls and feeders: made from a 19-liter bottle and PVC pipe. To make it, a hole is made on top of the bottle for a pipe, in which the edge is beveled at the bottom. Holes are made at the bottom along the base so that the bird sticks its head into them for food. The grain is poured into the pipe.

Making a chicken feeder from a bucket

An automatic chicken feeder made from a plastic bucket and a plastic container or container is very convenient. The diameter of the feeding bowl should exceed the diameter of the bucket by 15 cm. Holes for food are cut out at the bottom of the bucket. The containers are connected to each other with self-tapping screws.

Features of making your own chicken feeders

Chickens can actively scatter food with their paws, so a structure is provided for their feeding where they will be deprived of this opportunity and will not stain the food.

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A feeder is not only a great way to feed our bird friends. If you approach the issue of making it creatively, you can create a real one. We offer a selection of ideas that will tell you how to make a bird feeder with your own hands. And master classes from the editors of will help you learn the intricacies of manufacturing and reveal the secrets of constructing drawings.

Depending on what goals you pursue when making a feeder, the following types of its design differ.

  • Tray. The simplest type of feeder. The elementary design involves a small pallet with sides, secured to a tree with a strong thread or fishing line;

Making such a “bowl” is not difficult, especially if you have a regular clothesline and clothesline on hand. One of the disadvantages is that in strong winds, such structures tip over, and all the food ends up on the ground.

  • Platforms with dispenser– an improved model of the previous type of feeder. It consists of a tray where the birds will feed, and a sealed container with a mechanism for gradually supplying food as it decreases. As a rule, the dispenser is made from an ordinary plastic bottle, attached to the tray with the hole down at a short distance so that the food pours out on its own. Of course, such feeders are more difficult to make, but the end result is a high-quality, convenient and durable design.

  • Houses the most common feeders of all species diversity. In addition, if you approach the issue of creation creatively, you can make a real shelter for birds and an original one for yourself.

  • Hopper feeders somewhat similar to birdhouses. They are completely enclosed structures with “windows” for birds. If you take some precautions, birds will even be able to hide in them from bad weather, and not just have a snack.

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Inspired by ideas for creating simple feeders? If yes, then our small master classes are for you.

Related article:

How to make a birdhouse yourself, how to decorate it and install it correctly, photo examples of creative houses - read in our publication.

How to make feeders for street birds with your own hands - description and drawings

As we have already seen, feeders can be made from completely different materials - literally, everything that is at hand. It's a little more difficult to work with wood. But nothing is impossible, the main thing is that there is a desire. Let's look at different options for bird feeders.

Interesting DIY bird feeder made of wood

We offer step-by-step instructions on how to make a beautiful bird feeder house yourself, as in the photo below.

The main material is small logs, which can be cut from ordinary cuttings for or rakes. Fast, cheap and original. All other parts are also made of wood. To bring such a masterpiece to life, in addition to raw materials, you will need a special wood drilling machine and. It will be possible to do it without them, but it’s not a fact that it will turn out just as neatly and beautifully.

Illustration Description

We cut logs 30 cm long from the cuttings. You should get 36 pieces in total. 24 pieces - for the walls, and parts from the logs for the pediment. Remains are spare parts in case of damage to the main elements.

We are preparing a machine with a wood crown of a suitable diameter to make recesses in the logs that will serve as fastenings for the future feeder.

To ensure that the parts are similar and that the fastening recesses fit each other perfectly, it is best to make paired holes. To do this, we fasten the two blanks together with tape on both sides for better fixation and measure 3 cm from both ends.
We make holes on the machine in the logs secured to each other at both ends.

To assemble the house you will also need round wooden sticks. Sushi chopsticks are ideal, but not flat, but round. In accordance with their diameter, we make a hole in each recess of the log. And we begin to assemble the walls of the house.

When you are finished with the construction, make sure that all the walls are even and glue the logs together.

We cut out a template for the future roof from plywood. The size and slope depend on the design of the resulting house frame.

Using the template, we cut the logs obliquely on both sides. We make a hole in the middle for the stick and glue the resulting structure. On the front side, if desired, we make a hole in the “attic”. Also, to give the structure rigidity, we put in a transverse beam and glue it.

The roof can be made from any available sheet material. In our case, we used moisture-resistant plywood. Small parts were cut out to fit the resulting house.

Let's start decorating the house - doors, canopy, attic. All this is done by hand from leftover plywood. In handicraft stores you can purchase various decorative items, such as a door lock. In our case, the door is simply glued to the wall.

We make a pallet for the house from ordinary ones.

It is best not to twist them together, but to glue them together, as shown in the photo.

We paint the house, make sides on the pallet so that the food does not spill out, and you can hang the resulting food in the garden.

If you have any questions, you can find answers to them in the video provided.

DIY bird feeder made of plywood

To make a feeder out of plywood, you will need special tools to work with it, such as a jigsaw, wood glue, tape measure, pencil, construction angle and glue. Let's make a small hopper-type feeder, approximately as in the drawing below. They simplified it a little by placing only two walls, which will be held together to form a triangle shape.

All work takes place in several stages. Use a jigsaw to cut out the necessary parts. Their sizes and shapes are shown in the photo below.

We attach small blocks along the edges of the bottom so that their total height is approximately 5-7 cm.

Attention! We mount the blocks along the 27 cm long side so that there are small indentations along the edges - no more than 7 mm.

To the side where the indents are made, we mount the side walls. To make the entire structure stable, we reinforce it along the connection of the side parts with a block.

Treat the resulting feeder with impregnation so that the plywood does not deteriorate as long as possible under the influence of precipitation and temperature changes.

How to make a feeder out of a box - quickly and easily

A bird feeder made from a cardboard box is an option for those who want to do everything as quickly and simply as possible.

All that remains is to choose a stronger box, cut a hole in it for the birds, work out the mounting method - and the design is ready. It's a pity that it will lose its shape very quickly. But this is a fixable matter and costs practically nothing.

Master class on how to make a feeder from a plastic bottle

Plastic bottles are one of the most common recycled materials, suitable for making all sorts of useful things with your own hands. Feeders are also no exception. We offer step-by-step instructions for making a cute and durable feeder. For this you will need:

  • plastic bottles of 1.5 and 2 liters;
  • scissors;
  • lighter;
  • spray paints;
  • glue gun;
  • glue "Moment";
  • wire.

Illustration Description

We cut out the bottoms of three two-liter bottles. To make it look more interesting, you can cut out the edges with petals and burn them with a lighter, getting a wavy edge.

We make a hole in the middle of the bottoms and string them on a wire.

We cut off the top of a one and a half liter bottle and, like the bottoms, we process the edges with a lighter.

We string the neck onto a wire and paint the resulting structure with paint.

Use a swab to paint the edges with a contrasting color.

We cut out the bottom part of a one and a half liter bottle, cut a hole and also singe it with a lighter.

We connect the lower and upper parts with a glue gun.

We cut out the weed from the remains of the bottles. And use a glue gun to attach them to the bottom.

The bird feeder is ready. We pour more food there and watch the growth of the bird population in your garden.

During the cold season, it is difficult for our feathered friends to find food for themselves, especially in winter, when the trees have lost their leaves and the grass and bushes are covered with snow. It is in our power to help winged creatures survive in terrible times for them. You need to make bird feeders from scrap materials with your own hands.

Dining room for birds

A feeder is not a birdhouse in which a family of birds can live. This is, so to speak, a bird's canteen in which any flying guest can eat. Quite simply, it is a table suspended on ropes from a tree branch.

You can make the simplest feeder out of plywood. Make holes in the corners of the plywood sheet using a nail or drill them with a drill. Thread the twine and you can hang it on a branch. The birds will not be offended by the unpresentable appearance, but such a feeder is also inconvenient for them, because the birds love to rummage through the food, throwing it in all directions. Very quickly there will be nothing left on the makeshift table, all the food will fall into the mud or snow. To prevent this from happening, you need sides. In addition, the birds' lunch may be wetted by rain or covered in snow. So we need a roof. So, everything became clear with form and functionality, all that remains is to put your hands to it, because you can make a feeder out of anything.

Unnecessary boxes

In every home there are probably a couple of empty boxes lying around unused. They make a wonderful bird feeder. Cake boxes are especially good in this regard: you can easily cut out windows in them, everything is visible through the transparent walls, and the birds are not afraid of any rustle, and the plastic cap also protects from rain.

For hanging, you can use the same twine that was used to tie the cake.

Together with your child, you can make a feeder from a juice box.

To do this, you need to cut a window in one of the walls, insert a cocktail stick from below and attach a rope or cord on top. When your baby shows you the place where you need to hang the feeder during a walk, he will consider it his own and will begin to make sure that there is always food for the birds in it.

Feeders are made from milk cartons using the same method.

From gift paper bags:

You just need to remember to glue the top edges of the bag so that the roof does not leak.

Veranda for birds' meals

From large boxes you can create a real dining room for your feathered friends.

It can be made from a shoe box.

Or from under candies.

Or from a parcel box.

If you suddenly run out of all the boxes, and you feel sorry for the birds, you can make a feeder out of paper, but it will not last long. It's better to make one out of cardboard.

House for a long time

All feeders made from cardboard, tetra bags and paper, although they are made quite quickly, do not last long. A couple of rains will pass, and the birds will again have to look for their own food. Plywood will undoubtedly last longer, but it will also become unusable. It is best to make a feeder from wood or boards.