Love horoscope for the sign of Pisces for November. Love horoscope for Pisces sign for November Career horoscope for Pisces woman November

Horoscope for Pisces in November 2017 recommends to exercise caution, and before a long trip - to insure your health.

Horoscope for Pisces for November 2017. In November 2017, Pisces will want to be “Columbus”, who gets acquainted with new lands. Discovering new countries, interesting writers, unknown activities - Pisces can do everything now.

To combine business with pleasure, you can enroll in courses, master a different specialty, or even take part in a television project! November 2017 promises help in your endeavors, and it’s okay that the Year of the Rooster is almost over.

In November, people also remember about safety. Active pastime is rarely without injury. Pisces especially need to monitor their behavior on the road and while driving.


The Pisces horoscope for November 2017 advises to perceive your relationship or marriage partner as an equal. Pity and indulgence in whims can drive a loved one mad. In November 2017, some Pisces spouses will begin to think that you are not a soul mate, but a copy of their parents. This will have a negative impact on feelings.

The horoscope advises Pisces in November to completely surrender to love, to be generous, but to leave other people the right to be themselves. Sometimes it is useful to turn off the internal censor.

Favorable days for love in November 2017 for Pisces: November 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, 16, 18, 19 and 24, 25, 26, 27.


November 2017 is a time of total luck for Pisces. Some will win the lottery, but the million or “consolation prize”, the stars do not reveal their cards. Advantageous offers will not keep you waiting - Pisces made too much effort in 2017, now Fortune is helping them. But in November you will have to work with your sleeves rolled up - only the synthesis of favorable moments and hard work will bring worthy results that will delight you for many years to come.

Search new job now they are also successful. Do not miss your chance!

Favorable days for money in November 2017 for the sign of Pisces: 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 13, 14, 18, 19, as well as 22, 23, 26, 27, 30 November.


The November 2017 horoscope advises you to continue playing your chosen sports. This is an excellent opportunity to prevent diseases of the pelvic and intestinal organs. Pisces should be careful, in November 2017 the risk of hemorrhoids increases, so proper food and movement are what you need.

They also behave more carefully in bed; barrier contraception should be thought out in advance. Thus, taking into account the astrological trends in the Pisces horoscope for November 2017, it will be possible to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. Now the zodiac is against frivolous relationships.

Stop looking for the meaning of life and start enjoying today's events is important for Pisces in November. The horoscope says that the constellation is accustomed to analyzing the events that happen to it and experiencing failures for a long time. In November there will be a great opportunity to have a great time with your significant other and forget about your problems. If Pisces reads the love horoscope for November carefully, they will understand that they have a good chance of finding love. Singles should sit at home less and go out more often, and then everything will work out.


If women clearly define their goal at the beginning of November, they will be able to realize their plans. Love horoscope advises lonely constellations not to try to interfere with someone else's family and impress the gentleman. The stars warn that the chosen one will still not leave his wife, and Pisces will only waste a lot of nerves. Those with a better half should try to spend this month in the most memorable way possible. Visiting interesting places, hiking in the mountains, traveling abroad or a new hobby - these are the actions that will allow lovers to experience a new taste for life.

Mid-November will require maximum composure from water women. The horoscope believes that at this time the constellation will begin to hover somewhere in the clouds and love fantasies, which will harm work. Heavenly bodies advise women in November to stop dreaming; if they want intimacy, then they need to make love. If women want a romantic date, then they should organize it themselves. A man (the love horoscope thinks so) will accept such an initiative with enthusiasm. Single women do not need to be afraid to wear revealing outfits and flirt with single gentlemen in November. It is this slightly predatory behavior that will bring results.

The November horoscope recommends that all Pisces women devote time to home and family. Being within their own walls, water women will be able to receive inspiration and strength. The love horoscope advises sharing household duties with your chosen one. An accurate forecast from the stars indicates that it will be useful for single women to go on a blind date at the end of November. If friends or acquaintances offer to meet a lonely gentleman, then you shouldn’t think twice. With the help of such a meeting in November, the desired love relationship will develop.


Men should not postpone solving family problems until later in early November. According to the love horoscope, the partner will be unhappy that her beloved takes little part in everyday affairs. The heavenly bodies believe that if in early November men talk to their other half in a friendly manner, they will be able to understand the reason for her dissatisfaction. Lonely Pisces will benefit from devoting more time to work. Thanks to the next business trip, according to the love horoscope, singles will be able to meet a promising companion.

"Attention! Mid-November will be a great time to accomplish your plans. If a man has long dreamed of visiting an interesting place or trying something new in sex, then it’s worth doing it. Not only the Pisces partner, but also other girls will be ready to accompany a charismatic man. In mid-November, free constellations should clearly decide which companion they dream of seeing next to them. Meeting people in a bar, bowling alley, on attractions or on the street will allow singles to forget about their sad status. If the stronger sex beautifully looks after a companion, she will soon give up her position.”

With the assistance of their significant other, water men will be able to realize their plans at the end of November. Wise advice and help from a lover will give men the confidence that they have been missing for so long. In the case when a woman directs her love impulse towards Pisces and tries to surprise him in bed, the constellation will appreciate it. At the end of November, unmarried men will have to look for reasons to isolate themselves from their annoying companion. The love horoscope advises men to tell the fan everything honestly and not waste his and her time in vain. If a lonely zodiac sign starts an affair at work, then a passionate office romance awaits him.


The first ten days of 2017 will be tense for representatives of the Water element. Jealousy of your significant other and problems at work will not let you relax. Pisces should read the love horoscope for 2017 carefully and understand that everything can be decided. If they spend more often their weekends doing exciting activities with their loved one, that person will quickly calm down. Changing jobs will allow you to regain your inspiration and find something exciting to do. Free men and women at the beginning of the year need to be more selective with their acquaintances. Consequences in the form of pregnancy or tears will lead the constellation, according to the horoscope for 2017, only to disappointment.

In the second decade, it will be useful for Pisces to listen to such advice from the love horoscope as:

  • Family signs should stop flirting on the side and be more gentle with their partner. Romantic dinners, words of affection and attention - that’s what their other half craves;
  • The time has come for constellations in love to strengthen their current relationship. If lovers decide to buy a dog or even get married, then such actions will bring them closer;
  • Single Pisces shouldn't look for love based on their date of birth. The celestial bodies believe that in mid-2017 they can fall in love with absolutely any zodiac sign.

All passions in a couple will subside in the third decade. The absence of quarrels is good, however, sexual cooling will not please water men and women. November 2017 will tempt Pisces lovers to cheat, but you should be more restrained in your impulses. Singles will have a good opportunity to engage in self-development and their appearance. Already in December, the constellation can count on promising meetings, since it will be ready for this both externally and internally.


Single men and women will have good opportunities to meet a suitable match for a love relationship at the beginning of the year. The horoscope for 2018 advises giving a chance to those who deserve it. It is better to reduce communication with those who have no prospects to zero. The horoscope warns that otherwise you can only waste your time.

In the middle of the year, Pisces lovers will have a great opportunity to improve their love relationships. If representatives of the Water element are more attentive to the requests of the other half, then she will appreciate it. Having fulfilled the dream of your loved one, you can count on further harmony in the couple. Free signs will have to choose between their hearts and their heads. The love horoscope warns that no matter what decision singles choose, they will do the right thing.

The end of 2018 will be a great opportunity to end a hopeless relationship. The love horoscope says that November 2018 is best for this. Those who are doing well in a couple should not abuse their partner’s patience. The love horoscope for November Pisces constellation should be studied carefully. Recommendations from heavenly bodies say that free signs will be able to improve their personal lives if they are open to communication.


The beginning of the year will be filled with pleasant events. In a love tandem, calm and mutual understanding await. The horoscope for 2019 believes that it is important for partners to talk more often on important topics and support them in difficult moments. With the help of social networks, single men and women will be able to meet potential candidates for relationships.

Meeting the parents of the other half leads Pisces into a stupor in the middle of the year. The love horoscope advises not to rush things if Water people are not yet ready for such a step. Married couples will have to endure betrayal. One of the couple will get bored and will be seen in the arms of the other. The love horoscope advises you to make a balanced decision and, if this happens for the first time, to forgive your loved one. Single men and women will not be able to build strong relationships in the second decade.

The end of 2019 will be a great opportunity for many lovers to forget grievances and move on. If partners go on vacation together, they can feel in love and happy again. November 2019 will present a good opportunity for singles to plunge into a promising romance. Free Pisces will understand at first sight that they are in love. With the assistance of the love horoscope for November, many Pisces will decide to take bold actions. The heavenly bodies believe that this period is perfect for submitting an application to the registry office or planning a child.

As of November 2017

Movement of Jupiter - one of your most important planet - will force you to look for new ways. And this applies to everything - work, study, personal life... Search and you will definitely find!

Love, Pisces family in November 2017

November is a definite watershed when you have to say goodbye to your old attachments and set a course for new love. She may appear as early as this month, and it will be a lively, interesting connection that will bring a lot of new and unusual things into your life. Just don’t rush things, for now it’s enough to just be together - the rest will come in its own way.

Many will think about moving and will certainly bring their plans to life within a year.

Divorcing couples end the painful period of dividing common property and go their separate ways. And where it leads depends only on you and your specific intentions.

To look charming in November 2017, the Pisces horoscope recommends cutting and coloring your hair according to Lunar calendar of haircuts for November 2017.

Career, finance Pisces in November 2017

This month, you are destined to focus on what you are strong in, and forever discard impractical ideas that take up both time and energy.

Entrepreneurs and bosses will begin to look for new ways that will take their business to a whole new level.

Connections with colleagues from other cities or countries will develop well, and many will have a chance to expand their business using the capabilities of new partners. Influential patrons and loyal friends will appear - this will also help the development of the business.

A period is beginning that is very successful for people in creative professions - actors, artists, musicians - their popularity will increase, and contacts with representatives from other cities or countries will allow them not only to become famous, but also to earn good money.

November is extremely good for determining your true passions, including starting school, playing another sport and other innovations if your soul asks for them.

Don’t think that this period will last a month - you have a whole year ahead of you!

Financial positions will improve, and many will become happy owners of a large sum in mid-November.

And this will be fair compensation for what you had to lose in the very recent past. Heaven is always fair - perhaps everything that was unnecessary for you, or something that you could not cope with, was taken away from you. And although you may think otherwise, this is actually true.

Pisces Health in November 2017

In November, your energy potential will noticeably improve, and even those who were ill in the past will quickly recover.

November is a great period when you can change almost everything - your hairstyle, clothing style, give up bad habits and take a course towards useful ones. You can take up some kind of sport, learn something new. In a word, life is in your hands!

For everyone who works for suburban area- horoscoperecommends carrying out work on Lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners for November 2017.

People born in the zodiac sign of Pisces in November 2017 can count on the full support of their main heavenly patron, whose name is Venus. In addition, the Moon will also not stand aside, so you don’t have to worry too much about ambiguous situations that may manifest themselves on the “love front.” It is important that we are talking about a period that, in general, can only be characterized from a positive point of view, and there can be no equivocations here. In particular, in the area of ​​personal relationships, both single and married Pisces will find new acquaintances and interesting situations that can likely seriously affect their future lives. The sphere of work, on the contrary, will turn out to be a rather conservative side of their life, although it is obvious that a whole series of decisions will also have to be made here, although not all of these decisions will be so fundamental. One way or another, there is a chance of victory, and a very significant one, and if you make your own mistake, it will be unfair to complain about the circumstances. Although this month it is clearly not worth taking purely logical conclusions as a basis. Due to the unfavorable placement of Mercury, logic may fail you, so you also need to think in moderation, otherwise you may miss your luck.

As for the sphere of work and finance, a clear gradation should immediately be noted here. In November 2017, Pisces who work for themselves can look to the future without much fear and aim for the highest positions. In the very first days of the first ten days of the month, you need to clearly define what you want, because there will be a lot of opportunities, but there will not be enough resources for everything. Actually, as already noted, some conservative tendencies will be very appropriate; this is the most acceptable option. For those Pisces who do not work for themselves, the stars recommend not to rush, and to plan more than to act. This perfect time in order to take care of secondary tasks and thereby free up time and resources in the future. There is no need to treat this as if it is something of secondary importance! In reality it is extremely important point, because, as Turgenev’s immortal character said, before you build something, you need to clear the place. Just don’t reach the point of outright fanaticism. Act according to the circumstances. If you are not flexible, if you do not find a balance between initiative and diligence, then an aggressive Mercury will throw you off balance and the likelihood of success will decrease significantly.

Dwelling in more detail on the sphere of personal relationships, it should be noted that in November 2017, the zodiac sign of Pisces will be able to easily correct any of its “jambs”. Well, without difficulty is a strong word, however, the effort on your part will actually not be that great. If we are talking about a lone representative of this zodiac sign, then the stars advise him to engage in introspection as much as possible. Do not withdraw into yourself, moving away from the world around you, but analyze your actions. This will avoid problems in the future, and at this stage will give you important experience. Family Pisces They can relax, but at the end of the second decade something important will happen within the family hearth. React to the situation appropriately, even if it shocks you, because in reality everything will be completely fine. The only thing that is definitely worth paying attention to is your relationships with distant relatives and new acquaintances. Be open and respectable, but don't allow yourself too much. Don't reveal yourself without reason and keep yourself in control, especially if the scene is a bar or nightclub. As soon as you relax, Mercury will immediately make itself felt, and then the situation will develop in a negative way.

Attention! Thanks to the horoscope for November 2017 for the zodiac sign Pisces, we can determine the main directions of our activity during this period. A horoscope is compiled based on data on the position of the Sun, Moon and Planets relative to our zodiac sign, where the Sun star is the main core around which the energy pattern of our destiny is woven. However, such astrological forecast is general in nature and makes sense only when determining general trends for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Pisces. More accurate horoscope you can find out by drawing up one of your personal horoscopes, which you can get by clicking on the link below.

Other horoscopes for the Pisces sign: Personal horoscopes for the Pisces sign:

(November 2017)


In November 2017, representatives of the sign are expected major changes not only in terms of work or relationships, changes can completely turn life in a different direction. It is important to focus on the area in which you feel most powerful, and push aside unimportant matters for now.

An irresistible desire to go on a trip will appear, and there is no need to limit yourself to this. If it is not yet possible to leave or fly to distant countries, then it will be enough to start reading a new interesting book or watch educational programs and films. Learning a new language will also expand your horizons. Refresher courses will also be a valuable use of your time.

The month will be full of dangers, there is a risk of getting into an extreme situation. You should be more careful when driving a car and while walking. You need to listen to your intuition and exercise prudence so as not to create traumatic situations.

If a difficult situation arises, you will have to solve it yourself. IN last week month you need to avoid all conflicts both at home and at work. Attentiveness will decline, which may negatively affect your studies or relationship with the teacher.

Pisces Woman: Horoscope for November 2017

The stars promise representatives of this sign a lot of difficulties and trials. You may have to make difficult decisions where you don't expect problems at all. In this situation, you should stock up on patience, perseverance and self-control.

Under no circumstances should you be apathetic and set yourself up for failure. It’s better to focus on those problems that need to be resolved first. You shouldn’t grab onto one thing or another, it’s important to be gradual in your actions. You can hardly hope for help from friends or relatives. On the contrary, they themselves can turn to you with requests.

During this period, you can only rely on yourself, since there is a high probability of deception on the part of people around you. You cannot tell anyone about your problems, so as not to become an object of ridicule and gossip.

Pisces Man: Horoscope for November 2017

Representatives of the sign will begin to worry that not everything is going smoothly in their lives, and there are many obstacles that prevent them from achieving their goals. Such thoughtfulness will have an unexpectedly positive impact on personal relationships. Men will understand that it is time to stop living only with their dreams and aspirations, and they need to take into account the wishes of their other half.

At work, this is not the most favorable time for changes. Your career will stand still, despite the fact that you have great professionalism in your field of activity. You need to wait out this period while still performing your duties well; this is not the time to allow yourself to relax.

Nervous tension can ruin your health. You need to protect yourself from the onset of cold weather, dress warmly and take preventive measures against colds.

Love horoscope for Pisces for November 2017

The previous relationship may end, but in this case a new attachment will arise. This will be an interesting, bright person who will bring many new impressions into everyday life. But you shouldn’t rush too much, everything will develop as usual.

The beginning of the month will encourage you to try pleasures that were previously taboo, or to start looking for adventure. You will want to radically change your life, at least in your thoughts.

Representatives of the sign will be aware of their attractiveness to the opposite sex, in love relationships will prove themselves to be emotional people. Mystery and seductiveness will make a lasting impression on your partner. It is likely that the new relationship will be successful.

Couples who are going through a divorce will finally complete the property division, paperwork and let each other go. Where your newfound freedom will lead depends only on you.

Financial (money) horoscope for Pisces for November 2017

The financial situation will improve. In the middle of the month it is possible to receive a large sum of money. It will become a kind of compensation for all the emotional experiences and losses of the last few months. It is possible that in the past there is something left that you did not need at all.

During this period, it is undesirable to change your place of work, as this will entail a loss of finances. It is also not recommended to engage in dubious financial transactions, take out loans at high interest rates, and act rashly. If you carefully think through and weigh everything, your financial condition will remain stable.

You shouldn’t spend a lot on things you can easily live without now. If you allow yourself to live large, your wallet will quickly become empty. November is a time when it is better to save money than spend it. It is not recommended to lend money - there will be problems with return.

Work and business horoscope for Pisces for November 2017

The current month heralds the emergence of new prospects for people of the creative profession: actors, musicians, artists. Popularity will increase collaboration with people from other cities will bring fame and a good salary.

In November, many representatives of the sign will finally decide on their professional purpose and understand what they really like to do.

Pisces businessmen will look for new promising ways to improve their business high level. Contacts with colleagues from other countries and cities will be useful. There will be an opportunity to expand the business and open a new branch. Help in developing your business will come from new friends.

Even though the end of the year is approaching, the month will be highly active. During this period there will be no time for boredom; you cannot allow yourself to relax. You need to boldly get down to work, the stars promise unprecedented success.

At the end of the month, you need to carefully study all documents and important papers. There is a risk of getting into unpleasant situations in connection with the execution of contracts, and arguing that you are right will not be enough. Reputation may suffer, so it is important to be extremely focused in all legal matters.

Health horoscope for Pisces for November 2017

Energy is expected to rise throughout the month. The onset of illnesses will quickly subside. This month you will succeed in everything, you can radically change your wardrobe, give up bad habits, start leading healthy image life. A favorable time to start playing sports or learning something new.

You also need to be more careful about the health of your genital organs. With a sedentary lifestyle, move more. You can also get advice from your doctor about preventing hemorrhoids. You should avoid casual relationships - there is a high probability of contracting infectious diseases.

A wellness massage and a visit to the SPA center will be beneficial. To increase endurance and calm the nervous system, it is advisable to go swimming. It is recommended to listen to your body - it will tell you what is needed at a given time.