Thirteenth constellation Ophiuchus. New zodiac sign Ophiuchus. What does Ophiuchus mean?

Ophiuchus is the most controversial sign, about which there is a lot of controversy. Not all astrologers recognize its existence. Let's try to understand the meaning and characteristics of Ophiuchus in more detail.

Information about Ophiuchus appeared in mass sources not so long ago. The news that there are now thirteen signs of the Zodiac has excited the entire astrological community and caused a lot of controversy.

Former Sagittarius people worry the most: they don’t know whether their sign has now changed, and how this change affects their lives. Ophiuchus dates fall between November 29th and December 17th. If your date of birth falls during this period, then the 13th sign of the Zodiac, Ophiuchus, applies specifically to you.

Because of the new symbol, radical changes took place in the familiar zodiac system. Now all dates of birth and signs are shifted. But many astrologers refuse to acknowledge the changes and continue to use conservative methods. You can do the same.

Where did the 13th sign of the Zodiac come from?

All the zodiac signs we are familiar with represent inanimate objects or mythical creatures. Ophiuchus distinguished himself in this too. The prototype of the sign is a real person, the Egyptian Imhotep, who lived before our era and successfully healed people.

Knowledge about Ophiuchus was safely forgotten, and in the 1970s, astrologer Stephen Schmidt remembered the thirteenth sign again. But his idea did not receive support, so it remained in oblivion for many years.

Not all astrological schools recognize the existence of Ophiuchus. So, for example, in Indian astrology, one of the most ancient in the world, the zodiac signs remain 12.

Characteristics of the Ophiuchus man

Each zodiac sign has its own characteristics: these are character traits and behavior by which you can easily distinguish a representative of the sign in a crowd. Ophiuchus is no exception.

Here are its characteristics:

  1. Very wise. Throughout his life, he constantly absorbs new knowledge, strives to improve, and change everything around him in a positive direction. For world peace, does not tolerate conflicts and clashes. It is pleasant and easy to communicate with him.
  2. Luck and luck accompany him in everything. You just have to want it - and the wish will come true. The power of thought, coupled with lasting positivity, together create a powerful energy charge, thanks to which Ophiuchus always achieves what he wants without much effort.
  3. Likes to dream. But these are more likely not abstract thoughts in the clouds, but clear plans and visualization of the desired result. Perhaps this trait is the reason for Ophiuchus’s success in achieving any, even the most daring goals.
  4. He can work as an architect and builder, because he likes to transform the surrounding space, to be a kind of Creator. If professional activity is far from this, then it will definitely be associated with creativity.
  5. He likes to dress in bright, provocative outfits, so he is noticeable from afar. Loves brands and strives to follow fashion. Style and quality are very important because they enhance the status of Ophiuchus.
  6. Often has brilliant musical talent, but does not realize it. Think about this if your sign is Ophiuchus. It might be worth taking vocal lessons or going to a music school.

He approaches any problem creatively. Looks for and finds creative solutions that no one else would simply think of.

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general characteristics

Not everyone knows that those who are classified (by date of birth) as Ophiuchus have an unusual fate and unique character traits. They retain only some similarities with the traits of Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Ophiuchus, during their lives, are capable of changing beyond recognition in a short period of time. Some give people love and happiness, others bring tears and grief. Life events are mysterious and inexplicable.

Some Ophiuchus can “live” several lives at once during one life. The acting environment would suit such people.

Representatives of this sign are fraught with hidden danger for others. If you quarrel with them, it is fraught with serious negative consequences. Ophiuchus is capable of radically changing his life, starting everything from scratch. He likes everything related to getting thrills: travel, difficult expeditions, gambling, different kinds sports. The most important difference between this sign is its strongest energy.

Ophiuchus - woman

Many people believe that the Ophiuchus woman is cold and insensitive, like “ Snow queens", sincerity and compassion are alien to them. But, if you look deeper, you can see their bright, extraordinary nature. Their wisdom (even in their youth) is not always liked by men.

In society, Ophiuchus is often the “black sheep.” Her sense of taste and clothing style are not understood by everyone. Representatives of the stronger sex do not feel comfortable around these individuals.

Ophiuchus - man

The Ophiuchus man has the strongest energy potential, including sexual potential. His task: to win as many hearts as possible. Beautifully courting, he charms every woman with his charm. This womanizer, having achieved one goal, immediately switches to another.

It will not be possible to keep Ophiuchus with various feminine tricks (for example, pregnancy). For a while, out of a sense of duty, Ophiuchus will remain nearby. But all this time he will be planning an “escape” from the space that is cramped for him. He thinks he's not ready for family relations, because he values ​​freedom above all else. His life is a series of “ups and downs.” This is observed in various areas of his life.

Constellation Ophiuchus

At the equator of the sky there is a place where many bright stars have accumulated. This is the constellation Ophiuchus, which is not included in the zodiac circle. The Greek astronomer Ptolemy included it in the catalog of the starry sky in the 2nd century. The constellation is usually depicted in the form of a man with a huge snake in his hands. The neighboring constellation Serpens represents it.

The location of Ophiuchus contributes to the division of the constellation Serpens into 2 halves: the Head of the Serpent and the Tail of the Serpent. This is one constellation. In addition to the North, the constellation is visible throughout Russian territory.


Controversy still continues around Ophiuchus’s belonging to a certain element. There is a version that most of all it belongs to the element of fire. The image of Ophiuchus is visually similar to the image of a man with a weapon in his hands.

Energy, strength, belligerence - are these qualities inherent in Scorpio ( water sign)? Probably not. Ophiuchus is active, strong, confident in victory. He is ready to fight to the death to defend his goals. Consequently, Ophiuchus is a representative of the fire element (despite the proximity of the phlegmatic Scorpio).

Ophiuchus in love

Ophiuchus is a “tangle” of passions. He is ready to do anything for the sake of the object of his adoration, giving himself up to love without a trace. As soon as he achieves his goal, the ardor of love immediately fades away, only to flare up with renewed vigor, switching to a new object.

Ophiuchus himself is straightforward, does not tolerate lies and falsehood. He expects the same from his partner. Once he loses interest in the relationship, he turns and leaves, trying to forget about the past. Very often, Ophiuchus abuses alcohol, trying to distract themselves.

Ophiuchus in friendship

Ophiuchus is too straightforward. This makes him look like a Sagittarius. But he will not tell more information than is beneficial to him, even to a friend. This character trait makes him similar to Scorpio.

If a person is among the Snake’s friends, he will always remain one, no matter what happens. People of the 13th zodiac constellation either love with all their hearts, or hate. They are ready to sacrifice their lives for their friends.

November 27 to December 17

Ophiuchus sign, is supposedly considered . Such a statement is possible if you do not know the basics of astrology. In fact, a small part of the constellation Ophiuchus located between the constellations Scorpio and Sagittarius, but Ophiuchus sign is not included in the circle of zodiac constellations.

The signs of the Zodiac, which astrology uses as symbols, are not the zodiac constellations themselves, although they are named after them. The ecliptic is divided into sectors, each 30 degrees. These sectors were given the names of real constellations. They in no way replace each other. The signs of the zodiac have an extension of exactly 30°, the constellations in the sky in reality have a different extent. As a result of the movement of the earth's axis, the constellations move at a speed of 50" per year, and the signs of the zodiac remain in place. The starting point of the zodiac circle is the point of the vernal equinox, it is always located in one place - at 0° Aries. In reality, the vernal equinox point is currently moving from the constellation Pisces to the constellation Aquarius.

Still, some argue that the Ophiuchus sign is unfairly not included in the zodiac circle and there are people born under this sign who have certain character traits. Let's look at their characteristics and discuss whether there are people among us born under the 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus. Whoever recognizes yourself in it, write, let’s see how many people in our environment have characteristics similar to the 13th sign.

Ophiuchus is a separate zodiac sign valid from November 27 to December 17. The main characteristic is the same as that of the Sagittarius sign, but there is one distinguishing feature These people have strong intuition and great energy potential. Not every person born between November 27 and December 17 belongs to the Ophiuchus sign. A sign for special people who live vibrant lives and influence history. These are people with great leadership abilities and extraordinary destiny. Look, if you were born during this period and the characteristics of traditional signs do not suit you, then it is possible that the 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus is your sign. They also claim that representatives of this sign have several moles on their bodies arranged in the shape of the letter “Y”.

Characteristics of Ophiuchus

The life of people born under the sign of Ophiuchus is in constant motion, which they cannot influence. This person has a certain mission entrusted to him by higher powers and he cannot refuse it; fate leads him along a certain path, confronting him with circumstances and people. Attempts to turn off the “road” end in failure. Circumstances still develop in such a way that a person returns to the path chosen by fate. Astrologers who encounter people of this zodiac sign claim that there are no ordinary personalities among them. These are people who influence the history and destinies of other people. However, the path to fulfilling their mission is difficult and they often have to face serious problems and seemingly hopeless situations.

People who are close to Ophiuchus almost always remain in the shadows. Ophiuchus attracts people to him like a magnet, it is impossible to tear himself away from him and they are ready to blindly follow him to the last. Being around these people is interesting, exciting, but not suitable for those looking for a quiet life. They are characterized by dizzying ups, seemingly undeserved honors and equally dizzying falls to the very bottom. And such changes happen to them all the time.

Positive character traits

These people, like the Phoenix bird, are always reborn from the ashes again and again. Life for them is unthinkable without adventure and risk. They always strive to be first and in sight; Leos, with their desire to be in the center of attention, simply fade in comparison. Sometimes it may seem that people born under the sign of Ophiuchus are the most positive person in the world.

Negative character traits

Depressive states, frequent attacks of aggression, even mental disorders. They are looking for an ideal life partner, so they constantly have difficulties with the opposite sex. The partner must be perfect in everything; the slightest deviation from the ideal from their point of view can lead to a break in the relationship.

He carries the partner he is in love with in his arms, but having achieved his goal, he immediately leaves. Tears and hysterics do not affect him; if Ophiuchus decided to leave, then nothing will stop him.

Ophiuchus Woman

Outwardly kind and charming, however, she has an inner core of steel. She is very attractive and sweet, but do not delude yourself, if you inadvertently offend her, she will find a way to get even with you. She is not ready to put up with someone else’s point of view, which contradicts her vision of the situation, so quarrels and scandals in the family are guaranteed. Even if she is wrong, she will never admit it and your resistance will only piss her off even more.

Man - Ophiuchus

It is very difficult to tie such a man in marriage. He marries either out of convenience or stupidity. The marriage is unlikely to last in any case. Wash the dishes, help around the house or with the child, but this is not an activity for him. If you want to live a calm, long and happy life family life with one person, then you need to quickly run away from the Ophiuchus man. Routine, silence and calm are like death for him. It costs him nothing to destroy everything old that no longer suits him and start life from scratch.

The fact that there is a constellation Ophiuchus is an indisputable fact, but whether there is a 13th zodiac sign or not, I think remains to be decided. Look for moles on your body, read the characteristics of others and tell us which one you belong to, it will be very interesting. You can read the continuation in the article

Constellation Ophiuchus

Astrologers have more than once tried to correctly formulate the role and functions of the 13th sign - Ophiuchus in the horoscope. But so far nothing worthwhile has come of these attempts. Some, disappointed, declared that Ophiuchus is not a sign of the Zodiac at all, but simply a constellation that has nothing to do with real and ancient astrology. Others do not give up their attempts, but are careful when considering constellation Ophiuchus to the list of zodiac signs, but without introducing it into the horoscope. In a word, the functions and roles of this constellation are not completely clear; most astrologers agree that the introduction of this sign into the zodiac is unsafe for the astrological reputation, since in the future there will be problems with its identification and description. What is the element of Ophiuchus? Why, in fact, does the Sun in November, leaving the sign of Scorpio, pass into the power of a constellation that is still not zodiacal, etc.? All these are questions to which astrologers cannot give a definite answer. Today we can only have general facts, ancient myths and the works of no less ancient researchers, for example Ptolemy.

Here's what we know:

The symbol of Ophiuchus is a snake; Serpent is the only constellation in the sky consisting of two separate parts - “Head of the Serpent” and “Tail of the Serpent”; The 13th constellation of the zodiac is located inside the constellation Serpent, dividing it into the western and eastern parts. Dates of birth for Ophiuchus: November 27 – December 17. People born during these 20 days can consider this constellation their zodiac sign.

There are also several myths known about this amazing constellation.

Myth one: the name of the constellation Ophiuchus appeared along with the legend about the god of healing Asclepius, the son of Apollo. The mighty and wise centaur Chiron himself taught Asclepius the art of healing with the help of medicines and poisons. Asclepius' skills were so great that people simply stopped dying. This did not please the god of the underworld Hades, who complained to Zeus. Zeus struck Asclepius with lightning and then placed him in heaven, along with a snake, with the venom of which he healed people. Since then, the snake has been an emblem of healing, and one of the constellations in the sky began to be called the constellation Serpent.

The second myth explains that the constellation Serpens, which Ophiuchus divides into two parts, is Hera, the wife of Zeus, according to Greek mythology, immortalized the image of one of the snakes with which she tried to kill Hercules. By the way, in ancient Greece two parts of the modern constellation Serpens were considered independent constellations: “Head of the Serpent” and “Tail of the Serpent” were included by Ptolemy in the catalog of the starry sky as individual and independent constellations.

It is also interesting that the constellation Ophiuchus in Sanskrit teachings is represented in the form of Krishna. This deity is depicted holding the tail of a serpent in his hand, and standing naked on the head of the monster. The legend of Krishna's birth is in many ways similar to ancient Greek myths about the god Asclepius.

The arrangement of stars in the constellation Serpens is also unique. The brightest star in this cluster, Ras Alhage, is located in close proximity to another notable star, Ras Algethi. In addition, the shape of the constellation Ophiuchus resembles a pentagon extending across the ecliptic and equator, which is unique for star clusters. If we take a closer look at the structural structure of the constellation, we will notice that not only Ras Algeti is located not far from the brightest star, but also a small 9.7m star, the so-called Barnard’s flying star. This star got its name in honor of the American astronomer who discovered it to the scientific world.

Ophiuchus sign in the horoscope and zodiac

However, it is interesting not so much for its astronomical location as for its astrological role. 13th sign, Ophiuchus. Astrologers, who have been studying star charts for many years, attach special significance to this constellation. Characteristics of the sign “Ophiuchus” amazing: it is believed that a person born during this period is endowed with infernal and completely opposite character traits. This constellation, covering a vast region of the equatorial sky, influences a person, making him persistent, and at the same time weak, wise, and at the same time committing stupid and rash acts. It is not for nothing that the zodiac belt consists of constellations that have remained unchanged for more than 3000 years; perhaps precisely because of its unpredictability, the sign “Ophiuchus” is not one of the main zodiac constellations.

Astrologers say that for a long time, magicians and astrologers hid from people the fact of the existence of the thirteenth zodiac sign. Also, according to myths, the knowledge and characteristics of Ophiuchus were inherited by the Aryans, the predecessors of the current European peoples, from a certain mysterious and disappeared civilization.

The dates of Ophiuchus, a description of the sign and some other information about this zodiac constellation were also preserved by Hindu and Zoroastrian priests, as well as in astrology, which flourished in a number of Slavic states. The Slavs, by the way, were one of the few who knew that the Ophiuchus sign rules in the horoscope for only 20 days. Our ancestors also knew that part of the influence of this constellation falls on the end of the Scorpio cycle, and part on the beginning of the Sagittarius Cycle. In most ancient symbolic horoscopes, consisting of 12 parts, the sign Ophiuchus is contained as a multidimensional zodiac sign, having access to other worlds, namely, the mental and astral plane. The ancients also believed that people born under the 13th zodiac sign were under the parallel influence of 2 zodiac constellations (either Serpent and Scorpio, or Serpent and Sagittarius).

Zodiac Ophiuchus - secret sign

For unknown reasons, this zodiac constellation does not have its own clear, specific place in the zodiac. Graphically, Ophiuchus the Serpent (meaning the constellation Serpens) is a projection of the Milky Way onto the circle of the zodiac. The time period of the influence of the Serpent and Scorpio, the numbers of Ophiuchus, which coincide with the numbers of Scorpio, are sometimes called the “burnt road,” which is a symbol of the path on which people face the most difficult trials. According to ancient Greek legends, at this time (during the influence of the Serpent), the son of the Sun, Phaeton, passing over the Earth in his fiery chariot, burned all life on our planet, after which monsters crawled to the surface from the darkness of space. The ancient Aryans associated Ophiuchus in the Zodiac with the king of the universe, Zakhak, who was seduced by the forces of Darkness. Zahkak always had man-eating snakes on his shoulders. It is no wonder that this god-king Arius later became a symbol of misfortune, hunger and death. In many ancient cultures, it is believed that for almost three weeks, when Ophiuchus is in power, people can only rely on their own strength, the gods during this period are deaf to their pleas. The constellation Serpent, which is not included in the zodiac, for ancient people is a symbol of fear, a weapon of evil, everything that is most insidious and terrible, a lie.

The Greeks believed that those who were able to overcome fear would be a free person. Those less fortunate in the future will face an unenviable repetition of the fate of the mythological Phaeton - the temptation of lies, the complete collapse of all hopes and ultimately death alone. It’s not for nothing that the moment of transition from Scorpio to Sagittarius is called the point of liberation. The 13th sign of the zodiac, Ophiuchus, was known to astronomers and astrologers of antiquity along with Ursa Major and Ursa Minor, however, it was the influence of the Serpent that the ancients feared most. It is quite possible that this is another reason why Ophiuchus was not included in the zodiac.

But not only the ancient “stargazers” took into account the influence of the constellation Serpent on human life and destiny; their modern colleagues also do this. Here is a small characteristic for the zodiac sign Ophiuchus:

Zodiac Ophiuchus brings happiness and joy to some people, and grief and endless failures to others. However, regardless of your impact on the environment, people follow you, they are drawn to you. Ophiuchus people are hostages of their fate. They have little influence on events in their lives and on the circumstances that arise in their environment. Everything is going as planned. Such people often have to move; they spend most of their lives on the road, in some kind of wandering. This is both a plus and a minus. On the one hand, constant movement is a symbol of impermanence. On the other hand, in my travels zodiac Ophiuchus can learn a lot of new things, learn and develop as a person.

The smartest representatives of the sign are the darlings of fate. Often they manage to achieve material well-being. Some may live double life, having several families in different cities, and simultaneously belonging to several social groups. Ophiuchus in the horoscope is a kind of Chameleon that easily changes its skin, its color and overall appearance. Such a person is not characterized by one specific manner of behavior. He can turn the past into nothing with one movement of his hand, and make the future his main goal in life.

According to the horoscope, Ophiuchus is an extremely dangerous person with whom it is better not to quarrel. Know that if you harm a man or woman of this sign, then big troubles will await you in return. This happens not because Ophiuchus is an evil sign, but because representatives of the constellation cannot forgive others for their hostile attitude towards themselves. When such a person leaves his habitual place of residence, he burns all bridges behind him, breaks all ties, and at the same time rewards those around him for their actions. If you were kind to such a person, expect “bonuses”. If all you did was put a spoke in his wheels, then trouble will await you in the future. No matter how the circumstances develop, no matter what happens around, caught in zodiac Ophiuchus will survive and continue his journey.

Zodiac sign Ophiuchus and its characteristics

Even the ancient Roman astrologer Manilius wrote that Ophiuchus people, born at the moment of rising of this constellation, are completely harmless and surprisingly good-natured. Yes, “evil things” are happening around them, but the people of the Ophiuchus zodiac sign themselves rarely have anything to do with them.

Such people are not used to returning evil for evil. In the lives of people of this sign there is always a contrast - good and evil, happiness and unhappiness, fall and rebirth. There is no third option; their life is built exclusively on two opposing entities. Characteristics of the 13th Zodiac sign Ophiuchus , is not simple, and the people of this constellation themselves are not simple. They can delight in destroying what they previously created in order to create something incredibly new, at the same time they are able to cling to absolutely unnecessary and useless things in their lives, for example, habits. The zodiac sign Ophiuchus is not constant, however, people of this constellation often become slaves to their habits, including harmful ones. Smoking, alcohol and many other things that would be better to get rid of are often the only constant in the life of Snakes.

But not only the ancient “stargazers” took into account the influence of the constellation Serpent on human life and destiny; their modern colleagues also do this. Here is a small characteristic for zodiac sign Ophiuchus:

If you were born between November 27 and December 17, then you are not a pure Scorpio or a pure Sagittarius, your sign is the Serpent with Scorpio traits, or the Serpent with Sagittarius traits, and the regular horoscopes for Scorpio and Sagittarius are only partly suitable for you. The Ophiuchus man and the woman of this sign are people of incredible, often difficult, but always amazing fate. You can easily forget about losses and get used to changes in your life. You can disappear forever, without farewell words, and leaving no traces behind you. Plus, both the Ophiuchus woman and the representatives of the stronger sex of this constellation have the ability of complete rebirth. Like a phoenix, they are able to rise from the dust, forgetting about their defeats and past failures.

American scientists from NASA recalled the existence of another zodiac sign, the 13th in a row - Ophiuchus, which is located in the zodiac circle between Scorpio and Sagittarius. A message published on the educational portal of the space agency states that the need to introduce a new sign is due to a change in the position of stars in the modern sky in relation to their placement in the times of ancient astronomers.

Scientists claim that the structure of the Zodiac, familiar to everyone, was created in Ancient Babylon. Moreover, even then it was known about the 13th sign, however, due to the fact that in the calendar, based on the phases of the moon, the year was divided into 12 months, for convenience they decided to use only 12 signs of the Zodiac. And they gradually forgot about Ophiuchus.

Ophiuchus 13th sign of the Zodiac: from which date to which date?

Astronomers have calculated that the Sun passes along the ecliptic through the constellation Ophiuchus from November 30 to December 18, and the sign looks like the Latin letter U crossed out by a wavy line. Please note that if a new sign is introduced, the dates of the “old” signs of the Zodiac will change.

13 Zodiac signs, dates of birth, table (new dates of Zodiac signs with Ophiuchus):

  • Capricorn: January 20 - February 16
  • Aquarius: February 16 - March 11
  • Pisces: March 11 - April 18
  • Aries: April 18 - May 13
  • Taurus: May 13 - June 21
  • Gemini: June 21 - July 20
  • Cancer: July 20 - August 10
  • Leo: August 10 - September 16
  • Virgo: September 16 - October 30
  • Libra: October 30 - November 23
  • Scorpio: November 23 – November 29
  • Ophiuchus: November 29 – December 17
  • Sagittarius: December 17 - January 20.

Hercules and Ophiuchus. 1602

Ophiuchus 13th sign of the Zodiac, characteristics:

The symbol of this sign is a snake, but not a simple snake, but one biting its own tail. The mission of people born under the sign of Ophiuchus is selfless service to people, because they are less occupied with their own problems than with others. The true Ophiuchus does not blindly follow his predetermined fate, but boldly steps over it and acts in his own way. And difficulties only inflame Ophiuchus, forcing him to take on overcoming them with triple energy.

It will not be easy for the partners of a person born under the sign of Ophiuchus - after all, he can disappear forever from the life of a loved one, without even leaving a message. And sometimes he simply cannot be recognized - Ophiuchus, like his symbol (snake), can completely shed his old skin and be reborn beyond recognition. They can bring both immeasurable joy and soul-devastating grief to their loved ones.

Ophiuchus themselves cannot be called positive people, because the thought “why live, if you’re going to die anyway?” pursues them relentlessly. As a result, there is a high percentage of suicides among Ophiuchus people. But, at the same time, even after the darkest period of life, they can be reborn like a Phoenix from the ashes, striking those around them with immense fun and the ability to live “to the fullest.” And their thirst for adventure has no equal among representatives of other zodiac signs.

At the same time, scientists do not exclude in the future the appearance of the 14th sign of the zodiac - Cetus. This sign was first discussed back in the 1970s.

Photo: NASA