Who is Taurus ideally compatible with? Taurus: compatibility with other zodiac signs in love and friendship. Compatibility of Taurus woman and Gemini man

Compatibility horoscope for the zodiac sign Taurus. Which Taurus union is considered ideal and successful? With which zodiac sign will Taurus find true happiness, harmony and love?

Are you a match?

Compatibility Taurus and Taurus

Both in great love and in fleeting hobbies, Taurus can be very sentimental. Two “bulls” are guaranteed success in relationships, because both of them are looking for the same thing - reliability, comfort, music and good food. These two adorable creatures are simply in love with the process of preparing and eating food. In fact, they are in love with all the blessings of life, everything that contributes to comfort - what a wonderful union they can create! Sure, he might be a little boring, but I doubt they'll notice. In the end, they simply do not like change - no, they are not lazy at all, they are only saving their strength. Taurus people have a large supply of strength and energy, because they know that it is a sin to waste it in vain, and they save it wherever possible. They are not wasteful - they are equally thrifty with money. The only cloud on the horizon of their relationship can arise only in the event of anger or stubbornness of both “Taurus” on some controversial issue - after all, none of them admits that they are wrong for fear of appearing weak. So, if you are a “Taurus” and have found a “Taurus” spouse, rejoice - happy, serene days full of pleasures have come for you!

Compatibility Taurus and Gemini

The "Taurus" - the person who is happy to be left alone to watch the grass grow - finds it extremely difficult to keep up with the "twins" who want to keep the party going all night long; and don’t forget that they are two in one - cheerful, tireless, enthusiastic Geminis, whom you need to keep up with. For a Taurus this is almost impossible. "Gemini" loves to talk and argue - and "Taurus" almost always prefers silence to words. “Gemini” are completely independent and soar in the air, transferring from one cloud to the next with amazing dexterity and ease. This is not at all easy for the “bull”, who hates change and wants only tenderness - and here a brief hug is possible, perhaps even a warm handshake... but the “twins” are already far away, overwhelmed by some new thought that has just come to their mind. For the success of this relationship, it is necessary, at a minimum, that the “Gemini” is ready to hug, and the “Taurus” is ready to think.

Compatibility Taurus and Cancer

This combination is a wonderful combination. “Cancer” and “Taurus”, so different at first glance, usually agree on many things. They both love to eat as much as they love to cook. They're both home-loving people, and they both love a lot of greenery (not just any grass, of course; we're talking banknotes). So far so good, but problems come with changing moods. “Cancer” is dependent on moods, is very sensitive and needs constant sympathy. You can't talk to a Cancer when his mood fluctuates between laughter and tears, and a Taurus may find it difficult to express sympathy for him, especially if the Cancer has fallen into the grip of self-pity. It's not that the bull isn't kind, it's just that the Taurus thinks moaning is a waste of time. Both of these people are great savers, and not out of greed or stinginess: they are forced to save for a rainy day by uncertainty about the future. In general, this is a harmonious union of two souls, and if the “crab” and the “ox” decide to go through life hand in hand, they may well gain a significant amount of money.

Compatibility Taurus and Leo

Undoubtedly, the relationships of people born under these signs were not established in heaven. “Leo” is too playful and too proud for “Taurus”, the hunter to pause, think and weigh everything. Both are in great need of emotional support and encouragement - and may never fully receive it: the bull is not able to constantly flatter the lion as he would like, and the lion is, of course, too selfish and arrogant to show devotion and obedience "to the bull". "Leo" may simply get bored in an alliance with "bull" and, in all likelihood, he will need a faster pace of life. "Taurus" may consider his position too difficult - after all, "Leo" always requires attention to his person. The big “cat” loves to play, embarking on risky ventures and adventures with a light heart. The big “bull” is not ready for this - he doesn’t need any adventures! He likes to travel slowly and along a proven path. Maybe you should think about it?

Compatibility Taurus and Virgo

Usually this combination is marked by very friendly relations. You both can't boast enough about each other. “Virgo” is capable of performing delicate work, “Taurus” is able to take upon itself the creation of its general outline.

All this can develop into a very strong and beneficial relationship. The character of the “Taurus” is very reliable, firm and fully corresponds to the earthly aspirations of the “Virgo” - pragmatic and down-to-earth, not at all “castles in the air”. They both speak the same language. Representatives of these negative earth signs are very reliable, prudent, caring and noticeably afraid of the unknown. You can be a great couple - go for it!

Compatibility Taurus and Libra

Both “Libra” and “Taurus” are ruled by Venus and both love beauty. But “Taurus” and “Libra” are characterized by different levels of thought, and when faced with difficulties, the life road of representatives of this combination can become very bumpy. The slow "Taurus" approach to life issues can depress and irritate the "Libra". Usually a “Taurus” is a rather leisurely traveler, inertia is part of his nature; often he prefers to accept things as they are. On the contrary, “scales” will never get tired of weighing all the pros and cons in every situation, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem. Winning a verbal duel is extremely important for Libras - in fact, it seems to them the most important victory in life. A Taurus person may find the Libra's way of making decisions very tiresome - after all, it is not easy for the Libra to come to a certain conclusion themselves. "Taurus" is not always ready for constant discussions. This is not the best combination in troubled times.

Compatibility Taurus and Scorpio

These two really like each other and together they can make a whole. "Scorpio" is what the "bull" would like to become, the "bull" is what the "Scorpio" secretly strives to be. Of course, do not ask the “Scorpio” to openly admit this fact. “Taurus” is able to offer the depth and tolerance much needed by “Scorpio”—Scorpio sincerely wants to find these qualities in a partner. When these two decide that they are on the same path, the result of their union can be truly fantastic, be it in business, marriage, partnership or love. However, there is one “but”: how slowly they learn to make good use of each other’s strengths and talents! Each of them has what the other needs. Without a doubt, this union is very strong in material terms, but in emotional and spiritual terms, slight difficulties may arise. If they decide to overcome them together, they will certainly succeed - thanks to their extreme loyalty and devotion to each other.

Compatibility Taurus and Sagittarius

This relationship can be great fun, but there is no deep compatibility that can turn it into a long-lasting union. "Taurus" is too much of an owner for "Sagittarius", "Sagittarius" is too sociable and frank for "Taurus" to like this. Taurus is usually calm and happy where he is, while Sagittarius is eager to travel and see the world. “Sagittarius” is very, very optimistic; he has very little (or no) time and patience for pessimism and despondency, so characteristic of “Taurus”. Representatives of these two zodiac signs are sincere and honest, but with one significant difference. Sagittarians will always say whatever they think, without worrying about how pleasant it will sound to their interlocutors. “Taurus” are more sensitive and will not deafen people with their truth - they will prefer to remain modestly silent.

Compatibility Taurus and Capricorn

This combination is likely to be very successful - both the bull and the goat are practical and conservative. They look at many things the same way and can be happy together. Both of them would like to reach the top. It is there that they feel safety and comfort, it is there that they are calm and serene. The "goat" undoubtedly has artistic and creative inclinations, and the "bull" and "goat" both share a love of music. Sounds good, doesn't it? "Taurus" almost always has a wonderful sense of humor, and "Capricorn" strives to keep up with him, responding with his own restrained and dry jokes. This is a great combination to make money.

So far, everything is fine, but now it’s not so good: difficulties may arise if tension appears in their relationship - after all, “Taurus” is a little slow, and “Capricorn” may be somewhat discouraged by the seeming lack of enthusiasm. However, with the natural compatibility of these signs and with little effort, they can be happy, climbing up the same path.

Compatibility Taurus and Aquarius

“Aquarius” rushes faster than the speed of light, covering the past, present and future in the blink of an eye, while “Taurus” is here and now; he is really interested in only one moment - this moment is called the present. However, "Aquarius" is able to plunge into the future for a long time, completely forgetting about returning to the present - a state of affairs that completely confuses "Taurus". They are both tuned to too different frequencies. They may not find very many topics on which it is good for them to talk with each other... and this despite the fact that the “carrier of the jug” is known as a selfless talker, never for a moment ceasing to pour out on his interlocutors all the knowledge he has collected on the roads of the future and the past. Possessor of good old common sense, the practical bull is not very sociable, so it will take them a long time before their conversation gets off the ground. It is absolutely clear that if they join hands with mutual efforts (though only the efforts of Hercules can help), they can learn a lot from each other.

Compatibility Taurus and Pisces

This is a combination that works well.

Dreamy and idealistic Pisces could benefit greatly from a relationship with a calm and practical Taurus. Without a doubt, there will be no explosions and no sparks will fly: in a relationship with a “Taurus”, “Pisces” are guaranteed safety. Pisces can be a great friend to Taurus and - since representatives of these two signs like to indulge in the same activities - they can make a wonderful couple. However, before Pisces and Taurus understand each other and become friends, Taurus may mistakenly consider the Fish to be a reckless and empty creature. “Pisces” is also capable of considering the “bull” too down-to-earth and rude - he strives so persistently and stubbornly to have money. This is a combination of signs in which both people can teach each other a lot and learn a lot themselves. Even if both of them become involved in discussions, the dispute will not lead them to a solution and neither of them to victory; however, thanks to their sense of humor, this situation will never lead to clashes.

Compatibility Taurus and Aries

A decisive “Aries” in the same arena with a stubborn “Taurus”. Will something happen? The best moments of “Aries” are associated with moments of rest, when they are not rushing somewhere, overwhelmed by yet another crazy idea that gives them neither sleep nor peace. Also, “Taurus” has time devoted to fantasy, wisdom, a warm sense of humor - then they do not reflect, angrily and gloomily, on some prank of the “Aries”. However, let us not lose sight of the fundamental differences between “Taurus” and “Aries”, the internal reasons that force them to be as similar to each other as ice and fire. For an interest in life, “Aries” need something magical - at least a glimpse of a miracle. “Taurus” values ​​peace and quiet; they are completely independent and practical. Both of you are undoubtedly looking in different directions.

Taurus is one of the three earth signs. People born under this sign are distinguished by friendliness, tenderness, passion, kindness, hard work and stubbornness. Compatible signs with Taurus are other representatives of the earth signs: Virgo, Capricorn. Taurus are attracted to air signs, especially Gemini. I propose to take a closer look at who Taurus is compatible with.

Taurus and fire signs

  • Aries - the union is based on passion, attraction, tenderness and can be long-term if Taurus does not try to limit the freedom of Aries.
  • Leo - such a union is unlikely, and in those situations when these two decide to try to get along together, most often the relationship is based on deception.
  • Sagittarius is a good combination for friendships. Romantic relationships, especially between bright representatives of the elements, are short-lived.

Taurus and water signs

  • Cancer is an excellent combination for developing long-term partnerships and friendships. Representatives of both signs are homebodies who highly value coziness and comfort.
  • Scorpio - these signs, completely opposite in character, have every chance of becoming a wonderful couple. Taurus here represents loyalty and reliability, while Scorpio represents strength and determination.
  • Pisces - the union is based on care, tenderness and friendship, but there is no place in it for bright flashes of passion and madness.

Taurus and air signs

  • Gemini - despite the obvious attraction, they are unlikely to be together for long. Sooner or later, the restless twin will give in.
  • Libra is a good union, especially if the partners learn to compromise.
  • Aquarius is a very ambiguous union in which both partners strive to subjugate each other, so quarrels cannot be avoided here.

Taurus and earth signs

  • Virgo partners in this union are united by common views, preferences and life principles.
  • Capricorn is a promising union: here physical attraction is combined with common interests and preferences.
  • Taurus - are Taurus and Taurus compatible? Certainly! Both partners are friendly, quiet, calm, reliable, devoted and homely. It is more pleasant for them to spend the evening at home together than to have fun at a party. Another area that unites them is money, so, having combined their efforts, they devote a lot of time to replenishing their wealth. The only negative is that partners have little opportunity for development and personal growth.

If you have a Taurus in your circle, then you know what the most stubborn people look like. They are practical, straightforward, say what they think and do not waste time on stupid dreams, so compatibility with Taurus is not easy to achieve. At the same time, they are easy to offend, they are sensitive guys, this is the influence of Venus. Taurus are drawn to beauty and live by the rules that they themselves have come up with, and will also try to force those around them to live by them.

This sign is characterized by strict control; they are able to control not only themselves, but also those around them.

Characteristics of the sign

The element of Taurus is earth, calm and balanced, but there are volcanoes on the earth, and the consequences of an explosion can be terrible. It’s the same with Taurus - it’s difficult to unbalance them, but if someone succeeds, then it’s better to run away without looking back, and for everyone. You can always rely on Taurus, they are reliable and never betray.

Taurus will feel comfortable if they surround themselves with representatives of their native element or water signs. The union of Taurus with Capricorn or Virgo promises many pleasant moments. But two Taurus in one family are doomed to butt heads and sort things out, and they will have to wait a long time for mutual concessions. Scorpios, Cancers and Pisces will be able to adapt to Taurus and will favorably influence their character, and water signs will also like this union. Relationships between Taurus and air signs will be difficult, but with a certain amount of diplomacy and a lot of love, you can try. It is better to avoid fire signs; in this pair, the fire will scorch the earth or the earth will extinguish the flame, in any case, both sides will suffer.

The nature of Taurus is very contradictory, influenced by Venus. But this does not prevent them from finding joy in little things and enjoying life. Taurus people are able to enjoy everyday activities. They will have the strength to withstand any difficult situation, and at the same time they will never betray their loved ones. Loyalty means a lot to a Taurus, and you can always rely on him.

Compatibility of Taurus with other zodiac signs

Taurus and Aries

Two stubborn people in one family, it’s scary to even think that this could happen to them. Will Taurus be infuriated by the combination of stubbornness and frivolity in Aries? and believe me, they will take revenge on them for spoiled nerves. Taurus may not show it, but they will be happy to see hot Aries lose their temper and kick their hooves. This couple can butt heads for a long time, figuring out who is more important and stronger. Perhaps this will be a way for them not to get bored in their marriage.

Taurus and Taurus

A common element and a common zodiac sign do not mean that a couple is compatible. We are talking about Taurus, who are used to living by their own rules. And if one of the spouses likes to drink tea in the morning, then he will try to accustom the other to this, despite the fact that he loves coffee. And if you remember that there are two Taurus in this union, then it is clear why nothing will come of this. This stubbornness can be directed towards achieving common goals, then this union will not be afraid of any obstacles, and the spouses will become an ideal complement for each other.

Taurus and Gemini

This couple will achieve compatibility with great difficulty. What initially attracts them to each other will later irritate them. The swiftness and ease of Gemini may turn out to be a disadvantage; slow Taurus simply will not keep up with their partner. And Taurus are not only reliable, but also very scrupulous in matters of order, and for Gemini it means so little. These guys should think before they run to the registry office, it’s better to live in a civil marriage for a couple of years and check their feelings.

Taurus and Cancer

Cancers and Taurus can make an ideal union; water and earth are perfectly compatible. The wards of Venus and the Moon have the same temperament; they will be comfortable together. It is comfort and convenience that these guys value most. Their whole life will be planned out and they will follow this plan. The first child is in two years, the second in four, and the car will be changed in five years. No impulsiveness, some may find it boring, but this is a matter of taste.

Taurus and Leo

Bright and eccentric Leos are accustomed to easily conquering others and subordinating them to their will. An unpleasant surprise awaits Leo; they will have to get acquainted with the stubbornness of Taurus. Not only will they not want to obey, but they will also begin to set their own rules. Taurus will always be amazed at Leo's ability to achieve success without putting in any effort. This couple can be friends for as long as they like, but there is no need to rush into marriage.

Taurus and Virgo

Virgos are self-sufficient and independent, but who doesn’t want to have a faithful partner nearby whom they can rely on? They will be able to find such a faithful ally among Taurus, who will also be satisfied with this relationship, besides, they are simply immune to Virgo’s criticism, it does not offend them and they are stubborn enough to remain unconvinced. This couple will get along easily and have excellent compatibility. The marriage will be strong, the relationship will be reliable, someone will say that it is boring and dull, but Taurus and Virgo are not looking for passion.

Taurus and Libra

Libra is very concerned about their freedom, but they cannot do anything about the stubbornness of Taurus. Before they even blink an eye, they will find themselves in a cage under their supervision. But everything is not as sad as it might seem. This couple has a common patron, and Venus will take care of the union of her charges. They will love each other, and the mutual attraction will be so strong that the couple simply cannot separate. So you have to get along and look for a compromise.

Taurus and Scorpio

Taurus and Scorpio have excellent compatibility, their elements complement each other perfectly, and their characters are largely similar. The only problem is that both partners love power and strive for it. Serious battles could break out here. Wards of Venus and Pluto will demonstrate miracles of ingenuity in the struggle for power. You will have to sort things out every day and there will be no winner. These two will have to come to an agreement, only a compromise will preserve the relationship and save nerves.

Taurus and Sagittarius

Compatibility is possible, but will be difficult to achieve. Between these signs, sympathy arises from the moment they meet; they will simply feel mutual attraction. Despite this, relationships will be difficult. Give fiery guys fun, and Taurus love quiet evenings with their family. So Taurus will go crazy with their frivolous couple, and Sagittarius will think about the correctness of their choice. But it’s worth a try, these guys have a chance to become happy together.

Taurus and Capricorn

Capricorn and Taurus have a common element, and even their characters are similar. They can become good friends, but becoming good spouses will be more difficult. In this pair, both will be patient, stubborn and lively. Wards of Saturn and Venus understand each other well and can use this in their everyday battles. If these guys still plan to create or maintain a marriage, they should learn to accept each other as they are, but most likely, two stubborn people will be able to change.

Taurus and Aquarius

Aquarians are distinguished by a very positive character; they find advantages where others do not see them. They will also see the positive in Taurus. These guys will definitely make friends, but there is no need to rush into marriage. If the couple does go to the registry office, it will be thanks to Taurus, who will be able to convince Aquarius that this will be better for both. Aquarians are freedom-loving and independent guys, if Taurus does not overdo it with rules and restrictions, perhaps something will come of it.

Taurus and Pisces

Pisces will intuitively understand that Taurus is their ideal life partner. Pisces do not like unnecessary worries, and the reliability and honesty of Taurus promises a stable future. For Taurus, Pisces may remain a sealed secret; the logical mind simply cannot comprehend all the mystery and mysticism of Pisces. But if Taurus turns a blind eye to their partner’s excessive dreaminess and sentimentality, then everything will be fine with them.

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Scorpio and Taurus are different elements, water and earth, but they are a good complement for each other. Taurus and Scorpio: compatibility in love and close relationships between men and women of these two zodiac signs would seem to be possible, but let's figure it out...

Taurus, who loves stability, does not strive to start a family because he thinks that this is a threat to his usual routine. He is a practical person by nature and does not tolerate wastefulness. Who is this person who can melt the heart of a serious Taurus? Let's look at each sign and find out who will submit to such an unapproachable personality.

Aries and Taurus compatibility

- Taurus woman. In appearance they give the impression of a completely prosperous couple, because each of them gets from this relationship what he wants to get. He falls in love with her appearance, her ability to take care of herself and always remain attractive. He is also impressed by her desire to create comfort.

She is attracted to him by his masculinity and inner strength, which seems inexhaustible. She feels that she can completely rely on him. He sees her as the mother of his future children. They are able to create a strong unit of society, which is unlikely to ever live in poverty. He can earn a lot, she manages money well.

But he doesn’t mind fighting sometimes, and she’s no slouch either, this is due to the mutual desire for leadership. She notices his shortcomings on a subconscious level and constantly reminds him of this. For harmony, they need to decide once and for all who will be in charge; this will greatly simplify mutual understanding and help avoid most conflicts.

Aries woman - Taurus man. They are capable of much, including great love for each other. They are not inclined to idealize each other, so they enter into relationships with real people.

In many ways they are different, but this does not prevent them from finding common ground. She is very energetic, he is more calm. But this is not so much a minus as a plus. After all, it is precisely due to this quality that he will be able to feed on vital energy and perform many feats for its sake.

In order to maintain good relationships, it is very important for them to keep their distance and not try to encroach on everyone’s personal territory. They must value and respect the interests of their partner.

Taurus and Taurus compatibility

From the very moment they met, they felt sympathy for each other. They are not afraid of boiling passions, huge scandals and misunderstandings. They feel and understand each other on a subconscious level.

The problem lies in the stubbornness of Taurus, therefore, problems can arise when they do not share something, or their opinions differ. They are not used to giving in, so everyone will stand by their own opinion.

Since both are passionate about family farming and everyday life, it is highly likely that scandals will arise precisely on this basis. Even if their feelings cool down, they can live for a long time by inertia, simply in order to remain decent in the eyes of others. This is especially true in cases where a child appears in the family.

They need to learn to look at each other wiser and put aside their selfishness. It would not hurt to become a little softer, at least towards each other, this will significantly facilitate their relationship as a whole.

Gemini and Taurus compatibility

- Taurus woman . There are a lot of conflicting feelings and emotions in their relationship, and there can be no talk of stability. The further you go, the more tension there is between them.

He is constantly in the circle of his friends, while when she comes home she wants to see her husband nearby, a settled life and have a family evening conversation. At first, she may easily relate to her husband’s behavior, but then this ease will evaporate. The negativity will intensify when she realizes that it is simply impossible to change it.

The man will become the leader in the relationship, but he will not be able to give her a feeling of strength until he pulls himself together and matures. In addition, to be happy, they need to learn to respect each other’s interests and passions and, if necessary, always engage in dialogue and not quarrel.

Gemini woman - Taurus man. Their extreme difference in character initially serves to make a relationship work, but it is for this reason that later they become very difficult with each other.

He will begin to notice her disorganization and superficiality, and the lightness that attracted him at the beginning begins to come out, since she applies the same approach to everything.

She, who once admired his calmness and practicality, begins to get tired of his moralizing and attempts to establish his own order in her life. She values ​​her freedom and independence very much, and if she is encroached upon, at best, she will simply slip away and disappear from his life. Unlike him, she takes a much simpler approach to relationships: some things come, some things go.

Together, they need to focus on the traits that bring them closer together. For example, both want material stability. She needs to respect him more, and he needs to understand that this way of life is like “air” for her.

Cancer and Taurus compatibility

Cancer man - Taurus woman. This couple is very comfortable together. They have no unnecessary emotions, no violent scandals and constant showdowns. There is so much harmony between them that one might mistakenly consider this couple to be bosom friends. But on the other hand, it would be a mistake to call this union “ideal,” since they also have enough disagreements, although everything goes much smoother.

Their relationship develops very slowly, since neither of them likes rash actions. But if they decide to get married, then this is a balanced and deliberate decision. From time to time he wants to relax in the company of friends, but this rarely happens, so she treats this with understanding.

Quarrels pass relatively smoothly and are quickly forgotten. But to do this they need to learn to compromise. By default, hardly anyone will do this. If this is worked out, then happiness is guaranteed for them.

Cancer woman - Taurus man. Each of them is characterized by a constant desire for stability in all areas of life. The presence of mutual interests helps them build harmonious relationships in everyday life.

At the very beginning, everything is so good for them that they decide not to waste time and quickly head to the registry office to become a full-fledged family. He sees in her a gentle and soft person who needs to be protected, which is what he has always strived for. At the same time, everyone can expect spiritual development in these relationships, because when a loved one is nearby, there is a need to give in and compromise.

Together they will become good parents and will be able to raise wonderful people. They have high compatibility, so it is difficult to imagine what could hinder them in the development of their family.

Leo and Taurus compatibility

Leo man - Taurus woman. These relationships begin under strange circumstances, and look the same. Finding something in common and achieving mutual understanding will be problematic for them.

As a rule, they break up very soon, and those who still reach the registry office are extremely few. Each of them strives for self-affirmation and, sometimes, at the expense of each other. He is constantly in sight, which means that life together will be available to everyone, which Taurus does not like at all.

She has a lot of requirements that are presented to her partner. Leo, although a worthy representative, does not meet most of this list at all. She will try to tame him, but this will lead to collapse. This relationship will only be saved if everyone has enough freedom.

Leo woman - Taurus man. Finding a common language is extremely problematic for them, since each of them will actively fight for the right to be called the head of the family. Given their inner potential, the woman will most likely win.

She often has naturally high self-esteem and believes that she can subjugate anyone. He will feel this pressure too.

However, the most serious disagreements will concern finances. He prefers to save money, she prefers to spend it. If at first this may inspire him to work, then later he will get the impression that his earnings are going nowhere. This problem can be solved quite easily - by distributing household capital. But sometimes it is very difficult for a woman to suddenly change her preferences. Only household chores and children can unite them.

Virgo and Taurus compatibility

Virgo man - Taurus woman. They have a lot in common, on the basis of which they can become close. And despite some reasons for quarrels, for the most part they still become one.

He loves order - she too, he loves spending time with his family - she too, he loves stability in everything - and she too. Even this is already enough for harmony to develop in relationships from the first days.

They cannot stand quarrels, so even if a reason arises, they do not create horrifying scenes, but rather prefer to engage in dialogue. In the absence of emotions, any problem is resolved and they continue to live.

They are flexible, so they can easily adapt to each other.

Virgo woman - Taurus man. This is a very harmonious relationship. Moreover, they look very beautiful and certainly command respect from those around them. Whatever they do together, they always have harmony and complete mutual understanding.

He attracts her attention with his decency, wisdom and love of stability. He will see in her a beautiful lady with whom he can build a real family. But even in such a wonderful couple there are many reasons for conflict. Although, for the most part, each of them tries to avoid obviously tense situations.

She will gladly transfer the right of leadership to him, so the latter should prepare for great responsibility.

Libra and Taurus compatibility

Libra man - Taurus woman. Some will find this union strange. But the differences that they have cannot be considered serious, which will become fatal in the relationship.

He is easy-going and prefers to remain in a passive role. She is not a dreamer and prefers practice. She likes freedom, but he does not pretend to infringe on it.

They have different views on life: for example, if Libra prefers going out into the world, then Taurus prefers household chores and get-togethers within four walls.

If they want to get married, then they need to change themselves a little. He should become more responsible, and she should become more free in relationships. Less criticism of each other and more expression of feelings is the key to joint happiness.

Libra woman - Taurus man. They have many similarities, which gives them the opportunity to build a harmonious and long-lasting relationship.

He will see in her a romantic nature and a mystery that he wants to solve. She will appreciate his calmness and regularity in everything, but at the same time, she will feel his inner strength and the opportunity to make her life more balanced.

She will make him more flexible, he will instill confidence in her, since a serious and wealthy man will be nearby. Their good sense of humor and ability to avoid conflicts will create a calm atmosphere between them.

If they continue to act together, they can go very far. But there will still be problems, due to Libra’s dislike of taking care of everyday life.

Scorpio and Taurus compatibility

Scorpio man - Taurus woman. This couple is very strong, but their compatibility directly depends on the desire of each to be together. If it is strong, then nothing will stand in their way.

There are many reasons for disagreement between them, and just as many reasons for rapprochement. Harmony may be established for some time, but any, even the smallest reason can lead to a terrible scandal.

They clearly see the shortcomings that irritate everyone and focus attention on them. Constant clashes will not lead to anything good.

If they are more supportive of each other, and Taurus puts his pedantry into the background, then aggression will gradually decrease and peace will reign in the relationship.

Scorpio woman - Taurus man. They are similar in character, each has enormous inner strength and endurance. But their strength in this case can play a cruel joke. But if everything goes well, they will find a compromise and create a very promising couple.

At first, Taurus will be surprised at the lady’s excessive calm, but he will soon realize that this is only an appearance. If possible, she will show her character, which will amaze him. In the beginning, they will be so passionate about each other that the negative qualities of each simply will not be noticed.

But despite many quarrels, which are characterized by increased aggression, their relationship will remain stable. Since both of them are desperate with great inner strength, they do not give up everything halfway, and will work on the relationship to the last. They will search for a long time, but they will definitely find something that will bring them closer and help with temporary disagreements.

Sagittarius and Taurus compatibility

Sagittarius man - Taurus woman. It is extremely rare to see them together. Although they are not antagonists, they also do not experience warm feelings for each other.

Their life together is a series of misunderstandings, constant disagreements and mutual reproaches. She sets goals for herself and confidently moves towards them, but he is not in such a hurry to implement and simply set his own, and if he does set them, then his goals are deeper and higher. She is not as bright as he is and is not inclined to indulge in daydreaming, unlike him.

He is not interested in everyday life, he is ready to leave home altogether to take care of business. Her desire to keep him close to her and attempts to re-educate him will not turn out well. Sooner or later, everyone's patience will run out, which will lead to scandals. By the time they finally decide to break up, both will be left with deep wounds from the experience.

If only they come to mutual understanding with each other, the union can live.

Sagittarius woman - Taurus man. Basically, these relationships begin like a fairy tale, but quickly come to an end as people realize how different they are. He is conservative and will try to bring clarity to her life. She is lively and lively, often living one day at a time, so predictability for her is synonymous with mortal boredom. Frivolity versus severity is the beginning of a confrontation.

She will never become the keeper of the hearth, which he so wants. She likes to communicate and go out with friends, which will cause a storm of emotions in him, primarily associated with jealousy. She expected much more cheerfulness from him than she actually received. There are many chances that each of them will simply be disappointed in their partner.

Mutual reproaches will begin, which will lead to powerful tension. However, if she becomes more responsible and open, and is also able to demonstrate her feelings to him correctly and more often, this will help to at least somehow maintain the union.

Capricorn and Taurus compatibility

Capricorn man - Taurus woman. Such relationships often end in the marriage of two happy people. And this is not at all surprising. They are two almost identical individuals who prefer stability and purpose in life.

Each of them is interested in this relationship, so all conflicts will be resolved quickly and peacefully. In this tandem, the main man is what makes this relationship even stronger. She will gently support him in every possible way. For her sake, he will go to great lengths, because he wants to keep her safe and make life comfortable with all his might.

Life may seem boring to those around them, but unlike other couples, this one can live happily all their lives without any problems. They think about the number of children in advance and draw up a plan for their upbringing. They need to complement each other energetically in order to remain inseparable.

Capricorn woman - Taurus man. The first thing that catches their eye is the constancy of the ground. They have a lot in common, including preferences in life and character. Everyone is patient and tries to keep their emotions to themselves.

The main thing in the relationship will undoubtedly be the woman who will help the man achieve his goals. She is wise and can give wise advice, even if she really doesn’t understand anything. He will be able to provide her with a reliable rear.

She will not stay at home, but he does not oppose this, because he is confident in her. Ideally, they should open a joint business, which will undoubtedly flourish in the hands of these two practitioners. Despite deep mutual respect for each other, they can also have disagreements. In search of good from good, someone can go “to the left” once and this will be a major and fatal mistake, since neither one nor the other is able to forgive this.

Aquarius and Taurus compatibility

Aquarius man - Taurus woman. Their compatibility is not high, but you can meet many such pairs. Even with strong sympathy for each other, it will be difficult for them to find a common language.

Both will constantly explode with anger, jealousy and constant accusations. They will often break off relationships, believing that this is forever, but then get back together again. It's like a vicious circle. But with experience, calm will come and they will learn to treat each other more calmly.

It is extremely difficult to predict their relationships due to their instability and the fickleness of their partners. But it's not all bad, there will be many moments when they enjoy each other's company and that's something to hold on to.

At the same time, if they set one goal for themselves, then it will be an invincible tandem.

Aquarius woman - Taurus man. Pairs with this combination are very common. As a rule, their relationships begin very romantically and are distinguished by originality, but at the same time, often one of the partners may be in an alliance with another person. In general, they are very different from each other, so as soon as the romance ends, they break up.

If they nevertheless decide to try to build something, then he must prepare in advance for the fact that she will not sit at home, and she will also not allow her to establish control over her actions. On the other hand, when she is happy, they will give this to their loved one.

At the same time, despite all their differences, they can build a happy couple, since they are both attracted to worldly pleasures. But everyone will need to find a compromise in order to reduce powerful differences to nothing.

Pisces and Taurus compatibility

man - Taurus woman. In the simple rhythm of life, they are unlikely to begin to communicate closely, and some important factor must serve to start a relationship, for example, a joint feeling of empathy for someone.

He is very sentimental and wants to see a person next to him with the same temperament and approach to life. This is exactly how she will seem to him. But in fact, this is far from reality and it is not always so tactful and soft. The lady will often criticize her gentleman for his weak character, but he will not be able to fight back. This will slowly destroy both him and the relationship. If she loves him, she should stop doing this, understand and accept him for who he is.

To achieve harmony and mutual understanding, they should do a lot of internal work on themselves. By becoming soft, she will be able to help him believe in himself and then he will make every effort to do good to her.

Pisces woman - Taurus man. At the very beginning they will have to go through a lot, but in the end they can come to something in common that will bring them closer together. Their relationship is influenced only by themselves, but at first they will blame external circumstances for problems.

Stability in relationships, material and psychological aspects of everyday life is important to him. He is critical of everything new and tries to avoid it if possible. He is an owner, which will prevent her from developing fully, since jealousy on his part is simply inevitable. However, she simply craves communication outside the family circle. This will be smoothed out by her spirituality, since he simply cannot remain indifferent to her charm, so he will go to great lengths for her sake.

From year to year, feelings will grow stronger, they will finally understand what their partner needs and will be able to give it to him. The main thing is not to break at the very beginning.

Or other . You should be wary of alliances with other signs of the air element and especially the signs of the zodiac and - this is difficult, because they so attract Taurus.

loves nature, where he regains his strength and relaxes his senses. Taurus love to experience, first-hand, everything this world has to offer.

The lover must approach him properly so as not to frighten him away and win his favor. The typical one loves good cooking, so the path to his heart definitely begins somewhere at the bottom of his stomach.

And : This union is like hot wine - a passionate affair. However, sooner or later, natural possessiveness Taurus will try to limit freedom Aries, which threatens serious progress in relations in the long term. And : Very good sexually, but this union is somewhat limited in other areas of life. Ultimately, you can imagine a picture of two homebodies eating in front of the TV and not wanting to go anywhere.

And : Quite an incredible combination. Lack of business acumen Gemini and tremulous, like Taurus, respect for property and stability will make this union very shaky.

And : This union can be assessed as a good partnership or partnership. Taurus And Cancer complement each other's needs, Taurus offer Raku the security he needs, and in return receives the affection and loyalty he expects. And : This is not just an unlikely connection, most likely this alliance is based on deception. Phlegmatic, but not deprived of material goods Taurus can seduce Leo only by its stable financial position, but this will not change the nature of the big cat, which loves to walk on its own.

And : Possible problems of this union usually arise in the bedroom, but in all other areas in which they come into contact Taurus And Virgo are doomed to success. One of the strongest combinations, with far-reaching prospects.

And : You must be willing to make sacrifices and compromises in this union. Scales too indecisive for Taurus, which already lacks the sophistication and resourcefulness that Scales looking for a partner. And : In this union, both are attracted by the dissimilarity of the partners, however, such complete opposition of views can cause difficulties in long-term relationships. Persistence and jealousy Taurus are in no way compatible with the inconstancy and adventurism of Scorpio.

And : An excellent combination, however, it is better when such an alliance is built only on friendly relations. Sagittarius free-spirited - an irresponsible child of fate, living only for today is not a match for making long-term plans Taurus. Pisces can turn away even such a sensual lover as Taurus. In addition, impulsive actions Fish may finally put an end to this union.