The fish guy has sad eyes. Oh, those men with sad eyes. Characteristics of the zodiac sign Pisces

If your chosen one has an unsuccessful or failed marriage behind him and he has lost faith in female constancy or in the fact that he can become happy again, it will not hurt you to remember these few characteristics of people with a sad romantic past in order to restore his faith in love and in people.

You will have to get rid of the burden of his past together

He has a heavy bag of terrible relationships behind him, and by the way he deals with it, you can judge how he will behave with you. If a person was badly burned in the past, he will try to avoid new pain.

Perhaps he has already suffered and calmed down and you can calmly move on. But if a guy is tormented by an irrational fear that failure awaits him in this relationship, know that it’s not your fault and not his. Try to look at the situation through his eyes: understanding will be very useful to him in order to quickly untie himself from the past.

It's not just about unhappy love

By the way, it is not a fact that those past experiences that made him stop trusting people and turned him into a living bundle of nerves were associated with romantic relationships. Perhaps problems with his parents or a collapsed friendship affected him this way. Or maybe one, the other and the third at the same time.

Maybe he was one of those people who didn’t know how to stand up for himself and allowed himself to be ridden, but now he decided: that’s it, I won’t allow anyone to treat me like that again! That's why he walks like a bristling hedgehog.

It may be difficult for him to commit himself to new obligations.

At the very beginning, even before you discover that his past still comes back to haunt you, you may notice that he is afraid to get into a serious relationship, although he likes you. It will take time for him to come to his senses.

On the other hand, not every guy who doesn't want to commit himself suffers from a broken heart: some are simply not mature enough for it yet. Be careful not to get confused.

Proceed slowly

He will not be able to open up emotionally right away. His desire to avoid new experiences may even manifest itself in the fact that it will be difficult for him to say the words “I love you.” Try not to put pressure on him and remember that every small step towards deepening the relationship may not be easy for him.

Othello reluctantly

He can act like a paranoid jealous person and every time you go out to buy bread and chat with your neighbor, he imagines you in someone's arms, because he has already been betrayed in a similar way once.

How to treat this depends on whether he is working to get rid of this shortcoming. If he tries and his behavior does not go beyond what is acceptable, it makes sense to be patient.

Like a bath leaf

For the same reason, he may cling to your skirt and follow you with his tail to make sure that you are really drinking tea with the girls and not cheating on him. Some people are impressed by this behavior (hurray, we are together always and everywhere), while others find it annoying. Everyone has their own ideas about the necessary personal space, and if you need boundaries that he will not cross, define them right away.

Trust has to be earned

No matter how wonderful you are, you will have to work hard to convince him that you are not like his exes, that you will not betray or change. Well, or just wait until time shows it to him.

Cool! It turns out that my appearance is quite typical for my zodiac sign!

I am Capricorn and the description matches...What about you?

Someone else's soul is in the dark, but sometimes it is enough to glance at a person to have some idea about him. It so happens that the appearance of typical representatives of a particular zodiac sign contains several clues by which they can be easily recognized.

Do you want to check? Then this article is especially for you!

Here's how to determine your Zodiac Sign at first glance by appearance.


Temperamental Aries go to extremes in everything, which even manifests itself in their appearance! The hair color of representatives of this sign most often comes in rich shades: from velvet black to light wheat. Even more often, the curls are cast in gold or copper, emphasizing the bright nature. You can recognize an Aries by sparkling eyes, an energetic gait and an athletic physique. They have well-developed muscles, which allow them to stay in shape until they are very old. The skin of typical Aries is dark or even reddish, much less often it is light, almost white. Moles on the face are common: one large or several small ones


Taurus have their own, extraordinary beauty. This sign is much closer to the elements of earth and natural smooth forms. The body of Taurus, regardless of constitution, is always proportional and strong, both in women and men. Taurus themselves are reserved and calm, and therefore sometimes prone to being overweight. Taurus has thick, healthy hair, and the male representatives of the second sign are very suited to a beard. Taurus has velvety eyelashes, big eyes and a languid gaze. Sometimes a mole appears dark on the cheek or above full, sensual lips, and the skin is often dark.


Agile and dexterous, Geminis have a wiry, slender physique. A characteristic feature of this zodiac sign is small, but lively and attentive eyes. Sometimes on their faces there are freckles, which go along with fine features and their possible asymmetry, the nose is pointed and upturned. The elongated face is framed by thin, sometimes curly hair. The movements of a representative of this sign are sharp and precise.


Sensitive Cancers are overweight. The face oval is large, with rounded outlines, the skin is light. Naturalness and harmony dominate in the entire appearance of Cancers; nature has not deprived Cancer women of alluring forms and grace. Types of appearance of Cancers can differ due to their eyes: they are either wide-open, sad and large, or with a narrow or almond-shaped cut and rich color. As a rule, there are no dark moles or other noticeable pigmentation on the face, which cannot be said about the chest. Cancers are unhurried, their gait and movements are slow.

a lion

Leos strive for the ideal in everything, and appearance is no exception. They are characterized by a regular, athletic-type structure with strong bones. Men have broad shoulders and narrow hips, women have a chiseled figure, close to or corresponding to the hourglass type. The love of sports and beauty always keeps Leo people on their toes. The facial features are noble and large, sometimes slightly pointed, the cheekbones are clearly defined, and the eyes are clear, most often light. Dark eyes, found in hot brunettes, is a rarity for this sign. A typical Leo has luxurious blond hair, even eyebrows, and the height of representatives of this sign is either very short or very tall.


Virgos are neither thin nor fat, neither tall nor short, but adhere to the golden mean. The correct oval face, slightly strict features, thin lips and a small hump on the nose are a typical portrait of a Virgo. Sometimes the nose is disproportionately long or large, but this is rare. The hair is manageable, but thin, light brown in color. This sign has the largest range of eye colors: cherry-brown, hazel, green, cornflower blue and blue-gray. The look is tenacious, penetrating. Virgos are ambitious, and there is a sense of confidence in their movements.7. Libra Libra is under the auspices of Venus, so they are airy and light. You will rarely see an obese representative of this sign; rather, on the contrary, Libra is slender, with well-proportioned body proportions. However, Libra is not an athletic sign. Their height is rarely above average, but this does not diminish their charm at all. What really attracts about Libra is the beauty of their facial features: expressive, clear contour of the lips, neat eyebrows, soft and deep look of large eyes. Libra's smile is stunning with its beauty, and how cute are the dimples on the cheeks! Both women and men of this sign are always popular with others. Libras have good skin and healthy hair.


You will easily notice a representative of this sign in the crowd, and this is not only due to his high stature! Scorpios are sizzling brunettes and bright blondes. Stately, memorable, but precisely because of the gaze that penetrates to the depths of the soul.
The eyes of a zodiac sign can tell a lot about them, but there is no clearer example than Scorpio. Sometimes they have a cold and impenetrable gaze, sometimes open and catchy, but always contrasting.

The face is framed by unruly and thick hair, and the nose is elongated, with a hump or simply pointed. With age, Scorpio can gain weight, but easy-going representatives of this sign do not experience this.


If anyone knows how to present themselves properly, it's the independent Sagittarius. Their height is above average, and their structure is ambiguous: the bone is large, but the chest is narrow. Women have drooping, wide hips; men tend to gain weight with age.
Cheerful people in life, Sagittarians are quite active and full of enthusiasm, which affects their fast movements. The typical eye color of Sagittarius is brown, and in general the color scheme of this sign is closer to chestnut. Among Sagittarius there are many brown-haired and brunettes. The eyes of people born under the sign of Sagittarius are laughing and never angry. Sagittarians with a strong-willed chin and a well-defined dimple above the upper lip are often found.


If you associate a thin vase for one flower with a person, know that this is Capricorn. Typical appearance for them: dry or toned body, prominent collarbones, long arms and legs, swan neck. You still need to look for stocky Capricorns, but there are plenty of tall and thin ones! This is a very sophisticated, slightly tough sign.
Capricorns have a long face, small or thin lips, straight dark hair and light eyes. Distinctive feature Capricorn is hidden in the drooping outer corners of the eyes, which slightly softens the sharp contours. Capricorns are cold-blooded, but with age their character softens somewhat, and the severity in movements and style disappears.


Aquarians are difficult to classify as any type of appearance, since they do not possess the required characteristics. Even typical representatives of the sign differ in their characteristics. But in general they can be called strong, sometimes stocky.
Aquarians are good-natured and often smile, they have an open and dreamy face. Hair can be both dark and light, but almost always wavy or curly. Aquarians age very slowly, and this is one of the main characteristics of female representatives of the sign.


Timid and quiet Pisces are especially beautiful. Most often they have a lunar type of appearance, namely: delicate features, a bluish tint to very light skin, a round or oval face. Pisces women are fragile, slender, but with age they are forced to keep their bodies in good shape. The men are overweight and of average height.
Pisces have sad, large eyes, and a thoughtful, sometimes distant look. There are Pisces with an elongated face and a high, open forehead, but this is more typical for women.

In fact, it doesn’t matter at all what appearance a zodiac sign has, because there are different and similar types. It is much more important for the owner of any type of appearance to be born under a lucky star!

Everyone has probably come across a photo on the Internet of an incomprehensible jelly-like creature with a sad, almost human face, and at the same time thought: “What is this?” So, friends. This is a fish!!
The blobfish is unique; it has a strange and repulsive appearance and lives at great depths. The British call it the toad fish, as well as the Australian goby. Scientists attribute it to the Psycholutaceae family.

This is what the drop fish looks like in the water. It consists of a gelatinous gel, with an air bubble inside it. It is inedible, but is considered a species close to complete destruction due to the fact that fishermen in Australia and Tasmania are increasingly catching it along with the rest deep-sea prey such as lobsters.

The blobfish is found in the depths of the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans. Most often, the drop fish is found off the coast of Australia and Tasmania; it always lives very deep under water - from 100 to 600 meters. This fish has huge eyes and a nose shaped like a human. The sad expression on the face of the blob fish is quite explainable by the fact that its interorbital space is wider than the diameter of the eye.

The drop fish has a unique body structure that makes it completely unlike any other fish.
The length of the body is up to seventy centimeters, there are no scales or fins. The body of the drop fish resembles a gelatinous mass, the weight of which can be up to 10 kg. It is the gelatinous structure that supports it and helps it not to expend effort to move at great depths. This fish has no muscles, it simply drifts with the current, its mouth wide open in anticipation of food falling into it. A drop fish can wait for its victims, motionless “hovering” in the water. Its main source of nutrition is small invertebrates and plankton. Although, this fish can swallow almost anything that is suitable for food and swims into its mouth.

Due to the great depths of its habitat, the blobfish is difficult to observe in its natural environment, and therefore science cannot provide complete information about it. However, it has been established that she is the most caring when it comes to her offspring - the blob fish “hatches” its eggs. After the fish has laid eggs, it constantly remains on it for some time, protecting and preserving the offspring.
After the birth of the offspring, the drop fish “raises” it. The fry of this fish are never left without parental attention; they are constantly close to their mother. Despite the fact that the drop fish has practically no natural enemies at such a depth, it tries to find the quietest and hidden places for the fry, diverting danger from them.

Today, the drop fish is one of the most mysterious and unexplored creatures on earth due to its specific habitat. But this does not make it less popular on the Internet.

For a comfortable life, a Pisces man must find a niche, some kind of body of water in which he can calmly trust the flow. But it is important not to miss a turn in the right direction, which often happens to Pisces due to their incorrigible daydreaming. You just need to gather all your strength and use it only to achieve your goal, concentrating exclusively on it. But the highly developed intuition of Pisces will tell you exactly what to spend your energy on.

Constantly living in fantasy is just as important for Pisces as reality. Therefore, it seems that the man is weak and cannot make a firm decision. Until the age of 25, they simply need to find their stream, otherwise problems may arise in all areas of life, which Pisces men are not always able to overcome. If a man did not have time to do this before the age of 25, he must necessarily prepare soft ground by the age of 36. After this age, finding yourself will not be easy.

Pisces are wonderful friends. They know how and love to listen to their interlocutors without interrupting, and if it comes to secrets, they will keep them to themselves without revealing them to anyone.

Pisces men - characteristics of love relationships

For such a sweet and romantic creature as a Pisces man, you need a strong, discreet woman who knows how to take care not only of him, but also of herself. From your lover you will receive all the most wonderful things that money cannot buy: romance, love, care, attention, all the stars from the night sky, poems dedicated to you personally. But you will have to take care of the material part of the relationship yourself. If the spiritual component is more important to you, then Pisces is the ideal option for you. If not, then give up this idea - you will not change Pisces.

If your man is one of those who has already found his streak and calmly goes with the flow, then you are lucky: he will spend a considerable part of his income on you. According to the horoscope, the Pisces man is quite wasteful. Be attentive to your family's financial condition.

Pisces men - appearance characteristics

Pisces have an oval, elongated face, a pronounced but harmonious nose, a smooth line of lips, large sad eyes - it seems that these people think about all the troubles of the planet at once. Often fair complexion, sometimes with a slight tan. If a man watches his figure, he may well maintain a slim shape, but more often

Pisces are still prone to slight obesity. Young guys are very attractive, but in the future they will still have to resort to the help of gyms or do running, gymnastics or even yoga on their own, because diets will not give the desired result.

Pisces men - characteristics the best way earnings

Men are most suitable for jobs related to cars (for example, sales or repairs). They will also be quite comfortable in the role of military personnel. They make excellent trainers and teachers, as the horoscope states. A Pisces woman will feel most comfortable as a poet, writer or journalist.

Pisces men - characteristics of family life

Pisces are men who need to be guided in the right direction. If your husband is a Pisces, you will have to manage your household wisely and without unnecessary costs, otherwise your spouse will not be able to make up for the losses or even understand your actions. It is important for him that the woman he loves believes in him, and not nag him for being too dreamy and sluggish. In this case, he will achieve a lot in his life.

Sun or Mars in Pisces

Definitely, this sign is the most mysterious of the 12 constellations. They are probably a mystery to themselves. It’s not for nothing that they astrological sign- these are two fish that swim in different directions. Everything is very symbolic; Pisces always contains two essences. Good and evil. The desire to find one single love for life and betrayal, deception. Willingness to help one's neighbor and complete indifference to a person's problems. The range of feelings and emotions is limitless. It can be difficult for them to understand the whirlpool of their own emotions and feelings, and even phenomenal intuition, unfortunately, is not a help here. Such is their fate, to understand everyone, but not their own soul.

The planet that rules Pisces is Neptune, the god of the seas and oceans. What is at the bottom of these reservoirs is still a mystery to us. One thing is clear for sure - it is very beautiful there, therefore the inner world of Pisces is rich and surprisingly colorful. But this also implies the main disadvantage of this sign - deception and lies. Having a well-developed imagination, it costs them nothing to lie. As a rule, Pisces themselves do not understand why they are deceiving; they will first say something, and only later begin to analyze why they did not tell the truth. That is why Mercury, the planet responsible for intelligence and prudence, is in exile in this sign, i.e. in a disadvantageous position. Pisces for the most part live by feelings and intuition, rather than by the brain.

In a relationship, a Pisces man feels his chosen one very strongly, even from a distance. This is a radar tuned to your beloved other half, picking up the slightest mood swings. Therefore, do not try to deceive him, he perfectly feels falsehood, but highly values ​​​​sincerity, therefore, in the event of any situation, my advice is to tell the whole truth, open your soul. Pisces men are soulful people, and I think they will appreciate this act. However, I cannot help but note the sad fact that fighting for something or someone is a quality that a man of this sign is completely lacking!

Almost all fish have some kind of inexplicable craving for religion, they love sleep as a way to escape reality, they are very sensitive to surrounding smells, in general they are great aesthetes in life. The psyche of the “sea inhabitants” is like a sponge. They barely distinguish where it is good and where it is bad, therefore, in order to understand the fish, do not be lazy to find out how he grew up, with whom he communicated, what his social circle is at the moment.

He is touchy, prone to depression, melancholic, almost all male Pisces have experience with drugs. With such a person you can be sad and dream, he will move you from our sinful earth to a beautiful, wonderful world, but you will have to take on all the material components. Pisces don't know how to make money. They make good musicians, but in relationships with women they need intense emotions, so if they do not receive the desired return from their partner, then clever manipulation begins, which ultimately leads to tears and unfulfilled hopes.

People who dive often talk about how beautiful it is in the depths of the ocean. I assume that it is just as beautiful in the depths of the inner world of our aquatic friends. But just as a diver needs a mask so that he can see underwater, so you will need one in the world of illusions where your man will lead you. And then underwater diving into another, fairy-tale world will not pose a danger to you.