Gemini love horoscope for the year woman. Gemini love horoscope

What does the Gemini horoscope promise for 2018? How will things be at work, in the family and on the love front? What troubles should Geminis avoid this year?

Horoscope for Gemini for 2018: what awaits the Yellow Dog in the coming year?

What surprises does the horoscope for 2018 have in store for Gemini? If in 2017 representatives of this zodiac sign could be careless, then this year they should be more focused and purposeful. However, Gemini's natural charm will help them get out of any situation with honor.

Already at the beginning of 2018, the horoscope advises Gemini to sit down and think about their plans for the current year. It is better to postpone major work matters to the spring, and vacations to the end of summer. The stars promise Gemini interesting offers. You will have a chance to prove yourself, to show all your abilities. You might get a promotion or even change jobs.

As for money in 2018, the horoscope begs Gemini to be extremely careful. There will be scammers hovering around you who will try to profit from your kindness and carelessness. Don't lend money to people you don't know well, and don't get involved in financial adventures.

Spring will cover Gemini with love and romance. There will be a lot of fans. Single Geminis will have a chance to find a life partner. Those who already have a family or are in a relationship will look at married life in a new way. Everything around them will sparkle with fresh colors. They will want to bring something new into the house. Many Geminis this year will decide to move or have another child.

As the horoscope for 2018 promises, in the summer Gemini will be able to appreciate the fruits of their hard work. In June, their professional skills will be appreciated. Very interesting projects and new tasks await Gemini. However, having delved into work, Gemini will not allow themselves to forget about their loved ones, so there will be no reproaches or insults from their chosen ones.

At the end of July or beginning of August it is worth taking a break from the hustle and bustle of work. If you believe the horoscope for 2018, then at the end of summer Gemini will be able to purchase very profitable trips. The vacation will be a success. It will help you relax thoroughly and further strengthen your relationship with your loved one. Those Geminis who have not yet found their soulmate by this time will be able to start an exciting holiday romance. And perhaps later this connection will develop into something more.

In the fall of 2018, the horoscope will bring peace to Gemini. There will be no rush jobs at work and no big scandals at home. At the same time, life will not become less interesting. At the end of autumn or at the beginning of winter, you can begin repairs. Some will decide that it’s time to decorate their children’s room, while others will want to turn their bedroom into a piece of paradise. Don't forget that soon New Year. Think about how you will decorate the house and where you will place the Christmas tree.

The Gemini horoscope for 2019 clearly shows that family relationships will come to the fore. In the new year, Gemini will face forgotten or deferred matters that are long overdue for resolution. Therefore, it is obvious what awaits Gemini in 2019 according to the horoscope. Expect a lot of changes, change your outlook on life in order to achieve success and respect from loved ones. Solve all difficulties instantly, because waiting for everything to be resolved by itself is quite absurd. Gemini is one of the most sociable signs. The detailed Gemini horoscope for 2019 invites you to choose a job where you can demonstrate eloquence. Use this main trump card, which can help you cope with difficulties and achieve success.

Gemini love horoscope

At the very beginning of the year, representatives of this sign will easily achieve favor in society. There will be no problems on the personal front, since the opposite sex will admire the twins. Thanks to their assertiveness and audacity, they will choose a second half that is suitable for them in life. However, in the new year 2019, Gemini must change their point of view a little, restrain their saw, and regularly work on themselves. Because according to the horoscope, they will lose control of themselves and will live happily at the expense of their partner. This may continue for a long time and Gemini may face failure in his personal life. Remember that you need to be able to give more than you take. Love horoscope For 2019, Gemini advises you to trust people with whom you have known for a long time. In the summer, Gemini will have a hobby, but without reciprocity, so their pride will suffer. Do not fall into a depressed state, be patient and enlist the support of your family.

Family horoscope for Gemini

IN family relationships you need to listen more to your partner, try to improve relationships by making concessions. Don’t do rash things, as this will worsen your relationship with your family. Despite such actions, the relationship will return to normal. There won’t be any special difficulties with the child either, but no one canceled the attention and care. Charge yourself with optimism so that your joy can be passed on to others. The Gemini family horoscope for 2019 promises warm relationships with relatives. Geminis born under the auspices of Mercury are sincere people. You cannot do without this trait in family life. The arrival of a baby in the family will bring joy to the family. Help your family, take an interest in your children’s studies, and take an active part in the lives of your loved ones. And you will see how your loved ones will treat you with understanding and care.

Horoscope for lonely twins

The stars have prepared a large number of exciting acquaintances for you, so don’t miss the chance to meet your soul mate. For lonely Geminis, the horoscope for 2019 promises a long-awaited meeting with a loved one. As for single women, they will be able to return old feelings with that person with whom nothing worked out before. The main thing is to descend to the ground in time and not fly in the clouds for a long time.

In 2019, single representatives of the stronger sex will decide to experience all the beauties of flirting and romantic relationships. There will be many temporary romances. However, such flirting will not lead to a serious relationship and everything will end quickly. Gemini, pull yourself together and don’t waste yourself on empty acquaintances, be more serious. Take the choice of your loved one very seriously and only with the intention of bringing the relationship to marriage. If you can reconsider your views, you will definitely find the right life partner.

Gemini health horoscope

The New Year promises representatives of this sign to adhere to healthy image life. Take care of your health, as there is a possibility of getting problems associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In the spring, an exacerbation of protracted illnesses is likely, and in May you need to observe correct mode nutrition. Remove fatty foods, salt, and smoked foods from the menu.

In the first ten days, the Yellow Pig will protect you from overwork and maintain a great mood. Walk more fresh air and don’t ignore sports, take up swimming and gymnastics. Also take care of your dental health, as you will have to visit the dentist frequently.

Geminis born in the second decade should protect their nervous system from stress. Difficulties may arise at work or in the family, so be prepared good mood and don't lose heart. The health horoscope for Gemini for 2019 advises to rest more often. Attend massage sessions and prepare soothing baths.

In the third decade, injuries are likely, so take care of yourself and drive carefully. Astrologers advise taking care of your health, examining your digestive organs, and checking your cardiovascular system. This way, you can avoid further health problems.

Career and finance

The concept of career and finance for Gemini in the new year means the implementation of long-conceived ideas and plans. You will be able to succeed at work, achieve promotions and prove yourself to be exceptionally good. Moreover, there will be no difficulties on the path of achievement. Everything is in your hands, the Yellow Pig does not like the lazy, but will pleasantly reward those who work hard. In the other half of the year, Gemini will be lucky in the lottery; do not miss the chance to become the winner of the main prize. But not all Geminis, unfortunately, know how to save cash; many of them are spenders.

The career and finance horoscope for 2019 advises giving the collected funds to your loved ones for safekeeping. Look at life more realistically, because no matter how you look at it, money will always come in handy, especially if you are a family man. There may be slight difficulties in work, as Geminis get bored with the same work. Use the contacts of old friends and together you can create the business you dreamed of. Try yourself in a new field of activity, prove yourself as a boss and success and general recognition from your colleagues will await you. Since the financial horoscope for 2019 promises Gemini men to come to their senses, because they are inventive and can prove themselves in different areas of activity at the same time. They will make you an excellent leader and organizer in terms of business.

General forecast for twins for 2019

Most Geminis achieve tremendous success in work and in the family, but only if they work hard. Your financial situation will change for the better, success will follow on your heels. The Pig will tell you where it is best to show your abilities and knowledge. Moreover, competitors will be defeated. When it comes to love, Geminis need to take their opinions into account. loved one, support a person dear to you, otherwise a cold attitude cannot be avoided. Representatives of this sign who have not yet found their love in the new year can meet their ideal for a serious relationship. Many Geminis are waiting for marriage and happy life with a partner.

Gemini woman horoscope

A female born under the sign of Gemini will be strict both at work and in personal relationships. But there is not the slightest reason for this. You just have to change your behavior and change your attitude towards others and everything will work out. Remove the crown from your head and you can easily communicate with people. But even under such circumstances, men will like you and, despite your behavior, will be fascinated by you.

Most of the women born under the sign of Gemini in 2019 will want to change their usual workplace, radically change your life. So, according to the horoscope, a promising job with an excellent salary awaits. In addition, you will have more time that you can devote to your family and loved ones. In the summer, stars recommend playing sports, so choose the best and most suitable sport for you. For those who have little time for exercise, they can go to the pool, which will also have a beneficial effect on their health. In the new year, you may have health problems associated with colds. By playing sports, you will reduce the likelihood of illness, and if you are in a painful state, you will be able to cope with the illness more easily. At the end of the year, you should devote more time to yourself, try not to overload yourself with work, because such an attitude will soon make itself felt. Depression and stress may occur.

Gemini man horoscope

In the new year 2019, men need to be more careful and strive to avoid frivolous actions. So, you can avoid conflict situations at work and family. often cut from the shoulder, due to their ardor they can lose their jobs, so the Pig advises you to calm down the saw and concentrate on the most important thing in life, namely family and children. As the head of the family, you must deal with financial matters and learn to save money. An accurate horoscope for 2019 promises a large number of fate surprises for Gemini men, since they have all the trump cards in their hands. It's up to you how you use them.

During the summer season you can relax and finally relax. However, in the fall your health will deteriorate slightly. Geminis who are not yet married will be able to compete for their chosen one and beat all rivals. Men, nature has endowed you with all the qualities so that you can be a caring father, good husband and an excellent employee. Therefore, if minor difficulties arise, do not despair, because these are temporary troubles that you can easily cope with.

In general, 2018 will be a dual period for the Gemini zodiac sign. On the one hand, your ruling planet Mercury will take a dominant position among other celestial objects. This means that in most situations you will have enough strength and resources to resolve any difficulties on your own. In addition, this year there is likely to be a frankly fortunate combination of circumstances in your favor, although you should not bet on this, because the exact moment when such trends will arise is impossible to predict. But there is another side to the current situation. The Yellow Dog, representing the element of Earth, is the direct antagonist of your sign, which belongs to the element of Air. And this aspect can have a number of consequences. Firstly, difficulties definitely await you; you will have to pay increased attention to health and financial issues. However, on the other hand, these difficulties are unlikely to be fundamental; they are capable of shaking the positions only of those Geminis who themselves do not know what they want and in fact strive for self-destruction rather than self-improvement. For others, all this is unlikely to become a significant problem, especially since such situations will only benefit you, because the vector initially inherent in them will be aimed at strengthening your spirit.

Among other things, in 2018 many Geminis will experience a change social status. This may be related to achievements at work, or to other aspects of your life. For example, you worked as a journalist, but were fond of powerlifting and unexpectedly took first place in a regional competition in your category. You will receive several interesting offers that you don’t necessarily have to accept, but you definitely need to stop and think about them. Here you need to be especially careful; there is no point, as they say, in exchange for soap. Therefore, try to evaluate all aspects, in any case, there is a chance that this will benefit you, because the patron of the financial sector, Mercury, is entirely on your side. In addition, you should listen to the advice of the Moon, who is also not averse to helping you life path. The younger sister of the Sun advises Gemini in 2018 not to be afraid of change. Even if the metamorphoses seem dramatic, in reality they may not be so large-scale, because, as you know, fear has big eyes. While maintaining a harmonious mood, at a certain moment you will still have to leave your home, but not for the sake of some lofty goals, but for your own development.

In 2018, Gemini women will be more active than Gemini men, this will be due to aspects of the circumstances rather than yours your own desires or aspirations. On the other hand, the Yellow Dog, having given you some tests, will be obliged to give something in return. And this something will most likely turn out to be financial surprises. There is no need to count on them in advance, because the time of their occurrence is difficult to predict (most likely in the summer). However, you should not be surprised if the situation suddenly changes in your favor at the most (for once!) opportune moment. At this stage of life, you, like most zodiac signs, really have nowhere to rush. Therefore, think carefully about where to spend additional financial assets that you did not count on. At the same time, do not focus special attention on this side of your life, try to see friends more often, but it is not at all necessary to leave your home every time. Romantic moments can await you in your favorite den.

The stars promise a year of optimism, freedom, and knowledge of the world. Openness to new things plus a bit of recklessness will begin to push representatives of this zodiac sign to unexpected actions. Sometimes they will even need to pacify themselves, and also remember the word “responsibility”. A detailed horoscope for 2018 will give Gemini a complete picture of what to expect in the Year of the Dog.

In the cycle of new acquaintances, they will have to look at their familiar surroundings differently. Such analysis will not always be pleasant. They will be able to reveal with particular insight the true motives of people, which means that separation or breaking off old friendly ties will inevitably occur. However, there is a positive grain: there will be an opportunity to consider those whom Gemini often did not notice next to them. Accordingly, some of them will be lucky enough to find a loved one or a close friend.

  • January will pass easily, naturally, carefree. Representatives of the air element will move along the path of least resistance, without burdening themselves with solving minor problems.
  • February will bring popularity, Gemini will be the life of the party wherever they appear. Accordingly, they will make a lot of useful contacts, and maybe come up with a couple of ideas for additional income.
  • March will allow you to quickly increase your income thanks to the ability to profitably manipulate money.
  • April is the time to reconsider your guidelines. Representatives of this sign will not be satisfied with financial income. Those who are subordinate will want promotions or leave altogether to start their own business.
  • May is a month of relaxation. A wave of laziness and indifference will come. If in April Gemini has not decided where he intends to move next, then in May there is a risk that losing the course of development will be detrimental to health. He may become addicted to alcohol, drugs or other types of addiction.
  • June will provide an opportunity to cheer up. Gemini may be entrusted with responsible work, which he can handle. Apathy will remain a thing of the past, optimism and cheerfulness will prevail.
  • July can present a fateful meeting that will make the representative of the sign in love and happy. He will lose his head because of the desire to be with his loved one. Some actions will seem rash, decisions will seem hasty.
  • August is the time of love, dating, charm.
  • September is the time to pay attention to your health.
  • October will ensure the expansion of horizons both territorially and mentally. Short term trips are possible. And also a representative of a curious sign will show interest in alternative medicine.
  • November will be dedicated to loved ones, family, children.
  • December will make you realize that it is time to stop searching. Everything I was looking for is already nearby: security, prosperity and a person who warms my soul.

Horoscope for 2018 for Gemini woman


A playful lady will easily seduce men. Sometimes just to stroke your ego. Don't get too carried away with these types of games. Broken hearts and hurt heartache may boomerang back by December. It’s bitter to realize that a promising year for love has been missed, and the woman is still lonely.

In the fall, ladies will be keen on finding wealthy suitors. And if you are ready to play the role of a mistress, then the goal will become achievable. Those who are more focused on feelings will be able to consider a friend of their heart in an already familiar person.

In the love horoscope for 2018 for Gemini, the stars promise that long-term relationships will change status and become registered. And already created families can boast of news about pregnancy or the imminent birth of a child.


You need to focus on solving important issues in the spring. The year will bring profit in everything related to additional sources of income. A permanent job will not provide the desired income. If there are plans to consider vacancies, then you need to do this in April.

You should be careful with dubious offers: in pursuit of quick money, you can get involved in financial fraud. Such troubles will lead to the loss of company funds, personal savings, and the trust of management. Best Tactics for 2018, how to handle finances - saving, investing, increasing.

It may happen that a Gemini woman will improve her financial situation thanks to a successful marriage. At least, many of them will begin to strive for this in the summer.

Women's health horoscope

In the fall, a woman may become interested in oriental medicine, which will entail a change in eating habits. This will only benefit the body. Also recommended physical exercise in the morning, especially running or walking long distances. Regular fitness classes will strengthen your overall muscle tone.

For those women who are critical of their appearance and want to change it slightly, the stars advise not to make plastic corrections. The horoscope for 2018 warns Gemini about the dangers of any operations. Should be postponed surgical intervention or abandon this idea altogether.

You need to monitor the condition of your bones and eat foods rich in calcium. Then there is definitely no danger of injury due to negligence.

Horoscope for Gemini man


From the beginning of the year he will lead a carefree life. The representative of the air sign is confident in his irresistibility and that the choice is always his. He knows how to choose the right tactics of behavior with different girls: be a sweet polymath or an assertive invader. The first half of the year promises an intense sex life.

By the beginning of summer, a man will be overtaken by true love. If the feeling is not mutual, it will be an unexpected blow for the seducer. Whether it will be possible to create a trusting and lasting relationship depends only on his sincerity.

For family people, summer will also be bright and memorable. A married couple can please their relatives with the news of a new addition to the family. A couple who has tested their marriage over time will want to have a wedding ceremony.


In the spring, men will start looking for additional income. 2018 favors those who work in trade, resell, offer services, and organize holidays. Thanks to their mobility and sociability, already in the summer they will be able to boast of rapid career growth.

Autumn promises a lot of spending, there is a danger of getting into debt. Also, business trips are coming from the end of September. A man can act as a sales representative of a company, go on frequent business trips, and communicate with clients.

By the end of the year, the level of income will reach the desired level. The man will spend the December days resting, relaxing, and spending the money he earns.

Men's health horoscope

From the beginning of the year, men need to remember the consequences of a frivolous attitude towards health. Possible food poisoning and liver disease. If pain occurs, a thorough examination is necessary.

In addition, the skeletal system and pancreas are at risk for 2018. You should also closely monitor your blood sugar levels.

A mature Gemini man should avoid nervous tension, as this can lead to a heart attack. Careful health care, attention to diet, physical activity will help avoid unpleasant consequences.

Fans of astrological forecasts who are interested in what awaits the sign of Gemini in 2018 will be pleased with the plans of the Yellow Earth Dog. In general, the dog will bring stability, career growth, home comfort, profitable acquaintances, the opportunity for self-realization, will throw up a couple of large tempting projects.

Most accurate horoscope for twins in 2018 provides for complete financial independence. However, it will not be possible to relax and rest on your laurels, as in the year of the Rooster - the Dog will not allow even its favorites to sit back and fool around.

Already in winter, impatient and ambivalent natures can begin to make plans and budget in order to avoid wasteful spending, which is typical for representatives of the most carefree zodiac sign. Moreover, it will be too late to plan in the spring.

The time of love will take the twins by surprise - there will be so many contenders for their hand and heart that they will have to fight off romantic proposals with their hands and feet. Astrologers recommend not to miss your chance and finally choose a worthy couple. Although love passions will haunt you all year, closer to summer the twins will still have to find time and energy to communicate with partners, personally double-check accounts and finances in order to avoid risks and deception.

Earth Dog loves hard workers Agriculture. For everyone who selflessly devotes himself to the garden beds at the dacha, the dog guarantees not only a high harvest and full bins, but also a tight wallet that will help you have a good rest at the end of summer. The astrohoroscope recommends choosing this time of year for a vacation.

FAVORABLE COLORS: bright yellow, orange, blue-gray, silver, purple.

LUCKY NUMBERS: 3, 5, 7 (and all numbers that add up to 7, such as 7, 16, 25, 34, 52, 115, 250), 12, 18.

LUCKY DAYS FOR GEMINI: Wednesday, Sunday.


The Earth Dog guarantees a stable income and career growth, but only to those twins who boldly build a career, “burn at work,” and do not just sit and wait from call to call. Finally, you will have a chance to take a highly paid position, and at the same time show your abilities and organization to the company’s management.

At the same time, for everyone who does not like their workplace, the Yellow Dog promises to find a more worthy and profitable business. Gemini can easily win elections and take a parliamentary seat.

Honor and high status in society are guaranteed to skillful negotiators from among the Geminis - most of the representatives of the sign can boast of this quality. Of course, if they manage not to let the chance slip out of their hands and do not give the initiative to competitors.

Talented twins need to set very realistic goals for themselves, then their passion for their work will certainly be crowned with universal recognition and glory. This is especially true for writers, directors, artists, and composers. By the fall, the most diligent of them will be able to boast of the results of their hard work.

Love adventures

Lonely twins will feel attention from the opposite sex from the very beginning of the year. This is not at all difficult for people who always have the latest items from fashionable world collections in their closet. Restless adventurers will enjoy their popularity and enjoy life until they lose strength from sleepless nights.

Therefore, the stars warn in advance: be selective in your connections, do not try to keep all your fans at the same time. Otherwise, there will be no time left not only for sleep, but also for work.

Wait your turn at the registry office and enjoy the measured family life In the new year 2018, both women and men of this sign will succeed. Besides, civil marriage also promises to show many delights from the home idyll. However, do not rush to accept the first marriage proposal, there will be so many fans that you need to approach the choice thoroughly.

  • Geminis have the best compatibility in love and marriage with Air signs: Libra, Aquarius and Gemini.
  • Good compatibility with Aries and Leo. There is a harmonious love compatibility, the marriage can be very successful.
  • Union with Pisces may be useful for your career.
  • Union with Virgo- for emotional support.
  • Relationship with Cancer may provide financial benefits.
  • Union with Capricorn can become harmonious if partners make compromises.
  • Sagittarius could become one of best selections, if partners avoid boredom in relationships and contribute to daily life diversity.
  • Compatibility with Scorpio quite difficult. Here, common interests, hobbies, and hobbies will help strengthen love and marriage.
  • Partnership with Taurus will be fruitful for spiritual development.

Health and sports

Astrology suggests that the yellow Dog will give excellent health and mood. Good health in 2018 will be the key successful career, high earnings and victories on the personal front.

However, one should not rely only on prediction. Fate primarily protects those who do not forget to take care of themselves and devote a lot of time to routine examinations and sports.

Healthy eating and no alcohol are the main motto of the Yellow Dog. These requirements will have to be met throughout the year in order to prevent the moment when the disease comes knocking.

The Mistress of the Year is always active and fast - she expects the same from her charges. It is enough to devote time to jogging, Nordic walking sticks, morning exercises. Older people need to take walks in the park or forest every day. Young twins can take up swimming and strengthen their bodies.

Also, don't forget to keep track of your emotional sphere. Do not give in to provocations or quarrels, take care of your family and their nervous system. Particular attention should be paid to little twins - children will be susceptible to colds even in the warm season. To prevent this, take preventive measures (buy a subscription to the salt cave, harden yourself, do inhalations).

Financial success

Not only love, career and health will be at their best for this sign. The Year of the Yellow Dog 2018 will be a good starting point in business for hardworking twins. Major projects will be planned from the end of March. Moreover, Geminis can safely grab onto any one - the mistress of the year will allow them to realize them to the end and succeed in the financial sphere.

The most active ones will instantly forget about loans, promissory notes, and mortgages if they join the work process in the spring. Realists by nature, they will quickly find additional income and will even be able to provide financial assistance to loved ones, friends, and partners.

By the end of summer, the twins will have another surprise from the dog - they will be able to reveal the secret economical holiday abroad, find discounted trips to your favorite resorts and finally take your family on vacation to the coast or to the mountains.

It is better not to count on a chance to win the lottery. However, in the fall there will be an opportunity to receive an inheritance or a generous gift from relatives. Only the stars offer to manage their funds wisely, and not in the way that some Gemini spenders are used to doing. To avoid rash actions and investments, try not to take risks or sacrifice your last money.

Family and Children

Predict astrological forecast for family people it’s even easier - the Earth Dog promises them a life full of romance, especially in early spring and in autumn. The high intellectual level of twins sometimes prevents them from plunging into passions “to the fullest.” Their ability to be “sad” at the most inopportune moment can alienate their significant other and force them to seek warmth elsewhere.

The astrological horoscope warns of a dual period even for strong married couples. On the one hand, unfaithful representatives of the sign will have enough strength and energy not only for a permanent partner, but also for an outside relationship; on the other hand, flirting with strangers can bring them a lot of trouble. At the same time, the revelations will certainly be loud and scandalous.

In the New Year 2018, storks will fly to the twins in a timely manner, the main thing is to lure them correctly. Children will bring a lot of joyful trouble to their parents and practically sit on their necks, which the twins will be only too happy about - they love and know how to pamper their children.

Try not to bribe kids and teenagers with gifts - they really need communication and understanding from adults.

By the end of the year, adult children will delight their parents with their sports and academic successes.

If we summarize the full potential of the twins in 2018, we can safely say that they will have a good time. Especially for those representatives of the sign who are ready to completely get rid of bad habits, do what you love, build your life, slowly thinking about every step.