What is parchment paper - how to use it and what can be replaced when baking in the oven. Baking paper to help housewives What can you bake on parchment paper

Housewives use parchment paper to prepare homemade baked goods. Sometimes it happens that such an item is not at hand in the house, but the dough is already ready. However, there are other products that can replace parchment paper. They also have their own advantages, which will be interesting to know for those who like to bake cakes and other dough delicacies.

What is parchment paper used for?

Back in the last century, confectioners began using parchment paper for baking. This material is used in packaging of various items:

  • dishes;
  • food;
  • gifts.

It has found application in cooking for a simple reason - the ability to keep fat out. This prevents the dough from sticking to the mold or baking sheet. Ready-made cakes, cookies or other baked goods are easily removed and do not stick to the surface of the dish. This makes the task easier for any housewife; she does not need to wash the dishes for a long time, and culinary products always retain their attractive appearance and shape.

This material is made from porous filter paper, and it contains only organic substances. During the production process, special technology is used. The material is impregnated with a light solution of sulfuric acid. Impregnation allows you to partially destroy the cellulose used and clog the pores. This technology makes the material waterproof and strong. The raw materials used for the production of parchment paper are subjected to forced drying. This gives finished rolls their advantages:

  • they allow air to pass through;
  • resistance to elevated temperatures;
  • do not allow fat and moisture to pass through;
  • when wet, retain all properties;
  • possible multiple use.

Baking paper for baking in the oven makes it possible to roll out puff pastry and shortbread dough very thinly. . It is usually laid out between two sheets of paper to quickly and conveniently transfer to a baking sheet.


Parchment is widely used in everyday life, production and medicine. It is used in the clothing industry and furniture production. It is in demand in the fast food industry. Parchment is generally thin and transparent, and depending on the scope of application it is divided into several types:

You can buy parchment at any supermarket. It is sold in rolls, and its packaging always contains instructions for use containing information on how to use baking paper correctly.


Parchment is used for more than just oven baking. It is used for cooking dishes in a slow cooker. In this case you need to cut off a layer of parchment so that its edges peek out from under the mass of dough. When the dish is ready, the edges will help you remove it intact and undamaged. It is especially useful to use parchment when baking biscuit dough. This will also prevent it from burning and sticking to the bowl.

Confectionery paper is used by many housewives not only for baking flour products. It is also used for preparing dishes from meat, fish, and mushrooms. There is parchment that is intended only for baking dough products. This option is not suitable for meat or fish., because you can ruin the dish. When dense material is used, it is used repeatedly, but only for preparing the same dishes.

Spread the required piece of paper on a baking sheet and spread the dough. If necessary, the parchment can be greased with vegetable or butter. Bake the products at normal temperatures and for the time specified in the recipe.

How to replace baking paper in the oven

Parchment serves to protect the dough from burning, especially if it is baked with filling. It happens that the house runs out of baking paper, and then you need to replace it with something else. There are several replacement options that you will almost always find in your home.

Most often, tracing paper is used as a substitute at home. It is coated with oil on both sides.

A good option is clean office paper, also oiled on both sides. Food bags are made from thick food grade parchment. They are used in supermarkets for packaging baked goods.

If suddenly there are none of the listed options in the house, then you can use semolina or breadcrumbs. Grease the baking sheet with oil and sprinkle the surface with a thin layer of semolina or ground crackers. This also prevents burning and will help you remove the baked goods easily.

Now it is possible to buy a special silicone mat. This product has become a real find for chefs. This is a very convenient item for rolling out dough and giving it the desired shape. It withstands high temperatures well and does not react with the products used. Silicone is absolutely harmless to health, therefore it is widely used for culinary purposes. It is durable, such an item will last for many years.

Some housewives also use foil, however, there are some nuances here. The foil must be greased with oil if the dough is baked. You do not need to do this to prepare meat or fish dishes. The foil is laid with the matte side on the surface. Food foil is ideal for cooking meat and fish, but it is not the most suitable option for dough. It speeds up the cooking process, so the dough may burn.

Folk remedies

Folk methods were invented, when a problem arose, what can replace parchment paper for baking. They are all simple, and with their help the baked goods will not burn or stick to the walls and bottom of the pan:

It is not recommended to use written sheets of paper or newspaper. Printing ink contains toxic substances that are harmful to health. You cannot use polyethylene, as it will immediately begin to melt under the influence of high temperatures.

Housewives often use improvised means in the kitchen, but they also need to be used correctly, and then the baked goods will definitely turn out tasty and beautiful.

Options for replacing parchment paper for baking.

There are many ways to replace parchment paper with something else. In this article we will tell you what can serve as an alternative to this product.

What can replace baking paper?

The easiest option is to purchase a silicone mat. Because it is reusable, it can be used several times, and the task is greatly simplified. Because you can not only bake on it, but also roll out food. That is, to carry out such manipulations, it is necessary to roll out the product into the required shape and transfer it directly onto a baking sheet on a silicone mat.

If you don’t have it, then thin office paper, which should be oiled with vegetable oil, is suitable as regular parchment paper. Don't worry, it won't burn because the oil will prevent charring. Tracing paper will also work. It is very thin and waxy and does the job perfectly.

What can replace parchment paper?

But office paper is not the only option that can replace parchment. Almost every housewife has baking foil in her arsenal. It can easily be used instead of parchment paper. Please note that it is placed on the matte side on a baking sheet, and the product itself is placed on the shiny, that is, glossy side. If you place the product on the shiny side, then during the cooking process this side may oxidize, which will significantly change the taste of the product.

Please note that if you are baking dough products, you need to grease the foil with vegetable oil. If you bake fish and meat products, the foil is not lubricated with anything, that is, it is used completely dry.

How to replace parchment paper when baking?

Using foil you can make a baking sheet into the desired shape. To do this, fold the foil into about 3 layers. You will get a thick layer. Place baked goods or whatever you are going to bake inside. This way the foil will keep its shape and make the process of cooking and baking food quite simple and fast.

If you don’t have any tracing paper or writing paper in the house, you can use a non-standard method: simply sprinkle the baking sheet with semolina. Indeed, in this case the food sticks quite poorly. In addition, we recommend that in order to prevent food and baked goods from sticking to the baking sheet, heat it and place the food on a hot baking sheet.

This method is suitable if there is no need to first proof the buns or pies to rise. In addition, you can also use a baking sleeve. If you often bake chicken, but this time you need to bake rich pastries or buns, then you can simply cut the baking sleeve into regular layers, place them on a baking sheet and bake in the same way as you do when using parchment paper. Food does not stick well to the baking sleeve and comes off well after baking.

There are a huge number of options for replacing baking parchment. The most accessible is to use tracing paper or writing paper.

VIDEO: Baking paper

What can replace parchment paper? Every self-respecting housewife loves to bake culinary masterpieces in the oven.

She spoils her family with goodies from the miracle oven. Dishes prepared in the oven are tasty and healthy - they retain maximum beneficial taste qualities.

It is not always possible to cook a truly masterpiece dish in the oven. You need to know a couple of secrets that are used in the process. One of these is parchment paper. This is a must-have attribute for a modern housewife.

It will not be difficult to purchase such paper in a store and use it for its intended purpose. Only sometimes it happens that the aid is not in the stash. What to do in this case?

What can replace parchment paper when baking? Parchment paper has a specific purpose - to prevent baked goods from burning, burning, or sticking to the baking sheet.. This is a kind of protective barrier.

In addition, with its use, the baking sheet remains clean and does not require careful cleaning. Parchment paper appeared in the culinary industry not so long ago. Before this, they resorted to using various improvised means.

Now let's talk about various options for replacing parchment paper. We will also name false methods that will only ruin the baked goods.

1) Option number one is not to use any intermediate attribute. It is not necessary to cover the baking sheet with anything.

His can be lubricated or margarine. This option is not suitable for all baked goods.

Pies, cakes, cookies, casseroles with such a layer of oil on a baking sheet will acquire a rich taste. In addition to the butter, breadcrumbs or semolina are sprinkled on top.

In very extreme cases, you can use regular flour. Only it has the ability to burn.

This option (butter + crackers/semolina) is undesirable for meringues, cakes and macaroons. These products will stick to the baking sheet.

2) Instead of parchment paper you can use sewing tracing paper. This is a special thin paper for sketching. It fully justifies its use. Just be sure to take a quality one, since there are many fakes.

A fake version will not only ruin a culinary masterpiece, but can also be harmful to health. A small drawback of tracing paper is its thinness. Baked goods that are too wet can eat away at the paper.

3) A good substitute for parchment paper is flour bag. It is made from food-grade parchment paper, which is excellent for baking. Are you concerned about using this attribute?

For the first time, grease it with butter. It wouldn't hurt to play it safe. Bags and bags for store-bought baked goods are made from similar paper. Therefore, their use is justified.

4) Exists special moisture-absorbent paper. It is able to absorb all excess moisture, does not become limp, does not burn, does not require any lubrication, and heats up quickly.

In addition to all this, it can be used up to five times and even store a finished dish in it and serve it on the table.

5) Many housewives take a regular A4 office sheet instead of parchment paper. Before use, it is thoroughly soaked in vegetable oil or greased with butter.

The proposed option is considered erroneous. Because the baked goods burn evenly. In addition, it also dries to the sheet.

If you really have nothing to replace parchment paper with, then you can resort to the indicated method.

It is only suitable for quick baking. The result is completely unpredictable. Be prepared for the entire contents of the baking sheet to go into the trash bin.

6) In addition to homemade products, there are also specialized baking supplies as an alternative to parchment paper. The championship here is occupied by silicone mat. This option is to some extent even better than paper.

It is thin, elastic, heat-resistant. In addition, the silicone mat is reusable. You spend it once, but use it for a long time.

7) Today it is becoming increasingly popular silicone coated paper. It is an order of magnitude better than parchment and can be used several times (no more than eight).

8) Foil will work as a substitute for parchment. In this case, it is necessary to exercise extreme control over the baking process. Baked goods baked on foil often burn. Therefore, constant control - turning over, changing position - is necessary.

9) In very extreme cases, you can resort to using a baking bag. This option is suitable for worst case scenarios.

Since the quality of baking is not controlled in any way and the final result is not guaranteed. The only thing this attribute does is prevent the dish from burning.

What absolutely cannot replace parchment paper?

There are a number of alternatives to parchment paper that you should absolutely not use:

1) Newspaper. Our grandmothers also armed themselves with this attribute while baking. They oiled it well and lined the bottom of the container. Remember: using newspaper is prohibited!

It is unhygienic and unhealthy. The newspaper catches fire easily, and the letters are printed with ink that is made from harmful substances.

2) A sheet of paper. If it is clean and not soaked in oil, it will ignite and cause an accident.

3) Plastic bag. It melts under the influence of temperature, stinks and releases toxic substances. Its use is dangerous!

4) Pure vegetable oil. An oiled baking sheet will burn. The dish will acquire an inedible taste and burnt aroma.

There are plenty of variations offered. The choice is yours. Remember the main thing: before using any of the attributes, test it in the demo version. This will ensure that the product is safe and suitable.

Delicious culinary masterpieces to you!

Do you want to bake a pie or cake layers, but you are out of parchment paper - is this becoming a problem for you? No need to be upset! You can always find alternative materials at home.

So what could it be? What can replace it?

1. Tracing paper.
The dough will not burn if you put tracing paper on the bottom of the baking sheet instead of parchment paper. Ordinary translucent drawing paper, which is used in the sewing industry.

2. Foil for baking.
Foil can be used not only when roasting meat and vegetables, but also successfully used in baking. If it is a pie with berries or liquid jam, then the foil will prevent loss of juice and the pies will not burn. You need to place it on a matte surface on the bottom of the mold.

3. Plain paper
Also, instead of baking paper, the most ordinary paper, which is used in offices or by children for drawing, is placed on a baking sheet. It is pre-lubricated with vegetable oil and can be additionally sprinkled with breadcrumbs. But keep in mind that it is best to use paper without any designs, as ink is harmful to the body.

4. Butter or margarine.
To get perfect baked goods, without the help of parchment, you need to grease the pan well with margarine or butter. You can take either butter or vegetable oil. The fat will prevent the pan from coming into contact with the dough.

5. Flour
Sometimes when baking cake layers or cookies, the mold is sprinkled with flour or semolina. This is a good way to combat sticking.

6. Butter with flour/semolina/breadcrumbs (“French shirt”)

This option is one of the best. First, the mold is greased with vegetable or butter, and then sprinkled with flour, semolina or breadcrumbs. By the way, crackers will give the baked goods a crispy crust.

7. Silicone mat
Silicone baking mats are modern means that protect the baking sheet quite well from burning. They allow you to bake your favorite “delicacies” without using fat. They are sold in different sizes to fit any mold.

When choosing options for replacing parchment paper in cooking, remember that their main purpose is to prevent the dough from burning and sticking to the pan, and, therefore, to make baked goods golden brown and as tasty as possible.


Parchment for baking in the oven can be replaced with:

What can you replace parchment with? Description
Sewing tracing paper You can use sewing tracing paper for baking in the oven without fear. You should choose high-quality thin paper for sketching and then there will be no risk for the biscuit or meringue.
Package from If you don't have anything on hand, use an empty flour bag. Grease it well with butter first. In this case, baking will proceed without problems.

Many people use such packages several times; such an option can be considered, but it is still better to leave it as a last resort.

Special absorbent paper Absorbent paper is quite common in stores. It can be used instead of parchment. It absorbs excess moisture well. It will not become soggy from wet dough, which is very important during the cooking process.
Silicone mat Many housewives consider silicone mats not only a worthy replacement for parchment, but also use only them. The purchase of such a baking assistant is quite justified - it can be used constantly, because it is heat-resistant.
Silicone coated paper This paper is much better than the usual parchment paper. Its price is higher, but the silicone coating makes the paper resistant to high temperatures. It can be used for baking more than once.
Foil If none of the listed substitutes are at hand, you should use foil. Many people say that the disadvantage is that the process of baking cookies or other dishes needs to be constantly monitored. Baked goods often stick to the foil.
Baking bag Many people do not know about such substitutes. The baked goods definitely won’t burn on the bag, but the whole process needs to be constantly monitored. You should use a baking bag only in extreme cases.

Every housewife who loves to pamper her family with real culinary masterpieces knows perfectly well how important it is to have everything you need at hand. This applies primarily to parchment paper. In some cases, it is not at hand, and there is no time to run to the store.

When looking for something to replace parchment with, take a close look at what you have at hand; you can find a worthy alternative among common things.

Many, in the absence of parchment, do not replace it with anything at all. The bottom of the mold or baking sheet can be greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, flour, and semolina on top. The proposed solution is not suitable for all baked goods.

Meringues and biscuits will stick to the baking sheet - this, of course, is detrimental to future treats. There are other options for replacing parchment to make your baked goods perfect.

The use of tracing paper is quite justified - it is thin and produces good baked goods. Experienced housewives recommend using only high-quality paper, otherwise even the taste of the dish will be ruined. It is also worth remembering that tracing paper can become soggy from a large amount of moisture in the dough.

Flour bag

Flour bags are durable and can be used in extreme cases in the baking process. First, the bag must be cleaned of any remaining flour. Many people lubricate the surface with a small amount of oil. It is worth remembering that its taste can be transferred to baked goods. In case of emergency, the package can be reused, but this is not advisable.

Absorbent paper

The advantage of special absorbent paper is that it does not get wet from moisture, absorbs everything well, and the baked goods do not burn. There is no need to pre-lubricate it, which is also very important. Ready-made dishes can be served directly to the table in it and stored in the same form.

Silicone mat

A silicone mat has been a specialized baking attribute for quite some time now. Many people don’t like the price, because it is higher than the usual parchment, but you can use such a mat all the time.

Another good parchment substitute, silicone-coated paper, can be used up to eight times in a row. It's quite durable. It does not need to be pre-greased, and cookies, biscuits and other baked goods will definitely not burn.


Many housewives have tried using foil as parchment. Some were pleased with the result, others were completely disappointed. To ensure that nothing sticks to the surface, you need to constantly monitor the baking process.

You can grease the foil with a small amount of oil, but many people don’t like that its smell may remain on the finished product.

It should be noted that when baking this way, you constantly need to change the position of the baking sheet so that everything bakes evenly and does not burn.

Baking bag

As a last resort, you can use a baking bag to bake the prepared confectionery product. Not everyone likes this alternative, because it is important to control the entire process from start to finish. At the same time, no one will guarantee the quality of the resulting baked goods. In some cases, it is better to abandon such a dubious alternative and still go to the store for parchment.

Baking parchment can be replaced with analogues. Most often, they are easy to find in every home. At the same time, it is important to ensure that the substitutes used do not deteriorate the taste of the prepared dish or harm health.