Automatic installation of programs after installing Windows. Programs for automatic installation of programs. Creating an installation disk

InstallPack(Russian: “Instal Pak”) is a portable multi-installer of the necessary software for Windows OS, which allows you to quickly download and install the necessary programs. According to the developer, this utility contains more than 700 programs in one installer and does not clog the computer’s registry.

InstallPack for Windows contains a wide variety of software, from the client to .


The installer window is in Russian and looks like a list software available for installation. To the right of the name is a brief description of the utility, its rating, size and status (free, shareware or paid).

To the left of the list, the user can check the necessary boxes, after which the marked programs from the general list will move to the selected section.

Selecting programs to install

At the top of the window there is a search if you need to download something specific, as well as sections: for example, Must have, multimedia or drivers. Here you can select the “silent installation” mode. The number of selected utilities and free disk space are indicated in the upper right corner of the window.



  • The application is portable and does not clog the registry;
  • InstallPack downloads to PC latest versions programs;
  • The installer does not include pirated software, which means there are no viruses;
  • Ability to search for the required software;
  • The utilities are sorted into groups: in case you only need to download drivers or antivirus.


  • There is no “select all” button;
  • It is not entirely clear where the rating of programs comes from, since the user himself cannot give a rating;
  • The utility does not expand to full screen, which is why the description is not completely visible.

Installation process


InstallPack does not raise any suspicion: the latest versions of the software are downloaded from official sites, which eliminates the possibility of infecting your PC. During installation, it is suggested to install programs from partners, but the checkboxes to remove them are fully functional. In addition to all this, the installation pack has a “silent installation” function, which makes it convenient to use when reinstalling Windows.

Thus, the program significantly saves time spent on downloading and installing new software, so we recommend downloading InstallPack for Windows 7 or 10.

Currently, the installation procedure for programs is as simplified as possible; the user only needs to select an installation mode, enter registration data and read the license agreement. But when you need to install dozens of programs, the time taken from the user increases significantly; he is forced to stay at the computer all this time just to answer the next question from the installation wizard and click the “Next” button. And if the user is a system administrator whose responsibilities include installing programs for employees of the organization, this, without a doubt, greatly distracts him from his main activity. Is it possible to somehow automate this process? Can! Using the MultiSet program from Almeza.

Once you show MultiSet how to install the software, you will be spared this procedure in the future. All user actions are recorded in a batch file (MST), and future program installations will repeat the events of this file. MultiSet itself will launch the installation wizard, select the necessary modes, enter registration data, and click the “Next” and “Finish” buttons. All necessary programs will be installed one after another, freeing the person from the need to constantly be present at the computer.

Program interface

The program window is divided into three areas. The first is a tree of categories into which programs will be grouped. The second is a table with a list of packages of the current category. The third is a log table with the results of installing programs from packages.

When adding a new package, the user is prompted to enter its name, description and select a program installation file. After which a window for recording user actions will appear, and the selected distribution file will begin to be executed. All operations performed by the user - pressing buttons, entering serial numbers, selecting installation modes - will be recorded in the package.

The recording applies to absolutely all events, even those not related to the program being installed. Therefore, if you need to switch to another task during the application installation process, you need to press the pause button in the recording window. The recording will be stopped, and the installation of the program will continue until the first dialog requiring user intervention. The recording window provides one interesting feature - entering text information in the installation dialogs through its own text field. Let's give an example. During installation, the program asks you to enter your last name, initials, and organization name. If you enter all this data without pausing recording, then the next time you install a program from the created package, the same information will be entered, even if you are installing the program for a completely different user. To avoid this, when entering data, you need to click the "Pause" button, enter the required data in the text field that appears and click the Paste button. The following figure shows an example of entering registration data through the text field of the record window. After clicking the Paste button, the word "Pupkin" will be inserted into the Last (Family) Name field.

All text information entered in this way will be available for editing in the created package, and during the next installation you will simply need to replace it in advance.

Next time, to install one or more programs, all you need to do is check the boxes in the packages table and run the installation - all programs from the marked packages will be installed.

Now let's look at the properties of the created package. The first "General" tab of the properties window specifies the package name and installation executable file.

The "System" tab contains such uninteresting information as the operating system in which the package was created, theme and screen resolution.

And the “Inserts” tab stores text data entered through the text field of the recording window. Here they can be edited for the next installation.

The fourth tab, “Scenario,” contains a list of all actions performed by the user. The list is marked - for each event there is a check mark. A checked box means that the action will be performed automatically. If the checkbox is unchecked, the action will not be performed. In this case, the installation program will simply skip it or wait for the user's reaction (for example, to click the "Next" button).

Creation of a universal database

When packages have been created to install all the necessary programs, you can use them to create a universal distribution database on separate media. The first step is that the universal database creation wizard will ask you to select the directory in which it will be located. Next, you should select the installation program packages that will be included in this database. It often happens that a program distribution consists of a whole set of files. In this case, you can configure not only the installation file to be copied to the database, but also the entire directory in which it is located. And the last step of the wizard is to simply click the "Start" button. All necessary files will be copied to the directory of the created database.

In addition to software distributions, you can add a Windows XP distribution to the database. In the processing intended for this, the directory with the Windows XP distribution kit, the universal database directory and registration data are indicated: user name, organization name, computer name (by default these are already filled in) and registration number. All that remains is to click the Create button.

When the program database is ready, it can be written to a separate medium: CD, DVD or flash drive. The next time this media is inserted into the computer's reading device, the database will automatically offer to install all the software packages included in it, and will not require your participation during installation.


The advantage of this software solution cannot be overestimated. MultiSet automates such a seemingly automatic process as installing programs. Now the need to reinstall the system will not frighten the user; absolutely all installation work can be transferred to the computer itself.

Minimize time and effort for the process Windows reinstallation possible if:

  • Use the current version of system 10, which in most cases will install drivers for at least significant components;
  • Use the latest distribution, and then you won’t have to bother with system updates;
  • Store installers of third-party programs in one folder so as not to remember them and not run through the websites of their developers to download;
  • You can even work with some programs in their portable versions;
  • Use browser synchronization services, export-import program settings.

Another, not entirely clear-cut way to simplify the reinstallation of Windows is to create your own assembly with integrated software. However, if such an assembly is not updated periodically, after reinstallation the system may be stuck in updates for a long time. And software that does not update automatically will then have to be manually refreshed.

The best option would still be to install the system from a clean, fresh distribution. And you can quickly install the necessary programs using special type Multi-installer software. Let's look at some of them.

Multi-installers for batch installation of programs in Windows

1. InstallPack

Free portable utility InstallPack – the simplest way batch installation of Windows programs. Their installers are taken from the official websites of the developers and are periodically updated. In the InstallPack window, the software available for batch installation is cataloged, there is brief descriptions and rating. To install the necessary programs, check their boxes and click “Next”.

Then we uncheck the products promoted by InstallPack itself.

At the pre-final stage step-by-step wizard We will see the progress of downloading the selected software. InstallPack offers only partial installation automation; it does not support the “silent installation” mode. Therefore, individual installation stages of the programs must be completed manually.

On the one hand, incomplete automation is a minus. But if there is a need to choose a program installation path other than the default, then this, on the contrary, is a plus. At the end of the batch software installation session, we either return to the beginning and install something additional, or finish working with InstallPack.

InstallPack installs only licensed software into the system.

2. Ninite

Ninite is a specific package installer and is a free web service. The selection of specific programs for batch installation is carried out on the project website.

Then the service generates a multi-installer with all the selected programs and offers to download it.

Download, launch and wait for the software installation to complete. Ninite operates in "quiet mode". Only in separate windows of the batch installer will we see a report on the ongoing process and its progress.

Ninite is an English-language web service, but if the main language in Windows is Russian, programs that support Russian localization will be installed in our language by default. Ninite works honestly, that’s why we only find free products in the service’s software catalogue.


Npackd is a free multi-installer with a huge database of licensed Windows software. Includes the ability to install not only office, multimedia, and various consumer programs, but also system components and software platforms for developers. It can install, update and even remove programs from the system, and all this in batch mode. Npackd operates with the latest program installers; the versions available for installation are listed in a separate column of the tabular list in the main window of the multi-installer. And in the context menu there is an item to send to the official website of software developers.

To run a batch installation, you need to click the desired programs in the list of the Npackd window while holding the Ctrl key. Then click the “Install” button and confirm the installation starts.

The progress of the operation will be displayed in the “Task” tab.

But it is not necessary to add all programs to a single installation process. Npackd is not a step-by-step multi-installer; you can easily view the list of software and click the “Install” button for each individual program. This way it will be added to the list of tasks and installed when needed, in “quiet mode”.

One of the specific features of Npackd is that it refuses to install 32-bit programs on 64-bit Windows. In the catalog of this multi-installer, you must select the appropriate software editions.

4.Windows Post Installation

Windows Post Installation, also known as WPI for short, is the so-called post-installer of software in the Windows environment. This is not a specific program from a specific developer, like the ones presented above. Initially, WPI is a platform for creating software installation assemblies, which is used by enthusiastic builders. They complete WPI collections with their own selections of software and post them on the Internet, in particular, on torrent trackers. WPI collections do not always contain only free products or trial versions of software. Some collections contain both licensed software and pirated - hacked editions paid programs. The WPI post-installer is sometimes present on board pirated builds of Windows.

Standalone (without a pirated build of Windows), WPIs usually exist in ISO image format. They can be burned onto a DVD and used on various computer devices. Or you can simply mount the image to display it in the operating system environment and launch the WPI application.

Free automatic installer of any set of programs on your computer.

Attention! Some antiviruses (for example, AVG) report that the program contains a Trojan. In fact, this is not true (tested by other reputable antiviruses).

It’s just that the automatic installation functions of programs for particularly corrosive antiviruses may look like the action of a Trojan program.

If your antivirus does not allow you to install Easy AutoInstaller Free, it is better to look for some other program for your tasks.

You've probably encountered the need to reinstall your operating system more than once. But this is not the main problem - the main thing is to install all the necessary programs and not forget anything!

From my own experience, I know that installing software sometimes takes twice as long as installing Windows itself. Lately Many special disks have appeared with automatic installation of the necessary applications.

Is it possible to create such a disk yourself? Of course! There are many special utilities for this. But they are either paid or not very stable.

However, among the heap of similar programs you can find some pretty decent freeware projects. An example of this is Easy Autoinstaller FREE.

This program is intended for non-commercial home use and allows you to special problems create startup disks with a set of the software we need! It can remember and then reproduce an unlimited number of times all the actions that the user performs when installing the required software.

Unlike the paid version, the free edition cannot create disks containing operating system files, but the functionality of Easy Autoinstaller Free is quite enough:

Comparison of the free version of the autoinstaller Easy Autoinstaller FREE with the paid version of Easy Autoinstaller PRO

As you can see, in addition to the restriction on creating a startup disk with operating system, in the free version the ability to change the design of the auto-installation menu is blocked, as well as recording the script in “real time”.

The latter means that to record the next desired action in the script, you will have to press one of the function keys (left Shift or Ctrl). But more on that later, for now let’s install the program.

Installation Easy Autoinstaller FREE

The program installer, although in English, is built in a standard way, so after launching it, we will need to click “Next” all the time and agree with all the offers. Once the installation is complete, the program window will appear in front of us:

You can start working, but I would advise you to start by creating a folder somewhere into which we will move the software distributions and drivers we need. This will make it easier for us to create our own autoinstall disk in the future.

Creating an autoinstall script

Now let's proceed directly to creating auto-installation scripts. To begin, click the “Add script” button.

A window will appear in front of us where we should enter the name of the program that we are going to install. After confirming the entry (the “Ok” button), another window will appear in which you will need to specify the version of the application to be installed. In principle, you can enter anything you want into both windows, but for our convenience, we will indicate what is asked :).

After entering the program version, a window will open for selecting the installer for the desired program (remember, we put them in a separate folder;)).

Mark the required executable file (.exe and .msi files are supported) and click the “Open” button. A script recording window will appear in front of us:

At the bottom, in the “Program Description” section, you can enter short information about the program being installed, so that you can later remember what the utility is actually for. Pay attention to the “Options” window (third from the top).

Here you can set the type of future installation of the program: regular “silent” (silent, /s) installation, “silent” with progress display (and without), or completely hidden mode. You don’t have to select any additional parameters and then you will always have access to manual control of the installation.

When all the settings are made, click the “Record” button and proceed to the “demonstrative” installation of the selected program :).

You will know that the script recording process has been activated by the tooltip in the tray, as well as by the information window that appears in the upper left corner.

In this window you can see the current coordinates of the mouse cursor, the object the cursor is pointing at, the current operation, etc. Important: try not to move the installer window unnecessarily, as this may affect the correct operation of the script!

Now a few words about the methodology for creating an auto-installation script. To record a command, you must press left CTRL or SHIFT.

It happens something like this: we move the mouse cursor to the desired button or menu item and press one of the above-mentioned keys.

At the same time, SHIFT remembers only mouse clicks, and CRTL can record keystrokes, dots, checkmarks, passwords, paths and the same mouse clicks, so in most cases we press CRTL without thinking. As soon as the button is pressed, your action will be remembered, and you will not need to press mouse keys.

If you need to change the path or enter the serial number of the program, for example, then you need to proceed as follows. We enter the required data in the text line, hover the mouse over this line, press SHIFT, and then CTRL.

When the installation is complete, you will need to stop recording the script. To do this, right-click on the Easy Autoinstaller icon in the tray and select the appropriate item.

Optimizing and saving the script

Now let's check our script for empty entries to optimize it:

If there are none, we can click the “Save script” button. If you need to delete any script item, just double-click on it and confirm the deletion.

Now you can check whether the auto-installation script is working correctly. To do this, let's remove installed program, check it in the list of Easy Autoinstaller scripts and click the “Start” button.

After this, the installation process should start automatically, and above the program icon in the tray you will see a report on the current installation step:

If the installation was successful, then we did everything correctly. Otherwise, you will have to either edit the finished script (the “Edit Script” button), or even rewrite it again.

When all the scripts have been checked, you can (and even need to) save the resulting project. To do this, click the button of the same name in the main program window.

Creating an installation disk

And now comes the most culminating moment - creating your own disk with software! :) To do this, click the “Tools” menu in the main Easy Autoinstaller window and select the only item “Disk Creation Wizard”:

If you followed all the tips described above, then all you have to do is specify the path to the folder in which all the script, distribution and project files are located, and then click the “Create” button.

Several files will be created in the specified folder, which will be responsible for loading the menu of our installation disk:

The main one of these files is AutoInstall.exe. By running it, you can see what the menu of our disk will look like:

In fact, everything here is simple and tasteful :). The installation disk window presents a list of programs that can be selected for installation and a “Start” button, which initiates the installation.

Did you admire it? :) Now all that remains is to write the entire contents of the folder directly to a CD, DVD or even to a flash drive, and set necessary programs with automatic installation will always be at your fingertips!


Easy Autoinstaller FREE, of course, is slightly inferior in ease of use and functionality to commercial products, but it copes with its main task, if not a “5”, then certainly a solid “four”.

In any case, I advise you to familiarize yourself with this program and, just in case, create a disk with the necessary drivers and software. Who knows, maybe one day this disc will really help you out;).

P.S. Permission is granted to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Ruslan Tertyshny is preserved.