We reveal the secrets of the lunar health calendar: Moon in Aries. Lunar Aries - characteristics of the Moon in Aries natal

We are all accustomed to determining our zodiac sign by the Sun - this is true, because how others perceive us depends on what the Sun was in the horoscope at the time of our birth.

But how we perceive ourselves, how we build relationships with other people, how happy we are, depends on what sign of the Zodiac the Moon was in. For example, the Moon in Aries can turn into a “perpetual motion machine” a person who, according to the solar horoscope, should be content with the role of a modest “nerd.”

People, during whose birth the non-retrograde Moon passed through the sign of Aries, turn out to be active, active, and even “explosive.” Aries, with the help of the most “emotional” celestial body - the Moon - seems to fill and charge these people with its own fiery energy.

Such people also have purely external “fiery” features: they extremely rarely suffer from obesity, their eye color is brown or gray, their hair is slightly red, “moon Aries”, as a rule, have big noses, but you can rarely see full sexy lips on them .

Lunar Aries literally suffocates without communication; interaction with other people is necessary for him like air. Although such people are not inclined to listen to the advice of others - even very practical ones - and consider their own point of view almost the ultimate truth. It may seem to be constantly nervous and irritable, but for the most part this is due to very active nervous activity and continuous thought processes.

The White Moon in Aries endows its “ward” with very flattering qualities: the desire to protect people, especially the weak, the intuitive and successful desire for success and glory, the desire to divide everything into “black” and “white” and always take the side of “white”. The ideal implementation for “white lunar Aries” is the armed forces and rescue services, human rights activities, sports and creativity.

The black moon in Aries is the other side of the coin, where the desire to attack others and the fear of “getting hit” are combined. Most often, at the everyday level, this manifests itself as constant rudeness and a desire to reproach others for “doing nothing”, talking about how he is the only one busy with work, while others are supposedly just sitting on his neck. At the same time, “black lunar Aries” will prefer a stable small income to the risk of opening their own business - in order to get rid of karmic “complexes”, astrologers advise doing exactly the opposite.


For a man, the Moon in the sign of Aries means that he needs to work more with his head than with his hands. Moreover, the more independent their intellectual activity is, the better. Men who have the Moon in Aries in their natal chart will never suffer from self-doubt.

In order for these traits to work for the benefit of both their bearer and his environment, men - lunar Aries must have a high level of knowledge, receive a good classical education, and after that - constantly keep their thinking abilities in high tone.

In personal relationships, as in work, such men are often able to act only on “naked enthusiasm”; they constantly need to overcome obstacles so that this source of their energy does not dry up. In both romantic and family relationships, lunar Aries men prefer a lady with a steely will. As long as there is something to overcome, such a man’s interest in his mate will not weaken.

How do the “solar” signs of the Zodiac combine with the Moon in Aries for a man?

  • Aries. In order for him to take on the task, public opinion must be confident that this problem cannot be solved.
  • Calf. The stubbornness of Taurus and the persistence of Aries in implementing their plans are simply an explosive mixture: they will undoubtedly sweep away anyone who dares to stand in his way.
  • Twins. Can handle huge amounts of information, but is also subject to sudden mood swings. Despite this, he knows how to get along well with others.
  • Cancer. Very sensitive and loving, but prone to mood swings.
  • A lion. Optimism and extreme self-confidence are his character. Hates waiting.
  • Virgo. Forever young at heart, even despite the internal doubts that sometimes overwhelm them. Categorical in statements.
  • Scales. He is focused on results, but prefers to “pull chestnuts out of the fire” with someone else’s hands.
  • Scorpion. All his emotions are in the superlative degree: to love until the grave, to be jealous almost to the point of murder.
  • Sagittarius. Frankness bordering on tactlessness, love of love and adventurism.
  • Capricorn. Sky-high ambitions, workaholism, self-respect that does not tolerate any attacks.
  • Aquarius. A wonderful friend, but a “no” life partner, loves replace each other with enviable regularity.
  • Fish. Absent-mindedness and impracticality, overt mysticism and sensuality - these are the characteristic features of such a man.


The Moon in Aries gives a woman one very noticeable property - such a woman, regardless of age, really does not like to ask anyone for help. Asking for something - for example, if she herself is physically unable to cope with the matter - for her is tantamount to “stepping on the throat of her own song.” So not responding to the request of a lady with the Moon in Aries is the surest way to ruin your relationship with her.

Such women become very good mothers - they are ready to “break” anyone for the safety of their own children. Despite the fact that, due to the mood swings of such a mother, the children may get punished for pranks, the children of such mothers grow up to be, for the most part, purposeful and integral individuals. By personal example, the lunar Aries mother teaches children to set goals and achieve them.

Being the lover or husband of such a woman is a constant test of strength. She cannot imagine family weekends in front of the TV or leisurely striding “foot by foot” in the park: she needs to be active, play sports, go on hikes, go fishing, rollerblade. It is also very important for her that her entire family is involved in all these actions - only then will she be happy.

However, such women should not overexert themselves - stress is simply contraindicated for them. Emotional or physical stress can cause problems with cerebral circulation, insomnia and even temporary deterioration of vision in a woman with a lunar Aries. In addition, such women need to regularly visit the dentist and exercise, using all the required protective equipment, since the likelihood of various injuries is high.

Any woman can feel the entry of the Moon into the sign of Aries. As a rule, this entails a strong emotional outburst. A quiet, calm woman can become like an emotional Italian woman, who can only be “calmed down” by violent sex after a violent quarrel.

For mothers with children of preschool or primary school age, passivity is strictly discouraged on days when the Moon is in the sign of Aries. Such a pastime can cause outbreaks of unjustified and unmotivated aggression towards one’s own child. It is better to do something with your child that requires moderate physical or mental activity - playing ball, board games, riding a bike.

Activities for a given lunar period

What kind of affairs does the Moon in Aries favor most? As for the professional sphere, astrologers agree that during the period when the Moon passes through the sign of Aries, it is better not to take on “long-term” projects. The character of the fiery “lamb” contributes to the implementation of plans that require speed and pressure - the shorter the time frame required for the business you have in mind, the better.

The same applies to household chores - it’s better not to undertake long-term repairs when the Moon is in Aries, you will quickly get tired of it, and even if it is completed, you will constantly find shortcomings in your renovated home, which will irritate you. It’s better to do something that won’t take more than one or two days - do a general cleaning, throw out old trash from the apartment, sew new curtains.

As for beauty treatments, it is not recommended at a time when the Moon is in Aries - especially if everything in your life today suits you. However, cutting and coloring your hair at this time can spur your determination if you decide to radically change your own image, and even your lifestyle.

It will be useful to cut your hair during the Moon in Aries if you feel like everything in your life is going wrong. Nervous excitement, excessive sadness, aggressiveness towards others - these “symptoms” can be relieved by cutting your hair within a specified period of time.

However, it is worth assessing what will be more important to you: peace of mind or appearance. After all, cutting your hair on the Moon in Aries, although it can normalize your state of mind, can make your hair less healthy and somewhat worsen its appearance.

If you feel slightly unwell, then when the Moon is in Aries, it is better not to go to the hairdresser - cutting your hair at this time can significantly reduce your body’s immune defense and cause illness. If the Moon is waning, then visiting a hairdresser during the passage of the night luminary through the sign of Aries is a completely bad idea: cutting your hair will not give it beauty and will not allow you to maintain the shape of your hairstyle for a long time.

It is best to do nourishing hair masks and tightening face masks at the indicated time. It is not advisable to use peelings or sunbathe. But breathing exercises will be very appropriate.
Author: Olga Inozemtseva

Induces people to conflict. Emotional stress increases, we become more hot-tempered and impulsive. It is on these days that fearlessness, a tendency to drastic actions and “extreme sports” manifest themselves. With such Lunens, they want to achieve the goal immediately, with one effort of will. During this period, we want to solve some task (problem) in just one fell swoop or get rid of the “burden” that prevents us from living easily and freely. Invisible chains rattle these days; they are not tolerated voluntarily. New beginnings arise, the straight path seems to be the best.

Aries days It’s better to devote yourself to a relaxing holiday, freed from important matters, hard work and physical activity. You just need to relax, think about something good, take your mind off bad thoughts...

Aries is favorable for purchasing jewelry, jewelry, household items, and textiles.

When the Moon in Aries does not recommend sorting things out, because during this period we tend to show excessive categoricalness and youthful maximalism. But, often, coping with oneself is not so easy... Quarrels and accidents are possible. Therefore, in the days of Aries you cannot conduct important negotiations, sign agreements and conclude contracts.

Moon in Aries (Aries days) – HEALTH

The Moon in Aries makes the head area sensitive, including the eyes, teeth, ears, and brain. It is not recommended to put a lot of strain on your eyesight; avoid overheating in the sauna, as well as in the open sun. It's better to read and watch TV less. Plastic surgery on the face and head area is contraindicated.

Those who are especially susceptible to headaches do not feel very well on Aries days. As a preventive measure against migraines during this period, it is recommended to drink a lot of clean water, and it is better to avoid coffee, chocolate and sugar. Lotions for sore or tired eyes in Aries days will be very beneficial. You can moisten your closed eyelids with your own saliva in the morning on an empty stomach before breakfast.

When is the moon, also refrain from fasting and spicy foods.

The moon in Aries is good for the kidneys and bladder. Therefore, all operations and procedures to improve the health of these organs are recommended at this time.

Moon in Aries (days of Aries) – BEAUTY, HAIR CUT

On Aries days it is better not to cut your hair, and in... When the Moon is in Aries, you shouldn’t touch your hair at all, it’s better not to even comb it. At this time, the hair is very vulnerable, and damage to it will then take a long time to repair. If you get your hair cut several times in a row on these days, your hair may become thin and brittle, begin to fall out, and bald spots may appear.

The moon in Aries is a good time to do skin smoothing, peeling, deep cleansing, removing papillomas, warts, and ingrown nails. In the days of Aries, your skin will be responsive to products that increase blood circulation - massage, hardening procedures, physical exercises for the muscles of the body.

Moon in Aries - influence on plant growth and development

Aries is the first sign belonging to the element of Fire. The ruling planet is Mars. Therefore, traditionally this sign is considered sterile, very dry. The probability of rainfall during this period is negligible. Seeds sown these days do not have time to form a strong stem and root. They germinate quickly, but unfriendlyly and are distinguished by the fact that they grow too quickly and stretch out.

Under unfavorable weather conditions (for example, a long absence of rain), seedlings quickly die due to the lack of a strong root system, although the leaf apparatus may please the eye for some time. The plant does not adapt well to environmental changes and sets low-quality fruits.

But, despite all this, when Moon in Aries (especially on the last day of the Moon’s stay in this sign) you can still plant some crops. This primarily applies to those who have a short growing season, for example, chard, chard, spinach, dill, parsley, radishes, onions, lettuce and other green crops that cannot be stored for long periods of time and are immediately consumed.

This rule works especially well in early spring, when there is still quite a lot of moisture in the ground and the crops have time to gain strength. It is not advisable to plant all plants that have a growing season of more than 35 - 40 days in the days of Aries; the only exception to this rule is tomatoes. They can be planted when the Moon is in this sign. It should also be said that during this period all plants are very sensitive to the slightest damage.

When the Moon passes through the sign of Aries, it is good to harvest crops for long-term storage, thin out seedlings, loosen the soil, and spray against pests and diseases.

> Moon in Aries

Let's turn our attention to the character of the individual, when Emotions + desire = emotional freedom.

Moon in Aries according to the horoscope

This arrangement of stars makes a person energetic, ambitious and unusually active. There may be excessive impulsiveness, irritability and lack of self-control. This is a very self-willed person, who is characterized by excessive zeal, stubbornness, haste in action, despoticism, and rash actions. They need emotional shocks, so they often start quarrels and scandals.

With the positive influence of the Moon, in their behavior there is a share of intuition, fearlessness, self-confidence, responsibility and the gift of leading people. When a stimulus arises, a person reacts sparklingly and actively, while completely ignoring those around him. He always wants to change the world, is extremely eager for recognition, but is often capricious and neglects patience.

Moon in Aries - characteristics of a person

The Moon in Aries is characterized by unreasonable harshness and grumpiness caused by a bad mood or thoughtless words. If something does not happen according to their plans, then they quickly and decisively begin to act, while giving emotions the upper hand over reason. These people have a lively temperament, always strive for financial independence, have a fighting spirit, strive to be in charge, but their desires are very fickle.

The Moon in Aries promotes excellent imagination. His character is very freedom-loving and practical. The temperament is strong and has many abilities. This personality often gains wings, after which he goes to the goal according to a clearly outlined plan. Very hot-tempered, aggressive and super energetic.

Positive and negative manifestations of the Moon in Aries

These individuals have difficulty maintaining stability in behavior and are very difficult to manage. They are excellent entrepreneurs or inventors and have an original mindset. They love to travel and often find themselves in hazardous and unforeseen circumstances. They are always in search of their true path, while showing themselves to be a bright leader and standing out among others with their specificity.

These are passionate and easily irritable people, always ready for competition that will lead to concrete results. They will use all their strength to achieve their goal. Moon in Aries is a creative and decisive person who can also inspire others. He loves physical activity very much.

Communication with a person with the Moon in Aries

He shows his experiences to others in a sharp and vivid form. Often displays despotism. Impresses other people with strong character energy. Likes to live in big cities, where life is full of activity and exuberance. In most cases, he is very popular and full of attention from other people.

His character is too freedom-loving and absurd. Always shows his bright initiative, masculinity and fearlessness. They are very hot-tempered, although attacks of rage pass and are quickly forgotten. He likes to do everything his own way and considers his path to be true, does not tolerate interference or advice from others.

In the sky, the sign of Aries has a certain fork in the road, like on a road. This greatly influences the fate of people with the Moon in Aries, who are called lunar Aries. Their characteristics are given below.

Lunar Aries - who is he

There are many changes in their lives, they constantly change in mood and can have several partners. When the Moon is in this zodiac, its action can be divided into three stages.

stage: versatile.

During the first stage, the Moon is favorable to Aries; all the projects started by people of this sign end in a productive result. There is harmony and balance in their life. But if the Moon is in company with Mars or Pluto, lunar Aries become quite aggressive, they get away with everything, they are fickle and conflicting.

stage: calm.

During this period, Lunar Aries is resistant to external stimuli and is difficult to anger. He finds the instructive side in everything, draws the right conclusions and successfully brings the matter to the end. During this time of the Moon's influence, Aries act fairly, thoughtfully and boldly. Strong confidence is also noticeable, and their thoughts and advice are wise and valuable to everyone.

stage: self-confident.

Overconfidence develops into something more that can push people away. Lunar Aries during this period are able to act too aggressively and actively, achieving their goal, no matter what. Sometimes their energy is directed in the wrong direction, without bringing any results. But people of this sign do not seem to notice their excessive enthusiasm.

If the Moon is influenced by other negative planets at this time, then Aries themselves will feel their effect. In this case, they can constantly doubt themselves, lash out at others for no reason, and find no place for themselves. In this state, they are capable of causing trouble, from which they will deservedly receive a blow from the hand of Fate.

Of course, this has its drawbacks, only in very critical situations are Aries able to react to them and try to solve them as they see fit.

Moon Aries in relationships

Few people manage to cement an alliance with lunar Aries, because they don’t even like the word itself - bonds. For them, this means restrictions on actions and prohibitions. And if you have already managed to strike up a relationship with the lunar Aries, do not try to take away power from them, he will not tolerate this. Everyday routine and dullness are not for them, they need passion, romance, otherwise they will quickly get tired of their partner and break off ties with them.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac.
In astrology, the beginning of the zodiac is determined by the point of the vernal equinox (the point of the celestial sphere at which the ecliptic intersects with the celestial equator and the Sun passes from the southern hemisphere to the northern).
The sign of Aries is assigned to the first sector of the ecliptic (from 0° to 30° of the zodiac circle).

The zodiac sign Aries is indicated by the symbol.
The same symbol also denotes the point of the vernal equinox.

Aries sign polarity:
Aries is a positive (masculine sign).

The opposite sign of Aries is the zodiac sign Libra.

Aries belongs to the Fire trine
(Fire Release)

Aries is a cardinal sign
(refers to the cardinal cross of the zodiac signs).

The moon, moving quickly across the starry sky, has a strong influence on the course of a person’s current daily affairs.
The moon sequentially passes through all the signs of the zodiac in 27.32 solar days. That is, in the sector of the zodiac circle, a certain sign of Aries, the Moon spends an average of 2.28 days during one sidereal month.

During the time when the Moon passes through the zodiac sign of Aries, people's physical and mental activity increases.
A person becomes more proactive, impulsive and gambling. He tries to immediately bring spontaneous ideas to life.
Personal interests are given priority. There is a desire for leadership and a desire to impose one’s will on others. All this can lead to disputes and conflicts.

Things favored by the Moon in Aries

The Moon being in Aries is favorable for doing many things.
However, these recommendations do not apply to unfavorable lunar days

  • short term affairs
  • matters related to the promotion of new innovative ideas
  • matters whose implementation requires inspiration or quick decision-making
  • cases related to heavy industry, mechanical engineering, fire, medicine, technology, working with instruments and tools
  • repairs
  • appeal to authorities, high-ranking officials and managers (especially if it is the 7th Lunar day)
  • measures to improve image, business reputation, strengthen and expand prestige and authority
  • training and developing your abilities
  • recreation, travel, trips (not related to water)
  • commercial activity
  • purchases (cars and other equipment, tools, weapons, piercing/cutting objects, sports equipment, clothing, jewelry, household goods)
  • repayment of debts, loans
  • debt collection
The Moon being in Aries is a bad time for the following things.
Especially if this period is also an unfavorable Lunar day (3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th and 29th Lunar days).
  • long term affairs
  • important and responsible matters
  • conclusion of contracts
  • making investments
  • carrying out explosive and flammable work
  • weddings, family celebrations
  • showdown
  • shopping (gifts, perfumes, jewelry)