Faculty of part-time (evening) education. How much will paid education cost in the best universities of the country Mifi National Research Nuclear University

MOSCOW, June 30 - RIA Novosti, Alexander Lesnykh. Admissions committees Russian universities been working for a week now. This means that it will soon become clear which of the applicants will go to study for budget money, and who will have to fork out for paid education. RIA Novosti studied the prices in the top 10 universities in the country according to the Round University Ranking 2019 and determined the most expensive and most affordable specialties.

Lomonosov Moscow State University

At the main university of the country - the highest payment. Of those faculties that have already published prices for contract training, the specialty "General Medicine" at the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine is the most expensive - 493,000 rubles a year. The second direction, pharmacy, also got into the top - 436 thousand per year.

Comparable prices in high school cultural policy and management in the humanitarian sphere. Studying for a producer will cost 492 thousand rubles a year.

Almost a quarter cheaper at once several specialties in the exact and humanities. Faculties of Space Research, Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics - 390 thousand. The same number - the faculties of political science, public administration, world politics, translation, television and arts or journalism.

National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"

Education in the most expensive specialties offered at NRNU MEPhI will cost 300 or more thousand rubles a year. For this money, you can get a diploma in nuclear physics and technology, nuclear reactors and materials, electronics and automation of physical installations, as well as high-tech plasma and power plants. You will have to pay 20 thousand more for studying medicine at the Engineering Physics Institute of Biomedicine of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

Slightly less is the cost of studying professions related to the IT industry: software engineering, information security, including in law enforcement - 260 thousand per year. The same is the cost of training in specialties associated with laser technologies, applied mathematics and physics, nanoelectronics, photonics and robotics.

The most accessible majors at the university are economics, business informatics, economic security, international relations, and applied mathematics and computer science. The cost of training is 230 thousand rubles a year.

Tomsk State University (TSU)

The fee for studying technical sciences is almost a hundred thousand rubles less. Applied computer science, software engineering, biology, soil science, innovation, computer security, radio-electronic systems and complexes, as well as fundamental and applied chemistry and some others will cost the student's parents 156 thousand rubles a year.


At the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, the most expensive specialty is technical physics, the cost of education is 315 thousand rubles a year.

For all the rest - applied mathematics and computer science, applied mathematics and physics, computer science and computer technology, biotechnology, system analysis and control, and computer security - a single price is set, 270 thousand.

Novosibirsk State University (NSU)

At NSU, training in all specialties costs almost the same. The most expensive - medical business - will cost 190 thousand rubles a year. Ten thousand cheaper - linguistics, oriental and African studies, biology, chemistry and fundamental and applied chemistry. All remaining specialties cost 160 thousand a year. Among them are mathematics, physics, physical informatics, geology, philology, history and jurisprudence.

Saint Petersburg State University

The top 3 most expensive specialties at St Petersburg University include international management (506,000 per year), management (446,000) and part-time law (452,000).

In the middle of the list are disciplines related to Oriental and African Studies. These are ten programs that provide for the study of the history and philology of Eastern countries, as well as the study of several local languages. For example, by studying the history of the Arab countries, one can learn Arabic and, in addition, one of three languages ​​- Hebrew, Turkish or Persian. The course costs 344 thousand rubles annually.

The list of the most accessible specialties at St Petersburg University includes philosophy, history, religious studies, liberal arts and Jewish culture. You will have to pay 208 thousand a year for training. The same money is worth a specialty in physical education and sports.

And those who dream of learning to play the organ, harpsichord or carillon professionally will have to pay "only" 203 thousand rubles a year for training.

Tomsk Polytechnic University

In Tomsk Polytechnic University, the most expensive specialty is design (295,000 rubles a year). It is followed by nuclear physics and technology, electronics and automation of physical installations, as well as the design, operation and engineering of nuclear power plants for 273 thousand a year each.

The most accessible specialties cost 172 thousand a year. These are mechanical engineering, metallurgy, agricultural engineering and applied informatics.

RUDN University

The most accessible directions will cost 236 thousand annually at the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences. Here you can learn modeling and analysis of business processes, information technology in enterprise management, specialties related to computer science.

Enrollment in paid education - on a separate competition. For applicants entering paid education, the same set of tests is set as for budget education

The cost of educational services for citizens Russian Federation who have passed entrance examinations at NRNU MEPhI and its separate subdivisions in fall semester 2019-2020 school year

NRNU MEPhI (Moscow)

Form of study Training period Tuition per semester (rub)
01.06.01. Mathematics and mechanics full-time 4 years 150 600
02.06.01 Computer and Information Sciences researcher, teacher researcher full-time 4 years 150 600
03.06.01. Physics and astronomy researcher, teacher researcher full-time 4 years 155 000
04.06.01. Chemical Sciences researcher, teacher researcher full-time 4 years 155 000
06.06.01 Biological Sciences researcher, teacher researcher full-time 4 years 155 000
09.06.01. researcher, teacher researcher full-time 4 years 155 000
10.06.01. Information Security researcher, teacher researcher full-time 4 years 155 000
11.06.01. Electronics, radio engineering and communication systems researcher, teacher researcher full-time 4 years 155 000
12.06.01. Photonics, instrumentation, optical and biotechnical systems and technologies researcher, teacher researcher full-time 4 years 155 000
13.06.01. Electrical and heat engineering researcher, teacher researcher full-time 4 years 155 000
14.06.01. Nuclear, thermal and renewable energy and related technologies researcher, teacher researcher full-time 4 years 165 800
15.06.01 mechanical engineering researcher, teacher researcher full-time 4 years 155 000
16.06.01. Physical and technical sciences and technologies researcher, teacher researcher full-time 4 years 165 800
18.06.01 Chemical Technology researcher, teacher researcher full-time 4 years 155 000
22.06.01. Material Technology researcher, teacher researcher full-time 4 years 155 000
24.06.01. Aviation and rocket and space technology researcher, teacher researcher full-time 4 years 165 800
27.06.01. Control in technical systems researcher, teacher researcher full-time 4 years 155 000
37.06.01 Psychological sciences researcher, teacher researcher full-time 4 years 150 600
38.06.01 Economy researcher, teacher researcher full-time 3 years 150 600
40.06.01 Jurisprudence researcher, teacher researcher full-time 3 years 150 600


Name of specialty and (or) direction of training Qualification (bachelor, master, specialist, technician, etc.) Form of study Training period
04.06.01 Chemical Sciences full-time 4 years 63 500,00
correspondence 5 years 15 100,00
14.06.01 Researcher. Lecturer-researcher full-time 4 years 79 300,00
correspondence 5 years 15 100,00
03.06.01 Physics and astronomy Researcher. Lecturer-researcher full-time 4 years 63 500,00
correspondence 5 years 15 100,00
09.06.01 Informatics and Computer Engineering Researcher. Lecturer-researcher full-time 4 years 63 500,00
correspondence 5 years 15 100,00


Specialty code (direction) Name of specialty and (or) direction of training Qualification (bachelor, master, specialist, technician, etc.) Form of study Training period Tuition per semester (rub.)
01.06.01 Mathematics and mechanics Researcher.
full-time 4 years 74 660,00
03.06.01 Physics and astronomy Researcher.
full-time 4 years 80 311,00
04.06.01 Chemical Sciences Researcher.
full-time 4 years 80 311,00
06.06.01 Biological Sciences Researcher.
full-time 4 years 80 311,00
09.06.01 Informatics and Computer Engineering Researcher.
full-time 4 years 80 311,00
12.06.01 Photonics, instrument making, optical and biotechnical systems and technologies Researcher.
full-time 4 years 80 311,00
14.06.01 Nuclear, thermal and renewable energy and related technologies Researcher.
full-time 4 years 108 900,00
38.06.01 Economy Researcher.
full-time 3 years 74 660,00
For foreign students (training at English language)
14.06.01 Nuclear, thermal and renewable energy and related technologies Researcher.
full-time 4 years 141 415,00


specialty code (direction) Name of specialty and (or) direction of training Qualification (bachelor, master, specialist, technician, etc.) Form of study Training period Tuition per semester (rub.)
01.06.01 Mathematics and mechanics full-time 4 years 69 978
03.06.01 Physics and astronomy Researcher, Lecturer-researcher full-time 4 years 73 422
09.06.01 Informatics and Computer Engineering Researcher, Lecturer-researcher full-time 4 years 73 422


specialty code (direction) Name of specialty and (or) direction of training Qualification (bachelor, master, specialist, technician, etc.) Form of study Training period Tuition per semester (rub.)
09.06.01 Informatics and Computer Engineering Researcher. Lecturer-researcher full-time 4 years 92 700
correspondence 5 years 24 000
18.06.01 Chemical Technology Researcher. Lecturer-researcher full-time 4 years 92 700
correspondence 5 years 24 000


specialty code (direction) Name of specialty and (or) direction of training Qualification (bachelor, master, specialist, technician, etc.) Form of study Training period Tuition per semester (rub.)
01.06.01 Mathematics and mechanics Researcher. Lecturer-researcher full-time 4 years 72800
09.06.01 Informatics and Computer Engineering Researcher. Lecturer-researcher full-time 4 years 76200
15.06.01 mechanical engineering Researcher. Lecturer-researcher full-time 4 years 76200

4 years

Given the high competition for admission to free education, NRNU MEPhI provides an opportunity for paid education in the same programs in all specialties and specializations.

Enrollment in paid education is subject to a separate competition. For applicants entering paid education, the same set of tests is set as for state-funded education.

Paid education is possible in the following areas:

  • direction 09.03.03 "Applied Informatics", profile "Applied Informatics in Economics", qualification - bachelor,
  • master
  • direction 38.03.02 "Management", profile "Management of technological innovations", qualification - bachelor
  • direction 38.04.02 "Management", program "Economics and management of science-intensive industries", master's qualification
  • direction 38.03.05 "Business - informatics", profile "Technological entrepreneurship", qualification bachelor, master

For graduates specialized colleges- Accelerated training.

2. Economic- faculty "Management and economics of high technologies"("U")

If you want to enter a technical specialty at NRNU MEPhI, but did not pass the competition, you can come to study in your chosen specialty for a fee.

Students of the paid form of education, like all students, receive a deferment from military service, can study under the program of the military department of NRNU MEPhI and receive the rank of reserve officer (on a competitive basis).


Citizens with secondary, secondary specialized or vocational education, as well as persons with incomplete and completed higher education are accepted for paid education.

Depending on the direction and form of study, the cost of paid education is from 30 to 100 thousand rubles per semester.

On paid forms, the duration of training is from three to five and a half years, depending on the initial training.

All graduates of paid forms of education receive the same NRNU MEPhI diploma of higher education of the state standard, as those who have completed training on a budgetary basis.