Ivan Vyrypaev to read an open letter. The moment when a theater director understands the tactics of political struggle better than political scientists

I, playwright and director Ivan Vyrypaev, in connection with the arrest of my friend and colleague director Kirill Serebrennikov, would like to address the figures of Russian culture.

Colleagues, friends! Let's be honest with ourselves that the arrest of Kirill Serebrennikov will again go unpunished for the authorities that govern Russia today. I see how most of you wrote your letters of support, came to the rally, gave interviews and even turned to the president. And this, forgive me, becomes a tragicomic phenomenon. After all, in the meantime, most of you continue to make your films, put on plays and receive subsidies from the Ministry of Culture. One way or another, cooperating with this government and thinking that with our creativity and our civic position we can change something in this country, or make our own contribution to these changes, we are simply once again deceiving ourselves and our country. And this, sorry, really looks very infantile.

To begin with, it would be good to honestly define what and who this power is. In 1917, an armed coup took place in Russia and power passed to the illegally created government of the "Bolsheviks". The power of this group of people staged a bloody terror against its citizens. Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin are certainly criminals and deserve only one thing - universal condemnation. From 1917 to the present day, power in Russia has not changed. Today's government openly inherits the power of the terrorist organization "Bolsheviks". There are monuments to Lenin in almost every city, his body lies on Red Square, not to mention the fact that even today busts and monuments to Stalin are erected. Also, the authorities openly use the paraphernalia of the terrorist organization "Bolsheviks": banners, symbols, street names after the leaders of the red terror, the music of the communist anthem (in other words), etc.

In 1991, after the collapse of the USSR, a nationwide referendum was not held in Russia on the question of what and who Russia is now. And what does this modern Russia have to do with the illegal power of the “Bolsheviks”. Formally, we began to be called Russian Federation, but our state ideals still inherit the ideals of the power of the "Bolsheviks." There was absolutely no renunciation of the crimes of Lenin and Stalin, there was absolutely no general repentance. Lenin is still not buried, and the hammer and sickle political symbol, which in most civilized countries is equated with the fascist swastika, is still openly present in public space both as paraphernalia, and as souvenirs, and as a memory that is openly revered in our country. It is enough to walk along the Old Arbat and see how everything is literally full of red stars, Budenovka, Lenins and Stalins. Imagine that in the center of Berlin, fascist symbols would be sold in such quantities.

But the main problem is that in the minds of Russians and many cultural figures, "Bolshevism" is not equal to fascism. And this, perhaps, is the main problem of Russia both in the internal construction of its society and in communication with other countries, especially European countries. But you need to understand that this disidentification modern Russia with its "Bolshevik" ideology is also not happening because today's government is the heir to that illegal criminal government, which still retains control over society from the time October revolution. And it is interesting that the main argument of Vladimir Putin, justifying the seizure of the territory of Crimea and, in general, Russia's participation in the conflict in Ukraine, is the argument that a coup d'etat took place in Ukraine and an illegal political group is in power, but this is exactly what can be said about Russia, where today's government is the direct heir to the terrorist group "Bolsheviks" that illegally came to power. In any case, the official rejection of the activities of the communist regime and its attributes, the recognition of the rule of this regime as illegal, its recognition as criminal and the prohibition of its attributes and symbols did not happen. It is from here that conflicts with the Baltic countries, Poland and other countries of the former "socialist camp" originate. And that is why there was such a rejection of modern Russia and the Russian language by a number of countries (Ukraine, the Baltic countries, etc.), since the Russian language is directly associated with the authorities that occupied not only Russia, but also after World War II a number of Eastern European countries. Of course, such an attitude towards the Russian language should have been changed, as post-war Germany did in its time, spending huge amounts of money and effort on separating “everything German” from “everything fascist”, but the fact of the matter is that such work was not carried out, and precisely because the current government is still the heir to Stalin’s power, a power that openly colluded with the Nazi government, supported the actions of the Nazis in relation to other countries and even itself participated in hostilities by attacking, for example, in 1939 on the territory Poland, and it turns out that this power is still, in fact, the ruling power. And if in the late 90s and early 2000s this position of power was somehow hidden and hushed up, today, this position is again very openly manifested.

I am a citizen of Russia, and I consider Russia my motherland, my home. A house that armed people broke into many years ago and began to rob, kill, rape, destroy churches, destroy people's faith in their original spiritual freedom, and now, these criminals, in fact, are still in power. I don't like to offend people, and I don't want to offend anyone on purpose. Including people in power, because, most likely, they, as they say, "do not know what they are doing." But, observing the open position of Russia on many important world political issues, I still cannot look indifferently at what a general catastrophe this is leading us to. And this is precisely because this position of Russia directly inherits the political position of the communist regime, formally denying many facts, for example, “Stalinism”, but at the same time continuing to consider the communist regime as another milestone in the development of the Russian state, and not its “black times” and tragic mistake. And without admitting your mistake, you cannot correct it, or rather, there is simply no such need to correct it.

And now, another, in fact, already, unfortunately, “usual” case with another arrest of people. And we, cultural figures, are writing these letters of ours again, trying to explain to the authorities that they are wrong, trying to achieve justice and respect. But to whom do we turn and what do we ask? After all, this is the same thing as asking Stalin to forgive Meirhold, but actually why did Stalin have to forgive someone? Stalin and his regime acted consistently and, as they say in modern language: "in their own format." And, excuse me, it’s humiliating for me to watch the wonderful director Alexei Uchitel, who fights for his film with the deputies and priests who attacked him, but at the same time deliberately does not express any claims either to the authorities or personally to the president, as if the deputy or the metropolitan are main reason what's going on with his film. Do you really think so, Alexei Efimovich? After all, with this power it is quite normal what happens to your film. I am writing this, of course, out of respect for you and out of pain, seeing how you and other respected colleagues are still once again seeking subsidies from the Ministry of Culture for your next film, which, perhaps, will not be banned, because now you will be more careful, and you will choose a topic simpler and more harmless. Don't you understand that the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, headed by the current minister, are the heirs of the same communist regime, only now they are more benevolent and not so cruel, because you were given a rental certificate, and you were not shot. And Kirill Serebrennikov was not shot as Meirhold, but only publicly insulted and sent under arrest. So times are better now, right?

The problem is that as long as we all fight against deputies, angry priests and injustice "on the ground", not only will nothing change from this, but, on the contrary, it gives this government some confidence that everything depends on it.

Therefore, the only way to liberate our long-suffering people from the yoke of the ruling power is to change this power and change the main value paradigm underlying the life of this country.

Which way? I personally do not believe in the path of violence. It won't lead to anything good. Therefore, our only weapon is the formation of public opinion. Raising the younger generation on other values. And the first thing we, the cultural figures, the intelligentsia, the progressive people of Russia, can do is to stop supporting this government. There is no need to receive all these state awards and publicly shake hands with Vladimir Putin in front of the cameras. Well, don’t you, my dear and esteemed colleagues, outstanding people, really understand that your game of the noble “Schindler” and your double life, in fact, they brought Kirill Serebrennikov to jail.

I know very influential people from different fields (big business, art and science) who confessed to me in their position “to do everything in their power, but not to give themselves away in order to continue doing something until this power is replaced ”, but I, sorry, stopped believing in the expediency of this method. Do you really not understand that by helping, for example, sick children or by investing your money in private education, valuable support for Putin, you are doing a disservice to our entire future generation, who are forced to grow up and go to schools in Russia under this regime. A regime that today completely controls the education system, turning it from science into "propaganda". The same can be said about the figures of science and sports. Do you really hope that soon everything will somehow change by itself, and now you need to do your job and keep quiet? What is our business? In scientific discoveries? Plays and films? Or is our main business the education of a “free and open person for life”?

In 2018, we are waiting for the presidential elections. And most likely, Vladimir Putin will win them again, but we have a year to try to lower his rating as much as possible, and most importantly, his authority and the authority of this entire ruling ideology. Many of us communicate with people of big business and we know what dissatisfaction with the authorities actually exists in these circles, of course, among those who are not in the closest circle of the president. But fearing to lose their big money, the business hides and is silent, hoping to survive this time and, just in case, withdrawing its finances abroad.

After all, in fact, you are well aware of what this power rests on and how it works. Vladimir Putin is the guarantor of some kind of stability and order for his inner circle, who can earn their capital under the existing order. But as soon as the incumbent president loses his control over the masses, even his close friends will immediately become unnecessary, because looking at their faces it becomes clear what values ​​these people have - only pragmatic ones. It is possible to change power in Russia in a non-violent way and without even going to rallies. You just need to stop directing your personal energy to maintain this power. Do not shake hands with them on TV cameras, do not appear at general events, do not mention the name of the current president in the press, just like the president himself, on the advice of his PR service, under no circumstances does he say the name "Navalny", and of course, in no case participate in his election campaign. I know that this is not easy for many of you to do, but I am sure that it is still possible. During this year, you, while still having an undeniable influence on a large number of people, and sometimes being authorities for millions, you can significantly reduce the position of Putin and his power in the eyes of our citizens, especially among young people. And if Vladimir Putin wins the election with less than the number of votes he hopes for, then his position in the eyes of those behind him will be greatly reduced. And from that moment on, the slow fading of the power of this power will begin.

At the same time, you do not need to take risks and openly declare your position, as I am doing now. Power is very cruel and capable of anything. However, you just need to stop supporting this power as much as possible. Do not "PR" this government. Do not praise her, do not associate your cause with the affairs of this power, ignore her with all possible forces, do not help her in anything, and we will see that this will have an effect. Because it's all about the energy, where it is directed - there it is. Therefore, do not direct it to maintain the life force of this power and this force will weaken. On the other hand, let's direct all our energy and authority to debunk this whole "Bolshevik ideology", let's talk everywhere and as often as possible about what crimes against humanity were committed by Lenin and Stalin, as well as their entire communist party. Let's talk more and more often about the fact that the monuments to Lenin left throughout Russia are monuments to the killer. But at the same time, it is important not to offend the memory of people who gave their lives in the service of the Motherland and the people. However, the popular idea that Stalin won World War II must be refuted. The Russian people, just like the peoples of Europe, fell victim to the inhuman machine of Hitlerism and Stalinism. Stalin did not win the war, he paved the way for victory with the bodies of millions of people, our fathers and grandfathers, who really accomplished a heroic deed, but, however, we must not forget that many of them went on the attack at the muzzle of Russian machine guns. And this is also worth talking about, as far as possible. Second World War this is a huge human tragedy, which the current government shamelessly uses as a stuffing on the hook, on which the Russian people are caught. And it is painful to watch how on May 9, instead of silence and sorrow, death cars drive around Red Square, and the leaders of the ruling power stand next to the corpse of the unburied Lenin and raise their political rating in the eyes of citizens, calling it patriotism.

Summing up what has been said, I would like to once again draw our attention to the fact that it is precisely because of our inattention, fear, irresponsibility, laziness and selfishness that we have the power that we have. And the main thing that we must do today is to believe in our strength, and believe me, it is very huge. Violence, revolutions, coup d'état - none of this will bring us happiness and will not make this world a better place, but refusing to support violence is guaranteed to bring a positive result and an example of this is India and the path of the great Gandhi.

I am far from politics and have never been involved in it, but today I feel that the time has come and there really is a chance to change something, because this cannot be continued. Therefore, this year, I would like to devote my attention and my energy to this, to which I also urge my colleagues. Personally, I don’t have a large audience at all, but I can say with confidence that my viewers are people who are not indifferent to their lives and the life of our entire planet. And most importantly, my audience is very active and not indifferent. And I will try to emulate them. And if we all unite together and stop supporting violence, then we can do something for the future of our country and the world in general. Let's start with these presidential elections and see what happens. Let's do our job without aggression, without anger, without a desire for revenge, but simply because we were born to make life on this planet a little better. And freedom to Kirill Serebrennikov, of course!

I, playwright and director Ivan Vyrypaev, in connection with the arrest of my friend and colleague director Kirill Serebrennikov, would like to address the figures of Russian culture.

Colleagues, friends! Let's be honest with ourselves that the arrest of Kirill Serebrennikov will again go unpunished for the authorities that govern Russia today. I see how most of you wrote your letters of support, came to the rally, gave interviews and even turned to the president. And this, forgive me, becomes a tragicomic phenomenon. After all, in the meantime, most of you continue to make your films, put on plays and receive subsidies from the Ministry of Culture. One way or another, cooperating with this government and thinking that with our creativity and our civic position we can change something in this country, or make our own contribution to these changes, we are simply once again deceiving ourselves and our country. And this, sorry, really looks very infantile.

To begin with, it would be good to honestly define what and who this power is. In 1917, an armed coup took place in Russia and power passed to the illegally created government of the "Bolsheviks". The power of this group of people staged a bloody terror against its citizens. Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin are certainly criminals and deserve only one thing - universal condemnation. From 1917 to the present day, power in Russia has not changed. Today's government openly inherits the power of the terrorist organization "Bolsheviks". There are monuments to Lenin in almost every city, his body lies on Red Square, not to mention the fact that even today busts and monuments to Stalin are erected. Also, the authorities openly use the paraphernalia of the terrorist organization "Bolsheviks": banners, symbols, street names after the leaders of the red terror, the music of the communist anthem (in other words), etc.

In 1991, after the collapse of the USSR, a nationwide referendum was not held in Russia on the question of what and who Russia is now. And what does this modern Russia have to do with the illegal power of the “Bolsheviks”. Formally, we began to be called the Russian Federation, but our state ideals still inherit the ideals of the power of the “Bolsheviks.” There was absolutely no renunciation of the crimes of Lenin and Stalin, there was absolutely no general repentance. Lenin is still not buried, and the hammer and sickle political symbol, which in most civilized countries is equated with the fascist swastika, is still openly present in public space both as paraphernalia, and as souvenirs, and as a memory that is openly revered in our country. It is enough to walk along the Old Arbat and see how everything is literally full of red stars, Budenovka, Lenins and Stalins. Imagine that in the center of Berlin, fascist symbols would be sold in such quantities.

But the main problem is that in the minds of Russians and many cultural figures, "Bolshevism" is not equal to fascism. And this, perhaps, is the main problem of Russia both in the internal construction of its society and in communication with other countries, especially European countries. But you need to understand that this disidentification of modern Russia with its “Bolshevik” ideology does not occur also because today’s government is the heir to that illegal criminal government that still retains control over society since the October Revolution. And it is interesting that the main argument of Vladimir Putin, justifying the seizure of the territory of Crimea and, in general, Russia's participation in the conflict in Ukraine, is the argument that a coup d'etat took place in Ukraine and an illegal political group is in power, but this is exactly what can be said about Russia, where today's government is the direct heir to the terrorist group "Bolsheviks" that illegally came to power. In any case, the official rejection of the activities of the communist regime and its attributes, the recognition of the rule of this regime as illegal, its recognition as criminal and the prohibition of its attributes and symbols did not happen. It is from here that conflicts with the Baltic countries, Poland and other countries of the former "socialist camp" originate. And that is why there was such a rejection of modern Russia and the Russian language by a number of countries (Ukraine, the Baltic countries, etc.), since the Russian language is directly associated with the authorities that occupied not only Russia, but also after World War II a number of Eastern European countries. Of course, such an attitude towards the Russian language should have been changed, as post-war Germany did in its time, spending huge amounts of money and effort on separating “everything German” from “everything fascist”, but the fact of the matter is that such work was not carried out, and precisely because the current government is still the heir to Stalin’s power, a power that openly colluded with the Nazi government, supported the actions of the Nazis in relation to other countries and even itself participated in hostilities by attacking, for example, in 1939 on the territory Poland, and it turns out that this power is still, in fact, the ruling power. And if in the late 90s and early 2000s this position of power was somehow hidden and hushed up, today, this position is again very openly manifested.

I am a citizen of Russia, and I consider Russia my motherland, my home. A house that armed people broke into many years ago and began to rob, kill, rape, destroy churches, destroy people's faith in their original spiritual freedom, and now, these criminals, in fact, are still in power. I don't like to offend people, and I don't want to offend anyone on purpose. Including people in power, because, most likely, they, as they say, "do not know what they are doing." But, observing the open position of Russia on many important world political issues, I still cannot look indifferently at what a general catastrophe this is leading us to. And this is precisely because this position of Russia directly inherits the political position of the communist regime, denying many facts formally, for example, “Stalinism”, but at the same time continuing to consider the communist regime as another milestone in the development of the Russian state, and not its “black times” and tragic mistake. And without admitting your mistake, you cannot correct it, or rather, there is simply no such need to correct it.

And now, another, in fact, already, unfortunately, “usual” case with another arrest of people. And we - cultural figures - are writing these letters of ours again, trying to explain to the authorities that they are wrong, trying to achieve justice and respect. But to whom do we turn and what do we ask? After all, this is the same thing as asking Stalin to forgive Meirhold, but actually why did Stalin have to forgive someone? Stalin and his regime acted consistently and, as they say in modern language: "in their own format." And, excuse me, it is humiliating for me to watch the wonderful director Alexei Uchitel, who is fighting for his film with the deputies and priests who attacked him, but at the same time deliberately does not express any claims either to the authorities or personally to the president, as if the deputy or the metropolitan are the main reason for this what's going on with his film. Do you really think so, Alexei Efimovich? After all, with this power it is quite normal what happens to your film. I am writing this, of course, out of respect for you and out of pain, seeing how you and other respected colleagues are still once again seeking subsidies from the Ministry of Culture for your next film, which, perhaps, will not be banned, because now you will be more careful, and you will choose a topic simpler and more harmless. Don't you understand that the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, headed by the current minister, are the heirs of the same communist regime, only now they are more benevolent and not so cruel, because you were given a rental certificate, and you were not shot. And Kirill Serebrennikov was not shot as Meirhold, but only publicly insulted and sent under arrest. So times are better now, right?

The problem is that as long as we all fight against deputies, angry priests and injustice "on the ground", not only will nothing change from this, but, on the contrary, it gives this government some confidence that everything depends on it.

Therefore, the only way to liberate our long-suffering people from the yoke of the ruling power is to change this power and change the main value paradigm underlying the life of this country.

Which way? I personally do not believe in the path of violence. It won't lead to anything good. Therefore, our only weapon is the formation of public opinion. Raising the younger generation on other values. And the first thing we, the cultural figures, the intelligentsia, the progressive people of Russia, can do is to stop supporting this government. There is no need to receive all these state awards and publicly shake hands with Vladimir Putin in front of the cameras. Well, don’t you, my dear and esteemed colleagues, outstanding people, really understand that your game of the noble Schindler and your double life, in fact, brought Kirill Serebrennikov to jail.

I know very influential people from different fields (big business, art and science) who confessed to me in their position “to do everything in their power, but not to give themselves away in order to continue doing something until this power is replaced ”, but I, sorry, stopped believing in the expediency of this method. Do you really not understand that by helping, for example, sick children or by investing your money in private education, valuable support for Putin, you are doing a disservice to our entire future generation, who are forced to grow up and go to schools in Russia under this regime. A regime that today completely controls the education system, turning it from science into "propaganda". The same can be said about the figures of science and sports. Do you really hope that soon everything will somehow change by itself, and now you need to do your job and keep quiet? What is our business? In scientific discoveries? Plays and films? Or is our main business the education of a “free and open person for life”?

In 2018, we are waiting for the presidential elections. And most likely, Vladimir Putin will win them again, but we have a year to try to lower his rating as much as possible, and most importantly, his authority and the authority of this entire ruling ideology. Many of us communicate with people of big business and we know what dissatisfaction with the authorities actually exists in these circles, of course, among those who are not in the closest circle of the president. But fearing to lose their big money, the business hides and is silent, hoping to survive this time and, just in case, withdrawing its finances abroad.

After all, in fact, you are well aware of what this power rests on and how it works. Vladimir Putin is the guarantor of some kind of stability and order for his inner circle, who can earn their capital under the existing order. But as soon as the incumbent president loses his control over the masses, even his close friends will immediately become unnecessary, because looking at their faces it becomes clear what values ​​these people have - only pragmatic ones. It is possible to change power in Russia in a non-violent way and without even going to rallies. You just need to stop directing your personal energy to maintain this power. Do not shake hands with them on TV cameras, do not appear at general events, do not mention the name of the current president in the press, just like the president himself, on the advice of his PR service, under no circumstances does he say the name "Navalny", and of course, in no case participate in his election campaign. I know that this is not easy for many of you to do, but I am sure that it is still possible. During this year, you, while still having an undeniable influence on a large number of people, and sometimes being authorities for millions, you can significantly reduce the position of Putin and his power in the eyes of our citizens, especially among young people. And if Vladimir Putin wins the election with less than the number of votes he hopes for, then his position in the eyes of those behind him will be greatly reduced. And from that moment on, the slow fading of the power of this power will begin.

At the same time, you do not need to take risks and openly declare your position, as I am doing now. Power is very cruel and capable of anything. However, you just need to stop supporting this power as much as possible. Do not "PR" this government. Do not praise her, do not associate your cause with the affairs of this power, ignore her with all possible forces, do not help her in anything, and we will see that this will have an effect. Because it's all about the energy, where it is directed - there it is. Therefore, do not direct it to maintain the life force of this power and this force will weaken. On the other hand, let's direct all our energy and authority to debunk this whole "Bolshevik ideology", let's talk everywhere and as often as possible about what crimes against humanity were committed by Lenin and Stalin, as well as their entire communist party. Let's talk more and more often about the fact that the monuments to Lenin left throughout Russia are monuments to the killer. But at the same time, it is important not to offend the memory of people who gave their lives in the service of the Motherland and the people. However, the popular idea that Stalin won World War II must be refuted. The Russian people, just like the peoples of Europe, fell victim to the inhuman machine of Hitlerism and Stalinism. Stalin did not win the war, he paved the way for victory with the bodies of millions of people, our fathers and grandfathers, who really accomplished a heroic deed, but, however, we must not forget that many of them went on the attack at the muzzle of Russian machine guns. And this is also worth talking about, as far as possible. The Second World War is a huge human tragedy, which the current government shamelessly uses as a stuffing on the hook that caught the Russian people. And it is painful to watch how on May 9, instead of silence and sorrow, death cars drive around Red Square, and the leaders of the ruling power stand next to the corpse of the unburied Lenin and raise their political rating in the eyes of citizens, calling it patriotism.

Summing up what has been said, I would like to once again draw our attention to the fact that it is precisely because of our inattention, fear, irresponsibility, laziness and selfishness that we have the power that we have. And the main thing that we must do today is to believe in our strength, and believe me, it is very huge. Violence, revolutions, coup d'état - none of this will bring us happiness and will not make this world a better place, but refusal to support violence is guaranteed to bring a positive result and India and the path of the great Gandhi are an example of this.

I am far from politics and have never been involved in it, but today I feel that the time has come and there really is a chance to change something, because this cannot be continued. Therefore, this year, I would like to devote my attention and my energy to this, to which I also urge my colleagues. Personally, I don’t have a large audience at all, but I can say with confidence that my viewers are people who are not indifferent to their lives and the life of our entire planet. And most importantly, my audience is very active and not indifferent. And I will try to emulate them. And if we all unite together and stop supporting violence, then we can do something for the future of our country and the world in general. Let's start with these presidential elections and see what happens. Let's do our job without aggression, without anger, without a desire for revenge, but simply because we were born to make life on this planet a little better. And freedom to Kirill Serebrennikov, of course!

I, playwright and director Ivan Vyrypaev, in connection with the arrest of my friend and colleague director Kirill Serebrennikov, would like to address the figures of Russian culture.

Colleagues, friends! Let's be honest with ourselves that the arrest of Kirill Serebrennikov will again go unpunished for the authorities that govern Russia today. I see how most of you wrote your letters of support, came to the rally, gave interviews and even turned to the president. And this is already, I'm sorry, it's becoming tragicomic. Indeed, in the meantime, most of you continue to make your films, put on performances and receive subsidies from the Ministry of Culture. One way or another, cooperating with this government and thinking that with our creativity and our civil position we can change something in this country, or contribute our contribution to these changes, we are simply once again deceiving ourselves and our country. And this, sorry, really looks very infantile.

To begin with, it would be nice to honestly define what and who this power is. In 1917, an armed coup took place in Russia, and power passed to the illegally created government of the “Bolsheviks.” The power of this group of people staged a bloody terror against its citizens. Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin are certainly criminals and deserve only one thing - universal condemnation. From 1917 to the present day, power in Russia has not changed. Today's power openly inherits the power of the Bolshevik terrorist organization. Monuments to Lenin stand in almost every city, his body lies on the Red square, not to mention the fact that even today busts and monuments to Stalin are being erected. Also, the authorities openly use the paraphernalia of the Bolshevik terrorist organization: banners, symbols, naming streets with the names of the leaders of the red terror, the music of the communist anthem (in other words), etc. .

In 1991, after the collapse of the USSR, a nationwide referendum was not held in Russia on the question of what and who Russia is now. And what does this modern Russia have to do with the illegal power of the “Bolsheviks”. Formally, we began to be called the Russian Federation, but our state ideals still inherit the ideals of the power of the "Bolsheviks". There was absolutely no renunciation of the crimes of Lenin and Stalin, there was absolutely no general repentance. Lenin is still not buried, and the political symbol "hammer and sickle", which in most civilized countries is equated with the fascist swastika, is still open is present in the public space both as paraphernalia, and as souvenirs, and as a memory that is openly revered in our country. It is enough to walk along the Old Arbat and see how everything is literally full of red stars, Budyonnovka, Lenins and Stalins. Imagine that in the center Berlin, in such quantities, fascist symbols would be sold.

But the main problem is that in the minds of Russians and many cultural figures, “Bolshevism” is not equal to fascism. And this, perhaps, is the main problem of Russia both in the internal construction of its society and in communication with other countries, especially European countries. understand that this disidentification of modern Russia with its “Bolshevik” ideology does not occur also because today’s government is the heirs of that illegal criminal government that still holds control over society since the October Revolution. And it’s interesting that Vladimir Putin’s main argument , justifying the seizure of the territory of Crimea and, in general, Russia's participation in the conflict in Ukraine, is the argument that a coup d'etat took place in Ukraine and an illegal political group is in power, but this is exactly what can be said about Russia, where the current government is the direct heir to the illegally come to the authorities of the terrorist group "Bolsheviks". In any case, the official rejection of the activities of the communist regime and its attributes, the recognition of the rule of this regime as illegal, its recognition as criminal and the prohibition of its paraphernalia and symbols did not happen. This is where the conflicts with the Baltic countries, Poland and other countries of the former "socialist camp" originate. .And that is why there was such a rejection of modern Russia and the Russian language by a number of countries (Ukraine, the Baltic countries, etc.), since the Russian language is directly associated with the authorities that occupied not only Russia, but also a number of Eastern European countries after World War II. Of course, such an attitude towards the Russian language should have been changed, as post-war Germany did in its time, spending huge amounts of money and effort on separating “everything German” from “everything fascist”, but the fact of the matter is that such work was not carried out, and precisely because the current government is still the heir to the power of Stalin - a power that openly colluded with the Nazi government, supported the actions of the Nazis in relation to other countries, and even itself participated in hostilities, attacking, for example, in 1939 on the territory Poland, and it turns out that this power is still, in fact, the ruling power. And if in the late 90s and early 2000s this position of power was somehow hidden and hushed up, today this position is again very openly manifested.

I am a citizen of Russia, and I consider Russia to be my Motherland, my home. A home that armed people broke into many years ago and began to rob, kill, rape, destroy churches, destroy people's faith in their original spiritual freedom, and now these criminals, in fact, everyone is still in power. I don’t like to offend people and I don’t want to offend anyone on purpose. Including people in power, because, most likely, they, as they say, “do not know what they are doing” .But, observing the open position of Russia on many important world political issues, nevertheless, I cannot look indifferently at what a general catastrophe this is leading us to. And this is precisely because this position of Russia directly inherits the political position of the communist regime, denying many facts formally, for example, “Stalinism”, but at the same time continuing to consider communist the regime is another milestone in the development of the Russian state, and not its “black times” and tragic mistake. And without admitting your mistake, you cannot correct it, or rather, there is simply no such need to correct it.

And now another, in fact, already, unfortunately, “usual” case with another arrest of people. And we, cultural figures, are writing these letters of ours again, trying to explain to the authorities that they are wrong, trying to achieve justice and respect. But Who are we addressing, and what are we asking for? This is the same as asking Stalin to forgive Meyerhold, but in fact, why did Stalin have to forgive someone? Stalin and his regime acted consistently and, as they say in modern language, “in its own format.” And, forgive me, it’s humiliating to watch the wonderful director Alexei Uchitel, who fights for his film with the deputies and priests who attacked him, but at the same time deliberately does not express any claims either to the authorities or personally to the president, as if a deputy or a metropolitan is the main reason for what is happening with his film. Do you really think so, Alexey Efimovich? After all, under this government, what happens to your film is quite normal. I am writing this, of course, out of respect for you and out of pain, seeing how you and other respected colleagues are once again seeking subsidies from the Ministry of Culture for your next film, which may not be banned, because now you will be more careful, and you will choose a topic simpler and more harmless. Don’t you understand that the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, headed by the current minister, are the heirs of the same communist regime, only now they are more benevolent and not so cruel, because you were given a rental certificate and you were not shot. And Kirill Serebrennikov was not shot like Meyerhold, but only publicly insulted and sent under arrest. So, now times are better, right?

The problem is that while we all fight against deputies, angry priests and injustice "on the ground", not only will nothing change from this, but on the contrary, it gives this government some confidence that everything depends on it.

Therefore, the only way to liberate our long-suffering people from the yoke of the ruling power is to change this power and change the main value paradigm that underlies the life of this country.

In what way? I personally do not believe in the path of violence. It will not lead to anything good. Therefore, our only weapon is the formation of public opinion. Raising the younger generation on other values. And the first thing is that we, cultural figures, intellectuals, progressive people of Russia what we can do is to stop supporting this power. You don’t need to receive all these state awards and publicly shake hands with Vladimir Putin in front of the cameras. Well, don’t you, my dear and esteemed colleagues, outstanding people, don’t understand that your game of the noble “Schindler” and your double life actually brought Kirill Serebrennikov to jail?

I know very influential people from different fields (big business, art and science), who confessed to me in their position “to do everything in their power, but not to give themselves away in order to continue doing something until this power is changed ", but I, sorry, stopped believing in the expediency of this method. Don't you understand that by helping, for example, sick children or investing your money in private education at the cost of Putin's support, you are doing a disservice to our entire future generation, which forced to grow up and go to school in Russia under this regime? A regime that today completely controls the education system, turning it from science into "propaganda." The same can be said about scientists and sportsmen. Do you really hope that soon everything will somehow change by itself, but now we need to do our job and keep quiet? And what is our business? In scientific discoveries? In performances and films?

In 2018, we are waiting for the presidential elections. And most likely, Vladimir Putin will still win them again, but we have a year to try to lower his rating as much as possible, and most importantly, his authority and the authority of this entire ruling ideology. Many of us communicate with people of big business, and we know what dissatisfaction with the authorities actually exists in these circles, of course, among those who are not in the closest circle of the president. But, fearing to lose their big money, business hides and is silent, hoping to survive this time, and just in case, withdrawing their finances abroad.

After all, in fact, you are well aware of what this power rests on, and how it works. Vladimir Putin is the guarantor of some stability and order for his inner circle, who can earn their capital under the existing order. But as soon as the incumbent president loses his control over the masses, even his close friends will immediately become unnecessary, because, looking at their faces, it becomes clear what values ​​these people have - only pragmatic ones. You can change power in Russia in a non-violent way, and without even going to rallies. You just need to stop directing your personal energy to maintaining this power. appear at general events, do not mention the name of the current president in the press, just like the president himself, on the advice of his PR service, under no circumstances pronounce the name "Navalny", and of course, in no case participate in his election campaign. I know that for many of you this is not easy to do, but I am sure that it is still possible. Over this year, having an undeniable influence on a large number of people, and sometimes being authorities for millions, you can significantly reduce the position of Putin and his power in the eyes of our citizens, especially among young people. And if Vladimir Putin does not win the elections with the number of votes he is counting on, then his position in the eyes of those who stand behind him will greatly decrease. And from that moment on, the slow fading of the power of this power will begin.

At the same time, you do not need to take risks and openly declare your position, as I am doing now. The government is very cruel and capable of anything. However, you just need to stop supporting this government as much as possible. Do not “PR” this government. Do not praise her, do not associate your business with the affairs of this power, ignore her with all possible forces, do not help her in anything, and we will see that this will have an effect. Because it's all about energy: where it is directed, it is there. Therefore, do not direct it to maintain the vitality of this power, and this power will weaken. On the other hand, let's direct all our energy and authority to debunk this whole "Bolshevik ideology "Let's talk everywhere and as often as possible about what crimes against humanity were committed by Lenin and Stalin, as well as their entire communist party. Let's talk more and more often that the monuments to Lenin left throughout Russia are monuments to the murderer. But at the same time, it is important not to insult the memory of people who gave their lives in the service of the Motherland and the people. However, the popular idea that Stalin won the Second World War must be refuted. The Russian people, just like the peoples of Europe, became a victim of inhuman machines of Hitlerism and Stalinism. Stalin did not win the war, he paved the way with the bodies of millions of people, our fathers and grandfathers, who really accomplished a heroic deed, but, however, we must not forget that many of them went on the attack under the muzzles of Russian machine guns. And about this is also worth saying, as much as possible. The Second World War is a huge human tragedy, which the current government shamelessly uses as a stuffing on a hook on which the Russian people are caught. death machines, and the leaders of the ruling power stand next to the corpse of the unburied Lenin and raise their political rating in the eyes of citizens, calling it patriotism.

Summing up what has been said, I would like to once again draw our attention to the fact that it is precisely because of our carelessness, fear, irresponsibility, laziness and selfishness that we have the power that we have. And the main thing that we must do today is to believe in its power, and believe me, it is very huge. Violence, revolutions, coup d'état - none of this will bring us happiness and will not make this world a better place, but refusing to support violence is guaranteed to bring positive result and example this is India and the path of the great Gandhi.

I am far from politics and have never dealt with it, but today I feel that the time has come and there really is a chance to change something, because it cannot go on like this. Therefore, this year I would like to devote my attention and my energy to this, to which I also call on my colleagues. Personally, I have a very small audience, but I can say with confidence that my viewers are people who are not indifferent to their lives and the life of our entire planet. And most importantly, my viewers are very active and not indifferent. And I will try to look up to them. And if we all unite together and stop supporting violence, then we can do something for the future of our country and the world in general. Let's start with these presidential elections and see what happens. We will do our job without aggression, without anger, without a desire for revenge, but simply because we were born to make life on this planet a little better. And freedom to Kirill Serebrennikov, of course!

Open letter playwright and director Ivan Vyrypaev in support of Kirill Serebrennikov August 24th, 2017

Snob | 24.08.2017 19:50
An open letter from playwright and director Ivan Vyrypaev in support of Kirill Serebrennikov

I, playwright and director Ivan Vyrypaev, in connection with the arrest of my friend and colleague director Kirill Serebrennikov, would like to address the figures of Russian culture.

Colleagues, friends! Let's be honest with ourselves that the arrest of Kirill Serebrennikov will again go unpunished for the authorities that govern Russia today. I see how most of you wrote your letters of support, came to the rally, gave interviews and even turned to the president. And this, sorry, is becoming a tragicomic phenomenon. After all, in the meantime, most of you continue to make your films, put on plays and receive subsidies from the Ministry of Culture. One way or another, cooperating with this government and thinking that with our creativity and our civic position we can change something in this country, or make our own contribution to these changes, we are simply once again deceiving ourselves and our country. And this, sorry, really looks very infantile.

To begin with, it would be good to honestly define what and who this power is. In 1917, an armed coup took place in Russia and power passed to the illegally created government of the "Bolsheviks". The power of this group of people staged a bloody terror against its citizens. Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin are certainly criminals and deserve only one thing - universal condemnation. From 1917 to the present day, power in Russia has not changed. Today's government openly inherits the power of the terrorist organization "Bolsheviks". There are monuments to Lenin in almost every city, his body lies on Red Square, not to mention the fact that even today busts and monuments to Stalin are erected. Also, the authorities openly use the paraphernalia of the terrorist organization "Bolsheviks": banners, symbols, street names after the leaders of the red terror, the music of the communist anthem (in other words), etc.

In 1991, after the collapse of the USSR, no nationwide referendum was held in Russia on the question of what and who Russia is now. And what does this modern Russia have to do with the illegal power of the “Bolsheviks”. Formally, we began to be called the Russian Federation, but our state ideals still inherit the ideals of the power of the "Bolsheviks". There was absolutely no renunciation of the crimes of Lenin and Stalin, no general repentance. Lenin is still not buried, and the political symbol "hammer and sickle", which in most civilized countries is equated with the fascist swastika, is still openly present in the public space both as paraphernalia, and as souvenirs, and as a memory that is openly revered in our country. country. It is enough to walk along the Old Arbat and see how everything is literally full of red stars, Budenovka, Lenins and Stalins. Imagine that in the center of Berlin, fascist symbols would be sold in such quantities.

But the main problem is that in the minds of Russians and many cultural figures, "Bolshevism" is not equal to fascism. And this, perhaps, is the main problem of Russia both in the internal construction of its society and in communication with other countries, especially European countries. But you need to understand that this disidentification of modern Russia with its “Bolshevik” ideology does not occur also because today’s government is the heirs of that illegal criminal government that still retains control over society since the October Revolution. And it is interesting that the main argument of Vladimir Putin, justifying the seizure of the territory of Crimea and, in general, Russia's participation in the conflict in Ukraine, is the argument that a coup d'etat took place in Ukraine and an illegal political group is in power, but this is exactly what can be said about Russia, where today's government is the direct heir to the terrorist group "Bolsheviks" that illegally came to power. In any case, the official rejection of the activities of the communist regime and its attributes, the recognition of the rule of this regime as illegal, its recognition as criminal and the prohibition of its paraphernalia and symbols did not happen. It is from here that conflicts with the Baltic countries, Poland and other countries of the former "socialist camp" originate. And that is why there was such a rejection of modern Russia and the Russian language by a number of countries (Ukraine, the Baltic countries, etc.), since the Russian language is directly associated with the authorities that occupied not only Russia, but also after World War II a number of Eastern European countries. Of course, such an attitude towards the Russian language should have been changed, as post-war Germany did in its time, spending huge amounts of money and effort on separating “everything German” from “everything fascist”, but the fact of the matter is that such work was not carried out and precisely because the current government is still the heir to Stalin's power - a power that openly colluded with the Nazi government, supported the actions of the Nazis in relation to other countries and even itself participated in hostilities, attacking, for example, in 1939 on the territory Poland, and it turns out that this power is still, in fact, the ruling power. And if in the late 90s and early 2000s this position of power was somehow hidden and hushed up, today this position is again very openly manifested.

I am a citizen of Russia, and I consider Russia my motherland, my home. A house that armed people broke into many years ago and began to rob, kill, rape, destroy churches, destroy people's faith in their original spiritual freedom, and now these criminals, in fact, are still in power. I don't like to offend people and I don't want to offend anyone on purpose. Including people in power, because, most likely, they, as they say, "do not know what they are doing." But, observing the open position of Russia on many important world political issues, I still cannot look indifferently at what a general catastrophe this is leading us to. And this is precisely because this position of Russia directly inherits the political position of the communist regime, denying many facts formally, for example, “Stalinism”, but at the same time continuing to consider the communist regime as another milestone in the development of the Russian state, and not its “black times” and tragic mistake. . And without admitting your mistake, you cannot correct it, or rather, there is simply no such need to correct it.

And now another, in fact, already, unfortunately, “usual” case with another arrest of people. And we - cultural figures - are writing these letters of ours again, trying to explain to the authorities that they are wrong, trying to achieve justice and respect. But to whom do we turn and what do we ask? After all, this is the same as asking Stalin to forgive Meyerhold, but actually why did Stalin have to forgive someone? Stalin and his regime acted consistently and, as they say in modern language, "in their own format." And, excuse me, it’s humiliating for me to watch the wonderful director Alexei Uchitel, who fights for his film with the deputies and priests who attacked him, but at the same time deliberately does not express any claims either to the authorities or personally to the president, as if the deputy or the metropolitan are the main reason what's going on with his film. Do you really think so, Alexey Yefimovich? After all, with this power, what happens to your film is quite normal. I am writing this, of course, out of respect for you and out of pain, seeing how you and other respected colleagues are still once again seeking subsidies from the Ministry of Culture for your next film, which, perhaps, will not be banned, because now you will be more careful and you choose a topic simpler and more harmless. Don't you understand that the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, headed by the current minister, are the heirs of the same communist regime, only now they are more friendly and not so cruel, because you were given a rental certificate and you were not shot. And Kirill Serebrennikov was not shot, like Meyerhold, but only publicly insulted and sent under arrest. So times are better now, right?

The problem is that as long as we all fight against deputies, angry priests and injustice "on the ground", not only will nothing change from this, but, on the contrary, it gives this government some confidence that everything depends on it.

Therefore, the only way to liberate our long-suffering people from the yoke of the ruling power is to change this power and change the main value paradigm that underlies the life of this country.

Which way? I personally do not believe in the path of violence. It won't lead to anything good. Therefore, our only weapon is the formation of public opinion. Raising the younger generation on other values. And the first thing we, the cultural figures, the intelligentsia, the progressive people of Russia, can do is to stop supporting this government. There is no need to receive all these state awards and publicly shake hands with Vladimir Putin in front of the cameras. Well, don’t you, my dear and esteemed colleagues, outstanding people, really understand that your game of the noble “Schindler” and your double life actually brought Kirill Serebrennikov to jail?

I know very influential people from different fields (big business, art and science), who confessed to me in their position “do everything in their power, but do not give themselves away in order to continue doing something until this power is replaced ”, but I, sorry, stopped believing in the expediency of this method. Don't you understand that by helping, for example, sick children or investing your money in private education at the cost of Putin's support, you are doing a disservice to our entire future generation, who are forced to grow up and go to schools in Russia under this regime? A regime that today completely controls the education system, turning it from science into "propaganda". The same can be said about the figures of science and sports. Do you really hope that soon everything will somehow change by itself, and now you need to do your job and keep quiet? What is our business? In scientific discoveries? Plays and films? Or is our main business the education of a “free and open person for life”?

In 2018, we are waiting for the presidential elections. And, most likely, Vladimir Putin will still win them again, but we have a year to try to lower his rating as much as possible, and most importantly, his authority and the authority of this entire ruling ideology. Many of us communicate with big business people, and we know what dissatisfaction with the authorities really exists in these circles, of course, among those who are not in the president's closest circle. But, fearing to lose their big money, the business hides and is silent, hoping to survive this time and, just in case, withdrawing its finances abroad.

After all, in fact, you are well aware of what this power rests on and how it works. Vladimir Putin is the guarantor of some stability and order for his inner circle, who can earn their capital under the existing order. But as soon as the incumbent president loses his control over the masses, even his close friends will immediately no longer need him, because, looking at their faces, it becomes clear what values ​​these people have - only pragmatic ones. It is possible to change power in Russia in a non-violent way and without even going to rallies. You just need to stop directing your personal energy to maintain this power. Do not shake hands with them in front of TV cameras, do not appear at general events, do not mention the name of the current president in the press, just like the president himself, on the advice of his PR service, under no circumstances say the name "Navalny", and of course , in no case participate in his election campaign. I know that this is not easy for many of you to do, but I am sure that it is still possible. During this year, while still having an undeniable influence on a large number of people, and sometimes being authorities for millions, you can significantly reduce the position of Putin and his power in the eyes of our citizens, especially among young people. And if Vladimir Putin wins the elections with less than the number of votes he hopes for, then his position in the eyes of those who stand behind him will be greatly reduced. And from that moment on, the slow fading of the power of this power will begin.

At the same time, you do not need to take risks and openly declare your position, as I am doing now. Power is very cruel and capable of anything. However, you just need to stop supporting this power, as much as possible. Do not "PR" this government. Do not praise her, do not associate your cause with the affairs of this power, ignore her with all possible forces, do not help her in anything, and we will see that this will have an effect. Because it's all about the energy: where it is directed, there it is. Therefore, do not direct it to maintain the vitality of this power, and this power will weaken. On the other hand, let's direct all our energy and authority to debunk this whole "Bolshevik ideology", let's talk everywhere and as often as possible about what crimes against humanity were committed by Lenin and Stalin, as well as their entire communist party. Let's say more and more often that the monuments to Lenin left all over Russia are monuments to the killer. But at the same time, it is important not to insult the memory of people who gave their lives in the service of the Motherland and the people. However, the popular idea that Stalin won World War II must be refuted. The Russian people, just like the peoples of Europe, fell victim to the inhuman machine of Hitlerism and Stalinism. Stalin did not win the war, he paved the way for the victory with the bodies of millions of people, our fathers and grandfathers, who really accomplished a heroic deed, but, however, we must not forget that many of them went on the attack at the muzzle of Russian machine guns. And this is also worth talking about, as far as possible. The Second World War is a huge human tragedy, which today's government shamelessly uses as stuffing on the hook that caught the Russian people. And it is painful to watch how on May 9, instead of silence and mourning, death machines drive around Red Square, and the leaders of the ruling power stand next to the corpse of the unburied Lenin and raise their political rating in the eyes of citizens, calling it patriotism.

Summing up what has been said, I would like to once again draw our attention to the fact that it is precisely because of our inattention, fear, irresponsibility, laziness and selfishness that we have the power that we have. And the main thing that we must do today is to believe in our strength, and believe me, it is very huge. Violence, revolutions, coup d'état - none of this will bring us happiness and will not make this world a better place, but refusal to support violence is guaranteed to bring a positive result, and India and the path of the great Gandhi are an example of this.

I am far from politics and have never been involved in it, but today I feel that the time has come and there really is a chance to change something, because this cannot be continued. Therefore, this year I would like to devote my attention and energy to this, which I also encourage my colleagues to do. Personally, I have a very small audience, but I can say with confidence that my viewers are people who are not indifferent to their lives and the life of our entire planet. And most importantly, my audience is very active and not indifferent. And I will try to emulate them. And if we all unite together and stop supporting violence, then we can do something for the future of our country and the world in general. Let's start with this presidential election and see what happens. Let's do our job without aggression, without anger, without a desire for revenge, but simply because we were born to make life on this planet a little better. And freedom to Kirill Serebrennikov, of course!

I, playwright and director Ivan Vyrypaev, in connection with the arrest of my friend and colleague director Kirill Serebrennikov, would like to address the figures of Russian culture.

Colleagues, friends! Let's be honest with ourselves that the arrest of Kirill Serebrennikov will again go unpunished for the authorities that govern Russia today. I see how most of you wrote your letters of support, came to the rally, gave interviews and even turned to the president. And this, forgive me, becomes a tragicomic phenomenon. After all, in the meantime, most of you continue to make your films, put on plays and receive subsidies from the Ministry of Culture. One way or another, cooperating with this government and thinking that with our creativity and our civic position we can change something in this country, or make our own contribution to these changes, we are simply once again deceiving ourselves and our country. And this, sorry, really looks very infantile.

To begin with, it would be good to honestly define what and who this power is. In 1917, an armed coup took place in Russia and power passed to the illegally created government of the "Bolsheviks". The power of this group of people staged a bloody terror against its citizens. Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin are certainly criminals and deserve only one thing - universal condemnation. From 1917 to the present day, power in Russia has not changed. Today's government openly inherits the power of the terrorist organization "Bolsheviks". There are monuments to Lenin in almost every city, his body lies on Red Square, not to mention the fact that even today busts and monuments to Stalin are erected. Also, the authorities openly use the paraphernalia of the terrorist organization "Bolsheviks": banners, symbols, street names after the leaders of the red terror, the music of the communist anthem (in other words), etc.

In 1991, after the collapse of the USSR, a nationwide referendum was not held in Russia on the question of what and who Russia is now. And what does this modern Russia have to do with the illegal power of the “Bolsheviks”. Formally, we began to be called the Russian Federation, but our state ideals still inherit the ideals of the power of the “Bolsheviks.” There was absolutely no renunciation of the crimes of Lenin and Stalin, there was absolutely no general repentance. Lenin is still not buried, and the hammer and sickle political symbol, which in most civilized countries is equated with the fascist swastika, is still openly present in public space both as paraphernalia, and as souvenirs, and as a memory that is openly revered in our country. It is enough to walk along the Old Arbat and see how everything is literally full of red stars, Budenovka, Lenins and Stalins. Imagine that in the center of Berlin, fascist symbols would be sold in such quantities.

But the main problem is that in the minds of Russians and many cultural figures, "Bolshevism" is not equal to fascism. And this, perhaps, is the main problem of Russia both in the internal construction of its society and in communication with other countries, especially European countries. But you need to understand that this disidentification of modern Russia with its “Bolshevik” ideology does not occur also because today’s government is the heir to that illegal criminal government that still retains control over society since the October Revolution. And it is interesting that the main argument of Vladimir Putin, justifying the seizure of the territory of Crimea and, in general, Russia's participation in the conflict in Ukraine, is the argument that a coup d'etat took place in Ukraine and an illegal political group is in power, but this is exactly what can be said about Russia, where today's government is the direct heir to the terrorist group "Bolsheviks" that illegally came to power. In any case, the official rejection of the activities of the communist regime and its attributes, the recognition of the rule of this regime as illegal, its recognition as criminal and the prohibition of its attributes and symbols did not happen. It is from here that conflicts with the Baltic countries, Poland and other countries of the former "socialist camp" originate. And that is why there was such a rejection of modern Russia and the Russian language by a number of countries (Ukraine, the Baltic countries, etc.), since the Russian language is directly associated with the authorities that occupied not only Russia, but also after World War II a number of Eastern European countries. Of course, such an attitude towards the Russian language should have been changed, as post-war Germany did in its time, spending huge amounts of money and effort on separating “everything German” from “everything fascist”, but the fact of the matter is that such work was not carried out, and precisely because the current government is still the heir to Stalin’s power, a power that openly colluded with the Nazi government, supported the actions of the Nazis in relation to other countries and even itself participated in hostilities by attacking, for example, in 1939 on the territory Poland, and it turns out that this power is still, in fact, the ruling power. And if in the late 90s and early 2000s this position of power was somehow hidden and hushed up, today, this position is again very openly manifested.

I am a citizen of Russia, and I consider Russia my motherland, my home. A house that armed people broke into many years ago and began to rob, kill, rape, destroy churches, destroy people's faith in their original spiritual freedom, and now, these criminals, in fact, are still in power. I don't like to offend people, and I don't want to offend anyone on purpose. Including people in power, because, most likely, they, as they say, "do not know what they are doing." But, observing the open position of Russia on many important world political issues, I still cannot look indifferently at what a general catastrophe this is leading us to. And this is precisely because this position of Russia directly inherits the political position of the communist regime, denying many facts formally, for example, “Stalinism”, but at the same time continuing to consider the communist regime as another milestone in the development of the Russian state, and not its “black times” and tragic mistake. And without admitting your mistake, you cannot correct it, or rather, there is simply no such need to correct it.

And now, another, in fact, already, unfortunately, “usual” case with another arrest of people. And we - cultural figures - are writing these letters of ours again, trying to explain to the authorities that they are wrong, trying to achieve justice and respect. But to whom do we turn and what do we ask? After all, this is the same thing as asking Stalin to forgive Meirhold, but actually why did Stalin have to forgive someone? Stalin and his regime acted consistently and, as they say in modern language: "in their own format." And, excuse me, it is humiliating for me to watch the wonderful director Alexei Uchitel, who is fighting for his film with the deputies and priests who attacked him, but at the same time deliberately does not express any claims either to the authorities or personally to the president, as if the deputy or the metropolitan are the main reason for this what's going on with his film. Do you really think so, Alexei Efimovich? After all, with this power it is quite normal what happens to your film. I am writing this, of course, out of respect for you and out of pain, seeing how you and other respected colleagues are still once again seeking subsidies from the Ministry of Culture for your next film, which, perhaps, will not be banned, because now you will be more careful, and you will choose a topic simpler and more harmless. Don't you understand that the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, headed by the current minister, are the heirs of the same communist regime, only now they are more benevolent and not so cruel, because you were given a rental certificate, and you were not shot. And Kirill Serebrennikov was not shot as Meirhold, but only publicly insulted and sent under arrest. So times are better now, right?

The problem is that as long as we all fight against deputies, angry priests and injustice "on the ground", not only will nothing change from this, but, on the contrary, it gives this government some confidence that everything depends on it.

Therefore, the only way to liberate our long-suffering people from the yoke of the ruling power is to change this power and change the main value paradigm underlying the life of this country.

Which way? I personally do not believe in the path of violence. It won't lead to anything good. Therefore, our only weapon is the formation of public opinion. Raising the younger generation on other values. And the first thing we, the cultural figures, the intelligentsia, the progressive people of Russia, can do is to stop supporting this government. There is no need to receive all these state awards and publicly shake hands with Vladimir Putin in front of the cameras. Well, don’t you, my dear and esteemed colleagues, outstanding people, really understand that your game of the noble Schindler and your double life, in fact, brought Kirill Serebrennikov to jail.

I know very influential people from different fields (big business, art and science) who confessed to me in their position “to do everything in their power, but not to give themselves away in order to continue doing something until this power is replaced ”, but I, sorry, stopped believing in the expediency of this method. Do you really not understand that by helping, for example, sick children or by investing your money in private education, valuable support for Putin, you are doing a disservice to our entire future generation, who are forced to grow up and go to schools in Russia under this regime. A regime that today completely controls the education system, turning it from science into "propaganda". The same can be said about the figures of science and sports. Do you really hope that soon everything will somehow change by itself, and now you need to do your job and keep quiet? What is our business? In scientific discoveries? Plays and films? Or is our main business the education of a “free and open person for life”?

In 2018, we are waiting for the presidential elections. And most likely, Vladimir Putin will win them again, but we have a year to try to lower his rating as much as possible, and most importantly, his authority and the authority of this entire ruling ideology. Many of us communicate with people of big business and we know what dissatisfaction with the authorities actually exists in these circles, of course, among those who are not in the closest circle of the president. But fearing to lose their big money, the business hides and is silent, hoping to survive this time and, just in case, withdrawing its finances abroad.

After all, in fact, you are well aware of what this power rests on and how it works. Vladimir Putin is the guarantor of some kind of stability and order for his inner circle, who can earn their capital under the existing order. But as soon as the incumbent president loses his control over the masses, even his close friends will immediately become unnecessary, because looking at their faces it becomes clear what values ​​these people have - only pragmatic ones. It is possible to change power in Russia in a non-violent way and without even going to rallies. You just need to stop directing your personal energy to maintain this power. Do not shake hands with them on TV cameras, do not appear at general events, do not mention the name of the current president in the press, just like the president himself, on the advice of his PR service, under no circumstances does he say the name "Navalny", and of course, in no case participate in his election campaign. I know that this is not easy for many of you to do, but I am sure that it is still possible. During this year, you, while still having an undeniable influence on a large number of people, and sometimes being authorities for millions, you can significantly reduce the position of Putin and his power in the eyes of our citizens, especially among young people. And if Vladimir Putin wins the election with less than the number of votes he hopes for, then his position in the eyes of those behind him will be greatly reduced. And from that moment on, the slow fading of the power of this power will begin.

At the same time, you do not need to take risks and openly declare your position, as I am doing now. Power is very cruel and capable of anything. However, you just need to stop supporting this power as much as possible. Do not "PR" this government. Do not praise her, do not associate your cause with the affairs of this power, ignore her with all possible forces, do not help her in anything, and we will see that this will have an effect. Because it's all about the energy, where it is directed - there it is. Therefore, do not direct it to maintain the life force of this power and this force will weaken. On the other hand, let's direct all our energy and authority to debunk this whole "Bolshevik ideology", let's talk everywhere and as often as possible about what crimes against humanity were committed by Lenin and Stalin, as well as their entire communist party. Let's talk more and more often about the fact that the monuments to Lenin left throughout Russia are monuments to the killer. But at the same time, it is important not to offend the memory of people who gave their lives in the service of the Motherland and the people. However, the popular idea that Stalin won World War II must be refuted. The Russian people, just like the peoples of Europe, fell victim to the inhuman machine of Hitlerism and Stalinism. Stalin did not win the war, he paved the way for victory with the bodies of millions of people, our fathers and grandfathers, who really accomplished a heroic deed, but, however, we must not forget that many of them went on the attack at the muzzle of Russian machine guns. And this is also worth talking about, as far as possible. The Second World War is a huge human tragedy, which the current government shamelessly uses as a stuffing on the hook that caught the Russian people. And it is painful to watch how on May 9, instead of silence and sorrow, death cars drive around Red Square, and the leaders of the ruling power stand next to the corpse of the unburied Lenin and raise their political rating in the eyes of citizens, calling it patriotism.

Summing up what has been said, I would like to once again draw our attention to the fact that it is precisely because of our inattention, fear, irresponsibility, laziness and selfishness that we have the power that we have. And the main thing that we must do today is to believe in our strength, and believe me, it is very huge. Violence, revolutions, coup d'état - none of this will bring us happiness and will not make this world a better place, but refusal to support violence is guaranteed to bring a positive result and India and the path of the great Gandhi are an example of this.

I am far from politics and have never been involved in it, but today I feel that the time has come and there really is a chance to change something, because this cannot be continued. Therefore, this year, I would like to devote my attention and my energy to this, to which I also urge my colleagues. Personally, I don’t have a large audience at all, but I can say with confidence that my viewers are people who are not indifferent to their lives and the life of our entire planet. And most importantly, my audience is very active and not indifferent. And I will try to emulate them. And if we all unite together and stop supporting violence, then we can do something for the future of our country and the world in general. Let's start with these presidential elections and see what happens. Let's do our job without aggression, without anger, without a desire for revenge, but simply because we were born to make life on this planet a little better. And freedom to Kirill Serebrennikov, of course!