Statuses about God with meaning. The wisest statuses in VK about God Statuses in VK about God

Do not bargain with God for comfort, and He will comfort you.

Anyone who has faith even the size of a mustard seed can move mountains.

A person who, being rebuked, hardens his neck, will suddenly be crushed, and there will be no healing for him.

Faith is the wing of prayer. Not having faith, this wing, my prayer will return to my bosom again.

Take care of the one who cries for you. God protects you for her tears.

Know how to listen; Even a little impatience can lead to big unpleasant consequences.

God has plenty of room for the righteous.

Forgive me, Lord! I didn’t listen to You, but You asked whether to send me a cross from the very beginning. If I had listened, I would have gotten rid of all this unnecessary fuss.

You can hide it from people, but you can’t hide it from God.

Love must be in the heart, and not on the tongue, and it must be shown in deeds, and not just in words: otherwise there will be hypocritical love. He who has love in his heart, seeing his brother’s need, helps him.
(Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk)

Pray to God, and stay in good spirits!

God's water runs on God's earth. God's dew sprinkles God's soil.

Everyone is about himself, but God is about everyone. It is not because of our sins that the Lord is merciful.

If you walk under God, you carry God’s will.

God sees who will offend whom (or: who loves whom).

God puts to shame human judgments (St. Dmitry of Rostov).

If God wants it. If God commands.

God is with you (i.e., I forgive, I bless; or: go away, get rid of it; or: come to your senses, come to your senses).

God exists as long as people believe in him. Statuses about God and faith in God

All joy comes from God. Wherever a living soul rejoiced - in dirt, in confusion, in poverty - God appeared everywhere and laid down his rights.

By faith the Lord can create everything, but at the same time the perfection of the life of Christians is in humility.

Only through the eyes of love can we see a person as he is in his very depths, in his very essence, and treat him accordingly. This is how God treats us.

We ask God and complain only when we feel bad. However, when we feel good, we don’t thank him for it.

Anyone who does not believe in the Hereafter is dead to this life.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Those who interpret the signs do so at their own peril.

People would never believe in God unless they were allowed to believe in him incorrectly.
George Saville Halifax

Faith is an oasis in the heart that the caravan of thinking can never reach.

For some, faith in God opens their horizons, while for others they become confined to faith.
Ilya Shevelev

People are tired of believing in themselves, but have forgotten how to believe in God.

He trusted God with his faith.
Anatoly Rakhmatov...

I don't know what God is, but I definitely know what he is not.

He who goes against God is lost in himself.
Leonid S. Sukhorukov

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the assurance of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1, Bible

Faith must come from the heart, and not from the mind, then it is faith, and only then is it effective.
Luule Viilma

God does not walk, but measures the good (it is said when happiness changes).

I'm starting to feel like God. People only remember me when they feel bad...

Thank God that you are already my beloved!

People, clean your dirty tongues.

Statuses about God and faith in God

For one reason or another, many of us have to turn to God. At this moment, we are like little children who ask their parents to protect them from all kinds of adversity. We don’t always find a way out, but VK statuses about God can help us with this.

Profound Sayings About God

Sayings of the great about God

The topic of statuses about God is more than serious. It can be best illuminated by people whose authority is unshakable in our society:

Statuses about God for important life moments

Many people remember the Creator only when something negative happens to them. There is no shame in getting out of this with God in your heart, but only when you are with him in the future:

  1. Talking with the Lord means discovering in your mind what has long been hidden in your soul.
  2. For religion, majority is not about the number of people behind a certain idea, it is about approval of it from a moral point of view.
  3. Judging by the miracles that happen, God is definitely not the most responsible.
  4. Lack of faith is not absurd, it is everyone’s personal choice.
  5. The decision about the existence of God is important only for ourselves, certainly not for him.
  6. The uniqueness of God lies in the fact that he is unique. And another thing is that he couldn’t choose his religion.
  7. Many believe in immortality, but few trust it.
  8. No one should convey the essence of the Creator: everyone should understand it themselves.
  9. There are so many different thoughts about God, and so little is said about love. It’s a pity, because without it you definitely can’t comprehend God.
  10. The more often you turn to God, the more you are beyond your strength. Or maybe you just think so.
  11. The Creator in our general understanding is unbearable.
  12. God should not be confused with an angel.
  13. Roads do not lead to the Creator - he is already omnipresent.

Choose statuses for your page and tell your friends about your greatest thoughts!

And when you close your eyes, remember one thing: God does not put barriers that cannot be passed...

Do not bargain with God for comfort, and He will comfort you.

God's water runs on God's earth. God's dew sprinkles God's soil.

4.5 / 5 ( 2 voices)

God said: “Fear the tears of a person offended by you, because he will ask me for help, and I will help.”

God forgive us when we complain about life.

For every step, for every breath, for what God gave me. For the pain, for the happiness, for the luck, for the fact that I laugh and cry, for the fact that I still love, for everything, I thank you, Lord.

The Lord judges us by our thoughts and deeds, and not by what others say about us.

Many do not believe in God and say He does not exist, but in difficult times they always turn to Him!

We think that God sees us from above - but he sees us from the inside.

God gives man not what he wants, but what he needs. Therefore, do not ask: “why? ”, but think: “for what? »

It is not for you to judge, let God judge.
He knows everything that I couldn’t say.

Failure does not mean that God has abandoned you. This means that God has a better way for you.

Learn to appreciate what God has given you.

Every difficulty is an opportunity for God to do something for you and through you.

God has given us a face; we put the expression on it ourselves.

God gave man two ears and one mouth so that he could listen exactly twice as much as he spoke.

Faith is the wing of prayer. Not having faith, this wing, my prayer will return to my bosom again.

Anyone who has faith even the size of a mustard seed can move mountains.

Take care of the one who cries for you. God protects you for her tears.

God has plenty of room for the righteous.

If God wants it. If God commands.

Faith is an oasis in the heart that a caravan of thinking can never reach.

God exists as long as people believe in him.

Even God himself is not going to judge us until we die. Why do we think that we have such a right?

I'm beautiful in my own way, Because God doesn't make mistakes.

The Lord wants us to rationally, consciously reject evil and accept Him and His goodness in our hearts

By faith the Lord will create everything, but perfection Christian life in humility

The basis of faith is spiritual poverty and immeasurable love for God.

The limit or height of perfection of faith is the dispassionate immersion of the mind in God.
Blessed Diadochos

... Do not judge anyone, and to do this, try not to say anything about anyone: neither bad nor good. This is the easiest way not to be condemned in the next world.
Schema-abbot Ioann Alekseev

In all trials, seek patience, not deliverance; if you deserve it, it will come to you soon.
from the diaries of Empress Alexandra Feodorovna Romanova

We are looking for God outside, but he is inside.
Oscar Boethius

One God, one faith, one blood, one day, one life, one love, one breath, one syllable, one essence.

Faith consists not only in being baptized into Christ, but also in fulfilling His commandments.

All reasonable people profess one religion. However, they do not say which one.
Anthony Ashley Cooper Shaftesbury

If some bitch has trampled on your heart, then this is not a reason to stop believing in love.

The road to Truth has two steps: one is Knowledge, the other is Faith.
Ilya Shevelev

We ask God and complain only when we feel bad. However, when we feel good, we don’t thank him for it. Who does a person turn to when there is no one to turn to?

Faith must come from the heart, and not from the mind, then it is faith, and only then is it effective.
Luule Viilma

He who goes against God is lost in himself.
Leonid S. Sukhorukov

Faith in one God is the key to the inner unity of man.
Ilya Shevelev

In all creations the Lord is visible to us, and man and bird strive upward.
William Shakespeare

People argue whether there is a God or not, but one thing is indisputable - faith in God makes a person a Human.
Ilya Shevelev

We pray for mercy, and this prayer should teach us to respect merciful actions.
William Shakespeare

For some, faith in God opens their horizons, while for others they become confined to faith.
Ilya Shevelev

He trusted God with his faith.
Anatoly Rakhmatov...

People are tired of believing in themselves, but have forgotten how to believe in God. Statuses, statements about faith in God

“Know thyself” was inscribed above the entrance ancient world. Above the entrance of the new world will be written: “Be yourself.” Christ's commandment to man was simply: “Be yourself.” This is the mystery of Christ.

Believe in yourself! Believe in him! Believe in our feelings.

Love has no religion. God has no nation...

When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. This is my religion.

God endured and commanded us!

God thinks about us, but does not think for us.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the assurance of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1, Bible

Anyone who has faith even the size of a mustard seed can move mountains.

He who expected from God swallowed the fire, he who earned his labor sewed a fur coat.

Whatever God pleases is suitable.

God is not in power, but in truth.

Forgive, Lord, my sins!

God will give the day, God will give food.

We all walk under God.

Who does a person turn to when there is no one to turn to?

Faith in God is faith in yourself.

By faith the Lord can create everything, but at the same time the perfection of the life of Christians is in humility.

Statuses, statements about faith in God

Only those who live righteously can have a strong faith. Only purity of actions will help you find the core on which faith will be formed!

The fear of God is not in punishment for possible and committed sins. The fear of the Lord is in all-consuming love and in the fear of betraying this love with one’s weakness.

Once you fall in love, you begin to see the depth of a person, his very essence. This is how God sees us!

God is the mind of man. No faith - no reason. No intelligence means you're an idiot!

God didn't think everything through! Children had to smile and laugh when they appeared in this wonderful world!

It’s incredibly easy to make God laugh—you just have to tell him about your plans for the future.

You need to not only complain to God and ask for his help, but also share your joy, thanking for your happiness!

You can hear Christ only in silence!

There is no benefit from sound faith in a corrupt life.

The reason for the difference in the distribution of Divine blessings is the measure of faith of each.

Don't bargain with God for comfort, and He will comfort you

God is tired of loving us

People are tired of believing in themselves, but have forgotten how to believe in God.

A person has a hole in his soul the size of God, and everyone fills it as best they can.

The church is the only business that experiences peak business in bad times.

God exists as long as people believe in him

Who wants what, believes in it

The paradox of a Christian is that the path to victory lies through the admission of one’s defeat, and the path to power lies through the admission of one’s helplessness.

Many people make the mistake of thinking that hell will be as fun as going to hell.

Lord, thank you for the Botox!

All religions are based on the fear of the many and the dexterity of the few.

When the soul comes to its senses, when it is reconciled with the Lord, then the Lord takes the center of life, and we feel warm and blissful

When a person gives himself completely to God, then God gives Himself completely to man

Who does a person turn to when there is no one to turn to?

All joy comes from God. Wherever a living soul rejoiced - in dirt, in confusion, in poverty - God appeared everywhere and laid down his rights.

If you talk to God, you are a believer, and if God is with you, you are crazy.

God is not as bad as he is painted, but not as good either.

If there is a God somewhere, then he is far from us...

Faith according to science does not free a person from pride and doubt.

The Christian faith - there is ugliness. (Grand Duke Svyatoslav) - too harsh, despite the fact that I am a Muslim.

Anyone who has faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains

After all, God doesn't make mistakes.

If you want to overcome the lies and deceit of this vain world, follow the Gospel, and It will lead you to Christ, Who dwells within you

Winter session is a magical period of the year when students begin to believe in both God and Santa Claus.

The Lord wants us to rationally, consciously reject evil and accept Him and His goodness in our hearts

Lord, forgive me my little jokes at your expense, and I will forgive you the big joke you played on me.

The light of the mind generates faith, and faith generates the consolation of hope, and hope strengthens the heart.

Faith is an oasis in the heart that a caravan of thinking can never reach.

The Christian faith - there is ugliness.

My boy, you must believe in God despite everything the priests tell you.

Believing in yourself is the only faith that helps you live!

I believe in atheism and Always sanitary pads

Nes deus intersit! - let God not interfere

Cast your bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again.

You cannot force God on a person.

God endured and commanded us!

- Father, can a woman be on duty? - You can, my son, but not fatty.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the assurance of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1, Bible

It is impossible, truly impossible, for someone who leads an impure life not to waver in faith.

God thinks about us, but does not think for us.

Believe in yourself! Believe in him! Believe in our feelings

When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. This is my religion.

Love has no religion. God has no nation...

Is God created from the thoughts of people or are people created from the thoughts of God?

God definitely got drunk!

Faith consists not only in being baptized into Christ, but also in fulfilling His commandments.

and in general, every god is forced to do things that lead to his disappearance. In this we are similar to people. We are hostages of the same economy.

A belief that no one shares is called schizophrenia.

Skepticism is the beginning of faith

Even God himself is not going to judge us until we die. Why do we think that we have such a right?

By faith the Lord will create everything, but the perfection of the Christian life is in humility

God gives us children so that death does not seem like the biggest disappointment in life.

Two old women are talking. - And I stopped swearing. -And I stopped believing in God! - You're fucking! - Yes, that’s the cross!

I have nothing against God. I can't stand his fan club.

Do you want forgiveness? - For God's sake! And trust has to be earned!!!)

God will not tell you anything - he himself does not understand why the fuss

Faith is the wing of prayer. Not having faith, this wing, my prayer will return to my bosom again.

The Church is the only society on earth that exists for the benefit of those who are not its members.

The basis of faith is spiritual poverty and immeasurable love for God.

I don't know what God is, but I definitely know what he is not.

the majority of our population consciously and long ago stopped believing fairy tales about God.

Faith also receives what it does not dare to hope for, as the example of the prudent thief on the cross showed.

God created dinosaurs, God destroyed dinosaurs, God created man, man destroyed God and resurrected dinosaurs. Jurassic Park

The limit or height of perfection of faith is the dispassionate immersion of the mind in God.