Astrological forecast for May according to zodiac signs. Astrological horoscope for May. Monthly horoscope

Spring has come, make way for spring! In May 2018, luck will definitely smile on all representatives of the zodiac signs. The warmth that sunny weather gives will spread with gentle bliss, and everything planned can easily come true. The main thing is, don’t let your soul be sad and your body lazy. Then the Yellow Dog will make sure that the goals are realistic and the dreams come true, as if by magic. The horoscope for May 2018 advises you to discard all doubts and gloomy thoughts. Even if you have experienced disappointment in love, you still look at the world more optimistically. After all, everything is just beginning with the arrival of spring.

If you are not yet in the mood for a serious relationship with your new chosen one, then just enjoy meetings, communication and affectionate hugs. You can meet friends and make romantic acquaintances. But those who entered May 2018 in love need to think about legal marriage. Do not torment the heart of someone who expects radical steps from you. Moreover, before this you lived in a “civil” union for more than one year.

In May, everything will be going so well for the family that you can think about expanding your home and adding to your family. Harmony, happiness and mutual understanding - this is what the horoscope for May 2018 promises for spouses. Just try to devote more time to your “other half”, give flowers and arrange surprises. The financial situation is at the proper level, so there is enough money both to realize goals and to buy gifts for loved ones.

The main thing is that laziness has no place in your life. To achieve everything you have in mind, you just need to get off the couch and start taking action. Well, if you have a dream - to become a successful and rich businessman, then do not be afraid to invest money in your enterprise. Try to develop, both internally and externally. Don’t waste your nerves and energy on empty things, especially on unnecessary people.

The horoscope for May 2018 advises you to be more attentive to your health, especially mental health. Frequent worries and worries can lead to prolonged stress. Then no sunshine, birdsong or spring euphoria will please you. You will need to urgently contact a psychologist. There is a risk of getting a fracture or injury, especially if the work involves heights and extreme sports.

In May 2018, you need to control not only your affairs and finances, but also your thoughts. You know that everything negative comes to life faster. If you want to live the spring easily and carefree, then surround yourself with beautiful creations, friendly people and exciting events. In order to meet a worthy life partner in May, you need to become more active and be in society more often. This especially applies to those born under Water signs.
The astrological forecast for May 2018 recommends taking more rest, taking a vacation, or going on a trip. Keep in mind that anything is possible if you really want it. You can’t live only by work and career, and you’re not far from a nervous breakdown.

Health of zodiac signs for May 2018

In spring, the weather is changeable - sometimes it’s raining, sometimes it’s windy, sometimes the sun is scorching hot. Therefore, try to dress according to the weather, and not according to your mood. Otherwise, you will catch a cold and catch the flu. If you have long wanted to undergo an examination, then implement your plan. This will help you prevent serious illnesses and give you peace of mind about your health.

The horoscope for May 2018 warns that vegetables and fruits in stores contain huge amounts of nitrates. Therefore, it is better to buy a complex of vitamins at the pharmacy and drink it. In May, problems with the intestines and stomach may appear. Gastritis, poisoning, cholecystitis and even an ulcer are possible. Well, in order not to “earn” all this in the midst of spring, you need to look at the expiration date of the products and exclude fatty, salty and spicy foods from your diet. In May 2018, the horoscope advises eating more dairy products, and also not forgetting about sweets. But everything should be in moderation, keep in mind.

If you have had problems with blood vessels and heart before, then in May 2018 you should not forget about preventive measures. Only careful attention to your body will help avoid complications and inflammation. Take more walks, go out into nature, walk and harden yourself with a contrast shower. The horoscope for May 2018 advises doing exercises in the morning and going to bed earlier in the evening. The first rays of the sun can cause burns and skin diseases, so in May, be careful and wear a hat. To look fresh and alert in the morning, you need to get enough sleep. This means you shouldn’t sit on the Internet until nightfall. You don’t want to look like a sleepy, dark-eyed, always-yawning zombie, do you?

Love horoscope for May 2018

Spring will not leave anyone alone, because the atmosphere of love and adventure reigns in the air itself. If you want bright changes in your personal life, then strive for them yourself. Surprises, acquaintances and beautiful confessions - this is what the love horoscope for May 2018 predicts. So, dress up, be inspired by the weather and go towards your happiness with a smile. By the way, you can meet your “other half” in an unexpected place. Well, fate is an unpredictable person.

In May 2018, a fateful meeting is possible in a cafe, an amusement park or in the theater lobby. By the way, even with the bartender you can have a dizzying romance. It is important that you like the person not only externally, but also become a “soul mate”. If everything goes well, then at the end of summer you will have a magnificent wedding. The astrological forecast for May 2018 advises you to think carefully about everything before making a responsible decision. Do not put moral pressure on someone who does not yet know what to do. For those who already have a family, an addition is expected - the first-born or already the fourth child. The main thing is to quarrel less with your spouse about everyday and financial topics, otherwise you will drive each other to a breakdown.

The horoscope for May 2018 advises you to control your feelings and emotions. Sometimes they can become destructive, especially for those who are accustomed to hiding their true attitude towards a person. Well, if you don’t intend to remain silent about your love, then declare it loudly. No one has ever canceled serenades under the window and compliments. Even if you fall in love in May 2018, still do not lose your composure and independence. Try to meet or call with friends, and also go to the gym, have fun and enjoy life. Dreams can be illusory, because a person in love is not only inspired, but also blind. So, be prudent and say goodbye to frivolity.

Money horoscope for zodiac signs for May 2018

The horoscope for May 2018 promises lucrative contracts, deals and financial well-being. If you do not miss the opportunity to realize your goals, you will receive all this in the middle of the month. The boss is full of praise and promising suggestions. If you decide to stay at your current place of work in May, then strictly follow all the instructions of your boss. Then you can get a high position and a decent salary. It’s better not to spend money, but to save it for your summer vacation. Especially if you plan to travel to the sea, abroad, or open your own commercial outlet.

The horoscope for May 2018 advises you to set priorities and finally decide what you want to get most? If finances, then look for a part-time job. If you are interested in career growth, then improve your qualifications or go to study. Although. Some people find it useful to take a vacation first and then take on important matters. There will be many prospects and ideas, but what exactly should you prefer, and how to find ways to implement them? Intuition and rich experience will tell you. The main thing is not to doubt yourself, be persistent and set realistic plans for yourself.

The money horoscope for May 2018 predicts temporary difficulties with money. Of course, it won’t come to a global crisis, but it won’t be easy to buy everything planned. Well, you can go to the boss and talk about raising your salary. Or find a profitable and additional business. Maybe your favorite hobby will start generating income in May 2018? So, be reasonable, collected and, most importantly, decisive. Then everything will come to its senses, and new horizons will open before you. Naturally, you shouldn’t save on everything. Just try not to purchase something that is of no use or benefit. But don’t deny yourself new clothes and a fashionable haircut - spring is just around the corner.

The horoscope for May 2018 promises Aries a successful month in work, successful in love, and profitable in finance. In general, everything you have in mind will come true, so you can rejoice in advance and dance the rumba. Nothing surprising, because Aries cannot be denied determination and perseverance. Even in the love sphere, you will charm someone you have been eyeing for a long time. And here's a miracle - the person will reciprocate your feelings almost immediately.
Horoscope for May 2018 Aries
Love horoscope for May 2018 Aries

Horoscope for May 2018 Taurus

The horoscope for May 2018 has prepared a lot of interesting and promising things for Gemini, but for this you need to wake up and get off the couch. It will be so difficult for you to get involved in your work that you can hardly count on career growth and sky-high profits. In May, Gemini needs to gather their thoughts, pull themselves together and do everything they planned back in April. Otherwise, you are guaranteed a crisis.
Horoscope for May 2018 Gemini
Love horoscope for May 2018 Gemini

Horoscope for May 2018 Cancer

Cancer in May will be tormented by vague doubts and suspicions, not about other people, but about themselves. Although, you will also begin to examine those around you under a microscope, looking for flaws. The astrological forecast for May 2018 recommends that Raku organize his personal life. Family is very important to you, and you are still walking around single? So, take the initiative and meet a pretty person.
Horoscope for May 2018 Cancer
Love horoscope for May 2018 Cancer

Horoscope for May 2018 Leo

Horoscope for May 2018 Leo is even afraid to attribute competitors and rivals. You are so confident, sexy and seductive that they all ran away in all directions. Of course, it doesn’t hurt Leo to work on his shortcomings in his character, but do they really have them? In May, your sense of humor is also in perfect order, so even in difficult situations you will find the right solution. The main thing is, don’t waste your money everywhere, otherwise you’ll spend your vacation at home.
Horoscope for May 2018 Leo
Love horoscope for May 2018 Leo

Virgos will outdo themselves in May - they are critical, picky and meticulous. These are all the words that can describe you in the spring. Not only nervous breakdowns and conflicts are possible, but also terrible hysterics on your part. The horoscope for May 2018 does not advise Virgos to strive so zealously for order and ideal, otherwise they will miss the most important and fateful thing. Be careful on the road and at home.
Horoscope for May 2018 Virgo
Love horoscope for May 2018 Virgo

The astrological forecast for May 2018 does not advise Libra to spend all their time and energy on career growth. Otherwise, you will lose the chance to create strong relationships and family. Difficulties in the financial sphere are solvable, so there is no point in getting into debt and loans. To ensure that Libra’s health does not fail in May, you need to do exercises, eat according to a regimen and drink a complex of vitamins.
Horoscope for May 2018 Libra
Love horoscope for May 2018 Libra

Scorpio will definitely be lucky in love in May, which will inspire him even more than an excellent financial situation. You have so much strength and energy that you could even fly into space. The horoscope for May 2018 does not advise Scorpio to embark on adventures and risk their health, otherwise the situation will turn out to be extremely difficult. Pay attention to your relatives, and also plan a vacation at sea in advance and buy a ticket.
Horoscope for May 2018 Scorpio
Love horoscope for May 2018 Scorpio

The horoscope for May 218 promises a wonderful month for Sagittarius, when it will be possible to achieve incredible heights in personal business. You are so successful and wealthy that your competitors offer you cooperation. Only in May, Sagittarius needs to watch his words and not start a showdown with loved ones. If you have specific goals, then feel free to implement them, otherwise, just sit and watch.
Horoscope for May 2018 Sagittarius
Love horoscope for May 2018 Sagittarius

In May, Capricorn needs to tune in to a positive wave. Keep in mind that if you give free rein to your emotions and feelings, you yourself will end up in terrible trouble. The horoscope for May 2018 recommends Capricorn not to lose his balance and seriousness, even if situations force him to resort to aggression and violent outbursts. In your personal life, everything is cloudless if you do not command your chosen one.
Horoscope for May 2018 Capricorn
Love horoscope for May 2018 Capricorn

The horoscope for May 2018 advises Aquarius to step away from business for a while, retire and think about everything. Your morale is not up to par, so breakdowns and uncontrolled behavior are possible. It is advisable not to remember past mistakes and disappointments. In May, Aquarius should focus on active work, and not on melancholy and apathy. After all, all this will have a sad impact on your health.
Horoscope for May 2018 Aquarius
Love horoscope for May 2018 Aquarius

Horoscope for May 2018 Pisces

Pisces in May will truly bathe in emotions, events and love dates. Just avoid gossip and adventures, otherwise you will ruin your reputation and spring mood. The horoscope for May 2018 recommends Pisces to clearly plan everything that they are going to implement in life. From your knowledge and reasonable approach future career will depend.

MayIt will be a very productive and eventful month in many areas of life. At the end of spring, a lot of surprises await representatives of this zodiac sign. Fortunately, as the horoscope for May 2018 predicts for the Cancer sign, they will only wear positive character and will bring many new and pleasant impressions.

Despite the fact that according to the horoscope Cancers are a little closed, this month they will be surrounded by increased attention from their close circle. This will allow you to show your communication skills and overcome unnecessary complexes. Luck will literally follow you on your heels, new opportunities will open up for you, don’t miss them!

Favorable days: 1, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 20, 25, 28, 29

Unfavorable days: 3, 11, 18, 22, 27

Love horoscope for May 2018

A hurricane of passion awaits Cancer in the love sphere! However, if you don’t have to put much effort into your work, then love relationships will have to take an active part. Love horoscope for May 2018, the Cancer sign promises a transition to a new stage of the relationship with its other half. Perhaps some will decide to legalize the relationship, while others will think about adding to the family.

For lonely representatives of the zodiac sign, the stars promise new and interesting acquaintances that can develop into long and strong relationships. Everything will depend on your desire.

IN last month In spring, misunderstandings may arise in relations with your other half. Astrologers warn that you should not give reasons for jealousy. Try to calmly discuss all problems that arise with your partner before they escalate into confrontation. In May, Cancers must show their chosen one that they can trust him.

Family relationship horoscope

In May 2018, family Cancers can expect some problems. Representatives of the sign will most likely have to deal with real estate transactions. You should not make rash and spontaneous decisions alone; consult with your partner on any issue. Approach the implementation of your planned tasks with a cool head and common sense. This will help you protect your positions and find a way out of any situation.

Pay great attention to checking documents - the position of the planets in May 2018 indicates that scammers are becoming more active this month. Be careful - the horoscope warns of the risk of becoming a victim of a fraudulent scheme.

In love, the horoscope promises representatives of the Cancer zodiac sign unprecedented harmony and passion, especially in mid-May. You should not hide your true feelings and emotions towards your other half. Otherwise, this may give rise to a lot of gossip and rumors about your family affairs.

Horoscope for May 2018 for women

Beautiful representatives of the sign will be especially romantic this month. Cancer women will find complete harmony with themselves and with the world around them. May will bring you success in all your endeavors; at this time, the implementation of your plans is possible. The second half of the month will present Cancer women with meeting interesting people.

A peak in love activity is expected in the middle of the month. Nothing can stop single Cancer women, and they will definitely be able to find mutual language with representatives of the stronger sex. But you should be especially careful at this time, since ill-wishers, envious people and rivals may appear on the horizon. An optimistic and confident attitude will allow you to achieve your goals despite all the difficulties.

Horoscope for May 2018 for men

In May, Cancer men will experience an unprecedented rise not only in business, but also in love matters. This will have a beneficial effect on your health and emotional state. This month, Cancer men will experience financial stability. In the middle of the month, you may receive a very profitable business offer. Don't give it up - the next chance won't come soon.

In love relationships, men born under the zodiac sign Cancer expect victory. These include new interesting acquaintances, romantic dates, vivid and memorable impressions. The stars do not rule out the possibility of misunderstandings with their partners. They can lead to major quarrels or separation. If this happens, then there is no need to be upset - you just met the wrong person.

Work and financial horoscope

Most Cancers will be able to show all their positive qualities in the work process in May. The unemployed will be able to find their dream job. Long-forgotten business connections can play an important role in this.

Some Cancers will have to go on a business trip. It can help strengthen business credibility in the eyes of management. Hardworking representatives of the sign will receive a promotion, which they have long dreamed of. Cancer leaders may become disappointed in their business partners.

May 2018 will bring prosperity and financial stability to Cancer. Perhaps in mid-May, Cancers will be able to implement a money project that will bring big profits in the future. May is a great month for financial investments, purchasing property and obtaining loans. However, you should avoid purchasing small items. In most cases they simply won't be useful.

Horoscope of health and well-being

In May, Cancers will be energetic and healthy, which will allow them to cope with any difficulties not only in business, but also in love. The stars advise you to be especially careful with fire, both outdoors and at home.

The end of May may bring minor health problems associated with allergic reactions and respiratory diseases. Cancers who are especially prone to allergies should take care to have the necessary medications in their first aid kit. In May, it is recommended to do muscle strengthening and breathing exercises.

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Monthly horoscope

The arrival of spring 2020 will be marked by increased activity and great mood. This is an excellent period for realizing your most cherished desires and achieving your goals. Energy will be in full swing, but what will inspire you most is the results and achievements of the previous months. In March, it is important to gather your thoughts and clearly set priorities so as not to waste your energy on all sorts of distracting little things, but to direct them into action. Only consistency of actions and determination can lead to the desired result.

March 2020 will be a very favorable period for those born under the zodiac sign Aries. Aries will be able to take control of the situation, but do not force events. Even if you want to quickly get rid of current affairs, do not

The beginning of spring 2020 will be very rosy for Taurus. Many representatives of your zodiac sign will experience a lot of new and vivid emotions and impressions. Energy will be in full swing. Now the most important thing is to be able to guide her on the right path,

In the first month of spring 2020, Gemini should step back a little from business and look at the situation objectively. It is quite possible that you will find easy solutions to your tasks and problems that seemed unsolvable. When making important decisions, Gemini

Spring 2020 will bring Cancers the opportunity to fulfill their long-time dream. All the plans that you previously made will finally be able to come true. Everything that previously prevented you from achieving your goal will be resolved by itself. Luck itself

Leos in March 2020 will show quick wits and incredible acumen. Leadership skills will help you achieve many results that will radically change your life. Now it is important to try to avoid conflict situations that can ruin your fighting spirit. Not worth it

With the arrival of spring 2020, the lives of people born under the Virgo zodiac sign will begin to transform and be filled with bright colors. Those who have long dreamed of something will be able to realize their plans. It's time to enjoy life in all its beauty.

Practical and optimistic Libra will greet the spring of 2020 joyfully and enthusiastically. They seem to come out of hibernation and begin to come to life. In March, representatives of your zodiac sign will be surrounded by everyone's attention, their authority will be strengthened, and their confidence in

In March 2020, Scorpios will show unprecedented energy, as a result of which the effectiveness of your actions in many areas of life will increase. Anything that Scorpios don’t take on will come quite easily. During this period, any task will be for you

March 2020 will bring Sagittarius many joyful events that will diversify everyday life and fill it with fun and joy. Changes will occur in all areas of life of representatives of your zodiac sign, only in some more, in others less.

Capricorns will experience some relaxation and tranquility in March 2020. During the first ten days of the first month of spring, you can relax in bed and enjoy your favorite pastime. But after the 10th, Capricorns will have to pull themselves together and

In March 2020, Aquarians will fight for justice and they will do well in this. In the first month of spring, Aquarians will be able to achieve a lot if they adhere to and clearly follow their principles and beliefs. All

In March 2020, Pisces will begin to break stereotypes and gain real freedom. They will say goodbye to all prejudices and opinions imposed by society and begin to live a full life that only they can control. Some of your representatives

Monthly horoscope according to zodiac signs

The monthly horoscope is specially compiled for those who are accustomed to planning their affairs in advance depending on the location of celestial bodies during the desired period.

As you know, the position of stars and planets significantly influences events in a person’s life and can have a fateful impact on it. Considering monthly horoscope, one should take into account the fact that not all representatives of the zodiac signs may find a particular month happy or, conversely, unfavorable.

Despite the name, no one will have to suffer during the last month of spring. The Sun, which is in the sign of Taurus, will first endow everyone with healthy stubbornness and the will to win, and as soon as it moves closer to Gemini, it will provide a surge of creative energy on earth. In order to spend a month languishing in inaction and melancholy with such initial data, you need to try very hard! The horoscope for May 2018 will indicate in which direction to act!

Horoscope for all signs for May 2018

Although Fortune is going to be obscenely generous this month, don't expect all sunny weather in May. From time to time - especially in the early days - the rain will fall on the top of your head. But those who don’t miss their sunny day will be able to solve an old problem, see new prospects or bring the fulfillment of a cherished desire closer.


In May, the Blue Bird of Luck will fly very close to Aries. But will the lambs have time to grab her by her bright plumage?

At the beginning of the month, Aries will begin to walk around thin ice. On the one hand, you will need to firmly defend your interests so as not to be pushed to the sidelines of life, on the other hand, you will need to avoid conflicts with all your might, because the most banal quarrel during this period can turn into serious troubles for the lambs.

In mid-May, it will be time to take stock of the past, make plans for the near future and begin to lay a solid foundation for their implementation. Keep in mind that fate will stand nearby and write down all your wishes, so don’t be modest. Make a wish for exactly what you have long dreamed of.

At the end of the month, Aries will be energetic and wise. And if they manage to step on the throat of their desire to command everything that moves, and establish good partnerships, they will find success and a couple of new sources of income. And girls and boys who are family-oriented will not be disappointed. Start looking out the window - is there a stork hovering over the house with a lace bundle in its beak?


By devoting the first half of the month to business, and the second to themselves and their loved ones, Taurus will be able to eat a fish without choking on a bone

The first ten days of May are not very conducive to hard work due to the abundance of holidays, but Taurus should strain himself and perform a couple of feats of labor, at this time everything will be surprisingly easy for him.

In mid-May, events will spin around Taurus at such a frantic gallop that they will almost knock the heavenly stags off their feet. Don’t worry, the brave conquer not only the seas, but also career heights and the hearts of obstinate lovers.

But at the end of the month, you can rightfully fold your hooves on your stomach and look complacently at the bustle going on around you. Alas, any attempt to sort things out will be like beating a fish on ice, so why waste your energy? Take a time out and rest. And save your money! The end of May will be stingy with profits, but will not forget to make a hole in your family budget.


It will take a lot of effort to keep the situation under control, but the end of the month will put everything in its place

The last month of spring will greet Gemini with an obstacle course that will stretch until mid-May. You will be tempted to take the path of least resistance: quit your job, end a difficult relationship, take out a loan... Take your time! Every decision must be carefully considered and balanced.

The second ten days of May do not promise either major falls or victories; you can take a break and restore your weakened strength. But don’t cure your nerves with shopping and a weekend in Bali! It's not that your finances are severely cut, but there will be a lot of other expenses this month.

By the end of May, begin to put in order everything that requires completion. There will be plenty of strength and luck for this, the main thing is that the representatives of the double sign themselves do not hang their noses during the first, not the easiest, half of the month.


Don’t forget that work and hobbies in our lives are transitory values, and family relationships- eternal. When you're busy with your career, don't forget about your loved ones

It’s not a good idea to move backwards according to the old habit of arthropods, but it’s not recommended for Cancers to rush forward in the first days of May. Sit back at home with a mug of hot tea and sit back, slowly turning over your plans for the end of spring in your mind. Maybe some adjustments need to be made to them?

Mid-May will be marked for Cancers by hot battles in professional field and no less warm embraces in the personal sphere. Just don’t confuse who to threateningly snap your claw at and who to kiss!

a lion

In May, Fortune will be entirely on the side of the king of beasts, as long as Leo himself does not confuse all her cards

Already at the beginning of May, great luck will come to visit Leos. To grab it by the tail, it will be enough just to gather strength for a decisive breakthrough and trust the voice of intuition.

If the king of beasts does everything right, by the middle of the month he will be able to get a lot of pleasant bonuses and... dizziness from success. At this time, it’s easy to do something stupid: change your favorite job to a more prestigious but boring one, break up with your significant other for a random hobby, break up with friends. Be careful not to mess things up by making the desired changes in your life!

The end of the month will bring Leos a significant replenishment of their budget and inspiration for new achievements. You will begin to make fresh plans, feel free to give free rein to your dreams, but still keep your feet on the ground - this way your plans will have a much greater chance of coming true.


My personal life almost went into a deep tailspin, but my career took off. Well, an innate sense of tact and intuition will allow you to preserve the first and succeed in the second

In the first ten days of May, one of two things will happen: either the wild enthusiasm of Virgo will ensure the successful implementation of several projects at once, or imprudence and haste will force them to make a lot of mistakes. Draw your own conclusions.

In the middle of the month there will be difficulties in communicating with your partner. Put things in order in your personal life, and quickly - the business offer that you will soon receive will force you to devote yourself completely to work, leaving no time to sort things out.

The diligence shown by Virgo in the second and especially in the third ten days of May will bring her career and professional growth, straightening out her shaky financial situation and even more brilliant prospects for the summer. Roll up your sleeves and get to work.


Less words, more to do! You will lie on your side some other time, May provides a lot of chances and requires you to make the most of them

The beginning of May will be a period of major expenses, injuries and a tense atmosphere in the family for Libra. Keep your emotions under control so as not to make the situation worse, and stay away from extreme sports.

The middle of the month will make Libra spin like a top, torn between business, requests from relatives for help and - if it comes to single representatives of this sign - a flaring romance. Oh, and May will be hot this year!

But the end of the month will bring long-awaited rest, allowing Libra to deal with all the troubles and devote time to their family. And don’t worry, if there are too many things to do, your loved ones will help you deal with them.


In the contradictory month of May, opportunities will go hand in hand with betrayal, luck with deception. Be able to distinguish one from the other

At the beginning of the month, Scorpio risks becoming a victim of unscrupulous deception. However, oddly enough, it is during this period that single representatives of a dangerous sign will have the opportunity to start serious relationships, and home-spirited people will have the opportunity to make a large purchase. Just be very, very careful when making decisions.

The second decade is suitable for both active work and rest. Do you want to unwind? Plan your vacation. True, the financial situation of Scorpios will be quite precarious, so it is wiser to devote the middle of May to strengthening their material base.

At the end of spring, those who missed their chance for a romantic acquaintance will be given a second attempt to arrange their personal life. Just don’t open your heart to the first person you meet; test your feelings and the sincerity of your potential partner over time.


In May, courage, pressure and the ability to make quick decisions are at a premium. Fortunately, Sagittarius doesn’t have to worry about all this!

The first weeks of May will be quite routine for Sagittarius. Unless new expenses appear that will significantly deplete the wallets of the heavenly warriors.

But the middle of the month will surprise you with sudden changes in the professional sphere. Most likely, Sagittarius will have to quickly get used to new working conditions. Try to fulfill your duties more carefully, over time this will bring you tangible dividends.

Dedicate the end of the month to the social sphere. Communicate, make new acquaintances, get out into nature with your family. Fortunately, a noticeably heavier wallet will allow Sagittarius to spend less.


Remember, the one who walks will master the road. Until you start taking action, you won’t know how far you can go and what peaks you can conquer.

May Capricorns will open with full confidence: fate has placed a big fat pig in their path. But as they say, the eyes are afraid, but the hands do. Out of a string of accumulated problems, identify the main one and throw all your efforts into solving it, and then move on to the next one.

In the middle of the month, take a closer look at improving your health and start a hobby that will expand your social circle. For example, dancing or swimming will allow you to kill two birds with one stone.

For Capricorns who did not fall into deep depression at the beginning of the month, its ending will be announced by the crunch of brand new bills in their wallet. Spend it with your family on a vacation somewhere.


Thinking about a change? Take action. The middle of the month is especially good for them - you are full of energy, Fortune smiles favorably, circumstances are developing in the most favorable way...

No work! The first ten days of May are given to Aquarius exclusively for communication and relaxation with their family. The only thing is, don’t relax too much, this period is fraught with losses of material assets and thefts.

Mid-May is great for realizing yourself in work or creativity. The more actively Aquarians act, the more generous the fruits of their labors they will reap by the end of May.

Well, rubbing for a decade will be pretty standard. The growth in material well-being, which is promised to many zodiac signs this May, will not bypass Aquarius either.


If Pisces does not decide to make decisions at random, the month will not be in vain for them. A couple of sweet buns will definitely fall to their share

May will inspire Pisces to change, self-development, and move forward. Any attempts to improve your professional level will be successful: courses, practical exercises, reading specialized literature.

Lathered up Pisces will have to divide the middle of the month between work, study and family... With the exception of the lucky ones who will forget about business because of a passionate romance with a fan who came straight from Pisces’ recent past. Just don’t break down from the eternal tension and don’t be insolent to your superiors, they won’t forgive you for this.

At the end of the month, the risk of making a mistake will increase, so you will have to slow down and give yourself more time to rest. And it doesn’t matter if you miss out on a couple of nice opportunities. Summer will provide Pisces with them in abundance.

Having started rather sluggishly, May will quickly gain momentum and everyone will find something to do: some will be overwhelmed with business, others will schedule a romantic meeting, and others will be lured by the possibility of big earnings. And in the end, like the Blizzard from a fairy tale, she will give men and women of each zodiac sign their well-deserved pay: the diligent and brave - a bucket of gold, the lazy and passive - a cast iron with resin.

Virgos. The luckiest zodiac sign this month. Virgo will be pursuing success at work, so this is a very favorable period to ask for a salary increase or even change jobs.

The stars promise a successful month for Virgo, Gemini, Pisces and Sagittarius /

Astrologer Vlad Ross made a forecast for all zodiac signs for May 2018. The stars promise a successful month for Virgo, Gemini, Pisces and Sagittarius. At the same time, the expert promises not the best period for Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo.

Virgo. The luckiest zodiac sign this month. Virgo will be pursuing success at work, so this is a very favorable period to ask for a salary increase or even change jobs. For this sign, May will be very favorable in terms of finances. If you are a writer or have been working on a dissertation for a long time, then this month there may be excellent conditions for the publication of your works. Also, Virgos will have luck when passing exams, entering higher educational establishments and defense of diplomas and candidate's theses.

Twins. The stars are also favorable to this sign in May. Gemini will be lucky in opening new businesses and companies. You should not be afraid to start something from scratch, since any endeavor will be successful. If Gemini was planning to move, change their place of residence, or open a company abroad, then May is a very favorable time for this. It is also a good month for expanding your business or field of activity.

Fish. Another lucky one for May is Pisces. The placement of the planets promises Pisces good luck in family matters. During this period, they can make peace and establish connections, even with those relatives with whom they already had intermittent relationships. Also in May, this sign can safely buy real estate, especially in the second half of the month. In May, friends can come to the aid of Pisces and provide all kinds of protection in business, for example, getting a good job.

Sagittarius. The stars also promise a successful month for Sagittarius. Thus, representatives of this sign can win a long trial. May will be a brilliant time for promoting yourself, so Sagittarius is recommended to lead an active social life this month and go out more often. Lonely Sagittarius can count on meeting their soulmate, with whom they can subsequently form strong alliances. They will easily form successful business alliances and partnerships.

Taurus. The main losers of May are Taurus. They need to be especially careful with their finances. In the first half of the month, Taurus may simply be “thrown away.” It will also be difficult for this sign psychologically – depression is possible. Therefore, it is better for Taurus to be in society, and not to lead an aimless existence.

Scorpios. A difficult situation awaits Scorpios in May. Thus, Scorpios’ health may fail this month; diseases of the digestive organs and “love organs” are especially dangerous. Difficulties will also arise at work. In May they can simply be baited. Is not best time to sort things out with work colleagues, otherwise Scorpios may be fired. In addition, troubles can await Scorpio in relationships with partners and relatives.

Aquarius. A not very favorable situation will develop in May for Aquarius. Representatives of this sign should be careful on the road in the second half of the month - there is a risk of injuries, fractures, and you especially need to watch your head. If you are a motorcyclist, then it is better not to use an iron horse for now. At the same time, May is the best time for sports. The stars do not recommend Aquarius to change their type of activity or switch to new job- the risk may not be justified.

Lions. Lviv is also expecting a difficult month. The risk of dismissal or demotion is extremely high. In May, Leos will be able to quarrel with everyone, so it is better for them not to get involved in conflicts. Things will also not be easy for Leo managers: they may have conflicts with their subordinates, which may lead to strikes.

Capricorns. For Capricorns, May will be more or less neutral - without any special successes or failures. During the first half of the month in January, Capricorns should be careful, as there is a risk of injury. The second half of the month can be very successful, especially for those who decide to open their own business. The whole month Capricorn will be on the waves: sometimes good, sometimes not so good.

Cancers. Representatives of this sign can also wait for a neutral month. A critical situation may arise in the second half of the month - there is a danger of unexpected disasters and road accidents. Listen to your intuition, if your inner voice tells you that it’s better not to take risks and not go anywhere, then it’s better not to go anywhere. Also, in the second half of the month, it is better for Cancers to refrain from any adventurous financial investments.

Scales. Libra should be careful in family matters in the first half of the month - there is a risk of quarreling with loved ones. At this time they will not have a very good emotional background. In the second half of May, the stars promise whirlwind romances and an active sex life to representatives of this sign. Libra will have a lot of energy, so they can get involved in fashion, art, and sports.

Aries. The first half of the month will not be very good, so it is better to sit it out quietly. So, problems may arise with management. Excessive impulsiveness can push Aries to make a lot of mistakes during this period. But in the second half of the month Aries can build business plans for whole year go ahead, conceive large-scale business projects and start implementing them, and everything will turn out well for them.

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