iPad won't charge from usb. What to do if the iPad does not charge from the computer. Using Power Bank

Users of modern mobile devices They are accustomed to the fact that they can charge their electronic “friends” in two ways - using a connecting cable, charging unit and socket, or using a connecting cable and a PC USB port. However, the second method cannot be called convenient - the computer replenishes the device’s resources much more slowly than the outlet, and in the case of the iPad, the process is so slow that the message “No charging” appears next to the charge indicator.

Of course, the owner of an Apple tablet has a question: is it even possible to charge an iPad from a computer? We will make you happy - you can! But the recharge will proceed at such a meager speed that it will take almost a day to fully charge! But why does the iPad write “No charging”, because it’s charging at least at a meager speed? And is it possible to speed up the charging process of the gadget? We will answer these questions in this article!

To quickly charge an iPad, it requires a current of 1.2 A, while standard USB ports on a Windows computer typically output about 0.5 A, and this value is much lower than the minimum acceptable value required to start charging. That is why the “charge” command does not work in the “head” of the tablet, which it carefully notifies the user about.

It is noteworthy that if you connect the iPad to a computer or laptop from Apple, you will not encounter a similar situation, because their USB produces a high current strength, and the device charges safely. Of course, it’s also not as fast as from a power outlet, but much faster than in a day.

However, in our country not many people use Mac computers. What should Windows PC owners do? How to charge iPad quickly if charging block forgotten or lost, and the computer’s USB port is the only possible source of power? Use the recommendations below.

How to speed up the charge?

We are looking for the “strongest” USB port

We mentioned above that a standard USB port Windows computer produces an average current of 0.5 A, but it is interesting that it can vary quite significantly in different sockets. In this case, as a rule, in the connectors located on the rear wall of the system unit, it is larger than in the front ports.

Therefore, the first recommendation is this: try to find the “strongest” port; perhaps on your PC there is one that, when connected to it, the “No charging” message will disappear. If it does not disappear when connected to any USB, we recommend leaving the tablet connected to one of the ports on the back wall, even if in your case the current strength in it will be slightly higher.

We “unload” the iPad as much as possible

The less the tablet “spends”, the faster it will charge - this is logical, so the second step that needs to be taken to speed up the charging of the device is to “unload” it as much as possible - close all applications running in the background, activate airplane mode, lock the device and don't use it.

To activate the airplane mode, unlock the tablet, swipe up from the bottom, and in the quick control “curtain” that appears, activate the icon with the airplane icon—to do this, just tap on it. In this mode, all wireless functions of the device will be disabled.

Installing a special program

The above two ways to speed up iPad charging, unfortunately, will only help a little. If this state of affairs does not suit you, you need to move on to a more radical measure - installing a special program that can cleverly redistribute the PC’s energy, “supplying” a current greater than 0.5 A to the USB port. Such utilities can strengthen the USB connector even up to 2A.

However, you need to be careful with them, because if at a reduced current the maximum you face is an insufficiently fast charging speed, but with an increased current, both the internal elements of the PC and the iPad may suffer.

The most popular program for increasing the current on USB ports is called Ai Charger, developed by the well-known company ASUS. According to the official description and user reviews, it is very convenient and safe.

The utility only needs to be installed and rebooted; in the future, when you turn on the computer, it will always start on its own, and it will also independently read devices connected to USB and supply them with the required current.

By the way, a special advantage of the program is the fact that it can charge the device even if the PC is in sleep mode. If you charge the iPad without the program, you will need to constantly take care that the PC does not “fall asleep”.

We buy a special cable

Of course, the advice to purchase a special cable for fast charging the iPad is not very appropriate when you need to power up the gadget here and now, and there is absolutely no time to run to the store. However, you should know that such things exist.

What is a fast charge cable? On one side there is a standard connector for iPad, on the other there are two USBs - which means the tablet can be connected to two sockets at once, thus doubling the current.

Let's summarize

Well, now you know how to charge an iPad from a PC and understand what methods can be used to make the charging process quick. Unfortunately, the first two methods will not help you speed up charging significantly, and the latter requires either that you have a special cable or time to find and buy it - you can just as easily buy a new charging block for the iPad and easily charge the device from an outlet.

So, in conditions when you urgently need to get a charged tablet and there is no time for shopping, you have only one option - use a special program. Just don’t forget - not all of them are safe - the one we recommend has a lot of positive reviews and a trusted developer, so if you decide to use a special utility, download the ASUS development!

Became the proud owner of an Apple tablet iPad computer. The first thing you did, after delight and a storm of emotions, you decided to recharge it from your home computer. And then you realize that the iPad is not charging from the computer.

Why won't my iPad charge from my computer?

Let's try to figure it out. This can happen for a number of reasons. First you need to understand whether it is even possible to charge an iPad from a desktop computer. The problem is that normal charging of the iPad requires a current of at least 1200 mA, but the computer's USB port can only output 500 mA. And the question arises, how to make it possible to charge the iPad from your home computer? Here are several options to solve the problem:

First, you need to check all the ports on your laptop or computer. The motherboard may output slightly different amounts of current to different USB ports. Ports on a system unit are usually located on its front and rear panels, and on the sides of the laptop. If nothing has changed, don't panic. Even with such a low current, the iPad, although slowly, still charges, and even the “No charging” text next to the battery icon should not confuse you. It's charging, but so weakly that even the iPad doesn't understand it. You need to put the tablet into sleep mode, and it will begin to charge slowly but surely. However, this will be too long a process. In this mode, it will take about 23-25 ​​hours to fully charge, and the desktop computer must remain turned on during this entire time and not go into sleep or standby mode. So, answering the question “does the iPad charge from a computer?”, we can confidently say: “Yes, but it’s too long and difficult.”

  • To ensure that charging your iPad does not cause problems, you can turn to its older iMac brothers (especially those released after 2011). All of these computers have powerful USB ports that can charge your tablet without any problems.
  • Buy yourself a brand new computer with motherboards from Asus and GIGABYTE. These motherboards will not only allow you to charge your iPad, but also reduce the time until it is fully charged by 2 times/
  • How can you charge your iPad from your computer without having to buy a new one? You can purchase a cable with a USB 2.0 adapter. With this cable there will be no problems associated with the inability to connect the iPad to the computer. It will also allow the tablet to receive 2 times more energy. One of the cable connectors needs to be connected to the iPad and the remaining 2 to your home computer.
  • You can also download special programs to your laptop or home computer, which will increase the current in the USB ports. Ai Charger from Asus and GIGABYTE ON/OFF Charge you can download these programs from the official websites of these companies.

Perhaps the easiest way is to charge from a 220v outlet. Even if the iPad was purchased abroad and Charger suitable only for European sockets, you can always buy an adapter, the price of which does not exceed 100 rubles.
And remember that if the iPad is completely dead, you may have to wait for 5 minutes for the charging icon to appear, and about 20 minutes for it to turn on. The time it takes to fully charge the battery varies depending on the iPad version.

iPad - charges in 3-4 hours;
iPad 2 - 5-6 hours;
iPad 3 - more than 6 hours;
iPad 4 - about 5 hours thanks to the new charger;
Try to always monitor your battery level. There have been cases when, after 1 month without recharging the iPad, there was not enough energy to even start charging the battery. All this will help you avoid problems with your new friend and charge your iPad from your computer.

If your iPad breaks down, the first reason why the tablet does not charge is that the power cable is damaged. is an operation available to specialists in service center, since the tablet needs to be unstuck and the display and motherboard removed. iPad batteries rarely fail.

You probably know that the iPad can be charged not only with the charger it comes with, as well as charging from the iPhone, but also from a computer using a USB cable. All of these methods can charge the battery, although some will do it more slowly than others. However, sometimes an error occurs in which the message “No charging” is displayed. Most often this happens when trying to charge the iPad from a computer, but sometimes when connected to an iPhone charger.

The "no charging" message can appear for many reasons, but it is almost always related to the power source. Fortunately, this error can be easily fixed. Below we will talk about the most common reasons for the “no charging” message, as well as how to solve the problem.

1: Check portiPad

Before you do anything, check the charging port on the iPad itself. It may contain dust or small debris.

Use a wood or plastic toothpick to clean out the port until nothing is left in it.

It sounds stupid, but this is actually the most common cause of the error. iPad ports often get clogged because they are carried in bags and given to children to play with. Strange lumps of dust, plasticine, crumbs, dirt, etc. - all this can get into the port, which can cause the iPad to stop charging altogether. Anything on the port could be causing the error. Therefore, try to keep your device clean.

2: “No charging” message when connected to a computer

Often the error occurs when the iPad is connected to a specific Mac using a specific USB cable. This means that the USB port does not transmit enough energy to charge the iPad, and instead of charging, it continues to discharge. There are two possible solutions:

  • Try connecting the cable to a different USB port on your computer.
  • Try using a different USB cable.

Note: If the USB cable is damaged, it is better not to use it at all. We recommend purchasing only certified cords, as others in many cases do not work at all with Apple products.

3: ConnectiPad to regular 12W charging

Almost always, connecting the iPad to a standard charger that plugs into an outlet can solve the problem. It comes included with every iPad.

Note that you need to use a 12W charger rather than the iPhone's 5W charger, as the latter will charge the device much more slowly. If you play a game on your iPad while it is being charged by an iPhone charger, the battery may generally discharge due to insufficient energy being transferred. With standard charging, the device should charge perfectly.

If these methods do not solve the problem, contact a specialist. Some parts of your iPad may be damaged.

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And now you have finally become the proud owner of an Apple iPad tablet computer. The first thing you did, after delight and a storm of emotions, you decided to recharge it from your home computer. And then you realize that the iPad is not charging from the computer.

Why won't my iPad charge from my computer?

Let's try to figure it out. This can happen for a number of reasons. First you need to understand whether it is even possible to charge an iPad from a desktop computer. The problem is that normal charging of the iPad requires a current of at least 1200 mA, but the computer's USB port can only output 500 mA. And the question arises, how to make it possible to charge the iPad from your home computer? Here are several options to solve the problem:

  1. First, you need to check all the ports on your laptop or computer. The motherboard may output slightly different amounts of current to different USB ports. Ports on a system unit are usually located on its front and rear panels, and on the sides of the laptop. If nothing has changed, don't panic. Even with such a low current, the iPad, although slowly, still charges, and even the “No charging” text next to the battery icon should not confuse you. It's charging, but so weakly that even the iPad doesn't understand it. You need to put the tablet into sleep mode, and it will begin to charge slowly but surely. However, this will be too long a process. In this mode, it will take about 23-25 ​​hours to fully charge, and the desktop computer must remain turned on during this entire time and not go into sleep or standby mode. So, answering the question “does the iPad charge from a computer?”, we can confidently say: “Yes, but it’s too long and difficult.”
  2. To ensure that charging your iPad does not cause problems, you can turn to its older iMac brothers (especially those released after 2011). All of these computers have powerful USB ports that can charge your tablet without any problems.
  3. Buy yourself a brand new computer with motherboards from Asus and GIGABYTE. These motherboards will not only allow you to charge your iPad, but also reduce the time until it is fully charged by 2 times.
  4. How can you charge your iPad from your computer without having to buy a new one? You can purchase a cable with a USB 2.0 adapter. With this cable there will be no problems associated with the inability to connect the iPad to the computer. It will also allow the tablet to receive 2 times more energy. One of the cable connectors needs to be connected to the iPad and the remaining 2 to your home computer.
  5. You can also download special programs to your laptop or home computer that will increase the current in the USB ports. Ai Charger from Asus and GIGABYTE ON/OFF Charge you can download these programs from the official websites of these companies.
  6. Perhaps the easiest way is to charge from a 220v outlet. Even if the iPad was purchased abroad and the charger is only suitable for European sockets, you can always buy an adapter, the price of which does not exceed 100 rubles.

And remember that if the iPad is completely dead, you may have to wait for 5 minutes for the charging icon to appear, and about 20 minutes for it to turn on. The time it takes to fully charge the battery varies depending on the iPad version.

  • iPad - charges in 3-4 hours;
  • iPad 2 - 5-6 hours;
  • iPad 3 - more than 6 hours;
  • iPad 4 - about 5 hours thanks to the new charger;

Try to always monitor your battery level. There have been cases when, after 1 month without recharging the iPad, there was not enough energy to even start charging the battery.

All this will help you avoid problems with your new friend and charge your iPad from your computer.

Asus Ai Charger is a simple program that will allow you to charge your new iPad from your PC.

A simple rule that can save your nerves when dealing with modern devices is that: “You only need to buy original accessories.” This is especially true for people who have to work almost every day. And if original charger is able to work out an impressive number of cycles, but the Chinese noname will fizzle out much faster.

Until recently, I was the owner of just such a dubious charger. It got terribly hot, but in general it performed its functions. And so it was exactly until I connected it to it. The counterfeit accessory was enough for 5% of the charge, and then it turned into a useless piece of plastic.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have any other charger at hand, and the iPad’s 58% charge at the beginning of the weekend was not conducive to active use.

And then I had a “brilliant” idea - to recharge the iPad from the standard USB connector of my Windows PC. Having connected the tablet, I expected to see a familiar battery on the screen, a little more than half filled with green, but no. Instead, the iPad told me that it was "not charging" - the current available from the standard USB connector was not enough to charge the tablet's capacious battery.

Program for charging iPad from a computer

Surely I was not the first to encounter such a problem, because to solve it there is already a utility called